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Me and My Shadow
Author: Illyria 
Date:   03-28-10 13:04

True to her word, Illyria had gone to the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Law Enforcement after her confrontation with Roland last week. She'd presented the anonymous letter she'd received to the officer assigned to her case and told him everything she knew, from when her ex-boyfriend had first approached her to borrow money to their hasty discussion from earlier that afternoon.

Because Roland had never given her names or told her every detail about the trouble he'd gotten himself into, Illyria unfortunately couldn't provide enough information to the officer taking on her case. The next logical step for him was to talk to Roland directly, which proved a problem in the end. Officer Hatcher went to Roland's flat to find no one home and the place partially ramsacked. Roland hadn't turned up at work either.

When Officer Hatcher told Illyria what he discovered, she couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to him as he had feared. Hatcher didn't seem to think so, though, since the nature of the ramsacking suggested that Roland had hastily searched for items he might need while hiding out, like clothes and provisions. To his eyes, it didn't look like someone had trashed the place and kidnapped Roland, but who really knew but Roland himself? Could be the ramsacking was the work of a professional, made to appear as if Roland had done it himself and flown the coop.

To be on the safe side, Hatcher saw to it that Illyria had protection. It began after several days of no sign of Roland. She was shadowed day and night by another officer by the name of Eccleston. Eccleston would continue to keep an eye on her until Roland was found or the author of the note was discovered and apprehended. Illyria hoped for her sake, and for Roland's, that the whole mess got put behind them soon.

It had begun to put a strain on her life, and it proved difficult to hide. Ronan had noticed and had asked her what was wrong, but Illyria didn't want to burden him with her problems. He had his own concerns to keep him occupied, like the fact that his mother was in Azkaban and that he would be taking the NEWTs very shortly. Once Illyria had her shadow, however, she felt she couldn't hide it from him any longer.

She sat with Ronan at the top of the Astronomy Tower. Eccleston stood in the shadows, keeping out of their way. It had rained off and on all morning, but even with the rain, it stayed sunny. Right now it was dry.

Ronan really wanted to know what was going on with his former guardian, but he didn't want to push her to tell him. Illyria appreciated how patient he was.

She sighed. "If this continues when term resumes next week, my students are bound to wonder why I'm being constantly followed by someone. I've already talked about it with Dumbledore, of course, and the rest of the staff who have been here over break know about it too." She shook her head. "I probably won't announce it to the world. There's no reason for anyone else to know––except for you."

Ronan studied her silently, urging her to continue without a word.

"We were family once, and I still think of you as a pseudo-Jones." Illyria smiled. "I just don't want you to worry. Promise me you won't?"

Ronan chewed on his lower lip. "I don't know if I can, but Hogwarts is supposed to be the safest place in the world, especially when Dumbledore is here, so I think I might not worry as much as I might otherwise."

"Fair enough," Illyria replied. She launched into her story, leaving nothing out.

Not Much of a Break
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   03-28-10 14:55

Even though it was a holiday week at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall found herself to be quite busy. Towards the beginning of the week, she'd marked all of the written exams she'd given her students last week. A handful had done exceptionally well, most had done reasonably well, and a few had done quite poorly. She already had an idea which students would likely wind up in her NEWT classes and which would not. Of course, it also all hinged on how her fifth years (and some sixth years) performed on their OWLs.

Throughout the year, she'd offered up special tutorials to those students who had missed taking the OWLs two years ago. Most of them had enrolled and been accepted by special dispensation into her NEWT-level sixth year course, although there were a select few who had chosen not to continue with Transfiguration at all. Despite not continuing with the course, some of these students still wanted to take the Transfiguration OWL exam, as they would have at the end of their fifth year. Professor McGonagall felt these students in particular had a disadvantage to their counterparts, since they weren't practicing Transfiguration regularly in a classroom setting. Therefore, she worked with them extra hard in one-on-one and group study sessions.

These, of course, had been placed on hold during spring break. The castle was virtually empty, though not completely. There were more than enough students around to keep themselves entertained, occupied, and hopefully out of trouble. Professor McGonagall hadn't had to reprimand anyone yet.

Also this week, all of the students at Hogwarts would get a chance to select electives for next school year. Professor McGonagall knew that some parents were more involved with their children than others and would want to play an active role in selecting electives for their children to take next year. It wasn't required for parents to sign off on elective choices, though. Professor McGonagall suspected that most students would pick whatever they wanted without letting their parents put in their two knuts.

The new elective Fitness & Athletics was a very popular choice and was open to students of all ages. Minerva wished it had been around when she was a student. Being the fan of Quidditch that she was, she would have definitely taken it herself!

Running Into Old Friends
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   03-28-10 16:07

Entering Diagon Alley via The Leaky Cauldron, Sage blinks sleepily, sort of wishing he'd told everyone he'd meet them later in the day. Until a scant half hour ago, he'd been in the US visiting family. They'd left before the crack of dawn there, arriving to late morning in the UK. None of them had eaten breakfast so after Saffron got Niccola fed she, Aaron, and Deak were going to get lunch in the Great Hall. Drake had been with them part of the week in the States but had left yesterday with Ophelia to spend a little time with her family down in Australia.

Sage is hungry for the lunch he's going to have with Georgia, Jared, and Alanna but a bit of a nap would have been nice. Just a long enough one to get in a tiny bit more sleep and then lunch. He's here now, though, and it's on the late side to be contacting the others to have them rearrange their schedules. Sage puts his mind towards what they'll have for lunch instead of lingering on wanting another hour of sleep. They're meeting at the Diagon Alley location of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes because Georgia had promised that insane little sister of hers, Libby, something from there. After having Tex-Mex food when spending a day with his mum Jennifer, stepfather Abram, stepsister Savannah, and stepbrother Ezra, Sage has had a craving for beef nachos. He knows of places with Spanish food and with Mexican style cuisine, but he'll have to check around for one that's more "Tex-Mex" in nature and take Georgia before her holiday week is over or plan on taking her when Hogwars is out for summer. Or, he could always try making some Tex-Mex. He could get Savannah to help him, either going to visit her again or waiting until their next St. Emrys term begins soon. Sage is a decent cook, which is surprising given that his father the world famous chef absolutely hates having anyone else in his kitchen even at home.

Sage's musing about Tex-Mex food are put on hold when he's passing Gringott's and a voice calls out. "Porter! Sage Porter!"

Sage stops, swiveling his head to locate the source, not as easy a task as it normally might have been because there are a great many more people crowding Diagon Alley today despite the periodic rain. He hears again, "Sage Porter!" and this time pinpoints where, and who, it's coming from.

Starting that direction, Sage raises a hand in greeting. "Hi, Euan. How have you been?"

"Good. Busy. What about you?" Euan Abercrombie asks.

"The same. Just got back from the US a short time ago and am on my way to meet up with a few friends to have lunch. Want to tag along and say hello to Jared Wynbourne and Alanna Beck?"

"That would be great. Let me just get Aubrey. She's there at Narcissa's, probably trying to figure out how to convince them to let her do some modeling for them in exchange for one of a kind designer outfits," Euan says with a combination of humor and exasperation.

Sage hadn't known Aubrey was with Euan. If he had, he wouldn't have been inclined to invite Euan and, by extension, Aubrey along. There's no going back on it now so Sage holds his tongue and follows Euan into the clothing shoppe. Aubrey is easy to spot, and hear, as she is standing with a woman Sage knows from Hogwarts career days to be the shoppe manager and, as Euan predicted, trying to negotiate for free clothes. Sage remains near the entrance as Euan walks right up to Aubrey and Ms. Wright. "Excuse me for interrupting but, Aubrey, you've been in here for at least forty-five minutes. Time to go."

"Give me just a couple more minutes, Euan. I'm in the middle of something with Griselda."

"I'm sure Ms. Wright as other things to do and if you truly want a modeling contract with the shoppe, your agent should arrange it."

"That's what I've been explaining to Aubrey," Griselda Wright says. She adds, "Your sister is very persistent."

"Don't I know it," Euan agrees. To Aubrey he says, "We're meeting old friends for lunch. Let's go."

"We are? Who?"

Euan hooks a thumb at Sage. "Porter over there for one."

"SAGE!" Aubrey's squeal is high pitched and full of excitement. She rushes over to Sage and nearly knocks him down when she throws her arms around him to give him a tight - and long - hug.

"Hi, Aubrey," Sage briefly returns Aubrey's hug then when she doesn't show any signs of letting go, starts extricating himself.

Euan helps matters along with a not so subtle hint that they need to get going. "Aubrey, give Sage some air. You're holding us up. Lead the way, Sage."

Just out the door from Narcissa's Aubrey links arms with Sage. "Where are we going? Who are we meeting? It's been ages since I've seen any of the old Hogwarts gang."

"We're going to Weasley's and meeting two people you should remember well and one I don't know if you know or not."

"So give me names," Aubrey enthusiastically encourages, giving Sage's arm a squeeze. "I've missed you, Sage. I'm sorry I've been so bad about writing and keeping up with what's going on with you."

Sage avoids responding to that last, instead telling her who he - they - are meeting. "I'm sure you remember Jared Wynbourne and Alanna Beck well."

"Of course I do! Alanna is one of my best friends, though I've not written to her in ages either and it's been even longer since we last saw each other. Is Jared still crushing horribly on her?"

"In a way. They're a couple and have been for awhile now."

"And Alanna didn't let me know? I can't believe she didn't tell me! Who's this other person we're meeting up with?"

"Georgia Copperpot."

"Georgia Copperpot. Hmmm. Georgia Copperpot." Aubrey says Georgia's name a few more times then shakes her head. "No, I don't remember the name. Do you, Euan?"

"No, sorry."

"She's Ravenclaw and a little younger."

"One of Alanna's friends is she? She's in Ravenclaw now? So still at Hogwarts. It must be spring holiday."

"Yes, she's still at Hogwarts and yes, it's spring holiday. Yes, she's Alanna's friend but mainly she's my girlfriend."

"Oh. Well. That's nice. Can't wait to meet her."

Reaching the door of Weasley's, Sage holds it open, not sure he liked Aubrey's tone just then. Surely she can't expect him to still be pining away for her? He guesses he's about to find out when Georgia and Aubrey come face to face. Spotting Georgia talking with Jared and Alanna, Sage smiles and calls out a greeting.

Study Session
Author: Griet 
Date:   03-28-10 16:10

Griet sat in the Slytherin common room and studied. True, it was spring break and the weather was decent enough to be spent outside and away from school work, but she wanted to take advantage of the peace and quiet in the castle. She may be a sixth year student, but in June she would be taking the OWL exams. Griet remembered studying furiously for them two years ago, only to find out on the day of the first exam that she wasn't allowed to take any of them. Everyone else who wound up at Happy Haven School For Nons had found themselves in the same situation.

Now Griet had her second chance. It hadn't been a piece of cake catching up on what she'd missed during her time at Happy Haven and while in hiding in San Marino and North Carolina. Remembering some things had been easier than others, but on the whole, it had been a somewhat challenging school year. it certainly hadn't helped that her personal life had gotten quite dramatic.

Griet's original decision to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays had stemmed from her thought that Cornelia would go home. Even though Griet had made up with Gervaise, she had yet to settle things with her sister. She didn't want to spend time at home and in close quarters with someone who still hated her guts.

In the end, Cornelia hadn't gone home. Only the youngest two Vanderbilt sisters had. Cornelia had stayed because Gervaise had stayed.

Although it had bothered Griet at first, she'd started to think that it might not be so bad having Cornelia stay at Hogwarts. With less people around, it might be easier for them to finally have a heart to heart. It hadn't happened yet, though. To Griet's surprise, she hardly saw Cornelia in the deserted common room or elsewhere in the castle. It was like Cornelia was avoiding her, which was just as well. Griet could study uninterrupted.

On that score, it helped that Oberon wasn't around. His family had wanted to see him, so he'd reluctantly gone home. Who knew what he and Griet might get up to with few people roaming the castle!

The portal to the common room opened, diverting Griet's attention from her books for just a moment. It was Cornelia, followed by Gervaise. Both had a stack of books under their arms.

Gervaise stopped and smiled at Griet. "Hey."

"Hey," Griet replied. "Been in the library?"

"Yeah. Thought we would check out some of the books we need for the exams while most everyone else is away. Do you want to study with us?"

Cornelia, having said nothing during the exchange, shot him an annoyed look.

Griet ignored it and said, "Sure."

"Great. Come on, Cornelia. Move that chair over to Griet's table."

Cornelia didn't understand why Gervaise had made up with Griet but she didn't question him. She wasn't going to talk him out of something that would definitely start a fight between them. She dragged the chair in question over to her sister's table and sat down wordlessly.

Back to School
Author: Linnea Rose 
Date:   03-31-10 08:56

Now Linnea sat on the train back to Hogwarts and she was looking so much forward to the Spring terms. She was a little tired since she had walked up early because she and Maria had to go back to school today.

She sat there on the seat and rest while she looked out through the window while the landscape passed by. When Linnea sat in there and looked at the window she fell asleep and she slept.

1 hours passed and she waked up from her sleep. Now she remembered where she was and she though for a moment about what she should do. She though for a moment and when she sat there she heard the door open.

- Are you awake Linnea, said Maria when she had come inside.

- Yes I am and are there something you want, Linnea said when she had rubbed her eyes a little.

- I wanted to tell you that it is a little time left until we comes to the station, Maria said while she looked at Linnea and then she turned around and start head out to the corridor.

- Okey, I will start to dress then, Linnea said when she start to stand up while Maria head out to get her school uniform.

When Maria had left, Linnea started to put on her uniform, she started with the skirt and the shirt with her sweater after it and last her socks and shoes. She then sat there and looked through the window as the train got closer to Hogwarts.
Half an hour later the Hogwarts Express started to slow down and Linnea started to take her trunk down from the shelf and put it on the train floor. So when the train had pulled in to the station Linnea put her coat on her and then she had out to the corridor with her luggage and walked down from the train on to the platform.
Then it was timed to head to the school. So Linnea was happy to be back.

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