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Questions and Worries
Author: Mildred 
Date:   10-21-11 08:41

Mildred had never seen so much food in her short life. It seemed that all her favourite dishes were present on the table and she couldn't tell if anything was missing. She watched her new colleagues serving themselves and after a bit she did the same thing, opting for a stew that looked, and tasted, delicious.

Mildred looked around and then up, still marveled with the enchanted ceiling. She could see the starts and the moon and she wondered if the rest of the castle was like this. She then took a look the front table where the teachers were sat. By now she knew who Professor McGonagall and Hagrid were and of course Professor Dumbledore. The other faces were still new to Mildred and after studying them all she concluded they all seemed nice with the exception of the man with black robes and black hair. Mildred didn't want to have classes with him, he looked very sever and scarier.

Scarier…Mildred lowered her head at stared at her plate. She shouldn't be afraid of a teacher! She was actually supposed to be brave. The Sorting Hat said so when it sorted her into Gryffindor. Mildred felt a little bit insecure and she started to play with her food. What if her grandmother thought Gryffindor was not a decent house and she would take Mildred out of Hogwarts? Darker and darker scenarios passed over the little witch's mind that she even forgot where she was.

She was brought back to reality when the girl next to her asked if she was feeling well.
"You're too pale…" The girl added. Mildred recognized her as being Queenie McPhaul, a girl that was in the same compartment as her on the journey to Hogwarts and that was also sorted into Gryffindor. Qeenie observed Mildred with her blue eyes. She was not the only one worried. Soon all her new classmates had her eyes on her, wanting to know what was going on and if they could help her with anything. Being the center of everyone's attentions only made Mildred blush and she finally managed to articulate some words, assuring them all she was all right.

More relieved, her new colleagues moved on with their conversation and this time Mildred paid attention to what they had to say.
"My mother named me Achilles after the muggle Greek hero. You know some historians actually consider him a wizard but there have never been concrete proofs about it. But he was really strong and powerful and mom couldn't resist." Achilles shrugged his shoulders and after having a sip on his pumpkin juice he added trying to justify himself: "She used to be in Slytherin."

Soon Mildred knew all the new Gryffindor's names: Amelia, who had an older sister that looked just like her, Melpomene the girl with bracers on her tooth (Mildred learned it was a muggle invention to make her tooth look prettier), who seemed more excited than everyone else to learn magic, Wesley who wasn't very talkative because he was too busy trying every dish from the table, Achilles with his odd Greek name, and of course Queenie who proved herself to be very observant when she noticed Mildred wasn't feeling well.

As the meal elapsed a lot of topics had been discussed until they started to talk about their families and what their parents did for a living. Mildred felt a knot in her stomach not sure what so say. Should she go with the truth and tell them about her father? Or should she lie? She almost ignored her colleagues as one by one they named their parent's professions or occupations as she thought on what to do.

Once it was Mildred's turn she decided to opt with a slightly different version of the truth:
"My mother died last month and I don't see my father much. I live with my grandmother now."
They all told Mildred they were sorry about her mother and no one seemed curious enough to ask more questions about his father. She sighed in relief. She wasn't ready yet to tell them that her father was at Azkaban. She didn't want them to judge her because of that. Mildred didn't even know what her father's crime was. Whenever she asked her mother she would just say he did nothing wrong, that he was innocent and Mildred was too young to learn about these things. Her grandmother on the other hand said that he had it coming. Mildred didn't know what to believe.

She looked at the table were the staff was. Did Dumbledore know about her father? If so did he tell the other professors?
Wesley then shared a joke with everyone. Mildred laughed and she decided to forget her questions and worries for tonight and to start having some fun alongside with all the other Gryffindors.

Table Talk
Author: Lilac Middleton 
Date:   10-21-11 11:20

"So what do you think?" Thomas asked Pippa after she was patted on the back by all the Ravenclaws at the table.

"I think I am going to love it here! Just like everyone said. And look at all the food! How do you guys do this every year?"

"Ah, you get used to it." Cyril said while he shoved a big spoonful of pudding into his mouth.

"The place is so big too. I'm afraid I'm going to get lost." Pippa said taking a sip of juice.

"We'll take you to your first class. And I am sure you will make friends and they can help you along the way." Cecila said smiling gently at her sister.

"Do you think they'll like me?"

"What's not to like? You are a Middleton!" Cyril stated very proudly. "We're very likable people."

"All of us but maybe you." Thomas snickered and flicked some candy at his older brother.

"Hey!!!" Cyril shouted.

"Boys!"Cecila snapped. "Behave yourselves. Especially in front of Pippa. We don't want her to think you act like this all the time."

"Cee, they act like this at home." Pippa said.

"That's not the point. Besides, we don't want any points taken away our first day."

"Ah, shut up Cecila." Cyril pouted.

"How did you ever get along when you were living at home without any rucus going on?" Cecila asked turning to Lilac.

"What?" Lilac asked she had been staring at Nate and then giggle, as he made funny faces at her.

"Lil, are you even paying attention?" Cee whined.

"Can't you see that she doesn't care? She's too busy making goggle eyes at Nate." Thomas said. He was being a little pest today. Lilac kicked him under the table. "Ouch!" He squealed.

"At least I have a boyfriend for the time being. And Nate is nice. You even like him." Lilac said grinning at her little cousin.

"I have a girlfriend too, but I don't make puppy eyes at her all the time."

"That's because it's young love." Cecila remarked.

"I'm not that much younger than you." Thomas snapped.

"Ah Tommy give it a break." Lilac said, What were you asking me anyway Cee?"

"I just wondered how you managed to get along at home before you came to live with us. It must have been very quiet."

"It was. But kinda lonely. That's why I was always at your house." Lilac said, giggling again as Nate made another funny face at her. Cecila let out a heavy sigh.

Glum Pudding
Author: Phyllida 
Date:   10-21-11 13:34

Phyllida toyed with her pudding, her mouth fixed into a petulant moue. The Great Hall was packed with students, new and old, and she was aware, somewhere in the recesses of her mind, that this would be her last Sorting feast. Gazing at the impossibly young faces around her – had she been that baby-faced when she was eleven? – she felt older than her years. The Slytherin table was lively, full of conversation between friends and new acquaintances. She watched the fourth years – the Steele girl and Gus van Tassel predominantly – talking animatedly about the new year, Quidditch, and a thousand and one other mind-numbingly banal topics.

"I ran into Dame Phyllida's portrait on the way here."

Phyllida raised her eyes to meet those of Ferne Scrivener, her close friend and relative.

"Whose frame was she lurking in this time?"

"Cliodna's." Ferne removed her spoon from her pudding, and sucked on it thoughtfully. "Truth be told, Cliodna seemed a bit impatient with her."

Phyllida smiled and returned her efforts towards the demolition of her pudding.

"She'll be telling Papa at this very moment, no doubt, about her disappointment in my choice of seventh year subjects. 'Muggle Studies!'" she mimed in mockery of the late Phyllida Spore's shrill intonation, "'Muggle Studies! I never heard anything so preposterous!'"

Ferne chuckled, leaning back in her seat. "I wish there was some charm to keep her locked up in the Headmaster's office."

"If there isn't, we must devise one."

"Is Papa having kittens yet about Ambrosius Nott?"

"That he's engaged?" Phyllida let her eyes stray across the hall, scanning the faces of students, looking for no one in particular.

"That it's rumoured he's engaged," corrected Ferne. "To a girl who isn't you."

"I'm so happy for him," murmured Phyllida distantly, her voice low and indistinct amidst the lively din of the Hall. Some commotion drew her eyes towards the Hufflepuff table. The prefect from the train was amidst a gaggle of younger girls, seemingly oblivious to their giggles and smirks. She watched the scene unfold for several minutes, an unseen voyeur. The prefect gave a bashful laugh and waved at someone on the Ravenclaw table, but her eyes did not strafe in that direction. Her gaze was fixed to a point roughly a few centimetres above his hairline, somewhere amidst his thick curls. It fell, slowly, towards his eyes, and she realized that he was gazing back at her, his face slightly perturbed. She snapped her gaze away immediately.

"Who were you looking at?" Ferne scanned the Hufflepuff table, looking for the culprit.

"Nobody." Phyllida sank in her seat and tilted her head back, so that the ceiling came into view. She gazed into the magical mirror of the night sky, picked out a few of her favourite stars; missed those that were beyond the Hall's magical scope. She tried to imagine herself outside, in the velvety embrace of a late summer night.

Ambrosius Nott, engaged. She snorted slightly, laughing at herself.

Little Angel
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   10-21-11 17:24

Holding up a finger, cutting off Mariposa Ravensdale midsentence with an, "Excuse me one second," I push back from the table and hasten to the childrens table where 2 1/2 year old Niccola is grabbing handfuls of food from her plate to stack in a mound on Georgie Weasley's plate.

"Niccola, sweetie, you need to eat your food. Stop giving it to Georgie."

"Gogie hugwee, Daddy."

"Then we'll get Georgie more that's not off your plate."

I get what now looks like a pile of mush cleaned off Georgie's plate then with his help spoon him up peas, carrots, and fingers of crisp chicken the House Elves may have done up just to appeal to the smaller children. After that I get Nic more food and when I put it on the table before her remind, "This is your food to eat, Nic. No sweets if you don't eat your dinner."

Nic frowns at me, petal lips puckering but then she sees I got her more chicken fingers and she's happy again. Before returning to my seat I ask the other children, "Do any of you need something?"

"Milk, please," James Eternal-Black requests with a mashed potatoes and brown gravy smile, offering up his glass.

That's quickly taken care of so I am soon back in my seat saying to Mariposa, "Sorry about that."

Mariposa gives a quick shake of her glossy black hair. "No need to apologize."

We'd been talking about the upcoming term at St. Emrys, what Mariposa will be taking and the two night courses I'll most likely be enrolled in. She picks up with where she'd left off, not minding at all that I dart periodic looks to the children's table to ensure that Nic doesn't decide to play hostess by sharing the food right off her plate. At least Saffron and I don't have to worry about Brandon fussing during the feast. We decided to leave him upstairs. Nic, though, knew something was up this morning and upon learning there would be a "party" and she'd get to see some of the other children, she spent the day so excited that we'd have been heartless ot leave her with the sitter as well.

Catching me looking her way again, Nic toothily grins, waves, then does her favorite blow a kiss flourish while attempting to look like the little angel she'd have everyone think she is.

(Adriana) Teacher 2.0
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   10-21-11 18:04

Adriana had only ever been to two Start-of-Term Feasts at Hogwarts. The first had been nine years ago, at the start of her second year as Muggle Studies professor. She'd been a week too late for the feast from her first year of teaching, having arrived on horseback following a wild goose chase set upon her by her newly deceased father.

How quickly ten years had passed! Then, she'd been a confident, twenty-something woman who'd quickly adapted into her new role as witch and teacher. Now she was in her thirties and all the wiser from her experiences.

She glanced over at Dumbledore, wishing she could have been seated nearer to him. He was engaged in conversation with Professor McGonagall. Professor Snape sat on his other side. Adriana sat several seats away with Ethan Somerset to her left and Celeste Quigley to her right. Celeste was someone Adriana hadn't known before returning to Hogwarts. Ethan, however, had been her colleague for a very brief time.

Both Adriana and Ethan had left abruptly during the 1996-1997 school year. Having been in self-imposed exile for most of the time period that followed, Adriana did not know much about Ethan's complex history. Ethan, of course, didn't know anything about hers.

He had been busy talking to Jolyon Kent ever since the decadent dishes had appeared on the table, but when their conversation waned, Ethan turned to Adriana.

"Charms is quite a departure from your old subject," he said.

"It is," Adriana agreed. "I'm a firm believer that change is good."

"In some circumstances, I would agree with you. In others, not so much."

Adriana smiled. "I suppose so, but in this instance, I have no complaints. I enjoyed teaching Muggle Studies a decade ago, but it's not really my cup of tea anymore. Charms is much more up my alley."

"Why the disenchantment with Muggle Studies?" Ethan asked, curious.

Adriana shrugged. "I guess because I lived it. I don't know if you remember or if we ever discussed it back then, but I grew up not knowing who I really was. I've only truly lived as a witch these last ten years. And I love doing spellwork, I really do."

Ethan gave Adriana a small smile. "I guess you and I have something in common." He'd grown up not knowing the truth about himself too, though it had been a very different life.

No sooner had the words come out of Ethan's mouth, that Adriana felt a tingling in her side. She didn't know where it came from or what it really meant, but it took her by surprise and nearly caused her to spill her mulled mead.

"Are you all right?" Ethan asked, concern causing his brow to furrow.

Adriana had set down her cup and gently pressed a hand to her side, the same side little Dominique had accidentally aggravated recently. The pain from the procedure she'd gotten had subsided already, and Adriana was quite sure that what she felt now wasn't an aftereffect.

She kept her hand on her side and glanced at Ethan. The tingling continued.

"Adriana?" he asked.

She finally smiled at him and released her side to dab at the table with a napkin where she'd spilled her drink. "Sorry. I think my stomach just told me I need to take it easy, especially if I want to have some dessert."

Ethan visibly relaxed. "Good idea. I better take the same advice, or I might have trouble teaching tomorrow morning."

Jolyon said something to him again. Ethan turned away from Adriana to respond.

The tingling in Adriana's side stopped.

She glanced at him again and then picked up her cup, pondering things as she sipped her mulled mead.

A Moment of Quiet Introspection
Author: Abdul Hazrat AlGunud 
Date:   10-21-11 18:51

The Great Hall was gaily bedecked and packed with students and faculty. The atmosphere was one of excitement and anticipation. Even the castle's resident ghosts were out in force. They did not phase Abdul in the least. The only ghost that bothered Abdul was invisible to everyone but him. She fluttered about in the back of his mind and haunted his dreams.

At least the smell of food no longer threatened to send him running for the nearest lavatory. The ride from the station to Hogwarts had been unsettling to say the least. To be conveyed in a carriage drawn by a winged, skeletal horse with glowing white eyes was not a terribly soothing experience. The one pulling the carriage that Abdul had been riding in had glanced over it's shoulder at him, as if to give him a look of acknowledgment. Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the journey was the fact that none of the other students seemed to notice the creatures who were pulling the carriages. This fact alone had kept Abdul from drawing his wand.

Unconsciously, his hand dropped to a secret pocket inside his robe. Abdul deliberately took his hand from the robe and raised it to the table. A quick glance around the table revealed that nobody seemed to have noticed the gesture. One of the girls, Lilac was her name, was teasing a younger sibling. Abdul thought his name was Thomas. The number of Middletons who were attending Hogwarts was astonishing. It was even more surprising that they were all assigned to the same house. At least, he thought they were. Abdul realized how little he truly knew about his fellow classmates. For the past year; their likes, their families, their relationships with each other had all been background noise to him. His quest for knowledge had been all-encompassing. Abruptly, a thought began to germinate. He had been following in his father's footsteps. Ignoring others in the pursuit of some goal, regardless of the consequences. Death had followed his father's quest. In a similar fashion, death had followed in Abdul's wake. Although he had not spoken to his father since leaving Damascus, perhaps they were both linked by this macabre twist of fate. It was not a particularly comforting thought.

Abdul sat quietly, eating and listening to the conversations swirling around him. He saw Professor Kent seated at the head table. He wondered how much the professor knew about Abdul's current situation. Professor Flitwick had provided Abdul with advice and counsel. But now Professor Flitwick was gone. Hopefully, Professor Kent could be counted upon to do the same. Hopefully, it would not be necessary.

Meddling Mother
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   10-22-11 17:29

"I just don't see what the problem is."

Julian pauses in mid-reach for the pot roast to gape at his mother. "You don't see what the problem is?" he parrots.

"You know a number of acceptable, nice women. Just pick on." There is a hint of exasperation in Lisette's voice.

"Knowing them does not mean I want to marry any of them."

"You're getting to an age you can't afford to be overly picky, Julian."

"What a thing to say!"

"Darling, you are exceedingly charming, very attractive, and you have money. With money you will always have women after you but the really good ones won't wait around."

"Dad, a little back up here."

Tiberius shoots his son an apologetic look. "I have to go home with her."

"Don't make it sound like a death sentence, Tiberius," Lisette snips.

"You know I didn't mean it that way, love," Tiberius appeases even as his expression to Julian very much reads see what I mean?

"First I had Grace pestering about wanting a baby brother or sister. Now I've got you pestering me to rush into marriage, Mum. What's next? Going to pick a wife out for me, arrange the wedding, and prepare a fertility potion for her to drink so that another grandchild conceived the night of the honeymoon?"

Unphased Lisette says in a measured, reasonable tone, "If that's what required, I will do what's necessary to see you settled down and starting a family."

"I have a family, thank you very much."

"A son you did not know about until he was practically eleven and a daughter who you didn't know was yours until months after she was born. What's so wrong with wanting to be part of another grandchild's life from birth? And is it so very wrong to want a daughter-in-law to bond with?"

"You can't accept that I'm happy with the way things are?"

"Here, I signed you up for Magical Match. Your first date is tomorrow night. Her name is Amanda and she seems quite lovely. You've got reservations at Velours Cramoisi."



"Dad, do something."

Tiberius eyes shift back and forth from the resolute expression on Lisette's face and the mutinous set of Julian's jaw.

"I, er, think you should at least meet this woman. You might like her. Plus, your mother and I are paying for the dinner so you get a free meal out of it."

"What if I already have plans?"

Lisette smiles. "You don't. I asked you already. Now, you will do the gentlemanly thing and show up. I'm not telling you Amanda's full name so that you cannot cancel without going in person."

"I could always send a note round to the restaurant."

"You could, but you won't."

"I'll do it first thing in the morning."

"You will do no such thing. If you do, I will meddle further."

"At least you admit that it's meddling."

"Of course I do. It's something at which I rather excel, as you well know. Either show up tomorrow or I shall get further involved. Now, be a dear and pass me the salad."

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   10-23-11 09:18

As the night slowly drew to a close, and the Prefects began guiding the first years to their houses, everyone else began getting ready to filter out of the Great Hall. The fesat had been spectacular, and in my opinion much better than the End of Term one that I'd experienced at the end of last term. I slid a hand through my hair and sighed lightly.

"Are you looking forward to getting into the swing of things?" Came a voice off to my left and I turned and offered a smile to Ethan Somerset.

"Indeed. I have been anxious to get involved in this, and I know I am going to enjoy it. I just hope that the students will as well. Though, I think they will all enjoy the change of having a living body in the class room rather than a ghost." I said with an impish grin and Ethan helped me from my seat.

"Well, have a good evening, and good luck with your classes in the morning." He said, before moving off to bid good night to a few of our other colleagues. He was very attractive and definitely high up there on the eye-candy scale. In fact there were only a handful of my colleagues that didn't register on the eye-candy scale...and I was fairly certain that every young girl that had been in the great hall this evening knew exactly who fell into the eye-candy and who didn't.

After bidding good night to a few of my colleagues and I headed out of the Great Hall taking a moment to pause just outside the door that I exited from. The butterflies suddenly decided to host a triathalon within my stomach and I flattened a hand against it, hoping to quell the sudden activity. Why was I suddenly nervous? Shrugging it off, I headed up to my quarters and after shutting the door I got ready for bed. I would definitely have to talk to Bronwyn tomorrow and let her know how my first day of classes went.

Time Flies
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   10-23-11 16:00

The evening had passed remarkably quickly. Thanks to good conversation, company, and food, Ethan had thought very little about Hattie Harsnip's escape from custody or the fact that she could turn up again at any time in a different body. It was nearly impossible not to think about those matters, but at least his dark thoughts hadn't fully consumed him tonight.

Before arriving at Hogwarts, he'd dropped Lilly off at Aveline's house. Tomorrow, he would bring his daughter to Hogwarts with him and leave her in the new nursery, where she would be close by and well-cared for. She would also have the company of some of the other infants and young children living in the castle, which Ethan saw as a definite plus.

With Hogwarts being one of the safest places in the British wizarding world, the security officer who had been keeping surveillance on Ethan and Lilly would only do so in the evenings, night, and early morning when they were at home at the Greenwich duplex. Although Ethan could take care of himself, he was glad for the extra pair of eyes, if only for Lilly's sake. Unfortunately, he knew that eventually, he would have to give up his bodyguard, even if Hattie remained at large.

Hopefully, that wouldn't be an issue for much longer. Ethan had been assured by the Ministry of Magic that law enforcement was doing everything in their power to locate Hattie. She was a most dangerous fugitive, so it was definitely a priority case. It was Ethan's understanding that the Blood Hound device, which had been very useful in tracking down missing persons, was being utilized in Hattie's case. He didn't doubt that Hattie would make it very difficult for anybody to find her, though.

At the close of the feast, Ethan chatted briefly with Karma and helped her from her chair. They said good night prior to Karma leaving the Great Hall. Ethan stuck around for a moment to talk to Professor Dumbledore.

"Ethan," Professor Dumbledore said in acknowledgement, when the older wizard noted the younger one hovering nearby.

Professor McGonagall, who had been speaking with Dumbledore, wished both good night and then stepped away from the High Table.

Ethan stepped forward and said, "Might I have a word with you?"

"Indeed, you may have several." Professor Dumbledore got up and gestured for Ethan to fall into step beside him. They strolled around the table and then started down the center aisle. "Is it something you would rather say in private?" Albus asked.

"No, I only wanted to say that I apologize for the trouble from last year, and I hope that any related event can be avoided. I don't want to endanger anyone here, least of all the students."

Dumbledore gave Ethan a long, appraising look. "What happened last year is not your fault, and I think you know that." He grew thoughtful and said nothing until they'd exited the Great Hall and moved away from the doors. "We all have our demons, Ethan. We have pasts that haunt us. Enemies who may very well seek revenge."

He stopped and turned to face the younger wizard. "It doesn't mean we need to stop living, nor do we need to constantly look over our shoulders and worry about something that may never happen. I'm not saying we shouldn't be vigilant or that you have no reason to fear retaliation, but you needn't feel like your being here is a problem. It is anything but."

"Thank you. I just don't want anything else to happen on my account."

"Nor do I," Albus replied, "which is why I've taken a precaution in case Mrs. Harsnip decides to make her presence known to you or anybody else here at Hogwarts. Before he left, I had Professor Flitwick assist me in casting a Caterwauling Charm against her. If she steps onto the grounds or invades our airspace, we will know about it."

"Thank you, Professor."

Albus smiled. "Now, is there anything else you wish to discuss with me?"

"Not tonight, no. Thank you, sir."

"Until tomorrow morning, then. Have a good night, Ethan."

"You too."

The wizards parted ways in the entrance hall, Dumbledore for the marble staircase and Ethan for the front doors of the castle.

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