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Anxiously Awaiting (Caerwyn)
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   07-11-08 08:30

Caerwyn had spent the day in Hogsmeade, anxiously awaiting the arrivel of the Hogwarts Express. He wasn't sure if he was anxious because he's scared or because he's a little excited about starting school. As the train pulled into the station, Caerwyn's father, who seemed almost as anxious as he did, helped Caerwyn get his trunk to the platform. When the students aboard begam swarming off, Caerwyn's father had given his shoulder a squeeze and told him to send an owl if he found they'd forgotten something.

When a woman appear who began instructed the first years and transfers to follow her to the boats and then to get into one of the boats, Caerwyn had climbed in next to one of the friends he'd made since moving to Hogsmeade, Augustus Hodfuffer. Two of Augustus's aunts and one of his uncles own the restaurant The Imperial Crown & Cauldron there in Hogsmeade.

On the trip across the lake, Augustus told Caerwyn, "I sort of wish I'd been allowed to come to Hogsmeade this morning to wait like you did."

Caerwyn told him, "It was nerve wracking."

At the opposite shore, they were led across some of the grounds to the brightly lit castle. Inside in a large entrance hall, Augustus whispered, "This is when Professor McGonagall comes out to greet the new students, only she's in jail now."

"Are you scared about getting sorted?" Caerwyn whispered back.

"A little. I hope for Ravenclaw. That's what both my parents were in and my cousin Phin, the one who just graduated."

"My father was in Slytherin. I don't know about my mother. I don't even know if she went here."

A stern faced man appeared and with one fierce scowl at those gathered the whispering stopped. "I am Deputy Headmaster Ryland Yaxley. In a moment you will be going through those doors into the Great Hall. Form two lines."

The students quickly did at told, all of them instinctively knowing they should not make this man angry or even a little impatient. Seconds later Professor Yaxley led them through the doors into the Great Hall, past students already seated, to the other end of the hall, coming to a stop before the steps leading up to the dias where a table of adults sat.

A very portly woman stood there, ready to greet them although Caerwyn didn't think she looked all that friendly. His eyes scanned the dias, looking for the famous Sorting Hat. He doesn't see it but all that means is either it's not been brought out yet or it's right behind the overly large woman standing there.

Pre-dinner Conversation
Author: Jared 
Date:   07-11-08 16:17

After disembarking the train Jared helped some of the newcomers locate the boats then he stood a few more minutes on the train platform to make sure no one else needed help. Catching one of the last carriages to the castle Jared had settled back in his seat with his eyes closed only to be asked, "Who made Head Girl and Boy?"

Opening his eyes again as he shook his head Jared answered, "No one. At least not that any of us prefects could tell. If there are Heads, either they weren't on the train or they've not yet been announced."

That leads to others in the carriage wondering what else is different as well as more speculation on whether the Nons will be at Hogwarts for the term. Just like the theories he's heard since the train cars with the Nons disengaged on the way to King's Cross in July, some are of the opinion the Nons were kept someplace for the summer but will be at school this term while some are of the opinion that the Nons won't be around. Just as the carriage pulls up to the castle someone gives voice to the very thought on Jared's mind.

"We'll find out soon enough in the Great Hall.

Once through the doors of the Great Hall, Jared stopped twice to speak to people he'd not seen while on the train before sitting down at Gryffindor's table. The hall looks as it always does at Start of Term Feast, including new looking tablecloths, one on each table showing the house colors. There are not, however, any separate tables where the Nons would sit.

Not an encouraging sign to those who were hoping to see their friends are all right.

Taking a seat across from his sister, Jared's attention turns to the head table. Etta ticks off on her fingers, "Sacheverelle, Hodfuffer, and Isuki are the only nice ones left."

"Batuti's not so bad," Jared reminds.

"No, but wouldn't you rather have Krum?"

"Point taken."

Etta asks with a pained sigh, "If Isuki is here, do you think Yaxley will still have DADA?"

"I hope not. Did you notice? Only one of the Carrows is there."

"You think the other is maybe just not in the Great Hall yet?"

Jared shrugs. "Don't know but I hope to hell not."

"Are prefects allowed to say hell?"

Jared pinches a piece from a roll, bread being the only food on the table so far, and chunks it at Etta's head. She smiles wickedly. "Get caught and let's see how long you stay prefect."

"You're a brat."

"But you love me anyway." Etta gives a slight shudder. "Parkinson's back. I'm glad I'm not taking Muggle Studies. I hear that after she took over for Miller last term, all she did was tell the Nons how useless they were and that all Muggles and Nons should be servants to the Pures."

"Why do you think I didn't sign up for it?" Jared dryly asks.

"I wish I'd brought Star."

"You can always have Mum bring her to you."

"I know but I thought if she stayed at home with Pea he'd have a better time of it with us gone and I didn't want to bring Pea because I thought he might miss Coco more."

Jared jerks his head toward the head table. "Snider's getting up."

Etta nods in the other direction, "That's because Yaxley's bringing in the first years."

The low buzz of conversation comes to a stop as others also realize that the Sorting is soon to begin.

Now and Then
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   07-11-08 19:08

It had been two decades since Jolyon Kent had last set foot at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Then, he'd been a fresh-faced eighteen year-old, grateful to have the N.E.W.T. exams behind him and certain that he'd passed at least one, Care of Magical Creatures. He'd never done especially well in any other course Hogwarts offered and remembered with surprising clarity the number of Ts he'd earned during his tenure at the school of magic. He found it somewhat amusing that even after all his academic failures, Jolyon's most recent occupational endeavor was to teach at the very same school he'd very nearly attended for more than the standard seven years.

He almost didn't know what had brought him to apply for the newly opened position of Care of Magical Creatures professor. For years, Jolyon had worked as a veterinary healer. He specialized in larger magical creatures, like winged horses and other commonly held animals, though he treated kneazles, owls and other small creatures on occasion too.

Jolyon owned a small cottage on a large stretch of land just outside his hometown of Glasgow, where he also kept a small clinic, though he conducted the bulk of his work on ranches and preserves. Perhaps he simply needed a change of scenery, though Jolyon truly loved his work and hadn't grown tired of it by any means. The job posting had somehow drawn his attention, and though he hadn't expected to be offered the position, on account of having no teaching experience whatsoever, Jolyon had been pleasantly surprised to learn he'd earned it and accepted graciously.

Now, back at Hogwarts, Jolyon felt overwhelmed with nostalgia for the past. He remembered both the good times and bad and also wondered what the future might bring. All the faces on the staff table were different from those he'd remembered from when he'd been at student. What else had changed in two decades? He was certain he'd soon find out!

Let The Feast Begin
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   07-11-08 20:03

Rising from her throne-like chair at the head table, Harriet pastes on what she considers to be her warmest, most welcoming smile. She moves to stand on the dias directly opposite where one of the central aisles runs, watching the two lines of new students following Ryland to where she waits. Although the hall has become hear-a-pin-drop quiet, Harriet lifts her hands, palms outward, in a shhhing gesture.

"Welcome! Welcome, everyone! I am so very pleased to have all of you here for what's sure to be the most glorious Start of Term Feast Hogwarts has ever had."

Harriet reaches into a pocket to produce the list of names that normally someone else would be reading off as each of the students in the two lines was Sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses. The room becomes quieter still and Harriet notes more than a few eyes roving in search of the Sorting Hat and the stool upon which it would be resting as it waited to Sort the first student.

Harriet reads off the first name. "Augustus Hodfuffer."

A boy in the middle of one of the lines tentatively raises a hand. "Here."

Harriet points to a spot on the dias steps. Augustus hestitates for half a second but he's prodded into motion by the person standing behind him. He walks to the spot indicated turning to face the body of students when Harriet makes a twirling motion with her index finger.

Things move more quickly after that with Harriet reading off the rest of the list, "Donald Li... Drizella Ratcliffe... Marian Rourke... Sonya Silver... Calder Stryde... Cruise Stryde... Cutter Stryde... Anita Tuck... Caerwyn Valentine. These are our first years. We also have two transfer students this year. Zabrynna Ravensdale joins the fifth year class and Don Thomas is a sixth year."

There are confused and curious stares all around the Great Hall. Harriet's smile grows wider as she bids the assemblage, "Please make them welcome."

Still unsure of what's going on, if the Sorting is going to happen in a moment or not, the applause is sparse at first but then grows. Harriet lets it go on for a moment, lets it build, then holds up her hands again for silence.

"First years, Miss Ravensdale, Miss Thomas, please take any available seat at one of the four tables."

She waits until all have found seats, something quickly done as there are plenty from which to choose, before continuing. "You are all wondering about the Sorting Ceremony. There will not be one this term. Let us now welcome this term's staff. Not at the head table but a part of the staff nonetheless are the Hogwarts caretaker Argus Filch and his loyal cat Mrs. Norris. Also not here is librarian Jelly. He is a House Elf. He reports directly to me so don't any of you newcomers think you might get away with something simply because the librarian is a House Elf, as are his assistants."

Before Harriet explains further she turns and with a sweeping expanse of her hand, indicates those sitting at the head table. "We welcome back nurse Poppy Pomfrey; Ancient Runes professor Asterjoylian Hodfuffer; Charms instructor and deputy headmaster Ryland Yaxley; Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Kisiaki Isuki; Divination & Arithmancy instructor Saffron Sacheverelle; Muggle Studies professor Pansy Parkinson; Potions professor Amycus Carrow; and Theodosia Batuti who not only is in charge of flying lessons but is also the instructor for the new Fitness & Athletics course.

New this term are Astronomy teacher Celeste Quigley; professor for Care of Magical Creatures Joylon Kent; Herbology professor Rivalen Farnon; History of Magic instructor Declan Douglass; and Transfiguration professor Iris Tabu."

Harriet pauses to let the students clap again, taking that time to glance at the list she'd made for the topics on which she wants to address.

"Anyone interested in Quidditch this term must take the Fitness & Athletics course. If you are interested in playing Quidditch but did not send in a sign up card when you got your letter over the summer, you may see either me or Professor Batuti starting during dessert this evening until two tomorrow if you are a sixth year and until bedtime tomorrow night if you are any other year."

Harriet pauses again, this time to let that information sink in.

"As always, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden. If you encounter a no student allowed sign or a no student beyond this point, then it is in your best interest not to be found somewhere that has been clearly marked off limits to you."

Harriet makes a show of consulting her topics list. "I believe that is all. Let the... dear me. I have quite forgotten haven't I?" she titters. "I did not explain why there is no Sorting Ceremony this evening."

With a nearly imperceptible flick of her wand the tablecloths and other house oriented decorations around the Great Hall change to simply bearing the Hogwarts colors and in place of the house crests is the Hogwarts crest. "Sorting is not necessary because Hogwarts no longer has houses. Towards the end of the feast the prefects will be given a copy of the room assignments. Prefects please stand."

Anne Kendrick, Stephen Hunt, Freya Abbott, Curtis Fiennes, Alanna Beck (whom Harriet wonders if she made a mistake about in making a prefect this term), and Jared Wynbourne stand and remain standing until Harriet indicates they may sit down again. "The room assignments will also be available in the entrance hall. That truly is all, I do believe. Let the feast begin!"

Bubbling Gently
Author: Iris Tabu 
Date:   07-12-08 13:11

Transfiguration professor Iris Tabu.
With the applause, Iris had smiled warmly and waved, indicating her to be one of the new ones. Moving a lock of red hair from her face her stomach began to growl with hunger-

"Sorting is not necessary because Hogwarts no longer has houses. Towards the end of the feast the prefects will be given a copy of the room assignments. Prefects please stand."

This was unheard of, since there were always houses.
Not allowing her thoughts to get the better of her, Iris elegantly began to eat the delicious foods being brought in. She watched the students carefully, with her eyes down. They were eating slowly, few of them had anything resembling a smile. Her Toucan, Pipi, sat on the back of the chair, watching the proceedings.

Don't Want To Be Hear (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   07-12-08 17:16

Deak really hadn't wanted to return to Hogwarts. Although he did spend some time with Saffron and Sage over the summer and some of the time with his brother Drake, Deak had spent much of the time at Amorica's, Aaron's grandmother. He ended up there because Amorica has a pond perfect for fishing and swimming and nice open spaces perfect for flying without being seen by Muggles. Mainly though it was because she asked and since he wasn't being allowed to go to Cloud's Kiss or to America with Frannie, and because Drake spent part of the summer in Australia with Ophelia, and because Deak couldn't stand being at Hogwarts very much with Aaron not around and no classes or Quidditch to keep him occupied.

Deak listens to Hairy and wishes she would shut up and just let them eat. He finds it hard to care that there is no Sorting Ceremony tonight. If Jack were here he'd not care much either. And Wiggy at the Gryffindor table would be silently urging Hairy to let the feast begin. But neither are here and Deak has no way of contacting them; doesn't even know if they are alive. Just like Aaron.

First he loses his parents. Then he loses his uncle, aunt, and cousin. Next it was the person he's come to consider as another father. Now his two best friends.

When Snider gets to the part about having to take Fitness & Athletics in order to play Quidditch, Deak thinks that at least he's got that.

Deak's heart sinks even more though when Snider informs them the houses are abolished. As the ends her speech and the food appears on the table that used to be Ravenclaw House's, Deak hopes that although Ravenclaw is no more he gets assignment to a room with Wenlock cousins Daniel and Hadrian. Maybe even Hunter since houses don't matter anymore.

Why Classes on Sunday?
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   07-12-08 19:39

Setting her plate down then taking a seat Isabella says to no one in particular, "Mushy peas are fine and all but these peas are far past that."

Wrinkling my nose I add to her comment, "They have a vair horrid smell."

"Mix them in with the odd colored potatoes and the smell isn't so noticable," Edith helpfully tells us.

"Forget the peas. It's a Sunday. Why did we have to start classes today instead of tomorrow?" Catherine wants to know.

"Because it's just another way to screw us over," Izzy answers, sniffing a forkful of the questionable peas.

"Do you think that means we do the Monday schedule again tomorrow?" I ask, shoving some of my peas on Izzy's plate when she's not looking.

"Probably so," Edith moans. "Do you think they'll make us do classes next Saturday too? A whole week of them. On top of everything else they make us do."

"Ha Ha is living up to its name. A vair happy haven we have here. I do wish Woolly were here to share it with us. I do so miss her double cool with knobs caterpiller eyebrows. The way her jowls quiver when she's angry. Her five o'clock shadow. The monstrous sound of her heavy tread when she steps off her flying carpet."

"Did you shove peas onto my plate, Georgia?"

"I shall write my sex god boyfriend Sage Porter another letter, letting him know what fun we are having at Ha Ha now that classes have begun."

"If you give me anymore of your peas, I'm going to make you wear them as a facial."

I give Izzy my sweetest smile. "A facial is just the thing to keep my skin lovely for my sex god boyfriend Sage Porter."

For some reason Catherine and Edith both reach out to grab Izzy's arms. I'm sure Izzy would get them her peas if they ask nicely. In fact, if they want them so much, while they are busy trying to keep Izzy from eating all of hers so they will have more, the good friend that I am, I divide the rest of my peas into their plates.

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