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Bad Timing To Get A Snack
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   10-05-15 16:49

When Sage is not busy with studying for advanced degrees at Merlin College, St. Emrys, his part-time job in the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department tends to be more full-time. He'd no sooner arrived this morning then he was sent out to investigate the report of a witch married to a Muggle and living in a Muggle flat charming Muggle cleaning aids such as a broom and a mop to work on their own. Several neighbors saw this on more than one occasion, one of those neighbors also having ties to the wizarding world and, having a running feud with the woman over spaces in building's car park, decided out of spite to report her rather than letting her know she'd been seen and should be sure to shut the drapes and blinds before doing anything of the sort and hope that the use of magic in a Muggle location wasn't detected.

Sure enough, when Sage arrived, he could plainly see through the open windows a mop seeming to swish about on its own, trailed by a bucket of sudsy water. A cloth of some sort was flitting about from surface to surface, most likely dusting. The broom was busy sweeping something into a dust pan, which then lifted itself up to empty in a dust bin.

Sage spoke with the woman and explained the problem, ending up writing her a citation when she insisted she not only couldn't clean any other way, had to have the drapes open and in warmer weather such as today the windows open for the fresh air, and no, she would not impose on her husband to live in a wizarding home, which would mean having to give up his telly.

Once back at the Ministry, he'd stopped to pick up a snack and something to drink at the cafeteria before returning to his desk to write, then file the incident report and to catalog the issuance of the citation. A plump, sweet smelling peach and a packet of cheese crackers in one hand and a container of juice in the other, Sage stands waiting to pay. One second the register is there and then it is not, the cashier suddenly screaming from the shards of the register now embedded in her face, arms, and chest.

Dropping everything, Sage ducks low, grabbing her with him. All around there's the chaos of people screaming, others yelling, and, oddly, there's some laughter as well. There are figures running about, most in panic but some moving with hurried deliberation to assist others or to confront those in black robes and masks. Those with the masks are from where the laughter is emanating. They are the ones causing the chaos.

After being in some fights as part of The Resistance back when that whole pures versus nons idiocy was taking place, Sage never thought he'd ever be involved in something like that again. He knew that from time to time duels might ensue when checking out the misuse of a Muggle artifact, or that the Muggle items themselves might be cursed or hexed in some fashion; however, never did he imagine being part of this type of scene ever again.

The cashier has stopped screaming, her wounds thankfully looking worse than they actually are, neither of her eyes taking any of the register shrapnel. Sage assists her in getting behind the line where the food is served, his shoulder suddenly screaming in pain.

She keeps crawling at his urging even though she wants to stop and make herself small, shutting down entirely from the shock of it all. Sage rolls, wand clutched tightly, glad it's his opposite shoulder that feels as though he's been hit with a hundred bludgers all at once. The masked figure is half turned, shielding from a spell being thrown by someone else. As soon as the masked figure drops the shield to return fire, Sage throws a spell, catching the masked figure off guard.

The other person, now seeing an opening as well, also fires off a spell. The masked figure crumples. The other person turns to rush over to help someone caught under a free standing cart that's toppled. Sage checks the downed Death Eater, for surely that's who this person must be. Alive but with shallow breathing. Sage is thinking to use his wand to bind the Death Eater but a flurry of spells light up the area all around him as two others with mask engage a few more of the hardier souls willing to fight back. Needing to get out of the zone of fire, he ends up crabbing away with the Death Eater's wand. Once he's got more cover again, he breaks it then joins those attempting to take down those other two Death Eaters while simultaneously trying to keep watch for other signs of danger.

Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   10-05-15 18:02

Ethan stood outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and ate butterbeer-flavored ice cream on a waffle cone. He was not in Diagon Alley with Oliver, whose school supply shopping had been done earlier in the summer. He was there on behalf of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, for whom Ethan performed consulting work every now and again.

It being August 31st, and the ten year anniversary of the raid of dark wizards led by Lord Voldemort himself on Diagon Alley, the wizarding government, shopkeepers, and consumers were on high alert. The belief that a repeat attack on the anniversary would take place had many undercover as well as uniformed law enforcement officers patrolling the popular shopping district.

Diagon Alley was not exactly dead, despite the possibility of an attack. Many wizarding families visited London annually at the end of summer in anticipation of putting their children on the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. Some had no fear of a repeat attack, believing it too obvious or feeling that Diagon Alley would be extra safe due to the increased number of law enforcement.

For his part, Ethan had no idea what to think. He had been there ten years ago, and if not for breaking the enchantment upon him beforehand, then he most certainly would have been in Diagon Alley in a completely different capacity. He might be dead now or in prison as a result. It was hard to believe that a decade had passed since the fall of Project 25.

Its revival was something he did still think about from time to time. He wondered if Adriana planned on reinstating her predecessor's top secret special project, either with the existing members or a new batch. Would she start all over with children, if she did resurrect Project 25?

He didn't get to dwell on the thought for very long.

"The Ministry of Magic is under attack!" someone shouted.

Ethan didn't immediately react because it could be a diversionary tactic. If all law enforcement suddenly left for the Ministry of Magic, then Diagon Alley would be left vulnerable to attack. There was a long moment where no one seemed to know what to do. Should they leave their posts and lend a hand to those left behind at the Ministry, or should they stay in Diagon Alley?

After what felt like ages, it became clear that the rumors were true. Ethan wasted not another moment and dropped the remainder of his ice cream in the nearest rubbish bin on his way to the entrance to The Leaky Cauldron.

Author: Jared 
Date:   10-05-15 21:43

Jared still hasn't told his family about the divorce. He keeps meaning to but then can't bring himself to face them must less tell them. He's not scared of how any of them will react as he's sure they will all be supportive in their own ways. He's having trouble because he's so depressed and feeling like such a failure that he's having trouble vocalizing something as simple as the word divorce. He'll get there, and soon, or so he hopes, or they're going to find out on their own that something is going on and he would prefer for them to learn it from him, not her.

With not having told his parents and sister of the split, or anyone else for that matter, not even best friend Sage, that means no one knows he's got a new place. She knows he's moved, of course, but not where. If she needs to contact him for any reason, there's sending him something through the Ministry mail system, a missive by airborne Ministry memo, or seeing if an owl will reach him if the envelope is simply addressed Jared Wynbourne.

Jared has thrown himself into his work, going in early, staying late, and on a recent day off coming in anyway to cover for someone else. It's just the Department of Magical Games and Sports but there is always work with piles of parchmentwork to go with everything. Staying constantly busy is a help but, he knows, also a form of avoidance. The less time he has to think about the situation, the longer it's going to take him to be able to open up to the family and to get past a serious bout of depression. But... but, he's not ready yet to do anything other than wallow.

When the first report came that the Ministry is under attack, it comes in the form of Nigil Biblock running down the main hallway of the department, screeching at a high enough pitch to sound more a female than a male, "Death Eaters! Death Eaters! Hide! The exits are blocked!"

Some of Jared's colleagues chose to take refuge in a storage room containing some of the officially sanctioned balls for use in Quidditch, namely the bludgers. Initially, Jared thought of going them but after someone in front of him got badly beaned by one of those bludgers when he entered the storeroom, Jared decided taking refuge there might turn out to be a bad idea the level of panic amongst the group intensified and bludgers, and spells, started zooming around the enclosed space.

He then paused and in that pause his heart gives him a physical pain, feeling as if it were stopping then exploding as one thought screams to the front of his mind. Alanna! He turns without further thought and begins running for the stairs, which are closer than the lifts. He finds himself in the middle of a sea of people, some pushing up, some pushing down, all trying to hurry, all seeking safety. Jared doesn't see any of the so called Death Eaters but as he moves from one level to the next he catches snatches as others pass him by. Talk of dead bodies. Wounded. People in masks. One woman cradling a bloody arm was babbling about how her attacker was her best friend.

Halfway to his destination, to Alanna, Jared pauses again. This time because the main thought running through his mind is not of his wife's safety but of how Alanna doesn't give a fig about him any longer. She would not be appreciative of him swooping in to save her. Or, maybe she would be she'd be cold about it. Formal and chill. And, at the end of the day, his efforts would be for naught. She'd trample his love for her all over again then walk away.

At some point Jared began moving again but he has no memory of it. Must be because it was continue along the stairs or get run over. Getting trampled by this lot would be less painful than getting trampled by Alanna again. Still, Jared has to try. She may have spurned him, made it clear she feels nothing for him but, Merlin help him, he still loves her and couldn't live with himself if he doesn't at least try to ensure she is safe, even if it's not because of anything he's done. He simply needs to see for himself. He'll then go off and find a place to take cover while holding a pity party for himself. Hell, maybe a Death Eater will come across him and put him out of his misery.

By the time he does reach the level where Alanna's office is located, the thought of being put from his misery has Jared worked himself up into quite a state. He charges out of the stairwell, nearly knocking out a man who's trying to get to the stairs and get off this level. Jared has his wand out, ready for a fight. Maybe he can help others who are too afraid to fight or who fought but were injured. Maybe help the injured find places to stay put until the attack ends. If he ends up getting killed in the process, who cares? He no longer does. Maybe he'll die a hero and Alanna will be forced to tell his parents that she was divorcing their hero of a son.

As he points his wand at the first masked figure he sees, Jared feels spitefully glad he went on and changed his will yesterday, leaving the bulk of what's left of the settlement money to his parents and Etta. Alanna might sue for rights to the money as Jared's widow but his family won't roll over and let her have it without an argument once they know she not only left him but filed for divorce.

(Alanna) Play Dead
Author: Beck 
Date:   10-06-15 06:05

Alanna stared at the massive canary diamond engagement ring on her left hand and hated it on the spot. It replaced the ring Jared had given her at the London Butterfly House almost exactly three years earlier. That ring, her wedding band, and Jared's wedding band, unceremoniously delivered to her along with the signed divorce papers, were now tucked away in a hidden compartment in the bottom of her jewelry box.

The house Jared no longer wished to live in was a place Alanna couldn't bear to occupy either. She planned on having everything boxed up and stored, but even though she didn't want to live there without Jared, Alanna couldn't let the house go. She decided she would rent it out, at least for now.

Reed was talking, but she was hardly listening to him. "An announcement will go in the paper tomorrow, and I think we should do a photo op. This will be good for us, Alanna. My political career will take off, and you'll get everything you've ever wanted. It's a win-win situation."

Alanna didn't have the energy to argue. She was resigned to her fate now.

Just then, the glass behind her shattered. She flinched and felt herself being pelted by tiny bouncing shards, but she didn't appear to sustain any cuts. Shouts, flashes of lights, and other crashes sounded from beyond Reed's office door.

He was by her side in an instant and pressed down on her shoulders. "Get down!" he urged. "Play dead!"

Alanna obediently got down on the floor, ignoring the bits of glass covering the carpet. She was careful not to touch any of it with her bare skin, but it couldn't really be avoided. It was all right, though. She couldn't feel any physical pain, not when her heart ached so much.

She started to squeeze her eyes shut, when she noticed a large, jagged piece of glass near her hand. She stared at it for a long moment, envisioning herself picking it up in her hand and stabbing it through Reed's neck, but the fantasy was short-lived.

The door blasted off its hinges, and he very nearly tripped over her in his efforts to avoid getting hit. Alanna heard shuffled footsteps and then a gruff voice remarked, "Damn it, Wycombe! I could have killed you!"

"You very nearly did. What's going on?"

"Just a spot of fun," exclaimed a second, female voice. "You ought to join us."

"You know I can't do that," Reed said exasperatedly, "and besides, I don't sully my hands with murder. I leave that to my flunkies."

The first wizard said, "Suit yourself."

Alanna heard the two intruders shuffled back out of the room, and after a long, excruciating moment, she felt Reed kneel beside her and brush some strands of hair from her face. "Just say there, Alanna. Don't move."

Alanna couldn't help herself. She whimpered.

"I don't know if I can protect you if they know you are alive," he said.

Her eyes opened, but her vision was a little blurry due to the tears forming in her eyes. She stared at the jagged piece of glass and wondered if she could move quick enough. He was in the perfect position, kneeling over her with his neck exposed.

But if she killed him, would her family's misfortunes ever get reversed?

She let out a shaky sigh and murmured, "Anthony? Ariella?"

There was a third name on her lips, but she didn't dare say it aloud.

"I will check on them the moment the coast is clear," Reed promised.

Alanna pictured Anthony helpless in his holding cell as chaos erupted around him. She envisioned Ariella throwing caution to the wind, since as far as she knew, there was no hope of finding Karina ever again.

"I'm not leaving you," Reed insisted, "not when I finally have you where I want you."

Alanna shut her eyes and tried to block out everything happening around her in her mind. Above all, she hoped that Jared wasn't at work today.

(Geoffrey) On Alert
Author: Gerry 
Date:   10-06-15 08:25

Whereas many of law enforcement were assigned to patrol Diagon Alley in case Adriana Fairchild decided to celebrate the anniversary of its attack with a repeat, Geoffrey was assigned to patrol Hogsmeade. The idea that she might attack somewhere to mark the anniversary was a popular one, and some believed that she might opt for a place less thought of than the original scene of the crime.

Hogsmeade was a destination for back to school shopping and with its proximity to Hogwarts, it seemed a likely candidate for an attack. In light of the theory, Geoffrey had seen to it that his family spend the day away from the village and Diagon Alley. Instead, they were with Gigi's parents, marking the somber anniversary of the death of Giselle Martini.

All seemed silent in Hogsmeade, but perhaps it was just the calm before the storm. The village had been the scene of a major battle nearly ten years ago too, though much of it had taken place underground. Geoffrey didn't want to think about what an attack on Hogsmeade's homes and businesses would look like.

He was debating getting something to drink, when a patronus in the shape of a messenger pigeon sought him out. "The Ministry of Magic is under attack! The Ministry of Magic is under attack!" it relayed, in the frantic voice of one of his fellow aurors.

Geoffrey abandoned his quest for a drink and ducked into the nearest store, shouting, "I need to use your Floo!"

He flashed a Ministry badge at the shopkeeper, who directed him up a back staircase to a second floor flat and a fireplace. Geoffrey grabbed a handful of floo powder from the black walnut box on mantel, threw it into the flames, and said, "Ministry of Magic!"

A moment later, he was there. The Atrium was a disaster zone. The water in the Fountain of Magical Brethren ran red. A witch was slumped halfway in the pool, with her head under water and her body completely motionless. Another wizard lay on the ground across a broken table. Someone in a black robes lay face down surrounded by little bits of glass.

Geoffrey assessed the horrific situation lightning quick and then jumped into action.

At The Ministry
Author: Plum 
Date:   10-06-15 15:16

With the baby due soon Plum is on maternity leave. As she enjoys her work and also loves continuing to learn more of the languages and dialects she knows and learning new ones, she's kept herself busy. Being home has also given her more time with Alex before school starts again and with Anthony being held at the Ministry, she's able to visit more often, and take Alex more as well. On top of that, Justin has been staying with them a few days to get readjusted to the time difference between his home in Australia and here so that he's better ready for his schedule at Hogwarts.

Justin is with Alex at the moment, the two of them going to a wizarding park where Justin had promised Alex they'd play around with a quaffle. Just after they'd left Jordan had come by with a couple of questions about having a meeting at the Ministry on a contract. The contract is now being disputed and Jordan is worried his translation is going to be called into question.

Plum offered to go with him and as long as she was there she'd get in a visit with Anthony. Once here at the Ministry, Jordan learned his being called in is simply a matter of form and that his translation work is not one of the disputed issues. Relieved, he told Plum she should go on and see Anthony. If he gets finished before she's back, he'll come to the waiting room of the holding area.

All too soon the time usually alotted for a visit is up and Plum is making her way back to a seating area near the conference room where the conference dispute is taking place. She's not far, just around the corner, when part of the wall by her exploded. Instinctively ducking, Plum gropes for her wand, scuttling along down near the floor. By the time she reaches the corner, she's hearing screams, yells, and sounds that indicate that part of the wall near her isn't the only thing getting blown apart.

"Jordan! Jordan!" she calls out as the makes the corner, sensing rather than seeing someone coming up fast behind her.

A wand fires, coming from that seating area where she'd left Jordan, the beam of light passing over her head, hitting whomever it is right behind. Someone in a dark robe is on the floor. Coming up from her crabbed position she then sees a mask as well.

It's not Jordan whose wand felled the masked person but someone she doesn't recognize. The woman gestures Plum to hurry. "I heard you saying Jordan's name. He's in there," she says indicating the conference room. I don't think they're aware something's going on out here."

Plum watches their backs as they near the door. The woman, who throws her name over her shoulder, "Cindy," to which Plum has given her name as well, throws open one of the conference rooms double doors. Someone inside blusters in protest at such an interruption. Cindy barks, "We're under attack out here."

That same voice, belonging to a man of medium height and not quite stocky build, asks in confusion, "What? Attack?"

Inside now, Plum shuts the door as a woman adds her questions to the mix. "What do you mean? Who's under attack."

Plum spots Jordan and starts his way as Cindy responds, "I don't know who it is. They're in masks and black robes. I took one down."

Plum chimes in, "One of them nearly got me. The wall by me exploded and I could hear sounds coming from all over."

A piercing shriek reaches them just then, causing everyone's heads to snap in the direction of the doors. Jordan suggests, "We should barricade those doors. Charm them shut."

Medium height, not quite stocky build man nods in agreement. Everyone starts moving furniture in preparation of stacking it, someone thinking to check if the doors can be locked from this side before they do anything more. Further steps are halted when the doors explode inward, a tall person in black robes and mask standing there.

Plum, Jordan, Cindy, and two others promptly fire, the person, who Plum thinks might be a woman based on the way the robes drape the figure, can't shield fast enough from spells from five wands at once. She goes down, though from whose spells no one is sure and on one cares. With the doors mangled beyond a quick fix, and not knowing how many of these people, most likely Death Eater, there are, they need to get out of there. Medium height snaps the woman's woman and ties her up, shoving her into the conference room out of immediate site.

Plum doesn't know why the others in the group didn't join in casting spells, fright or slow reflexes, but whatever the reason she hopes if they encounter anyone else they'll pull their weight.

The woman who'd spoken just after Plum entered the conference room points left down the hall. "There's a file room just there. We can use the cabinets as extra cover and to put against the door."

It's not far, thankfully, but they are only halfway there when another of the masked attacked appears, rapidly getting off spell after spell. Two of the group go down at the same time the Death Eater is also hit. Plum feels a sharp pang in her side, and when she puts her hand there, she feels dampness. Her hand comes away bloody. Jordan, who noticed her slowing slows as well. "You okay," he asks, his voice heavy with worry at the sight of the blood on her side.

"Yeah, just a graze. Keep going!"

The group gets the one unconscious member - the other being dead so left for now in the hall - into the file room and promptly starts using wands to get file cabinets moved to barricade the door while Cindy starts putting wards on and around the door. Jordan helps Plum to a spot along the wall where she can sit. "You sure you're all right?"

"Yes, it's already stopped bleeding. We've another problem though."

"Anthony in the holding cell in all this?" Jordan says.

"That, and other family in the building but I think my water just broke."

(Mark) Trying to Get Out
Author: Isolde 
Date:   10-06-15 19:17

Mark peered around the corner of the hallway and then made a mad dash for the lifts. When the raid on the Ministry of Magic began, he had been drinking lemon-honey tea in the break room. Afflicted by a slightly sore throat, Mark had drunk several cups throughout the course of the day already.

Now his sore throat was all but forgotten. Mark was in survival mode.

He jabbed at the button for the lifts, as if repeatedly pushing it would make one arrive faster. When one did, he found it crowded with panicked Ministry of Magic employees, but there was room for one more. Mark dashed inside and found himself pressed up against his cousin Isolde's cousin Azaelia's estranged husband Robert Blackheart.

There were cries and whimpers from some of the other occupants on the lift. Someone or maybe more than someone appeared to be injured, because there was a metallic smell to the air.

The lift made it from Level 4 to Level 5 and then continued on to Level 6, where it stopped with a sudden jerk. Mark wished the lift would just keep going to Level 8, especially since there wasn't any room for anybody else.

The golden gate opened up, however, but rather than reveal somebody waiting to get on, somebody from the back started to shoulder his way out. "My wife!" he shouted. "I need to get to my wife!"

Mark and Robert found themselves shoved out of the lift. They started to make their way back on, when a pair of dark-robed wizards rushed at them, brandishing their wands. The gate closed and the lift went away, leaving them stranded along with the wizard who was so desperate to find his wife.

Mark dodged to the wall to avoid getting hit by a spell. The worried husband collapsed to the floor, a gash open on his chest. Robert, meanwhile, fired off a spell at one of the wizards, which had the effect of an electric shock. The struck wizard buzzed around and hummed before falling to his knees.

Robert and Mark started to back down the hall, while the other wizard advanced on them. He got off a spell that struck Robert squarely in the chest and sent him careening backwards into the wall, where he lay slumped. Mark gave Robert only a quick glance before he set off running, weaving this way and that to hopefully make it difficult for the wizard to hit him with a spell.

Mark took the wizard on a wild goose chase and lost him when he ducked into an office. At first, Mark didn't realize where he was, but then he recognized the all too familiar arrangement of cubicles and equipment. He was in the Printing Office, where he had interned once upon a time.

Mark cautiously moved around, looking for signs of other people, but all he found were several unconscious bodies in a room, and a few others here and there. He couldn't tell if they were dead or alive and wasn't quite willing to check. He had to find a place to hide.

Mark heard a moan and froze, scanning the area for the source of the noise. He let out a small gasp when he saw somebody on the floor, half crushed by the printing press. Mark stepped forward and recognized Will Dewhurst. Will recognized him too.

"Mark," he said, breathing hard and wincing, "you must escape. Leave me."

Mark shook his head. "I can't run," he said. "They're out there. I have to hide, and," he went on, looking over Will's injuries with the eye of someone without any medical training, "I'm not leaving you like this."

"Don't be stupid, Mark. You can't help me."

"Maybe not," Mark said, "but I have to try."

Will looked at him somberly and then gave a slight nod of his head. "Better you guard the door than try to lift this thing off of me. Real help will come soon enough."

Mark nodded and crept to the doorway. With any luck, Will was right and help was already on the way.

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