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Wanted: One Chaser Position (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   11-06-11 09:31

Deak takes a swig of water, eyes alternating between the scrimmage going on above and Julietta Wynbourne beside him. Etta and he are still a couple but something's changed between them, something Deak can't quite put his finger on. He knows she still likes him but it's like that level of feeling has reverted back to that of just friends. Deak still likes Etta and isn't sure he wants them to break up yet at the same time he wonders if that would be such a bad thing, especially if they stay friends. Would that even be possible?

His attention is drawn back to the scrimmage match, wincing in sympathy for the little first year who just took a bludger full on to the face. She's tiny but those petite features are deceiving. She's got a lot of moxy and though she's probably got a broken nose once referee Tilda Titchmarsh has stemmed the flow of blood, the first year remains in the match, wanting to finish out the five minutes left on the clock. She's a decent little player though Deak doubts she'll make the cut for her house team. There are a number of other decent players up against some really good ones. He thinks, however, that give her another year or two and she'll be a force to reckon with on the pitch. He makes a mental note to find out the girl's name and to also find her later and congratulate her on a good showing today.

"Granola bar?"

Deak looks up at the person standing there. "Thanks, Wiggy. You know, I keep expecting to see you out there for a Gryffindor match."

"Me too," Wiggy chuckles.

His friend settles on Deak's other side after handing Etta a granola bar as well. "Where's Jack?"

"Not sure. He, Daniel, and Alexa were over there talking a few minutes ago but now I don't see any of them."

They watch the remaining couple of minutes in the scrimmage, making comments here and there about those playing in it. Shortly after it ends Deak's name is called for the next scrimmage so he excuses himself, grabs up his broom and scurries down from the stands to the pitch.

Deak likes the positions of keeper, seeker, and beater well enough but he's always been a chaser and his being his last year at Hogwarts he can't envision himself playing anything but a chaser position for Ravenclaw. When he'd arrived at the pitch this morning, warming up in a group led by Keely Gairden Deak had been kicking around the idea of also trying for beater just in case. He'd not really felt it though so ended up only doing the chaser drills when the position specific exercise portion of the trials began.

Since then he's played in one scrimmage but he's eager to get into the air again and hopes this second match he's in won't be his last today. It's Ravenclaw against Gryffindor so there's a chance Etta's in this one since she's only played one match as well today. When all the names have been called and Etta's not one of them, Deak looks up to the stands to give her a sympathetic smile but then his attention is quickly on the task at hand.

Deak takes the quaffle in the tip off but loses it when the Gryffindor Orville Packard's broom starts wobbling, causing Orville to spin into Deak. The broom, one of the school's, developed a crack from a bludger hit Orville had taken at the very end of another scrimmage match. This scrimmage is stopped so Orville can be given another broom. Possession of the quaffle returns to Ravenclaw with a foul shot being given.

As the person fouled, Deak's the one to take the shot. It's a nice, pretty shot but the person in as Gryffindor's keeper this scrimmage, a first year called Wesley Varnum, is still able to block the shot, though just barely. Gryffindor takes the quaffle on the rebound so Deak is soon sprinting down the pitch giving chaser.

The three Gryffindors rapidly pass the quaffle back and forth, working it closer to the three Ravenclaw guarded rings. A bludger appears so suddenly Deak wouldn't have been shocked to learn it had apparated there. That hard black ball smacks into one Gryffindor chaser's hand just as she catches the quaffle. The crunch of her hand between bludger and quaffle is hard enough that she loses the red ball. Deak accelerates into a dive to snap it up, narrowly missing a collision with another of the Gryffindor chasers who's also gone into a steep dive after the ball.

That chaser is closer but Deak is better angled so he's the one pulling away with the quaffle clutched tightly. He has to arc sharply in a one-eighty to move the quaffle back the other direction but before he's through the turn, a bludger connects with his left shoulder blade, right in the middle between neck and shoulder. It's a hell of a sting but not enough to make Deak lose the quaffle. It does cause him to be momentarily disoriented because the force of the blow interrupted his smooth, arcing turn. Back on track quickly, he locates a teammate, hurls the quaffle to pass then pours on speed to get into a position to give aid should it be needed.

A quick glance at the clock tells Deak that everything that's taken place so far has eaten up less than four minutes on the clock. Ducking another bludger hit, Deak grins. There's nothing like being in the middle of a hard fought match, even if it's only a scrimmage at Quidditch trials.

Chaser Is Best, Beater Would Do (Jack)
Author: Kody 
Date:   11-06-11 13:34

Ducking a bludger, Jack can feel it whiffle his hair as it passes over. Already sporting knuckles that are scraped, bruised, and slightly swollen from one bludger hit, Jack doesn't mind in the slightest avoiding adding a goose egg to his forehead. He'd gotten tapped by a bludger in another scrimmage but it grazed the front of his knee pad more than anything else. All in all he's been lucky, but then again with these matches being timed scrimmages, there's also not as many opportunities for being hit. Factor in inexperience beaters who are finding out that playing in pick-up games is not at all on par with this type of match, even if these scrimmages are just part of the Quidditch trials and not actual competitions.

Jack retracts that last thought. These are actual competitions. They are competing for the very limited slots on their respective house teams. Jack is optimistic about being selected to a chaser position for Ravenclaw. He is also trying for beater today but he much prefers chaser. It's what he's most comfortable with and what he's best at. Keeper is an all right job and very important. Jack's played keeper in for fun games and is quite passable at the position. He much prefers being in the thick of the action though and those times he has played keeper he starts chafing at having to just sit there and wait for everyone else to come to him.

Seeker's an all right position. It's just not Jack's cup of tea. Too solitary for one thing. Even if it were though, Jack's bulked up too much over this past year to be the most efficient of seekers. His tall form has started filling out more and more, shoulders broadening. He's been working out more too, making that added bulk more defined. He's not done growing yet either. School's been in for just over two weeks and yesterday Jack noticed his pants are looking a little short in the leg. He's not measured his height to see but he's certain he's grown another half inch these past two weeks.

Jack spots a teammate open so throws the quaffle only to have to immediately swerve when one of his own team's beaters races across his path. In the meantime, his teammate with the quaffle, a younger girl called Sarah, has passed off to the third Ravenclaw chaser this match, Daniel. It's Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff at the moment and Luke Dawson is moving in on Daniel, intent on stealing the ball.

Jack barrels forward, wedging himself between Luke and Daniel, earning him a dirty look from Luke. Daniel, now in goal range, takes a shot but it's rebuffed. Luke's able to snatch it up before anyone else, whirling his broom around as tightly as he can amidst five other chasers, a whizzing bludger, and one beater trying to get to that bludger.

Luke can't get all the way around so shoots forward at an angle towards the sidelines before angling his broom to fly in the direction of the other end of the pitch. Jack catchs him up, flying in close to harass, hoping Luke might get flustered enough to forget paying attention to where the sideline is and go out of bounds. As they are currently above the stands, losing track of the sideline is easy. When flying lower with the stands forming a ring around the pitch, there's a visual cue as to where you are in relation to the pitch boundaries. Not this high though and sure enough, in edging away from Jack, Luke flies out of bounds.

Pyrrhus Fine blows his whistle and the quaffle is turned over to Ravenclaw. Jack, ignoring Luke's scowl aimed his way, accepts the quaffle and puts it back into play with a pass ot Sarah. She in turn passes off to Daniel. As Luke had never made it far from the hoops where Daniel had so recently made a goal attempt, Ravenclaw quickly has the quaffle within goal range again. Daniel makes a lightening fast overhand pass to Jack who just as quickly throws, faking a shot toward center but putting a spin on the quaffle so that it curves to his right. The Hufflepuff keeper sees too later that the ball is curling away from center and can't react in time to stop it. Jack's face breaks into a grin as he watches his shot soar cleanly through the hoop.

It's Hufflepuff's ball now and again Jack moves to over Luke. With only two and a half minutes left in this scrimmage, the other team is feeling the pressure of moving the quaffle all the way down the pitch and scoring again before time runs out.

Tired of Meddling Mothers
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   11-06-11 18:06

I currently sat at an intimate table in a restaurant in Wizarding SoHo waiting for my date, a date that I was loathe to agree to go upon but as usual my mother had decided to poke her nose into my life once again despite numerous assurances that she wouldn't. Apparently, this time she'd gone so far as to sign me up for Magical Match or whatever the bloody hell the Wizarding dating service was. She was driving me absolutely barmy with her harping upon tradition and constantly wanting me to settle down with a Punjabi and start spitting out grandchildren for her and my father to spoil endlessly.

I checked my watch, my favorite Cartier diamond watch and sigh, rolling my eyes at the sheer idiocy of this whole thing. He was late. Twenty minutes late by my calculations and I swear, if I have to send the waiter away once more because I do not yet know if my companion is coming there is a large chance that I am going to end up causing a scene. I knew I really shouldn't be all that pissed off, but I'd gone out of the way to humor my mother by agreeing to this date, and he does not bother to show.

"Madame are you certain you do not wish anything more than water?" The waiter returned to the table, and it took every ounce of control in me not to draw my wand and hex the man before me.

"I am certain; I am actually going to be leaving since the gentleman that I am to meet has not bothered to show up. Thank you though." I said, pushing myself up from my chair and smoothing out the folds of my sari and heading toward the front of the house. I pause long enough to speak with the host. "If Mister Sajjan Dashti shows up, do let him know that I grew tired of waiting for him."

That had been last night and right now I was sitting in my quarters looking over assignments from my History of Magic classes from the week, and debating a shopping spree to soothe my ego after last night and being stood up. "Karma…" I heard my name called from the area of the fireplace, and promptly ignored it because I had no desire to begin an argument with my mother, who would no doubt want all the details about my date last night.

"Karma…come here. Come talk to me." My mother's voice pleaded from the fireplace and reluctantly I left the parchments that I was working on and headed into the fireplace.

"Yes Mother? What could I possibly do for you this afternoon?"
I said, massaging my temples, feeling the beginnings of a migraine forming just behind my eyes.

"I am just wondering how your date…" She didn't even get a chance to finish before I cut her off.

"Sajjan Dashti is a rude individual, and I care not how handsome he is or how much money he has or his social standing Mother. You do not agree to a date and then leave your date sitting alone at the restaurant for nearly half an hour without word that you are running late or have had to cancel for whatever reason. Yes, he stood me up last night. No, I will not be agreeing to go upon another date with anyone from that match making service, so you can simply get that thought out of your head. Now, if you will excuse me Mother I have things that I need to take care of." I cut the conversation with her and pushed up from the fireplace.

After cutting the conversation with my mother short I attempted to get back into working on the assignments that I was trying to grade but I could not simply focus the anger of my humiliation from the night before was back and so I pushed myself up from the couch and headed out of my quarters and pondered going out to watch the Quidditch trials or going into the village and shopping for something to brighten my mood. Coming down the stairs I was so lost in my thoughts that I'd nearly collided with Kissy.

"Sorry Kissy, I was lost in my own little world. Trying to resist the urge to take a trip to Mumbai and throttle my mother."

Kissy shook her head and smiled. "I know about maddening parents, trust me. I was just about to grab some lunch, want to join me? We can swap horror stories, sounds like you might have just as many as I do."

"Sure. Lunch and perhaps a bit of retail therapy would do me good." I said and the pair of us headed out of the Castle and toward the village and finding somewhere to eat for lunch.

(Ariella) With Alanna
Author: Beck 
Date:   11-06-11 18:16

Ariella stepped into Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and immediately spotted her sister at the counter. Alanna lit up and sprang from her stool, enveloping Ariella into a giant hug.

"Happy early birthday to you! Happy early birthday to you! Happy early birthday dear Ariella! Happy early birthday to you!" Alanna sang. Then she let go of her sister and asked, "So, what will Lawrence do for you? Or do I even want to know?" she added, waggling her eyebrows.

Ariella laughed. "I don't know."

"He always surprises you with something big," Alanna commented, guiding Ariella to the counter. "He sure likes to spoil you."

Ariella grinned. "I know." She sat down onto her barstool and glanced up at the hanging menu.

Mr. Fortescue gave them a few minutes to make their selections. Alanna ordered a scoop of caramel delight, cookie dough and double fudge brownie in a giant glass bowl. Ariella ordered a slightly more modest orange cream and raspberry in a medium-sized bowl.

"I would have invited the others to come but we hardly ever get any time together, just the two of us," Alanna said.

Ariella smiled. "I know what you mean. Still, we should visit Anthony when we're finished here. Maybe bring Alex an ice cream cone."

"Good idea. Katherine might even been working. We could swing by The Daily Prophet and see."

"Sure," Ariella replied. She licked her spoon clean. "Won't be long before term starts at St. Emrys. Lawrence will be taking classes."

"How's he going to manage that on top of everything he has to do at Hogwarts?" Alanna wondered.

"With lots of dedication, I guess. I'm sure he'll do fine," Ariella said.

"Still, he'll have to do a lot of juggling around his classes, office hours, and everything else," Alanna said. "I hope he doesn't burn out."

"I'm sure if he gets to that point, he'll make the right decision. Excited about the wedding?"

Alanna took to the change in topic effortlessly. "Not any more ready than Anthony. He wants to marry Plum yesterday."

Ariella laughed. "I guess you'll be next. Or Katherine."

"Katherine can go first, though I'm not sure she's dating anybody seriously. Don't get me wrong," Alanna quickly added. "I love Jared, but I don't feel grown up enough to get married yet. Is that weird?"

"No. You're only 20."

"But you married young."

"I know, but sometimes I still feel very young, even at 22. It's part of the reason why I don't feel ready to have children yet."

"Does Lawrence want kids?"

"Very much so."

"Is he okay with waiting?" Alanna asked.

"We've not fought over it," Ariella replied.


She sighed. "He really wants to be a father."

Alanna shrugged. "Well, don't let him pressure you into doing something you don't want to do."

"I won't, and he would never."

"Good, because I'd personally have to kick his ass if he did." Alanna grinned. "Anyway, eat your ice cream. It's melting."

They fell into companionable silence after that, enjoying their ice cream until there was none left. Ariella scraped her bowl clean and then abandoned her spoon. Mr. Fortescue immediately whisked away her empty bowl. Alanna finished her much bigger bowl of ice cream shortly thereafter. She ordered an ice cream cone for Alex, vowing to eat it herself if he wasn't home. Then, the sisters set out for the Beck-Lancaster residence.

Green, Green, & Green (Olive, Hunter, Jade)
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   11-06-11 19:05

Although they'd been practicing together for today, Olive, Hunter, and Jade are very aware that they are from this point on opponents in Quidditch. Jade's in Ravenclaw, Olive is a Slytherin, and Hunter belongs to Gryffindor. Olive's played against a sibling before when Emerald, who was in Hufflepuff, was at Hogwarts but for Jade and Hunter this will be a new experience. Last school year the three had played as teammates on the Interscholastic Quidditch Tournament team.

They'd all arrived together at the pitch this morning and as a result were put in the same warm-up group. After that, when the position specific drills began the three Greens were again together over the pitch. Olive is solely interested in resuming her position as a Slytherin chaser and sees no reason why she won't be selected. She's good and she's got in-game experience both for Slytherin and as an IQT team member. Jade wants nothing more than to be a beater, her first year on the Ravenclaw team. If she can't be a beater she's open for any position. Hunter is much the same as Jade but wants the same position he had for the IQT, that of keeper. If Gryffindor doesn't need him as keeper Hunter will take whatever position he's offered.

After the chaser drills ended, Olive took to the stands with some of her friends to watch the rest of the position specific drills. The twins stayed on the pitch, taking part in the drills for beater, seeker, and then keeper. They'd taken advantage of the break time alotted to refuel with some lunch while talking with friends about who was looking great so far and who might need more practice time before making a team.

At present, Olive and Hunter are both in a scrimmage of Slytherin against Gryffindor. With Ravenclaw sitting this one out, Jade doesn't know who to root for so cheers for both, though she would be the first to admit that her cheers for Hunter are slightly more exuberant. He is her twin afterall.

Olive's got the quaffle but is looking to pass. Mark Farnon, one of the Slytherin beaters this match, yells, "Head down!" and Olive ducks without question, avoiding the bludger that Mark's after. Once clear she seeks out Vinny Xardel, one of the other Slytherin chasers this match. It's a good pass and Vinny accelerates away, dodging around one Gryffindor after another. Vinny closes in on where Hunter is serving as Gryffindor keeper.

Vinny fires off a shot. Hunter blocks, using one leg to alter the quaffle's flight path. Olive catches the rebound, immediately letting the quaffle go. Hunter's quick but not quick enough. "Good shot," he tells her as the quaffle is retrieved.

Hunter tosses to someone whose name escapes him. It's a slightly older boy, a fourth year he thinks. As he watches his team's chasers beginning to move the quaffle across the pitch, Hunter racks his brain for that guy's name. It bugs him when he can't remember stuff like that. Is that one Jake? No, he's Max. That teeniest distraction off his mind now, Hunter sees a bludger heading straight for Max's back. The action is just far enough away at this point that calling a warning would do no good. All Hunter can do is wince when the bludger connects with the middle of Max's back.

The quaffle pops free and it's once again Olive who takes possession. She makes a drive for Hunter. He locks eyes on her, looking for the slightest signal as to where she'll throw the quaffle. Olive's arm is aiming center but Hunter can tell she's looking more to her left so that's the direction he goes. Hunter not only stops the quaffle but catches it outright. He's set to pass it off to one of the chasers when the whistle blows signalling time's up for this scrimmage match.

Hunter hands the quaffle to the ref, Clarissa Greenhill, then heads for the ground. Both Olive and he aim for a table where drinks are available. In the stands, Jade is at full attention. Ravenclaw's in this next match and much to her glee her name is called and it's for one of the beater slots. She's out of the stands lickity split, eager to get the match going.

Jack Emerson is one of the chasers this match and he gets the quaffle first for Ravenclaw. Jade thinks Jack is really cute and super nice. It's no wonder that Olive counts him as one of her good friends. Thoughts of cute, nice boys rapidly flee Jade's thoughts as she approaches a bludger. She worked all summer to build arms muscles even more. She'd done really well last year for the IQT as a beater but wants to do even better. Jade is slightly built, making her deceptively strong when it comes to batting the heck out of the bludgers. She doesn't hold back now, putting a great deal of energy into her first bat swing of this match. The bludger goes just where she aims it, intercepting the path of Hufflepuff Glori Hodfuffer. Though a year ahead of Jade, she knows Glori pretty well from being on the IQT team together, for which Glori was a keeper along with Hunter. Glori's a chaser this match but Jade hasn't talked to her today to know what all positions Glori's trying out for.

As neither bludger is now very nearby, Jade goes in pursuit of the one she just hit. A Hufflepuff reaches it first so Jade slows a little then goes after the ball once it's been hit again, intercepting it from hitting one of her teammates and sending it instead at this match's Hufflepuff seeker who has quickly spotted the snitch. It's too early in the scant 20 minutes of the timed scrimmage for Jade to want it ended and ended by the other team's seeker at that.

She smiles at seeing it cause the seeker to lose track of the snitch. Jade starts forward to once again go after that same bludger but Ravenclaw's other beater is nearer to that one so swiveling around to scan the pitch, Jade quickly spots the other black ball. Rocketing after it, racing to beat out a Hufflepuff vying for the same bludger, Jade readies her bat to once again smack the heck out of theh ball.

Snack Time
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   11-07-11 02:42

Nate was seated at the stand, paying attention to the trials. Although he enjoyed Quidditch, he had never felt the need to play it at school. Nate liked to ride his broom at home, but he never liked the idea of entering a competition. Too much pressure, coupled with the odds of being hit by a bludger. So he had enough fun being a spectator and he watched every scrimmage with attention, with particular concentration towards the Hufflepuff players, trying to guess who would be on the team this year. Lilac told him she planned to go to the trials but so far there was no sign of her at the pitch.

His thoughts then went to Phyllida. After the knee incident she wrote him a small note claiming she was 'prepared' to be his friend. Nate couldn't avoid smiling as he stared to her perfect handwriting written in green ink. Phyllida hadn't thanked him for taking her to Madam Pomfrey, and it would likely she would never do so. It was such a typical proud attitude from a member of Slytherin house that he should have predicted it.

They were still sitting next to each other in classes and doing homework together. No further words had been exchanged on the subject of their Quidditch teams, and Nate wasn't going to dare to do so anymore, since he didn't want to receive another kick in the stomach. He had no idea if she was going to the trials or not.

"May I sit here?"

Nate looked up. As if hearing his thoughts, Phyllida decided to show up. He nodded with his head and she sat next to him. The glance she sent to his Hufflepuff scarf was so obviously cold that he wondered if it had been a good idea letting her sit near him, and risk further injury. Phyllida was a bit aggressive when it came to Quidditch and probably the Quidditch cup at Hogwarts was no exception. The two stayed in silence for a while. Nate studied Phyllida with the corner of his eye. She seemed intently focused on the scrimmage currently taking place, her eyes following the green figures in the air – the Slytherin candidates.

Since no Hufflepuff players were taking part on this scrimmage, Nate took the chance to go through the pockets of his robes in search for some sweets. The sound of the packages made a slight noise and Phyllida looked at him, annoyance on her grey-green eyes, as if the sound of the candy wrappers were breaking all her concentration, and, in turn, ruining the Slytherin performance in the pitch.

"Want a chocolate frog?" he offered, putting one in his mouth before it had a chance to jump away.

Phyllida accepted his offer, hoping Nate would be quiet for now, but it seemed that he wasn't done searching his pockets for more sweets.

"Will you stop that?"

"I'm sorry, I just can't find what I want."

"Never learned the Accio charm?"

"I can't use that. Probably half the people here are carrying sugar quills with them and if I do that charm they will all come flying to me. "

Nate could already picture a huge amount of quills crossing the pitch and interrupting the trials, responding to his call. Phyllida seemed to imagine the same thing because she then told him to hurry up finding what he wanted and then to be quiet so she could keep watching the trials in peace.

"I swear to Merlin next time I won't sit next to you. You're so quiet in class, I thought you would behave here as well."

"I'm sorry. Want another frog?" he added, only raising her irritation. Nate smiled, amused. Phyllida accepted the frog, only to let it jump away, causing some alarm amongst the Ravenclaw girls who cried out in panic thinking it was some flying insect.

"You wasted a frog on them…"

"They were saying nasty things about that Slytherin chaser. No one makes fun of my house without paying."

"I'm not going to give you more candies now," Nate announced, crossing his arms.

"Good. That means you'll be quiet. Now stay still and let me pay attention to the trials."

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