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(Mumbai, India) Hindu Wedding Part 1
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   03-26-13 07:17

The wedding had been set for New Years Eve, so as to not disrupt anyone's Christmas plans, and that had been easily enough to arrange especially since they'd been planning it for months now. By the twenty-eighth of December, she and Dexter were on their way to Mumbai, knowing that Desi, Orion, Bronwyn and hopefully Toby would be there before the Christmas Eve day celebration of Karma and Dexter's wedding - in the traditional Hindu format.

They had gotten a hotel in Mumbai, and the days leading up to the wedding had been borderline psychotic in their nature keeping her going constantly, and being pregnant was not making things any easier and she'd already gotten into arguments with several family members considering that she wasn't 'properly' married before she'd gotten pregnant with Dexter's child. Well, it was only in their eyes that she wasn't properly married, she had gone through a Christian ceremony when they'd gotten married in Rhodes. Several months before there had been a small ceremony held where they were given gifts of jewelry and clothing by both the Morgans and the Davyds as was proper.

The day before the wedding had been filled with rehearsals and ensuring that both Bronwyn and Desi could properly put on their sari, and more importantly keeping Karma sane and not letting her kill her mother who was being a lot nicer than she normally was when it came to her daughter's life choices. Either way, by the time the sun rose on December 31, 2006 it would be time to perform the traditional wedding ceremony.

They had reserved the courtyard in the hotel for the ceremony, and by ten-thirty everyone was seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin. The procession began with seven year old Latika Pawar trailing flower petals along the pathway that the rest of the procession would take, thankfully Karma only had four bridesmaids – with her Matron of Honor being Bronwyn. The remainder of her bridesmaids were Desi, her cousin Divya, and Ember Morgan her sister-in-law. Once the bridesmaids were presented, along with their escorts the groomsmen, Anando Davyd, Arjun Davyd, Cameron, and Driver Morgan (who was Dex's Best Man). It was finally time for her to be presented to the gathered throng and the lengthy ceremony to begin.

Henna, jewels, and a richly decorated sari, she now stands before her husband-to-be, garland of delicate blossoms in her hand and a matching one in his. The symbols of the Jaimala – garland exchange. At a nod from the priest, they soon slip the garlands over each other's heads, the acceptance of each other as partners has been completed.

Vikram then stepped forward, nothing said, as he offered Dexter a small silver bowl with yogurt and honey within. A bite was taken, food offered in the Madhupak, shows both a welcome and respect to the groom from the bride's family.

Eyes having been closed moments before, she opens them when she feels her father's hand on hers. She allows him to place her hand in Dexter's, the single motion is an offering to the groom, requesting that he accept her as a partner. A smile curls her lips when his hand closes around hers. The Kanyadan, or the giving away of the bride, is complete. This ceremony is rooted in the concept that the bride is the Goddess Laxmi and the groom is Lord Narayana, and it is with the parents aid, that the union is able to be had.

Within moments, they are turned toward the small fire pit for the lighting of the sacred fire – the Havan. An invocation is recited by both she and Dex in perfect unison as they invoke Agni, the God of Fire, asking that he bare witness to their commitment to each other. Offerings are laid within the sacred fire once its flames are conjured: sandalwood, crushed herbs, sugar rice and oil send off fragrant smoke.

As their hands link over the fire, as she does not have a brother, being an only child, her uncle Lokesh Pawar has been chosen to fill in for this part of the ceremony. He places a handful of rice into her hands, and together she and Dex offer the rice into the sacred fire, completing the Rajaham ritual, the sacrifice to the sacred fire.

Standing once more before the priest, scarves are soon draped around them and joined. By tying them together it signifies their pledge before God to love each other and remain faithful. The scarves of th Gath Bandhan ritual, are brilliant colors that show against the cloth of both sari and Salwar Kameez that the couple is wearing. With the tying of the nuptial knot they turn back to the sacred fire for the next ritual.

Karma took a deep breath, eyes sliding closed for a moment before she began to lead the first set of Pheras in the Mangalphera (walk around the fire). Each step, clockwise around the fire represents the four goals in life: Dharma (religious and moral duties), Artha (prosperity), Kama (earthly pleasures) and Moksha (spiritual salvation and liberation). With the bride going first it signifies her determination to stand beside her husband in all happiness and sorrow.

At the completion of the Pheras about the scared fire, the seven steps together would be taken. Each of the seven steps in the saptapardi represent a marital vow. In order they are: to respect and honor each other; to share each other's joy and sorrow; to trust and be loyal to each other; to cultivate appreciation for knowledge, values, sacrifice and service; to reconfirm their vow of purity, love, family duties and spiritual growth; to follow principles of Dharma (righteousness); and to nurture an eternal bond of friendship and love.

Finally standing once more before the priest, Easton and Fia, Asha and Vikram come forward. Asha and Vikram take the rose from the silver bowl of water and sprinkle water gathered upon the petals over the couple. Then the rose is redipped and Easton and Fia take the rose and sprinkle the water upon the couple, signifying a blessing from each family over their union – the Jalastnchana or Blessing of the Couple is complete.

(Mumbai, India) Hindu Wedding Part 2 & Reception
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   03-26-13 07:38

By the time the blessing of the couple has been completed, there is but four more rituals before they can begin the reception and leave the ceremony behind.

Dex soon places his thumb in the small amount of vermilion, powdered red lead, and presses it to her forehead. Completing the Sindhoor or the Red Powder ritual. It is applied for the first time to a woman during her wedding ceremony when the bridegroom himself adorns her with it. She, soon places a matching dot of vermilion upon his forehead to complete the ritual.

Another blessing by the parents follows, and both she and Dex lower themselves to touch the feet of both Asha and Vikram and Easton and Fia, completing the Aashirvad or Parental Blessing, and blessings have been given by both sets of parents.

The next ritual, is the Menhdi, which involves the henna decorating Karma's hands and up her forearms. The names of both bride and groom have been hidden in the expanse of the henna that adorns her arms, hands, feet and ankles – and Dex is now charged with finding both names – though closer inspection will not happen until after the reception. According to tradition, she would not be allowed to do any housework until the Menhdi have faded completely.

Finally, Karma turns to accept the Thread of Goodwill, or the Mangalasutra, to be placed about her neck. It is a necklace, specifically worn by married women as a symbol of their marriage.

A presentation of husband and wife, and trailing procession the gathered all enter the small reception hall that had been set for the party. Rich reds, indigos and golds fill the room and music filters throughout the expanse of speakers lining the room.

Gifts line one table, though she knew that the gifts from her family also included some monetary amount that would be converted and put in the vault in Gringotts when they go back to England. Photographs had been taken by the photographer, which also documented the fact that Karma had gotten Desi in a dress – well, as close to a dress as one could call a traditional Indian sari.

Finally, she could relax and enjoy the reception – all their friends and family were gathered – the entire Morgan Clan, minus Driver, who would not linger for the reception due to his inability to cease being a workaholic, and wanting to get back in time to have the bar open for tonight's festivities as it is New Years Eve and he would probably be slammed. All of Karma's family, Bronwyn and Toby, Desi and Orion, friends from Karma's classes at St. Emry's that she'd gotten close to.

Karma was currently talking with Bronwyn, Dex off with Toby an Etch talking Quidditch of all things. Desi was off getting something from the buffet that they'd had catered, unfortunately had Karma realized who was standing behind Desi at the buffet line, she would have quickly moved to defuse any sort of incident that might happen, however she was too wrapped up in her conversation with Bron to notice her mother had stepped in line behind Desi.

"While I am happy that she is finally properly married, I just wish that she had chosen to stay home and marry a proper Indian man. That heathen she's chosen as her husband..." Asha trailed off, shaking her head and tutting as she continued to talk to her sister-in-law Kavi Pawar.

"I know you do Asha, but be glad that she'd finally found someone, anyone to take her. I mean, isn't she well past acceptable marriage age? I do blame Vikram for that, giving the girl too much freedom and allowing her to get headstrong."

"Yes, well, we do not discuss the fact that my husband saw fit to spoil his only child and give into her every whim including leaving India for college in St. Petersburg, Russia of all places. Then encouraging her to go to England and teach at that school," Asha shook her head and continued not realizing that Desi heard every word that was being said, and was quickly losing her hold upon her temper.

"I mean did you see the one girl she had as a bridesmad? The one with all the colorful hair and I swear the girl looked like she'd rather be plodding about in a pair of combat boots and cargo pants than wearing that delicate saree."

Those words, would be among the last of Desi's control, when she set her plate down and took a swing at the unsuspecting Asha. Fist connecting to the older woman's face, no doubt causing a black eye, and potentially a broken nose.

Chaos reigned as people started moving, a startled gasp from Bronwyn, caused Karma's head to turn. "Bloody hell! Desi and my mother in the same space – violence was sure to happen." Karma moved quickly, closing the distance, but Orion got there first, holding Desi back from punching the other woman again.

"I'm good. I don't need to hit her again. The once was enough." Karma heard Desi say as she turned her attention to her mother for a moment.

"Do I even want to know what you've done that provoke a friend of mine to attack you during the reception mother?"

Asha glared at Desi past her daughter, and turned without answering to tend to her face and attempt to reduce the swelling. Vikram placed hand on Karma's shoulder and squeezed lightly.

"As improper as it is, I think your mother and I will be leaving so as to not cause any more trouble."

Karma frowned. "It means I will not get to dance with you papa, but then again, I think mother being here much longer will get her further injured because it would seem that she still, despite the pretty presentation she gave at the ceremony, does not approve of my choice in life's partner."

Vikram placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead and smiled. "She'll come around eventually. The babe you carry will help with that, as will the girls from the orphanage. Remember sweet one, that I love you always. I will stay for your dance, I will send Avani home with your mother to tend to her injuries. I am only thankful that the pictures have already been taken."

"As am I papa, thank you for staying for the dance."

Once things had calmed, it was time for the Father-Daughter dance, which soon shifted into the first dance between husband and wife. It would be well into the night before the reception wound to a close, and there was even a second champagne toast at midnight to herald in the new year.

(Gus) Failed Relationships
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   03-27-13 02:15

The murmur of conversations and people laughing invaded the backyard of the big house, the noises coming from the semi open window. His parents had been invited to a New Year Eve's party and they demanded Gus to come with them. Gus knew that his father just wanted to show off his son to his so called friends, while his mother liked to have him around.

At home before the party, Gus had a huge fight with his father because the majority of these people he was forced to socialize with and whose his father declared had a great friendship for him and his family, had been the same ones who did nothing when Gus' blood status had changed and he was later sent to Happy Haven. It was as if nothing had happened and no questions were asked about how come Gus was still in his fifth year at Hogwarts, when he was already 17.

While the hours dragged and it still seemed an eternity to midnight, Gus had decided to escape the suffocating environment of the party and went outside to the cold. He wished he had already had his apparition lessons, so he could leave to somewhere else and then comeback, once it was time to welcome the New Year.

He then started to think about the year of 2006 and what 2007 will bring him. Gus wasn't looking forward to take his OWLs, not to mention the intense study that came before it. But he wanted school to start soon, because of the Quidditch practices. The defeat against the Gryffindor team still upset him and he just wanted to get back on the pitch and win the other two matches.

Then his thoughts went to Polly and he wondered what she was doing now: probably making out with the first guy she spotted. He tried to forget her and he recalled his brief interest in Angharad Cadin. That didn't last long, either. Gus then thought about his friends: Kate and Mark and how happy they seemed together. Felicia and her boyfriend Baltus. He didn't know Baltus well yet, and it was hard to try and bond with him, when the only thing he did when Felicia was not around would be asking for her and leave moments later to try and track her. And then there was Johanna. It seemed that she was finally over him and her main concern was her marks. For some reason that upset him because he enjoyed when she was around him all the time, even when he had no idea why was that so. Now Johanna was just a friend who wouldn't mind giving him sermons for not doing his homework. In a way he was glad things had gone back to normal, but liked to be the center of the attentions. He was used to it. Most of the girls at school were still all over him now that they knew he was single again.

The door behind him opened and moments later he was side by side with a witch. She was wearing lilac robes and her hair fall down in a cascade of curls. Gus was surprised when he recognized Joanna Porter. He was not used to see her without her school robes and the Ravenclaw blue tie. Gus still hadn't forgotten their encounter at Hogsmeade, that his friends like to call date. But it had been no date in his opinion. Each one has paid for their meal at the Burger Wizard and Gus had no plans to kiss her at all during the entire time they spend together.

"I didn't know you were here," Gus stated.

"I just arrived. I came with my aunt. I wanted to stay at home but she dragged me here, saying I would meet a lot of young wizards of my age to date." Joanna rolled her eyes. "She is the one in search for a date, not me. What about you?"

"My parents wanted to show me off to their friends. Is there anyone else from Hogwarts inside?"

"I think I saw a familiar face or two, but I am not sure. And now I am starving, but I don't want to go back inside and watch my aunt asking any gentlemen to dance, when there is not even music playing. Or maybe she will ask you. You would be her type."

"What?" Gus asked amused.

"Tall and well built: an athlete."

"And let me guess, you prefer the intelligent guys with good grades. Those who spend all their free hours with a head stuck in a book. Probably some nerd with glasses. "

"Is this because I'm a Ravenclaw?"

"Of course. You would want to be with someone…bookish."

"That's a stereotype, Van Tassel. In that case you would date some heartless girl who would always have her way."

"And didn't I do that with Polly?"

"And I guess I did the same with Roger."

Both of them laughed and soon they were again complaining about their exes. Gus told Joanna how Polly made him carry her bags without a single thank you. While Joanna mentioned how Roger broke up with her because he felt like she was a distraction from his studies.

"I was so mad at him…"

"I guess neither of us got lucky with who we dated, "Gus concluded.

It had started to snow and soon all the green grass of the backyard was hidden under a white blanket. Joanna started to rub her arms and he guessed she was cold. He suggested they would go back inside, fill their plates with food and try to hide in some quiet corner. She agreed.

Again Joanna's large appetite surprised him as a pile of food was starting to grow in her plate. He didn't know how she could be so thin and eat so much, but at the same time it was something that he was starting to like about her. Joanna didn't say anything about his dish choices and she even stole a bit of his cheesecake with her fork.

Time seemed to pass a lot faster now. After eating they just seated together on a sofa, looking at the other guests and teasing them. There was a witch, who looked like a turkey with her wrinkled face and neck and her dress filled with feathers. There was also this wizard who, when he thought no one was observing him, was exchanging very cheerful words with a portrait of a lady who kept waving her fan. Not far away a fat old ghost that was the deceased husband of an old witch was looking with jealousy to his wife as she served herself with one of the many sweets made by the elf of the hosts.

Once it was almost midnight Gus noticed his mother making him a signal to come to her. His father wanted him to be part of the toast with his so called friends. Joanna's aunt didn't seem to get lucky with any wizard and she too was approaching her niece so they could shout the countdown together.

"I guess I will see you later," he said in a sort of goodbye.

"I am not sure if we are staying long."

"Well in that case: see you at school."

"See you at school," Joanna repeated watching him walk away.

Gus looked back after walking a few meters. She was already gone but for some reason that didn't bother him. It's not like he didn't know where to find her. Soon he felt even more eager to go back to Hogwarts.

(Mumbai, India) Knockout Reception
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   03-27-13 13:51

This was certainly not how I expected to celebrate the holidays. What happened to peaceful and stress free? Starting with Christmas and my sister. I'm not sure what I was most disturbed by, her confessions or the fact that I seriously thought about forgiving her. I hadn't on that day, because if I am going to, it'll be on my terms, not hers, or Mom's, or Mum's.

Less than a full week after Christmas, there was the wedding. I learned, that a Hindu wedding is complicated. I also learned that Karma's family is a lot less supportive then I thought. Half of them seemed to have opinions on stuff that was none of their business. Karma's mom was the worst. She did nothing but criticize Karma. About the only good thing she said was that she was happy Karma was getting married the 'proper' way.

The ceremony itself was beautiful. Didn't have to really do anything, which made it nicer. I would, however, have to find the camera person and destroy some pictures. I wasn't about to let a record of me in a dress exist. Even if it was a nice red sari with some gold trim.

Once the ceremony ended, and the reception began, it was time to relax. It didn't take me long to realize that I hadn't eaten all day. Like most people, I get cranky when I get really hungry. So, a trip to the buffet. That's probably when things started to go downhill, because none other than Karma's mom came in behind me.

I heard her walking up while saying, "While I am happy that she is finally properly married, I just wish that she had chosen to stay home and marry a proper Indian man. That heathen she's chosen as her husband..."

So, everyone who's not Indian is a heathen? I thought, but had the decency to keep my mouth shut.

Another female voice replied to Karma's mom, "I know you do Asha, but be glad that she'd finally found someone, anyone to take her. I mean, isn't she well past acceptable marriage age? I do blame Vikram for that, giving the girl too much freedom and allowing her to get headstrong."

Rude! That's your daughter you're talking about!

"Yes, well, we do not discuss the fact that my husband saw fit to spoil his only child and give into her every whim including leaving India for college in St. Petersburg, Russia of all places. Then encouraging her to go to England and teach at that school."

This has got to be among the most rude conversation I've overheard. The nerve to speak so badly of one's own family...

"I mean did you see the one girl she had as a bridesmaid? The one with all the colorful hair and I swear the girl looked like she'd rather be plodding about in a pair of combat boots and cargo pants than wearing that delicate saree."

Normally, I don't care about what people say about me. This time something snapped, and in a smooth motion I set the plate down on the table, pivoted on a heel, and my fist connected with Asha's face. She dropped like a bag of stones. The woman she had been speaking to took a step back as she gasped.

Everyone nearby moved to get a better view, as Asha started to pick herself off the floor. Her eye already starting to discolor, and blood slowly flowed from her nose. If I was lucky, it was broken.

Suddenly, there were a pair of hands on me, as Orion showed up. He started to pull me away from Karma's mother.

"I'm good. I don't need to hit her again. The once was enough," I told him, holding my hands up so he could see them.

Karma got between us before she asked, "Do I even want to know what you've done that provoke a friend of mine to attack you during the reception mother?" Asha didn't answer. She was glaring at me. She hadn't taken her eyes off of me since she stood up.

Even as Karma and her father spoke, Asha glared at me. Probably imagining what she would do to pay me back. I did take note that Orion's grip on me had loosened to a point that if she were to try anything, I could respond. Finally someone showed up, and took Karma's mother away, before leaving.

"OHMYGOD!" Bronwyn quietly exclaimed as she came up next to me, "What did you do!?"

"I got Karma's mom to shut up," I answered proudly.

(Mumbai, India) Not Amused
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   03-27-13 18:30

The wedding had been a peaceful, beautiful occasion, but the reception was turning out to be anything but. Bronwyn was talking with Karma, who had honored her with choosing Bron as her matron-of-honor. Suddenly, a commotion by the buffet table drew everybody's attention. Bronwyn gasped when she realized that Desi had punched the mother of the bride in the face!

Karma was on the spot in a heartbeat, not to check on her mother's well-being but to insinuate that Asha deserved it. Bronwyn had missed whatever had spurned Desi into action, but she couldn't imagine anything requiring such extreme action, especially at a wedding reception!

It was no secret Asha didn't approve of Karma's choice in husband. In the short time she had been in Asha's company, Bronwyn had seen firsthand how bitchy she could be. Bronwyn didn't necessarily care for Mrs. Davyd's attitude or opinions, but she also didn't want to see the woman knocked to the ground with blood streaming from her nose. She felt embarrassed and appalled by the scene unfolding before her.

Bronwyn made a beeline for Desi once the shock had worn off and exclaimed in a low, disbelieving voice, "OHMYGOD! What did you do!?"

Desi looked really satisfied with herself. "I got Karma's mom to shut up."

She proceeded to tell Bronwyn exactly what she'd overheard Asha and Kavi Pawar say to each other. "So, I hit her," Desi concluded.

Bronwyn blinked. "You don't think that was an overreaction?"

Desi folded her arms over her chest. "No. She needed an attitude adjustment, so I gave her one."

"Desi, she's, like, old. And a woman. And yes, a complete bitch, but she's not one of your bad guys you beat up before you throw them in Azkaban."

"You're forgetting that she beat up Dex. She's not that innocent, Bron."

"Maybe you're right," Bronwyn replied, "but you shouldn't have done it. You should have just let it go."

Desi didn't say anything to that, even though Bronwyn suspected she disagreed.

"Just promise me you won't punch anybody else tonight," Bronwyn said after a brief moment of silence between them. She smiled to show Desi that she had finished her lecturing and wanted to move on to happier things.

"I can't promise that," Desi began, "but I will try."

Bron exchanged a quick glance with Orion, mentally telling him to keep Desi at arm's length at all times, and said, "Fair enough."

(Mumbai, India) A Properly Married Man (Dexter)
Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   03-27-13 21:14

Dexter and Karma made it through their traditional Hindu wedding smoothly as everything had gone according to plan. The ceremony itself was beautiful, and Dex loved that it brought he and his wife even closer, stronger as a family. The formal wedding would hopefully begin to ease the tension with his Mother-in-law, at least one could hope. Asha Davyd had made it very clear over the last few days that she only agreed to this union as it was Karma's last chance at being married, which made Dexter have to control himself, he couldn't snap at her right now.

After the wedding came the reception, and from what he had learned of a Hindu wedding, was one major party.

Dexter had been talking with Fletcher, Toby and various member of Karma's extended family. Karma had been talking to Bronwyn before the incident happened. Afterwards she had spoken with her father, her mother already sent home and she shared a father-daughter dance with Vikram.

You could almost hear the strike, fist connected with a face. Dex didn't know who had just gotten into a fight, but when he turned towards the commotion he saw Karma rush to Desi's side looking rather furious, but her anger was directed at her mother who lay on the floor bleeding.

Dexter moved in next to his wife and his arm wrapped around Karma's waist. Then his attention turned toward Desi, a playful tone in his voice. "I say don't even try, Desi. I love that you just knocked my mother-in-law down a notch. Let's hope she stays that way." He reached out and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you! I couldn't do it myself as it would not have been 'proper'."

"Wai..." She was surprised by the hug. "I hope it was more than just a notch. And, I hate to admit, I didn't do it for anyone, she just hit my last nerve."

Dex grinned and released her from his arms. "Well, with Asha you have to take things one step at a time."

Karma nodded in agreement. "My mother is hard headed for sure."

"I know you didn't, but I owe you for that. Nice moves by the way. I heard from D that you are awesome in a bar fight."

Desi shrugged a bit, "Fighting drunks isn't hard."

"I can imagine. Though I think fighting little Indian women is harder. Be glad she didn't have her wand on her, her stuns hurt."

"She'd have to be a lot further then she was for it to matter. I'd have her wand, or broke her hand, before she could cast."

"I bet you would have. I'll keep that in mind the next time I have to face her." He watched as Asha was escorted out of the hotel. "Oh, I was told to tell you that you look beautiful today." He glanced at Orion, not sure he should be bringing that up in front of him.

"Oh… By whom?" She didn't even bother to look at Orion.

"Driver. He had to get back to the bar for the big New Years party."

"Oh, I see..."

"Yeah, he's been weird lately." Dex shrugged as Karma nudged him in the ribs; it wasn't their place to get involved.

"Hmm.... I wonder why."

"I don't know he's just been depressed and reclusive these days."

"That's weird... Not like a bartender to be antisocial."

"Anti social outside the bar at least." Dex was being called over to chat with some of Karma's cousins just as Ember waddled over to them.

"I'll chat with you later, Desi! Have a great time the rest of the night and thank you again for coming for us!"

Em rolled her eyes at her brother as she leaned up against Karma. "I am exhausted. Oh, hey Desi! Nice shot tonight."

"Thanks. Why don't we find somewhere to sit?"

"You're welcome. Over here." She led Desi and Karma and Bronwyn over to a group of chairs, and sank down onto one herself. "Being on your feet all day when you're this pregnant…" she pointed to her belly "…is tough."

"I figured it would be."

The girls sat around talking for a bit, before Karma was pulled off to spend some time with her husband before the reception drew to a close and everyone began to filter home.

The New Year was going to be very eventful for Dexter and Karma Morgan. In just a few months they would be welcoming two little girls into their home, and a baby would join then later in the year. Everything was about to change, for the better.

The Perfect Trio
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   03-28-13 04:35

Although at first staying in a Muggle hospital fascinated Nate, once the novelty of the place was over he found himself bored. Especially because the nurses, who were not attractive like he had seen in Muggle movies, but frigid and with a certain age, didn't allow him to leave his bedroom so he could not explore the rest of the building.

It all started when he slipped in the Muggle village next to his house. The floor was icy and his fall had been nothing but gracious. Nate was pretty sure he had heard a crack, and the pain he felt moments later on his leg confirmed what he had already suspected: he had broken it.

It could all be over soon if he used his wand to cast a Patronus to call one of his parents, or even try to fix the leg himself. If he was sent to St. Mungus he was sure he would be cured in no time. However, since the village was occupied by Muggles, Nate had no option but to accept the help of his inhabitants. A couple of them had witness his fall and one used his cell phone to call an ambulance. Nothing interesting happened in that small village and Nate's fall had been the topic of conversation that day.

He was sent to the closest hospital, submitted to an x-ray, and forced to use a cast and stay in bed resting, until he would get better. His parents came to visit him and they owled the ministry about his incident, justifying his absence. Nate was upset when he figured out he had to stay in the hospital during New Year's Eve. Everyone would be celebrating while he would watch the hours pass in the clock at the wall. The nurses probably wouldn't even allow him watch TV.

Those days stuck in a bed allowed him to think about Phyllida. At the last minute he had decided to send her the Christmas gift had had bought when they were still dating. He thought it would be a waste if they weren't used, since they were a set of Quidditch tickets between the Wasps and the Arrows. Since he had work at the Ministry he could not attend it and he thought she would like them. Maybe she would go with Tiberius Nott or maybe with Ferne.

His parents had came to visit him earlier and Nate assured him they should go out and have fun on New Year's Eve, instead of being stuck at the hospital with him. Tim had also came to visit with a box of chocolate frogs that Nate had to beg him to take it back with him because the nurses would probably hate the idea of jumping frogs made of chocolate, dirtying the immaculate hospital floor. Tim's extravagant robes had already been enough to left the hospital's staff and its patients perplexed. Not to mention his pointy hat.

But those were not the only visits Nate received. He was surprised when Jenny came.

"I had to see you," she explained, kissing his lips.

Then she pulled a chair and seated next to him. Nate enjoyed her company, but he decided he didn't want to start the New Year with lies. And so he after gaining up some courage he started:

"Jenny…You and I had known each other since we were younger. You are Tim's little sister and I really like you a lot. But the thing is…"

"No, don't say it. Show me."

And moments later she was kissing him. Jenny probably thought Nate was about to declare his love for her and not the contrary. The worst part was that her kisses feel good and he started to give in to her. Thank Merlin there were no nurses around to reprehend him.

"I will be right back. I am going to see if there is something to drink, so we can make a toast. It's almost midnight! Probably I will have to fetch us some of that coffee from the machines. Don't worry, I learned how to use them in Muggle studies and Tim gave me some Muggle coins."

Jenny giggled and walked away leaving Nate alone. He could not help to smile. Moments later he heard steps and he turned his head to the door.

"That was fast," he commented, thinking Jenny had just returned with the drinks. But it wasn't Jenny who had arrived. It was Adelaide Adams. She was wearing a dress and he could swear she had just left a party to be here with him.

"Ross…I had to see you."

It was as if the scene with Jenny was repeating but now it was Adelaide who was there. Since that day when she had gave him that huge pile of files, Adelaide would exchange a few words with him whenever they saw each other. They had lunch together once or twice and despite most of the times when she was with other people she would ignore him, he had caught her looking at him more than once.

"I was in a party nearby and I just thought to myself: who am I going to kiss at midnight? And then it hit me that all I wanted was you. It's absurd because you are not my type. You are Nathaniel Ross, with your interest for Muggles and that terrible curly hair. I mean Eww! But for some reason…I want to do this…"

And then Adelaide learned forward and kissed his lips.

"Adelaide…" he tried to stop her.

"Shsss…Let's not waste anymore time"

And soon they were making out in his hospital bedroom. These sort of things never happened to people like Nathanial Ross. Two beautiful witches, a blonde and a brunette, and both of them were interest in him. Nate thought, while still kissing Adelaide, that soon it would be Phyllida's turn to show up. The red haired to make the perfect trio. Then suddenly he would wake up and realize this had been only a dream, an effect of the pills the doctor gave him for the pain. But no, this was real. And the problem was Nate could see himself both with Jenny and Adelaide. Tonight he would have to make a choice.

"Nate! What are you doing?!"

The kiss was broken. Jenny was there, holding two cups of coffee.

"Jenny I can explain…"

"What is she doing here?" Jenny continued.

"I am his girlfriend," Adelaide explained.

"No you're not! I am!"

Both of them turned to Nate. He was puzzled. He never agreed to be the boyfriend of any of them. Was he under some sort of spell when these events had happened?

"Jenny, Adelaide, listen…" he started, but he wasn't able to finish because Jenny threw the hot coffee to his face and walked away furious.

He was about to talk again, trying to justify himself to Adelaide but he then noticed she had the other cup in her hand. Soon he was receiving another wave of the brown liquid on his face and he closed his eyes, trying to protect his view. When he gained courage to open them again he realized he was again alone in his room.

Embarrassed and not wanting to call a nurse, Nate tried to clean himself with the already stained sheets. After all tonight he wasn't going to make a choice about who would he stay with. Not tonight or any other day soon.

Ten Years
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   03-28-13 18:46

Ten years. Ten whole years.

It no longer felt like only yesterday that Chyler had left him forever. Lysander wasn't sure when the shift from recent memory to distant past occurred, but it boggled the mind to think that a decade had passed since that fateful night.

For years thereafter, Lysander had loathed New Year's Eve. The last day of a year could never come without him thinking about his lost love.

But then Charlotte had been born, on that same, terrible day, and suddenly, December 31st wasn't all that dreadful anymore. It was bittersweet.

Now, things were as they had been before Charlotte's arrival into the world. Lysander had lost both his wife and his daughter.

He had seen Charlotte on Christmas Eve, when Aralyn and Kristos had brought her to his flat for a one-hour visit. He had not seen her since, not even in the magic mirror. Lysander had hoped to tell her about the mirrors during her visit, but Aralyn and Kristos had never left her side. Lysander didn't want them knowing about the mirrors, since he strongly suspected they would take Charlotte's away if they knew what it could do. They might even use it to spy on him.

Lysander made his annual pilgrimage to the site of Chyler's grave. Although the ground was wet from snow, he knelt before her tombstone and thought about the smell of her hair and how she looked at him when they were alone. What would their lives have been like, had she not died? Would they have just one child, or several?

But had she not died, then Charlotte would have never been born, and Lysander couldn't imagine a world without her, even with her no longer constantly within reach. As much as he would want it, Lysander knew he couldn't have both. Or could he?

The wet snow soaked the legs of his pants from the knees down and brought a chill to the affected skin, but Lysander didn't seem to notice. Wild thoughts planted by Adriana Fairchild whirled in his mind. What if it really could be done? What if Chyler could return to him after ten long years of absence?

The seed took hold in his mind. He wanted it more than anything now. Adriana promised him she could make it happen. She could bring Chyler back from the dead and make sure Charlotte came home. Lysander simply had to take a giant leap, from which there was no going back.

After all, what did he really have to lose? He had already lost everything.

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