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(Belinda) Goodbye Honoria!
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   09-10-16 15:41

"Ready?" Hercules asked.

Belinda nodded. She approached the small creek, holding a container. Inside it was her toad, Honoria, and more than a dozen of little eggs. Belinda had no idea how that happened, but she was surprised when one morning while she was feeding her toad, she noticed the small eggs laying there. Of course she couldn't keep all the toads at home, and then bring them back to Hogwarts. Her dorm colleagues would probably not appreciate having lots of little toads hanging around the division. At first Belinda thought about placing the eggs in the creek, and keep Honoria for herself. But Sophie and Patricia convinced her she should not separate the mother from its children. They both seemed scandalized with her decision, and Patricia even went to the point of calling her selfish. Belinda wished she was able to do magic during summer, so she could hex Patricia. Sophie had been kinder and after a quiet chat, Belinda had finally changed her mind.

Hercules Sims had been invited to spend the day at her home and she had asked his help to bring Honoria and her eggs back into the wildlife. He was thrilled with such task. They both kneeled by the creek and carefully, started putting the eggs inside the water, removing them from the container. Honoria was the last one to meet her new address.

"Goodbye Honoria!" Belinda exclaimed. "You were a good toad. There was never a pet more quiet and boring than you. But that was why I liked you."

Hercules tried not to laugh at this declaration. Belinda was being quite serious despite the sarcasm used, and he did not want to upset her.

"We should give names to the eggs," he suddenly decided.

"Like what?"

"Well see that one over there, that big one? That would be Achilles. Like my brother. Sometimes he looks like a toad, when he gets all arrogant. He keeps talking about the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament and how he is going to sign up for ALL the events because he is sure to do well on everything. "

"It would be funny if he did that and he wasn't picked for any," Belinda said.

"Oh yes!" Hercules laughed, already picturing Achilles' furious face.

"I am going to call that egg over there Florence. It's only proper, since it's Honoria's child."

"Still not getting along with your baby sister?"

"There's nothing there to get along with. She just cries and drools. I tried to pick her up the other day, but Honoria scolded me. She said I was not being careful enough and forbid me to do so again. Only Patricia seems to be good with the baby," her tone was filled with bitterness. It was clear she was not getting along with her sister at all. "And that is why that egg over there will be named Patricia."

Hercules laughed and as Honoria the toad was settling in her new home, they continue naming her eggs, until they heard Sophie's voice calling them back home for tea.

Blooming Idiot
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   09-10-16 20:40

Coming out of Ollivander's Ron literally runs into his sister. She looks a bit off balance so he reaches to steady her, greeting her at the same time. "Ginny! How are you?"

"Better now that I'm not about to fall over," she laughs. "How are you? Getting a new wand?" She looks pointedly at the shoppe.

"I thought I might have to but Mr. Ollivander was able to make it good as new. Thought I'd cracked it up against a murder suspect. As for how I am, don't be surprised if I come begging the use of your couch tonight."

They move to allow a man and woman with a child, who looks to be about the age of a Hogwarts first year, into Ollivander's, Ginny wanting to know, "What did you do?"

"I was joking around. Hermione was not appreciative."

Staring archly at him Ginny says nothing, waiting for Ron to elaborate.

Realizing the mistake in mentioning anything to his sister, and also concluding this is one of those cases where he couldn't even have gone to Harry to ask the use of the couch because then Harry would have to reveal the reason to her and they'd be right back to this point. Most likely, he couldn't go to any of his brother's either because depending on the brother, Ron would get an earful or whichever sister-in-law would find out why he might need to sleep elsewhere tonight. He should have kept his mouth shut and bunked in one of the little used rooms at the Ministry or on the floor of his cubicle. Or even take the tent and camp out.

The longer he goes without replying the more Ron can feel Ginny's eyes boring in to him. He takes a deep breath, starts to speak, stops, starts again, only to have nothing come out. Ginny acerbically says, "That bad is it?"

"I was joking."

"You've established that."

Ron takes another deep breath then says in a rush, "IaskedHermioneifwe'rehavingquadruplets."

Ginny gapes at him.

"I said it laughingly. Shouldn't that count for something? Owwwwww!" Ron rubs the back of his head.

"You are such a blooming idiot sometimes."

"I'm not the one in my marriage known as a genius. Owwwww! Stop hitting me."

"Go and buy Hermione gifts. Get her a massage. Foot rubs. No truffles, cake, or other sweets. Nothing to remind her that you've practically compared her size to that of a whale."

When Ron doesn't move Ginny shoves him, causing him to stumble into the shoppe's wall. "Are you daft on top of being an idiot? Go!"

Frowning at his sister's roughness Ron takes a few slow steps. He jumps further from her when Ginny makes as if to shove him again, once more commanding, "Go!"

He's past Ollivander's and halfway past The Astronomer's Nook on the other side of the lane when Ginny yells after him, "And no, you may not sleep on my couch tonight!"

With no clear destination in mind, the back of his head still stinging from where Ginny double walloped him, Ron keeps walking, not wanting to give her any reason to follow behind. He can still feel her staring. Wanting to avoid some sort of freaky hex Ginny might be able to cast with that stare, Ron ducks into Rosa Lee Teabag. He doesn't know if here he'll find the first of these gifts he's supposed to buy but he sure could use a cuppa after the encounter with his sister.

Settling into a seat where he can watch out the window in case Ginny is lingering with her stare, Ron gives thanks that he's only got the one sister. Imagine if he had only one brother and five sisters instead!

Author: Carys 
Date:   09-11-16 11:27

Tristan stared at the little bundle swaddled in his mother's arms and frowned. "Why is it wearing pink?"

The newborn, Megan Susannah Hanham-Price, entered the world just before midnight last night. She wore a little knitted cap on her head and was fast asleep.

Carys smiled at her son. He was in denial over the fact that his new sibling was a girl and not the little brother he'd always wanted.

"Traditionally, baby girls wear pink," Carys kindly explained.

"Are you sure it's a girl and not a boy?"

Griff, chuckling, put a hand on Tristan's shoulder and said, "We're sure, and if you doubt our expertise, the healers have all confirmed it. You have a baby sister."

"Do you want to hold Meg?" Carys asked, hoping to turn around Tristan's frown.

Tristan shook his head. "No, I'd rather hold Greg."

Griff steered Tristan to the little couch in the hospital room and said, "I know she's not what you were hoping for, but I'm pretty sure you're going to like her." He turned back to Carys to gently take the baby from her arms and then sat down on the couch next to Tristan.

Carys watched father and son and baby with a smile on her face.

Griff held the swaddled baby and gently tilted it so that Tristan could get a good look at his sister. It didn't look like much. There was a little button nose, pink lips, and teeny, tiny hands and fingers.

"Do you want to hold her?"

Tristan shook his head. He felt so disappointed at finding out he had a baby sister and vowed to call her Greg instead of the name her parents had given her. He would just have to pretend that she was the little brother he'd always wanted. Maybe Juliet's baby would turn out to be a boy and be the little brother Tristan never had. He crossed his fingers and hoped his new wish would come true.

(Malden) Displeasure
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   09-11-16 17:27

Malden returned home from clothes shopping with his mother to find his grandfather in the living room. His brother looked uncomfortable, which gave Malden a little bit of satisfaction. Everybody knew that the elder McGonagall preferred the younger of his two grandsons.

Cate put her purse on the slim table behind the sofa and asked, "What brings you by, Menelaus?"

"I wanted to discuss something with Malden. Might we take a walk?" Menelaus was already on his feet.

Malden looked to his mother and then nodded and said, "Sure."

He turned and went out the door, with his grandfather falling into step beside him. They walked all the way down their street and turned the corner before Menelaus asked, "Where were you?"

"Shopping," Malden replied. "I'm attending a wedding in a couple of days and according to Mum, I don't have anything appropriate to wear."

"Hmmpf," Menelaus answered. He had more important things to talk about than wedding attire. "Have you made use of your gift?"

At first, Malden had no idea what his grandfather was talking about, but then he remembered the vial of liquid luck he had gotten by owl post after delivering the fire-bellied toad to his great aunt. He'd known it was something special from the start––after all, it had helped him temporarily win over Asher in his own quest to date Arielle. Malden realized he should have taken better care of it.

Menelaus turned his head and looked sharply at Malden. "Well?"

Malden gulped and said, "I used some of it."

"So you still have some left. Excellent. You must––"

"Grandfather," Malden interrupted, dreading what he was about to say next. "I––I––" He gulped again and finished, "I lost the rest."

"You lost the rest." The statement was said in an even, low tone.

"Yes. Someone stole it from me, I think. Or maybe I really lost it. I don't know. I just know that one day I had it––it was in my trunk. And the next day it was gone."

Menelaus looked gravely disappointed. "You're a fool, Malden. You lost something extremely valuable, and you'll never get it back. Whoever took it or found it will know what it's worth and treasure it the way you never did."

Malden had never been at the end of his grandfather's displeasure, and it didn't feel good. Now he knew what Madoc must feel like.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" Malden asked. He wanted to get in his grandfather's good graces again and hoped to be given another important task.

Menelaus took a long time in answering and then said, "When you return to Hogwarts in less than a month's time, I'd like you to compile a list for me of classmates or other students you think I'd find interesting."


"I'd like to start a club of like-minded individuals."

Malden looked skeptical. He might idolize his grandfather, but he couldn't imagine his classmates finding him half as wonderful.

"It's something they'll find worthwhile, I assure you," Menelaus said. "Just keep in mind the sort I'd want in my club." He leaned over and said, "Whatever you do, do not tell your brother… or your great aunt, for that matter."

Malden nodded in understanding. "Okay."

Menelaus felt like he had gotten through to his grandson and added, "Who knows? If you provide me with a good list, then you may even get an even better reward than a bottle of Felix Felicis."

School Supply Shopping
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   09-12-16 10:21

Ethan and Oliver stepped through the brick wall and entered Diagon Alley. It was bustling, though the wizarding shopping center was not as hectic as it would be towards the end of summer, when most new and returning Hogwarts students conducted last-minute school supply shopping.

"Right, what's on your list?" Ethan asked.

Oliver unfolded his second year school supply list and said, "One pewter cauldron, but the one I bought last year is still good."


The pair walked further down the winding alley. "My wand is still in tip-top shape, too," Oliver added, as they passed The Wand Showroom.


"I still have my brass scales, but I lost some of my phials," Oliver continued, while pointing at Slug & Jigger's Apothecary. Uncle and nephew went in and perused the different sets of phials. There was a sale on crystal phials, so Oliver bought a set.

Next, they popped into Scribbulus Everchanging Inks to stock up on parchment, quills, and bottles of ink. After that, they visited Flourish & Blotts. As a second year student, Oliver had a whole new set of textbooks to buy. The only ones he didn't need to replace were those for Herbology, History of Magic, and Transfiguration. Everything else was either a completely different book or the second volume in the series.

Now they were weighted down with all their purchases. Making the shopping excursion less burdensome was as easy as a flick of a wand, though, and soon the heavy book bags were as light as feathers.

Ethan and Oliver entered the robe shop next to get a new uniform, since Oliver had grown some since last school year. Then, it was off to the Astronomer's Nook for packages of star charts for Astronomy class.

They finally ended up at The Flour Shoppe, Briar's local bakery. They queued up for something sweet to eat and eventually sat down at a small café table outside on the sidewalk. Ethan ate a chocolate croissant with a cup of coffee, while Oliver had a lemon-filled doughnut and chocolate milk.

"If we've forgotten anything," Ethan began, "then we can either come back or see if we can find it in Hogsmeade. I can also get you whatever you forgot once term has started."

Oliver nodded, too enamored by the gooey lemon goodness in his mouth to give a verbal reply.

"Hello, Ethan."

Ethan looked up to see Maverick standing next to his table. "Maverick, hi. This is my nephew, Oliver."

Oliver managed a hello between bites of his doughnut.

"Join us if you have time," Ethan invited. "Running errands?"

Maverick gave a nod, pulled out one of the available metal chairs, and sat down in it. "Getting supplies for our friends."

Ethan understood this to mean that Maverick was shopping for the former Project 25ers living on the down low.

"It's actually fortuitous that I ran into you here, because we're talking about convening to discuss what happened in London," Maverick said.

"Do you think it has anything to do with us?" Ethan asked.

"That's just it," Maverick answered. "We're wondering if she's given up on the idea of reinstating you-know-what. None of our sources have heard her mention a peep about it in ages. Either she's moved on to bigger things, or we're still on her list but not at the very top."

"Whatever the case may be, it doesn't hurt being vigilant," Ethan said. "We all know what can happen if we let our guard down." He noticed someone else familiar approaching and smiled. "Aveline, hi."

"Hi, Ethan. Hi, Oliver."

"This is Maverick," Ethan introduced. "Maverick, this is Aveline. She's Rosamond's sister, and––"

"And a professional Quidditch player. How do you do?" Maverick put on the charm.

Aveline seemed to fall for it and joined their table at Ethan's invitation. Oliver was a bit less interested in the flirtation between Maverick and Aveline and wished that his uncle and uncle's friend would go back to discussing the cryptic topic from before. It sounded awfully secretive.

Eventually, the three adults began directing questions at him. Ethan prompted the questioning by asking if he had given any thought to the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament. In truth, Oliver wasn't sure which events he was interested in or which he might be best at. He didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of not only his school, but the six others competing in the tournament. Choosing would be a major decision, but then there was also no guarantee that he'd even get selected.

(Maud) Summer
Author: Celeste Quigley 
Date:   09-12-16 14:51

Spending the summer with her aunt Celeste, her husband Eugene and Caleb, wasn't being so bad as Maud thought it would be. She thought her aunt would act all teacher around her, but for her surprise Celeste pretty much ignored her, and allowed Maud to do as she pleased, alongside proper limits, of course.

Celeste's property was quite big and Maud had fun exploring it. She had collected several different kinds of flowers and saved some samples so she later could compare them with her Herbology book. It was nice to hang by the porch and read the books she had brought with her. She had enjoyed one that told the tales of a group of young wizards and witches, who solved magical mysteries around the world.

Her aunt had some old broomsticks at her house and sometimes she would borrow one and fly around the property, in a slow pace, since she was still very insecure about her flying skills. She really needed to participate in some more of Coach Krum's workshops next year. Sometimes Caleb would fly with her. He too was not the best at flying, but he was way better than her. Caleb was also a nice chess companion, and sometimes they would spend an entire afternoon distracted with wizarding chess. Once or twice, they went to the Muggle village nearby to buy ice cream or just look around the local shops. Caleb told Maud it reminded him of Hogsmeade but without the magic. As a future second year she was not yet allowed to visit the village, but she had heard much of it, and her curiosity was growing.
She only used to socialize with her aunt during the meals, and after seeing Caleb helping Celeste with a few tasks around the house, she too started to help out, only to not look rude. She was now in charge of cleaning the dishes after each meal.

Sometimes she and Caleb would collect fruits from the orchard, and once they even found some blueberries, which Celeste used to bake a pie. Maud liked to help out in the kitchen when her aunt dedicated herself to baking.

Another fun thing about these holidays was how Celeste had installed a telescope outside and they would take turns to watch the stars. Sometimes she would start lecturing them about the constellations, but Maud did not mind so. As a Ravenclaw she had always liked to learn new things.

Today she went outside, finding Caleb seated under a tree with the Hogwarts yearbook in his lap. He was studying it with a deep concentration.

"What are you doing?" Maud asked.

"I am trying to memorize all the students' names and to which house they belong to."

"All Hogwarts students? But that's impossible!"

"Hard, but not impossible. I will be a prefect, and it is one of my responsibilities to know all the students. If I catch someone breaking the rules, I need to know which house they belong, in order to remove points and apply proper detention measures."

Caleb had received a letter from Hogwarts and inside it was his prefect badge. Maud noticed how their aunt had been quite proud of this achievement and so did Caleb. But only for a little moment, because instead of savoring his new position at the school, he started preparing himself for the role immediately. Maud had caught him inside the bathroom practicing authority voices in the mirror, removing points from imaginary students and sending them to bed.

"Most of us follow the rules. You'll get to know who the trouble makers are in no time. For example, these two…" she said pointing to the photos of Gerry Martini-Blackwell and William Wentworth. Maud had been aware of the incident with her Hufflepuff colleague Kaycee Sickleby.

"Martini-Blackwell and Wentworth. Who else?"

Maud was about to shrug her shoulders when an evil idea passed by her mind. She could not hold herself as she pointed to Grace Valentine's photo.

"This girl?" Caleb asked, surprised. "Are you serious?"

Maud nodded her head vigorously. Caleb looked at Grace's photo, thinking the girl looked harmless. He turned the page, in disbelief, in search for potential trouble makers.

Back to School Shopping
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   09-12-16 15:50

Niles begins fussing as he's pushed in his pram through the arched portal from The Leaky Cauldron to Diagon Alley. Emerald waits until they're all the way through and moves out off the walkway so as not to block the stream of other shoppers wanting to enter Diagon Alley.

Jade peers into the stroller. "Is he all right?"

"Fine. He's just lost his pacifier."

Sure enough as soon as the pacifier is in his mouth Niles stops fussing and goes right back to sleep, if he ever truly woke up.

Olive asks, "Where first?"

Hunter gestures with his thumb to the cauldron shop right there. "I could use a new cauldron."

"And I could use some of the cleaner they sell. Cleaning spells seem to only work so much," Jade says.

They're quick about it so within minutes the four and Niles in his baby buggy are back on the lane, Olive asking, "Have either of you given more thought to the SAT events?"

Hunter shrugs. "Yeah, sort of. I'm thinking of trying out for the different broom races. Going to be loads of competition though and limited slots."

"I was in one of them. Had the name of Obstacle 2."

"First place, we know and Emmie was in a sprint event," Jade says. Her eyes don't roll but Olive would swear she hears them doing just that.

Hunter tells Olive, "That cook-off one you did isn't one of the events this time and the Muggle Studies one has been renamed to Non-Magical or something like that."

"Anything else different?" Emerald asks.

"Ummm, no, I don't think so," Jade says with a shake of her head. "Oh, I need to go in here. I told Aunt Blythe I'd get more Floo Powder for the house."

Emerald decides to get some as well. Jade and she go into Floo-Pow while Hunter and Olive wait outside with Niles. To Olive's surprise Hunter wants to know, "Are you and Zuberi ever going to get married or are you just going to shack up?"

"You make it sound like you don't like Zuberi."

"No, I like him. You know that. I'm just curious and I guess as your only brother feel like I'm supposed to ask what his intentions are."

Olive snorts with laughter before saying anything. "We do plan on getting married. We both want to finish our studies and save up to get a house. Nothing fancy to start, you know, but it would be nice to have our own place, not a rental, to call home when we make it official."

As their sisters come out of the store Olive's asking Hunter if he's seeing anyone in particular. "No, not yet. I go out and there are some girls I like but no one exclusive."

Olive turns to Jade. "Everything going well with you and Baron?"

"Things are great. In fact, we're going to supper this evening. If you and Zuberi are free, why don't you come with? You too, Hunter. Emmie, I bet Aunt Blythe would babysit short notice if you and Phin want to join us."

"I'd love to and I'm sure Phin would but you know the study group I'm in for the summer seminar I'm taking is meeting tonight at my place. I can't very well duck out on them."

Hunter and Olive are free for supper though Olive says she'll need to check with Zuberi. After Jade tells them time and place they continue walking on towards Obscuras Books where Olive wants to check for a certain title. From there they head for one of the apothecaries, Jade and Hunter consulting supply lists as they go.

By the time they stop for a snack and something to drink, the twins have made a dent in their lists but still have a number of items to purchase. Hunter also wants to check out the different pet stores, and at some point in the next few days check in at MacFusty's in Hogsmeade as well, trying to get possible ideas for that Magical Creatures SAT event. He's not sure he'll sign up for it even though Olive who participated in it the last time the tournament was held has encouraged him but he is giving it some thought.

(Fleur) Digging for Information
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   09-12-16 18:23

The Prime Minister's office was in a tizzy after the strange attack on the Millennium Bridge. Fleur, of course, knew exactly who had been behind the attack, and she suspected the Prime Minister did too––at least that wizards were involved. She didn't know if he knew about Adriana Fairchild and the Death Eaters.

What was interesting was the spin his office and the media put on the attack. The dark-robed individuals were terrorists (from what country or organization remained uncertain), and the sticks witnesses had seen in their hands at the scene of the crime had been batons with electric charges––tasers, of a sort. The twisting of the bridge had been caused by explosives, naturally.

Fleur, who was by no means an expert in Muggle ways or technology but was quite good at faking it, had learned so much in the short time her alias had been in the Prime Minister's employ. She also had come to realize that the Prime Minister, though not always good at shielding his concern for something, definitely had an expertise in keeping secrets. If only she were more higher ranking so that she might really know what he thought about the attack and what he planned on doing about it.

She was half tempted to use her feminine wiles to get to him privately, as one of the other assistants had done. Jessica Dark was in his office quite frequently. Fleur guessed they were only having an affair, but who really knew but the two of them?

At the moment, Fleur was the only one in the outer office. Jessica was with the Prime Minister, doing Merlin-knew-what. Fleur decided nobody would stop her if she interrupted them and got up to collect a pot of freshly brewed tea from the nearby beverage cart. She went up to the door and knocked.

"Sir, would you like a cup of tea?" she called out.

"No, thank you, Nellie," he called back.

Fleur could hear a muffled conversation resume between him and Jessica. She pressed her ear to the door in a bid to understand what they were saying, but she couldn't make out any words.

She pulled her head back and put a bit of Veela charm into her voice. "Are you sure you wouldn't like something to drink?"

There was a pause and then the Prime Minister called out, "Come in, Nellie."

After wiping the pleased-with-herself smile off her face before entering the room, Fleur found Jessica and the Prime Minister seated side by side on the sofa. The Prime Minister looked welcoming, but if looks could kill, then Jessica would see to it that Nellie was dead.

Fleur ignored the venomous look her coworker gave her and poured the Prime Minister a cup. Then, she looked at Jessica, whose clothes were not in disarray, nor was her hair mussed up or her makeup smeared. Fleur sweetly asked, "Jessica, would you also like a cup of tea?"

Jessica ground her teeth together but said, "Sure."

Fleur poured her a cup of tea, then took a third cup and sat down on the sofa with the Prime Minister between them. "You don't mind if I join you for a moment, do you? It's empty out there and I'm a bit longing for company."

"Actually, we––" Jessica began, but Fleur looked around the Prime Minister and interrupted, "I won't take longer than the time it takes to drink my cup! But am I interrupting something important?" She put the Veela charm back into her voice and fluttered her eyelashes at the Prime Minister.

"We were just compiling a list of––"

"Of heads of state to invite to the Christmas ball!" Jessica interrupted, looking positively livid. "It's never to early to plan, you know."

"Oh, I know. The holidays will be here before we all know it." Fleur sipped her tea. "Has it been difficult, compiling your list? I'd be happy to help," she added.

Jessica flatly replied, "No, thanks. I've got it under control."

"Really? It'd be no trouble. I'd like to be useful."

"Maybe you should answer the phones… outside," Jessica pointedly stated.

"I mean, I'd love to help with your special project. If you like, I can take the names you've compiled so far and get the contact information. I suppose there are titles and such that we need to make sure are correct on the invitations. What do you think, Sir?"

"Yes, that would––"

"I've. Got. It," Jessica bit out.

Fleur smiled and said, "Okay. Well, if you don't want to share a name with me, then I suppose I'll leave you to it." She drained her teacup and gazed at the Prime Minister through her lashes.

"Tiberius Ogden," he blurted out.

It wasn't a name Fleur was familiar with, but she filed it away to look up. If this Ogden fellow was some sort of dignitary, then she was back to square one. With any luck, however, the Prime Minister had just given her a valuable piece of information.

Jessica's eyes smoldered as she watched Fleur leave the room. Fleur smiled at the pair still seated on the sofa and then returned to her desk in the outer office. She checked to make sure she hadn't missed any calls while digging for information and then pulled up an internet browser to research Tiberius Ogden.

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