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Location Unknown: Adriana
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   11-25-12 09:18

The old abbey ruin in which Adriana sequestered herself after her flight from Hogwarts happened to be one overlooked by the English Heritage Society. Located in the middle of nowhere, few ever stumbled upon it, and as of yet no one had taken any interest in preserving it for future generations.

To prevent any accidental visitors, Adriana had performed the necessary spells. Muggles in the immediate area would see nothing but the vast woods and would feel far too wary to go any further or risk getting lost. Unless personally invited, wizards wouldn't know where to find Adriana either.

Although she had yet to get her hands on a copy of The Daily Prophet to see what news there was on the investigation of Albus Dumbledore's death, Adriana had no doubt that she was suspected of his murder. She knew she was being hunted and had no intention of getting caught, not when there was more work to do.

Before reaching her next goal, however, Adriana set about making the abbey inhabitable. Very little of the original roof remained, but there were enough walls standing to give her proper shelter from the elements. She wasn't an engineer or an architect, nor did she have any skills in carpentry or construction, but she was very inventive and what she couldn't create, she stole from the nearest villages. The result wasn't perfect, but it would do for now.

With limited contact with the outside world, Adriana didn't know what day it was. She knew it was sometime around the first of September, but she didn't realize that if she hadn't killed Dumbledore and left Hogwarts, then she would be in the Great Hall at this very moment for the Start-of-Term Feast.

The days were still long, but the sun was already slipping past the horizon. Adriana stood in an exterior archway, now covered by a tarp but which had probably held a thick wooden door at one point in time, and watched the orange glow slide behind the trees, bringing with it the darkening night. She felt a slight tingle in her stomach and lifted the hem of her shirt, revealing the rose tattoo on her hip.

Soon she would see if the magic infused within it worked.

Soon she would see if Voldemort had any followers left willing to pick up where he had left off more than half a decade ago.

But not yet.

The night fell completely dark, and Adriana slipped back into the abbey to bide her time.

3 Vanderbilts, 2 Mickles and 1 Shrewsbury
Author: Griet 
Date:   11-25-12 14:10

"Do you think we're really safe here without Dumbledore?"

The question came from Sadie, who sucked sticky pudding off the spoon in her mouth. She, like many others in the Great Hall, looked happy, but there was an underlying worry behind her eyes.

Aleydis nodded. "Of course we are. I know Professor McGonagall isn't Dumbledore, but I think he thought very highly of her and that having her in his old position is probably exactly what he wanted to happen. I wonder why Professor Fairchild left," she murmured absently.

"Probably because Flitwick came back," Sadie guessed.

"I wonder if she knew her job would only be temporary, if that's true about Flitwick," Aleydis said.

Sadie shrugged. "Probably."

Aleydis suddenly had the feeling she was being watched and looked up in time to meet Basil's eyes over at the Slytherin table. He didn't look away like he used to, instead offering her a half smile. Aleydis shot him a smile of her own before turning back to her cousin.

"What do you think Alchemy will be like…?"


Meanwhile, at the Ravenclaw table, Ramona sat between Joanna Porter and Marian Rourke. Roger Gesner sat opposite Ramona and kept nudging her foot with his. She had the feeling he was aiming for Joanna, since they were known to date on occasion, but she really couldn't be sure. Either way, she was certain he was getting her new white shoes dirty. The path to the carriages had been rather dusty.

A few seats over sat Ramona's cousin Beatrix. One of the new-but-not-really-new girls sat next to her and looked highly uncomfortable with her surroundings. Beatrix tried to make friendly conversation with her, but she found it a bit difficult since Rowan wasn't being very forthcoming. Beatrix had a theory that the reason Rowan and Willow hadn't participated in the Sorting Ceremony was because they both had intense social anxiety. They probably really were new students and had merely gotten permission to get sorted privately. After all, if they weren't new, then why didn't Beatrix know them already?

"What brought you back to Hogwarts?" Beatrix asked, her inquisitve nature wanting to get to the bottom of things.

"It's complicated," Rowan replied.

"Oh?" Beatrix asked, before shoveling a piece of chocolate cake into her mouth.

"Yes. You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Rowan replied.

Beatrix chewed and swallowed quickly and nearly choked. She washed the remains of chocolate cake down with a swig of butterbeer and then said, "Try me."

Rowan shook her head. "Maybe another time."

Beatrix wanted to push for answers but she also didn't want to push Rowan away. Obviously, the new (or not so new) girl needed a friend. Beatrix sighed quietly to herself and then pulled over a cake platter so that it was in better reach for Rowan.


Several table lengths down at the Ravenclaw table sat second years Franciscus and Paton. The boys were glad not to be first years anymore, because now they could bring their own broomsticks with them to Hogwarts. Of course, neither actually owned a broomstick yet. That was next on their agenda of things to do. Nevertheless, they planned on trying out for Quidditch this year, even if they had to use school brooms until they got their own.

Hopefully, this would be Ravenclaw's year to win!

Dinner for Two
Author: Griet 
Date:   11-25-12 15:45

"I should have brought my sweater," Cornelia remarked, shivering slightly in her seat. Night had fallen, and she and Griet were sitting outside Brews & Stews Café, having dinner. The loss of the sun brought cooler temperatures, though it wasn't exactly cold.

Griet shrugged. "I feel fine." She was eating a bowl of cream of potato soup.

Cornelia shot her a look suggesting she wasn't surprised or amused by the comment. "You're eating a hot meal, and your blood runs warm nowadays. Probably helps that your boyfriend is unbelievably good-looking."

Griet laughed. "I think I can count on one hand how many compliments you've ever given in your life."

"Well, it's true," Cornelia replied. "I really need a boyfriend."

As if on cue, Gervaise stepped out of Tomes & Scrolls and spotted the girls at their sidewalk table. He hesitated for a moment, met Griet's eyes, and then stepped forward to say hello to Cornelia. Griet debated excusing herself to go to the restroom, but couldn't quite bring herself to leave.

"Hi, Cornelia," Gervaise greeted, shifting the shopping bag to his other hand. "Nice night, yeah?"

"Yeah, whatever. What do you want?" Cornelia dismissively asked. "Can't you see I'm busy having dinner with my sister?"

Gervaise looked taken aback. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

Cornelia put down her fork, which made Griet relax a little. Everybody knew the story about how Gervaise had broken up with Cornelia at Madam Puddifoot's during a Hogsmeade visit last fall, and how Cornelia had stabbed him in the hand with a cake fork in response.

"I'm doing super great, thanks for asking. See ya." Cornelia turned away from Gervaise and looked at Griet.

Gervaise tried again. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime."

Cornelia whipped her head around to look at him. "Are you serious? Why?"

"Well," Gervaise began, feeling a bit flustered, "I just think that with you out of Hogwarts now, we can try again…"

Cornelia started to laugh. "What makes you think I would be interested in ever dating you again, Gervaise. You're really pathetic, you know that?"

His whole face darkened. "Fine. Have a nice life, Cornelia."

"I plan on it," she retorted.

Gervaise stalked away, with Griet watching his retreating back until she couldn't see him anymore.

"Can you believe that guy?" Cornelia asked, shaking her head. "Like I would date him after what he did to me. Please."

Griet smiled but she couldn't laugh at Gervaise. He had been her friend once.

"So where was I?" Cornelia went on, brushing a strand of blonde hair off her shoulder. She picked up her fork again and moved salad leaves around her plate. "Oh, yeah. I need a boyfriend, preferably one as hot as yours and not a total loser like my ex."

She found a suitable bite of salad to eat and then said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you! I have a job! I start tomorrow, actually. I'm going to be a bounty hunter. Can't you see me catching criminals?"

But Griet wasn't listening anymore. Another figure had stepped out of the bookstore next door and had noticed the Vanderbilt sisters seated nearby at the outdoor table. The witch hesitated, like Gervaise had done before her, but then reluctantly came over to say hello.

Cornelia sensed the person's presence before anything could be said. For some reason, Griet's tongue felt heavy in her mouth. She couldn't say or do anything.

"What, Gervaise?" Cornelia snapped, looking up at him. Only, it wasn't Gervaise standing next to her on the sidewalk. It was Clover Blakely.

More Familiar
Author: Jefferson 
Date:   11-25-12 19:14

It was Friday afternoon, and Jefferson was seated at the small table is his hotel room as he read over some files from an old case back home. The Inn's space was tight for two adults and a child to occupy comfortably; especially long term.

"I seriously feel like I'm being squeezed to death in here." Lawson sighed as she leaned against the far wall.

"Maybe they charmed the walls so they slowly move closer and closer? To drive long term tenants away?" Remedy looked up from her sketchbook on the floor, a smirk spread across the nine year olds face as she teased her aunt.

Jefferson slipped his files away, the briefcase charmed so only he could open it, and looked over his sister and daughter. "Well then ladies—what should we do today?"
"Oh! Can I go play with Camden?"

"That's the girl you met at Emry's Fest, right?" Jeff questioned his daughter. He couldn't help but notice Lawson fidget at the mention of Emry's Fest; she was still in trouble for losing Remy during the concert.

"Yes sir. I like hangin' out with her and Crew." Remedy thought for a moment, she hadn't seen her new friends in a few weeks.

"Camden lives nearby, over on the West Lane. Can I walk over to her house?"

"Well, why don't I walk you over kiddo? I'd like to meet her parents if they're home."

Lawson rolled her eyes, "You guys have fun with that then. I'm going to find a bar."

Jefferson turned to his little sister. "No, you're not. You gonna come with us, Lawson. I don't need you getting into trouble again. Not to mention, you lost my daughter. Consider yourself pretty much grounded."

"Wait, I'm a grown woman you can't ground me!" Lawson protested, much like an angry teenager.

"You may be twenty-two, Laws; but you are living in my home—well my hotel room, so you will follow our rules." He softened a little bit, "You need to learn to be responsible kid, to be able to be on your own."

"Yeah…I know Jeff. Let's just take the kid to see her friend before she runs out the door without us." She pointed to Remedy, who was impatiently standing by the open door, her sketchbook in hand.

"Alright, sweetie we're coming." Jefferson reached out and took his daughter's hand. Within moments the trio was heading down the lane to Camden Vanderbilt's house.

"This is it!" Remedy ran up to the front door and knocked. "Just Cam and her Mom live here."

Jefferson stepped up beside his daughter when Melinda opened the door.

"Hello? Can I help…" Mel's voice trailed off as she caught a glimpse of the blue eyed man in front of her. She had seen him nearly every day she had a shift at Petals.

Remedy ran up and hugged Mel. "Hi! Can I go play with Camden?"
"Oh hey, Remy. Sure, she's outback with Crew." Remy quickly ran through the house and into the back yard to find her friends.

"So, you're Camden's mother? It seems our girls have become quite good friends." He couldn't help but smile, his eyes traced over the woman in front of him.

"Yep, she's mine. You're Remedy's father?" Jefferson nodded as Lawson stepped up beside him.

"Hey Jeff, can we go inside or something?" She looked Melinda over and offered a faint smile, she was still pouting for being grounded. "Hey."

(Professor Flint) Pudding
Author: Roger Bexley 
Date:   11-25-12 19:41

Professor Flint sat on his end of the long staff table, partaking gingerly of a lemon-meringue pudding of dubious nutrition. He had no qualms about the welfare of Hogwarts' house-elves - he was certain they were as well cared for as in any institution across the Wizarding world (and certainly better than those at Durmstrang, if Ministerial gossips were to be believed). His finicky digestion - to which he owed the unusually bright red colour of the tip of his nose - took a particular umbrage to house-elf cuisine. He had written an article about it, as a matter of fact, in the Wizarding Academic Journal several years ago. He believed that, in the modern day, no culinary practice could be healthier or easier than the wizard preparing his own food.

He aligned his goblet of pumpkin-juice (Flint was a strict teetotaller) with the tip of his butter-knife, sighing a little. His neighbour, Professor Quigley, Upper Level Astronomy, regarded him queerly through a side-glance, but did not speak. They had maintained a friendly conversation on the level of small-talk at the beginning of the feast, but Celeste had sunk into an awkward silence after he had begun to explain the fineries of Transmogrification as a magical science, thinking that an astronomer would be intrigued by such new and exciting Academic pursuits. Sadly, it had elicited no enthusiasm and only a few stifled yawns from the Astronomy professor.

Cyprien was not a simpleton; he'd desisted soon after. Small-talk bothered him immensely. He'd also made some conversation with Severus, who was seated next to him - but the man was a notorious brick wall, and had been since they had attended Hogwarts together. Cyprien had brought up the old days, but memories only appeared to make Severus more withdrawn.

The Transfiguration professor sincerely hoped he would have less-jaded reactions from his students. He had high hopes - a crop of first years would be his for the moulding. Young, unsullied, enthusiastic minds; he could hardly wait to induct them into realms beyond their hungry imaginations. And for the older students, whose initial enthusiasm may have been dulled by previous instruction, he would endeavour to reinvent their expectations of the Study of Transfiguration.

That would come soon enough, he reminded himself. He made an earnest attempt to enjoy his dessert, though after such a rich meal, he already felt the protestations of his stomach. He left half his pudding on the plate, washing the cloying tartness away with a last swig of pumpkin juice.

Tomorrow would be a new day, he thought contentedly. His smile was beatific as he gazed at the cheerful student population, and the glittering candles hovering above their heads.

A Year of Change
Author: Illyria 
Date:   11-26-12 10:20

"Well, what do you think?" asked Marzipan of her neighbor, who stared absent-mindedly at an invisible point across the room. "Illyria?"

The Astronomy professor blinked and then shook her head, as if ridding her mind of the thoughts that whirled through her busy mind. "I'm sorry, Marzi. I didn't mean to drift off…" Illyria apologized.

"It's all right," Marzi replied, furrowing her brow with concern. "Is something the matter, Illyria? You seem so far away tonight."

Illyria wasn't sure how to answer. There wasn't anything really wrong, other than the somewhat somber emotions lurking in the shadows of tonight's feast. Everybody who had known Dumbledore felt his absence.

"I guess I'm just feeling a little bit nostalgic," Illyria finally acknowledged.

Marzi nodded in understanding. "I think we're all feeling that way."

In truth, Illyria also couldn't stop thinking about her sister and the family she had created with Nathan. Urania had exactly what Illyria wanted, and it was hard not to feel jealous. It certainly didn't help that Nathan still showed interest in Illyria, even now that he had a son with another woman.

Illyria shook her head in another fruitless effort to clear her thoughts and asked, "What were you saying earlier? What do I think about…?"

"About the new first years," Marzi finished, playing with the stem of her goblet. She twisted it this way and that and said, "They look like a good crop, don't they?"

Illyria nodded. She always liked the start of a new term because as a lower years' instructor, she had the opportunity to meet with the new students firsthand.

She glanced over at Professor Quigley, with whom she had already worked out a schedule for using the observation deck on the Astronomy Tower. Illyria hadn't quite gotten used to Celeste's true appearance yet and wondered how the returning students would handle the change. If there was one thing Illyria knew about children, however, it was that they were very good at adapting to changing circumstances.

Without a doubt, this was a year of changing circumstances, and everyone, not just the students, would have to cope with the differences.

Me? Jealous? Never!
Author: Melinda 
Date:   11-26-12 12:29

When I'd answered the door I hadn't expected to see him standing there. Seriously, he was one of her best customers at Petals and she hadn't realized that he was Remy's father until this very moment.

Remy had hugged her and then ran upstairs where she found Cam and Crew playing like usual. The three kids within minutes had raced down the stairs and out into the back yard where they would probably toss around the quaffle that Crew had brought over, no doubt quickly running to his house to grab a broom for Remy to use.

It was however, the presence of the woman with Jefferson that had given her pause and flared a jealousy streak that she hadn't really realized she had, and also brought front and center emotions for this handsome, blue eyed man that she hadn't realized were there.

"Hey Jeff, can we go inside or something?" She looked Melinda over and offered a faint smile, she was still pouting for being grounded. "Hey."

She couldn't help but let her eyes narrow as she looked over the woman that had come with him. Wondering if she was girlfriend or wife. Though Remedy never mentioned her mom or anyone that her dad was seeing and she didn't see a wedding band any of the times she'd seen him at the strip club, but that didn't mean that he hadn't hidden it, left it at home, and then spelled the tanline so it wasn't there.

"Come on in..." She couldn't help the touch of jealousy that slipped into her voice. She looked over at the woman. "Care for some strawberry lemonade?"

Both said they'd like some and we headed into the kitchen where I peeked out and watched the kids for a minute, before turning to this mystery woman whom Jefferson had yet to introduce me to. "Why don't you head outside and see if the kids want anything to drink?" She went out drink in hand, thankfully.

It was a good enough way to get her out of the room so I could talk to Jeff without acting like a jealous girlfriend (even though we weren't together) in front of his companion.

"So you come to the club to escape your girlfriend?" I asked, unable to keep from glaring at him.

He at least had the decency to look ashamed, but the words that came out of his mouth weren't something that I'd expected, and if I'd paid more attention the truth would have smacked me in the face and kept me looking like a fool.

"Mel, Lawson is my kid sister. She's a royal pain in the ass sometimes too."

It was my turn to look ashamed and I blushed a bit, and shifted to look outside a minute to compose myself for acting like an idiot.

"Sorry. Just figured meeting a guy like you was too good to be true and when you showed up with her I kinda figured that the other shoe was gonna drop and..."

He laughed and then offered me that dazzling smile that made my insides do a flip flop. "It's alright. It's partially my fault for not introducing her before she opened her mouth."

Before I could say anything else the kids came in.

"Mom! Remy wants to know if she can stay for dinner since we are grilling?"

I looked over at Jefferson and smiled. "So, you guys up for hamburgers and hot dogs? I've got plenty for all. Crew's staying as well."

"Sure sounds good, and it will be good to get out of the hotel room for the night before we all go a little stir crazy."

"Well that settles that."

With that the kids ran back outside to play, going back to their impromptu quidditch match that they'd started. While Jefferson and I started getting things ready for dinner.

Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   11-26-12 12:35

The first feast of the new school year was nearing its end. Already, many students and staff wore expressions suggesting they had eaten past their limits. Indeed, a few clutched at their stomachs and groaned aloud. There were, however, more than just a few who hadn't eaten much at all, being instead distracted by thoughts and worries.

Next to Ethan, Professor Kent picked at a fruit tort, his eyes constantly flicking to the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables, where two children also named Kent sat with their housemates.

Nearby, Professor Jones prodded a caramel custard with her spoon, doing her best to keep a conversation going with Professor Ravenscroft.

Ethan was no different. A delicious bowl of white chocolate pudding with sliced strawberries and chocolate shavings sat before him, but the effort to truly tuck into his dessert felt all too strenuous.

He couldn't stop thinking about Adriana Fairchild.

Although the news still hadn't gone public (a miraculous feat in Ethan's opinion), there were some who knew the truth about what had happened on Dumbledore's balcony that fateful summer night. All staff had eventually been told that Professor Fairchild wouldn't be returning to teach lower years Charms this school year, and it had nothing to do with Professor Flitwick's return.

The news had shocked everybody, but none more than Ethan, who like Adriana, had at one time been under the influence of Voldemort. Ethan's service to the Dark Lord hadn't been voluntary, but unlike the former Charms professor, Ethan hadn't shared a spiritual connection with him. A powerful enchantment had bound Ethan to Voldemort, one that Dumbledore had believed to be forever broken.

But if Adriana had gotten sucked back in, then wasn't it entirely possible that Ethan and the other members of Project 25 might also fall back under Voldemort's spell?

Ethan feared the possibility.

Friday Night Break-Up
Author: Maggie Hawthorne 
Date:   11-26-12 12:48

"I am seriously beginning to wonder what I ever saw in you." I said for about the third time in the last two weeks.

William and I had grown somewhat distant over the past month and a half or so and were no longer finding common ground with which to attempt to find a way to ensure that our relationship survived. It also didn't help that he had turned into somewhat of a prat after we'd left Hogwarts, at least when it came to me. He was too busy to take me out, and had ended up cancelling on me for our trip to Sydney last month which had pissed me off to no end.

"I know exactly what it was I saw in you, and it wasn't worth it."

I blinked at him after a moment and then before I could stop the reaction my hand connected with his cheek.

"Get the hell out of my flat. Now. If you ever come near me again you will regret it." The words fell from my lips and for the briefest moment I regretted not having my wand handy, though perhaps with my current mood it was best that I did not have it with me because I'd probably have used something not so nice.

He said not a word, which was probably all the better as he grabbed his things, tossing them into his duffel bag and flooed out of the apartment.

"Bloody bastard." I said as I poured myself a drink and flopped down on the couch. "Seriously, I am going to start a strict interview process for anyone who wants to be my boyfriend from now on. If I end up with another prat I am probably going to end up becoming a nun, might be better that way."

It wasn't her first break-up and honestly, she couldn't bring forth the effort to cry over him now that he was gone. Instead she debated on heading over to Connie's place and spending some time with her friend and co-worker.

Changing into her favorite pair of holey jeans and halter top with her leather jacket, adding a pair of slightly heeled boots she headed out of the apartment and once in the Muggle part of London used a payphone to call Connie and see if she was in. Finding her at home she was told that she was more than welcome to come over, she was already having a girl's night in and another addition wouldn't be minded.

"Be there in about twenty, need anything?"

"Nope, we've got everything we need for the night. Just bring yourself."

"Alright. See you in a bit."

With that she walked the rest of the way to Connie's flat which was about half a block from the little place where they worked. Music could be heard through the door and soon enough Maggie was pulled inside and within minutes forgot about the argument and break-up that had happened not too long ago.

The Fat Friar
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   11-26-12 12:53

Sophie got really upset when Caleb was sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Hufflepuff. All their summer plans seemed to have died the moment she saw her friend being seated in another table that wasn't hers. She had even saved him a seat next to her, since she had been so convinced he would be joining her. Sophie had really believed that a race was implied as part of the sorting ceremony and, she had made plans for she and Caleb to cross the finish line together and so they could be together in the same house. Not even once it occurred to her that all they would have to do was to seat in a stool and let a hat decide their fates.

But then a girl that was named Emily Murray, who had also been just sorted, informed Sophie they would have classes with all the other houses. She felt relieved with such news because it meant she was going going see Caleb more often and also have the chance to speak with Valeria from time to time. She had noticed she had been sorted into Slytherin and Sophie was happy she was placed int the house she wanted.

Sophie couldn't tell if being sorted into Hufflepuff was something she wanted or not. But as she continued to chat with Emily and then also with a girl who was named Devon Abbott, that happened to have a cousin at Ravenclaw, she started to feel less worried with the possibility of not seeing Caleb at all and more excited with the conversation that was taking place.

Emily was telling Sophie and Devon how her brother Liam tended to complain about having classes with students from the Slytherin house.

"He says they can be impossible to deal with, at times. But then he said he would teach be a handy jinx to use on them if needed to."

"Now, now, why so much violence against your colleagues?"

"AWWWW" Sophie screamed, holding herself to Emily.

Pretty much everyone had heard her screaming and more than one of the teachers as well has some of the older students had their wands ready for whatever made Sophie scream. She had never seen a ghost before although she had heard about them but she wasn't expecting one to appear right in front of her in the middle of her meal.

"There is no need to be afraid…" he said in a friendly voice.

Once everyone realized the little first year got scared with the ghost, everything went back to normal, although a large number of students that started to laugh. Almost all of them were Slytherins. Sophie's cheeks turned into bright red and looked down. But the ghost started to console her, presenting himself as the Fat Friar, the ghost of the Hufflepuff house.

Sophie let go of Emily's robes and she was finally able to relax. She started to talk with the ghost. Some of the others first years followed her example, and a boy named Hiram Young asked him how he had died. The Fat Friar, happy that he had a good audience and not ignored by the students who already knew who he was, started to tell the young Hufflepuffs the long and tragic story of his life.

By dessert everyone was hoping he would quickly summarize his story and finish it, but it seemed that the Fat Frair was just at the beginning of the tale of his life.

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