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(Tessa) Sore
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   05-31-19 18:00

Tessa put down her quill, leaned into the backrest of her chair, and rolled her head from side to side to work out the kinks. She would have even gone so far as to stretch her arms high and in circular motions and to bend backwards as far as she could go, but she thought that might be distracting. She and the rest of the fifth years were in the middle of writing the Theory of Potions OWL exam. There were also seventh years in the Great Hall sitting for the NEWTs.

Who knew that test-taking could cause one to ache so badly? Tessa's finger was bruised from writing for hours on end, and her neck, shoulders, and back hurt from being hunched over a desk. She couldn't wait for it all to be over. 5 down, 1 almost completed, and 3 more to go.

Last week's exams had consisted of Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, DADA, and History of Magic, which mercifully had only been one part. This week's exams were Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, and Arithmancy & Divination. She was glad not to have anything on Friday, but the end of exams still seemed like an eternity away.

The only bad thing about having finals week off and summer hols following afterwards was the fact that Blakeney would certainly ramp up her quest to get Tessa a new boyfriend. Tessa didn't need help and wasn't interested either. Maybe she ought to turn the tables and find Blakeney a boyfriend instead. That was something to ponder, but not in the middle of Theory of Potions.

Proctoring Potions
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   06-01-19 19:17

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick do their best to rotate through the Hogwarts roster of professors so that there is never a case of one professor always proctoring the OWLs and the NEWTs while another never does. This is particularly true of the lower years professors since they are more likely to have to get a substitute on the proctor duty day. When that day is so close to final examinations for the lower years, and the sixth years, that missing an entire day means one less day with a class or classes to wrap up concepts and work on reviewing the curriculum for writing the upcoming exam and for any practicum a professor might administer.

Upon learning she was to proctor the Potions OWL and NEWT, taking place on the Monday of the second week of testing, Zabrynna decided that for the four classes she would need covered, students could work in class on the study guide she'd have handed out by then. Depending on how each class behaved, the substitute could let the students work in small groups or in twos or might insist on individual work.

While thinking all that Declan had suggested he be her substitute. He wasn't on the proctor roster and his only Monday class is fifth years who would be sitting the Theory of Potions examination in the morning and undergoing the Potions practicum in the afternoon.

Zabrynna hadn't hesitated. She'd accepted his offer on the spot, knowing that neither the headmistress nor the deputy headmaster would have any issue with the upper years History of Magic professor covering lower years History of Magic classes. Additionally, Declan told her he would be happy to start going over the study guide with her classes so that she wouldn't have to try and cram going over everything the following Wednesday when she met with those same four classes again.

This morning when her third year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs met for class at 9:00 am, Zabrynna had no worries about them as she welcomed the fifth and seventh years to the theory portion of the OWL and the NEWT for Potions. The written portion of the Potions exam ended at noon. The practicum did not being until 2:00 p.m. so Zabrynna could have met with her fourth Monday class, the second year Ravenclaws and Slytherins, as that class meets from 12:45 to 1:30 but Declan insisted he'd be happy to cover it for her as well. Zabrynna decided she'd be just as happy to let him.

Now, with only a few seventh years waiting to be administered the Potions NEWT practicum, that class of second years have been over for a bit now with Declan in his office to finish out his Monday office hours. His fifth and seventh years are entirely finished with History of Magic for the 2012-2013 term but his sixth years write their final a week from Wednesday. He wants to be available for any who might have questions about the exam itself or projects they have due this week.

Professor Elgin and Professor Stow each signal for another student at roughly the same time. Zabrynna directs one students to Professor Elgin then says, "Titus Nott. Professor Stow will see you now."

(Azaelia) Revelations
Author: Isolde 
Date:   06-02-19 11:05

Azaelia was hesitant to leave the library while OWLs and NEWTs were still ongoing and with Finals taking place next week, but her mother's owl insisted they meet for brunch at Brews & Stews. She left the library in the care of Harkin the house-elf and went to Hogsmeade, where she found her mother seated at an outside table in front of the restaurant.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come," Nimuë Bramble remarked. She was drinking a fruity drink and perusing the menu.

"I wrote you I would," Azaelia said, as she sat down in one of the wrought-iron café chairs. "You said it was important. Has Ally been located?"

A waitress came over to take Azaelia's drink order. Once she left, Azaelia's mother replied, "No. I filed a missing persons report with the Ministry of Magic. Of course, there's not much that can be done with only a first name."

"Don't you think it's odd that the two of you became such good friends so quickly and she never once told you her whole name?"

"Yes, and I don't know why I never asked."

"So, did you want to talk about her or is there another reason why you asked me to meet you here?" Azaelia asked.

"I think I might have messed up." Mrs. Bramble looked slightly panicked.

Azaelia started to ask why her mother felt that way when the waitress returned with her drink. Azaelia hadn't gotten a chance to look at the menu, but she'd eaten there often enough to know some of the items on the menu. After she and her mother placed their orders, the waitress went back into the building, leaving them alone.

Nimuë explained, "When I went to the Ministry, I withheld information from the investigators."

"What do you mean you withheld information?" Azaelia questioned. "What exactly do you know about Ally that you're keeping secret?"

"You remember how she asked you about Minerva McGonagall?"

Azaelia nodded.

"Ally was very opinionated. She's against those who support equality in the wizarding world, and she's definitely loyal to You-Know-Who."

"Are you saying she's a Death Eater?" Azaelia asked.

Nimuë shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know specifics. I just know that she would often ask me about my own beliefs, about your father and how much longer he will be in Azkaban, and she's even wondered about you. She asked a lot of questions about your relationship with Robert. She wanted to know about your upbringing."

Azaelia frowned. "Did she openly recruit you to the Death Eaters?"

Mrs. Bramble shook her head. "No, of course not. I just got the feeling that maybe she was feeling me, and by extension, the whole family out to see if we were the sort who would support the Dark Lord."

"You need to go to the Ministry and report this," Azaelia insisted. "I suspect that Ally was an alias she was using and that she's either in hiding with the Death Eaters or she's been arrested."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"It is a good idea," Azaelia replied. "You're on probation. You can't get mixed up in this kind of thing and not face repercussions."

"But that's just it! I am mixed up in it! Just by associating with her, I put my freedom at risk."

Azaelia sighed. "I think it's better you come forward with your information. It sounds like she was just talking. You can't be blamed for conversation that didn't lead to anything or wasn't clearly defined. Do you want me to go with you?"

"Would you do that?"

"Of course I would." Azaelia saw the waitress exit the building with a tray containing their food. "Let's eat, then I'll pop over to Hogwarts to tell Professor McGonagall, and then we can go to the Ministry together, all right?"

Her mother offered her a small smile. "All right."

Author: Marzipan 
Date:   06-03-19 18:15

"Cheri, you do not 'ave to worry. You say Hogwarts eez ze safest place een wizarding Britain. Well, I say zat Beauxbatons eez ze safest place een wizarding France! Heathcote Hamstead will not be able to get to me 'ere."

Marzi sighed. She and Alaric were in the middle of firetalking, both using the fireplaces in their personal quarters in their respective schools. Alaric's children were presumably in their dormitory rooms or elsewhere in the chateau, while Carter and Vallon were whooping and hollering as they threw a fanged frisbee around the room.

"It's not just you I'm worried about," Marzi said, "and anyway, you do leave the school sometimes. What about this summer? All three of you aren't going to sequester yourself on campus the whole time, are you?"

"Of course not," Alaric responded, and then he smiled. "We 'ave plans, don't we?"

Marzi nodded. "Yes, but––"

"You worry too much. 'E eez een prison. What can 'e do from behind bars?"

Marzi frowned. Just that morning, she had gotten another letter from Heathcote. This one confirmed her worst fears, that he had found out about Alaric. The letter didn't identify Marzi's boyfriend by name, but it did label him as "the Frenchman".

"He found out about you, which means he has ways of getting information. He probably has somebody on the outside helping him. Who's to say that somebody won't turn up in Marseille?"

"Eef eet makes you feel better, then I will eenform Olympe about your concerns. Pairhaps I will also owl ze Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France, oui?"

"Yes, do both."

"Tonight then."

Marzi heard a knock on Alaric's side of the conversation and saw him turn his head. He told her to wait a moment and disappeared to answer the door.

She heard him say, "Oui?", and then she heard a loud thump followed by silence.

"Alaric? ALARIC?"

The fanged frisbee hit the fireplace mantle and fell to the floor. Marzi grabbed it carefully and sprang up to confront her children.

"I need you both to settle down and remain in our chambers. I have to floo to Alaric's. Something's wrong. Stay here. I'll be right back." If there were protests, she didn't hear any. She put the frisbee on the mantle and reached for the canister of floo powder. A second later, she disappeared from the gate in a whoosh of green flames.

End Of The Care Of Magical Creatures OWL & NEWT (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   06-03-19 19:24

AJ sends the last two seventh years into the clearing for the second half of their Care of Magical Creatures NEWT. The next to the last goes to Professor Audley and the last, Hiram Young, sees Professor Huntingdon. As he's waiting for them to finish up Mariposa arrives with Jacinda and Javier.

"Are we early?" she asks of their plan to eat dinner tonight in the Great Hall.

"Yes, but also not really. The last two are in the clearing. Go on up if you want. I won't be far behind."

"We can wait. It's still nice out."

Nodding, AJ looks up to the sky and the growing mass of gray clouds. "We've been lucky that the weather's held so far but I'm betting we have rain for the walk home."

Setting Javier down and telling Jacinda and he, "Don't go far," she then asks AJ, "Would the testing have been out here this afternoon if the rain came early?"

"Here but over in the stables and classroom there. That or put up a tent or charm the area over the clearing and the waiting area here to stay dry."

A flurry of activity in the clearing draws their attention. The last two seventh years come out the way they went in, both with smiles of relief to have another NEWT behind them. AJ tells Mariposa, "Give me a couple of minutes," then heads into the clearing, wand out, to return everything used by the Ministry examiners back to where each item and living creature belongs.

The examiners have a standing invitation to dine at the Great Hall and based on the fact that all four are meandering in the direction of the castle AJ takes it they are all four having supper at Hogwarts tonight. Seeing her father coming their way, Jacinda skips after the four professors. Professor Stow pauses to allow the child to catch up.

"Hello. Are you a seventh year too?" she asks with amusement in her voice.

Jacinda shakes her head. "I'm four, not seven."

Professor Stow chuckles. "Four is a very good age. Is that your brother with Professor Hodfuffer?"

"Javier. He's one. Daddy's name isn't prossefor. It's AJ. Mummy is Mariposa."

"Mariposa. That means butterfly, doesn't it?"

Jacinda shrugs. "Means Mummy to me."

AJ and Mariposa, laughing, come up behind them, Javier now on AJ's shoulders. Mariposa affirms, "Yes, professor, my name means butterfly. I'm still working with Jacinda on her Spanish. She actually understands it quite well when I speak it with her and she speaks it reasonably well for her age. It's the stopping and having to think about individual word meanings."

"I think it's wonderful your children are growing up bilingual. Where are you originally from?"

"My father is English and my mother Mexican. I was born in England but after my parents divorced I lived mostly in Mexico. After she remarried, I also spent a lot of time in Costa Rica."

"Oooh. Costa Rica. My husband and I are thinking of a holiday there. Might I pick your brain?"

"Of course."

The rest of the walk to the castle is spent with the two women talking about Costa Rica, with AJ making comments here and there. As they've barely touched on the subject when they reach the castle, they continue the conversation into the Great Hall, Professor Stow sitting beside Mariposa for supper. Jacinda abandons them at that point, choosing to sit with her cousin Amethyst at "the big kids' table" rather than sitting with her parents and brother.

Arrrrrrgh! (Rex)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   06-04-19 20:06

Rex stares at the one Astronomy question that he keeps coming back to, just as blank now as when he first read the question early on in his writing of the Theory of Astronomy OWL. He'll write the answers to the last two questions then come back to this one. Again.

A few minutes later, his hand hurting to the point he has no idea how he'll write the Arithmancy & Divination OWL this afternoon, Rex is once more staring at the one question that's driving him bloody mad. "Arrrrrrgh!"

The sounds of quills scribbling across parchment, of quills tapping against the glass of ink bottles, the rustle of clothing, the scrapes of feet against the floor, the noises of bodies shifting in seats and of the collective inhalations and exhalations of those gathered in the Great Hall, and the clack of Professor Weasley's shoes as she walks around the room all stop. The Great Hall is so unnaturally quiet that Rex lifts his head and looks around.

Everyone is frozen in place, eyes locked on him. His cheeks flame, the heat moving rapidly from there all the way to his toes. "I said that out loud?" His blush deepens. "Sorry!"

A titter starts somewhere behind him.

It's a familiar giggle.


Rex can't tell if his sister is laughing at him or laughing at the break in the tension of writing an exam, the Astronomy NEWT in her case. Whatever the reason, her titter spreads.

Rex apologies again to the larger body, "Sorry!" then looks directly at Professor Weasley. "Sorry, professor. I thought I only said that in my head."

Smiling, she reminds everyone, "You have a half hour."

Rex gives his full attention back to the question that has had him stymied. He blinks and just like that the answer hits him in such a flash he almost exclaims aloud again. Relieved to have the answer, or what he hopes is the answer to this question that has an illustration of a constellation he now knows to be Orion, Rex finally begins writing the answer to the one question he thought he'd end up leaving blank.

(Blakeney) So Tired
Author: Ellis 
Date:   06-05-19 18:32

Even though there wasn't much time left to complete the Theory of Arithmancy & Divination OWL exam, Blakeney felt as if the kernels of sand in the hourglass at the Head Table were falling so very slowly to the bottom of the vessel. It was day seven out of nine days of exams for Blakeney, and she was exhausted. She'd never written so much in her life, and the idea of doing it all over again in two years wasn't appealing at all. Blakeney wanted a professional hand massage, if such a thing existed.

The good thing about this exam was the proctor was nice to look at. Professor Somerset was kind of old, but Blakeney recognized that he was handsome and she bet money that he would have been dateable when he was her age. She would see him in tomorrow afternoon's Arithmancy & Divination practical, too.

But first, she had to stay up late for Astronomy. Ugh. The thought of keeping her eyes open past her normal bedtime made Blakeney wish it were the weekend already. She so looked forward to sleeping in. She was really thrilled that she wouldn't have to take finals next week and planned on doing absolutely nothing.

Blakeney glanced over at the occupant in the seat next to hers. Tessa had her head bent over her parchment and was busy writing out an answer to one of the questions. When she sensed she was being watched, she looked up and saw Blakeney watching her. Tessa covered her parchment with her hand and moved it slightly away before continuing to work on her exam.

Blakeney made a face. As if she were trying to cheat! Besides, they were using anti-cheating quills. She couldn't cheat if she tried. Mostly, Blakeney was shocked that her supposed BFF wouldn't let her cheat if that was what she even wanted, which she didn't.

She turned back to her own test. The short time remaining continued to drag to an end.

Astronomy NEWT
Author: Saffron 
Date:   06-06-19 20:05

Lilith peers through the telescope she's sharing with Savannah and Lauren MacDougal. Blearily blinking she moves to give Lauren a turn. She starts marking her map with what she just saw, wishing the astronomical maps were easier to hold and write on. How is it that after all these years no one has thought to give students easels or to charm the boards the maps are on to hover or just something better than this.

Beside her, Savannah asks under her breath, "Isn't it time by now?"

"Seems like we've been out here a billion years," Lilith whispers back.

A smile in his voice Professor Elgin whispers to them as he strolls by, "More like 1 hour and 37 minutes, ladies."

Both jump a little when he speaks, neither having realized he was near enough to hear their low voices. As he walks on Lauren gives the telescope over to Savannah. "How are there 23 minutes left? It's got to be after midnight already," Lauren murmurs, Savannah and Lilith nodding in agreement.

When Savannah is done, Lilith takes another turn at the telescope, wishing that she could stop working with the claim of being finished. Sort of difficult to do that when one's handed a blank chart and told to fill it in. The telescopes are excellent and it could take more than two hours to mark every single item on the chart that's visible in tonight's clear sky. At least when time she'll be almost done with NEWTs. She has the Arithmancy & Divination practical tomorrow and based on every other practical other than Astronomy, her testing will go relatively quickly. The only downside is having to wait for all the fifth years to be put through their paces first.

And then... and then what? Sleep of course. The Muggle Studies trip once her time at Hogwarts is official ended. Emrys Fest and maybe Quidditch Con. Holiday with the family. Lilith is starting St. Emrys in the fall but since being accepted she's changed her mind about what program she'll follow once there. The closer she gets to end of term, the more Lilith thinks about reading law.

Dipping her quill into the ink the three girls are sharing, Lilith carefully marks a cluster of stars by their names then denotes the constellation they form, sighing when the name doesn't look spelled correctly. She'll leave it as is for the moment. Maybe it will look right after she's had another turn at the telescope.

AriDiv Practical
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   06-07-19 07:51

This year, Ethan was the proctor/monitor for the Arithmancy & Divination OWL & NEWT exams. It was the only exam that took place over two days. Fortunately, Ethan didn't have to find a substitute or cancel classes all day on both days. Only his afternoons were affected: yesterday's Gryffindor & Slytherin second year class and today's Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw second year class. Professor Grubbly-Plank stepped in for both.

Currently, Ethan stood in the Entrance Hall and monitored the queue for the practical exam taking place in the Great Hall. As the exam had only just begun, the first four fifth year students––Anderson Acker, Rex Applewhite, Barbie Bones, and Blakeney Ellis––had gone in together.

The rest of the fifth years and all of the seventh year Arithmancy & Divination students mulled about, some grouped together in quiet conversation, some staring off into space, and others looking a bit frantic over this next exam. When Ethan's eyes fell on Titus Nott, he couldn't help but think about Dorian Somerset. Ethan knew it was wrong to associate Titus with the Death Eaters, but everyone knew that some of the Notts were affiliated with the dark group. As far as everyone knew, those Notts were in prison or dead.

Ethan's adoptive father was now in Azkaban, too. After many weeks of intense interrogation by law enforcement, Dorian had finally gone before the Wizengamot and been sentenced to life in prison. Ethan hadn't gone to the trial because Dorian had expressly told him to stay away.

He had gone to see Dorian at the Ministry shortly after his arrest, though. During that contentious visit, Dorian told Ethan that he should be worried about what was to come. Ethan had taken that to mean that Voldemort was planning on reactivating Project 25. He'd shared the news with the others at one of their regular get-togethers, but in the time since the threat, there'd been no further information.

Ethan didn't know what to think. Either his adoptive father was trying to pull one over him, or there really was a plan for Project 25, whatever it may be. Reactivation, elimination, a new generation of pawns…? The not-knowing was unpleasant to say the least. Ethan would rather want to know the worst was in the works and face it head-on than to have no idea what might be coming his way.

He was pulled from his thoughts rather abruptly when Professor Audley indicated she was open. Ethan tapped a dazed-looking Charles Fairfax on the shoulder and sent him into the Great Hall to see her.

Last Day of OWLs/NEWTs
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   06-09-19 09:07

There was a palatable buzz in the air. It was the very last day of the OWLs and NEWTs, and for those students taking Muggle Studies, the end was near. Although the majority of students looked exhausted from two weeks of writing exams, Marzi could sense the excitement of freedom on the horizon.

Marzi normally had two classes on Fridays, 6th years at 9 am and 7th years at 10 am. Only the 6th year class went on, however, and Professor Grubbly-Plank filled in and covered the final review. In the past, Marzi might have gotten her husband to cover the class if he could get away from work. Nowadays, she could have asked Alaric to substitute.

Three nights ago, she flooed to Alaric's quarters at Beauxbatons, fearing the worst––that Heathcote Hamstead had gotten someone loyal to him to track Alaric down and do him harm––but when she arrived there, she found Alaric unconscious on the floor just inside the front door of his quarters and some sort of slick substance on just outside the doorway.

After reviving Alaric and getting him to Beauxbatons' equivalent of the Hospital Wing, Marzi learned that the French school of magic had lately been experiencing an uptick in pranks conducted by outgoing seventh year students. The pranks were supposed to be harmless and humorous, but sometimes they went awry such as in Alaric's case.

When he answered the door, he didn't see anyone in the corridor. Alaric took a step out, made contact with the slick substance on the floor, and slipped, falling and hitting his head, which knocked him out.

Marzi couldn't imagine the polite and seemingly mature students of Beauxbatons playing pranks on anybody, much less teachers, but she supposed kids were kids in any part of the world. She was certainly relieved that Alaric hadn't fallen victim to Heathcote, but she didn't still didn't think he was in the clear. Nevertheless, after seeing him back to his quarters after he was treated by the school nurse, Marzi returned to her own quarters to find her boys building a fort using sofa cushions. At least they'd stayed put like she'd asked.

Marzi sent Ingrid Hyland into the Great Hall to see Professor Elgin. A few minutes later she sent Margaret Kegg to see Professor Huntingdon. The amount of students congregated in the Entrance Hall steadily dwindled, until their were none left and the OWLs & NEWTs of the 2012-2013 school year were officially complete.

A Friday Night Date Of Sorts
Author: S Snape 
Date:   06-09-19 20:36

Attired in what look to be well worn blue denim trousers and a casual in style short sleeve plaid shirt, brown loafers on his feet, Severus briefly wonders as he enters the restaurant how many of those who know him would immediately recognize him. He tells the man who greets him he's meeting someone and in the event she's already here he describes Veronica. He's directed to a back booth where he finds Veronica sans her son.

"Child free this evening?" he says by way of greeting.

"Brian is with my father," she replies in an agitated tone. "I should have brought him. It's not safe."

"What's not safe?"

Veronica's eyes dart about then she pulls a leather bound book rom her purse. She slides it across the table to Severus. "I found this."

As he turns the book around he realizes it's a ledger. He starts to open it but pauses when the light is blocked by the waiter bringing drinks, Veronica telling him, "I went on and ordered. Just a drink, a lemondrop for each of us, and starter, prawns tempura. Oh, and a pot of tea for later."

The waiter inquires if they are ready to order. Veronica asks for the grilled lobster, spinach side salad, and baked sweet potato. Severus, having had no time to look over the menu, recalls a tidbit from a board near the entrance. "Medium rare bone in sirloin, buttered greens, and roasted mushrooms."

When alone again he opens the ledger, head bending over the first page of entries. Flipping randomly from one page to another he finally looks up. "What is this? The entries make little sense."

"I stumbled across it. I think it's written in a code and I think if we can figure the code out the entries will align with the Knights Walpurgis accounting issues the Ministry keeps carping about."

"You don't know the code?"

"Don't take that tone with me, Severus. Of course I don't know it. If I knew anything about this ledger or the code, why would I come to you?"

"To make me think you're entirely innocent."

"I AM innocent. I keep telling you the Knights are on the up and up now. Why are you so certain I've been lying?"

"You do have a history, Veronica. Also, as has been pointed out to you, why resurrect a group known for dark magic, murder, and other intrigues when you could have created an entirely new organization?"

"As I have explained, the Knights weren't always bad and some of us wanted to bring back the group as it once was before some of its members went bad."

They go silent again while the waiter puts their prawns tempura with two types of dipping sauces and their pot of tea onto the table. When he has once again walked away Severus reaches for one of the prawns. "Tell me how you stumbled across this ledger."

Looking relieved that he's going to hear what she has to say, Veronica takes a big gulp of her lemondrop then launches into her story.

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