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Thoughtful Observations
Author: Cloris Mockridge 
Date:   02-27-14 11:07

Cloris was grateful that she had an excuse to avoid the parties she didn't particularly want to attend during the Holiday Season, though this early-afternoon gathering was a definite exception. Her teaching had kept her delightfully busy, and she was quite pleased at how most of the students were doing. Many had grasped things quite quickly when it was put into words that they could understand, and she was confident that the majority of the students would do well on their exams. She had her eyes on a few students who were doing quite well, and was considering offering some more challenging assignments in the new term, but she wanted to discuss it with Minerva first.

Her eyes drifted over to her granddaughter, standing with Petula and the Zabini boy. Blaise and Pansy were nearby, and she allowed herself a moment of pleased reflection that the two had finally gotten their heads removed from their posteriors and were formally courting. She expected an invitation at some point in the near future. Of course, she had hopes that perhaps her own children would get to that point as well, but she could find no real fault in their choices and was not about to push, in case they might slice their nose off to spite their face and end things because she was being a pest.

She saw Valeria's eyes flicker slightly beneath the happy mask the girl often wore and her own eyes looked for the source of her granddaughter's slip. Ah, yes, there it was. The Avery boy, standing with his own family, was bowing over the hand of some young French witch. Most likely a student at Beauxbatons, which was lucky. If she were at Hogwarts, there was every chance Valeria would find some excuse to hex or prank the child.

Anton and Valeria had kept a careful distance this past term. They were still friendly, but they seemed wary of being too close. She supposed she could understand, they were young, after all, and while still children, they were approaching the ages where the differences between Wizard and Witch were much more apparent. It would bear watching if they continued this studied indifference, as both were the type to hide their true feelings well beneath their public masks. To someone who knew either, it would prove quite telling.

New Year's Eve
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   02-28-14 13:47

Tim told him they were going to a quiet New Year's party in London. It would be just a small group that gathered around a coffee table, having some pizza and butter beers while waiting for midnight. But there is no such thing as quiet New Year's party and unfortunately Nate learned that too late.

He found himself seated at the tip of a sofa, a couple making out next to him as if the world was about to end. The music was loud and the butter beer inside his glass was warm, and tasted terribly. There was no sign of pizza: the only food displayed was some odd looking canopies that one of the guests had brought and no one had dared to taste them yet. Nate heard a wizard wearing wine red robes telling his friend that 'Brenda had been doing some of her cooking experiments again. Last time someone tasted her food ended up at St. Mungo's'. Suddenly it became easier to ignore his grouchy stomach.

He looked at his watch for the hundredth time. The pointer indicating the minutes had barely moved. Last year he had been stuck at a Muggle hospital with a broken leg. Jenny and Adelaide had spilled hot coffee all over him due to a terrible misunderstanding. And now he was here at this awful party where the smoke from the cigarettes gave Nate the feeling of being in the middle of a foggy street. Just like back then he wasn't having a great time. He thought about Maggie and how they decided to put an end to their casual relationship and stay friends. Probably she was having way more fun than he was. Phyllida also flashed in his mind briefly. What was she doing now?

Nate used his wand to cool his glass and he drank the rest of the butter beer in a row, wishing he was drinking something stronger. Thinking about all the women of his past was making him feel even more miserable than before. It was depressing and pathetic and not the sort of disposition someone should have in a party. The New Year was coming and Nate shouldn't be thinking about the past. Instead he should look ahead, to the future. He thought about what he would like to do the upcoming year. First he wanted a promotion. He has been working hard as an assistant at the Muggle Liaison office at the Ministry of Magic for more than a year now and he thought it was about time to gain newer and harder responsibilities.

Nate grinned. He sounded like one of those wizards obsessed with their careers. His mother would reprehend him, telling him the most important was not the galleons you won per month but to be healthy and happy. Nate heard some agitation outside in the streets and used it as an excuse to stand up, leave the smoky division and catch some fresh air.

He wasn't expecting to see her again at all but there she was, with her unmistakable cinnamon color hair. She was pointing her wand at two Muggle policemen. One of them was fast and he twisted Cinnamon's arm around her back. The wand rolled over the sidewalk and disappeared into a sewer ditch.

"Threatening a policeman with a weapon is not a good police young lady."

"Let me go, Muggle!"

"Muggle? She must be drunk, no doubt…"

The policeman started to drag Cinnamon into his car, followed by his partner. She tried to resist but there wasn't much damage her slender body could do against the mass of muscles of the policeman. Once again Nate felt in the need to step in.

"Olivia, here you are!" he told reaching the group with fast steps. "I thought I had lost you."

Cinnamon's mouth twitched with irritation and Nate knew she had recognized him. However the policemen didn't notice her expression because they started inquiring him. Nate explained to them that he and his friend Olivia had been to a party and since she got drunk he was going to take her home before she did anything stupid. But apparently it was too late now. Would they be so kind of telling him to which police station they would be taking Olivia so he could go there and pay her bail? It didn't take long for the policemen to decide to free Cinnamon since now she had a friend to watch over her and they didn't feel inclined to take the drunken girl to the station. They wished them a Happy New Year and left on their way to catch more troublemakers.

The moment the policemen were out of sight Cinnamon went down on her knees in front of the ditch and extended her hand into it, trying to reach her wand, without any ceremonies. She let go a frustrated grunt and stood up with her hands empty.

"I can help," Nate offered. He pointed his wand to the ditch. "Accio wand."

The summoned wand flied into Nate's hand. He then delivered it to Cinnamon who promptly pointed it at his chest.

"You shouldn't have done that," she teased.

"You are not going to hurt me," he replied, lowering his wand.

"What makes you think that?"

"This is the second time I've saved you."

"I never asked for your help. I could have handled those Muggles on my own."

Nate didn't contradict her. Instead he wanted to know what had happened to make the policemen wanting to arrest her. Cinnamon promptly told him it was none of his business. She too lowered her wand and started to walk away from him with large steps. He followed her and she sighed loudly.

"What do you want now?!"

"A 'thank you' would be nice, but since you're not very inclined to do so, then you could tell me your name. Maybe we could go out and have a drink or something…" he added. Saving Cinnamon twice turned Nate bolder than ever. Asking girls out wasn't really something he used to do.

"Don't push it," she warned. "I'm Imogen Napier. Miss Napier to you. Now if that would be all…"

"Don't you want to know the name of your savior? It might come in hand if you need my help a third time…" he flirted. What was wrong with him? Maybe that butter beer had some alcohol in it that he hasn't been aware of.

"I don't need to know your name," Imogen replied. When he was about to ask why not she added: "I already know it."

She started walking once again; Nate stayed where he was. Imogen turned her head back to him.

"Goodbye, Nathaniel."

And then she disappeared in the night leaving behind the fireworks and the songs of the New Year that had just arrived.

Risky Business
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   02-28-14 17:05

Now at eight years old, Charlotte insisted she was old enough to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year. Her father vetoed the idea but compromised by allowing her to spend the night with Grace. Lysander could guess that Charlotte and Grace would spent what remained of the night telling secrets and whatever else girls did when they had sleepovers, but he hoped that sleep would claim Charlotte sooner than later.

He excused himself from the adult crowd to retire to his flat, which always was his routine on New Year's Eve. It was a bittersweet holiday, being both the anniversary of his late wife's death and Charlotte's birthday. Lysander pulled a glass and a bottle of firewhiskey from the kitchen cabinet and sat down at the kitchen table.

He was a few sips into his drink when he heard a commotion in the living room. Alarmed, Lysander rose from his chair and fumbled for his wand, but it was no longer in his pocket because he had left it on the kitchen counter. He started to reach for it, when an intruder appeared in the kitchen.

"This is a sad sight," she said, eyeing the lone person and the single glass of whiskey on the table.

"Adriana," Lysander said, "what are you doing here, and how did you get in?"

She brushed a little soot from the little black dress she wore and said, "I used your fireplace. I've got someone at Department of Magical Transportation monitoring the Floo Network. He's making it possible for us to travel wherever we choose, and he's covering up our tracks. Got another glass?"

Lysander walked over to the cabinet and retrieved another. He brought it back to the table and poured Adriana a generous amount of whiskey.

She picked up her glass and waited for him to pick up his. "Cheers," she said, clinking his glass. She took a large swig and then said, "Promise me you won't let me have anything beyond this."

"Adriana, you haven't told me why you're here."

"Well, I have you to thank for my new toy. Aralyn and Kristos Fox had the sword in their possession."

Lysander had a thousand things he wanted to say next. He had been shocked to read about Aralyn's arrest for the murder of her brother, even though he had anticipated that one or both would be dead before it was finished. He wanted to know if Aralyn had really done it or if something more sinister had occurred, but other questions seemed more important at the moment.

"What were you thinking, attacking the house like that with my daughter in harm's way?" Lysander demanded to know. His hand shook a little out of anger, causing some whiskey to spill over the rim of his glass.

Adriana waved her free hand dismissively. "She was never in any real danger, Lysander. Trust me on that." She quirked an eyebrow and expression slight amusement. "And here I thought you might thank me for reuniting you with you daughter. Isn't it her birthday today?"

"Yes," Lysander said, relaxing somewhat. He switched hands and wiped the one covered in whiskey on his pant leg. "She's eight years old today and spending the rest of the night with Briar's daughter."

"So you are all alone. That's no way to spend New Year's Eve."

"It's how I always spend New Year's Eve," Lysander remarked. "Listen," he went on, "there's a mirror in the Fox house that belongs to Charlotte. It's a two-way mirror. I've got its mate, and ever since I found out about Aralyn getting arrested, I've hidden the mirror in a closet. I don't know if the authorities have gone through everything in the house or not, and I don't know if they would pass the mirror off as just a mirror or what it truly is."

"You're concerned it might get linked to you?" Adriana asked. "How is it activated?"

"Usually when it's in hand, but sometimes it's active even when it's not in use. Adriana, if someone were to look in it and see you, for example, that might be a problem."

"What about sound?"

"You can't be heard, only seen."

"So keep it in your closet, and I'll find out about the other mirror one way or another. If it's still in the house, we'll get it back to you. If it's in Magical Evidence at the Ministry, then I'll find a way to get it back to you too."


"No problem. Something like that sounds useful. Where did you get it?"

"My aunt. I would loan it to you for the cause, but––"

"But it's your daughter's. I understand." Adriana smiled at Lysander. "So, is there anything else you need to tell me or can we start to enjoy ourselves now?"

"This isn't exactly my favorite time of year."

"That's because you haven't made enough good memories to make it your favorite time of year. I believe I can help you with that."

To Lysander's surprise, Adriana slinked closer to him, so that there was hardly any space left between them. She gently pried his glass from his hand and set it on the table next to hers. There was a cat-like smile on her face. She teased him by running her the tip of her tongue along his jawline.

"Adriana––" he began, but the moment seized him and he grabbed both her wrists and spun her, so that her back was to the table. He pushed her back onto it, knocking both glasses and the bottle onto the floor, where they shattered and spilled their contents.

Lysander kissed her fiercely, one hand still wrapped firmly around her small wrist, the other snaking its way up to the hem of her dress.

Maybe Adriana was right and it was time to make a new memory on New Year's Eve.

Solo On New Year's Eve (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   03-01-14 17:39

Deak takes a test sip of the mixed drink Faith Childress hands him. "Well?" she asks.

"Not bad."

Faith, whom he knows from a few classes, laughs lightly. "Such a ringing endorsement."

"I mean it. It's not bad. I'm not sure it's one I'd want on a regular basis, but from time to time I wouldn't mind having it as something different. What's it called?"

"Bermuda Black. It's rum, ginger juice, lime juice, and stout."

Deak notices for the first time Faith doesn't have the same drink. "What's that you have?"

"It's called a Diamondback. Rye whiskey, applejack, green Chartreuse. Here, want a taste?"

Deak takes a small sip before saying, "I've never heard of either."

"My girlfriend bartends at a hipster club."

"Is she not here because she has to work tonight?"

"Exactly. I would have gone there but with Chloe working and the club sure to be slammed tonight, we wouldn't have been able to get two words together. Why are you here alone?"

Here is a St. Emerys New Year's Eve bash sponsored by two of the university's larger organizations. Deak lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. "I'm not seeing anyone in particular right now. Some of my friends were coming and encouraged me to come along. As I had no other plans, not really anyway, I came."

"Earlier, I thought maybe you were here with a date. You were in what looked like an intense conversation with someone."

"Ex-girlfriend. Etta. It wasn't as intense as it might have seemed."

"Either you're playing it down as not being intense or it only looked intense because there's some chemistry still there."

"I won't deny there's still some chemistry, at least on my part."

"She called it off?"

Deak mutely nods, taking another drink of Bermuda Black.

"She ever say why?"

"She tried but," Deak shakes his head. "Let's change the subject. How'd you meet your girlfriend?"

Faith gives him an understanding look, moves her seat a little closer to his as the next song playing seems double the volume of the previous ones and tells Deak all about how she met her soul mate Chloe.

Not Brooding (Etta)
Author: Jared 
Date:   03-01-14 18:41

Alexa comes off the dance floor, dropping into the chair next to Etta. "I've seen three different blokes stopping to talk with you. Didn't any of them ask you to dance?"

"All three did."

Alexa raises an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look. I needed a break."

"You've been taking a break the last four songs." Alexa reaches for what's left of her butterbeer. "It's all right if you want to leave."

"I don't want to leave. I just haven't wanted to dance to every single song."

Etta makes a face. "You're still giving me that look."

"I have no idea what look you mean. I do know that you were having a bloody grand time until you and Deak had your little private conversation."

"We were exchanging pleasantries of the 'did you have a nice Christmas?' and 'how's Jared doing?" sort."

"Yet you've been brooding ever since."

"I am not brooding."

"Are too. Ask Marjani."

They are interrupted, thankfully so in Etta's opinion, but a university friend from Spain, Lluvia. "Etta, where is that handsome cousin of yours?"

"I don't know if Basil's made it here or not. He said they might stop by."


"He and his girlfriend Aleydis."

"Oh, yes. He has mentioned her." Lluvia is clearly disappointed.

Lluvia stays chatting for a few more minutes before drifting off to speak with other friends. After she's out of earshot Alexa gives an eye roll. "Good thing Basil only has eyes for Aleydis or Lluvia would have made him a conquest weeks ago."

"Even if Basil weren't with Aleydis, Lluvia doesn't much seem his type."

"I doubt she'd let that stand in her way. Now, back to you and your brooding."

"I am not brooding."

"Okay, let's call it moping. Or sulking if you prefer it."

"I don't prefer any of them."

"At least you haven't been sitting over here drinking heavily. Though, you know, maybe that's exactly what you need. A few more drinks. Loosen up. Get happy."

"Not everyone who's been drinking a lot gets happy."

"True, but as you've never been drunk we can hope that's how you'd be."

"We won't be finding out tonight either as I have no plans to getting drunk."

"Fine, be that way."

Marjani returns to the table in time to ask, "Be what way?"

"Etta's brooding."

"I am not."

"Are too," Marjani and Alexa parrot in unison.

Marjani asks, "Does it have anything to do with your talk with Deak earlier followed by him being chummy with some ash blonde?"

Etta makes another face, knowing that if she says no, neither Marjani nor Alexa will believe her. If she says yes, they'll want to know more about what was said between Deak and her and what Etta might know about that ash blonde. As one song ends and another begins, she's saved from having to say anything other than, "Yes," when someone approaches to ask her to dance, manuevering so that she can't see Deak and the ash blonde on the other side of the room.

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