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Nott, Caligula Nott
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   06-29-19 09:49

"Hi! I'm Caligula! But you can call me Cal..." the eleven year boy said, in front of a mirror.

Caligula had put on his brand new Hogwarts uniform, tie, shoes and socks included. The fabric was of high quality, and he was almost certain he had never worn something so expensive before on his short life. He went to fetch the bag he and his mother also bought at Diagon Alley, and put the strap over his shoulder. He picked up his copy of Miranda Goshawk's Standard Book of Spells, Grade One, the cover facing the mirror. Now he did look like a real student.

"Hello, my name is Caligula Nott," he told the mirror, offering his free hand to an invisible student, waiting for a handshake.

He shook his head, displeased with the result and tried again, this time in a more artistic way:

"Nott, Caligula Nott. But everyone calls me Cal." He had seen a Muggle movie once on the old TV about a man who apparently was very charming, and his introduction line of Bond, James Bond, had gotten stuck on his memory. But the name James Bond sounded so much better than Caligula Nott so once again he didn't like the way he made his introduction.

The summer had just started and it was a long way to September, but Caligula was already focused on the day he would board the Hogwarts Express, and meet witches and wizards of his own age.

"Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm Cal!"

"What are you doing?" His mother barged into his small bedroom. "Take those robes off immediately! They will look worn out if you keep using them."

"Ok, ok, I will take them off in a moment, just let me..." he was not able to finish his sentence as his clothes gained free will and started to leave his body by force. His mother had used a spell to give life to the clothes. Caligula was soon barefoot and only wearing his underwear. He quickly put on the trousers and a t-shirt that were over his bed, feeling embarrassed.

"You know how expensive those robes were. And the books as well! These are not toys and they are meant to only be used at Hogwarts. You need to look at your best there. I thought you knew that already."

"I know. I'm sorry."

With a flick of her wand Caligula's mother made everything related with Hogwarts disappear from his bedroom. He knew he would never get the sight of those things again until September 1st. His mother approached and kissed the top of the boy's head.

"I am sorry for being so harsh on you, but it is for your own good, Cal. I don't want you to make a bad impression on your first day. You are a Nott and people need to know it! You cannot go to school dressed as some poor Muggleborn child. If they doubt you, then all my efforts will have been for nothing. There can be no doubts."

"I understand. There will be no doubts," Caligula told his mother. "Like you always told me: blood speaks louder, right?"

She smiled.


Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   06-30-19 09:14

In a few moments she would become Sophie Pole. She looked outside, and from the window she could see the guests gathered on the lawn at the Pole Manor, ready for the ceremony. Then she contemplated her looks on the mirror. Sophie could hardly recognize herself, with the makeup and the expensive tiara on the top of her head. She looked older than her eighteen years. A few days ago she was stepping out of the Hogwarts Express, still hearing the school uniform, with a prefect badge pinned to it, and a telescope on her hand. Today she was wearing a white wedding dress, with long sleeves and incrusted with diamonds. The tiara on her head was quite heavy, made of solid gold and more diamonds. It has been used by many generations of the Pole family. It had been Wilhelmina who had placed it on the top of Sophie's head, telling her that in some years she would do the same to her own daughter. This comment made Sophie become a little pale, because she was not thinking about having children just yet. In fact, she and Jasper had not yet been fully intimate. She told him she was a virgin and he did not pressure her. He agreed to wait until the wedding. He assured her all would be well. He was seven years her senior so he knew what he was saying. Sophie had been a school girl a few days ago. Today she was becoming someone's wife.

Her mother, Honoria and Wilhelmina had helped her to get dressed and so did Patricia, who had brushed Sophie's hair, before it was arranged on a bun. Now she was given a few moments on her own, before her father would collect her. During this period Sophie started to feel nervous and overwhelmed. The sound of the guests outside spook her. She did not know most of them, as they were part of the high society group the Poles were part of. There was even a reporter covering the wedding and Honoria told Sophie with proud that there would be a exclusive of her wedding in some famous magazine. Carys Hanham-Price was hired once again for the event. This grand ceremony where she would be the center of all the action had been planned for her. She was afraid she would not be up to the expectations.

Suddenly Sophie felt it was took much. She felt like the dress she was wearing was too tight and she could not breathe. She did not even feel the strength to shout or call anyone, but she did murmured 'Help!', as she gazed her looks at the mirror again.

Someone knocked the door and entered. It was Wren. He was wearing elegant robes, but it was easy enough to tell they were service robes, to distinguish him from the real guests. Sophie recalled that Wilhelmina had told her that Wren would be nearby in case any of the guests would want to look at the Thestrals. Sophie had wanted to invite him and Cecily to the wedding but Wilhelmina refused. She said it would be like inviting house elves to sit at the banquet table. The McCallisters had served the Pole family for generations. They were as old and as part of the family tradition as the tiara she was wearing.

Wren's first reaction when he saw Sophie was just staring at her, feeling mesmerized. She was very beautiful. Yet he quickly noticed something was wrong by her eyes.

"Are you all right?" He asked.

"I..." her voice failed a bit and she tried again: "I don't know. I...I'm scared and I am not sure if I can do this,' she revealed, seating on a nearby bench. "But I love Jasper and I want to be with him..." She felt really pathetic.

"I would be scared as well, if I had to face that crowd," he told her pointing to the window. "But If you really love Jasper, then you can do this. You just have to ignore everything else. Cecily told me you used to be a seeker?"

"Yes," Sophie confirmed.

"Well, then think of this as a Quidditch match. Jasper is your snitch and all you have to do is to focus on him. Nothing else matters."

His words made her feel better. A wave of calmness invaded her body.

"Thank you Wren," she said with a smile. He felt something strange on his stomach when she smiled at him. Some sort of intense affection took over him. He wanted to take her hand and kiss it. Pull her away from this room and take her away from here. He expelled those dangerous thoughts away immediately. She could never be his. In a matter of minutes she would turn into a Pole. If there was one thing Wren knew for sure was that Poles and McCallisters were not meant to be together.

Meanwhile she asked him what he was doing here.

"Nothing important," he told her. "I must go now, in case any guest needs me. Good luck, Sophie. I wish you all the happiness in the world," he turned his back and left, before she could thank him.

A few minutes later her father arrived. Sophie was feeling better now. Wren's words had made her feel better. She thought about Jasper and how handsome he must be waiting for her at the aisle. She was now looking forward to start a new life with him. He was her snitch and all she had to do was to ignore the rest of the crowd and grab him.

Going Through The Vault
Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   07-01-19 17:49

Angel sits down in a chair that's part of a set. "Tamara, Dante, if neither of you want these chairs, we'll take them. I know just the spot for them in the sitting room."

From a spot on the floor where he's looking through a box of photos, Dante raises his head. "That's fine with me."

Sitting on top of one trunk while going through another Tamara also agrees. "Fine as well. I like them but I can't think of anywhere in my place for them." She pulls out what appears to be a lace tablecloth. "This is the last of what's in this one. No extra space. No hidden panels or drawers that I can tell." Tamara flicks her wand and everything but the tablecloth sent back into the trunk. "I'm claiming dibs on this lovely piece of lace. There are some other tablecloths, table runners, napkins. I don't remember any of them so either they were Mum's from before or they were from one of the grandmothers. Or I suppose they could be from one of the grandfathers' sides."

"This is nothing but old clothes, and I do mean old," Peter says of yet another trunk. "Most is in good condition so I'd think there's resell value to a vintage shoppe. Say, what about your school's drama group, Dante? Some of these might be good for costumes."

Dante tells his brother, "I'll take them and let the club sponsors have a look. There are some other old clothes in that pale green suitcase."

Their parents' storage vault has a hodgepodge of items ranging from journals to clothing to household goods to a few objects they're fairly certain are at the very least mildly jinxed if not out and out cursed. Those has been carefully packed and put out of reach of Logan and his little sister Holland who is just mobile enough to get into things she shouldn't.

Dante is pulling another stack of photos from the box when Holland suddenly grabs one of the sides and reaches into the box. She'd been sitting on a blanket nearby happily playing with a bracelet that has beads on it that make almost musical sounds.

As Dante extricates a handful of photographs from his niece, Logan appears next to the box so rapidly it's like he apparated there. The boy reaches into the box even as Dante reminds, "No touching without asking, Logan."

"But she did," he pouts with a nod at his sister.

Both his parents call their son's name at roughly the same time, "Logan!"

Logan's entire body wilts into a pout. As he removes his hand from the box he asks, "Do I have to give this back?"

Dante inspects the item clutched in Logan's hand. It appears to be a square locket on a chain. The front of the locket has a raised, stylized heart. He tells the others what Logan's "this" is adding, "It looks art deco but doesn't appear to be worth much, not that I know much about jewelry."

"You may play with it, Logan," his father decides.

No one thinks anymore of the locket that day and when they leave the vault to go to supper none think to tell Logan to put it back in the box before going.

Retirement Party
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   07-02-19 19:18

The extended Dewhurst family occupied a long table at Jade Garden. They were there to celebrate Wotan's retirement from Wren, Inc.. He had worked for the architectural firm for thirty-five years and was now looking forward to a less hectic life. With his wife still employed by Tate Britain, however, it would be a while yet before they could go off on adventures together. Aemilia was certainly thinking about retiring sooner than later, now that her husband had taken the plunge.

Among those gathered at the retirement dinner were Wotan's elderly parents Walter and Alessandra; his brother Will; his niece Kate with her boyfriend Mark; Kate's half-sister Tessa; his daughter Bronwyn with her husband Toby and daughter Clarissa; his son Siegfried; and his son Wolfgang, who had just arrived from Seattle and would be staying for most of the summer.

Wolfie would be turning 10 years on in August.

"I can't believe you're almost old enough to attend Hogwarts," Bronwyn remarked to her youngest brother.

"Are you going to go to Hogwarts or an American school?" Siegfried asked him.

Wolfie shrugged. "Maybe both like Desi did." His accent was decidedly American, since that was where he had been raised.

"Where is that sister of yours now?" Uncle Will asked him.

Wolfie shrugged again. "I don't know. She sometimes will send a postcard, but I think it's usually when she's about to leave for some place new. Her job is so secretive."

Bronwyn frowned. "Yeah. I can't believe she's kept her distance for this long. I don't know how she does it."

"What does she do?" Tessa asked.

"She used to be an auror," Bronwyn explained, "but now she's a covert operative."

"That's interesting," Tessa said. "I've been thinking about a career in law enforcement."

"Have you?" Will asked, sounding very surprised.

"Yeah. I don't think I want to be an auror or anything who really goes out in the field, but I want to do something. Just not sure what exactly."

"Did you get your OWL results yet?" Kate asked Tessa.

Tessa shook her head. "Not yet. I guess that will decide some things, won't it?"

"You'll be fine," Kate said, smiling assuredly at her sister. "So, what's the latest on the dating scene?"

"I'm single and happily so," Tessa replied. "What about you, Siegfried?"

"I just signed up for Magical Match, but now I'm wondering if I should have waited until after Quidditch Con. I've got too much going on with that and promoting the new book."

"Can I have an autographed copy?"

Siegfried grinned at her. "Sure, if you purchase one at the con."

"Hey! We're family, sort of."

"We are family," Siegfried said, "and of course you and anyone else here who wants one can have one for free."

"Great!" Wotan exclaimed. "Make one out to the best dad who ever lived."

Siegfried raised his glass. "Will do, and how about a toast to the retiree?"

Everyone else raised their glasses and congratulated the very happy Wotan on his well-earned retirement.

Outing (Phlagmelina & Family)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   07-02-19 20:11

Mr. Ollivander hands Gage the box with Gage's new wand, a 9 3/8" ash with a unicorn hair core. Gage looks at the box then at the wizard who to Gage seems past elderly and into decrepit. "Why do we have to have wands?"

Phlagmelina smiles. "Gage, let's leave Mr. Ollivander to his work. We can discuss the necessity of wands later."

Mr. Ollivander waggles a hand in a manner that says to Gage no, no, it's all right. His words confirm this. "I consider part of my work to be wand education." He meets Gage's eyes. "Wands help us focus our magic. A wand channels magic, directs it. Magic can be done without a wand but such spells tend to be difficult and complex. Some spells are so complex and difficult and require such intense concentration that performing such a spell without a wand is almost impossible. Apparating is a good example of that."

Gage nods once before saying, "Thanks, Mr. Ollivander."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Ollivander." Phlagmelina turns to her son. "Anything else?"

"No, that's all, for now anyway."

Phlagmelina refrains from rolling her eyes. Knowing Gage, by the end of the day he'll have thought of twenty more questions and will want to return to the wandmaker's shoppe. She won't be surprised if he'll be a Ravenclaw come September.

She looks down when Rhona tugs her sleeve. "Sugarplums now?"

"Astronomer's Nook and then Sugarplums."

Rhona grins and skips to the door. She loves the Astronomer's Nook almost as much as she loves sweets from places such as Sugarplum's. Dani, who's been silent the entire time inside Ollivander's, holds the door open for the others. "Since we're going right by it, can we stop at Quincey's?"

"I don't see why not."

Phlagmelina has no idea how she does it but Danielle has a knack for finding wonderful items for great prices at Cranville Quincey's Magical Junkshop. The last time they were there Dani found a sugar bowl in perfect condition that matches a tea service Phlagmelina was given by one of her aunts but was short the sugar bowl. Not only does the one Dani found go with Phlagmelina set but it only cost a few sickles.

They all stop a few seconds just outside Ollivander's, blinking against the bright sun after the more gloomy interior of the wand shoppe. Phlagmelina starts to direct the kids across the street to the Astronomer's Nook but the words die on her lips. Rhona is already at the door, impatiently waiting for the others to get there. She does roll her eyes this time, wondering why she waited so many years to take the plunge and adopt.

Two Wands
Author: Philippa Hainault 
Date:   07-03-19 02:15

"Let me see the wand," Maximilian asked. He was an old wizard with hair as white as snow, and grey eyes that resembled the color of the sea before a storm. Philippa offered the wand to her grandfather, so he could inspect it. He felt the wood under his fingers, and turned it around, absorbing each detail of it. "What did Ollivander say exactly?"

The question was meant to his daughter, Margaret. Margaret was Philippa's aunt and her legal guardian.

"That the unicorn hair from this wand is the same as Philip's. The wood is different, but he assures the unicorn is the same. Philippa tried a couple of wands before he gave her that one. It was an instant connection. Of course he could be saying the unicorn thing just to impress us. We cannot be sure…"

Philippa looked down with disappointment She had left Ollivander's shop deeply convinced that the wand that choose her had the same core as her father's wand. Two months before she turned eight years old her father, Philip Hainault, had died during a trip abroad. Now she was eleven and she was going to Hogwarts in the fall. Knowing that they shared the same wand core was like as a comfort to her and also motive of pride. But Philippa knew her aunt Margaret was often right. Ollivander was a very old wizard and it did not seem plausible that he could actually remember all the wands he had sold during his lifetime.

"There is way to know," Maximilian said. "Go fetch a coat, child. It is cold down there."

Philippa's heart skipped a bit. She knew exactly where they were going. She ran upstairs, and fetch her red coat. Margaret looked quite displeased with her father's idea because when Philippa returned downstairs she had a harsh expression in her face. The trio left the house and walked to the Hainault family crypt. They went downstairs and walked over a long dark corridor, containing the remains of the past generations of Hainaults. Maximilian and Margaret's wands illuminated the path forward. Philippa followed them, trying not to look around at the tombs, but her eyes could not deviate from them. She felt a shiver down her spine when she found a small tomb, most likely belonging to a baby or child. Finally they reached their destination.

Maximilian used his wand to produce two crown of roses and made them land over his mother and first's wife tombs. Philippa had never met her grandmother Blanche Hainault, who died young on a broomstick fall, many years ago, when her own children were little. Then he moved on to his second wife's tomb, Anne, where he only deposited a single flower. No homage was given to Maximilian's father. It was clear where his affections laid. Then he approached his son's tomb. Philippa knew her father's body was not there. There was a family dispute over his body, and despite Maximilian and Margaret's efforts, his body still remained in the continent, with Philip's widow. The tomb was made of marble and it represented her father laying down on his back, resting. The stone was magnificently carved and revealed Philip's beautiful features. It almost seemed alive. His hands rested over his belly and they were holding his real wand, the only object that was sent to the family after his death.

Maximilian gave his own wand to her granddaughter, ordering her to aim the light to the tomb. Then he picked up his son's wand, and compared it with Philippa's own wand that he had brought. Margaret looked above her father's shoulder. The color of the wands was obviously different because of the woods and the length wasn't the same.

"There is no way of knowing!" Her aunt said with exasperation. It was clear by the ton of her voice that she too was secretly hoping that her niece's wand had the same core as her father's.

But Maximilian did not give up. He decided to swap wands with his granddaughter. Philippa picked both wands, one in each hand and then something strange happened. First they become very warm and then it was like they wanted to elevate. Philippa let go of them and they almost reached the low ceiling of the crypt. There was a golden light, like a thread that united both wands. It was as if they had recognized each other, and were saluting themselves after many years of absence. Then after that, the light died and both wands dropped down on the stoned floor with a dry sound.

Philippa quickly picked them up. She cleaned her father's wand with her red coat, and on her tiptoes, carefully placed it back on the tomb. Then she grabbed her own wand. She was surprised when she turned back and saw her grandfather smiling, and the tears of emotion falling down on her aunt's face.

(Alexandra) School Supplies
Author: Illyria 
Date:   07-04-19 12:05

Alexandra Crumm stood next to her mother at the checkout counter at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. She had just been fitted for her school robes, among other things. Her mother handed over a sum of galleons, sickles, and knuts and received a large, though lightweight shopping bag in return. Inside the bag were three sets of plain black work robes, one pointed black hat, one pair protective gloves made out of dragon hide, and one black winter cloak with silver fastenings.

The pair stepped out of the shoppe and joined Alexandra's father and four younger sisters, who were each eating ice cream cones. Addison and Amalia were eating more slowly than Annabelle and Aurora. Their ice cream cones were melting and running down their hands, creating a messy situation.

"Where to now?" Alexandra asked her mother.

"Let's go to Flourish & Blotts and get your school books."

The group headed in the direction of the bookstore, and like before, only Alexandra and her mother entered. The others congregated outside and continued working on their ice cream cones.

After a little while, the pair exited the bookstore with another lightweight sack, this one containing the textbooks Alexandra would need for her seven classes, which included Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration.

While in the shoppe, Alexandra had noticed a small display on current events, which focused heavily on the anniversary of the Pureblood Movement and the liberations of the various communities for nons. There'd been a book called Children Born in Dark Times which caught her eye. The subtitle said it was a study on children born in hiding, in the communities, or in exile during the events from 10-11 years ago. Alexandra was one such child, though she was pretty sure she wasn't in the book… or at least she didn't think she was.

She had been born while her parents had been on the run. She'd spent the first year of her life in India, hiding from the Relocation Assistance Committee while the adults her life wondered if they would ever see their missing or imprisoned love ones ever again. Of course she didn't remember any of that.

"And now?" Alexandra asked.

Her father was busy cleaning the hands of the younger children, who had managed to finish their ice cream cones in the interim.

"How about we get your wand?" Alexandra's mother suggested.

Alexandra liked that idea very much. The whole family went into Ollivander's to see what sort of wand would choose Alexandra as its mistress.

(Oliver) Unexpected Mail
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   07-06-19 19:01

Oliver carefully carried a tray of drinks to the patio table, which was in the process of being set by various members of his family. His oldest brother Josh had just come home from Cambridge, where he was reading Genetics. He became interested in the subject sometime around the time Oliver was discovered to be a wizard. How was it that Oliver and Uncle Ethan were the only two wizards that anyone knew of in the family? It was something he wanted to really study, but Josh knew he couldn't. If he brought up the subject with his classmates or the faculty, he'd get laughed right out of the university.

Liam, Oliver's next oldest brother, was one year away from graduating from Bristol Grammar School. If he'd been a wizard, he'd have graduated this year, but Muggles graduated at age 18, not 17 like their wizarding counterparts. Between the two older brothers, it was Liam who was most jealous of the fact that Oliver was a wizard, but he would never admit it now. He'd definitely whined about it at a younger age, though.

Being the only girl in the family and the youngest, Emily was tough and fiercely independent. It didn't bother her that Oliver got to learn about magic and unicorns, though she wished she could see one and tell her friends they were real. She came to the table with the silverware and laid everything out on the table in its proper place.

After everything was ready and the family sat down, they peppered Josh with questions about university life. He was halfway through telling a story about a mishap in the library when Oliver caught sight of an owl in the distance. He knew it was for him, because it was headed straight for him. Then again, he probably wasn't the only wizard in Bristol. His feeling was correct when the owl, a tawny, began to descend as if the table were the runway it was targeting.

By now everyone else noticed it. They saw that the owl carried a small package. Rather than land on the table and disrupt the meal, the owl curved around before landing on the back of Oliver's chair.

"Okay, how does it know that you're the wizard and we aren't?" Josh asked, fascinated.

"I really don't know," Oliver replied, taking the package from the owl. He looked around on the table for something suitable to feed the bird and ended up giving it a piece of bread.

Oliver opened the package and reached inside. There was a hard, metal object and also a letter. Oliver pulled out the object first and quirked his eyebrows at the sight of a shiny silver prefects badge.

"Prefect," his father mused. "So wizarding schools have those as well."

Oliver read the letter, which was from Professor McGonagall and congratulated him on his new position. He was to meet with his fellow prefects, the new head boy and head girl on the train on September 1st.

"Well, it seems like we have something else to celebrate," his mother said with a smile. "Congratulations, Oliver!"

Oliver grinned. "Thanks!"

Legoland Windsor
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   07-08-19 11:25

"This was a good idea," Otto says, standing before a miniature Lego version of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

"Are you sure it's not weird that we're here without any children?" Fritz asks.

They're in the middle of a double date at Legoland Windsor. The vast majority of the other guests consist of families with kids. In fact, there's a whole gaggle of children coming through Miniland, wearing matching shirts. It looks like they might belong to a daycare or summer school program.

"No, it's not weird," Otto replies. "Legos aren't just for kids!"

Coco and Gertrude wander over and walk with the guys through the rest of the attraction, which takes them through more mini versions of UK sites, and other familiar landmarks around the world, like the Kremlin and the White House.

"Something to snack on, or go on a ride?" Coco asks, when they find themselves in the next section of the park.

"Food," Fritz and Otto answer simultaneously.

Gertrude laughs.

They decide on milkshakes at a café in the adjacent Imagination Centre, and then queue up for the Sky Rider.

While standing in line to get on the ride, Fritz thinks about the Hogwarts Graduate Fund he anonymously rewarded at the start of the summer. This year's recipients are Caleb and Devon. Fritz wonders what the pair will do with the money, which is supposed to give them a head start into adulthood. Would they use it to buy textbooks at St. Emrys or to buy new clothes for a job? The possibilities really are endless.

The foursome get to the front of the line and get ready to board what looks to be a fun and scenic ride around the park.

WE? (Alectrona)
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   07-09-19 10:49

"You inviting Chloe to your party?"

Alectrona, enjoying a breeze while lounging in a hammock with a book, raises a hand to her eyes to look up at her older brother. "All my roommates though I don't know if Chloe will be able to come."

Argyll plunks down onto a shaded spot of grass. "How come?"

"Do you never listen to anything I say?"

"Now and then."

"Chloe's mother is a Muggle and has no idea that Chloe is a witch or that she's a student at a school of magic. With summer holiday it's not easy for Chloe to go somewhere wizarding. How come you didn't ask after Ruth or one of my other roommates or friends from other houses?"

"Because I didn't spend hours with Ruth or the others at an Easter egg hunt."

"You could have told me you were coming to that, you know."

"I didn't know in time to write and even if I had, why would I need to tell you?"

"I don't know. To gloat that you were getting an entire week extra for Easter hols?"

Argyll smirks. "Yeah, there is that. I'll be sure to owl next time if I know early enough to rub it in."

Both look when they hear Acantha and Armani loudly laughing as they tear across the lawn towards them. "Auntie is here!" Acantha yells when halfway to them.

"We're going on a picnic!" Armani calls at an equally loud volume.

Rolling out of the hammock, Alectrona sticks an embroidered marker into her book. Argyll pushes off the ground, bending to swipe at stray pieces of grass just as the twins reach them. They hadn't known Aunt Durana was coming but if she's got a picnic planned it will be grand fun.

The twins pirouette around laughing over who was first to Argyll and Alectrona and who will be first back to the house. Following behind at a slower pace Argyll says to Alectrona, "We'll have to figure out a good excuse for Chloe to use to come to your party."

"WE will, will we?" she snickers, wondering just how smitten with Chloe Argyll must be to show such interest.

(Titus & Theodore) The Canceled Visitation
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   07-10-19 04:29

Titus looked at the boats that would take the visitors to Azkaban. He was watching from a distance, his hands on his pockets. The air smelled like salt, and the waves produced an irritating sound when they reached the sand. Some people found it soothing, but not Titus. He watched as a wizard he supposed to be an auror, asked the visitors for an identification and marked their names down on a parchment.

He had taken the morning off from Florean's because he had received another letter from his father, pressing Titus to go visit him. He wrote that it was extremely important that they met. Titus was certain his father was going to give him instructions related with the Death Eaters. It made sense to him that he should be contacted by one of his own. His commitment to all this was doubtful. Titus was indifferent to Muggles or those who were not purebloods. He did not seek extra power or glory that maybe he could achieve by turning himself into a Death Eater. There were other motivations in all this. First, he felt like he should do it because it was what his family did. As a Nott he was bounded to it. Why else would he had been invited to join the Team Delta Echo in the first place? Second, and no matter how wrong Titus knew this was, he wanted this because of Malden. He might have been the leader before but now they were on the same level and Titus would not stand seeing Malden produce great achievements whatever they might be, while he would stand aside.

But now, something was keeping him from advancing down the beach to the boats and to his father's encounter. Titus watched the auror checking his parchment one more time. He recalled that last time he had seen his parents in jail there was no auror, just a mere guard. He knew he had nothing to hide yet, and the auror would just take his name. But that was the problem, Titus realized. If his name entered the records for visiting his father a known former Death Eater, he was sure the authorities would be suspicious and perhaps conduct a small investigation. He recalled that Maurice had advised them to lay low during the summer. The abbey attack, as well as the Diagon Alley one a year ago, were still too recent in everyone's minds. He decided he could not visit his father. Not today, and not anytime soon. He returned to Florean's where he owled a quick note to his father apologizing for not coming and saying he was not feeling well. He excused himself with his diabetic condition.

Meanwhile, in Azkaban, Theodore Nott waited for his son. He seemed to be anxious, his hands gripping the table. He kept looking at the hourglass on the wall, that marked the visiting time. If anyone looked with attention they would have realized that as the time passed, the prisoner would get more relaxed. When he was collected by the guard he was smiling, but he pretended to be disappointed when he was told his visit did not show up. He received Titus' note from the guard.

"Oh yes, his diabetes...poor boy..." he was feeling pride and happiness. Titus was not a diabetic. His son was speaking to him in code.

On the prison yard, Theodore walked towards another prisoner.

"He did not fall into the trap," he said. They had forced Theodore to contact his son and lure him to Azkaban. But Titus had been careful and avoided the contact. He would not be associated with his relatives still in prison. "You can tell them he is ready to be approached."

"Very well," The other wizard replied with a nod.

Theodore walked away, feeling exulted. His son's initiation as a Death Eater was about to begin.

Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   07-10-19 19:00

In a grassy spot not far from one of the Crown & Cauldron's outdoor seating sections, Gage Hodfuffer and Cassandra Flefferfore stargaze, their heads next to each other but bodies pointing opposite directions.

"What's that one?" Cassie points up even though Gage can't see her hand.

"Which one?"

"The bright one down from the Big Dipper, um, I mean the Plough."

"Does look more like a dipper than a plough," Gage remarks. He finds Ursa Major and what he thinks is the one she's meaning. "Polaris I think. If Rhona would come out, she could tell us. She knows more about this stuff than Dani and Dani's had two classes of it."

"You think you'll like Astronomy as a class?"

"Hope so but I don't know. You?"

"Probably. I like learning things, even if it's in a class instead of reading about it myself."

"Dani says you'll get Ravenclaw."

"That's what Mum, Jewel, and Furnie say. Bailey says Gryffindor but Phin and Emerald think maybe Hufflepuff."

"And your dad?"

"He went to school in the States so just goes along with what Mum says. What house do you think you'll get?"

"No idea. Like you, everyone says something different but Mum says she wouldn't be surprised if it's Ravenclaw. Dani told me Hogwarts will have to make a whole new house just for me."

Cassie laughs and rolls over, pushing up on her elbows. "Don't know about you but I'm hungry."

"I could eat." Gage sits up then moves to stand.

Walking into the restaurant together, Cassie and Gage think up names for this new Hogwarts house created just for Gage starting with Gageatopia.

The Bracelet and the Notebook
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   07-11-19 03:59

Since Sophie got married and was no longer living in their father's house, Belinda decided she wanted a bedroom for herself. She had shared a bedroom with Patricia since she was born, because they were close in age, being born on the same year. It was decided that as the oldest Patricia would move to Sophie's bedroom. Both sisters were pleased with the change. Patricia would be able to decorate the bedroom the way she wanted, and she wouldn't have Belinda stealing her clothes and beauty products. For Belinda it would give her the privacy she needed to continue to compose songs for the Delta Echo band and prepare the show they would be giving at St. Emrys fest. And all those preparations were of course a facade for much bigger goals.

Unfortunately since none of them could used magic, they were transporting Patricia's belongings on boxes, from one bedroom to the other. Belinda picked up a box filled with Patricia's school robes, a Ravenclaw scarf and her prefect badge. She looked at it feeling a tip of jealousy. Julia had written her, reporting that Libby had been chosen as prefect. Belinda had declared to the world that she was glad she would be excused from corridor patrols and other boring prefect duties, but deep down she wished she had such authority. She would have the power to give detention to all Mudbloods and take points from students that weren't from Slytherin. Then again, free from such duties she would have the time to dedicate herself to Team Delta Echo, which was what really mattered. Conrad hasn't been chosen as prefect as well. Belinda was very glad when he told her so. She did not want a goody goody boyfriend obsessed with etiquette and rules. It would actually be fun to make out in some corner during the evening knowing the prefects were hunting them. What a rush!

Patricia was sorting out her clothes. It was strange not having Sophie in the house anymore. Patricia might be closer to Belinda in age but lately she got along better with her oldest sister. She had gone to Italy on her honeymoon. The wedding at Pole Manor had been beautiful. Everything was exquisite and bride and groom looked very happy. Caleb had invited Patricia to dance. She accepted only because she did not want to make a scene and ruin her sister's wedding. He told her that now he was free to date her. He wanted her to be his girlfriend again. She politely refused. It was not the first dating request she had refused that summer. During the trip back to London on the Hogwarts Express Hercules had declared himself to her. She was forced to tell him she was not interested. Patricia had fun hanging out with Hercules but she only saw him as a friend. She started to think she was cursed because her love life was somewhat rocky.

"Where is my tiara like bracelet?" She asked Belinda.

"I don't know."

"You borrowed it once, remember?"

"Why would I use your silly bracelet?" Belinda asked back. But Patricia was pretty sure her sister had taken it. It had been a Secret Santa gift, and one of her favorite accessories.

Without asking for permission she opened the drawer of Belinda's bedside table.

"Hey, don't touch my things!"

She found the bracelet there.

"I knew it. What else do you have here?"

"Patricia stop it!"

During the search a small notebook had fallen on the ground.The two sisters started to argue with each other, Patricia accusing Belinda of stealing her things, and Belinda claiming that Patricia had no right to go through her stuff. Her face was red with rage. The two of them marched down the stairs in search for parental help that could solve the conflict. Eileen and Elmer had entered the bedroom, but they had arrived too late to watch the fight between their sisters.

Eileen noticed the notebook on the floor. She recognized Belinda's hand writing and started to read it to herself. I yearn to meet you. I will relish when I listen to your voice, and I live for the day you will touch my arm, and make me yours.

"Yew...that's gross..." Elmer said reading the notebook's content above his sister's shoulder.

Eileen quickly closed the notebook and put it aside, thinking the writing referred to Conrad Ellis, Belinda's boyfriend. She had no idea her sister could be so passionate and romantic! Little did she knew it actually referred to Lord Voldemort and Belinda's desire to meet him and receive the dark mark. The two siblings quickly left the bedroom before they got into trouble.

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