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Christmas Morning Misery
Author: Griet 
Date:   02-24-14 17:59

Griet had thought to maybe visit her parents sometime in the late morning, but she felt just awful. The side effects of last night's full moon simply didn't want to ease off, resulting in a very uncomfortable Christmas. Griet wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and sleep, if she could stop moaning and groaning to do just that.

Because she didn't feel like having any sort of company, Griet had even sent Tucker away to his own flat. It seemed more like that he would visit his family for the holiday, since he generally felt better on and around the full moon than Griet ever did.

She pulled the comforter over her head in attempt to create some semblance of darkness in her bedroom, when somebody began pounding furiously at her door.

At first, Griet ignored it, but when the pounding only intensified, Griet shouted, "Leave me alone!"

Still, the frantic knocking continued.

Griet scowled, untangled her legs from her bedsheets, and climbed out of bed. She headed to the door dressed in a pair of flannel pajama bottoms, a camisole, and a long cardigan and looked through the peep hole.

Through the somewhat warped image, Griet saw Clover standing on the landing. It was difficult to tell, but Clover didn't appear to be angry or crazy. She looked very eager to get Griet's attention.

Griet debated turning around and climbing back into bed, though if the noise continued, she would definitely never fall asleep, but then curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door.

"Clover," she said flatly, "what are you doing here, and why are you beating on my door like your life depends on it?"

"Oh, Griet!" Clover exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across her face. "I wasn't sure you would be home, but then I thought you might be because last night was the full moon and I know you always feel really sick when it's the full moon. I nearly went to Canterbury, but I'm glad I didn't because you really are here."

"Erm, yes."

"Guess what?" Clover exclaimed, her eyes twinkling in a manner Griet had never seen before in her life.

"What?" Griet asked.

"I'm getting married!!!!" Clover thrust out her hand, on which there was a small diamond ring flanked by two even smaller emeralds. "Oberon asked me late last night, or was it this morning? Well, it doesn't matter. It was my Christmas gift. Isn't it grand?"

Griet honestly didn't know what to think about it. Ever since learning Oberon had taken up with Clover, Griet had felt very disappointed in her ex-boyfriend. Now they were getting married. It just seemed wrong.

"Congratulations," Griet managed weakly. "Now, if you don't mind. I really need to go back to bed."

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry, but I just had to tell my best friend the news!"

Griet had started to shut the door but she paused when she heard Clover call her her best friend. Under normal circumstances, she would have said something scathing in response, but she had no energy to do so that morning.

"Bye," she said, finally closing the door on the over-exuberant Clover Blakely.

Getting Into And Out Of The Ministry (Bellatrix)
Author: Lucius Malfoy 
Date:   02-24-14 18:42

Stifling a yawn, Bellatrix wiggles a little adjusting the ill fitting navy robes marking her as being with the Ministry's maintenance personnel. What she gets for not taking more time to implement her plan. If she'd realized just how uncomfortable these robes would be, she'd have done a quick fix but she can hardly do that now she's in the Atrium, arriving with a few unlucky souls scheduled to work bright and early Christmas morning. She'll do it as soon as she's out of view or else she might attract attention at some point with her constant fidgeting.

Looking every bit the part of a groggy, disgruntled employee Bellatrix first goes in the direction of the Magical Maintenance Department is if going to sign in or clock in or whatever it is people of that department do. She never actually goes to the office, easily avoiding being noticed simply because at that moment no one else is about that particular section of the Atrium.

After what she hopes seems to be the appropriate time need to do the clocking in and getting an assignment she returns to the main portion of the Atrium, going to the nearest of the lifts, stifling yet another yawn. When deciding last night not to delay she purposely chose this hour to arrive because both Barty and Gudrun, having no reason to rise early for Christmas Day, are still abed and should be for sometime yet. With plans for the day the Malfoys departed last night. Bellatrix should be able to get what she needs and be returned home well before even a house elf knows she's even left.

Exiting the lift on the floor where the records she needs to access have been located since practically the dawn of time Bellatrix pauses for three or four seconds, needing to get her bearings. It's been years since she's been inside the Ministry with so a number of its floors having a labrynthine layout. No one else seems to be about but just in case, she covers the pause by looking at a sheef of parchment as if consulting where specifically maintenance is required.

Moving again, her destination now placed firmly in her mind, Bellatrix has no further hesitation. Reaching the warren of rooms where the records she seeks should be, she's greatly relieved to find this is indeed still the location. She'd had a nagging thought that perhaps after decades of these particular records being in the same location it would be just her luck that they had been moved. She has no time alotted in her current plan for conducting a search for an entire archive.

Locating the file cabinet she seeks takes less time than the thumbing through of the files for the one she wants. No, not wants. Needs. She passes it by twice in her almost nervous haste. Once found she pulls it from the drawer, quickly looking to see if what she's after is there. A small smile creeps across her lips as she scans a document.

That document leads her to another file. She has a very short internal debate on whether to take the time to copy both files or just carry them out with the hope that there are no anti-theft charms on them. Sighing heavily, not wanting to risk any security precautions, Bellatrix looks for the office where copies are made, using the special quills there to make identical copies of the documents she needs. She's on high alert the two or three minutes this takes, hand on wand, ready to take action if needed. The time seems hours rather than minutes. Thankfully, no one is about in this section of the Ministry this early hour on a holiday.

Files returned to their proper places, Bellatrix steps into a loo to do alterations to her appearance, which now fit much better. Stepping from the lift in the Atrium, she goes for one of the departure Floos, a hit wizard on the way home after a long night, the document copies carefully folded and tucked out of sight.

Assembling A Christmas Gift For The Cats
Author: Griffin Price 
Date:   02-25-14 19:43

"What next, Dad?" Tristan asks, looking over the parts still to attach to the rambling cat play area. It's mainly for Snowy though Seeayetee will most likely use it as well. She may be getting on in years but she can still be playful and spry.

Griff could have had the play area delivered assembled but they'd gone with one of the larger playgrounds and it wasn't cheap. Having it delivered fully assembled would have ratched up the cost more than Griff liked given the time of year and galleons going towards gifts for others, particularly the humans in Tristan's, Carys's, and his lives.

Halfway through putting the thing together, Griff doesn't regret not paying the extra for assembly. It's not difficult to put together. What it is is a little time consuming, made slightly more thanks to having a curious and eager to assist seven year old's help.

"That flat piece by your right foot, Tristan," he says in response to his son's question after double checking the instructions.

A wave of his wand followed by a tap and that piece is in place. Tristan's figured out that piece leads into a tunnel so has one of them ready to hand to Griff before asked. Snowy comes to investigate, tail twitching, nosing around the pieces arranged in an orderly fashion on the floor. Griff figures it's only a matter of a few minutes, if that, before Snowy starts climbing on the portion of the play area he's already put together.

From the direction of the kitchen Carys's and Ruth's cheerful voices are interspersed with laughter. Alun sits nearby watching on with amusement at Tristan being so involved with putting the cats' gift together that he's got unopened presents under the tree. The ladies rejoin them a minute later with hot drinks for all, Carys asking Tristan, "Are you hungry for breakfast yet?"

"After we're done building, Mum."

Griff looks over his shoulder to meet Carys's eyes. They smile at each other, knowing that most likely Tristan's going to remember he's still got gifts left to open, as do everyone else, and will want to get back to that before eating. Unless any of the others are particularly hungry, Griff would be fine with waiting though the fifteen or so minutes putting this play area together may have him changing his mind on that.

"Need that post, please."

"Which one? This?"

"Yes, that one."

Maybe it will be more like a half hour before this is finished. Griff is fine with that though the others may soon find this tedious and want to get on with something else to fill the time this Christmas morning.

Christmas Day
Author: Finley 
Date:   02-26-14 18:11

Winchcombe Children's Home was very poorly decorated for Christmas, especially after having seen the splendor of the many Christmas trees, wreaths, and candles at Hogwarts. The stark contrast was almost shocking even though Finley had expected no less.

She sat in the lunch room with Leroy and played with the ribbon ends of the small sack of peppermints every child in the orphanage had gotten from Mrs. Gill.

"I wish I could come with you," Leroy said, not for the first time since Finley's return to Winchcombe. He reached into his sack and took out a fistful of peppermints. "I think any place has got to be better than here."

Finley tried to play down Hogwarts, but she hated lying to her best friend. It was bad enough that she couldn't tell him about magic.

"Maybe, but it's just a boarding school. Nothing special."

"Still, it beats being here and getting tormented by Charla."

"Was she terribly awful towards you while I was away?"

Leroy lifted one of his hands and began ticking off Charla's antics with his chubby fingers. "She hung my underpants from the light post in the yard. She got me in trouble with Miss Islip, who gave me detention for an entire week. She spilled her drink in my lap and made it look as if I'd peed myself."

He continued recounting his troubles and made Finley feel more and more terrible for abandoning him. If only she could teach Charla a lesson before it was time to go back to Hogwarts…

Leroy finally stopped regaling her with his troubles and hung his shoulders.

Finley quirked a small smile and asked, "However did she get a hold of your underpants?"

Leroy didn't share in Finley's laughter. He was still very embarrassed about it.

"Enough about her," he said. "Tell me about your school. Did you make any friends?"

"Yes, there's this boy named Phoebus."

"Phoebus? What kind of name is Phoebus?"

Finley started to say it was probably a wizarding sort of name, but then she caught herself and instead said, "Wasn't Phoebus a sun god or something in ancient mythology?"

"Yeah, but who would name their kid Phoebus? Figures you would make friends with a boy instead of a girl, though. I hope he hasn't replaced me."

"Never," Finley replied with a smile.

(Angharad Carter-Cadin) Quiet Reflection
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   02-26-14 18:39

This was my first Christmas without my mum, and I'd opted to spend it at the Castle rather than deal with the chaos that would be the Carter household, and I wasn't really upset about that I would be spending the holiday alone – it would give me a chance to actually take stock of what had happened this year and how I intended on moving forward with my life, as well as begin making plans for when I ultimately finished at Hogwarts next year.

I'd spent the time during the holiday break and crocheted Estella Finch's Christmas gift – a cut little pirate owl hat. I thought it was cute and I hoped that she liked it. I'd owled it out to her a couple of days ago.

I'd also made a few small things for Cai and Aderyn while I was on break and sent them off at the same time I'd sent Estella's gift. Now, I had opened the gifts that I'd gotten, and was currently sitting in one of the alcoves, looking out at the snow covered grounds letting my thoughts drift as I let my fingers work through the ball of yarn I was working on for my next crocheting project.

Christmas Eve-Candy
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   02-26-14 18:56

The usual chaos of Christmas morning had worn off sometime ago, and I was currently enjoying a cuppa while curled up on the couch a book spread open on my lap. I was still dressed in my pajamas, hadn't changed out of them at all today – and ultimately doubted I would change out of them for boxing day either. I'd sent off Professor Jones' Secret Santa gift a couple of days before Christmas and hopfully she enjoyed it. I found it in a catalog that my mom had and figured it would be perfect for her since she was the Astronomy Professor.

Aderyn was currently up in her room, writing a letter to Rylee, who had invited her to her house for New Years and Mom was going to let her go, and Broderick was going out with Evan for New Years. Angharad was at Hogwarts, and mom and dad were going to go out. I was going to be home alone – though my mom told me I could have a couple of friends over, I just didn't know what I wanted to do.

I'd just turned back to the pages of my book, when the door bell chimed, and I heard the dogs begin barking like crazy. "I've got it..." I called, bringing my tea with me, not wanting to discard its warmth when I opened the door to allow in some of the cold that resided outside the house's walls.


"Hi! My mum and I just moved in next door, and we are still getting things unpacked, but my mom was wondering if you guys had some sugar we could borrow?"

I blinked, now, suddenly wishing that I had changed out of my pajamas today. The guy that was standing there had to be around Broderick's age, and was aboslutely, drop dead gorgeous. And, honestly I couldn't keep from staring at him for a full thirty seconds or more before my brain finally kicked into gear and I realized he'd asked m something.

"Oh, yeah, sure come on in. My name is Cai..."

"Xavier, nice to meet you."

He followed me into the house, and I wandered with him into the kitchen where my mom and dad were talking at the table over a couple of muffins and their own tea.

"Mom, Dad, this is Xavier, he just moved in next door and wanted to borrow some sugar."

"Hello Xavier."

My parents said in unison, and I skirted around the island and added some sugar to a resealable container and walked back to Xavier offering it to him.


We headed out of the kitchen and I could almost think I heard my parents start laughing.

"So, are you going to Hogwarts Xavier?"

"No, I'm actually going to be starting at St. Emry's in the fall."

Damn. I doubt my parents would approve of me dating this absolutely gorgeous hunk of eye-candy, next door neighbor. "Ah, I'll be starting my seventh year at Hogwarts in the fall, my brother Evan goes to St. Emry's."

Xavier and I talked for a few more minutes before he reluctantly headed home with the container of sugar.

Lazy Morning
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   02-26-14 19:36

Paloma Mondragón appreciatively sniff the gourmet coffee in the mug handed to her by Nolan. "This smells heavenly."

"Tastes even better," Cesario Mondragón tells his wife.

Nolan takes a seat, his own coffee in hand. "It's called Jack Frost. Irish cream and Swiss chocolate with a hint of peppermint."

Curled up in another chair Zabrynna marvels at how the three have never shown the least bit of discomfort when together. She wonders how many other divorced couples and the second spouse get along so well. It's good for Mariposa that they do. It's because they all do that Zabrynna was sent to stay with the Mondragóns when undergoing therapy as part of the agreement for her to return to Hogwarts after the love potion incident. Of course, that was when Margretta was still in the picture.

Merlin help her but there are times like today, Christmas, that Zabrynna misses her mum. At least Margretta's parents have reached out. Niklas and Victoria Mathau sent her a very nice card with a letter enclosed and even sent a gift. It's still sitting under the tree with the other presents.

The Ravensdales and Mondragóns have been in no rush this morning. Mariposa went with AJ to spend some time with his family. They'll be here a little later as will Nolan's parents David and Stephanie. Declan had said he'd come too. He spent yesterday with his parents, sister, and sister's family and today was one of the Hogwarts staff spending part of the day with those students staying over for the holiday. He'll come a little after lunch is over at Hogwarts.

Paloma and Cesario are staying in Hogsmeade with Mariposa and AJ. They'd spent time with the entire Hodfuffer family at a party last night, as had Nolan and Zabrynna. They arrived a short time ago for a light breakfast, which reminds Zabrynna she needs to check the rolls she's baking to go with that light breakfast.

Uncurling from the chair, she takes a quick sip of her own coffee then gets up to check on the rolls. If they're done, then breakfast won't be more than five minutes from being ready to serve. The aroma of the rolls is wonderful. Zabrynna flicks her wand to start the final preparations for the other breakfast components then removes the honey brown rolls from the oven.

A few minutes later she's calling the others to the table, thinking that even without her mum this Christmas is turning out to be quite lovely.

Christmas Question
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   02-26-14 19:42

451 High Street, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland was packed to the gills with people. Family from both the Stones and the Holloways had gathered for Christmas Day festivities. There were gifts galore, and the living room looked like a tornado had blown through it and sent dozens of balls of brightly colored wrapping paper, ribbon and bows around the room. Cheshire and Griselle currently rolled around and played with a variety of the balls of discarded paper – while the adults talked in the dining room over the remnants of Christmas dinner.

Carmen and Cai, Blake's younger siblings were currently helping get my little brother's new toy set up – and were laughing as he tried to climb into the as of yet assembled toy and Carmen had to dislodge him for a few more moments saying that it was nearly done and he could play on it in a moment.

Blake and I were currently sitting in my room, on my bed listening to christmas music being played on the WWN and attempting to behave ourselves. Considering the thought of making out had crossed our minds more often than not – and I was glad my parents trusted me to have him in my room and not leave the door wide open.

"I can't believe we still have another year of Hogwarts to go, when we could be getting ready to take our NEWTs, and possibly start at St. Emry's in the fall," Blake said with a sigh, pulling me closer.

"I know, but I'm almost glad we have another year to prepare for NEWTs, but I just wish it didn't come with the cost that it had." I let my head rest on his shoulder, sighing softly.

"I still can't believe we have lasted as long as we have..." Blake said softly, letting his fingertips play over the back of my hand as he spoke.

"I can't either. It's been how long, a couple of years now?"

I honestly don't remember when he and I officially started dating, but I just knew that Blake was at least right now, the one for me and I had no intention of breaking things off with him and I know he felt the same way.

"I never actually gave you your other Christmas present from me..." Blake said with an impish grin on his lips as I looked up at him, curious.

Earlier this week Blake, Carmen and I had all mailed out our Secret Santa gifts to ensure that they were received by Christmas Day or at the absolute latest the day after. I'd gotten Lilith Balfour, Blake had gotten Kurt Blackwell, and Carmen had gotten Professor Douglass.

"What do you mean?" I blinked, tilting my head, wondering what else he could have gotten me. The watch, t-shirts and even a new messenger bag had been more than enough from him for Christmas – but that wasn't all he'd gotten me.

In the time I'd asked the question, he'd slipped from my bed and pulled a small, blue velvet box from his jeans pocket. He stood by me and slowly opened the box, revealing a simple white gold band, with a small princess cut emerald set into it.

"Charisma...I'd been thinking about this for a while, and hope that you feel the same. But, I'm hoping that you'll say yes...will you marry me?"

I blinked, looking from the ring to his face – he was serious, completely and totally serious. It took me three seconds to formulate the word, the response to his question – there was only one and it was..


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