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Wanting Hufflepuff Keeper (Glori)
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   11-21-13 14:03

Leaning back to avoid a bludger, Glori continues stretching an arm to make contact with the quaffle as it comes by to her right. Fingers graze the red ball just enough to dislodge it from its course, sending it to bounce off the rim of the hoop even as the bludger grazes the space between shoulder and ear. The quaffle goes from bouncing on the one point along the rim to knocking against another spot before, to Glori's relief, angling back towards the chasers rather than continuing on through the hoop for a goal.

One of her teammates, Olive Green, gets the rebound and starts the other direction only to be stopped by a bludger to the chest. Glori thinks it's because Olive's unable to maneuver well in such close quarters with the other chasers and was securing her hold on the ball that had her not seeing a black ball coming straight for her. Whatever the reason, the bludger hit to Olive allows roommate Jasmine Doyle to snatch it away.

Jasmine hardly has the quaffle when she's throwing it towards one of the hoops. It's on the far side of from Glori has so recently turned the ball back so she bolts her broom in that direction while diving with her body to knock the quaffle away. She's not as lucky this time, a flash of red going past her through the hoop, a goal for the other team.

The match ends soon after, Glori joining her cousin Hydrangea in the stands. "I still can't believe you aren't trying out at all today."

Hydrangea shrugs. "I love Quidditch but after sitting out last year I found when playing I prefer more of a just for fun game. Besides that, I think I'd rather have the extra time for OWL study and maybe another club or two."

The two talk a little but also spend long minutes in silence, other than cheering on someone in whatever scrimmage is taking place, enjoying the different matches, seeing who's got what it takes and who needs more practice before being at a level to play for one of the house teams.

It seems forever to Glori before she's called to play in another scrimmage though in reality it's not been that much time at all. As before, she's keeper for her team, the same position she's had for awhile now for Hufflepuff. With the thrill of anticipation that always comes with playing a match, Glori kicks off the pitch, taking her place in front of the three hoops she's to guard.

A chaser from the other team gets the quaffle first, a boy Glori recognizes from around Hufflepuff House's common room but who is several years younger than she is and whose name she's not sure she's ever known. He makes a hand off soon after to someone Glori does know, if only in passing, fourth year Penny Puckett. In turn, Penny throws to Mason Jeffers, whom Glori knows both from having played against him in Quidditch and because, like her, he's a fifth year. He's also cute but Glori shakes off that thought. If she were to dwell on thoughts of every cute boy out here on the pitch today, she'd be in serious trouble of never blocking the quaffle and taking every hit from bludgers sent her way.

Mason makes quick work of reaching Glori, ready to take the goal shot only to have Glori's teammate Ramona Mickle make a successful steal. The quaffle rapidly heads away from her, carried by Ramona, the other two chasers on their team closing in to give assists as needed.

Her team manages to keep the quaffle for quite awhile, though only scoring twice in that time. When the ball comes back Glori's way, she wants to laughingly yell at someone, "About bloody time!" During a regular match having the action kept from her is a good thing but with today being the try outs, she knows she has to show her stuff to be up for serious consideration. At least she does have her past experience in house matches to call upon if she doesn't get to show much of what she's capable of today.

Mason, Penny, and the boy whose name she doesn't know get off five shots, Glori blocking four of them before that boy gets one past her, though only just. Only just doesn't matter, however, because it's still a goal and still is worth ten points. From the boy's reaction, Glori surmises it's his first time actually scoring. The competitive Quidditch keeper in her frowns at having allowed the quaffle to get by but the nice, likes most everyone Hufflepuff in her is happy the boy got a boost in his Quidditch playing confidence.

All too soon the match ends, Glori returning to sit with Hydrangea, whose younger brother Baron is also there. Poor Baron had planned to participate today, telling Glori, "I want to try out for every position to show I'm versatile. If I'm ever to be Minister of Magic, people have to know I'm versatile and willing to do what's needed for everyone."
Glori isn't sure how that translate to Quidditch but she has little doubt that Baron will eventually reach his goal of being British Minister of Magic even if he ended up not being able to try for a spot on the Slytherin team today. Baron had been up early to get in some practice with several others before breakfast. On the way back to the castle to eat, he'd somehow tripped, falling just right to break a bone in one arm and severely bruise the wrist and hand. He'd thought to try and pass it off as nothing and go on and take part today, thinking that people play Quidditch all the time while injured. What stopped him was the realization that though the broken bone hadn't come through the skin, it was angled weirdly. Also, there was the pain. Blinding, agonizing pain, his arm jarred with ever step taken back to the castle. Baron did not protest when finally someone suggested levitating Baron to the hospital wing rather than him walking the entire way. As the Skele-gro potion had only been working a short time when the trials began, Baron could do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching. His consolation is that there's always next year.

Working Double Time (Gus)
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   11-21-13 14:04

Augustus Hodfuffer's first match wasn't the first one but it was early on. He'd thought about trying out for something other than beater but in the end decided to only put his name down for the position he's always played. The other beater on his team that first scrimmage he played was Gus's cousin Leonine. Just under ten minutes into the game, Leo collided with a beater from the other team. The other person, a girl from Ravenclaw, was fine, but Leo took a pretty hard whack to the head from her bat. Pyrrhus Fine thought Leo might be concussed and sent him off. The scrimmage was going to be called and the next started but Gus and his remaining teammates convinced the referees they could play one beater down, even if it was to their disadvantage. After a brief discussion, the go ahead was given and play commenced.

Gus had his work cut out for him, two beaters on the other team to his one but he held his own. He puts that down to him being the only experienced player among the three. Experienced in this sort of play versus friendly that is as both the other two have played in plenty of pick up type games.

At one point, Gus raced one of the other two for a bludger, arriving to the ball first. He'd make a good, solid hit but the other beater intercepted and redirected. Gus, in turn, raced ahead to do the same. He got in the last hit before the bludger reached a target, the chaser Gus had initially sent it towards.

His bat was still vibrating from that hit when he'd wheeled around to speed for the other bludger. He'd raced all over the pitch, trying to make up for the lack of a beater on his team and to show the referees they had not been wrong to let the game continue. After all, in a professional match, the loss of a player never ends play. In a professional match, it's very rare anything but a seeker catching the snitch ends the game.

Nevertheless, Gus was glad for a break when the match ended and he could get a drink and stretch out on some of the grass running in front of a set of stands, talking some with best friend Caerwyn. Three scrimmages were played before Gus was called again. The other beater on his team was a first year entirely new to Quidditch. Gus had a feeling this match he'd have to work just as hard as his first.

The newbie surprised him somewhat. Though still new to brooms and Quidditch, he had good balance and handled the bat well. He was tentative when approaching bludgers and his hits weren't as hard as they could be but all in all he did far better than Gus had thought he would.

For his part, Gus went for the bludger further from him when the match began. He had a feeling his teammate and one of the beaters on the other team would go for the nearest one. Gus had flown a relatively straight line to the bludger, eyes darting from it to the chasers to the seekers, determining who best to be on the receiving end of the black ball. Normally, at the start of a game, it's a chaser who gets targeted but Gus notices the other seeker seems to be honing in on something. Not wanting to chance it being the snitch - there have been matches in which the snitch was caught straightaway - he'd thumped the bat on the bludger, sending it to the unsuspecting seeker.

The seeker took the bludger hard on the shoulder, distracting her from whatever it was she thought she saw. She'd stopped, frowned, and looked around, mouth working. Having decided to follow that bludger to get to it for another hit, Gus saw all this and was fairly sure the working mouth was saying that if overheard would be worth a deduction of a few house points.

Reaching the bludger again, he aimed for a chaser in good position to take a long pass from the one in possession of the quaffle, then shoot for goal. Halfway to the chaser, an opposing beater caught up to it and send it to the chaser on Gus's team who was trying to steal the quaffle. Gus raced to get in between him and the bludger. He got there in time but was too close a couple of chasers to take a full swing. He bunted, sending the bludger away from its intended destination. He followed, giving himself enough room to work the bat as needed without fear of slamming it into someone. The bludger is bad enough but getting whacked by a thick, wooden bat swung full force is beyond horrible.

After that match ended, Gus got another drink as well as some food and went back to his spot on the grass. Caerwyn had been called for the next scrimmage so Gus got comfortable, leaning back to watch his friend play while enjoying the sandwich, crisps and orange flavored water.

Good Experience (Bran)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   11-21-13 18:00

Kurt Blackwell and Bran Hyland along with Brom von Roon, one of their roommates, arrived at the pitch a half hour or so before the Quidditch trials were set to start. Bran and Brom signed up to try out for the Ravenclaw team. Kurt had thought about it but knowing he has a way to go before he's good enough to play either chaser or beater, his two preferred positions, he decided to sit out this time. Bran tried to convince Kurt it would be good experience but Kurt shook his head and said this year he'll just sit back and enjoy watching everyone else.

Part of Bran wanted to sit out as well. Sure, taking part today is good experience if he ever does want to make his house's team but at the same time, Bran is fully aware of his current limitations when it comes to both flying and playing Quidditch. The main reason he went through with the sign up is because of Brom.

Brom von Roon has been gungho practically since he got his Hogwarts letter, or so that's the impression he gives. He's talked endlessly about it since the date for the trials was announced at the Start of Term Feast. Bran easily gets carried away with Brom's enthusiasm and, at times, almost feels as if he's been challenged to keep up with the other boy. Bran can't back down from a challenge, can he?

Brom signed up for every position, telling Bran, "Better to have everything covered, eh?"

Bran felt that was a challenge to sign up for everything as well but he resisted, signing up only for seeker. Bran figured that of all the positions, he could handle seeker best this year since it requires more patience and keen eyes as much as speed and agility. He's good on a broom but not great but is sure he can hang on well enough at high speeds if he spots the snitch in a match. The tricky part, he thinks, will be staying on the broom, while racing along, and letting go with one hand to reach for the snitch. With each scrimmage only a set amount of time and not all that long compared to a real game, Bran doesn't think there would be that many times he'd have to actually chase after the little winged ball, even were he to play every single scrimmage match, which he wouldn't be doing.

When Bran's called for his first match, Kurt slaps him on the back and wishes him luck. Brom, somewhat smug at having already played one scrimmage, as beater, gives him a smirky, "Good luck." Bran can't tell if he's being sincere or sarcastic or a bit of both.

The balls are released and much as he wants to watch what everyone else is doing Bran starts the search for the elusive snitch. He'd seen it released and tried to follow it from there while waiting for the quaffle to be released but it was so quick, darting across the pitch, he lost sight of it even before he realized he'd lost sight of it.

The other seeker is a much older girl with long arms and long fingers. If racing side by side with her for the snitch, he knows he'll have to be quicker and fly better if he's to get the snitch before she does.

Bran tries to be somewhat methodical in searching, as he's read a number of times that is the best approach. He's also read that given how erratic the snitch is, searching with no real plan or method works just as well.

The other seeker shoots past him, looking as though she's on to something. Jerking his broom fully around to fly the other direction, he rapidly overtakes her. She might have the longer reach but he's smaller and lighter than she is, giving him the acceleration advantage.

Bran's eyes rapidly scan the area ahead of them, back and forth, up and down, but sees nothing. He hears her make a scoffing sound and say something that sounds like, "Trick of light." She slows, curving around to go back the other way at a much slower, almost leisurely pace. Bran stays the course, figuring as long as he's going this way he might as well keep going until he reaches what's considered the boundary. Too bad it's invisible up here as having a visual reference in the air instead of just on the ground where the pitch is outlined would be nice.

Reaching that invisible line, Bran starts turning. He spots the snitch a little above and to the side. He thinks of his broom made noise it would make a high pitched screeching sound as he braked hard midturn to go after the snitch. The little winged ball leads him on a twisting, turning course, making weaving movements as if working through an obstacle course.

The other seeker joins the pursuit, Bran speeding up in an effort to compensate for her longer reach. They've both got hands extended, Bran not even thinking about having to fly one handed, and he can feel its wings brushing his fingers. A whistle blows, signaling the match is over. The snitch abruptly stops, the other seeker and Bran both overshooting it with the unexpectedness of it. Bran and she exchange rueful smiles, commiserating on how closely one of them just came to catching the snitch.

Kurt congratulations him on playing well. Brom mumbles something that sounds like congratulations so that's how Bran chooses to take it. A little while later Bran is called for a second match, much to Brom's chagrin, who's still only played one, only for Brom to get all smug again when his name is called last for that scrimmage.

Bran and Brom end up on the same team, Bran again for seeker and Brom as chaser. Unfortunately, this match Bran doesn't see the snitch once after it's released. The only consolation is that the other seeker doesn't either. Brom, meanwhile, made a goal. Even before they're on the ground again, Bran knows without doubt that until one of them is called to play again, Brom will talk of nothing but scoring those ten points.

Hunter, Rabnott Not Green, For Chaser
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   11-22-13 09:30

This being his seventh year, Hunter very much hopes to once again make the Gryffindor team as chaser. Drills had gone well, though Hunter hadn't expected otherwise, barring some sort of accident that is.

He's also rooting for Sadie, his girlfriend, to make the Hufflepuff team. If one of them, for someone reason doesn't make it, he doesn't think it would affect their relationship other than it being difficult for the one not making to have the other make it and vice versa; but, having the friendly rivalry of being on opposing teams is actually fun.

Hunter's first match of the day didn't go as well as he'd hoped, but not because of anything he'd done or not done. One of the chasers on his team was nervous enough about trying out for the first time that there was a fumble fingers problem the entire match. Hunter and the third chaser got to where they didn't want to pass to him but they also felt bad about it because it meant he had little chance of improving during the match and showing if he's capable or not.

Hunter and the other chaser, a girl called Sarafina Sutton, a first year Slytherin who is pretty good. She explained after the match that she played little league for several years. Hunter thinks she has a good chance of making her house team.

Sarafina and Hunter had worked the quaffle down the length of the Quidditch, getting in close for a goal attempt. Hunter made the shot, it was blocked, and he dove for the rebound. Fumble Fingers got there first and, unfortunately, in the process of trying to get a good grip to throw for another goal attempt, he'd lost the quaffle entirely. Before either Sarafina or he could get to it, a chaser from the other team swooped in.

Hunter went in pursuit. Just short of the halfway mark down the pitch, one chaser passed to the other. Hunter was able to time accelerating just right to get in between the two players, intercepting the quaffle. He'd done a backhanded throw, thinking to go to Sarafina but Fumble Fingers got it instead. Miraculously, this time he didn't drop it. Hunter got turned around, speeding to get into a position to help. By that time Fumble Fingers had managed a decent pass to Sarafina.

Hunter got in close to her, helping her to get the quaffle in for another goal attempt. It was blocked, she got the rebound, tried again, but again has the quaffle sent back. Hunter got it that time and with an assist from a bludger that distracted the keeper slightly, he was able to get the ball through one of the hoops.

That match ended with the snitch not caught and the other team winning on goals. Hunter couldn't help but think at the time how much better his team might have done if not for Fumble Fingers. He immediately regretting the negative thoughts, wanting to blame the loss solely on the younger boy when he knows he made a few errors as did Sarafina. Having three competent chasers would definitely have helped but Hunter has no way of knowing if they would have been able to take the match or not. The other team might have won anyway.

Hunter's second scrimmage went much better for his team though he did take a nasty bludger hit to the elbow. By the time he was called for another match, he was having trouble bending that arm. Hunter gritted his way through, even making two goals. On the ground again, he's icing the elbow. He'd love to get to play in another match but the way his elbow is swollen and doesn't want to bend or straighten as it should, he wouldn't mind much if he's done for the day.

(Patricia) Lemon and Honey
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   11-22-13 13:47

The room was elegant and sophisticated, with cream sofas and flowery wallpaper. The small flowers on the tea set brought by the house elf, matched the wall and Patricia was sure that it was no coincidence. She nervously adjusted the skirt of her blue dress one more time, as she moved towards the center of the room where the host was on her feet, ready to receive her and her stepmother.

Honoria did the honors and she greeted her dear friend Miss Genevieve Pole with two kisses. Then, the witch's attention turned to the ten year old child.

"You must be Patricia. Honoria talks about you all the time. I am so glad we have finally met."

Miss Genevieve leaned forward to greet Patricia with a hug. Her perfume had a floral scent, that Patricia was not able identify. When the two of the separated, it felt like part of Miss Genevieve's perfume had passed to her. The host made them a sign and they seated around the tea table. She used her wand to serve three cups with the hot tea. Patricia waited for Miss Genevieve to take the delicate cup to her lips, before following her example. The tea tasted like lemon and honey and when she asked if she would like some sugar, she refused.

"She is adorable, Honoria. And she has Ian's eyes. How old are you, dear?"

"Ten. But I will be eleven soon."

By 'soon' Patricia meant the month of January. Never a date has been so important to her, as her eleventh birthday. Even Christmas, that she used to like so much, was irrelevant. Because there was no gift Patricia wanted more than her letter from Hogwarts.

During the summer Sophie had teased her, saying she might not receive any letter from the school. That was Patricia's biggest fear since then. Not because her sister suggested so, but Patricia kept doubting her magical skills. Only once she had shown proof of being a witch, and that happened years ago, when she was seven. It occurred when Eileen had ripped her favorite doll's dress. Patricia cried a bit at first, but then with determination she decided to fix the dress herself. She stole a needle and some thread and she tried to sew, using her little hands, even if she really had no idea how to. After a while, the needle levitated and started to sew alone. Not only the dress was fixed, but it suffered several improvements, making her doll even prettier than it used to be.

Since then, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't perform anymore magic. Patricia was terrified with the possibility of not being a real witch and she thought that the letter from Hogwarts would confirm that indeed she was one. Miss Genevieve, of course mentioned the school:

"That means next year you will be at Hogwarts. Or is it Durmstrang?"

"Hogwarts," Honoria said. "Ian studied at Durmstrang and he did want his children to go there as well, but his first wife had a preference for Hogwarts. His oldest daughter is there right now. She's a second year."

"Which house?" Miss Genevieve asked, with interest.

"Hufflepuff," Patricia replied.

Miss Genevieve took another sip of her tea and then she looked at empty the cup, with a thinking expression on her face. Patricia couldn't really tell what was on her mind. She put the cup on the table and the child imitated her.

"A good house," she ended up saying.

"Ian is pleased. They won the house cup last year," Honoria explained, as if trying to convince her friend that Hufflepuff was indeed a good house.

Patricia knew there were families who tended to affiliate themselves with certain houses at Hogwarts. In her family there was no such tradition and she felt comfortable to the point of knowing no matter where she would be sorted, that her parents would not have any issues with it. Secretly, she hoped to become a Hufflepuff as well, because of the way Sophie kept talking about them. She made it sound like it was the best house of all four.

"Yes, I remember. It was announced on the newspaper."

The tea proceeded and the two women started to talk about people that Patricia didn't know and soon she lost all the interest in the conversation. Her mind started to wonder again about Hogwarts and she recalled a letter Sophie had written home about some Quidditch trials. She wondered if her sister would make the Quidditch team or not. Maybe by tomorrow she would have her answer. If only the letter from Hogwarts would arrive tomorrow as well!

A MacDougal & Two Jenkinses
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   11-22-13 14:07

Perched on her broom, Marlow waits for the quaffle to be put back into play. The ball had been knocked out of bounds when Ramona Mickle went to pass to Olive Green and a bludger hit Ramona in the hand just as she was letting go of the quaffle. That resulting in the throw going wonky, and the bludger ending up heading out of bounds, and bouncing off the front of one of the stands.

The quaffle is passed by Mickle sisters' teammate to Sadie. Marlow tries to grab it before it reaches Sadie, someone she's normally a teammate of instead of an opponent, but an elbow thrown out combined with a bludger heading their way has Marlow backing off somewhat.

Another chance comes when Sadie passes to the third chaser on the team. He catches it but his hold isn't good. He grapples to firm his grip on the ball while flying at a fairly fast clip. It doesn't take much for Marlow to slip in parallel with him, reach over and pop the quaffle with her hand, sending it spiraling away from him.

Marlow goes to dive and curve around back to retrieve it but one of her teammates gets it first. She continues on, climbing slightly, returning to the altitude she'd been. A bludger crosses her path, though meant for someone else, her teammate with the quaffle who's to one side and just ahead of her. She calls a warning about the bludger but it still clips the end of the broom. A couple of bristles fly loose but otherwise no harm is done.

Her teammate accelerates as does Marlow. The third chaser on their team moves up on Marlow's other side. The quaffle is tosses back to her, as she's still trailing a tiny bit, and in turn she passes it along to the third chaser. Working well together they get the quaffle to the hoops, her teammate on the left taking the shot. Marlow smiles with satisfaction when the keeper is unable to stop the quaffle.

Once more there is the wait for the quaffle to be put back into play then the déjà vu of doing what she's done countless times before, racing to the other end of the pitch, watching for an opening to take possession of the quaffle.

In an earlier scrimmage, chasers flying from one end of the pitch in the direction of the other after a goal had been made Marlow and Jasper had been on opposite teams. Cousin Heather was on Marlow's team as chaser as was a first year Gryffindor whose name Marlow believes is Pelinore. With Jasper were another first year, called Brom, and an older girl whose name forever escapes Marlow.

Marlow had passed to Heather who had thrown a long, forward pass to Pelinore. A bludger from Jade Green took Pelinore in the shoulder, allowing Brom to take the quaffle. He'd quickly handed off to Jasper, who then lay low over his broom, quaffle tucked in close to his body, and rocketed towards the beckoning hoops.

Jasper was forced to slow when Marlow and that Heather caught up with him, getting slightly ahead and blocking him from going forward at the same speed. Jasper kept on the course he'd been, adjusting his speed so as not to ram either one of them, quaffle still held close. Getting close to the hoops, Marlow and Heather had to peel away or risk running the keeper and the hoops. Jasper gripped the quaffle in preparation of throwing, turning slightly at the sound of a bludger screaming near. He leaned in time to miss a hit though it did graze him. Undeterred, he threw the quaffle, ready to go for a rebound if the keeper prevented it going through the hoop but the shot was good.

Marlow and Pelinore put the quaffle back into play but don't get far when a bludger knocked him in the back and he dropped the quaffle. Marlow rushes to retrieve it as did that girl whose name Marlow can never remember. They ended up knocking heads, both having an equal hold on the ball. A whistle blew when possession wasn't quickly resolved.

Marlow had gotten the quaffle when Flora Lynch threw it into play again, though just barely. She and that other girl nearly knocked heads again. Marlow's possession was short lived when Jasper intercepted a pass between Marlow and Heather. He and his teammates once more began working the ball to one end of the pitch.

They didn't get far when the whistle was blown again, signaling time for the match.

Another scrimmage Jasper played had his brother Alastor as a teammate. Neither have any idea who the other chaser is. Three people in the match are relatively new, either first and second years, and when names were being called for the match, neither brother knew what name went to which.

Alastor got the tip off, flying in the direction of the keeper wearing a different color than he was, momentarily blanking on who that person is. About the time he passed off to the younger boy, he remember Glori's name. He gave a shake of the head, wondering if he'd taken a knock to it that he doesn't recall. How could have he forgotten Glori's name? He's played against her in Quidditch for awhile now.

The boy passed to Jasper, who passed to Alastor, who passed to the boy, and so on. In this manner they rapidly moved the quaffle near the hoops. It was Alistor taking the first goal shot of the match, frowning slightly when it's turned away. He'd love to be a superstar this year, his last. On the other hand, Alastor nearly didn't sign up to try out. Like his cousin Jill and their friend Olive, he's had something of a hard time with the fact that he should have finished at Hogwarts. He should be looking forward to starting at St. Emrys, or already had a job in the Ministry, possibly with the plan to do both. His frustration and anger ended up not being enough to have him leaving Hogwarts before completing his education here. He also decided not to let it stop him from doing something he does love, playing Quidditch. He very much hopes to make the Ravenclaw team as chaser again.

Jasper got the rebound but is at an awkward angle so tossed the quaffle to Alastor for another go. This time, with an assist from one of the beaters, the shot is good. It felt good to score the first ten points of the game. Alastor couldn't suppress a smile as he started flying slowly the other direction while two of the opposing chasers put the quaffle back into play.

That match ended with Alastor's and Jasper's team winning when seconds before the allotted time was up, their seeker captured the snitch.

One scrimmage Alastor was in ended at the eight minute mark. He and his fellow chasers were doing a series of rapid passes, keeping watch for bludgers and staving off steal attempts by the other team's chasers when the other team's seeker pulled off quite the coup by catching the snitch. He thinks it was the shortest match of the day, not counting any that ended early because of serious injury.

Black Eye (Caerwyn)
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   11-22-13 15:18

"You're going to have a black eye," Gus notes when Caerwyn moves the eye pack from his face for a moment.

"Unless my eye swells shut, I don't think I'll see Madam Pomfrey, no matter how dark the bruise gets."

The injury came about in a somewhat strange fashion. During the scrimmage match that just ended Caerwyn had been playing as beater, the only position he's trying out for today, wanting to again make his Hufflepuff House's team. Caerwyn was in the middle of swinging the bat back to connect with a bludger when a beater for the other team had gotten the second bludger off, aiming for the chaser on Caerwyn's team who had the quaffle. That person had the quaffle up, arm cocked to throw it when that other bludger hit it, knocking it free from the chaser's grasp.

It was a hard enough hit that the quaffle went sailing. Before any chaser could get it, it reached Caerwyn. By that time he'd thwacked the bludger before him. Intent on hitting it well, eyes going from the bludger to his target, determining how hard the hit should be, Caerwyn never saw the quaffle. He moved his head after hitting the bludger and WHOOMP! quaffle in the face. More specifically, one eye and cheek. Even though the quaffle isn't hard like a bludger, it hit with enough force to do more than sting a little.

At the time it hurt but the refs judged his eye and cheek to be fine and everything carried on as normal. It wasn't until game's end that someone commented that a bruise was starting to appear. Caerwyn had managed not to feel around the painful area while the rest of the match went on but once it ended and that comment was made, he kept touching, feeling around for where the edges of the sore area were. Coach Krum handed him an ice pack even before Caerwyn reached the ground.

It's just been a strange day all around for Caerwyn. In his very first match, which was this morning, his bat splintered. Caerwyn had waited for an opposing beater to hit a bludger than had gone after it, thinking to alter its course. The bat had been fine, not a sign of a fracture or break. Caerwyn knows because he tends to inspect his equipment before and after using it, which has been quite a lot the last two weeks in preparation for today's trials.

Caerwyn swung his arm back and forward, the bat meeting the bludger. There was a deafening crack, or deafening to him being right, but not of a bat sending a bludger hurling along. It was the crack of wood. The break was so unexpected and jarring, for long minutes afterward Caerwyn felt as though his arm was still reverberating from it.

Play halted long enough for Caerwyn to be given another bat. It wasn't quite the same though. He's used the other bat for a long time. It's heft and balance are familiar to him. One would think that the replacement bat, made identically, would feel just the same, but it didn't. There's also the fact that on his bat the handle is worn just right for his fingers. The rest of that match, his grip felt a little off, no matter which hand he used to wield the bat.

He couldn't let it affect him. Not if he wants to assure his position on the team. Caerwyn had to grit his teeth and do his best to overcome. He played well, assisting his team, even using a bludger to stop the other team's seeker from getting the snitch. He simply thinks he would have done even better with his own bat.

Coach Krum had said he'd try to fix it but couldn't give any assurances. Some things are never exactly the same once fixed, no matter how effective the magic used to do the repair. Brooms and wands are perfect examples. Once damaged, no matter how excellent the fix is, a repaired broom and a repaired wand never work quite the same way ever again, if at all.

Tired of holding the ice pack with either hand he debates tying it on his head but decides the best recourse for the time being is to lie back on the grass. That also means not having to crane his head back to see what's going on with the current game. Of course, sitting in the stands serves the same purpose but Gus and he snagged this spot of grass this morning and just never moved from it.

Lying back, listening to Gus give commentary on a few of the players in the air, Caerwyn adjusts the pack so it stays over that eye and cheek without him having to hold it. Even with the possibility that the eye will swell shut, he hopes he gets to play again before the day is over.

(Paton) Sporty or Not
Author: Griet 
Date:   11-22-13 17:17

Paton doubted very much he would make the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, but he hoped his chances had improved over last year. All his cousins, except for Franciscus, played for their respective house teams (or at least they'd had). Even his cousins' cousins played Quidditch. It seemed only logical that Paton would eventually follow suit, but only if he shared the sporty gene they all possessed themselves.

He'd signed up for all positions, not sure which he was the best at or which he favored. Every position had its perks, even the keeper, which really was probably the most important position on the team. After all, the keeper had to stop goals from being made. Chasers got to make the goals, beaters had to have good aim and quick thinking when utilizing the bludgers, and the seekers decided the fate of the match.

In his first scrimmage match, Paton had played beater. He'd done all right, making most of his targets, though one time he'd missed by a wide margin, which really was kind of embarrassing. In his next match, he'd played chaser. Chaser required good hand and eye coordination, which Paton had to some extent. His catches had been good, his goal attempts decent, but his passes weren't always spectacular, particularly at high-flying speeds.

Next came keeper. For much of the scrimmage, he watched the activity taking place on the other side of the Pitch. The quaffle changed hands so many times while remaining near the other goal hoops, giving the opposing team's keeper much to do and Paton very little. Only towards the end of the match did he finally see some action. He stopped two goals, but let past the third, and then the whistle blew.

Finally, he got his chance at seeker. He started high in the air, scanning as far as he could clearly see for any sign of something gold. As large as the Pitch was, Paton understood that it would be no easy task. He had to look the length, width and even depth of the Pitch for a tiniest, though shiniest Quidditch ball. He saw it only when the other seeker did, but Paton made a good effort to catch up. The snitch took the seekers in a fast, zigzagging loop around the Pitch. Paton swerved suddenly to avoid a bludger, but his change in direction only helped him draw even closer to the snitch. Unfortunately, time ran out. The whistle shrieked loudly, ending the match.

(Asher) Stewing
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   11-22-13 19:04

Asher touched down to the ground with a violent jolt and threw the school broom he'd been using onto the turf. His shirt was stained red from the blood that continued to stream from his nose. Arielle appeared at his side, a crease in her forehead, and started to lead him off the field.

"I know where duh Hospital Wing is!" Asher exclaimed, his broken nose affecting his speech. "I don't need your help!"

"Coach said," Arielle began, but Asher cut her off with a wave of his red-stained hand. He pushed past her and left the stadium, trudging up the slope to the castle. Arielle trailed behind him, determined to follow the instructions given to her, even if her brother didn't want or need her help.

Asher reached the castle doors and yanked them open to find the entrance hall empty, but not everyone was down at the pitch watching the Quidditch trials. Dear Old Dad had not witnessed the bludger that had hit him in the face.

Asher scowled, thinking both of the bludger and his father. Both made him so very angry.

He had decided to try out for Quidditch this year, thinking he would have a better chance as a second year. Arielle, however, had only wanted to watch the trials.

Asher's preferred positions were either beater or seeker. He had first played seeker, spotting the snitch and giving it a good chase, but never laying a hand on it. He felt pretty confident that given another chance and more time, he probably could catch it.

It was while playing beater that his injury happened. He had gone after a bludger and struck it hard, aiming it at the chaser with the quaffle tucked under his arm. The bludger managed to graze the chaser, but he maintained his hold on the red ball. Asher was already going after the other bludger, when he was accidentally bumped by another player, pushing him into the path of the black ball. Before he could reposition himself in order to hit the ball with his bat and not his nose, it hit, causing him to see spots.

Even now, his nose continued to stream hot blood. He turned into the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey immediately directed him to an empty bed, muttering under her breath about how dangerous Quidditch could be. There were other injured students in various beds, such as the unfortunate keeper who had taken a bludger to the jaw and lost some teeth and the little first year who'd gotten hit in the head and fallen off her broom.

Arielle hovered in the doorway and watched Madam Pomfrey fuss over her brother. He wouldn't want her to stay, and Madam Pomfrey would probably shoo her out as soon as she noticed her, so she backed out of the room. She debated going back to the Pitch to watch the remainder of the trials, but then she ended up going to the stables to find her dad.

Asher wouldn't want Jolyon knowing about what happened, and he certainly wouldn't want him visiting the Hospital Wing, but Arielle thought their father should at least know about the accident. Of course, nothing ever stayed a secret at Hogwarts, so even if she didn't tell him, Jolyon would learn about the incident no question.

The doors to the stables were open when she arrived. She went in, heard Jolyon up in the loft, and called out, "Dad? I'm here," before climbing up the ladder.

Meanwhile, Asher continued to stew in his hospital bed, angry that a stupid bludger put him out of his scrimmage match and possibly ruined his chances at making his house team.

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