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Input Needed (Jill with Alexa)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   08-24-12 16:01

Before Marjani Batuti or Olive Green joined the trio of Jill Prewitt, Julietta Wynbourne, and Alexa Wenlock, Jill motions for the other two to stop walking, gesturing to one of the tables recently placed for today's Spring Social. "I need input on something."

She waits until they are seated to say more. "I've been debating whether to say anything or not."

"About what?" Alexa asks, curiosity aroused.

"I just took a licensing exam to apparate yet here I am prepping to take OWLs in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure I want to be 19 before I graduate Hogwarts."

"Are you saying you might quit school when this term ends?"

Jill shakes her head at Etta. "No, only thinking about it. With St. Emrys, I could get whatever courses I need to take NEWTs if those scores are truly even needed these days. Being there, I might feel like I'm making progress with my life. I could also have a job."

Alexa astutely asks, "Is the possibility of leaving Hogwarts why you are talking about this when Olive isn't around?"

"Yes, pretty much. You two and Marjani graduate at the end of the next school year. If Olive's wanting to stay and graduate, I know she'd be pressuring me to stay too so she's not the only one here of our group."

"It's possible Olive's having similar thoughts," Etta points out.

"She might. I'll talk about it with her soon, I just wanted to find out what you both think before bringing Olive into the conversation since, like me, she's not the most objective about being a year behind in school."

Realizing she's been drumming her fingers in thought, Alexa stops, knowing how annoying that can be to others. "I understand wanting to be away from Hogwarts when most of your friends leave but I think it's important to officially graduate from here."

Etta, who'd been nodding as Alexa spoke, adds her agreement. "Going to St. Emrys or one of the other universities that have sprung up since St. Emrys began would at least let you finish your education but from what Jared has said, there's a whole different level of stress going to university and even in classes listed as introductory, some of the professors act as though you already know the subject."

"I've thought about that. I've also thought about how here even for classes with professors I don't necessarily care for overly much, I at least know them, their methods, and expectations. There'd also be taking the NEWTs from the same instructors I'll have for OWLs, unless something happens to one of them between now and in two years. I was reading something recently that leads me to think that if taking the exams through the university, the panel of questioners may well be other people. I don't know if it would matter or not having different examiners but if there's a chance it does, then that's another reason to continue on here."

"There's also that you would have Olive here with you. At St. Emrys, you'd be taking the courses needed for their NEWT programs while Etta, Marjani, and I would be taking other classes. Sure, we'd get to see each other away from class, but we'd not even have the opportunity to try and schedule certain courses together."

Jill looks from Alexa to Etta and sighs. "I'll probably stay on here, but am going to think about it more. Now that I have your opinions, I'll see what Olive has to say. Marjani too."

By this time, there are many more people milling around the school grounds than there'd been when Jill had first left the castle after her licensing test. Swiveling around in her seat, taking everything in she suggests, "How about seeing if we can find those two then start visiting some of the booths. I think I saw one of those pop the balloon games over near the bench where you'd been sitting earlier, Etta."

"There is, I saw it too," Etta says, getting up to start back that direction.

"How about detouring to that ice cream stand, first?"

Etta and Jill look in the direction Alexa is pointing, altering their course at the thought of ice cream.

(Ariella) Sweet Samples
Author: Beck 
Date:   08-24-12 18:08

Some of the staff from Briar's Bakery were taking turns operating a booth with samples of different biscuits, bites of cake, little fruit tarts, miniature fairy cakes and something new for the bakery: cake pops. Ariella had offered to work the first shift. It started out slow but as more and more guests arrived at Hogwarts, it became busier.

"That's a lemon bar," Ariella said in reply to a visitor's question. "And those are lemon dimples," she said, referring to a platter of biscuits with lemon filling on top.

The visitor decided to try one of the biscuits. Ariella picked one up with a square of wax paper and handed it to him. "Enjoy!" she said with a smile.

The cake pops were proving quite popular. Ariella had yet to master the really fanciful kind, like cats with whiskers and owls with big, glowing eyes. But she had learned how to do simple, round ones in different flavors. Some were plain, others decorated with icing or sprinkles.

She'd just handed a pink one with white sprinkles to one of the younger students when Lawrence appeared at the booth. He waited patiently for Ariella to finish helping the customers already in line and then asked, "How's business been going?"

"Steady, but I can't really call it business since everything is free today. This is more like an outreach."

"I think it's smart, even though everybody already knows that Briar's is the best."

Ariella smiled. "Yeah, we're testing out some new products, like these," she said, gesturing at the different cake pops. "I have a feeling we'll be getting a lot of orders for them in the future. Want one?"

"Sure. How about… that one," he said, pointing to one that was ambiguously orange. Ariella handed it to him.

He took a small nibble. The inside was chocolately with a hint of orange flavoring. "Delicious."

Ariella grinned. "Good. So where's Maggie?"

"With her boyfriend, I think," Lawrence replied.

Ariella smiled inwardly at the way Lawrence said the word "boyfriend". It was obvious he felt protective of his sister, even though they hadn't known each other all that long.

"You should send her around for a sample if you see her before I do, or there might not be any sweets left," Ariella said.

"Mmm." Lawrence polished off the cake pop and then threw the stick into a rubbish bin beside the booth. "Find me when your shift is done?"

"I will."

He blew her a kiss and then disappeared into the crowd. Not a moment later, Ariella found herself busy helping hungry visitors to the booth.

Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   08-24-12 19:59

Since well before Spring Social officially began, Dante has been roaming the grounds, helping here and there getting booths and rides ready, helping keep an eye out for students who might be thinking of making mischief, and watching for any sign of a family member showing up. He'd not mentioned Spring Social to any of them but he wouldn't put it past Rocky to have a copy of the complete school calendar, looking for ways to better annoy his younger brother.

Dante's mother is nearly back to full strength. She and his father have amped up the pressure for Dante to rejoin the life, attempting to guilt him into returning to the fold. If he were with them on a regular basis like Rocky and Sunshine, then he would get to spend quality time with both of his parents. Hadn't this recent scare with Mum let him know how important the family is? Having his brother, sister, and sister-in-law adding their voices to the mix has amped up the pressure even more. Rocky showing up today to twist Dante's arm more would come as no surprise. With so many others around, it's not as though Dante could make a scene or have Rocky escorted from the grounds.

Dante is to the point he's has given serious thought to changing his name again and moving away from Hogwarts, possibly even Great Britain. He doesn't want it to come to that. He really likes it here at Hogwarts and he's grown comfortable being Dante Knight these past several years. He doesn't relish the thought of having to set up a new identity, especially when the constant identity changes is one of the main factors that led him to break from the family in the first place. Dante also isn't sure he wants to be entirely cut off from the family. He's lived that way in the past and though he prefers them in small doses, he does miss them somewhat when going for long periods without a short visit, dysfunctional as they and their lifestyle are.

As horrible a thought as it is, when his mum was near death, Dante did wonder if her dying wouldn't be best. With her gone, Dad might finally decide to turn himself in. That would, in turn, possibly allow the rest of them to live openly for once and use the names they were each given at birth. It's been so long since he's even been called by his given name it's easy for Dante to forget what that name is.

"Excuse us. Where is the sign-up table for the Pie Eating Contest? We're to meet our son there."

Dante offers the couple and the two children a smile, before half turning to point. "If you continue that direction, you'll find the table under a banner with dancing pies. It's not far from the steps to the castle's main entrance."

"Thank you!" The foursome hurry along, the children fairly bouncing with energy, probably excited to see what the Spring Social holds.

Alone once more, Dante meanders around the grounds more, ever watchful for signs of Rocky although he has no idea what face his brother might wear to come annoy and harass him were he to show up. Dante is also constantly reminding himself not to frown or scowl. That would only bring about questions as to why he's at a happy event looking angry or upset. Looking towards a booth offering fruit filled fried pies, Dante starts for it. If he can't go for a run right now to work off some of this stress, he'll eat. Running would be better but nothing wrong with indulging in a tasty snack every now and then.

Karma and the Castle (Dexter)
Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   08-24-12 20:52

Dexter woke up later then he planned, but the bed was too inviting to pull himself out of this morning. Last night had been amazing, Karma had cooked a fantastic Indian meal, and the smell of the spices still lingered in the room. Dex was fascinated by Karma's family and culture, which made him love her even more.

He slowly got up, careful not to wake Karma as he untangled his arms from hers. He thought he heard a slight whine as he pulled away from her.

Dex quickly made coffee and a light breakfast for the two of them, complete with his hangover cure potion. He then took a shower and got dressed before waking Karma.

"Hey you. Time to wake up." He lightly kissed her forehead and sat a tray of breakfast on the bed beside her. "Did you sleep well?"

Karma sipped her coffee as she started to wake up and shot Dex a sly smile. "Of course. I always sleep better with you. This is wonderful, Dexie, thank you."

"You're quite welcome sweetheart, why don't you shower and you can show me around?" He grinned and kissed her, they were both reluctant to leave Karma's quarters.

A little while later Karma and Dex were out wandering the castle grounds. Today was the Spring Social at Hogwarts, and as the day went on, the castle was growing crowded with students, family and friends.

"Wow, this place fills up fast when there's a party." Dex wrapped his arm around Karma's waist as they made their way back inside. Dexter was amazed at how many people turned to stare at them when they stepped through the doors. Several of Karma's students looked shocked, Dexter was pretty sure some of them were drooling over him. They made their way past several booths and Dex smiled and some of Karma's coworkers.

He leaned in to whisper the question lightly in her ear. "So, do you want to introduce me to your friends and colleagues?"

Spring Social with Dexter
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   08-25-12 04:36

The morning had started in a way she could truly get used to, breakfast in bed with an amazing man. She'd spent some time reflecting over the past month in the shower when she'd been getting ready for them to go down to the spring social that was taking place later this afternoon once the licensing exams were over in the Great Hall.

She was happy, happier than she'd been in ages and she knew that there would ultimately be a few bumps in the road in any relationship but she had a feeling that they'd weather just about any storm that came at them. Sleeping alone on Sunday would probably suck a lot after this weekend...biting her lip as she looked in the mirror in the bathroom it took her all of maybe five seconds to realize that she had fallen for the man in the next room in such a short time. A smile danced upon her lips as she finished applying her makeup and stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of jeans, trainers and a tank top to celebrate the warmer spring weather.

Several minutes later they were heading to wander the Castle grounds. She knew that there were quite a few people turning to look as she wandered the grounds with him, and she knew that several of her boy crazy students were no doubt giggling and eyeing their professor's boyfriend.

They'd wandered inside for a bit when Dex had leaned over and asked her if she would introduce him to her friends and colleagues. "Of course, gotta show you off..." She said with an impish grin before leading him back outside.

"Hi Dante," she said with a light smile moving over to the upper years Charms professor.

"Dante, this is Dexter Morgan. Dex this is Dante Knight, he teaches upper years charms and its his first year teaching as well."

"Pleased to meet you Dante."

The trio talked for a few minutes before we wandered away, within a few minutes they were approached by a young girl dressed quite fashionably for the day.

"Hello Rylee, let me guess taking some time away from your family?"

"Yeah, Mum and Dad are still kinda not pleased with the fact that I'm taking after my eldest sister and want to learn about muggle things, and they've agreed to let me take whatever courses that I want - so long as I stop pestering them about it."

"Fantastic, so you'll be taking F&A and eventually muggle studies then?"

"Yes!" Rylee said with a smile, gone was the snobbish rich girl that had entered Hogwarts in September. She'd grown quite a bit in the subsequent months.

"Oh, Rylee, I'd like you to meet Dexter Morgan. Dex, this is one of my first year students, Rylee Marks. She'd come to me for some advice a couple of months ago and it seems to have paid off."

"Pleasure to meet you Rylee, and how are you enjoying your first year at Hogwarts?"

"You as well Mister Morgan. I am liking it well enough if I can manage to not get people talking about me at this event as well," she said with a sigh before someone called her name and she headed off to join another Slytherin student, probably Gideon.

"Yeah, you'll be able to figure out where the Marks are soon enough. At the Easter Egg hunt they'd brought an entire pavilion and set it up I heard." She said with a light smile as she began leading Dex toward the castle once more, though they made a brief stop by the ever busy Briar's bakery table.

She plucked up a rather orange cake pop, which was offered by the staff member running the booth. "Oh, Ariella, I'd like you to meet Dexter Morgan. Dex this is Ariella Masterson. She's married to the upper years herbology professor, Lawrence, and if I recall correctly she's Bronwyn's sister-in-law."

Ariella confirmed that she was indeed Toby's sister and they talked for a few minutes while the table was in a lull, which never lasted long when the delicious baked goods were in the school. As the booth began to get busy again they both grabbed a fresh cake pop and headed toward the Castle and the various things that were now set up in the Great Hall.

"Gonna try and win me a prize at one of the games?" She asked with an impish grin. "Or are you going to enter the pie eating contest?"

Author: Mildred 
Date:   08-25-12 04:55

Mildred decided to spend the Spring Social inside the castle, at the library. Her aunt wasn't coming today and she was not expecting any other visitors. Most of her friends were going to spend the day with their respective families so she thought she could continue her research about her father's case and avoid nosy questions.

Mildred had never seen the school library so empty before. Most of the tables were empty with the exception of a lonely student here and there that Mildred was sure they were revising for their O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. She felt a bit embarrassed when the sound of her steps echoed around the library.

The little witch knew exactly where to go in order to fetch the old editions of The Daily Prophet. There was no sign of Miss Branble but Mildred spotted Dorothy, one of her assistant house elves, dusting one of the shelves not far away.

Mildred sat at one of the tables by the window. She had been consumed by the thoughts of Erica Sims' death until Professor McGonagall came to the Gryffindor tower the other evening announcing that a student from Ravenclaw, as well as Mrs. Norris, had passed away. Panic had installed among the first years and Mildred had written to her aunt and father about the occurrence. She avoided sending an owl to her grandmother afraid she would come and take her away from school. Her father advised her not to wonder alone in the castle, just in case, and her aunt told her not to worry. She wrote that if Dumbledore thought his students would be in danger he would make sure they wouldn't stay at Hogwarts.

Finally the topic had been somewhat forgotten and everyone was more than willing to finish their exams and go home for the summer holidays. The Quiddicth World Cup was starting to become a very popular topic among the first year Gryffindors and there was a rumor that there was a student in their house related to the seeker of the national team. Mildred on the other hand was more focused in trying and find out what exactly had happened at St. Mungo's, the day Erica Sims died.

Erica waved at her from the first page of the July 14 edition while Mildred re read the article. She scooped the other newspapers taking notes into a scroll, trying to complete this enigma around Erica's death.

She worked the whole morning. During the trial her father declared himself responsible for Erica's death but innocent from murdering her. Mildred was surprised when she realized his lawyer back then was Mr. Northman. According to the Daily Prophet, Erica had drank some kind of poison by mistake. Her parents took her to St. Mungo's and she was assigned to her father's cares. He was assisted by a young healer and both of them locked themselves with Erica in a room, as they tried to save her life. The newspaper didn't tell what happened inside that room, but when Alexander Campbell left with his assistance, young Erica was dead. Mildred's father said he did everything he could to save the girl's life. Mrs. Sims was convinced he was lying and she wanted the courtroom to submit her father to the Veritaserum test.

Mildred had no idea what Veritaserum was. She looked to the tall shelves knowing the answer laid in a book somewhere but she knew it would take her some time to find it. Then her eyes fell on an older Gryffindor student nearby. He seemed too concentrated in his reading and Mildred thought maybe she should not interrupt him. However she could not handle the curiosity.

"Er…Hello, there. I'm sorry I'm interrupting your study, but I was wondering if you could help me with something," she called. She found herself blushing.

The boy looked at her. For a moment Mildred thought he was going to lecture her but then he smiled and asked her what she needed. Mildred said she wanted to know what Veritaserum was.

"Oh that's an easy one! Veritaserum is a truth serum. Whoever drinks it is obligated to say the truth. You expose all your secrets and feelings. It's a powerful tool used in interrogation. However it's a very tricky potion to brew and its use is controlled by the Ministry of Magic."

Mildred thanked the boy. Now it made sense why Mrs. Sims wanted her father to take Veritaserum. With Mr. Northman's efforts the use of that potion was unauthorized. That worried Mildred. If her father did not killed Erica on purpose he would be willing to submit himself to such probation.

Meanwhile Mildred also read that her father's assistance, the young healer who was named Joseph Connel, had not been present at all during the trial. He had been clear of all charges, since her father had declared himself responsible for what had happened in the room. No one seemed to really care about Mr. Connel's role in all this, Mildred concluded. It seemed that Achilles' mother was more concerned about putting her father behind bars.

Disappointed with The Daily Prophet's vague content about this entire case, Mildred knew that if she wanted more answers she would have to speak to her father. She put the newspapers aside and left the library, realizing she had been seated for hours and she was starving.

She went to the Great Hall in order to have lunch. The place was noisy and crowded, filled with students and their families. Mildred felt quite lonely for a moment as she ate her lunch. The food was delicious but the little witch just couldn't enjoy it properly. She was eating a piece of chocolate cake when she noticed the Sims family seated at the Slytherin table. Achilles didn't seem very please with that, but Mildred knew his mother had been a Slytherin in the past and she was very proud of that fact. Hercules, Achilles brother, was protesting because he wanted more dessert. He was making a lot of noise, which made a large number of families to look at him as they passed by.

Mildred could not help to wonder if this family scene would be different with Erica among them. Would she be a Slytherin too? Perhaps she would be on the Quidditch team or maybe she had become a prefect. Mildred put aside her plate, losing her appetite and knowing she would have to go back to the library to solve another piece of the puzzle: the reason why Achilles could not remember Erica's existence.

Sparkly Pink Dragon (Deak & Jack)
Author: Kody 
Date:   08-25-12 10:05

Deak looks over the balloon pop prizes. He'd tried the game without magic, throwing the darts at the brightly colored balloons fastened to a large board. To his surprise he'd done well enough to win one of the top tier prizes. He asks Jack, "Which do you think Niccola will like better, the yellow elephant or the lavender giraffe?"

"You don't think she'd like that sparkly pink dragon?" Jack points.

"Didn't see that one. Yeah, she'd love it for the sparkles and she's definitely already in a pink is the greatest color ever phase."

"I thought Nic's favorite color is light green."

"Up until the middle of last week it was. According to Saffron, Nic went down for a nap with light green her favorite but when she woke up, she suddenly preferred pink."

"Even little like that, girls are so strange sometimes."

"Tell me about it." Deak's tucking the sparkly pink dragon under his arm, his eyes straying in the direction where Julietta Wynbourne is with friends at another of the game booths.

Seeing the direction Deak's looking Jack asks, "Still not over her?"

"Mostly I am. There are moments. At least I don't feel awkward around her any longer."

"Not even when she's standing nearby when some of the other girls swarm you wanting you to give to Drake to give to Kody clothing of theirs to sign?"

Deak snickeringly snorts. "No, not even then. There's nothing to be jealous of, if Etta were to feel that about me, when a twelve year old who hardly comes up to my belly button adoringly asks for an autograph from my brother's best friend. Besides, you get it worse since you are actually related to Kody."

"This is true, but I do not have an ex-girlfriend over whom I cling to a smidgeon of hope that we will get back together and that perhaps seeing other girls surrounding me will make her jealous."

"You think Glori Hodfuffer has boys pestering her about Wiggy?"

"I never gave it much thought but, yeah, it's possible. With Wiggy still a student though maybe it's not so bad for her since they can just ask him directly. I'm hungry again."

"Me too but the Pie Eating Contest isn't long from now. I was thinking may just get a small snack."

"You do realize that what you and I consider a small snack most would consider a meal."

"We cannot help that they have such puny appetites."

Both the boys break into laughter, slowly turning a circle to see what food booths are nearby. They decide to split a bag of caramel popcorn that has peanuts mixed throughout, munching on the sweet treat as they walk in towards the rides suited more for small children, where Deak had last seen Aaron with Niccola. They can gives Nic the sparkly pink dragon and then head over to where the pie eating contest is soon to take place.

Excuses (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   08-25-12 11:10

Finishing up working a volunteer shift at the Catch the Snitch game, AJ walks the short distance to a ring toss booth where Declan is also ending a volunteer shift. "Mariposa has some blankets and a few chairs over that way if you want to join us."

"Sure, that would be great, thanks."

"I want to stop at the Crown & Cauldron booth. There's a basket form me there. We can pick up whatever else catches our eyes as well."

Declan spreads his arms wide to encompass the whole of Spring Social. "This is great, as all of these type things at Hogwarts are, but how does Professor Dumbledore convince all the vendors and ride operators to do it for free?"

"I asked Furnie about that once. She said they all get a compensation but has no idea where the funds come from and hardly anyone talks about it unless asked. Or, she takes it everyone gets a compensation since the Crown & Cauldron does."

"When you add up the number of these types events Hogwarts now has each school year, the cost has to be astronomical. Someone has very deep pockets."

AJ murmurs agreement before saying, "Someone or several someones who have gotten together to create a fund of some sort. Hmmmm."

"I know that hmmmm. You're getting a plot idea for a novel, aren't you?"

"You have come to know me too well, my friend," Aj chuckles. "I do have this long term research project to wrap and get in to the publisher and I'm nearly done with another mystery, somehow well ahead of schedule. I may start on this new idea right away or one of the others I've got jotted down."

"When you're done on the non-fiction research project, will that end Zabrynna's job with you?"

"Only if she wants. Zabrynna's very good at organizing information, helping me find interesting tidbits. As I do like to research anything on the mysteries that need it, even if it's just something along the lines of the local idiomatic jargon of the setting chosen for one of the books. Being in school full-time, it's entirely up to her as to how much or how little she wants to work for me, if at all."

They've reached the Crown & Cauldron booth and spend a few minutes chatting with AJ's sister Phlagmelina before continuing on. When they've begun walking again AJ remarks, "Declan, you've seem fairly interested in Zabrynna and her well being lately."

Declan does not physically shrug but AJ can here one in his voice. "With our history, it's sort of hard not to be."

"Right, but this is beyond that. How many times now have you gone to the St. Emrys library to wait for her to be finished with whatever she's working on?"

"She keeps going at times when fewer people are around. After what happened at the end of the last term there, well, you know."

"I've gone to escort Mariposa and Zabrynna enough times myself but ," AJ pauses, looking for the right words. Declan saves him from having to finish the sentence.

"I seem more invested that I should be?"

"I wasn't going to put it quite like that, but yes. It's good we've all moved past what she did and that you two are able to be friends, especially considering you are a good friend of mine and Mariposa is Zabrynna's sister."

"Zabrynna was my student."

"Was being the operative word."

"There's a huge age difference."

"It's what? Eight, nine years?"

"Nine, I think."

"There's a good seven between Mariposa and me."

"Are you saying I should consider the possibility?"

"I'm saying you shouldn't make excuses that may not be relevant." AJ suddenly stops and starts backtracking. "Sorry, I meant to grab some of that roast corn on the cob."

After picking up several of the ears of roasted corn, the conversation for the short rest of the walk to the blankets Mariposa has spread out somehow ends up being about the Quidditch match the British National team is playing against Jamaica today. AJ is not fooled for a second about the change in topic. He can tell Declan is giving some deep, serious thought to what was said.

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