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(Mark) Before the Matches
Author: Isolde 
Date:   12-20-11 19:00

Mark stood on the sidelines at the Quidditch Pitch and gripped the handle of his broomstick tightly. While he waited for the first of the exhibition matches to begin, his eyes scanned the crowd for familiar faces. In particular, he looked for his parents, who had vowed that they would attend Homecoming in order to make sure he wasn't still dating "that girl."

He was still dating "that girl", but their relationship had taken a bit of a setback. The kiss he and Kate had shared in Hogsmeade had been their first and last. It wasn't that he hadn't wanted to kiss her since then. He very much did. It just so happened that every time he thought about moving in for one, he heard the shrill voice of his mother in his head.

After Kate had left Brews & Stews during the last Hogsmeade trip, Mark had endured a very long and public lecture from his parents. Again and again, they'd emphasized how he could do better than Kate. There were plenty of Slytherin, pureblood girls he could date. Why did he have to debase himself with someone like "that girl"?

Mark should have stood up for Kate. He should have taken a stand for their relationship. But under his parents' steely gaze, he'd done nothing but silently accept their rebuke. They'd spent the entire day in Hogsmeade, making it wholly impossible for him to meet up with Kate again until after they'd reached the castle. He'd found her in the Common Common Room, looking rightfully upset. She'd been surrounded by their friends, though, who'd obviously done their best to lighten the mood.

They'd managed to talk in private for a little while. Mark had told her how things had gone with his parents. Kate had apologized, even though there'd been no reason for her to do so. She couldn't help the sort of family she'd been born into, and though Mark had once been as snobby as his parents, he'd come to find out what a great girl Kate was.

But he had to admit things would be easier if she were more like him.

He spotted his parents in the stands. They were looking very serious, but smiled when they noticed him watching them. He gave them a quick wave and then continued to scan the crowd. No doubt his parents could guess who he was looking for, if they were even still paying attention to him. Kate was no where to be seen, though.

That didn't mean she wasn't there. The stadium was packed to capacity, filled not just with students and teachers but with all of the guests flooding the school for Homecoming.

In the staff box, Professor Dumbledore stood and pointed his wand to his throat. A moment later, his voice resonated throughout the Pitch.

"Good afternoon, students and guests. I am pleased to welcome you to our third annual Homecoming and Exhibition Quidditch Matches. Again, I must thank my colleague and Muggle Studies instructor Aaron Miller for introducing this American tradition to our school."

Professor Miller, also seated in the staff box, stood briefly and waved to the crowd.

"Before our first match gets underway," Professor Dumbledore continued, "I would like to say a few words about Professor Theodosia Batuti, whom we so recently lost."

He went on to talk about the former Quidditch coach, saying much of the same things he'd said to the entire student body the evening after Coach Batuti's untimely death, but more briefly and for the benefit of the guests to the school.

"She will be missed most dearly," he solemnly finished.

"Now, let us re-welcome Viktor Krum and Pyrrhus Fine to Hogwarts. Gentlemen, the Pitch is yours."

Viktor had already carried the trunk of balls to center field. Pyrrhus, meanwhile, called out to the Gryffindors and Slytherins to mount their broomsticks. This exhibition match was a teaser for perhaps the most anticipated Quidditch match of the school year. Who would win? Gryffindor or Slytherin?

Hogwarts was about to find out!

Neither The Time, Nor The Place (Drucilla)
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   12-20-11 21:58

When first arriving at Hogwarts this morning for the Homecoming and Quidditch exhibition matches, Mira and James had insisted that Sirius and Drucilla come see their work decorating the castle's child care center. This was despite the fact that Sirius and Dru see their work on a regular basis, both here at Hogwarts and at home. Dru thinks the insistance was because extra effort had been made for today's special event. After that the twins would have had their parents roaming the entire castle in a widely erratic, zig zagging, illogical rambling pattern typical of a five year old multiplied by the factor of twins. For the most part neither Sirius nor Drucilla minded overly much, though at times Sirius would have to squash their impatience to move along when the family would come across one of his students' parents and want to talk for a moment.

They did slow down a little when the Lupins arrived. Though Teddy is two years younger than the twins, he gets on well with them and Mira positiviely dotes on the boy. Though somewhat rambunctious and energetic as well, Teddy is no match for the whirlwind that is the Eternal-Black twins. Without having to be told, Mira and James put the brakes on somewhat for Teddy's sake.

Reaching the Great Hall at one point, Drucilla begged off for a bit, needing to sit for awhile. Due in only a couple of weeks, she tires much more quickly than usual and traipsing all over Hogwarts had her ready for a much needed break. After a snack, Mira and the two boys were eager to get going again, knowing there were games geared toward children their ages waiting to be played. Not minding sitting alone for a bit, Dru settled back, hands unconsciously rubbing her swollen belly. She wasn't really alone what with people for both the homecoming aspect of today's festivities and the Quidditch matches, even if those matches are only short exhibitions. A few do stop to speak, some commenting on how wonderful she looks with her expectant mother glow, and asking when the baby is due, or asking after the twins.

About the time Dru felt she was ready to get up and go in search of the others and owl flew past, circled back, dropped a letter in her lap, then winged its way out of the Great Hall. She had starred in stark horror at the letter, recognizing it as having the same markings as the previous anonymous, vaguely threatening letters she's been receiving for quite some time. Getting it here, in a busy room, when Sirius could potentially return at any second to check on her shocked Drucilla into inaction.

"Drucilla, is something wrong?"

Dru looked up into Tonks's questioning face then back to the letter. Perhaps it's time to confide in someone.

"Tonks, if I tell you something, will you promise not to tell Sirius, as in you'd take a vow?"

Come Sit With Us (Catriona)
Author: Fionna 
Date:   12-21-11 13:53

"How about there?" Catriona asks her mother.

"They look about as good as any, I suppose."

Blair sits as Cat gestures back towards the stairs. "Did you want me to go get you some hot chocolate now?"

"Yes, that would be lovely. Perhaps something to nibble on as well."

With a nod Cat darts off, threading her way back out of the stands, weaving around other people to reach the nearest concessions set up for the influx of people for homecoming and the exhibition matches. Her eyes dart back and forth, keeping watch for Christopher's increasingly lanky form.

Cat's reached concessions and gone through the line, carrying two hot chocolates and a crispy, just popped bag of buttery popcorn when she hears Christopher's voice calling her name. She looks this way and that before spotting him and his parents, wending their way to her. "HI!" she enthusiastically greets them. "I was beginning to think the only way I'd see you is once you're in the air for Ravenclaw's first match. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Chant."

Mindful of the refreshments Cat carries Candice Chant gives her a hug. "It's so nice to see you, dear. Who's here with you today?"

"It's just Mum, but Dad sends his best. He said he will see you in two weeks, though didn't say what that's all about."

Erasmus Chant fills her in. "I was at a business lunch not long ago and Hamish was at the same restaurant. Turns out he knew one of my friends who was there as a business associate. We're all getting together in a couple of weeks at a dinner party."

"Oh, that's very nice. You'll get to meet his new girlfriend Thora before I do. He absolutely raves about her."

"Here, let me take that for you," Christopher offers. "Where are you sitting?"

"We're just up there. Come join us, won't you?"

"Your mother won't mind?" Candice asks.

"I shouldn't think so. Without Leslie or Willem here to divide her attention, it's a good opportunity to get to know her a little better.

"What about the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing?" Christopher asks.

"What boyfriend-girlfriend thing?"

Cat chooses to address Erasmus first. "One of those first times Leslie was here she decided I was too young to have a boyfriend and said something to Mum. Willem overheard and between him and Leslie, Mum ended up agreeing. That's been a year or more though, and without them here to make pests of themselves, making an issue where there isn't one, I doubt the topic will even come up. Mum will be glad to better know the parents of one of my best friends."

The exchange of looks between Candice and Erasmus isn't lost on either Cat or Christopher. He starts walking the direction Cat had indicate. "Just come on, will you. I don't have much time before I need to get kitted out for my first match. Besides, I'm betting Polly's and Bianca's parents will be here soon and will sit with Mrs. Chang."

Cat nods, "Please? At the very least, if the topic does come up, you can assure them just how great Christopher is and how we're best friends."

"I'd like to see the Potts and it would be nice to get to meet both of Bianca's parents. I know her mother only in passing. Plus, I really would like to get to know Blair better," Candice agreeably says.

"Yes, all right, but lets get some hot chocolate as well and maybe another bag of popcorn." Erasmus says this even as he is turning back towards the concessions.

A few minutes later the four of them are climbing the stairs to the stands, Cat fervently hoping her mother can look at Christopher as one of her best friends and not as someone she thinks she has to warn off from dating Cat.

The Stones and the Halloways & Gryffindor v. Slytherin
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   12-21-11 14:28

Isma and Blake stood on the sidelines waiting for the first exhibition match to begin between Gryffindor and Slytherin. They scanned the crowd, the stands full, and not even completely full with the family and alumni that had come for the Homecoming and Exhibition Matches today. Isma saw them first and pointed out to Blake where they were.

"It sucks that Dad can't be here..." Isma said and waved brightly to her mum and Blake's parents.

"I know, but it looks like your Mum's got the camera and is going to be taking pictures for your Dad, and I know my parents will be snapping a couple of photos." Blake said brushing a light kiss upon her cheek.

They listened to the announcements made by Professor Dumbledore, which included words spoken about Coach Batuti, most of which the entire student body had heard already since that fateful day in Hogsmeade when her life had ended.

The moment the first match began Isma and Blake took to the air. The Captains of each team shook hands, Cornelia Vanderbilt and Ella Harville, then within moments the balls were released and the first exhbition match began. Isma was going to be seeking against Cornelia Vanderbilt for this match and knew that the twenty minutes would go quickly.

She took a position slightly above the six chasers and four beaters. Cornelia found a position to her liking as well, and the hunt for the golden snitch began, while the chasers battled it out for the quaffle, avoiding bludger hits from the beaters. Keepers Hunter Green and Gus Van Tassel eagerly hovered before the trio of hoops waiting for the first attempt to score from either side.

Gus would get the first attempt to deflect a score attempt by Etta, and narrowly let the quaffle get by him, but within seconds of her attempted goal Etta would see the quaffle thrown back into action and zooming toward the other end of the pitch in the hands of Mason Jeffers.

With Professor McGonagall's crackdown on sweet and crisps wrappers being tossed about there was less chance of missing the snitch, or mistaking a sweet wrapper or anything of that nature for the highly sought golden ball. Cornelia and Isma both continued their search for the snitch, Slytherin would score the first points, ten for a well thrown attempt by Alexa that just skated by Hunter's fingertips.

Gryffindor would tie just near the end of the twenty-minute time clock allowed for the exhibition match. So the score was ten to ten and it would remain that way when the whistle was blown signaling the end of the exhibition match. Minor irritation that she hadn't caught the snitch, but all in all it was a wonderfully played game on both sides.

Heading down to the locker rooms she changed and headed out to meet up with Blake, a kiss to his cheek before they both grabbed a mug of cocoa and something to nibble on and went up to join their parents in the stands.

Aleydis, Sadie, Beatrix and Ramona
Author: Griet 
Date:   12-21-11 19:12

The next exhibition match took place between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. There was a Vanderbilt and a Mickle on each team, making it hard for their families to choose a side to root for. Representing Hufflepuff were captain and seeker Aleydis and chaser Sadie, a new member of the house team. For Ravenclaw, there was keeper Beatrix and chaser Ramona, both of whom were new team members.

Cornelia had played in the previous match against Gryffindor, and though she'd made a valiant effort at catching the snitch, both she and Charisma, the opposing seeker, had failed at securing a victory for their respective house team. At least the match had ended with a tie.

Aleydis and Deak, the captain for Ravenclaw, shook hands in front of Viktor Krum. Then they mounted their broomsticks and met their teammates in a circle in the sky. Coach Krum released the balls and then game play truly began.

Jack, of Ravenclaw, was the first to get his hands on the quaffle. He expertly passed it to Deak, who took off like a shot for the Hufflepuff goal hoops. Gus and Caerwyn, experienced beaters for Hufflepuff, worked hard to aim the two bludgers at Deak, but Jade and Alastor managed to protect him.

Glori prepared herself for Deak's swift arrival and easily deflected his goal attempt. The quaffle bounced off of her hands, landing back into Deak's arms. He attempted another goal, and this time Jade aimed a bludger for Glori. She dodged it and still managed to block Deak's goal.

The quaffle fell free. Ramona dove to reach it, but her sister Sadie came out of no where and pulled it tightly against her body. She didn't get very far, though. A bludger sent via Alastor struck her in the shoulder, forcing her to drop the red ball. Sadie couldn't help but let out a sharp cry. She'd always managed to avoid the bludgers during practice. This was her very first hit.

And it hurt! But, not so much that she had tears in her eyes or that she couldn't keep on playing. She shrugged it off and threw herself back into the fray. Jack had captured the quaffle and lobbed it at one of the goals. Glori dove for it, stretching her arms as far as they would go, but it was no use. The goal attempt was good. Ravenclaw had earned the first 10 points of the match.

Glori recovered the quaffle and handed it off to Marlow.

Between Matches (Etta)
Author: Jared 
Date:   12-22-11 20:13

Just after the Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw match had ended Etta was sitting on the sidelines of the pitch, drinking some spiced cider, and thinking that after before this next match she's going to grab a snack. Someone comes up beside her and even before he sat down next to her, Etta knew it was Deak.

"You all right?"

She nodded, holding her left hand out for him to see. "Seems to just be a bad bruise. It hurts but I'll be able to make it through my other two matches. You played a good game."

"Thanks. I guess I should get to the locker room. I want to go over a couple of things with the others before this next match starts."

"Good luck against Slytherin. Watch out for Basil. He's being particularly aggressive."

"He's always aggressive, but more so when he's playing against you. I really should have laid him flat back when he had your parents wondering if you and I were doing it every chance we got."

"You know that would have just made him worse. Now go, before the breaks ends and you have to be in the air."

Deak leaves, though reluctantly. Etta knows he's wanting to talk about things that have nothing to do with her cousin or Quidditch. Etta's not been deliberating avoiding talking about what changed between them. She simply doesn't know the whys of it herself so has no idea what to say.

She doesn't linger thinking about it because the next match starts and as co-captain of the Gryffindor team, Etta really needs to pay attention to watching the other teams in action during these exhibition matches. It's one thing to see them in practicing but another to see them in an actual match.

I Only Have Eyes for You
Author: Illyria 
Date:   12-23-11 12:15

Illyria climbed the steps to the staff box, shivering beneath her winter coat. When she emerged at the top, a chilly breeze assaulted her face and whipped her hair loose from where she'd tucked it under her scarf. She shivered again and moved to her seat.

"Three rounds of hot cocoa," she announced, sitting down next to Marzi.

Weston sat on Marzi's other side. They each had a bundled up baby in their laps. Vallon, in his daddy's lap, was sound asleep. Carter, on the other hand, was wide awake. His eyes moved in all directions as he tried to take everything in.

Illyria passed Marzi and Vallon the drink tray so that they could grab their cups. Then she took hers and set the empty tray on her other side.

The match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw was just about to begin. The players were already gathered on the ground.

Just before tip off, Illyria stiffened. Urania and Nathan had just emerged in the box just adjacent to hers. Illyria had known of the possibility of some of her family members attending Homecoming, since they had all gone to Hogwarts themselves, but she'd not seen any of them all day.

Her eyes followed the pair as they navigated the crowded box for two empty seats. They were forced to the very top, where the wind was the most fierce. Nathan wrapped his arm around Urania and pulled her in close.

Urania leaned into him and glanced at the staff box, knowing her sister was likely there. Almost immediately, she spotted Illyria and grinned.

Illyria plastered a smile on her face and waved.

Marzi looked over. "Ah."

"Don't start," Illyria said, trying to keep the smile on her face.

"I hope you haven't been seeing him since Hogsmeade."

"I haven't. That wasn't even supposed to happen."

"And yet it did," Marzi reminded her.

"I know." Illyria sighed and turned to watch the match, already in progress.

"He doesn't know what he wants," Marzi said. "If he did, he would make his choice."

"I don't want to hurt Urania."

"You already are by carrying on with him behind his back."

Illyria frowned. Marzi was, of course, right.

"What are you two gossiping about?" Weston asked.

"Nothing," Marzi replied.

Weston quirked an eyebrow but didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he focused on the match. Slytherin was currently leading by 20 points.

Illyria tried to concentrate on the game, especially since Ravenclaw was playing, but she couldn't help but periodically glance at Nathan. When their eyes met, Illyria felt an overwhelming sense of shame. How could he be looking at her like that when he had his arm around Urania's shoulder?

She looked away when she felt Marzi nudge her arm.

Close Call
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   12-23-11 14:28

Initially, Lysander and Julian had planned on taking turns working at Twice Told Tales so that they could also enjoy some time at the Homecoming festivities at Hogwarts. When Lysander woke up with a slight sore throat this morning, he decided he would rather not venture out into the cold. He felt well enough to work, however, even though staying in bed had seemed positively divine.

He saw Charlotte off, who left with Julian and Grace for Hogwarts. They were all excited to see Caerwyn play in the exhibition matches. Not only was he beater for the house team this year, but he was also co-captain for Hufflepuff.

Twice Told Tales wasn't particularly busy today, though there were moments of frantic activity. Most everyone visiting Hogwarts for Homecoming seemed to stay there, but everyone who did venture into the village appeared to do so at the same time––perhaps in the interlude between Quidditch matches.

At the moment, it was slow. Lysander set a featherduster into motion, watching as it swept over the counter and into the nooks and crannies underneath. Astrid sat in an armchair and thumbed through a large volume on Victorian-era decorating.

She looked up when the doorbell chimed.

Aralyn came in, shooting a small smile at Astrid before addressing Lysander. "I thought you might be up at the school."

He indicated to his throat. "I'm coming down with a cold."

Aralyn took a step away from the counter. "Please don't share it with me. It's bad enough I barely make any money. I don't know what I'd do if I had to take sick days."

Lysander pretended as if he felt sorry for her. "Kristos still hasn't found a new job?"

"He has a few interviews lined up, so maybe he'll have something soon."

She glanced over her shoulder at Astrid, who was still reading her book. "I thought Chyler might be at the school, too. Or is she looking after her patient?" Aralyn asked Lysander.

He tried to look amused. "I'm not too sick to need constant care."

"I just didn't feel like going," Astrid announced without looking up from her book.

"Why aren't you at Hogwarts?" Lysander asked. "You're a graduate from there too."

Aralyn shrugged. "I guess I didn't feel like going either. Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hello. My shift starts soon. Feel better, Lysander."

"Thanks. Have a good day at work."

She winked at him and then left the same time a gentleman was entering the shoppe. The wizard's eyes landed on Astrid first and then widened in surprise. He staggered to a stop.

She didn't notice him, so engrossed was she in her book.

Lysander, however, slipped around the counter and said, "Michael. What are you doing here?"

Michael Thomason tore his eyes away from Astrid to answer Lysander's question. "I was in town and thought I would pay a visit to my former brother-in-law."

Astrid, meanwhile, got up and crossed the room. "Michael?"

He looked like he was seeing a ghost. "You're Astrid, aren't you?" he finally blurted out. "Merlin's beard, but you look so much like her."

"I know," Astrid replied. The distant cousins didn't know each other very well at all and hadn't seen each other since they'd been much younger.

Michael looked from Astrid to Lysander. "What's she even doing here?"

For some reason, Lysander couldn't bring himself to tell Michael that he and Astrid were dating. To Michael it might look like Lysander had replaced his wife with a looklike.

"I moved to Hogsmeade a while back and got acquainted with Lysander and Julian. It's been really nice," Astrid said. "Are you in town for long? Would you like some tea? Some coffee?"

"Tea would be fine, thank you."

Astrid nodded and left to fix a pot. Michael turned back to Lysander. They'd never been that close, not even when Chyler had still been alive.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Michael asked.

"Doesn't what bother me?"

Michael looked to where Astrid had last been. "Doesn't it bother you that she could pass for Chyler?"

"It took some getting used to at first," Lysander replied, "but I see who for who she is now. She's not Chyler. Not even a little bit."

Michael blinked hard. "I haven't been to the cemetery in a while."

"You should go. Chyler would be happy to have you visit." Never mind the fact that her body wasn't even there. Her corpse had been one of many raised as Inferi during the battle under Hogsmeade over five years ago.

Michael nodded. "I will. I have a room at the Inn. I'm in town for business. Not sure how long it will take, but it might be a while."

"We should have lunch or dinner a few times, then."

Michael nodded again. "Yes."

Astrid emerged a moment later with a tray on which she'd set a teapot and three cups and saucers. It was so quiet in the shoppe that the three could sit together and talk without any interruptions.

While they talked, Lysander couldn't help but think about the close call he'd just experienced. If Michael had arrived a moment sooner or if Aralyn had delayed her departure, things might have gotten very awkward indeed.

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