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A Wager between Sisters
Author: Ellis 
Date:   04-03-15 08:57

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis rarely attended Hogwarts events together, since they had a whole brood of children at home and generally didn't want to impose on a babysitter. They made an exception this time to talk to the professors of Alys and Blakeney and brought along the next oldest child, Conrad, who would be attending Hogwarts in the fall.

Despite being in different years and houses, Alys and Blakeney shared all the same professors. This allowed the Ellis parents to get reports on both of their school-aged children at the same time. Both Alys and Blakeney received the highest praise in Charms class. Professor Flitwick also lauded Alys for her progress in learning the hardanger fiddle, which she played in the orchestra he led.

After speaking with Professor Flitwick, the family decided to break for lunch. The Great Hall was available for visitors, with the earlier apparition lesson long over, which Professor Flitwick had also monitored as the Head of Ravenclaw House. The family had a great debate on where to sit: at Ravenclaw where Alys belonged or at Hufflepuff, Blakeney's house. In the end they sat at the most unlikely place of all, the Slytherin table.

"So, what do you think of Hogwarts, Conrad?" Blakeney asked, helping herself to some potato crisps and half of a grilled cheese sandwich.

"It's grand," Conrad said. He looked up at the enchanted ceiling, which showed blue skies and sunbeams. "I can't wait to get my wand and learn everything you've learned."

"That will happen soon enough," Alys said. She forked some macaroni and cheese and added, "I wonder where you'll end up."

"Want to make a bet?" Blakeney asked her older sister.

Alys raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay. Let's make things interesting. If I win, you have to get me a strap for my instrument case. And if you win?"

"Then you have to get me the crystal headband I've been wanting."

"Fine," Alys agreed. She looked at her brother and sized him up. "I think Ravenclaw."

Blakeney grinned. "Only because that's your house. I say Hufflepuff."

Alys stuck out her tongue. "I wonder why."

Conrad grinned at both his sisters. He didn't have any personal preference where he landed. He just knew he couldn't wait to start at Hogwarts.

Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   04-03-15 14:10

Sophie and Patricia were waiting by the end of the staircase that lead to the Astronomy tower. Their mother, Leslie, came down the stairs after a small meeting with their Astronomy teacher, Professor Jones.

"So?" Sophie asked.

"You are doing quite well, Sophie. Professor Jones says you're hard working and committed to her subject, but just like the other teachers she warned me about your tendency to talk in class, at times."

Sophie nodded, knowing she had to cut on conversations during classes. But at times she just couldn't control herself. She used to chat with Caleb and Estine. And more recently with Micky Moon as well, since he had invited her for the Valentine's ball. He had a funny humor that made her laugh. Unlike Caleb he was anything but serious, always joking around. She promised her mother she would try to correct her behavior.

"What about me?" Patricia asked.

"Professor Jones feels that you should participate more in her classes. She thinks that you are very quiet by your desk and you should try to interact more."

Most of the teachers had made the same critic to Patricia. She knew that often it looked like she was clueless about what was going on in classes, since she never raised her hand to try and answer any of the questions the professors asked. She never volunteered for anything, preferring to keep a low profile. The reason why Patricia didn't like to participate in classes was because she was afraid to give the professors a wrong answer. Of course there was no harm in doing so, everyone was allowed to make mistakes once in a while, but Patricia just didn't want that to happen to her. And so she refrained herself from volunteering to answer any questions or help out with any task proposed in class. Even if most of the times, she knew the right answer.

Professor Jones had been the last teacher their mother had to speak with. They directed themselves to the common commons, to spend more time together before Leslie had to leave. Later it would be their father's turn to visit them. It was always a bit embarrassing to have their parents talking to the professors in two different rounds, but both Leslie and Ian wanted to know how their daughters were progressing at school.

"So tell me how you two have been. Neither of you has been written to me!"

Patricia and Sophie looked at each other, feeling guilty and surprised with one another. They had been avoiding telling their mother about Honoria's pregnancy and neither of them had written to her assuming the other would have done it.

"Well...there's been a lot going on. Quidditch practices, the Valentine's Ball..." Sophie said, excusing herself.

"Yes, Sophie has a boyfriend now," Patricia added.

"Mickey Moon is not my boyfriend! He's just a friend."

"You spend most of your time with boys," her sister accused her.

"And it seems like you don't have any friends at all, if you spend all your days controlling my life!"

"Girls!" Leslie called them out. "That's enough. I know about Honoria's pregnancy," she revealed.

"You do? How?" Sophie asked.

"Your father told me, of course. We might be divorced but we aren't enemies. On the contrary, we remain good friends. We share five children after all."

"Are you upset?" Patricia inquired.

"No. Why should I? He married again and it is natural that Honoria would want to have her own children with your father."

Both Sophie and Patricia felt relieved after knowing her mother had no issues at all with what was going on with their stepmother. It seemed like some weight had been lifted over the girls' shoulders, and they were able to act around their mother like usual once again.

Family Matters (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   04-03-15 19:01

Fantameria Marchbanks bustles into AJ's classroom trailed by the third of her four children, Leonine. To the surprise of Pablo Carioca's parents who've just thanked AJ and bid him goodbye, she doesn't give an expected greeting such as hello. She grabs him in a huge hug and plasters a huge kiss on AJ's cheek.

Trying not to look embarrassed at his mother's antics, Leonine explains to the older boy, in case he doesn't know who Leo is, and the now wide-eyed parents, "She's his sister."

The Cariocas nod in understanding, continuing on their way. Pablo lingers long enough to whisper, "Mum was probably hoping to have some juicy gossip."

Turning to where AJ is asking where Hank is, Leo shudders at the thought of someone thinking his mum and Uncle AJ were some sort of secret couple.

Even as his mum is saying, "Hank stopped to speak with one of his best chums from when we were students and the other three hung back with him. They'll be along soon I'm sure. How is Mariposa?" the rest of the family troops in. Hank gives a wave before joining Leo who's playing around with a set of runes. Hydrangea, Baron, and Cornington all also wave, scattering around the room to look at items such as ogham sticks.

"I don't rate being asked how I am?" he teases.

"You aren't pregnant with my newest niece or nephew."

"Mariposa's doing well. She past the worst of the morning sickness. Still has it now and then but the time between is getting longer and longer."

"You know the baby's sex by now I'm sure."

"You're wanting to know."

"Of course. So?"

"Here I thought you'd want to talk about Leo's Ancient Runes progress."

"We'll get around to that. Come on. Give."

"We'll find out when the baby is born."

Ria swats AJ's arm.


"You're doing this just to annoy your mother and sisters."

AJ gives her a look, not bothering to reply as she wouldn't believe a denial.

She settles herself on a corner of AJ's desk, calling Hank over. "I suppose if you are going to be difficult we should move on to how Leo's doing."

AJ switches topics. As Leo is doing well in his class, he's happy to discuss his how his nephew is doing in Ancient Runes. A little later, he's exiting his classroom along with the six Marchbanks, all going to the Great Hall for some lunch, Ria starting in again on the baby.

Kents at Parents Weekend
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   04-04-15 13:10

"Do we really have to?" complained Asher, after his mother decided it was time for them to visit with Arielle's Care of Magical Creatures professor.

"Yes," Merrie stressed, "we do. I'll not have you running off to Merlin-knows-where when I'm not yet finished meeting with all the professors you both share."

"You're in a mood, aren't you?" Asher retorted.

His mother shot him a look the same time Arielle said, "Asher, stop it."

Arielle was secretly pleased that her mother and Lancelot had broken up, as it opened up the possibility for her mother and father to get back together… if only aunt Lorrie weren't in the picture still. Despite her private pleasure at her mother's recent break up, Arielle could tell that her mother felt a little depressed. Not that she had any experience in the matter, but Arielle knew it must hurt to have a relationship end.

Asher sneered but said nothing further.

They reached the stables just as Jolyon was saying goodbye to Ector Newland and family. He caught sight of his own approaching family and gave them a wave. Asher's scowl deepened, while Arielle smiled and waved back to her father. Merrie's disposition seemed somewhere between the two. She was both glad to see her ex-husband but also in a bit of a mood. Where Arielle had gotten decent reports from her professors, Asher's professors found fault with him in all areas.

"Hello Merrie, Arielle, Asher," Jolyon greeted, and he beckoned them into the warmth of the stables.

"Hi Jolyon," Merrie said. "Hi, Dad," Arielle greeted. Asher merely scowled.

"How's the day gone so far?" Jolyon asked. If not for his own role as teacher at Hogwarts, he might have gone around with Merrie and the kids. He supposed he could talk to his colleagues later, if he really wanted reports on the twins.

Merrie immediately launched into a summary of what she had learned from his various colleagues. Jolyon listened attentively and then gave his own report on how Arielle was doing in his class. He tried to stay objective, but it was hard when she was his kid and she was excelling in his class. Perhaps it was in her genes, but she really had a knack for Care of Magical Creatures.

Merrie seemed pleased with his description and asked quite out of the blue, "Do you have plans this evening, Jolyon? Perhaps we could meet at The Three Broomsticks when you've wrapped up here."

Arielle beamed inwardly, but Asher looked as taken aback as Jolyon himself.

Jolyon shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I've already made plans with Lorrie," he explained. "Maybe another time?"

"Oh," Merrie said, "of course. Well, I suppose that's all for now. Children? Is it Herbology next?"

Asher was already out the door. Arielle followed a little more reluctantly, and then she, too, left the stables. Jolyon moved to the doorway and watched his family go. Merrie and Asher didn't look back once, but Arielle did. She had a little frown on her face, but she turned up the corners of her lips when she saw her father looking and gave him a wave goodbye.

A Family Meal
Author: Wendy Mills 
Date:   04-04-15 13:15

"I still can't believe it," Michael Mills said, as he stared down at his soup. He moved his spoon to cool it down a bit. "It's a real subject."

"Yes, I've told you a million times," Wendy said to her father.

"I know sweetheart, but I found it so hard to believe. But after talking to Professor Sacheverelle, and seeing her classroom everything became clearer."

Wendy grinned, and continued eating her spaghetti with meatballs. It seemed like her father had finally managed to convince himself that Arithmancy & Divination was a real subject at Hogwarts. Her parents were Muggles and although they had been able to learn and accept a lot of things from the wizarding world, there were still things that puzzled them. Wendy couldn't blame her because she too felt that way at times.

"Have you seen the crystal balls, Clarice? Do you think we can buy one next time we take Wendy to Diagon Alley? I would like to put it in my office at work, as a decoration piece. I think it would be a success!"

Clarisse Mills rolled her eyes. Her husband always tried to bring bizarre items to his office to impress his co-workers and clients. Meanwhile Peter, Wendy's brother, devoured his own spaghetti, without talking. Wendy didn't know why her parents insisted on bringing him to the school. He disliked Hogwarts and anything that had to do with magic. He always thought that Wendy was their parents' favorite because she was a witch, no matter how much they tried to compensate Peter. Their last spoiling action had consisted in buying him one of the most expensive video game console of the market. Wendy didn't approve this, but she had often tried to put herself into Peter's place and she knew she would hate being dragged to Hogwarts if she had to go back to a normal school on Monday.

"I found Marcy Gray's mother at the supermarket the other day," Clarisse said. Marcy had been Wendy's friend at school before she learned she was a witch. "She thought that the two of you should spend some time together, maybe during the spring holidays. What do you think? You two used to be such good friends."

"I'll think about it, mom," Wendy promised. "But I'm not sure. It's been a while since I spoke to Marcy and we are from different worlds now."

"We are from different worlds." Peter imitated her with an acute voice voice, like a parrot would do. "You're so pretentious, Wendy."

Wendy didn't reply. She knew all Peter wanted was to provoke her. Instead she just focused on her meal and tried to be happy with the fact that most of her teachers had praised her performance in class. Their father reprehended Peter for his rudeness, and the Mills continued having their meal at the Great Hall. It was almost like an ordinary family lunch at home, Wendy thought.

(Titus) Inferno
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   04-04-15 14:38

Titus consulted his watch, discretely. He still had to wait an eternity for his uncle and aunt to leave the school's gates. Casper and Cecelia had spoken to all his professors and of course they weren't happy. Now they were giving him a huge sermon about what has been said.

"Your Transfiguration teacher has complained that your spells are very rudimentary. In History of Magic, your essays are quite basic and you brew potions like a first year!"

"You have to work harder. I'm thinking about speaking with the head of your house and scheduled some mandatory study time. And..."

Titus had stopped listing fifteen minutes ago. Now he just hoped time would pass quickly so he could go back to his life and get rid of this inferno. His uncle and aunt were exaggerating. He was very much aware that he was not a great student, but he didn't think he was that bad. Of course he could do better in some subjects, and yes, it was true he struggled more than once with Transfiguration, but if he was in the imminence of failing like Casper and Cecelia made it look like, he would have already been sent to Snape or Quigley's office where his situation would have been discussed. Besides, they seemed to forget all about Professor Ravenscroft's compliments about his performance at Herbology, or how Professor Hodfuffer said he was quite good at translating runes.

"...there will be no more visits to Hogsmeade. Not until your grades get higher. I've already spoken with Professor Snape about this." his aunt informed him.

"What?!" Titus asked incredulous. "You can't do that!"

"We can and we will, young man."

"You're not my mother and father! Nor my brother!" Titus exploded. "You can't forbid me to go to Hogsmeade or tell me what to do."

He was tired of being bossed around by Cecelia and Casper. At first they had been really nice to him, but once they got his guardianship, they seemed to be taking very serious the matter of his education. Hate sprouted from his eyes, as he faced the Hobdays. Titus didn't care who might be assisting to such scene.

"It's already done. And if you continue with this attitude Titus Cadmus Nott, I swear to Merlin your uncle and I will take you out of the school and we will start giving you lessons at home!"

He couldn't believe how unfair they were being. Titus was already planning on writing to Tiberius, pleading him to do something about this. Or even contacting his father at Azkaban. Theodore could have some influence in his uncle and aunt, couldn't he? And if neither Tiberius nor his father could sort this out and make Casper and Cecelia let him continue to go to Hogsmeade, then he would write to the Ministry of Magic.

He started to think about that idea, as he escorted his aunt and uncle to the school's gates. Yes, he would complain to some social worker about the way he was treated. It wouldn't be hard to add a few lies here and there. Like how Casper sometimes lashed out and beat him. Or how frequently Cecelia sent him for bed without having dinner...Titus said farewell to his uncle and aunt, trying to display a sulked look, and at the same time showing he would be willing to improve his grades so he could win his privileges back. He waved goodbye, almost smiling when they left. He directed himself to the Slytherin common room, in order to fetch a quill and some parchment.

He decided to contact the Ministry of Magic right away. Casper and Cecelia would regret this day.

A Study in Contrasts (Peeves)
Author: Abdul Hazrat AlGunud 
Date:   04-05-15 12:41

The Great Hall bustled with parents and their offspring. It was a study in contrasts; the proud parents who praised their children and boasted of their academic prowess, and those parents who were disappointed in their children. The latter group tended be far more quiet. They held hushed conversations in corners of the hall or at tables complete with frowns and stern looks, although raised voices or tears were not unknown.

It was, to a certain poltergeist, a time of both merriment and sadness. So many new faces, so many new opportunities for fun and games. Alas, too few of these folk truly appreciated the jokes. Despite the paucity of encouragement, Peeves would not be deterred from his mission of enlivening the atmosphere of the Great Hall.

Drifting near the ceiling, he surveyed the prospects for mayhem. There was food that could be spilled. Drinks that could be splashed onto the heads of unsuspecting parents (the students were usually well acquainted with the poltergeist's antics). Perhaps a chandelier could be sent crashing to the floor. A glance at one family gave Peeves an idea. They were clustered near the entrance. The parents stood with their backs against the wall, speaking to a first year Hufflepuff. The student's gaze was fixed on the floor, so one could not see her expression. Peeves would have wagered that she looked as unhappy as her parents. The only one of the group who did not seem to be affected by the atmosphere of familial gloom was a youngster tugging at the mother's robes. The wee one (Peeves judged her to be perhaps four years of age or so) was looking longingly at the food laden tables. Although the poltergeist did not eat, he thought her the only sensible one of the bunch. It was high time to break-up this festival of bad humor.

Bow tie jiggling, he moved to the wall above the family gathering. Peeves set to work loosening the rod that held the enormous scarlet and gold tapestry in place. One fastening came loose and the tapestry began to sag. The poltergeist immediately began to work on the other fastening. He glanced about, wondering if anyone had marked his latest endeavor. The wee one, no longer focused on the table, was gazing up at Peeves in wide-eyed wonder. The poltergeist gave the child a wink as the second fastening came off and the tapestry slowly and majestically crumpled to the floor completely enveloping the family standing below, as well two students who happened to be passing by.

"Tapestries may sink, aah but spirits are rising! Hey ho, hey ho!" trumpeted Peeves as he flew about the hall.

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