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Never Irritating
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   08-07-11 15:17

Though her hand is still somewhat stiff from writing the Charms exam this morning, Zabrynna feels that otherwise it went well. The practical too. Professor Brecknock was as pleasant and courteous as she remember from OWLs in fifth year. Professor Brecknock chose a wide ranging assortment of charms for Zabrynna to demonstrate with one of the hardest being a concealment charm. It's a difficult charm but as it's one Professor Isuki also uses as part of the lesson unit on concealment in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Zabrynna has had additional practice with it.

Upon leaving the Great Hall, she'd looked for Anne and Philippa but didn't see them. They'd been in the group just ahead of her but even though it wouldn't have been a long wait on Zabrynna, she can't blame them for not sticking close by. They all three have Transfiguration tomorrow so there's studying that could be done. She knows Philippa's stomach was acting queasy and had been since yesterday. Philippa hadn't slept all tha well because of it so could be she's returned to Slytherin House for a nap. Zabrynna nevertheless checks both the common commons for them and the library. Not finding either she chooses not to roam the grounds or more of the castle searching. She's tired and wants a little break doing nothing before supper hitting the books again.

Without giving it any conscious thought Zabrynna goes to the workroom Professor Hodfuffer has for the archival research for the non-fiction work he's writing. Zabrynna enjoyed the work enough that she's been thinking of asking him if she may continue after graduation. She knows he could use the help though for how much longer is the question. At some point the book will be written. Until then, she'd like to continue working even after she begins her first term at St. Emrys in the fall.

Idly looking through some of the photographs, Zabrynna stops at one that is a particular favorite. There's a lovely little pond surrounded by willows and what she thinks are wisteria and crepe myrtle. She's seen wisteria in person before but not crepe myrtle, only pictures of it. She's tried asking the handful of people usually visible in the photo, all in old fashioned dress, picnic blankets and baskets scattered across the plush, lush looking grass, but none have ever responded to her. Zabrynna has often wondered where the photo was taken. It's not labeled on the back, only the people are identified along with a date. She's asked Professor Hodfuffer but he doesn't know the location either.

"Zabrynna? What brings you here? How did the exam go? Charms wasn't it?"

"Hallo, Mariposa. Yes, Charms. It went well I think. I came in here because I wanted somewhere quiet and alone. Meeting Professor Hodfuffer?"

"No. Okay, well yes, but later. I came for this." Mariposa holds up a notebook that was at one end of the table. "AJ was doing some work here last night. I wanted to spend time with him even if he was working so I sat studying for an exam I have tomorrow. Went off and left my notes though was so busy earlier in the day I hadn't realized it. As long as I was coming here anyway, I came early to get the notebook rather than summon it to me. Are you all right?"

"Tired, not counting the other." With the finger of one hand Zabrynna taps her temple and with a finger of the other hand she taps a spot over her heart.

"Have you given any further thought to what I said about counselling?"

"I have, and you are right, but doing anything more about changing counsellors will have to wait until after NEWTs. I know what the root of the matter is. It's just learning how to handle it, to deal with it."

"You know?"

"I expect your standing there thinking I'm going to say something about my mother and the pressure she put on me my entire life, but I'm not. That certainly didn't help, but what does any of that have to do with what I did? No, the problem I'm having is that I don't know how to come to terms with the fact that here was someone I supposedly cared a great deal about - or care. Make that present tense. Yet look what I did. I did something so selfish and rash. Yes, I was acting like a stupid child but I was old enough to know better and did know better, yet I still did it. If I could do that to someone I love, what would I be capable of doing to someone I care nothing for in the slightest?"

"That's not the way to look at it."

"Isn't it? If I would hurt someone I love to get what I want then it's a not difficult to believe I'd not blink at hurting someone I cared not a whit for. It's a logical assumption really."

"So that's it. You're beating yourself up mental and emotionally because you think you'd hurt, possibly injure, someone to get what you wanted?"

Zabrynna just shrugs.

"Oh, honey, don't you see that if you are this concerned then it's not something you would do? If you were the sort who'd so casually hurt someone just to have your way, then the thought of inflicting that hurt wouldn't bother you in the slightest."

"You think so?"

"Yes, very much.

"You still also think Dad would come to counselling with me from time to time if I asked?"

"He'd drop everything to be there. So would I."

"Let me get through these next two weeks and I promise I'll see about changing counsellors and will set up some family sessions." Zabrynna looks wistfully at the photo she'd placed on the table in front of her. "I should get going now I suppose. More studying to do and in a bit there's supper to go to."

Mariposa walks over and gives Zabrynna a hug. "Be sure to make time for rest as well."

Returning the hug Zabrynna says over her sister's shoulder, "You know, you're not half bad at this big sister thing some of the time."

Mariposa steps out of the hug with a laugh. "Only some of the time?"

"There are those times of being the annoying big sister."

"No, you have that wrong. Those are the times when you are being the irritating little sister."

"Sorry, but I have to disagree with you there. I am NEVER irritating. Annoying on occassion, yes. Irritating, never."

"For graduation I am buying you a dictionary with the definition of irritating highlighted and the page specially marked."

Writing The Transfiguration OWL (Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   08-08-11 15:38

Basil flips through his Transfiguration OWL examination, doing a quick count of how many questions he's got left. Only five, with two of those being ones he initially skipped over but each will require a few paragraphs at least. After that he knows he should go back through and read over his answers to questions he wasn't as confident about.

What Basil really wants - what he needs - is a potion that makes hand cramps go away. Or maybe a charm. Why hasn't someone invented a charm or potion to prevent muscle fatigue for people facing grueling events. Like writing OWLs for two weeks. It's only the second day of exams and his hand is starting to cramp to the point of not wanting to cooperate any longer.

He also really wants something to eat. Basil had eaten a little breakfast but his stomach was in knots yesterday morning and was again this morning. Plus, he was concerned about ingesting too much and then needing to go to the loo in the middle of the exam. Did they allow that? He doesn't recally anyone needing to be excused yesterday morning and so far not today either. How is it he doesn't know if going to the loo is allowed? Maybe it was said and he wasn't paying attention or was so nervous it didn't sink in or something.

Don't think about needing to go to the loo.

Don't think about needing to go to the loo.

The harder he tries not to think about needing to go, the more Basil can't stop thinking about. At any second now he's going to feel the need to go and the discomfort will increase to the point of distraction.

Stay focused. Four questions left to answer. Not all that much time left for the exam. Just get these questions answered and read back over those other questions and then it will be time to stop writing, turn the exam in. That means being able to go to the loo.

Don't tink about needing to go to the loo.

Pressing his legs together and trying not to get angry at this whole stupid OWL examination process, as that would not help him finish in the slightest what litte's left, Basil takes a couple of breaths, trying to clear his mind of everything but these last few questions. And desperately trying not to think of needing to go to the loo.

Author: Jolyon 
Date:   08-08-11 18:54

From the very front of the Great Hall, Jolyon observed the fifth year and seventh year examinees as they furiously scribbled answers to the Theory of Transfiguration O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exam, respectively. The giant hourglass at the end of the High Table had nearly run its course, signalling the end of the three hours allotted for the exams. The last thing Jolyon had written on the blackboard was 10 minutes remaining.

Most of the students appeared finished, with some checking their answers or adding a thought or two to an essay or long answer question. A handful were writing madly, desperate to get as much written as possible before their time ended.

The last kernels of sand fell onto the top of the pile on the bottom of the hourglass. Jolyon looked up and called out, "Time! Please lower your quills."

As was not unusual during a timed exam, a few students kept writing. Jolyon flicked his wand at their parchments, summoning them to him. He collected the rest and then dismissed the students for a much needed break. In a couple of hours, they would be taking the practical portion of the exam.

Jolyon would be monitoring the students waiting in the entrance hall to enter the Great Hall for the exams. His class this afternoon would be taught by Rubeus Hagrid. The third years would learn about boarhounds, so Hagrid would surely show off his loyal dog Fang.

Jolyon put all the exams together in a pile and handed them to Professor McGonagall when she entered the Great Hall. The room was quickly converted back into a dining chamber so that everybody could have lunch.

A Few Minutes Rest Before Hitting The Books Again
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   08-09-11 16:11

Reaching the fifth year boys dormitory in Ravenclaw House, Christopher flops down onto his bed. His cat jumps on his chest then immediately hops down, eyes intent on something along the far wall. Christopher, his own eyes now closed, tells himself not to keep lying there as he is. There are Herbology notes to read through and it's now less than 24 hours until he has to write the first portion of that exam.

Charms went decently yesterday. Christopher knows he didn't score perfectly on the written portion but also doesn't think he missed overly many either. He is confident he aced the practical portion, for which he had Professor Marchbanks. He feels about the same for both portions of the Transfiguration exam. He found writing that exam this morning to be more difficult than Charms yesterday but only because his hand was already sore to begin with and cramped up much more quickly this morning. Each time it cramped up today it was harder to shake it off than it had been yesterday.

At least the practical portion didn't involve writing, though when he first gripped his wand to perform the first Transfiguration request of his examiner Professor Huntingdon, his hand immediately rebelled again after all that time writing yesterday and today. Christopher does not want to think about how sore and crampy his hand will be.

Christopher had been the last of his "grouping" to leave the Great Hall. With four examiners for the practical portion of the exams, four students were sent into the Great Hall when time for the exam arrived. If all four are done at the same time then the next four would be sent in together but that's not always the case. Today, for instance, two of those second four were sent in at the same time with the other two not allowed in for another minute or so. Christopher was in that second group of four and he and Carlotta Calloway went in ahead of the other two. He was still the last of those four out of the Great Hall but Christopher doesn't know if that's because he was slower than everyone else or if Professor Huntingdon asked more of him, or combination of that or if it was something else altogether.

Professor Huntingdon first had Christopher turn a shiny black button into a shiny black beetle. As Christopher has raises a few different kinds of beetles, this was a not only easy because it's a first year Transfiguration but because Christopher really likes beetles. Christopher turned the button into a large rhinoceros beetle, a Chalcosoma caucasus, as big as his hand. Professor Huntingdon was duly impressed, giving the beetle a close inspection to make sure nothing about the button remained before having Christopher transfigure it back, which he did successfully if somewhat reluctantly. He really wanted that beetle.

The professor had Christopher do a number of other transferations, some easier than others. The last transfiguration required of Christopher had been the classic example given in texts and in so many of the OWL study manuels. It was fitting in a way as it required turning a small owl into a pair of opera glasses.

Christopher would love to take a nap now but with Herbology tomorrow, Defense Against the Dark Arts on Thursday, and History of Magic on Friday, there's far too much to do. He's just very glad that Ancient Runes is not one of his electives or else there'd be that exam to write on Friday as well.

With an audible groan, Christopher heaves himself of his bed to grab his Herbology notes, text, flash cards, and study guides. If he stays in his room he'll be too tempted to nap so it's off to the common room, or the common commons, the library, or maybe even go outside. Common commons to grab a snack and something to drink then outside he decides. He'll get as much as he can before supper so that after supper he might take a little down time without feeling guilty about it.

First Time To Diagon Alley In Years
Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   08-10-11 09:27

Stepping through the archway connection The Leaky Cauldron with Diagon Alley, Dante has a sudden rush of memory of the last time he was here. He was around five he thinks so the memories are the type a child that age would form. Building fronts that look large and out of proportion. Legs and torsos, having to crane his neck up to see faces. Window displays a blur unless there's something of interest to a little boy, like a vivid scarlet Chinese Fireball. He can't remember now though if it was a toy, or poster, or something else. Dante just remembers being fascinated with the dragon.

They'd not been in Diagon Alley long. His parents went straight to wherever it was they had business and then they left. The next time they were back in this area was just passing through on their way somewhere else and they'd not come to Diagon Alley that day. In the time since the break with his family, Dante's not been in London and never had a reason to make a visit just to come to Diagon Alley. He'd thought about coming yesterday but chose to get his few boxes moved and unpacked and take a walk around the castle and grounds, learning the layout, which is harder than it might seem as the castle is quite large and has staircases that have a penchant for moving.

Dante's also met a few of the other staff as he walked around and took lunch with some of them. He'd even met someone on Monday when he'd gone into Briar's Bakery in Hogsmeade for a snack. A woman in line behind him had noted how busy it was, which was a good sign in Dante's opinion that the bakery is a very good one. She'd asked if he minded sharing a table then introduced herself. Dante had told her it was his first time at the bakery and asked for suggestions on what to get.

A few minutes later, at one of the small outside tables, they'd talked a little, though private as he is, Dante was very selective in what he'd said. He did mention just being hired at Hogwarts. "I'll be teaching upper year Charms."

Karma had slightly raised her eyebrows then her lips had quirked up into a smile. "Our meeting must be fate then. I'm starting in the fall there as well teaching lower years History of Magic."

Over the rest of their pastries and coffee they'd talked about the daunting task of being first time teachers. Karma had also talked about the classes she's taking at St. Emrys University. After mutually agreeing to get together again soon, Dante had returned to the inn to make a to do list and to jot down a few items he might like to buy for his Hogwarts quarters.

After he got his things unpacked yesterday, Dante had a better idea of what the place needs. He'd brought out the list, made a few more notations then after a long run, shower, and quick bite of breakfast, he'd come to London with a mind to check out what Diagon Alley has to offer. His first stop is a place Filius Flitwick, the professor who's upcoming sabbatical is why Dante has a new job, had told him was an excellent place to find nice rugs of all sizes at affordable prices. The floors in Dante's place are mainly the same stone that's throughout much of the castle. Even with a warming charm on the stones having a rug or two, or even three, will make a nice difference when the full of winter sets in. Reaching the shop, Dante goes in hoping he won't take ages to do what he wants here today. He really doesn't want to spend such a nice day inside one shop after another.

Proctoring The Herbology Exam
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   08-10-11 15:03

Standing at the table with the large hourglass used to time the OWL and NEWT examinations and on which there is a pile of extra anti-cheating quills, bottles of ink, and a stack of parchment for those who might need it writing those particularly lengthy answers, Sirius speaks to the room for the first time since instructing the congregated fifth and seventh years to begin.

"Ninety minutes remain."

There's a rustle of paper as a number of the students flip through their exams checking to see how much they each have left to write. Ninety minutes remaining means the time alotted is half gone. It's a good time to assess whether there's a need to speed up in answering questions or time management is good. Apart from the stress of taking such examinations, being in this room of students with heads bent over their exams, quills steadily scratching out their answers to a seemingly endless list of questions makes Sirius nostalgic for his own school days. It's not so much being back in school as a student that he longs to revist. It's having James Potter there and so full of energy and life.

a hand shoots up holding a quill. Probably needs a new quill. Sirius picks up a few and makes his way past the neatly ordered rows of desks, telling himself not to dwell overly much in the past as that will only remind him all the more that James is gone and Peter a traitor, both of which serve to put him in a dark mood.

Sirius exchanges quills with Julietta Wynbourne then makes a slow circuit around the room more for something to do than because he thinks anyone's attempting to cheat and needs to be monitored. He's got some papers to grade and had been working on them but now he's restless. Sirius also wonders how Drucilla is doing. Dru only works part-time at the Ministry and hadn't been scheduled to work there today. The twins had already said they wanted to go to Blossom's today because of some fun, interesting thing on the calendar there so Dru had volunteered to cover Sirius's five classes today while he's doing Herbology OWL and NEWT proctoring duty.

He supposes he'll find out at lunch if everything's going well with her and his students. Sirius also wants to make sure she's not overly tired. Having five year old highly energetic twins while also working part-time can be difficult enough without being five months pregnant on top of that. Sirius helps as he can around the house, does quite a bit of the cooking, and helps with the children but with him also working full days five days a week here at Hogwarts, he often feels it's not enough. He's asked Dru if she'd like to have a house elf or hire someone but so far she's said no each time he's asked. Sirius could always summon Kreecher away from his cousin Bellatrix, wherever they might be, but that house elf and he have never gotten along. Sirius is in no rush to assert his ownership over a house elf he's never liked nor trusted, particularly now that he's got two small children and another on the way.

Another hand shoots up, bringing Sirius's attention back to the Great Hall. Threading his way over to a harried looking Erebus Mars, Sirius once again exchanges an anti-cheating quill with a broken point for a fresh one. He roams the room for a few minutes more then returns to the large front table to work a little on the papers he brought with him.

Forced Relaxation
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   08-10-11 17:17

Seven months pregnant was not an easy thing to be, and Orei was quite miserable. The next couple of months could not go fast enough. She had resorted to wearing easily slip-on shoes because she could not bend down to tie the laces of her trainers – let alone her ankles were so swollen her trainers didn’t fit all that well. She looked like she had a beach ball stuffed beneath her robes as she waddled through the halls of St. Emrys to finish the last of her classes. She had an appointment at St. Mungo’s to be checked out by an obstetrics healer to monitor her progress. She was looking forward to it, she and Jim had decided to not know the sex of the baby until it was born, so that meant that all the gifts they’d gotten so far were in gender neutral colors like green and yellow.

“Orei.” She turned at the sound of her name, and smiled when she saw her Ancient Runes III Professor heading up the hall toward her. “How are you doing?”

“I feel huge, I know I’m huge, and I’m just ready.” She said lightly, leaning against the wall, so that they could talk out of the way. “Go ahead and go home. You are well enough ahead on the assignments. If you want, I can pop by this weekend and drop off the lecture notes.”

“That would be wonderful, considering you are my last class of the day and I only have an appointment at Saint Mungo’s later. Thank you very much.” Orei said, and with a few parting remarks Orei handed over the assignment that was due today and headed back toward the floo stations.

That had been several hours ago, and she’d already gone through her appointment at St. Mungo’s and rather than simply relaxing she’d ended up at the Ministry – trudging through the stack in her inbox. “What in the hell are you doing here Orei?” Christian’s voice snapped her out of her reverie.

“Trying not to go stark raving mad at home? Jim’s at work and has class later. I don’t want to be home alone right now, or I am liable to strip down the nursery and repaint it and redecorate it.” She said lightly and Christian laughed lightly.

“Alright. We are going out to lunch and you and I are going to spend the day looking over wedding dresses for you and Jim’s big day.” He said and plucked the quill up and put it away before guiding Orei from her chair and took her out of the Ministry.

Several hours later they ended up looking through bridal magazines and munching on honey roasted peanuts and sipping on icy cold butterbeer.

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