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Hufflepuff vs Slytherin
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   04-11-08 12:28

Theodosia and Viktor walked to the pitch together, the occassional sound of one of the sixth year Nons successfully apparating during their eleventh lesson reaching their ears. As usual, Viktor did not speak to Theodosia. He walked as though Theodosia weren't just a couple of feet away, going the same direction he was. Theodosia looked irritatedly at him several times and more than once he thought she was going to say something to him but by the time they'd reached the pitch, she'd either decided to wait and say whatever it was later or had decided to drop it altogether.

While Theodosia did another check on the school brooms that would be used by a few of the players Viktor carried the trunk of balls out to the center of the pitch. Some of the seats were already filled and there was a steady stream coming to enjoy both the match and the day's sunny warmth.

All the players, with the exception of those at an apparition lesson, are in the locker rooms getting ready for the game. Those with a lesson should be here just any time now as well and as Viktor thinks that he spots Alanna Beck hurrying into the locker room. Shortly after that he sees Mortimer Rollo, Sage Porter, and Katharina Lounders entering the locker rooms as well.

Theodosia joins Viktor at mid-pitch, her broom clutched tightly in one hand. "Still not speaking to me?"

"I don't know vat you mean," Viktor coolly replies.

"Those are the first words you said to me today."

"Your question vas the first you spoke to me today, so vat is your point?"

Theodosia makes a strangled sound in her throat to which Viktor responds by giving her another cool look. That makes her even more exasperated with him but since it's nearly time for the match to begin, she makes what sounds to Viktor like a clucking noise and turns away to signal Freya Abbott to begin the announcements.

Within ten minutes the players for Hufflepuff and Slytherin have been introduce, all but the Quaffle has been released, Viktor is in the air, and Theodosia is releasing the Quaffle.

In the stands Freya says to the spectators, "There's the tip off! It's Alanna Beck with the Quaffle! No, it's Griet Vanderbilt, now it's Timothy Gabble, the Quaffle's in free fall! It's... it's... Slytherin with the Quaffle! Berengaria Montagu has possession of the Quaffle!"

Viktor pulls back from the initial chaos of the fight for first possession of the Quaffle, keeping close watch for any fouls and still pretty much ignoring Theodosia simply because he knows it annoys her no end.

Bat in Hand (Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   04-11-08 14:27

Basil takes to the air, bat in his right hand ready to start knocking bludgers at Hufflepuffs. The bludgers and snitch are released then there's a hard to follow melee for the quaffle. Basil pumps his left fist into the air when the chaser successful in getting the quaffle is his teammate Berengaria.

Berengaria tucks the quaffle next to her side, prompting Basil to yell at her, "They can steal it that way!" but she's not close enough to hear him over the other noises filling the area around the pitch. Basil grimaces, leaning over his broom to lower wind resistance and darts after a bludger. If Berengaria is going to be so stupid as to hold the quaffle where a Hufflepuff can come along and easily pop it from her graps then Basil should already have sent a bludger her way to hit whomever tries getting in close.

Reaching the bludger he'd focused on before any other beater gets there, Basil revels in the feel of the hit, at the satisfying way his bat thwacks the dark ball. Hitting bludgers in practice is fun but nearly as much as it is during a game when he has someone to actually hit with one.

The thrill of the hit rises for Basil when the bludger hits that prat Timothy Gabble. Gabble's new to the Hufflepuff team and is at least a Pure but a prat nonetheless. Not that Basil knows Timothy very well given that not only is Timothy a Hufflepuff but he's a third year where Basil is just a second year.

Basil goes after another bludger, groaning when he hears Freya Abbott announcing, "Katharina Lounders steals the quaffle from Montagu!"

At least he has a definate target for his next bludger hit. Catching up to the ball he'd been pursuing, Basil gets a bearing on where Katharina is and sends the bludger in a course to intercept the Hufflepuff chaser.

Third Time's the Charm
Author: Alanna Beck 
Date:   04-11-08 17:44

Alanna accepted the quaffle from Katharina and zig zagged between the opposing players who seemed keen on barring her way. The bludger Basil had aimed for Katharina had been successfully intercepted by Ariella, but it was already on its return course and en route to Alanna. She found an opening and passed the quaffle to Timothy, who had joined the Hufflepuff team in Eithne's absence. Timothy tucked the red ball securely between arm and body and rocketed forward, leaving most of the other players behind in his wake. Unfortunately, he didn't hold his lead for very long. A bludger careened into his arm, loosening his hold on the ball and allowing Griet to snatch it up for herself. She swooped away and took off in the opposite direction, with Alanna following close behind.

If Alanna were to stretch out her arm, she would be able to touch the bristles of Griet's broomstick with her fingertips. Not wanting to foul and give Slytherin an easy opportunity to score, Alanna resisted the urge to tug on Griet's Stratus 2000 and instead concentrated all her efforts in going faster. Griet, unaware that Alanna was directly behind her, focused on reaching the Hufflepuff goals. With a sudden burst forward, Alanna squeezed her hand into a fist and popped the quaffle from the crook in Griet's arm. The red ball soard in an arc through the air for half a second before Katharina plucked it from the sky and hightailed it back in the other direction.

Now the ball flew fast from hand to hand. First Alanna, then Timothy, then Alanna again and Katharina. Griet intercepted and passed to Berengaria but she fumbled when Ariella's bludger made contact with her funny bone. Alanna regained possession of the quaffle and quickly handed it off to Timothy. The ball was a blur of red amidst the yellow- and green-clad Quidditch players. Nearing the goal hoops, Alanna threw back her arm and hurled the quaffle at the right-most loops, but Alexa had no trouble blocking the ball from meeting its target. She threw the quaffle back into play via Mortimer. The quaffle didn't get very far from the Slytherin hoops before Alanna intercepted the ball and darted within scoring range to attempt another goal. She pitched the ball with equal determination, only to have Alexa successfully prevent it from flying through the middle hoop.

Mortimer accepted her pass and found himself closed in by both bludgers and several Hufflepuff players determined to get the quaffle back into their hands. Basil managed to prevent one from hitting Mortimer, and the other struck Katharina in the shoulder. Still, Mortimer was distracted enough to make it possible for Alanna to lift the quaffle straight from his arms. She shot the ball at the right-most hoop and expelled the breath she'd been holding when it finally sailed through it.

"Finally!" she exclaimed, mostly to herself, while Freya announced that Hufflepuff had scored the first points of the match.

Another Day Of Hope
Author: Lucius Malfoy 
Date:   04-11-08 19:17

Lucius doesn't normally spend his Saturdays at City of Hope. He tends to do his physical checking in of the community during the week. Lucius made an exception this fine Saturday because last night Cecily had been nattering on and on about picking colors for the nursery this morning and wanting Lucius to help. Lucius was out of the house so early everything was gray in the pre-dawn light.

Lucius had gone for breakfast at one of his favorite restaurants, spent some time snoozing on his soft as butter leather couch in his Ministry office, played three games of chess with Rodolphus, and then came to the City of Hope. Lucius walked around his little kingdom, making sure his residents were working as diligently as expected. When he'd returned to his office he'd had a nice surprise waiting for him.

Two RAC members were waiting with a rather rumpled, bedraggled looking man. Lucius sat behind his desk, tented his fingers and asked, "Who do we have here?"

"This Non is Christopher Bagshot, sir, formerly of Agrippa College, St. Emrys. Been hiding in one of the university storerooms. He was spotted when he was sneaking out to steal food."

The other RAC member speaks up to add, "We assisted Bagshot in relocating."

With a wave of his hand, Lucius sent the two Snatches on their way then stood up and walked to the door. "Come along, Bagshot," Lucius ordered. "Let's get you settled."

On the way to the supply building where Bagshot would get his two changes of City of Hope clothing, the bag with the other items each resident gets upon arrival, and the City of Hope bracelet all residents wear, Lucius explained what's expected of Bagshot and the repercussions for failing to do the expected work and for attempting to escape.

Just before Lucius turned Bagshot over to the work schedule coordinator, Lucius pulled out his wand and Crucio'd Bagshot, telling the man, "Just for good measure to remind you how stupid it was to try and hide."

As Lucius walked away, leaving Bagshot writhing on the ground, another resident went to help Bagshot up. He overheard Bagshot asking, "Scott MacDougal? Thank Merlin there's at least one familiar face here," to which MacDougal replied, "More than one, I'm sorry to say, Chris."

A smile on his face, Lucius decides to return home. Surely Cecily's done picking out nursery colors by now. If not, Lucius will lock himself in his study and put a muffling charm on the door.

Ten Points Each
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   04-12-08 09:50

Alexa Wenlock puts the quaffle back into play with a throw to Slytherin captain Mortimer Rollo. Mortimer zips along with the quaffle held against his chest, Griet Vanderbilt and Berengaria Montagu flying in a formation with him, ready to take a pass if Mortimer decides to make one.

Hufflepuff chasers Alanna Beck, Timothy Gabble, and Katharina Lounders fly in a formation directy towards the Slytherins in a move meant to force Griet and Berengaria to separate from Mortimer, giving one of the Hufflepuffs the opportunity to either interfere with Slytherin quaffle passing or to steal the quaffle altogether.

From where he's flying back and forth in front of his set of hoops, Sage watches with great interest as Timothy boldly flies straight at Mortimer, pulling away less than a second before his actions would have been deemed blatching, the foul of flying intentionally to collide with another player.

There is no foul but Mortimer reacted as if preparing himself for one, leaning low over his broom while pulling into a roll. In doing so, he exposed just enough of the quaffle against his chest for Alanna, moving faster than Sage has seen her move and be that close to another playing, to reach over and snatch the quaffle from Mortimer, without actually touching him or his broom. It's one of the best moves Sage has ever seen and along with the spectators, Sage cheers and applauds Alanna's deftness.

The glory of the moment is shortlive thanks to a bludger from Philippa Fox. It hits Alanna square in the back before she has a chance to get a solid, safe grip on the quaffle. Griet darts in, grabs the red ball from Alanna then speeds away. The three Hufflepuff chasers take off after her with Mortimer and Berengaria flying to catch up and offer whatever assistance Griet needs.

Jet bats a bludger into Griet's path. The ball connects with the side of Griet's broom but she still gets off a successful pass to Berengaria. Berengeria immediately passes to Mortimer with Timothy intercepting. Timothy whirls his broom around, whipping the quaffle at Katherina but a bludger from Basil stops him in his tracks. He drops the quaffle to Katharina who fumbles it. She dives after it but Berengaria swoops past her and snatches up the quaffle.

Leveling off from the dive, Berengaria sees she's within goal attempt range but is too far below the hoops for any throw to be effective. Instead, she hurls the quaffle at Mortimer who catches it then immediately throws it as well. Sage is ready for it but even with the lack of time to properly set up for his shot, Mortimer somehow got both a spin in the quaffle as well as putting a curve into its flight path.

Sage makes a sideways dive to block but it's not enough to stop the quaffle. It passes through the hoop on his right, giving Slytherin its first ten points of the game, tying the score.

Pulling Ahead Again
Author: Jet 
Date:   04-12-08 17:14

Sage retrieves the quaffle after Mortimer scores for Slytherin and throws it to Timothy to put the ball back into play. Basil slams a bludger right at Timothy, clearly hoping to knock the quaffle away from Timothy before the Hufflepuff has a firm hold of it. Jet dodges around both seekers, Sophia and Cornelia to move in for a block. Jet has to extend himself almost off is broom for his bat to screw up the bludger's intended target. Timothy gets the quaffle, surging forward and pulling into a climb at the same time.

By that time Jet's whacked the bludger into Cornelia's path, choosing her rather than a chaser because Jet saw the snitch not all that far from where Cornelia was flying. He doesn't know if she saw it or not but best not to take any chances.

Timothy passes to Alanna who passes to Katharina. The three Hufflepuff chasers work the quaffle down the pitch with the Slytherin chasers darting like gnats around them, doing their best to interfere with the passing and steal the ball. Ariella and Jet are zipping around as well, hitting bludgers at Slytherins and putting great effort into keeping the Slytherin beaters from successfully hitting Alanna, Katharina, and Timothy. Jet thinks it's short of a miracle that no one's accidently committed a foul. With so much close in flying, elbows getting in the way could very easily lead to Coach Batuti or Coach Krum calling cobbing on someone.

Jet peels away from the pack to go after one of the two bludgers. The dark ball climbs then dives, then levels off into a wide arc, nearly swerving into one of the stands. Jet waits until it's arcing back around then comes up behind it to clobber it with his bat. The bludger soars right into Mortimer just as Mortimer is positioning himself to keep Timothy from trying to score.

Mortimer is knocked back from Timothy and in the second before either Griet or Berengaria can get in close enough to stop the goal attempt, Timothy's let the quaffle fly. Alexa moves quickly to block but not quickly enough. The quaffle goes right over her head, putting Hufflepuff back into the lead with a score of 20 to 10.

Author: Ginny Weasley 
Date:   04-12-08 18:40

Ginny paces back and forth, arms crossed, a glower on her face. Molly makes a sound that's a combination of exasperation and motherly concern before finally saying, "Do stop, Ginny. You're wearing me out."

"I have to do something."

Ever practical, Molly points out, "Pacing it's going to solve anything."

"We need to do something. Aren't you tire of moving about? Not being able to see your grandchildren as you'd like? Constantly worrying about Ron and George? About Bill off in France? Charlie and Fred still living as close to normally as they can? Percy still working at the Ministry?"

Molly sharply replies, "Of course I am! What would you have us do? What's your great plan?"

Ginny stops pacing to whirl around to face her mother. "I would have us - that is, the Order - taking action. I don't have a plan but isn't something better than nothing?"

"The Order is doing what it can for now, as you very well know," Molly reminds Ginny, speaking to her daughter as if she were still a young child.

"You don't have to be so condescending," Ginny snaps.

"Then stop being so irrational," Molly hotly counters. "I don't care for your attitude, acting almost as though you think we don't care what's going on. Don't think you're too big to take over my knee, young lady."

"If I have an attitude it's because no one is doing anything!" Ginny says with a disgusted wave of her arms. "I'm not even sure Percy is even on our side. He's not given us any useful information and he's even acting as though Penny and he aren't married."

Arthur, who'd been staying well out of the discussion up to this point, jumps in. "Percy is doing what he can but he's not as trusted as he was when Fudge was Minister; not that I should have to explain that to you. If he's to be believed as backing that monstrous woman then he's got to pretend to go along with the law that dissolved marriages between Pures and Nons. Penny's a Non as you well know. Honestly, Ginny, of all my children I never expected you the one to talk so rashly, without giving a single thought to what you say."

Ginny makes a growling sound and resumes her pacing, saying snittily, "I'm sorry to disappoint you so, Dad. I never thought my parents would sit idly by, hiding away from someone like that bitch."

Arthur and Molly both blanch at Ginny's words. She's too angry though to feel guilty over what she's said and implied since the argument began. Shaking her head angrily, Ginny spins around and starts for the door. She throws it open, stomping out of the beachside shack the three of them are currently using as a hideout. Molly calls out, "Ginevra Molly Weasley!"

Not yet wanting to act like the young adult she is, even though she knows she said some things that were out of line, Ginny keeps going, hoping a walk in the seaside air will help clear her head and dissipate the anger.

Author: Griet 
Date:   04-13-08 12:13

After Timothy's successful goal attempt, Alexa put the quaffle back into play via Griet. Tucking the ball protectively between arm and body, Griet sprinted off with Mortimer and Berengaria on either side of her and the Hufflepuff chasers in hot pursuit. She dipped suddenly when Jet appeared before her, his eyes intensely focused on the bludger flying towards him in a graceful arc. The dive caused her to lose some of her momentum, and when she attempted to pass the ball to Mortimer, Alanna swooped in and intercepted it easily.

Griet turned abruptly and chased Alanna, Timothy and Katharina, who were passing the quaffle amongst each other at lightning speed. She nonetheless timed the opportunity to hijack the quaffle perfectly and scooped it back into her arms before Alanna could get her hands back on it.

Unfortunately, two shrill whistles sounded. Both Professors Krum and Batuti removed the whistles from their mouths and Batuti yelled, "Foul! Blagging! Vanderbilt!"

"What?!" Griet cried out, not understanding.

She'd been tuning out Freya's commentary but started listening. Evidently Cornelia had spotted the snitch, and in an attempt to catch it, had accidentally grabbed a fistful of Katharina's broom's bristles instead. Griet saw Cornelia scowling angrily and wagered that it wasn't herself she was mad at, but rather Katharina for getting in the way.

Batuti held out her arms and asked Griet to hand her the quaffle. Reluctantly, Griet tossed it to her and then flew out of the way so that Katharina could take the foul shot. Batuti didn't throw the quaffle to Katharina until the other players had taken their positions in the air.

A hush fell over the Pitch when Katharina finally got her hands on the ball. She eyed Alexa evenly and mulled over in her mind the best way to make the goal and increase Hufflepuff's points to 30 against Slytherin's 10. Katharina pulled back her arm. It twitched, as if she considered faking her intended direction, but then she threw it on the same trajectory. Alexa, having anticipated something else, moved in the other direction before quickly changing paths. Her fingers grazed the quaffle, causing it to knock against the rim of the hoops rather than go in without touching anything. To Katharina's delight, the ball nonethless went through the hoop.

Griet's shoulders sagged. Now Hufflepuff did have 30 points, and Slytherin still only had a meager 10.

(Cornelia) Blatching
Author: Griet 
Date:   04-13-08 12:38

Cornelia stewed over what had just happened. One minute, she'd found the snitch and chased after it like no tomorrow. The next, she'd fouled and enabled Hufflepuff to get ten more points on the scoreboard. If that bimbo Katharina Lounders hadn't been in the way, then Cornelia would have caught the snitch and won the game for Slytherin. She didn't fault herself at all for what had happened and silently decided that Katharina would rue the day she'd messed things up for her.

Alexa tossed the quaffle to Berengaria, and game play thereby resumed. Cornelia started systematically searching the Pitch for any sign of anything gold. Thanks to Katharina, the snitch had vanished from plain sight, forcing Cornelia and the other seeker this match, Sophia Hall, to start looking for it all over again.

Cornelia had to blink several times to clear the blind rage that threatened to overpower her. Darn that Katharina! Not only had she prevented Cornelia from catching the snitch and put Hufflepuff even farther ahead, but she'd just intercepted the quaffle from the Slytherin chasers!

"Better be careful, Cornelia," came a taunting voice Cornelia hadn't expected to hear. Sophia always seemed really reserved, even when in competition on the Quidditch field, but the look on her face now rivaled that of one often on Cornelia's own face. "If you keep fouling, you'll make so that even if you do miraculously catch the snitch, Slytherin will still lose."

"Shut your face, Sophia," Cornelia snapped.

Sophia smirked. "Why don't you make me?"

The taunt was enough to goad Cornelia into action. She flew right at Sophia and rammed the point of her broomstick into the Hufflepuff girl's side. Sophia's mouth made a giant O and she cried out in pain.

Again, the shrill sound of two whistles blowing filled the air.

"Blatching!" Batuti yelled, as she flew towards Sophia to make sure she was all right. Meanwhile, Krum flew over to scold Cornelia for what she'd intentionally done. Cornelia didn't argue and instead listened patiently until Krum flew out of her face and Batuti handed the quaffle to Alanna, who would take the foul shot for Hufflepuff.

Cornelia ground her teeth together in anger. She didn't at all feel bad for injuring Sophia. In truth, she hoped the other seeker was in a lot of pain. Alexa managed to block Alanna's goal attempt, so Cornelia couldn't feel too bad about what she'd done in that regard either. She simply felt angry over the fact that Sophia had insinuated the fact that Cornelia would be the reason Slytherin would lose the match today.

Well, Cornelia fully intended on not allowing that to happen. In fact, she would make sure that she'd be the reason Slytherin would win the match today, not lose!

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