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Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   07-07-14 11:32

The lounge was empty when Hermione entered it to fix herself a cup of coffee. Rose had kept her up much of the night after suffering from a few nightmares for reasons unknown. When Hermione left the house this morning, Rose was finally sleeping soundly next to Ron and with Crookshanks and Hero dozing on the edge of the duvet.

With coffee cup in hand, Hermione sank into the cushions of the sofa and closed her eyes. Work had been brisk from the moment she walked in the door at St. Mungo's, so she hadn't noticed much how weary she felt, but now that she could relax, it hit her fully. What she wouldn't give for a nice, long nap! Unfortunately, she only had enough time to rest her eyes and drink her coffee before she would have to go back to the grind.

Her eyes were still closed when she heard the door to the lounge open. A pair of footsteps, a woman's judging by the clicking the shoes made on the smooth, tile floor, were heard walking to the kitchenette, where Hermione heard a cabinet door open and close and the clink of silverware on china. It took a good amount of effort for Hermione to raise her eyelids, but she managed it and started to call out a greeting to the newcomer, but the words stopped in her throat when she saw it was none other than the Liza Buchanan lookalike.

The woman had her back turned and didn't notice Hermione gaping at her. She was too busy preparing her snack or lunch or whatever it was she was planning on eating.

Nothing Ron had pulled up on Liza explained the woman standing in the same room as Hermione. All either could surmise was that the two must be related, or it was simply a coincidence that this woman looked exactly like the one they had known all those years ago.

Without a warrant, Ron couldn't request access to the woman's employment documents at the hospital or the temp agency through which she found the position at St. Mungo's. He also advised Hermione against snooping around, knowing she might be tempted.

It had been so long since Hermione had last seen the lookalike around the hospital that she'd almost thought her temporary employment had ended, but here she was, and they were alone for the first time since their ride together in one of the lifts.

Hermione took a fortifying sip of her coffee and got up from the sofa. She walked to the counter to add cream to her cup and then casually looked over at Liza's lookalike.

"Oh, hello again."

"Hi, there," the woman said. She was fixing herself a sandwich. "Hermione, right?"

Hermione smiled. "You remembered. I'm sorry, but I never got your name."

The woman laughed. "It's silly, but a lot of people call me Baby. You see, I'm the youngest in my family, the baby, if you will. Some members of my family use it to tease me, some use it as a term of endearment, like my granny. Then there are men forever calling me Baby. Have you heard of Magical Match? Nothing but sleezy men there, let me tell you."

Hermione nodded along, hoping Baby would reveal her given name as some point in the conversation.

"Do you like to be called Baby?" Hermione finally asked, "or would you prefer to be called…" She let the rest hang, hoping Baby would fill in the blank.

She didn't, though. "If it's meant well, then I don't mind it at all," Baby said.

She didn't say anything else, and Hermione realized she was running out of time. She slurped down the remainder of her coffee and said, "I best be going. See you around… Baby."

Baby shot her a quick smile and said, "Count on it."

(Elliot Baylis) We Passed
Author: Amanda Reynolds 
Date:   07-07-14 12:10

Elliot and Darren sat together in the Common Commons. Lacing his fingers through Darren's he gave his a gentle squeeze.

"I love you." Darren whispered as he leaned over and kissed his boyfriend.

"I love you too." Elliot smiled and then said with a sigh, "I was so nervous about the apparition test."

"I know you were I could tell." Darren said with a small laugh.

"You weren't nervous?"

"Nah, not really. I knew I could do it. And I knew you could too."

"It would have been my luck I would have splinched and needed serious help putting myself back together again." Elliot laughed.

"But we both passed and that is a good thing."

"Yes, yes it is." Elliot smiled and leaned over kissing Darren.

"My parents should be here soon." Darren said. "I really would like it if you could spend time with all of us?"

"I would like that. My parents are both working and could not get time off." Darren nodded his head in understanding.

Darren's parents arrived and peeked into the Common Common Room, knowing that he was supposed to be waiting for them there and when he looked up and saw them a smile formed on his face and he waved them over.

(Ariella) Meeting Chance
Author: Beck 
Date:   07-07-14 12:26

After setting several dates and having every single one fall out due to something or another, Ariella and Chance finally met up at Brews and Stews in Hogsmeade. The village was growing busier by the moment as visitors from all over the country (and perhaps even beyond) flocked to Hogwarts for the annual Spring Social. Chance was easy to spot, however, being the only other person waiting outside the café.

After the initial introductions, the two sat down at the only available table outside under the awning. Their time at Hogwats had overlapped slightly––Ariella had been a first year during Chance's fourth year––but neither had known each other while in school. Chance had been in the same year as Ariella's husband Lawrence, though only for a brief time. He had transferred in during the start of their fifth year, and she had left for the US that January.

"Do you know what you are having yet?" Chance asked Ariella, after they had given their drink orders to the waitress.

"No, not yet. I can't decide if I want to find out, which I can now if I want, or if I want it to be a surprise. What about you?"

"I never thought I would have a baby," Chance murmured with a small smile, "so I don't think I could stand it not to know. I haven't found out yet, though. Jonathan wants to be there with me when I do find out, so now it's just a matter of fitting in an appointment around his busy work schedule." Chance laughed. "What does your husband want?"

"I honestly have no idea," Ariella admitted. "He's excited about the baby, of course, probably even more so than me. He just hasn't communicated his feelings about it, other than how happy he is."

"Probably his overexcitement has jumbled up his brain," Chance suggested, grinning.

Ariella also thought the many other distractions in Lawrence's life, from the busy O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. season to the anonymous letters he had been receiving about his parents had something to do with his lack of opinion on the matter.

"So, do you have any baby names picked out?" she finally asked. Chance tilted her head to the side in thought and began rattling off some of the names she liked, some of the ones her boyfriend preferred, and the ones she had already vetoed.

Dysfunction of the Familial Kind
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   07-07-14 16:28

Jolyon propped open the doors and windows to the barn to let in a little fresh air and then stepped out to a small pen, where a dozen or so floppy-earred bunnies gamboled over each other. An old veterinary acquaintance of his had recently written, inquiring if Jolyon wanted some rabbits to keep at Hogwarts. He could hardly say no, thinking they would do nicely for a petting zoo during the Spring Social.

The bunnies came in all sorts of colors. There was one that was mostly white with black around its nose and ears. Another was almost golden in color. There was a black and white spotted rabbit, and a tan one with gray feet. A light beige, fluffy bunny nibbled on some kibble, and a solid gray one drank from a water bowl.

"They are so cute!"

Jolyon turned to Arielle. She was alone, but he could see Merrie and Lancelot approaching in the distance.

"Where's your brother?"

"Sulking. He doesn't like Lancelot much."

Jolyon almost said, "Something we have in common," but he refrained.

Arielle went on, "He's with your mother and Gaius."

"They're here?" Jolyon asked. He looked forward to visiting with his mother, but seeing Gaius and Lancelot in one go might be cause for a drink later.

"Oh, yes. Can I pick one up?"

"Go ahead," Jolyon said, opening the gate to the pen for his daughter.

Arielle stepped inside and knelt in the grass, stroking the soft fur of the different rabbits. She selected a pure white one and cuddled it in her arms.

Lancelot turned heads. Jolyon observed a number of women stop to look at him as he passed them by. Merrie looked like the cat that got the canary. It made Jolyon sick.

"Jolyon," Lancelot said by way of greeting. They shook hands.

"Lancelot," Jolyon replied. He gave Merrie a peck on the cheek. "Hi, Merrie."

"Hi, Jolyon. Look at those bunnies! How adorable." She went into the pen with Arielle and cooed over the rabbits.

The annoyance Jolyon felt around Lancelot only got worse when his mother finally arrived with Gaius and Asher in tow. Even his mother didn't seem immune to the younger wizard's charm. She fluttered her eyelashes and fanned herself as if she might faint. Gaius appearing put out by his girlfriend's fawning over Lancelot didn't make Jolyon feel any better about the situation either.

For a brief moment, he and Asher met eyes. They seemed to share an understanding, but it passed in the blink of an eye. Asher turned stony-faced again and stalked over to the pen, hardly seeing the frolicking rabbits.

Jolyon sighed to himself. What a family they were.

Azkaban (Bellatrix)
Author: Lucius Malfoy 
Date:   07-07-14 19:29

Standing on the small pier looking at the boat in which she'll make the crossing to Azkaban, Bellatrix has not for the first time second thoughts on making the particular journey. Going with her own face is odd, almost dizzying. That she still enjoys the full freedom of the pardon granted while the previous British Minister of Magic was in office she's always visited Azkaban under some other guise.

Turning, Bellatrix walks back up the path away from the pier, her stomach roiling like the waves causing the Azkaban boat to dance and bob, making a slapping noise against the dock. Twenty paces along she spins on her heels, and starts back to the boat, wondering if she'll have to charm her feet to carry her all the way to the boat and to board it.

When she makes it to the pier, both feet planted firmly on it, the boat's captain, or whatever his title might be, asks, "You coming, miss?"

Bellatrix allows herself the momentary distraction of thinking that surely this man recognizes her. Is he quaking inside at the thought of having the infamous, insane Bellatrix Black Lestrange on board? Is he wondering if she's there to stage a jail break? Has he sent ahead a warning? Once to the craggy island will she find herself thrown into a cell without question or ceremony?

She comes very close to telling the man, "No, I've changed my mind," obliviating his memory, and apparating away on the spot. Instead, with extreme effort she replies, "Yes," though remains standing where she is. It takes another two or three very long seconds to get her legs working again, taking her to the boat then climbing aboard.

Throughout the trip she sits as if stone, attempting to ignore the niggling question of whether one may apparate from the boat back to civilization. Once to the island, the prison looming, its shadow falling over her before she's even prised herself from the boat, casting a chill that she knows won't leave her until she's once more well away from Azkaban.

The facility takes up so much of the small island that the path to the entrance is short. Far too short. Though perhaps that is a positive thing as there is little time for Bellatrix to change her mind and run back to the boat.

Bellatrix goes through the various checkpoints and security measures, including the turning over of her wand. None say anything but she sees in a few eyes surprise at the sight of her and suspicion on why she is there even if her stated reason is perfectly legitimate and valid: Visiting her husband.

She's shown into a small room with a door almost directly opposite to the one she enters through. Bellatrix had requested a more private visit if possible knowing she could well be shown in a large room with prisoners scattered at tables with their own visitors, conversations easily overheard. The guard she spoke with hemming and hawing, even blushing lightly, as he informed her if she meant private as in conjugal visit, that was not allowed her.

Rodolphus's eyes light up at he enters and sees her sitting there as Bellatrix and not some elderly relative. Even with the privacy of this chamber physical contact is frowned up so though her husband rushes to the table and reaches across the table to her as if for an embrace, he does nothing more than take her hands. "Darling, I can't tell you how please I am to see you. I have found owls to become increasingly inadequate."

Without returning his greeting, without any preamble whatsoever, Bellatrix gets to the heart of her reason for coming today as herself though she finds she'd much rather be having the Cruciatus Curse inflicted repeatedly upon her. "I've kept something from you for many years. When I was first imprisoned here I was pregnant. I, that is we, have a son. I named him Hyperion."

At The Miller-Sacheverelle Flat
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   07-07-14 17:08

Setting Senna down Sage knocks on the door to Saffron's castle flat, his small sister mimicking his movements. A tiny voice calls come in even as Deak throws open the door. Standing behind Deak is Brandon looking somewhat perturbed.

"What's the matter, Bran?" Sage asks, following Senna into the flat.

Pointing at Deak Brandon frowns. "Me get door."

Deak comes to kneel beside his brother. "I'm sorry. I only thought you were telling them to come in. I didn't know you wanted to open the door too. How about I give you a dragon back ride from here to outside when we go?"

Brandon mulls this over before assenting. "'kay."

Sage, having flopped into the couch, asks, "Where's everyone?"

"Nic was up most of the night so Aaron and Saffron slept later then they'd planned. They should be ready soon."

"Nic okay?"

"She is now. She'd been complaining of a tooth and nothing seemed to be working to dull the pain. Ends up the tooth was coming lose and must have been aggravating a nerve. The tooth came out a little before five this morning."

"So you stayed here last night?"

"I didn't have any Friday plans other than some studying so when Aaron mentioned they were going to eat in Hogsmeade last night I joined them. I ended up staying since I was coming back this morning anyway. Guess it's a good thing since I was able to get up with Brandon," Deak says looking over to where Brandon and Senna play on the floor with a set of farm animal toys of Bran's, "and get him down to breakfast. I've been keeping him entertained while we wait on the others. I didn't know Senna was coming with you."

"I didn't either until Da showed up this morning with her and said I was in charge of my sister until tomorrow evening while Birdie and he get some adult alone time."

"What if you hadn't been home or available?"

"I'm sure he would have either come here next or gone to Sassy's."

"They coming today?"

"Sassy and the kids are. Neil isn't sure. Some meeting he may have to have."

Deak and Sage continue talking while waiting on Saffron, Aaron, and Nic but after nearly fifteen minutes they let them know they're taking the two little ones on out to the grounds. Scooping up Senna, Sage ends up carrying her on his back when she sees Deak doing that with Brandon. The toddlers have a grand time giggling and squealing all the way outside.

(Patricia) The Hospital Wing
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   07-08-14 03:53

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the Hospital Wing is, please?"

"First floor. You just have to climb those stairs over there, and turn right."

Patricia thanked the student, who had a prefect badge pinned on her shirt, and she followed her instructions. She walked with cautious steps, still marveled by the castle's dimensions and its medieval decoration. Her father's house in Wales, Ty Gwyn, might be of a considerable size, with its many rooms and open spaces, but it wasn't a castle after all. An old wizard in a portrait, seated on an armchair by a fireplace adjusted his glasses, and took a good look at Patricia.

"You look like you're up to no good, child."

She begun climbing the stairs faster, in the hopes the old man wouldn't follow her alongside the other portraits on the wall. The wizard's assumption was correct and she was afraid to get herself into to trouble. Patricia lied to her family that was outside enjoying the good weather, and told them that she was going to the bathroom. Her true intentions were to go to the Hospital Wing and visit Caleb Quigley. Her sister's friend had to stay the whole day in bed because he had caught hay fever. Sophie had explained to the family that Madam Pomfrey wanted to keep Caleb under her watch for a day, in order to make sure his condition wouldn't get worse. His mother and stepfather had came to visit him earlier but now he was alone. But not for long, because Patricia was about to keep him company for a while.

Now, as she saw herself in front of the double doors of the Hospital Wing, she started to chicken out. She anxiously adjusted her dress and carefully opened one of the doors, taking a timid peek inside. She spotted Caleb not far away, laying on a bed, his eyes closed. It didn't look like there was anyone else around and Patricia decided to go near the sleeping boy. He was wearing a pajamas with blue stripes, and his brown hair was messy, but he still looked very beautiful. There was a chair nearby and Patricia picked it up and placed it at Caleb's bedside. She quietly sat there, guarding his sleep.

After a couple of minutes she noticed his hand was out of the bed's sheets and she hold it. It was warm and very large compared to her own small hand, but Patricia liked the feeling of it. The young witch stayed like that for a moment or two and then the Hospital Wing's door opened again and an older witch approached Caleb's bed. Patricia knew it couldn't be Madam Pomfrey because the woman's robes were burgundy. She looked down to their laced hands but she didn't made any comment about them.

"Good afternoon," she greeted with a smile. "Who are you?"

"My name is Patricia. Patricia McCourt."

There was a flash of comprehension in the woman's eyes.

"And how is my nephew doing, Patricia?"

"Good...I think..." Patricia told the witch. She had heard Sophie mentioning Caleb's aunt before. She was a teacher at Hogwarts.

"Wonderful. I came to check on him as well, before Madam Pomfrey returns from her lunch and begins expelling everyone from her domains. I spoke to her earlier and she told me Caleb took a potion that let him sleepy. He might only wake up at the end of the day. Do you want me to tell him you passed by?"

"Oh no, it's not necessary. But thank you," Patricia told Professor Quigley, feeling her cheeks burning. Caleb moved in his sleep, but he didn't let go of Patricia's hand.

"Very well. Your secret is safe with me, Patricia. Now just five more minutes and then I urge you to leave, if you don't wish to face Madam Pomfrey's wrath. Your parents must be worried about your whereabouts, I assume."

Patricia nodded in comprehension. Five minutes passed very fast, but once they were over she did what Caleb aunt's told her, and left, after timidly kissing his cheek. She went back to the grounds, spending the rest of the day in silence, daydreaming about Caleb Quigley.

Bored Sister (Catriona)
Author: Fionna 
Date:   07-08-14 18:12

Sitting on some grass a short way up the path from the main gates Catriona watches for Christopher. St. Emrys is in session but he made sure to keep today clear so he could come spend time with her during Spring Social.

The person Cat sees waving at her is not someone she expected. Rising from the lawn she waits for her sister to reach her. A quick hug and peck on the cheek are followed with, "Leslie, I didn't think you were coming."

"I found myself bored as the current paramour decided to spend time with his family today."

"Another married one then," Cat states, trying hard not to appear less than thrilled Leslie decided to come even if it's only because her original plans fell through.

"Separated and filing for divorce any time now. He's with his children today, not her."

Cat holds her tongue from commenting on how Leslie should leave still married men be even the separated ones. She does wonder if the current lover does actually get a divorce if Leslie will still want him. Her sister seems to prefer the ones unable to offer any sort of real commitment.

Blair flips her hair and looks off over the grounds. "Mum or Dad coming?"

"Mum's on some spa retreat with friends. Dad was going to come but owled last night. He's got food poisoning and didn't think he'd be up to anything today."

"Poor Dad. I'll have to pop by and check on him later. Christopher's coming I presume."

"Yes, he should be here any minute now."

Leslie points to the spot of grass where Cat had been sitting. "I'll sit with you though I could go walk around if you prefer to be alone for a few when he first gets here."

"You're welcome to wait with me," Cat replies, regaining her seat and noticing the way Blair continues to look around the grounds. The more her sister seems occupied with looking over the growing crowd, Cat begins to wonder if Leslie's so called paramour is here, visiting for Spring Social. If that's the case, Cat very much hopes her sister doesn't end up causing a scene, though if she does it wouldn't be the first time Leslie's shown herself unable to behave properly in public.

Small smile held tightly in place Cat answers Leslie's questions about what's at this year's Spring Social until Christopher arrives a few minutes later.

A Generous Offer
Author: Finley 
Date:   07-08-14 18:33

As had become usual during a school event in which family came to visit, Finley spent the day in the company of Phoebus and the other Yewbeams. It was a nice having a family to spend time with, even if the family wasn't her own. The Yewbeams made Finley feel like she belonged, something she'd felt only for the first time after getting sorted into Gryffindor at the beginning of the school year.

"I can't believe summer is almost here," she said, voicing her thoughts.

"I know," Phoebus agreed. Just another month and a half and we won't be first years anymore."

"Will you be going back to the orphanage?" Cynthia asked. She had her hair in two braids and wore an oversized jumper that nearly went down to her knees.

"Yes," Finley said. "It's where I live." She never called it her home because it didn't feel like a home. It was simply her residence until she came of age, which would happen that much sooner thanks to her being a witch.

"Why don't you stay with us, Finley?" Mrs. Yewbeam suggested. "We have a spare bedroom and would be happy to let you have it."

"Oh, yes! Stay with us!" Cynthia exclaimed.

"Oh, I can't," Finley said.

"She doesn't want to leave Leroy behind," Phoebus explained.

Finley looked sidelong at him but couldn't figure out what he thought about his mother's invitation or the fact she had declined it all because of another boy.

"I would be glad to take him in, too," Mrs. Yewbeam began, "but I don't know if that's such a good idea, him being a Muggle and all." She patted Finley on the shoulder. "You're a good friend, but should you change your mind, the invitation stands."

"Thanks," Finley said with a smile. She wished she could accept, but she felt bad enough being away from her best friend for an entire school year. She'd hate to abandon him completely by never returning to the orphanage again.

She looked over at Phoebus, but his expression remained indecipherable. She hoped he wasn't mad at her for not wanting to stay with him all summer.

Her worries were forgotten when he finally turned to her and said, "Race you to the ice cream booth!"

He left before she could give her answer, so she did the only thing she could. She ran.

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