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10 Points For Gryffindor and No Snitch
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   10-03-07 05:41

Orei had been up since just before dawn. She'd been down at the gates, waiting to meet Aidan and Troy who were coming to watch the match. Both disguised some, and wearing Gryffindor colors.

"Thanks for coming guys." Orei said, walking with the pair of them toward the pitch and locker rooms. She knew the game was going to be difficult, because everyone was so tense over the new rules and things passed by the Ministry, and the fact that the Gryffindor team had a non on it.

She first got Aidan and Troy seated near Maddie, Artemis, and Titus (who were thrilled for the chance to sit near the two wizards and quidditch players), then headed to the locker room to change into her uniform. She heard Gabby's voice and smiled, was always interesting to hear Quidditch announced in such an accent as Gabby's. Taking to the air, she would indicate Aidan's and Troy's location to Jarod, letting him know that they'd arrived and such.

She then put her mind to the game. She stayed still for several long moments, hovering above most of the players who were zig zagging with the quaffle and trying not to get beaten with bludgers all at the same time. She caught a glimpse of something shimmering in the sun and darted forward, reaching out, snatching it, knowing well that Cornelia, the Slytherin seeker, was right behind her. It was yet another piece of gold foil...someone was no doubt eating chocolate coins and letting the wrappers float away on the breeze. Damn it!

She shrugged and took to the air again, looking down over everyone once more, trying in the overcast haze to catch sight of the shimmering, flitting, golden snitch. She'd occasionally dip lower, this time, dipping low enough to watch Slytherin score their first goal off of Ronan...unfortunate that, but the game was still early. Everyone was now down at the other end of the pitch, Orei watched, gaze drifting from mass of players in crimson and gold, black and silver, and attempted to find the one shimmering ball of gold that would give Griffindor 150 points.

She saw Cornelia dive for something and went after the wouldn't be the snitch but again one of those damned golden wrappers glinting in the barely there sunlight of such an overcast and icy day. Definitely going to be a hot soup day for lunch once the game was over.

Francis currently had the quaffle, and Jarod and Bailey were doing their damnedest to keep the Slytherin chasers away from him. But Basil and Phillipa were relentless. Mortimer tried to snatch the quaffle from Francis as he passed it to Etta, missing horribly and nearly falling from his broom. Etta passed the quaffle quickly to Wiggy and he made the shot to the hoops.

Every Gryffindor player held their breath, releasing it only when the quaffle sailed effortlessly past Alexa Wenlock and right into the hoop. Deafening cheer rose from the stands as the match was effectively tied now at 10-10.

Berengaria got the quaffle when it was thrown back into the game and quickly started making a beeline for the opposite end of the pitch.

It Doesn't Matter
Author: Jared 
Date:   10-03-07 14:18

Massaging his shoulder where Basil's just smacked him with a bludger, Jared shakes his head. Basil's not committed any foul by hitting Jared - several times already - but that doesn't mean Jared has to like how his cousin is playing the game. There's stragegic hits with the bludger and then there are just hits. Basil has done more of the latter so far and frankly Jared is getting tired of it.

Seeing his cousin connecting with a bludger, Jared puts his broom in motion, knowing without watching where the bludger is heading that Basil's aiming again for Etta. Jared puts himself between Etta and the bludger, knocking the ball into Berengeria. A scowling Basil hastens to get to the same bludger to thwack it again but Jared's already on it.

Etta had stolen the quaffle from Berengeria and with Francis and Wiggy helping, she's now set up for a goal attempt. Jared sends the bludger at Alexa, hitting it not to smack into the young Slytherin but to make her draw back to avoid it. She does just that as Etta shoots. Jared is off after the other bludger, listening for the sounds of cheering to tell him of Etta's scored.

Happy screams and Gabby announcing, "Julietta Weenboure scores for Gryfeendor! Ze score eez now 20 Gryfeendor, 10 Sleethereen!"

Jared grins as he comes up on the other bludger, he circles around it, getting his bat ready. A girl's voice carries on the wind to him, "Not so fast, Weenbourne," Philippa says, exagerrating his name out, mocking Gabby's way of pronouncing it.

Jared is forced to do a half barrel roll. It's that or be hit by Philippa's bat. Much as it would be nice to let Gryffindor have a foul shot, Jared's not going to deliberately allow himself to be smashed upside the head by a bat wielded by an opposing team member. Philippa cackles at Jared does the roll then gleefully informs him, "With a Non on your team, we're ensured a victory."

Jared looks levelly at Philippa. "You've a Non on your team too."

Philippa looks confused for a moment then realization dawns. "Bloody hell. I keep forgetting she's not one of us anymore."

Jared rolls his eyes, "Admitting that it doesn't matter."

Philippa grimaces, "Something like that but if you ever tell anyone I said so your head and my bat will find a way to connect afterall."

Jared laughs, always pulling away to go chase down one of the bludgers, "Whatever you say, Philippa."

Blurting (Etta)
Author: Jared 
Date:   10-03-07 16:51

Etta does an unintentional loop de loop as she chases after Mortimer, currently in possession of the quaffle, avoids running into Griet, and flies out of the way of a bludger sent courtesy of dear, sweet cousin Basil. Etta's not able to grab the much sought red ball from Mortimer but she is able to make him lose his grip on it.

There's a mad scramble as the six chasers dive after the quaffle, made all the more chaotic by both bludgers being sent into the middle of it all. Etta takes a hard hit to her shin but that doesn't slow her pursuit of the quaffle. Francis emerges triumphant only to have Griet take it right back. Wiggy in turn snatches it from Griet, taking off too quickly for one of the Slytherins to grab it right back again.

Etta climbs to avoid another bludger hit then levels off, slightly more elevated than Griet. She lies low over her broom and shoots briskly forward, trying not to shiver overly much in the arctic air. Etta pours on the speed, coming up almost even with Griet. The other girl knows Etta is there just a little above her but no matter how fast she goes, can't pull away from Etta.

Etta dips down, one arm extended, fingers touching the quaffle when Griet. Griet seems to wobble and next thing Etta knows her broom handle is knocking against Griet's and Coach Batuti is blowing a whistle. The call, when it's announced shortly after by Gabrielle Delacour is, "Blurteeng! Foul by Julietta Weenbourne of Gryfeendor!"

Etta frowns. She hadn't intentionally locked broomhandles with Griet but that's what happened so as far as Coach Batuti is concerned, intentional or not, it's a foul. As Etta flies into the position Jared told her she's to take when there's a foul shot being made by the other team, she wonders if Griet will take the shot or if Mortimer will have Berengeria do it or as team captain take it himself.

**Blurting is locking broom handles with another player to pull him or her off course.**

Foul Shot
Author: Griet 
Date:   10-03-07 19:13

Griet knew that Julietta hadn't intentionally locked broom handles with her––that it had simply happened during the intensity of the match––but she also knew that Coach Batuti would still call it a foul, whether done purposefully or not, so there was no point in arguing it... not that Griet would, considering the foul was definitely in Slytherin's favor and she wanted to win more than anything.

She looked to Mortimer who would determine the Slytherin chaser to take the foul shot. To her surprise, he nodded to her to take the position. Griet flew to the invisible foul line and locked eyes with Ronan Eastwick, the Gryffindor keeper.

The Pitch started out fairly quiet but as soon as Batuti tossed the quaffle at her, the Slytherins in the stands started cheering. Griet could feel the pressure building up all around her, but she wasn't the least bit nervous. She'd done this sort of thing before, unlike Ronan who was playing his very first match. So who had the real advantage here? The pureblood or the Non?

Griet gripped the quaffle in her right hand and threw back her arm, sending it forward with a quick motion, but at the very last minute, she let her fingers tapped the ball in a different direction. Ronan moved in the direction of the quaffle's original path but quickly readjusted his position in an attempt to prevent himself from making the same mistake twice. He managed to graze the quaffle with his fingers as it went sailing past, and for a moment, Griet feared she wouldn't score, but Ronan hadn't acted swiftly enough to ensure a Gryffindor block.

"Vanderbeelt scores!" Gabrielle announced.

Griet grinned and high-fived Cornelia, who swooped in to congratulate her. The score was now tied again at twenty points each.

Plymouth vs Glasgow
Author: Isolde 
Date:   10-03-07 19:42

Isolde could hear the cheers from the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, all the way in Hogsmeade where she was getting ready for the Little League match between the Plymouth Polliwogs and the Glasgow Goslings. Her young team was on the field of the stadium in the village, shivering where they stood with their brooms in hand and wearing their olive green uniforms. Every few minutes, Isolde felt a pang of nostalgia for Quidditch at Hogwarts, especially since Slytherin was playing today.

On the opposite side of the field stood the orange-clad Goslings with their coach Cacey Ideson. A referee lugged a huge trunk to the center of the field and kicked it open. Isolde could just barely make out the curve of the quaffle, the two bludgers that struggled to break free, and the twitching wings of the golden snitch.

The referee look to both coaches and nodded his head.

Isolde clapped her hands and said, "Okay kids. Let's do our best today. Go on and get into position."

The seven first string players mounted their brooms and took off to center field, where they hovered over the trunk in a semi circle. Their opponents in orange matched them.

Isolde walked stiffly to center field, using her cane to assist her, and shook hands with the other coach.

"Good luck," she said.

"Won't need it, but thanks," Cacey replied.

Isolde had the urge to hex Cacey and nearly reached for her wand to do so, but she stayed her hand and turned around and walked back to the sidelines.

When she turned around again, the ref had released all four balls and had blown on his whistle to officially start the game.

Goals (Alexa)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   10-03-07 20:35

After Griet makes the foul shot Slytherin gets the Quaffle again but quickly loses it to Gryffindor. Alexa is feeling the pressure of being Keeper in her first ever game and begins wishing that her team's Chasers would keep possession of the ball and stay at the other end of the pitch. She's let two shots get past her and doesn't want to let more get by. More can't get by if the Slytherin Chasers would keep the Quaffle down there to harass Ronan or if Cornelia would hurry up and get the Snitch.

Alexa knows it's a silly wish but that doesn't stop her from making it. Within minutes though the three Gryffindor chasers are bearing down on her with Griet, Berengeria, and Mortimer right there with them. Etta swoops in close and lets the Quaffle soar. Alexa shoots her friend an apologetic grin while easily blocking the shot. She passes the Quaffle off to Berengeria but no more than two seconds later Francis has stolen it and the Quaffle is once again coming Alexa's way.

Alexa blocks again but just as she's passing to Mortimer something hits Alexa in the face. Hard. Momentarily blinded by tears the Bludger hit has brought forth, Alexa doesn't see Mortimer promptly lose possession to Gryffindor once more. Alexa rapidly blinks trying to clear her vision but realizes that it's more than tears. There's blood. Trying to wipe the tears and stem the flow of blood, Alexa can't see well another to block the next Gryffindor Quaffle shot.

Philippa's suddenly there, telling Alexa, "Move off and get that stopped. I'll do my best to block."

Alexa nods, not knowing who made that goal even though she could hear the Delacourt girl announcing it. She uses her sleeve to press to her forehead, which just as effectively blocks her line of sight as the mingled blood and tears. She gives a start when there's a tap on her shoulder.

Coach Krum gently pulls Alexa's arm down. "Look directly at me, please."

He peers at her eyes though Alexa isn't sure why, gives a nod, then taps his wand to the gash on her forehead. With a smile he flies backwards giving Alexa room to quickly resume her position. It's not quickly enough though. She sees a red blur get past Philippa and hears Delacourt announcing, "Gryffeendor scores again! Ze score eez now 40 to 20!"

Putting a resolute expression on her face, Alexa hands the Quaffle off to Mortimer, hoping that this time the action does move away simply so she can catch her breath as the pain in her head subsides.

Taking Advantage
Author: Eithne ni Domhnaill 
Date:   10-03-07 21:22

The Gryffindor crowd surrounding Eithne had surged through a series of wild cheering and murmured let downs. The last bit of play had been intense. Her eyes never leaving Francis, she had bit her lip anxiously when the bludger foiled his goal attempt early in the game. But she joined in the cheering when a Gryffindor team-mate caught the quaffle to carry on.

She had to smile during the next Gryffindor run at the Slytherin hoops. Francis, by his nature, was more or a team player than a star. She knew he was in his element when he helped set up the shot for Wiggy to score. She could imagine his satisfaction - his pleasure at his teammates' happiness and sense of accomplishment. She wished Francis would put himself first more often, but he was just not that kind of guy. She smiled to herself: that, after all, was why she liked him so much. He was so different from her conniving family of over-achievers constantly engaged in self-promotion. Come to think of it, he was like Cousin Aine - he would always put the team before himself. Once again, Eithne found herself wishing Cousin Aine would come to some of the Hogwarts games. But, probably amateur play wouldn't interest a professional Quidditch chaser.

Eithne was on her feet, breathless. The quaffle had come free and all six chasers were swooping for it. She heard herself screaming triumphantly when Francis emerged from the tangle with the quaffle tucked against his side. And she shared the Gryffindor disappointment when Griet snatched it from him. Damn! that Griet was such a skillful Chaser. Part of Eithne wanted to study her technique - in the future she would be facing her in competition. But, instead, she focused once again on Francis, only to shift her attention when the Gryffindor crowd began cheering again: Wiggy had the red ball!

Eithne lost the flow of the game for a second. She thought Wiggy had the ball and yet Julietta Wynbourne was called for a foul against Griet who had somehow ended up with the quaffle yet again. Uh oh! This was sure to lead to a Slytherin score.

The ball was back in play and the Gryffindor trio was heading back to the Slytherin goal, the three swooping around the hoops, taking shots. Alexa easily batted off the first two attempts. Too bad. Eithne had really hoped Francis would make a score of his very own. Alexa had barely passed the ball back into play before a bludger smacked her hard, actually sending her back a meter or so. The quaffle intended for Rollo ended up in Francis' posession and he was lining up to take a shot. But he pulled up short in confusion. Eithne glanced from Francis to Alexa and realized what was happening. Alexa must be hurt - her hand kept coming up to clear her eyes - and Francis wouldn't take advantage. Wiggy swooped up and took the ball from Francis to earn the next Gryffindor score.

Francis looked shaken but he nodded to his team-mate and got repositioned. In the meantime, Phillipa Fox had moved into place as keeper, while Alexa flew away to be met by Coach Krum. Eithne's attention was torn between seeing how Alexa was - there were mixed voicings in the crowd she shared the stand with. The Gryffindor supporters wanted to cheer the score but also were concerned for their schoolmate. Eithne turned back to the game just in time to see Francis score off of Phillipa. Eithne was on her feet squealing with delight, "Good on ya, Francis!" "Yeah Francis!" Well, at least he got one goal for himself and that being one he wouldn't feel guilty about! Sometimes, Francis was just too nice!

Plans To Cause Trouble
Author: Skyler 
Date:   10-03-07 21:36

Skyler and Jake sat out with the other Slytherins and watched the match. She honestly didn't want to go. She wanted to do some stuff for the club. It had been running for a while now and she was ready to do something, make a difference somewhere. Alex still had trouble with some other purebloods and now he was hiding to be with his girlfriend.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Jake asked nudging her shoulder. She looked at him and sighed, then turned back to the game without answering.

"Sky? What's wrong?" he asked again. She shook her head and let her thoughts drift away. She had written Deely for her birthday and sent her a gift, but she wanted to be home with her, not in school.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," Jake said standing up. He pulled on her hand and she followed him out. They walked silently holding hands until Jake finally asked her what was bothering her.

"I guess I just miss my mom," she answered softly. Jake squeezed her hand and they continued to walk. She tried to push her mother out her mind and think of the club.

"I want to do something crazy to oppose all the rules," Skyler said randomly. Jake looked down at her and chuckled.

"You're crazy," he said. She laughed and shook her head.

"You're dating me. What's that say about you?" she retorted. He pretended to think.

"Hm, I don't know. I guess that means I like a challenge." She scoffed.

"Sure, whatever you say. Maybe we should have a meeting next weekend and see what the others say," she said, changing the subject back.

"Yeah. We better send some letters out again, I guess," he said. She nodded and knew she had to talk to Zahara about it first.

I Suck
Author: Ronan Eastwick 
Date:   10-04-07 19:01

Vanderbilt, the elder one, took possession of the quaffle after the successful goal by Francis Yao. She shot ahead of the pack, desperate to make it to the Gryffindor hoops without any opposition. Ronan could see the look of determination in her eyes, the one that said "I'm going to make this goal and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Frankly, he couldn't blame her for thinking that way. Slytherin was losing by twenty points.

He, however, wasn't keen on letting her meet her goal. He'd already let two goals slip past him. He wasn't about to let another. Ronan focused on Griet, who grew nearer and nearer, but also used his peripherals to take in the rest of the action on the field. He didn't want to take a bludger to the face like Alexa.

Suddenly, Griet let go of the quaffle, but she was still too far away to attempt a goal. Mortimer had come out of nowhere and snatched the ball out of thin air before a Gryffindor chaser could get his or her hands on it. Then Berengaria had it. Then Griet. Mortimer. Berengaria. Mortimer... and so on. Ronan found himself getting dizzy from trying to keep up with the quaffle. Before he knew it, Griet had it again and sent it barreling right over his shoulder into the center hoop.

Damn! Ronan thought to himself, retrieving the quaffle he'd let get past him. Now Slytherin was behind by only ten points. He was starting to lose confidence in his ability to play keeper. Maybe someone else should have gotten the position!

He tossed the quaffle to Francis, who torpedoed off in the opposite direction. Ronan was now bound and determined to get extra keeper practice in everyday, if Jared didn't boot him off the team first.

Francis passed the quaffle to Julietta, who felt the pressure of the Slytherin chasers closing in and quickly tried to pass it back. Francis didn't get a very good grip on the ball, and it went tumbling towards the ground. Berengaria emerged victorious and came at Ronan with every determination to score.

She let the quaffle fly, and Ronan was ready to block it when something hit him full on in the chest. He fell backwards but didn't tumble from his broom, instead holding onto the shaft with one hand and using the other to delicately pressed against the part of his chest that was now inflamed with pain.

"All right, Ronan?" Jared asked.

Ronan nodded, though the pain was slightly intense and he'd just let another quaffle get past him. He knew that the pain of the bludger's impact would dull over time, especially with the cold blast of air occasionally hitting his body, but he wasn't sure if he'd ever get over the thought that he really sucked as the Gryffindor keeper.

Tie Game, But Not For Long
Author: Jared 
Date:   10-04-07 21:27

Berengeria as the quaffle again but loses it to Wiggy when the bludger Jared hits her way catches the Slytherin on her hand. Wiggy dodges the other bludger, passes off to Francis, then shoots ahead to help clear the way back to the Slytherin tended goals.

Jared is right there with them, intercepting a bludger hit by Basil and sending it smack into Mortimer's stomach, knocking the air out of Mortimer long enough for Francis to surge ahead. Berengeria blocks Wiggy's way and Griet sets herself up so that she's blocking Etta. Mortimer catches back up with Francis, moving in for the steal but Jared wallops him again with a bludger, this time catching Mortimer in the side.

In the meantime Bailey's hit the other bludger, aiming it at Berengeria. It smacks into her broom tail and Berengeria temporarily veers off course. With her out of the way, Wiggy gets into a good shooting position, accepting the quaffle from Francis. Jared dives down to cover Wiggy to intercept any bludger from Basil or Philippa.

Jared grimaces when he gets a really good look at the bruises on Alexa's face. The bludger that hit her was from him but he'd not meant to smash her with it in the face. Alexa's a good friend of Etta's so while she's also an opponent at the moment, Jared feels a pang of regret that a bludger he hit took her that hard in the face. If it had been Basil taking it to the face... well, that's something else altogether.

A bludger is coming in fast as Wiggy's letting go of the quaffle with hopes of scoring. Jared makes sure his bat won't hit anyone as he zooms to meet the bludger and keep it from hitting Wiggy. Jared connects with the bat at the same instant the chasers start back the other way and Gabby announces, "Weegy scores for Gryfeendor! Ze score is now feefty to forty."

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