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Brief Respite
Author: Ginny Weasley 
Date:   07-20-07 11:35

Ginny collapses onto the sofa in an area of the main cellar set aside as a sort of break room. The Diagon Alley branch of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is packed, doing a brisk business on this last day to shop before Hogwarts students return to school. Closing her eyes, Ginny briefly wonders if Argus Filch still has a ban on Weasleys' products. If so, he's going to be very busy the first few days students are back, confiscating one item after another.

Ginny's respite is disturbed when someone plops down on the sofa beside her. Opening her eyes she's rather shocked to see Harry Potter.

"Hallo, Ginny. You look knackered."

"I'd say nice to see you, Harry, but after that greeting I'm not sure it is," Ginny says with humor. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been here for hours."

"Really? How did I not know that?"

"Probably because every time I caught a glimpse of you, you were just a blur of red hair. I don't have such a distinct feature to have made it easy for you to spot me in the throng up there."

"Why are you at work? What's it called again? Something and Howard."

"Stanford & Howard," Harry fills in. "I'll be working a bunch of Sundays over the next few months so I'm getting some days off that I wouldn't normally have off. I specifically asked for this one off because I wanted to help George and Fred."

"That because you staked them the money for this place?"

"That and, well, you know, they're family, like brothers. I hear you've seen Michael Corner a few times. He's a nice guy but at times he could be a prat back in school." Harry comments, changing the subject.

"Michael is still nice and he can still be a prat. Would you believe he still has issues over our house being his house? And still claims that Cho was a much better seeker than you even though you outflew her for the snitch all those times."

"This doesn't sound like a budding romance talking."

"It's not. I like Michael but just like back in school I'm finding I don't like Michael."

"Is it hard for you today?"

"In a way. As long as stay here in the shoppe and don't go wandering out and about, I think I'll be okay. I know if I were to go out I'd find myself drawn to the spot where Jase died. Today it all seems fresh in a way, that it doesn't feel like two years have gone by. At the same time, it's distant enough that on days that don't happen to be the anniversary of his death, I can walk on that spot and not even think about it."

Harry puts his arm around Ginny's shoulders and gives her a hug. "You're a strong woman, Ginny. It's one thing I've always liked about you. Strong and with the Weasley tenacity."

"And here I thought you liked me for my ability to throw a bloody awesome Bat Bogey Hex."

"That too," Harry laughs.

Ginny giives Harry a quick hug in return then stands up. "Time to face the masses again. I swear we're going to run out of Skiving Snackboxes before the day is out. The Puking Pastilles have always been popular but we've sold tons of everything else in that line as well today. See you upstairs."

Ginny returns to the ground floor where she's immediately beseiged by three small boys, soon to be first years by the looks of them, asking which is better, the Fever Fudge or the Fainting Fancies?

Conditional Return
Author: Gabrielle Delacour 
Date:   07-20-07 15:09

"Are you ready, Gabrielle?"

Gabby comes out of the lavatory, hairbrush in hand. "Yes, ready."

Gabby walks slightly behind her mother as they leave their Hogsmeade Inn room to walk over to Fleur's. When they'd arrived in Hogsmeade this morning. Maman had told Gabby they wouldn't be staying at Fleur's because Maman did not want to impose when Fleur already has so much to deal with. Gabby can't fault her mother's sentiments there. Fleur does have enough to worry with without having to entertain her mother and sister.

Gabby hopes that very, very soon someone is able to help Bill make a recovery. The entire family is so indebted to Hermione Granger for doing what little has been done that there aren't proper words to convey how thankful they all are. Then again, Hermione perfectly understands because Bill is her family too even if she's not yet married to Ron, or even if she and Ron never make it official.

Gabby is so glad to even be in Hogsmeade today, to have gone shopping here and at Diagon Alley earlier in the day. For days upon days Gabby, restricted to her room back home, did not know what decision her parents would make about school. For awhile there, Gabby had thought her parents would decide to home school her or send her somewhere as long as it was neither Hogwarts or Beauxbatons.

It was only last night that Gabby learned her parents decision. They are allowing her to return to Hogwarts but there are conditions. Gabby gets only a piddling allowance for incidentals. Anything else she has to write home for. Gabby will not be allowed on any Hogsmeade weekends. The only time she may leave school grounds is for something specifically coursework related if it's necessary and to return home such as at the Christmas break. No modeling at all this year and her money from her modeling work so far is entirely in her parents' trust now, which means that which she'd held back and had allowed her to have funds for her recent escapade is in her parents' hands. Additionally, Bill's friend Aaron and his wife Saffron, or as Gabby thinks of them both, Professors Miller and Sacheverelle, will be keeping a close watch on her. If that's not enough, the Delacours have arranged through her Head of House, who also happens to be Professor Miller, for Gabby to do detention one day a week until the start of the Christmas holiday.

Gabby is not entirely thrilled with all the restrictions but she can think of a far worse outcome to all this. She could have been sent back to Beauxbatons with so many conditions. Being stuck at a school she has come to dislike so much with so many conditions on what she's allowed to do and not do would have been pure torture. Gabby has a feeling she would have stayed in her room at Beauxbatons, on her bed, the entire school year if she'd been made to go there.

Yes, there are conditions to her return to Hogwarts but Gabby isn't complaining.

This Is The Reason For The Important Meeting?
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   07-20-07 17:22

Julian gets away from Twice Told Tales as close to the time to meet his parents as he's able. Heading up to his flat, he grabs some Floo powder and heads to his cabin. Julian steps from the fireplace to see his parents are already there, sitting facing the fireplace, snifters of brandy in their hands.

Tiberius swirls the brandy in his glass. "Hope you don't mind, we started without you."

Bending slightly to dust himself off Julian replies, "No, not at all." Standing up straight again, Julian looks from his mother to this father. "Why this little meeting? Why the coming to the shop and wanting me to leave right then even though we were obviously swamped? Why the meeting in my remote cabin?"

Lysette looks into the depths of the golden liquid in her glass as if seeking answers there. Tiberius glances at his wife and then to their son. "Sit down, Julian. It feels as though you're hovering."

Julian moves around to sit on a loveseat as his parents turn their chairs to better face him for their conversation. After their both settled again Julian asks, "Well?"

Lysette speaks first, stating firmly. "You did a truly stupid thing, Julian."

"Pardon? What are you talking about, Mum?"

"Why did you destroy that book? Do you know the potential it held? The power that could have been wielded?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. That's exactly why I destroyed it."

"Bloody idiot," Tiberius snaps. "You never used to be afraid of Dark Arts books."

"None of the other ones were texts written entirely in blood and none of them attempted mind control. Do you realize how deeply dark the magics are that went into that book that enabled it to have influence on a human mind? It had to be some sort of bastardized version of an Imperius."

"Exactly." Lysette puts the brandy snifter aside. As if speaking to Grace, she slowly says, "Power, Julian. Dark power. Glory. Simply because He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is no more does not mean we give up seeking the Dark Arts, seeking power, seeking ways to ensure Purebloods finally have their rightful place as the rulers of the world."

Julian angrily replies, "I have a daughter to think about now, Mum. A Dark Arts book like Geheimzinnige Zilver is not something I want around her, not when it has some sort of spell on it that allows it to exert itself on a human's mind. I'm not opposed to Dark Arts books or Dark Arts themselves for that matter. What I'm opposed to is a book that is a danger to Grace."

"At the risk of repeating myself, bloody idiot," Tiberius snaps again. "Never occurred to you to keep the book someplace other than where Grace might come across it. You're normally a very wily and intelligent person, son, but this time you stumbled badly."

Julian jerks up from the love seat. "The entire reason you wanted to see me is to tell me what a bloody, stupid idiot I am and how much I've let you down? What a waste of time."

"We wanted to let you know our feelings so that if you come across any similar books, you won't destroy those as well. You'll bring them to us," Lysette says, once more using a condescending tone she might use when attempting to explain something to a small child.

Julian, for the first truly thankful that Briar and he chose not to let his parents in on the fact that their granddaughter is already highly gifted and powerful with magic, snarls, "Thank you so much for the lesson on my stupidity."

Without another word, Julian disapparates. Appearing in an alley located in a town some distance away from his cabin, Julian walk the block to a Wizarding pub there, sitting at the bar and ordering an entire bottle of firewhiskey, angry beyond words at his parents for caring more about some stupid books then for his or Grace's well being, not to mention Charlotte's as well.

An Encounter of the Snider Kind
Author: Saffron 
Date:   07-20-07 19:42

The setting sun casts long shadows through the windows that get light from the west. Saffron is reading over the lesson plans for next week, making sure they're exactly as she wants them. She looks towards the door then if on cue there's a knock.

"Come in, Professor Snider," Saffron calls out without rising.

Harriet Snider bustles in, saying as she does, "When I was a student, there was a ladder with a trapdoor. When was the staircase and regular door put in?"

"I had it done after I took the position."

"Bravo. I am quite surprised no one thought to do it sooner."

"I have the impression that Professor Trelawny preferred the more difficult access, though I could be mistaken on that."

"You knew I was coming?" the headmistress states as much as asks, taking a seat in one of the larger, poufy chairs.

"I had a dream last night I'd be visited. I wouldn't call it a premonition though."

"Why is that?"

"You've visited nearly all the other professors in their classrooms. When I went to bed last night, you'd not yet visited me. Here is it the day before the students arrive back, going on evening."

"Logical deduction as much as anything then."

"Yes. Tea?"

"Thank you, I believe I will."

Saffron gets up to sit at the table where Professor Snider is sitting, more to be polite then because she really wants to. The tea poured and some little fairy cakes on the table between them, Professor Snider says, "I expect you're relieved not to be moving classrooms like some of your colleagues."

"Yes, very."

"Going to ask me why or do you already know?"

"In my dream you said something about how it's too far to trek and not all that convenient."

"Nothing else?"

"No, ma'am."

Too Saffron, Headmistress Snider looks relieved at this bit of news. The look quickly vanishes when Saffron asks, "If this room is a far trek and not convenient, then why wouldn't you ask me to change classrooms?"

Professor Snider waves the question away, taking control of the conversation by inquiring, "Do you often have prophetic dreams? What about other forms of prophecy? Are you skilled at only one or two forms of divination or are you more diverse? If one listens to Dolores Umbridge at the Ministry, you are nothing but a charlatan, as are all who claim to be seers of any sort."

"Dolores Umbridge says that because she finds it greatly annoying that those with true gifts will not perform for her on command."

"Yes, that does sound like Dolores. About my other questions... ."

"I have at least some skill in numerous forms of divination. I occassionally have prophetic dreams. I have visions and on very rare occassion a sense of words but no images to accompany them."

"Do you feel that only students shown to have a gift or talent as seers should be allowed to take your course?"

"No, not at all. Anyone can read tarot or tea leaves or do an astrological chart. Those without the gift who are sincere in their efforts should have access to an education in Divination if they wish it. Those who do have the gift are more likely to be correct in their readings and charts, are better able take what they see and interpret it, that doesn't mean they should be the only ones who are taught how to see symbols and images in tea leaves or how to do a five card taro spread any more than someone who no talent for growing plants should be excluded from at least learning about plants."

Harriet Snider nods without saying anything as if she's mulling over Saffron's reply. With one more sip of her tea she rises. "Your father is the famous chef Lohengrin Porter, correct?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Very good bloodline," the headmistress murmurs before making her exit from the classrom.

Offing Irma (ok, not!!, but she REALLY wanted to)
Author: Synn Gardenn 
Date:   07-20-07 20:21

When Synn had apparated onto the Malfoy Estate she was taken with a sudden sense of dread, or perhaps it was the rumors she was hearing about Lucius's new wife,that made her decide that waiting until she was able to talk with Lucius would be the best course of action. She'd ask his permission then visit Narcissa with him, if he wished it.

Until then she would spend her time getting to "know" her new business. The Fire Berry was located near the end of Diagon Alley, sandwiched between Critters & Supplies and The Runic Boutique. She had arrived at The Fire Berry to find Irma already there, checking the receipts from the previous day's sales. It was the last day of August and students were preparing to return to classes. When she opened the door, there were two customers leaving. She scoped out the layout of the store and saw that Irma had made some rather poor choices. She had moved a whole section of herbs to a window, in which sunlight would negate it's magical qualities. Then, a shelf of potion ingredients was displayed in the darkest part of the store. These needed light to intensify it's ability to conform to a potion's purpose, setting it's power in time with the incantation used to create it. She shook her head. Obviously, Mr. Lowtree, had no clue how to run a potion and spell ingredient shop. Irma had to go and the sooner the better.

She made her way past Irma without a word and went into the back office. Her eyes squinted in anger as it appeared that Irma had staked a claim to the desk. In short order Synn had removed all traces of Irma from the room. She floated Irma's personal items right in front of her, letting them drop to the floor. The assistant clamored to gather her things. She was on her way to the office when Synn slammed the door shut in Irma's face. The woman looked at Synn and began to ask what was going on.

"I wonder whose business you think this is. That is MY office. I also ask you what experience you have in running a magic shop? Seeing as though I'm going to have to totally redo all the incorrect changes you've made. "

"I was trained at The London School of Business," Irma began. It was then that Synn held up her hand.

"That's a muggle school, is it not?" She scrutinized Irma once again.

"Pray, tell me. Are you a ...muggle?" Synn asked. Her expression like that of a person who'd tasted something rotten.

"I..uh. I'm only half muggle, My mother was a witch! What does that have to do with anything?!" Irma looked angry. Her protest was stopped by a severe chill that suddenly took over the whole store.

"You will do well to remove yourself from my sight," She said, the chill becoming so bad, Irma's teeth began to chatter.

"Why! What have I done!" she asked as Synn began walking towards her, malevolence in her eyes.

"You exist." She stated and shut the door in Irma's face.

Author: Griet 
Date:   07-20-07 20:53

Griet, Cornelia and Aleydis each carried several sacks of the items they'd purchased throughout the course of the day while shopping in Diagon Alley and deposited them onto the beds in their room at the Leaky Cauldron. The rest of the family, with the exception of the youngest siblings (they were staying with their unmarried uncle), occupied the room next door.

Griet sat down on her bed and started sorting through her new things, stowing what she could into the trunk that would travel with her to Hogwarts tomorrow. While she busied herself with the task, she thought about Marcus and the letter that had arrived at her house for him. He'd written to her since leaving her house, requesting the information in the letter. Despite the apparent invitation to read whatever Professor Harriet Snider had written Marcus, Griet decided to forward it on to him.

"What do you think Professor Snider will be like?" Cornelia asked, plopping down on the lid of her trunk in an attempt to shut it. It was positively overflowing with items.

"I don't know," Griet said. "I wish Dumbledore was still there."

"Me too," Cornelia replied. "Haven't they always said that Hogwarts is the safest place in all of Britain because Dumbledore is there? Does that mean that it will no longer be safe, with Dumbledore gone and someone else in his place?"

Griet shot a concerned glance at Aleydis, who listened to the exchange between her older sisters with interest. She looked a little frightened by the prospect of Hogwarts being unsafe.

"Hogwarts is still safe," Griet assured both Cornelia and Aleydis. "The other teachers are still there and will look after us. Maybe Professor Snider will too. She..." Griet remembered the photograph of the witch she'd seen in the Daily Prophet. "She looks nice," she continued lamely.

Cornelia snorted. "She looks like a man. Maybe her name is really Professor Harold Snider, Harry for short. Or should that be Hairy?" She drew her finger over her top lip as if smoothing out an invisible mustache.

Aleydis laughed at that. "Tell me about the other professors, Cornelia." She sat down next to Cornelia on the trunk, and together they were able to shut it.

Cornelia gave Aleydis all the gossip, while Griet listened and continued sorting through her things, glad that tomorrow was finally the first day of term.

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