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Nearly Curtain
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   01-29-12 12:06

Julian walks around the backstage area, double checking that everything is ready. A peek out from one of the stage wings shows a crowd, mostly seated but some standing in conversation. Maybe they should have used the Great Hall this time. Definitely something to keep in mind for next time.

Catching sight of Julian, Lisette Valentine leans over and says something to Grace, who turns, sees him as well and waves. He smiles and waves back then turns as Adriana Fairchild comes up beside him.

"Everyone and everything seems ready. Is that Grace? She's growing so fast!"

"Too fast. She turned eight last month." Julian gives Grace another wave then asks Adriana, "Everyone's sure about the shoes?"

"Positive, so don't go changing them at the last second."

Julian had wanted the silver shoes that are in the original The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz story written by Frank L. Baum but he was outvoted. Aaron Miller had a special viewing at Cloud's Kiss of the 1939 movie and after seeing the ruby slippers in it, most of those involved in tonight's production wanted red as well. Aaron explained to everyone that at the time the movie was made, the ability to have color in films was something extremely new and those making The Wizard Of Oz movie felt that the ruby red color for the shoes would make them really pop out on screen.

Julian makes a face but agrees, "Fine, no transfiguring a color change just as that scene starts."

"How long till curtain?" Amorica Wenlock, one of the extras, asks.

"Less than ten minutes," Adriana replies.

"Just enough time for me to do another quick walk around," Julian says, turning to do just that.

As he works his way around to the other side of the stage, Julian inspects props, costumes, and repeatedly tells those taking part in the production, "Nearly time, get where you are supposed to be for curtain."

When he reaches the other wing, Julian moves to a spot marked on the floor. There's another like it on the floor of the opposite wing. Adriana and he found those are the optimal spots for them to be in to coordinate working the cyclone spell and the special effects to go with it. Some of the spells used tonight for the effects will be done by some of the stage hand students or one actually in the play but the cyclone spell, while not difficult per se, can easily get away from the wielder. Adriana and Julian are going to work it together to better ensure no one gets hurt.

"Three minutes, Dad," Caerwyn says, coming to stand next to Julian, then waving vigorously at spotting his little sister and Charlotte as the lights in the audience began flickering to indicate that anyone still standing should find their seats.

Those three minutes pass quickly. The lights in their make-do theater dim. A hush falls over the audience. It's curtain time!

Hear Me Roar
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   01-29-12 15:16

I still have not figured out how of all my friends I'm the only one who got cast in the play. Isabella, Edith, and Catherine have pitched in making sets and Edith helped Professor Weasley some with costumes but we were all supposed to read for parts. It was all Catherine's idea. On the day of tryouts I ended up reading first and then they said they weren't going to read for parts, that they were only there as volunteer behind the scenes workers. As I'd already done a bit for Professor Fairchild and Mr. Valentine, I couldn't laugh it off and say, "You mean we didn't have to do a reading if we're only going to be backstage volunteers?"

I thought I'd be cast as an extra but in a twisted double cool with knobs way I did not. I rejoice in being cast as the Cowardly Lion yet at the same time I am not sure I wish to be prancing around on the stage in a lion costume being a cowardly coward of a cowardly lion and have my sex god not sure if he's still my boyfriend Sage Porter see me and decide for sure I am not his one and only one.

A short time before curtain I was partially in my lion costume already and in full make-up. In the movie the same person who is the Cowardly Lion also plays a farm hand or something. There's a few others as well and a mean woman wanting to take Dorothy's cute little dog away, plus Professor Marvel who tells fortunes That's all different from the book. The book pretty much launches right into the tornado coming and Dororthy, her aunt, uncle, and dog seeking shelter.

Our play doesn't immediately pick up with the tornado. There's a little bit of an opening though not exactly as in the movie. I don't have to be out there being some sort of farm hand but if I did, I'd be the most farmingest hand there ever was.

I saw Mum, Vati, and the still insanely insane Libby who said I look like our cat Angus only to then inform all those around that I am playing Cheeky Bum Monkey. Let us all hope she is not quite so madly barmy in a few years when it's time to attend Hogwarts.

As the curtain has now gone up, I am in the wings, out of the way, watching and there to help with some of the scenery changes when the time comes.

Prologue & the Cyclone
Author: Ella 
Date:   01-29-12 15:59

The curtain rose to reveal a small, square farmhouse built of lumber and a wooden fence that extended beyond the backdrop and into the wings. The painted backdrop showed farmland––rolling prairies that seemed to have no end.

Three figures and a dog stood on stage: Jasper Jenkins as Uncle Henry, Hydrangea Marchbanks as Auntie Em, and Ella as the star of the show, Dorothy Gale. The dog, a Cairn Terrier on loan from the pet shoppe in the village, was actually called Toto. Ella had grown quite fond of him and was hoping to keep him, though she hadn't made any arrangements to do so yet.

Ella stood apart from the others with Toto in her arms. She looked around the farmyard and into the audience, as if the prairie extended that way too.

"Oh, Toto, I'm so glad that Uncle Henry and Auntie Em took me in and raised me as their own," she said, by way of introduction. Everyone in the audience had a program that introduced the play, but Mr. Valentine and Professor Fairchild thought it a good idea if the actors helped explain the relationships between their characters. Most of the audience wasn't familiar with any version of The Wizard of Oz.

"And yet," Ella went on, nuzzling Toto, "I want more. I don't want to spend every day on this farm, growing tired and old and unhappy… I want to see the world."

The play's introductory scene continued a little while longer and then shifted into something more familiar, for those who already knew the story.

Uncle Henry, played by Jasper, sat on a chair outside the farmhouse and stared uneasily at the sky. It had started to get a little windy.

"There's a cyclone coming," he announced to his wife, played by Hydrangea, and to Ella, who had eventually gone to sit next to Uncle Henry's chair.

He got up. "I'll check on the livestock." Uncle Henry ran off stage to check on the cows and horses.

Auntie Em, meanwhile, beckoned Ella to her. "Quick, Dorothy, to the cellar!"

Ella scrambled to her feet and seized Toto, cradling him to her chest. Auntie Em had already opened up the trapdoor and had started to climb down. Toto, however, jumped from Ella's arms and ran into the house.

"Toto!" Ella cried out, following him instead of following her aunt down the trapdoor.

No sooner had Ella entered the house, did it begin to shake. The audience saw the fantastical cyclone produced by Mr. Valentine and Professor Fairchild, and they saw the house spin around and around and around. They didn't know that Ella and Toto had slipped out through the back and were safely in the wings, watching the house and the cyclone with amazement.

Ella waited for her cue and then slipped back into the back of the house with Toto still in her arms. The set changed from the bland farmscape to something magical, no pun intended. Everything was bright and colorful.

Ella stepped outside the house, yawned big and rubbed at her eyes with the fist not holding Toto, and then surveyed her surroundings.

She caught sight of her father sitting close to the front of the audience. He had the biggest smile on his face. It was contagious, so Ella quickly looked away and pretended to smile at the fantastical set around her.

"Toto," she said to the little dog. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"

Saturday Night At The Play (with Hydrangea)
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   01-29-12 17:58

After descending down some special steps in the stage so that it looked like she was really descending into a storm cellar, Hydrangea went running to do a quick change of costume. She goes from somewhat plain Aunti Em to one of the cutely colorful Munchkins. Part of her Munchkin costume is beneath Aunti Em's but Hydrangea has to get the rest on plus there's the Munchkin hair and make-up. As she's one of the ones in the background and as the Munchkins don't show up right away, she does have a little time. It's not much but at least there's enough that she does get to be a Munchkin. She's an extra at other points in the play but Hydrangea found the Munchkins to be some of her favorite things and was so excited to get to be one.

As she makes the transformation from Auntie Em to Munchkin, Hydrangea thinks that the only drawback to being in the play is that for the actual performance she is missing portions of it. During the initial rehearsals, Hydrangea could watch scenes such as the one going on right now, and while that was fun it was without the full effect of costumes, make-up, props, and special effects. Shed would sometimes go to rehearsals she wasn't required to attend, those that didn't involve any scenes she was in, just to watch. On the other hand, by being part of the play she's gotten to know a few people she hadn't really known before. Hydrangea has found that sometimes even being in a club with some of the kids, especially the older ones, isn't quite the same as working closely with others on something like a play.

Costume change complete, Hydrangea scurries to her assigned spot in one of the wings. She'll only have a short wait before having to quietly hurry onto the stage to get into place for when her Munchkin and some of the others are first seen. For Hydrangea, that means getting in place as part of a flowering bush. She can hardly wait!


In the audience one of the members of the large Hodffufer clan in attendance is Phinfilius. Phin hadn't planned on coming tonight but he'd been at the restaurant today - moping, not working - when Uncle AJ came in. Seeing Phin, AJ had come to sit with him, foregoing a normal greeting for, "Are you still acting like Emerald's breaking up with you is the worst thing to ever happen?"

"No. Okay, yes, but it's not that bad, really."

"Been out with anyone since and those Dynamic Duo groupies don't count."

"No, but I haven't wanted to. I will, eventually, but I love Emerald, Uncle AJ. I can't just forget about that and start up with someone else."

"No one's saying you should, but there's no harm in going on a date now and again. Get to know some other girls. A first love is never easy to get over but if Emerald's not given you any reason to think you two will get back together, you need to start somewhere."

"I know, but this is one of those things that's easier said than done."

"Go out tonight. There are plenty of clubs to choose from."

"I'm not really in a clubbing mood."

"Are you doing anything at all?"

"Not unless one of my friends invites me to eat or something like that."

"So come to the Drama Club play at Hogwarts tonight. It's better than sitting home."

"I don't know. Maybe."

"I'll be waiting at the gate for you. Don't make me wait in the cold for nothing."

Phin had laughed but yet, here he is, sitting with Uncle AJ and several other Hodfuffer relatives. The play is enjoyable so far but he really should start getting out more and and stop counting on the few gigs Dynamic Duo plays to find someone to snog for a night.

In The Wings (Deak & Jack)
Author: Kody 
Date:   01-30-12 21:16

As the Scarecrow, Jack is in a number of scenes. Jack had not initially been going to join Drama Club this year but changed his mind, thinking it would be fun to help build sets and learn about set decoration. He'd never give much thought to trying out for a lead in this term's production. Jack had tried out for one of the extras, mainly because Mr. Valentine and Professor Fairchild encouraged everyone to do at least that much. When the cast list was posted, Jack has been surprised to find his name neatly written in bright purple ink next to the role of Scarecrow.

Like Jack, Deak was more interested in building sets, working to put together scenery. He didn't mind at all only being cast as an extra. What was difficult for a short while was the extra time spent around Etta. Regular club meetings for those that they are both in were a little strained for him plus having play practice on top of all that almost had him begging off taking part.


Deak isn't exactly sure what changed but one day when he and some others were putting together one of the set pieces and others were rehearsing one of the scenes from the play, he'd looked up to watch Etta as Glinda and realized that hard as her breaking up with him as been on him, he wasn't about to let those feelings ruin part of his seventh, and last, year at Hogwarts. He also thought that it was a very good thing that The Wizard Of Oz wasn't a play with romance with Etta in in a role that required kissing.

One act somes to an end to resounding applause. Deak and other extras and stagehands hasten to strike the set and get the stage ready for the next act. As it's not yet intermission, there's little time to do this but being able to use magic helps a great deal. Professor Fairchild or Mr. Valentine could have it all done with one wave of the wand but they won't step in and do that unless there's some problem. It's up to the stagehands to do it, be they Drama Club members or students who wanted to participate with the play but who aren't actual Drama Club members. Mr. Valentine and Professor Fairchild said it's all part of the play experience.

Deak, who's in one of his extra costumes, finishes his part and hurries to stand in the nearest wing. Jack's there, waiting to go on when the cue is given. He grins at Deak, "You've got a smudge on your chin."

"And you are shedding," Deak grins back, grabbing up a handful of the stuff that just fell out of the back of Jack's costume. He shoves it back in even as Jack is having to move to take the stage.

Deak watches for a moment then walks to the dressing area where he knows there are mirrors. He takes care of the smear on his chin, takes a swing by a table set up with drinks and a few snacks to grab some water, then returns to the wing to stand watching a little more of the play until he has to go on stage with a few of the other extras.

Intermission Chit Chat
Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   01-31-12 18:01

During the intermission of the Drama Club's production of The Wizard Of Oz, Dante left his seat just long enough to visit the loo. He's barely sat down again when Celeste Quigley, in the row in front of him, turns with a smile.

"How is your sister?"

"Tamara is well, thank you."

Eugene turns now as well. "I am still trying to figure out who she reminds me of," he says with a chuckle.

Dante holds his hands up and shrugs, a clear, "I wish I could help you," gesture. What he really wants to do is says, "Just drop it already. Don't you have a life?"

"I'm loving this play," Eugene says. "I wasn't familiar with the story before they announced what production they were doing this term."

Celeste nods, "It's so fun! We got a copy of the book it's based on and went to Cloud's Kiss to see the movie when Aaron showed it. But you know that part, you were there. Did you like the movie?"

"It was very entertaining. I'm glad I went."

"We love movies! Eugene and I had never seen any films until Aaron returned to Hogwarts and now we go as often as we're able when he's showing one at Cloud's Kiss."

"When Aaron returned?"

"You know that for two years Albus was not headmaster?"

Dante nods in reply.

"That first year he was gone was my first year on staff here. When I took the job I didn't know it was for Hogwarts and that it was the start of segregating pureblooded students from those who are not. Aaron was arresting when he attempted to help some of the students deemed Nons escape from Hogwarts. The following year was when only purebloods were allowed to attend. After Euphemia Smythe-Jones's government was toppled and Harriet Snider was removed as headmistress here at Hogwarts, Aaron returned to his job here. He probably did films before all that but I've never asked."

"That's very interesting. Was it difficult working here under the circumstances?"

"Extremely, but once I was here and saw how much the students were going to be in need of support, I knew I couldn't give up the job. I've been delighted at being able to stay on since then."

"I'm delighted too. I quite like living here," Eugene chimes in. "How about you? Do you like castle living?"

"I do, actually. It's nice having meals in the Great Hall for those times I don't want to make something myself or go out. My flat is a perfect size for me."

The lights dim and come back on a few times, signaling that the intermission is nearly over. Still smiling, the Quigleys turn back around. Dante uses the remaining time to thumb through the program, reading the synopsis of each act, and thinking that as little as he goes out socially on Saturday nights, coming to the play is an excellent way to pass the time.

(Maggie) From Citizen to Monkey Guard - Busy Extra
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   02-01-12 15:05

Intermission had come and gone, Maggie had been dressed as a Munchkin, and a citizen of Emerald City - in fact, she'd been one of the citizens that worked in the beauty parlor when Dorothy (Ella), the Tin Man (Francis), the Cowardly Lion (Georgia), and the Scarecrow (Jack) had come in. She'd been one of the ones stuffing the Scarecrow with better straw. Now, she was getting ready to be one of the flying monkeys that would help spirit away Dorothy to the Wicked Witch's tower for one of the final scenes.

She originally had been somewhat wishy washy about joining the Drama club considering she'd come in after some of the rehearsals had started, but truth be told, she was loving it and she knew that Lawrence and Ariella as well as a couple other of the Becks were out in the audience watching the play. She helped with some quick set change issues and then took her place in the wings for her entrance into the darkly wooded scene.

The music started playing that signaled the coming of the witch and her flying monkeys. Maggie was going to be one of the monkeys that grabbed Dorothy and took her back to the tower of the Wicked Witch of the West, being played by Catriona Amherst. Soon enough Dorothy was spirited off stage and the last parts of the scene continued before they began getting ready for the next scene, which would involve brief dialogue between Dorothy and the Witch, and in the meantime Maggie and the other extras were changing into their guard uniforms for the coming scenes that were held in the home of the Wicked Witch of the West.

(Francis) Tin Man
Author: Ella 
Date:   02-01-12 18:28

Francis stood offstage and watched as Cat as the Wicked Witch of the West tricked Ella as Dorothy into giving up one of her magic shoes. For those who had seen the film and not read the book, this part of the play was different. In the film, the whole gang came to Dorothy's rescue, though it was still she who vanquished the witch in the end. In the book, the Scarecrow was torn to pieces by the flying monkeys and the Tin Man was dropped from a great height, badly denting his metal body. The Cowardly Lion, however, was also captured, so that the Wicked Witch could harness him like a horse.

The costume Francis wore now was battered, as if he had been dropped onto a pile of craggy rocks. Eventually, he'd find himself on stage again, crumpled on the ground as if dead. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion would find him in his battered and bent state and take him to safety, where a tinsmith would make him right again.

But not yet.

The Wicked Witch of the West wanted Dorothy's slippers. She'd taken Toto from her and was using him as leverage.

"What a nice little dog!" Cat as the Wicked Witch cackled.

"Give him back to me!" Ella cried out.

"I will when you give me those slippers."

Ella frowned deeply. "I can't! I was told not to by the Good Witch of the North."

Cat looked angry and thrust Toto's basket at the nearest flying monkey. "Toss him in the river and make sure he drowns!"

"No, please don't!" Ella cried out desperately. "I'll give you the slippers. Just don't drown my dog!"

The dialogue went back and forth for quite some time. Francis watched Ella proudly from the wings, marveling at how far she'd come in her starring role.

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead (Catriona)
Author: Fionna 
Date:   02-01-12 19:57

No one had been more shocked that Catriona was cast as the Wicked Witch than she had been. As Bianca has always been fond, everyone views Cat as being so nice they sometimes forget she's in Ravenclaw, not Hufflepuff. Christopher has found it all very amusing, not that Cat can blame him. Professor Fairchild did remind Cat the day the cast list was posted that the role is not about one's real personality and character but how well one acts the part. The professor had a very good point and Cat has not only embraced the role of the Wicked Witch but has had a great deal of fun in the process.

Making the whole thing even more enjoyable has been having some of her friends involved. Christopher's even got the part of the Wizard of Oz. Her mum, Blair, and dad, Hamish, are both here. Leslie, her sister, even came without being forced into it. Thora, Dad's girlfriend, whom Cat likes a great deal, is sitting out there as well. Aunt Moira, Uncle Fergus, and Fionna came but Fergus did not. Fionna said his current girlfriend is sucking up all his time and her idea of a Saturday night together does not involve a play at Hogwarts that is "little" cousin is in. Cat bets that if Fergus and Allison, whom Fionna not so fondly keeps referring to as Bitch Face, they would have enjoyed the play more than Allison thought.

Another person missing from Cat's family group is her stepfather Willem. Cat can't say she's upset about that at all. The longer Willem Chang has been part of the family, the less Cat likes him. Leslie feels the same. For a long time Mum never spoke against Willem, not even when he was being hyper critical of Cat or Leslie or those times he'd snidely insinuate that the girls had weight problems, when neither does and for the most part both eat healthily. Sure, the both like snacks and sweets now and then but who doesn't? From what Leslie and Fionna have told Cat, Blair's started disagreeing with Willem. A lot. Maybe that means a divorce is on the horizon. Cat wouldn't mind that at all. It's not that she wants to see her mother go through a second divorce and be unhappy but if it gets Willem out of their lives then it would be worth the distress of a divorce. Plus, Mum would find she's much happier after he's gone, Cat is sure of that.

Cat tiptoes to a spot in the wings where she knows she'll be out of everyone's way but from where she can still see the actors on the stage. A very short time ago her Wicked Witch was killed, melting after Dorothy, as played by Ella Harville, threw a bucket of water on her. In the film that Professor Miller showed to those interested, he said that he thought the effect of the witch melting was done with a part of the floor being lowered but he wasn't sure about that. He did know that's how it was done in some of the stage productions. When considering how to do it for their production, being witches and wizards, the decision was made to use a magic. The spell decided upon is advanced enough that one of the adults handled it. Cat's Wicked Witch appeared to slowly melt before the audience's eyes. At the end of the scene, the curtain was dropped and as the stage scenery was altered for the next scene, Cat was restored to her full self. The sensation of both spells was odd, tingly, and somewhat cool actually. The first time during rehearsal it was done Cat was somewhat scared but after that, she hasn't minded one bit.

The scene about to unfold is in the Emerald City with Christopher's Wizard of Oz a part of it. Cat shifts slightly, wishing she could sit in the audience as she often did during rehearsals, simply because the view is better from there than seeing it in side view from the wings. Still, it's great fun and she hates that it will soon be over. At least there's a cast party afterwards with food and a chance to find out what her family thought of her performance.

Backstage Conversation
Author: Errol 
Date:   02-02-12 15:33

Though not officially a member of the Drama Club, Errol ended up going to one of the meetings for the casting of The Wizard Of Oz. He'd signed up to help with scenery, lighting, and that sort of thing and, when asked by the club sponsors, agreed to be an extra if needed. Being part of rehearsals and building sets has allowed him to get to know a few more people better but Errol is still leary about making friends. He supposes he could call his roommates friends at this juncture and Megara Flynn too. Not close friends but more than acquaintances.

His part as an extra pretty much over, Errol sits backstage, keeping watch for any help that might be needed with sets or whatever during this last bit of the play. He looks up as Megara, also an extra, plops down next to him, offering him a drink of water.


"Going to stay for the after party?"

"Yeah, I guess. You?"

"Of course. My parents are here and want a picture of me in one of my costumes. I told them we took pictures of everyone in all their costumes but you know how parents are."

Errol says nothing to this. Megara, realizing her faux pas, looks chagrined. "Sorry. I spoke before I thought."

"It's okay."

Megara frowns as if giving herself a mental chastising. After a few seconds of silence between then she asks, "Did you let your uncle know you were in a play?"

"No. He wouldn't have come so I didn't bother."

"Did he really show up yelling a few days after Professor Batuti died?"

"People know about that?"


"He's not really so bad, you know? Uncle Ross used to come cheer me on at track meets and swim meets, and if I did something like tonight he'd be there in the audience, front row. Uncle Ross would rearrange his entire work schedule so he wouldn't miss something I was involved in."



"Is everything different now because of those kids thought were your friends?"

Errol nods. "That's it exactly. Uncle Ross is disappointed with me."

"There's a lot more to that story."

"Yeah." Errol stares at a spot where someone's legs are visible in a gap between the backstage curtain and the floor. Maybe it's time to tell someone the whole story. Someone who seems willing to hear him out. Maybe even believe him. "Megara, I'll tell you more but this isn't really the time. One day next week, okay?"

"Yes, I'd like that." Wishing to lighten the mood somewhat Megara, who by now Errol knows has a crush on Deacon Bennett, looks over to where the seventh year and some others are standing, talking as quietly as Errol and she so as not to interfere with the dialogue on stage. "You think I have a chance with Deak now that Etta and he have been broken up a few weeks now?"

"I don't know. Maybe. You're nice, funny, and pretty so why wouldn't you have as much a shot as anyone else?"

"Soooo, you'd date me?" She suddenly laughs. "I LOVE making you blush."

"Did I say you were nice? I meant to say you are mean."

Megara laughs again, trying not to be overly loud. She jumps up. "Come on. Everyone will need to be in place soon for curtain."

Errol gets to his feet and follows. As he stands with other extras waiting for the finale and the bows they will all make, Errol casts a sideways glance at Megara, hoping he's not made a mistake in telling her he'll give her the full story.

An Idea
Author: Majandra 
Date:   02-02-12 22:34

Majandra had worked closely with Julian and Adriana to come up with the costumes for their Wizard of Oz production. Seeing the costumes on stage with the completed sets, Maj is rather proud of how everything turned out. Miranda loved the costumes too. She sat in the audience with her father, wearing her own Flying Monkey costume. She's also requested that Mummy make her some other clothes like those worn in the play. Between her regular work, the costumes for the play and for her family for the Halloween feast, being one of the Photography Club sponsors, her two children, husband, housework, and so on, Maj had Miranda and Georgie each pick one costume they wanted her to make with a promise to make them more when the play was done. Georgie, boy that he is, was quite taken with the lion outfit, though he informed Maj, "Me not a cow-herd, Mummy."

Georgie and Miranda both came to the play tonight, but as they thought would happen Georgie fell asleep part way through. Miranda, on the other hand, was enthralled. She is still wide awake and more than a little wired. Georgie is still passed out, curled up on a cushion with a blanket, oblivious to the after party going on around him.

Maj helps Miranda get a little more food then has her daughter sit down to eat. Deciding she'd like to eat as well, Maj gets a plate and moves down one of the tables, debating what all to get.

"It all looks good, doesn't it?"

"I hadn't realized just how hungry I was until helping Miranda get a second helping of a few things."

Adriana Fairchild smiles, head giving a slight shake. "I vividly remember you as one of my students yet here you are with a five year old daughter."

"Time flies. George and I have been married eight years now."

Adriana chuckles. "You're going to make me feel old."

"You're hardly that. I have something to run by Julian and you."

"Yes, what's that?"

"With Hogwarts allowing costumes at Halloween most years and from time to time have a fancy dress event for other occasions, why don't we allow students who need something to wear for those events to check out a costume? We have costumes from productions going years back. There are even some from your Midsummer Night's Dream."

"I didn't realize that. I do like your idea. I can't see why Julian wouldn't agree so we'd just need to get Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall to sign off on it."

"I'll take care of it, but after I eat a little something."

Maj finishes fixing a plate, returning to sit with her Flying Monkey to eat.

Let's Keep This Between Us
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   02-02-12 23:32

Returning to the common commons from walking his parents to the main entrance hall, Christopher stands just inside the door for a moment, looking around. Though he'd changed out of his costume awhile ago - he'd been the Wizard of Oz - some have not so the room is a mix of bright costumes, students in their weekend clothes, and family members dressed for a nice Saturday night out. Not immediately spotting Cat, Christopher walks over to one of the food tables where a couple of his friends are standing.

Luke Dawson has a piled high plate but is still looking to heap more on it. "You going to be up for some Quidditch tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure, if it doesn't rain. Who else is playing?"

"Me," Hunter Rabnott says. "Dunno who else. Luke's just started asking around."

"What time?"

"How about after lunch, so say one?"

"Works for me." Christopher picks up a plate and gets some food, moving off to get a drink and find somewhere to sit and eat. When his parents were still here he'd snacked a little but it was more the grab and go variety, eaten while standing around talking.

He's no sooner settled comfortably, savoring one of the roast beef sandwich quarters he'd selected, when Leslie Amherst sits down so close her hip touches his.

"Hello, Christopher. Well done tonight."


"You really like my sister, don't you?"

"Um, yes."

"You know I haven't been supportive of you two as a couple." Leslie states this rather than asks.


"Catriona told me you two are just friends but I'm betting there's more to it than that. I told her as much. It's not up to me though to lay down rules for Cat so I will have to accept the fact that you are her boyfriend."


Leslie scooches in a little closer. "So, tell me, are you two doing the deed?"

Choking on the sip of punch he's just taken, Christopher thinks he must have misunderstood. "Excuse me?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't pretend you don't."

"Cat's only fourteen."

"Yes, but you are fifteen and a fifteen year old boys tend to have one track minds. So, are you two ?"

"You really think she... we ?"

"Some girls do at that age. I should know."

"What? You mean that you ? At that Cat's age?"

"Let's keep that between us, shall we? Now, as my sister is determined to have a steady, and as I know how the minds of people your age work, if you are not yet doing the deed, you've thought about it. If you two decide to take the plunge there's nothing I can do or say to prevent it, so please take precautions. Hell, I'll even buy the condoms for you."

By this time Christopher's face is so hot he thinks it might just melt off. The heat has burned away his voice. All he can do is sit staring goggle eyed at Leslie. She smiles and pats his knee. "Something else to keep just between us, 'kay?"

She winks at him and gets up, sashaying off. It's a good ten minutes before Christopher finds his voice and the flame of embarassment in his cheeks begins cooling off.

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