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(Edgar) Before the Sorting Ceremony
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   10-10-14 06:30

Edgar marched into the Great Hall alongside with all the other students. By now the first years would be crossing the Black Lake in the small boats, guided by Hagrid. While some students moved right away to their respective house tables, some decided to catch up at the door. Most were from different houses and were reluctant on separating again from each other so soon. Others were waiting for more friends to arrive who had caught a different carriage to the castle than their own.

He spotted Evelyn telling a group of Hufflepuffs to move along to their table, explaining that that they were blocking the entrance. She was taking very serious her role as prefect, trying to keep the peace and order at the school. Once the Hufflepuffs were out of the way, she continued to order the rest of the students to keep walking and sit.

Not wanting his sister to bother him Edgar directed himself to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Luke and Alcmene. They were talking about how they believed this would finally be Gryffindor's year to win the House Cup. This was their fifth year at Hogwarts and they had seen the Great Hall decorated in green (twice), yellow and blue, but never red. Luke was hoping their house would receive some good new members, perhaps a Quidditch talent, like Bran Hyland, who had given Ravenclaw the victory at the Quidditch championship last year, or maybe someone really clever who would win a lots of points in class.

Edgar yawned as he played with the golden spoon in front of him.

"You look like you're in a History of Magic class early in the morning," Luke teased.

"I'm tired. Evelyn made us all get up very early. She wanted to be the first one to arrive at King's Cross, so she could help the students around in the train. She was eager to finally have a reason to wear her prefect badge. She used to wear it all the time around the house my mum told her to put it away before she lost it."

"Are you upset you haven't been chosen as prefect?" Alcmene asked.

"Nah, not really. I'm fine the way things are right now. Besides I don't have Ev's confidence. I don't think I could boss the others around. I would be extremely nice to them and that wouldn't work out."

"But now it means your sister can boss you around," Luke pointed out.

"And she can boss you around as well. She's not going to forget her dear cousin. And his girlfriend," Edgar added, referring to Alcmene.

"I'm not afraid of her," Alcmene replied. Luke looked at her in pure adoration. Edgar felt like rolling his eyes. His cousin might be all about sports and the school's Athletics' Club, but he had a soft spot when it came to his girlfriend.

"You should, if I were you…" Edgar said, half joking, half serious.

To avoid continuing the conversation about his sister, he looked at the High Table were some of the teachers were already seated. As fifth years they would have different teachers this term. Edgar's biggest concern was having classes with Professor Snape who was known to implicate with Gryffindors and never lose a chance to taunt them. He thought about his posture in class: generally he was quiet and not very participatory; unless he was one hundred percent sure that he knew the right answer. Perhaps his low profile would help him to pass unnoticed in front of Snape.

The last students were finally seated and the noise started to diminish as everyone watched Flitwick's small figure leaving the Great Hall so he could receive the first years and later guide them inside, where they would finally be sorted into the four different houses.

Another Term Begins
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   10-10-14 10:19

Start of Term Feast.

The start of another school year, would bring with it many ups and downs as well as create many new milestones for her students. She was looking forward to meeting her new first year students, as well as spending time with her returning students from last year.

The girls were currently with the Morgans, and Fia would be dropping them off after the Feast because Jui would be starting at the Hogsmeade Day School, while KJ and Nuri would be going to the daycare in the village. Jui and KJ were both looking forward to starting something new, and when they arrived home they would be selecting their outfits for their first day.

"It's good to see you back fully Karma," Lawrence said as he took his seat next to her, his wife Ariella seating herself on his other side.

"Thank you, it's good to finally be back to a familiar routine. The girls are doing well, having spent quite a bit of time with Dex's parents over the break letting me get a few things done."

"At least they will know the rest of Dex's family while they are growing up, they'll need that," Lawrence said with a light smile.

They talked for a few more moments, discussing when the young couple would be welcoming their first child, which would be sometime in the next few months, before the doors open and the new first years and transfer students were lead into the Great Hall, and the Sorting Ceremony would begin, signaling the true start to another year at Hogwarts.

The Sorting Ceremony: Part One
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   10-10-14 17:58

Professor Flitwick led the gathering of new students, all first years except for one, to just outside the doors of the Great Hall. Because of his size, only the students directly in front of him could see him. The others craned their necks to look at the tiny teacher. Despite the fact they couldn't see him very well, they could hear him perfectly. The Deputy-Headmaster may be small, but he could project his voice nicely, even without the aid of magic.

"Now, I will open the doors and we will all walk together down the center aisle, where we will stop before the dais. I alone will proceed to the Sorting Hat, where I will call you up by name individually. Once the Sorting Hat has decided where to place you, you will join your new housemates at your designated table. I know some of you are nervous, but you needn't be! This is a very exciting time, I can assure you! Now, let's enter the Great Hall!"

Professor Flitwick turned back to the doors and opened them simultaneously, after which he strode down the center aisle with the new students at his heels. At the dais, he reminded the students to remain and went to stand next to a battered old hat placed on top of a three-legged stool. As if the hat knew it was time to perform, a tear above the brim opened. What issued out of the rip was a rhyming tune about the four Hogwarts houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. When the Sorting Hat finished its song, Professor Flitwick conjured a scroll and unfurled it. Because of his lack of height, the bottom of the scroll hit the floor and rolled a short distance.

"I will begin with our transfer student!" Professor Flitwick squeaked. "Lev Torres!"

A boy slightly taller than the rest of the new students stepped forward and sat down on the stool with the Sorting Hat on his head. It said to him alone, "Hmm… Obedient, friendly… very close to your family… Hmm… Better be… RAVENCLAW!"

At the shout of the house name, the Ravenclaw table erupted into claps and cheers. Professor Flitwick levitated the hat off the bewildered boy's shoulder and indicated for him to join his new housemates. Lev scrambled off the school and sat down at the Ravenclaw table after sharing a grin with his sister.

After the noise died down, Professor Flitwick announced, "And now the first years, starting with… Anderson Acker!"

The latest of the Acker siblings to receive a Hogwarts letter bounded up to the stool and sat down. The hat was barely on his head before it shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindors and other Ackers, all proud lions themselves, cheered loudly.

"Rex Applewhite!"

Rex sat down on the stool. The Sorting Hat mulled over things quietly for a moment and then said, "Intelligent, yes… but also very friendly… an overall cheerful disposition, though there are exceptions… Hmm… I think you'll make a fine… HUFFLEPUFF!"

After Rex, Fitzwilliam Bates was sorted into "SLYTHERIN!"

Barbie Bones went to "GRYFFINDOR!"

Professor Flitwick looked at the next name on his list. "Blakeney Ellis!"

A girl with long brown hair climbed onto the three-legged school and waited for Professor Flitwick to lower the Sorting Hat onto her head. "Helpful, considerate and likable… I know just what to do with you… HUFFLEPUFF!"

Blakeney took the hat off her head, left it on the stool, and went to join Rex at the Hufflepuff table.

After Blakeney came Charles Fairfax, who was sorted into "RAVENCLAW!"

"Tessa Filby."

A girl with long blonde hair sat down with the hat on her head. "Adaptable, appreciative… but also a little bit brave… Hmm... Better be… HUFFLEPUFF!"

After Tessa joined the Hufflepuff table, Susan Fricks was called up to the stool. The Sorting Hat said, "Another Fricks… clever and hardworking… but also easily panicked… Hmm… You belong in… RAVENCLAW!"

With a relieved smile, Susan joined her big sister Andrina at the Ravenclaw table.

Caroline Harper joined "SLYTHERIN!" and Tom Howard went to "RAVENCLAW!"

"Ingrid Hyland!"

The younger sister of Hope and Bran sat down on the stool. "Another Hyland," said the Sorting Hat. "Only one place for you… RAVENCLAW!"

After Ingrid joined her siblings at the Ravenclaw table, Etana Kohen was called to the stool. "SLYTHERIN!" the Sorting Hat shouted. Looking a bit dazed but still pleased, Etana joined her friend and foster sibling Rylee at the Slytherin table.

Professor Flitwick adjusted the scroll, bringing the bottom up from its position on the floor. He smiled to himself, pleased with the results of the Sorting Ceremony so far.

A Brand New Year
Author: Cate 
Date:   10-10-14 18:42

Cate sat at the Ravenclaw table and looked down towards the front of the hall and watched the sorting of the new first years. It was kind of boring to her and she felt herself drifting off into a very board state. That was when something caught her eye and that something was Preston. She sighed and watched him for a moment, he wasn't with someone else but he was sitting with his friends. She missed him.

Not only had Preston broken up with her over owl post but a day or two before he broke up with her she, Amanda and Elliot had gone in for the trial about their involvement in Jordana's death. It had been hard recounting all that had happened. In the end they had gotten off with only a warning about messing with things they did not understand. They had all promised not to ever do it again…Rosie's aunt however had been in jail for some time after everything had come out that she was involved and she got time served and probation for her role in Jordana's death. Cate was glad that it was all over; finally.

Glancing over to the Hufflepuff table she saw Amanda and Elliot and Darren sitting there with the other 7th years of her house. She missed spending time with Amanda and Elliot but at the same time she was still mad that Amanda had the ring that ultimately killed Jordana – even though she knew in reality that Amanda was not at fault for what happened.

A tear slipped from Cate's eye for Jordana and because she is missing Preston and because of her stupidity he broke up with her. It was her own fault and she knew it.

Trying Day
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   10-10-14 19:03

Thankful someone else is closing both bakery locations this evening, Briar kicks off her shoes once through the door at home. She also sheds the functional robes she wore while working, revealing a light cotton blouse and jeans underneath. Eyeing the puddle of cloth on the floor, she sighs, bending to pick it up, knowing that since she doesn't allow Grace to drop clothes wherever her daughter pleases, she needs to practice what she preaches even if Grace isn't home yet.

Rather than walking to the bedroom with the robes, Briar uses her wand to whisk the clothing away though she does bend to straighten her shoes, lining them up neatly near the door. Padding to the couch she debates sitting down or first getting a glass of wine.

Sitting wins out. In a very unladylike fashion Briar plops down the uses her wand to flick on the wireless. After another moment, she again considers something to drink. Tea, not wine. She likes wine to a point, simply not enough that she likes drinking it often and she doesn't remember ever having a glass of it when by herself. A glass sort of sounds good after a trying day but not enough to want it more than a soothing cuppa.

After Caerwyn left Hogsmeade this morning for London, Grace had appeared with a packed bag. "When does the cart come around for Hogsmeade students?"

"Not until late this afternoon, early evening? Sending something along to Caerwyn?"

"No, this is mine."

"Oh? Are you planning on sneaking into the school to surprise your brother?"

Grace gave a very emphatic shake of her head. "No sneaking. I'm going to be a first year."

"Grace, sweetie, you know you can't be a Hogwarts first year until next September."

"I changed my birthday. It was yesterday. Charlotte, Jasmine, Xavier, Dexter, Velvet, and some dolls and stuffed animals came to the party."

"You know you can't just change the date of your birth. It doesn't work that way. Your birthday isn't until the middle of next month."

"You're just mad because I didn't invite you to my party," Grace very snippily and somewhat hotly had retorted.

"Don't take that tone with me, Molly Grace Rose Valentine."

"I'll be at Hogwarts so you won't hear me taking that tone for weeks and weeks."

Briar had sighed with exasperation. "You will be at Hogsmeade Primary Day tomorrow, not at Hogwarts. You will go unpack your bag. No argument."

Grace had glared at her before stomping off to do as bid. She was difficult the rest of the day, earning herself several chores to help with around the bakery as punishment. The only reason Grace is not home now is that she'd agreed to allow Grace out to dinner with Julian and the twins. Briar is entirely alone in the house at the moment as even Aegean is out.

That tea sounding better and better, Briar makes herself get up, heading into the kitchen to put the kettle on. As she turns from filling the kettle, Briar yelps in surprise, dropping the kettle, water splattering everywhere.

Kellen Fitzmorris looms largely. He takes a step towards Briar. "Rosalyn, we need to talk."

Author: Capri Brycin 
Date:   10-10-14 19:08

Capri and Mark had just finished dinner with her parents and her older brother; Capri was just glad her little sister had already gone back to school and she didn't have to deal with her.

"Thank you, Mum for dinner it was very good." Capri said with a small smile.

"Yes, thank you." Mark added.

"You are both welcome. We are glad you two could come for dinner."

"But we wanted to talk to you both." Her father interjected.

Capri looked at Mark and then looked at both of her parents.

"We don't really like the fact that you are living together."

Closing her eyes she just sighed to herself. "I am of age now and I can make my own decisions, Mum, Dad. I love Mark and I want to be with him."

"Yes, but what if you get pregnant?"

"FU...really? And what if I did. You guys would have a grand baby to spoil." She looked at her brother for help but he just offered her a small smile. "Why can't you just be happy for me? When Amyas moved out and was living with his girlfriend you did not say anything."

"Mr. and Mrs. Brycin," Mark started. "I promise to take care of your daughter."

"But you don't even have a job yet."

Capri sighed again. "Really? He is looking for a job and I have a good job that pays well and we are fine without him working. So even if it takes a while for him to find a job we will be fine."

The conversation went on for about an hour with her parents still not coming to terms with the fact that she was living with Mark.

The two disapparated to their apartment and sat down once inside and Mark pulled Capri into his lap. "Don't worry about it things will be fine and I am still looking into getting a job at the Ministry."

"I know." she said. "I just wish they would trust me and know I...we are not going to do anything stupid." Capri cuddled into Mark's lap and wrapped her arms around him as they talked.

Author: Travis 
Date:   10-11-14 17:05

Approaching a manor whose main body was built in the 1400s with several remodels and additions in the centuries since, Travis wearily says, "You could have told me who's hosting this party."

Morticia gives her eldest child another of her long suffering looks. "If I had told you, your resistance would have been even greater. Your brother and sister gave me no argument I do not know why you insist on being so continually difficult. Now, come along, the others have already gone in."

Travis would turn and leave before entering and chancing being seen by Nova Fitzmorris or her son Ogden if not for the fact that her mother would find a way to make her life miserable the rest of the week. As it's only Monday, Travis would rather do the cowardly going inside and try to avoid certain people than put up with Morticia being worse than usual for the next several days. Resigned, she steps through the doorway, her mother just behind.

For the next hour Travis succeeds in avoiding both Nova and Ogden. Catching sight of the former at one point she remembers a time when she didn't mind Nova Fitzmorris's company. It's only been since Kenneth Fitzmorris moved out to go live with someone slightly younger than his son. Worse, the woman had been dating Ogden at the time. As Ogden's always been something of a bore, Travis cannot fathom what the attraction was other than being heir to a huge fortune. Ogden was passed over quickly enough when Kenneth showed an interest in her. It's one of the few times in all the years of knowing him that Travis has ever felt sympathy for Ogden.

Think of the devil.

Ogden has spotted her and is coming this way. Travis's eyes dart about looking for an excuse to escape. Finding none, she grits her teeth, steeling herself to spend a few minutes with Ogden chatting her up before politely exiting with a, "Please excuse me while I visit the ladies." Hopefully, this time he won't follow her all the way to the loo as he's done a few times over the years. It's always somewhat disconcerting to think he's been successfully ditched, at least for a little while, only to emerge from the toilet to find him standing there waiting, picking up the conversation exactly where he'd left off.

"Travis! Darling! I was beginning to think you've been purposely avoiding me this evening," Ogden chuckles as he leans in to kiss first one cheek then the other.

Travis doesn't go with the easy lie. She states a truth that serves the same purpose. "There's such a crush of people. Your mother's parties always do draw a crowd."

Ogden has a hand cupped under her elbow, slipped there while he administered the cheek pecks. "Let's take a stroll in the garden. Plenty of guests out there but far less crowded and noisy."

He starts walking, guiding her using his now grip on her elbow. Travis is slow, causing Ogden's steps to falter. "I was just on my way to the ladies when you came over," she explains.

Ogden shifts directions. "This way then. There's one nearer but with the number of people here, there's sure to be a line."

Finding herself once again resigned to doing what someone else wishes - it's that or be deliberately, obviously rude - Travis soon finds herself deposited at the door of a well appointed, large bathroom. Knowing there is no escape from Ogden just yet, Travis offers him a small, tight smile and a thank you before entering and firmly shutting the door.

There's no point in lingering but she also doesn't rush. Sure enough when Travis emerges Ogden is waiting, turned away from the door as he studies one of the manor's many works of art and photographs. Hearing the door he turns, beaming at her. "Now for that turn about the garden."

Travis walks alongside Ogden, feeling as though she's being escorted as he'd offered her his arm, trying to think of some other method of escape. Whatever she comes up she'll be polite and endure a little time in Ogden's company. Along the way Ogden waxes poetic about one of his favorite pastimes, fly fishing.

For a good ten to fifteen minutes Travis utters not a word and Ogden doesn't seem to notice. She's startled out muteness when Ogden suddenly asks, "Still having troubles with your business?"

"Botanicals & Beyond is fine, thank you."

"I had heard otherwise."

"Are you meaning the vandalism and destruction of property? There have been random incidents taking place for months now but, thankfully, my business as a whole is still strong. There have been some setbacks and in some instances workarounds on products or ingredients have been necessary but we're managing. My mother must have made mention of this."

"Morticia has said something but I seem to recall an article or two in the newspaper." Ogden pats Travis's hand. "Should you need any assistance, please let me know. I am something of a whiz at problem solving."

Travis gives him that small, tight smile again. "Thank you for the offer but unless you are a skilled investigator who can find who's committed these crimes, it's in the hands of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Then I offer you whatever other support you need."

"Thank you, Ogden. That's very sweet of you."

It's another half hour before Travis can extricate herself from Ogden, during which time he's moved on to talking in-depth about his passion for collecting antique cauldrons.

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