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(Mumbai, India) Important Meeting
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   02-17-13 06:04

"Good Morning Mr. Singh." I said as we entered the foyer of the orphanage in the heart of Mumbai.

"Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. It is a pleasure to see you as always."

"We are looking forward to meeting the girls today, and working on getting things finalized." Dex said as they headed into the office.

"Tea? Coffee?"

"Tea would be wonderful, thank you."

"Tea please."

"Very well. Dita, please bring in tea for the Morgans and myself."

That said, we turned our attention to the matter at hand. "There are a few things that need to be gone over before we introduce you to the girls you have chosen. As you know in the coming weeks I will be doing a home visit to ensure that the household we will be sending the children to is one that is suitable."

"Of course Mr. Singh, we expected that and are prepared for it."

"Very good, now are there any questions that you have for me at this current time?"

"Not at this time, I think most of our questions have been answered over the past few meetings and owl correspondence." I said with a light smile, sliding a hand over my belly, and lightly squeezing Dex's hand.

"Very well then, I will have Dita set up tea for you in the small meeting room across the way and then I will go get the girls."

He rose and led us across the hall to the small meeting room that was also furnished with a few toys and things that the children could play with while meeting their prospective parents.

"I will return momentarily."

"I can't believe we are going to meet them today. I wish we could take them home today too, but that isn't possible as things aren't finalized yet."

"I know sweetie, but soon enough we will have the two of them and the new baby to keep us busy and keep us on our toes." Dex pulled me into his arms and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before we sat down at the table.

Moments later the door opened and in walked Mr. Singh followed by two beautiful little girls. Jui Charisma aged five and Karma Jade aged three.

"Hello girls." I said with a light smile. "My name is Karma and this is Dexter. We want to be your mummy and daddy."

"Hello." Dex said with a smile as he looked the girls over and we both knew in that moment that we were totally in love with them.

The first few minutes passed in awkward shyness from all, but ultimately we were talking and playing by the end of the meeting. We'd even brought each of the girls a small gift when we'd come for this initial meeting.

Jui was now the proud owner of a crimson pygmy puff. While Karma was now the proud owner of a violet pygmy puff. They were soft, fluffy and easy to take care of and we'd already gotten permission from Mr. Singh to bring them. Each girl also had been given a new sari to wear when we brought them home when things were finalized.

"Alright, it is time to go. We will be back to get you soon girls." Dex said as we started to get ready to leave.

"Mumu!" Karma said as she demanded to be picked up, and I obliged her, picking her up and cuddling her.

"I will see you soon sweet one. Be good until Daddy and I come for you okay?"

She nodded and sniffled, before she would slip down before Jui came over and gave us each a hug before she and her sister headed back to their room.

(Aralyn) The Box
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   02-17-13 08:40

Aralyn swung open the door to her room at the Hogsmeade Inn, where she lived when she wasn't at the family home in Ashton-Hotwell. It served as a retreat, a place she could go when she wanted to avoid her overbearing and often moody twin brother. She hadn't spent the night at the inn in quite some time, however––not since Charlotte had come to live with her and Kristos.

She had come home to retrieve the box of Christmas ornaments she had taken from the house. Over breakfast that morning, Kristos had asked Charlotte if she wanted a Christmas tree. Although Charlotte still didn't feel quite at home with Aralyn and Kristos, the thought of a giant Christmas tree had seemed to please her.

They'd set out to find the perfect tree, marching up and down rows of planted blue spruces, fraser firs, lodgepole pines and noble firs, with Charlotte herself determining which tree would suit their needs. She selected a majestic noble fir, tall and well-formed, with the most aromatic of smells. Kristos cut it down, and now it stood in the living room, waiting to be decorated.

Aralyn pulled the box of ornaments from where she'd left it against the wall beneath the window that faced the narrow alley between the inn and the botanical shop next door and knelt to sort through it. Her own cursory inspection of the box several months ago had not cleared it of the dust and spider carcasses no doubt hidden within it. Aralyn did not want to cause Charlotte any further discomfort; it was hard enough keeping her happy while separated from Lysander.

Suddenly, the box started trembling and emitting a faint, white light. Aralyn drew her hands back, frowning. The trembling grew more severe, and the light grew brighter, almost blinding her.

"What the fu––" she started, but before she could finish the expletive, a body materialized out of nowhere, and a foot kicked her directly in the jaw.

Aralyn flew back, hitting the side of her bed, which was mercifully soft and only caused her to bounce forward and land on her bottom on the floor. The bright light had disappeared, but Aralyn could only see spots before her eyes. She tasted blood in her mouth.

"Where––?" said a voice raspy from disuse.

Aralyn still couldn't see properly and rubbed her eyes in a vain effort to clear her vision. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" she asked, scrambling backwards, and finding her way blocked by the bed behind her.

The wizard looked discombobulated and glanced around the room as if he had never seen it before or anything like it. His eyes found the door and he hastened to his feet, nearly tripping on the hem of his smoke gray robes. He yanked open the door and fled the room.

Aralyn rapidly blinked her eyes. The spots had started fading, and she could make out everything again. The box of Christmas decorations was overturned, and some of the precious bird ornaments she remembered from her childhood were broken.

She climbed to her feet and tripped to the door, looking out into the hallway but seeing nobody there. Whoever the wizard was, wherever he had come from, he was there no longer.

She turned and closed the door behind her, making way for the bathroom to assess the damage done to her face. There was an ugly mark on her jaw, and her bottom lip was bleeding.

She used tissue to blot her lip and then returned to the box to see if there was anything salvegable she could bring back to Charlotte. While she sifted through the ornaments, most of which were destroyed, she wondered who the wizard was and how he had come to be in her box.

Afternoon at Home
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   02-17-13 10:45

Rose sat in the vividly scarlet bouncer Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur had given her to welcome her into the world and stared up at the ceiling, which Hermione had enchanted with shooting stars. The silver, streaming streaks of light kept her attention, while her parents busied themselves with other tasks around the house.

Ron swept a brightly colored, feathered cat teaser back and forth in front of the two cats, who were near each other in a corner of the living room. Hero made himself small and rocked on his hind legs, ready to pounce. Crookshanks, however, remained calmly seated on his plush cat bed and regarded the younger cat with disinterest. His orange eyes nonetheless followed the cat teaser's every movement.

Hermione sat on the sofa with a writing desk in her lap and replied to the various correspondences she had received over the last few days. Some were belated congratulatory notes on Rose's birth. Others were early invitations to Christmas parties and New Year's festivities. There was even one from Medina Claggett, Head Healer of the Spell Damage floor at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Hermione had not yet returned to work, but she did not intend on using all of her maternity leave. Although she adored every moment she had with Rose, Hermione was an eager beaver who could never be happy as a mere stay-at-home mum. She looked forward to returning to work soon.

Medina's letter had arrived around lunchtime, and Hermione had only just now sat down to read it. Medina wrote:

Dear Hermione,

I hope all is well with you and your little one. Enjoy your time with her. She will be grown before you know it.

I thought you would be interested to know that early this morning, a maintenance witch was arrested for the murders of the Muggle-born patients. Although it shouldn't be this way, we tend to overlook the staff who keep the hospital clean and sterile. They slip in and out unnoticed, often because we are too busy to even stop for a second to say hello or good morning.

After our exhaustive efforts to review every healer and nurse who came into contact with the deceased patients proved unsuccessful, it occurred to me that there were others who had access to their rooms. I won't go into detail here how I made the discovery, but you can be comforted in knowing that there will be no more murders at St. Mungo's. I suspect the news will appear in the Evening Prophet, if not the Sunday Edition of The Daily Prophet tomorrow morning.

Give my best to your family.

Medina Claggett
Head Healer - Spell Damage
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Hermione put the letter down and turned to Ron, who was still waving the cat teaser around, only this time with Hero danging at the bottom. The plastic wand in Ron's hand had started to bend, but so far it appeared to be holding.

"You'll never guess what happened," Hermione said to him, and she proceeded to tell him the story.

"I wonder who did the arrest," said Ron after she finished. "Harry, you think?"

"He's off today," Hermione replied, apparently knowing everybody's work schedule, even when many of them kept irregular schedules. "I think they were going to get family portraits done today."

Little Jamie was positively adorable, and Hermione was glad he was so close in age to Rose. Hopefully the pair would be as good friends as all their parents. Hermione looked over at Rose, who was still in the bouncer, eyes following the shooting stars moving across the ceiling. She tried to imagine what she and Jamie would be like at eleven years old, starting at Hogwarts...

Part Of The Play (Daniel & Eden)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   02-17-13 11:09

His part in the play, that of a character called Unctuous Von Smoog whom others tend to call Von Smug, completed Daniel Gelson starts for one of the dressing rooms to change only to slip out a side door to stand against one wall so he can watch some of the play. One of his favorite parts is coming up and he'd miss it if he were to get out of costume right now.

The costume is a dark gray wizarding robe with pale blue pinstripes. It's got a high waist that what tapers in,but has extra wide shoulders that are padded. Underneath is a crisp buttoned shirt to match the gray, a tie, matching vest, trousers of the same gray and pinstripe as the robes that are wide-legged yet fitted at the ankle, and the robes have what Daniel thinks of as weird, wide lapels. There is a long, long watch fob chain that hangs down as well. The shoes are pointy and there is a hat, specifically a fedora, that has feather. Professor Weasley told him the costume is modeled after a Wizarding fashion from the 1940s that was in turn modeled after a Muggle fashion called a zoot suit.

Unctuous Von Smug is an older chap who thinks he's extremely dapper and currently hip to whatever is in fashion. He also thinks he's an expert on most subjects and never admits to being wrong about anything, hence the reason why he's called Von Smug behind his back. Though, according to the biographical character information and things said in the play, Unctuous Von Smug had indeed been a dapper fellow, cutting a trim figure in his youth, he's taken to a doughiness. Now in his 50s, Unctuous Von Smug is as padded as the shoulders of his robes. Daniel finds the padding somewhat stifling but he can endure it a few minutes longer to see his favorite scene in The Crusty Cauldron.

Before heading backstage to finally change, Daniel gives a smile to his cousin Eden, who's sitting nearby and who'd looked his way just as he was about to return backstage. Eden had thought of trying out for a bit part in the play but ended up deciding she wanted to help with the production without actually being in it. She helped create the sets and props, having a grand time in the process. Sitting beside her is her brother Jasper. He too had worked on building sets while Alastor had tried out for, and gotten, a speaking part.

Alastor's role isn't a main one but it's also not a bit part. Every time he's come on stage Eden hasn't been able to stop herself from giggling at his appearance. Her oldest brother can, at times, be a little stodgy and stuck up. Full of himself as Jasper puts it. The character, Patchouli, is usually barefoot, has long flowing locks with braids throughout and, to Eden's great amusement, flowers entwined in those braids. He seems so laid back that he might fall over asleep at any moment. His clothing is fringed with bright colors and the flair of each holey jeaned leg is so wide that Eden can't see how Alastor can properly walk with two such flairs.

Working on the play has been enjoyable enough that Eden knows she wants to be part of the next play, and maybe she'll even try out for a part next time.

Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   02-17-13 11:40

Rowan leaned against a wall backstage, not far from the ramp that led to the wings located stage left so that she could hear the performance still taking place. She had already given her measly five lines and did not appear in the rest of the play, but she would, of course, participate in the curtain call.

Beatrix had been right about the play being something worthwhile. Rowan had felt a thrill at being onstage. Not once had she thought that those in the audience could see right through to the real her, something that frequently tormented her even when she wasn't being deliberately obtrusive.

Her sister had been in the audience, along with the Finches, who had come to support Rowan in her first ever acting endeavor. They had been some of the loudest to laugh at her antics on stage. She appreciated them very much and felt so lucky that they had entered her life. If she never saw her real parents again, then at least she would feel comforted in having Cyrus and Elgiva Finch as stand-ins.

Little did she know that her real father had just surfaced in Hogsmeade, lost and wild. He stumbled out of the Hogsmeade Inn, out into the cold and the darkness. It was winter and the sun set terribly early this time of year.

Linden Westwick seemed to recognize his surroundings, even if they didn't look quite as he remembered them. He saw Hogwarts Castle towering in the distance, the windows glowing yellow in the night.

The witches and wizards out and about gave him odd looks as they passed him. He was underdressed and wore a crazed expression on his face. Who was this madman, shivering in the darkness and looking as if something had gone terribly wrong? But something had gone right for a change. The curse had broken and Linden was himself again.

Marchbanks Siblings
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   02-17-13 14:18

As part of his future plan to be the British Minister for Magic Barontaine Marchbanks has involved himself with the Drama Club. He tried out for, and got, one of the main roles in production of The Crusty Cauldron. Having the ability to perform before others, keeping his cool, and remembering what he's there to do is a desirable trait. Having the nuanced skill of acting without appearing to be putting on an act is also an asset to someone who, in the course of his duties in office, would need to be able to speak with journalists and reporters while not necessarily giving away certain details. Details that could be revealed simply by being unable to hide emotions. As with everything else in his life, Baron gave taking part in the play a great deal of thought.

As planned out as he has his future and as much thought and energy he puts into ensuring that plan will be fulfilled once he reaches adulthood and becomes part of the Ministry of Magic's workforce, Baron does know how to enjoy himself and have a good time. Being part of the play allowed him to develop a comraderie with certain students he wouldn't have had any reason to get to know beyond the occasional hello in passing. He's also enjoyed learning how to deliver comedic lines of dialogue for full effect. Anyone who doubts that's a skill only needs to have the same joke told by different people. Some would get the desired reaction while others would be met with forced chuckles, if that, simply because the delivery was lacking in some way. Baron has taken part in the Drama Club productions before and had fun then as well, but learning how to be in a comedy this time around has been fun.

Leontine Marchbanks, sitting in the audience with his parents and younger brother Cornington, heartily laughs at a line just spoken by his older brother. Leo helped with some of the sets, both getting them constructed as well as painting them. He will probably help again next time there's a play that requires set building but Leo isn't sure he'd try out for a part. If he did, he'd want to start small, either one of those background characters who doesn't speak and is just there to fill out a scene for some reason, or someone who only has a line or two. On the other hand, during each intermission Cornington has gone on and one about how when he gets to Hogwarts he's joining Drama Club straight away and trying out for every part he's able. But, then, Cornington has always loved being the center of attention. Leo wonders from time to time if that has anything to do with Corny being the younger of the four.

The only girl of the bunch doesn't mind being in the spotlight but she also is fine if not in it. Hydrangea chose to try out for The Crusty Cauldron, reading for a part that has several lines and though isn't a main character have one key scene. Hydrangea got the part, a character called Matilda, but she also helped with the costuming. She would very much like to be as good a seamstress as Professor Weasley one day. She has no idea how the professor found time as a student to make good grades, or so Hydrangea hears, and be the sort of student who goes on to become a potions mistress, be married her last year of school, raise two children and have pets, and be a good cook, or so Hydrangea thinks based on snacks Professor Weasley brings every now and then, and still have time to become such a good seamstress. She knits and crochets too. Hydrangea supposes that once reaching adulthood and being able to use magic when sewing or knitting or doing other crafts is greatly helpful, but to be really good at any of it a person still has to have a good grasp of the basics, which for an underage witch or wizard means doing it by hand.

Heading off stage right after delivering one of her handful of lines, Hydrangea returns to the dressing room for a slight costume change for her final scene. There, she finds a bouquet of flowers along with her name written in large letters on a card. Breathing in the sweet scent she reminds herself to be sure and thank her parents for the flowers before they leave once the play has ended.

(Dexter) Mumbai, India: From Meetings to Mother-In-Laws
Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   02-17-13 18:02

Dexter and Karma reluctantly left the orphanage and stopped outside to reflect on the meeting with their future daughters. The moment the girls stepped into the room, Karma and Dexter knew they were meant to be their children. The girls were both beautiful, and from what they had learned about their history their mother was young and didn't live in an ideal situation. Jui was pretty mellow for a five year old, and seemed to be a bit more mature for her age. Maybe because she had helped to take care of her younger sister? Then there was little Karma. She was three years old and had somewhat of a feisty attitude once she opened up to new people. She was already bonding with her new mother, and could be a little demanding when she wanted attention.

"They're perfect, Kar. Jui is such a sweetheart, she's brilliant too, I can tell." Dex couldn't help the grin as he spoke of the girls they just met.

Karma couldn't help but grin at her husband. "Already the gloating father, Dexter?"

"Of course. Those are our kids, our daughters, they are amazing little ones. KJ is already turning out to be a Mummy's Girl though."

"Indeed they are." She leaned into Dex again, fighting a slight wave of nausea that hit her. "KJ? That's a cute nickname for Karma, sweetie."

Dexter nodded in agreement. "Thanks babe. That way I won't get confused as to which Karma I'm talking to." He leaned in to kiss her, then wrapped and arm around her waist.

"So I was thinking do you want to go see my parents while we are here?"

Dexter quirked an eyebrow at his wife, "Do you think your Mother wants to see me? We can go though. Maybe telling them about their future grandchildren will help soften your Mum a bit?"

"Of course, grandchildren will always soften my mother. I'm her only child, and even though you are a heathen, you are still helping give her grandchildren. She will get over it one day, I hope. I love you, Dex."

"I love you too Karma. At least you married a cute heathen. Now, off to your parent's house? Are you feeling up to apparating?"

Karma laughed and nodded. "We might as well, though I may still get a touch nauseated."

"Just hold on to me and close your eyes." Dexter pulled Karma close against him and held her close as they side-alonged to the Davyds home. They appeared in the middle of the living room and Karma took a few steps towards the couch. The nausea overtook her though and she inevitably threw up.

"Mama?" Karma sunk down onto the couch, and announced their arrival to Asha and Vikram.

Dexter quickly drew his wand to clean up the rug. "Hello Vikram, Asha."

The Davyds stepped into the living room and Asha frowned at her daughter, making sure to ignore Dexter. "Are you alright Karma?"

"I'm fine Mum. Apparating doesn't sit well with pregnancy."

"I'll get you a cup of tea hon. That should help a bit." Vikram moved towards the kitchen to bring in tea for everyone.

"Thank you Papa."

Asha was getting a bit restless having the heathen in her home. "Now dear, to what do we owe the pleasure of the visit?"

Dexter took a seat beside his wife, "We just came from the orphanage. We had our first meeting with the children we're adopting. They're beautiful little girls.

Karma snuggled against Dex, the nausea fading thanks to the tea. "They are gorgeous, ages five and three years old."

Asha blinked at Dexter, and turned her attention towards her only daughter. "You mean they are accepting of a mixed marriage?" The air in the room suddenly went icy and Dex instinctively tensed.

Vikram stepped in and attempted to calm his wife. "Asha! That is enough! Personally I am looking forward to meeting our grandchildren. I am also happy you decided to adopt from home, Karma."

Karma closed her eyes and massaged her temples as the stress level rose in the room. "Mother, it is time you stop acting like a child and treating my husband like he is some form of heathen after everything he has been willing to do for your acceptance. No I am not going to divorce him, ever. So deal with it please?"

Dexter couldn't help but say something now. "Of course they accepted a mixed marriage; they want the children in loving homes, that's all that matters. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't upset my wife, Asha. You are lucky that I am being polite and sitting her taking the insults you have thrown at me! Now would you care to know more about the children? Or are you going to keep being a brat?"

Asha just stood there for a moment, taking in what her son-in-law had just said. She looked to her husband who only shook his head; he wasn't going to defend her this time. "I am sorry I upset you."

Karma watched her mother for a bit, unsure of what to say for a moment. "Apology accepted, now the longer you act civil to my husband the better your relationship with your grandchildren will be, Mother."

Dex relaxed a bit as the tension eased a bit, and no one had drawn their wands yet. They talked for awhile about the history they had been told about KJ and Jui, and more about the girls themselves. Their mother had been relatively young, and didn't live in the best situation. The father wasn't a nice man, and their mother was grateful she got the girls to safety; they deserved a chance at a happy life.

"Oh, this is them." Dex handed over moving photographs they had taken with the girls today.

Asha traced a finger over the photos; there was something special about these girls. As much as she disliked her son-in-law she was being blessed with three grandchildren. "Thank you, Dexter. May we keep one of these?"

Dex nodded in affirmation. "Sure, which ever you would like." He was honestly a little shocked when Ash picked the photo of Karma, the girls and himself. They continued to talk for a few minutes before ultimately having to head home. The family exchanged goodbyes and Dexter and Asha even hugged briefly.

"Take care, both of you…"

"Thanks, Asha. We will, and I can't wait for you guys to meet the girls." He and Karma decided to floo home, as it made her less queasy and settled into bed after a light dinner.

"Well that day was amazing, our girls will be here soon, along with the baby, and your mother actually hugged me. You know we should start getting their rooms ready this week too."

"We can work on that, darling. Right now, let's get some sleep and enjoy the rest of our weekend." She leaned over to kiss him before drifting off to sleep. Dexter smiled and easily drifted off as well, the memories of the day playing over in his head.

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