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Concealment Exercises
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   12-28-09 19:26

Kissy dismisses her sixth years with the reminder, "Research papers are due Wednesday and if you give me any less than five sources for your information I am deducting ten points before I even read the first paragraph!"

This is met with a few groans by the same few who have groaned whenever any matter concerning these papers is mentioned. Kissy ignores the noises as she almost always does and instead turns to ask, "Yes, Erebus?"

Erebus Mars hands her a piece of parchment then points to two items listed there. "It's the same book but one is the second edition and one is the seventh. Do I give you just one or do I use both?"

"Go ahead and use both. Those two editions are so different from each other I've always wondered why the publisher didn't give the seventh edition a new name. Anything else?"

"No, miss. Thank you."

"Do you take Potions?" Kissy asks.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then let me give you a note to take to Professor Snape in case you run a little late getting to his class."

Erebus, who hadn't looked worried, now suddenly looks greatly relieved. "Thank you!"

Kissy jots down a note to Severus then after handing it to him tells the seventh years who've come in, "We're going to Obstacle 2. Go on ahead if you wish. Leave your things here."

This is unexpected news and those in the class exchange grins, hoping they get the full class time on the obstacle course. Kissy waits long enough for the rest of the class to arrive, giving each student the same information as he or she gets there. One student hasn't gotten to class yet when it's time for Kissy to begin so she leaves a note on the door for Bradley Neilson then joins the others at Obstacle 2 in what looks like an entry hall. After doing a quick head count just to make sure she has indeed accounted for the rest of her class Kissy lets them know what the plans are for the hour.

"I will give you each five minutes to conceal yourselves. I will then walk through and try to spot you. If I find all of you and there is still plenty of time left for the class period, we'll do it again. This is a graded exercise so do your absolute best." With that, Kissy waves her wand to lift the charm she'd put in place this morning. With the charm lifted, the walls of the closed in entry hall come apart and fold upward towards the ceiling.

The students get their first look of the rest of the room and as with her sixth years a short time ago, Kissy hears groans. The room is a sea of stripes, plaids, florals, geometric prints in bold colors, and numerous other patterns. Kissy waves her wand and a large hourglass shaped timer floats up above the patterns where it will be visible from anywhere in the room to anyone in the room.

"As soon as I walk into the corridor, your time to conceal yourself begins. You've got one minute before I go out to spread out and look around. Remember, once I do leave, you have only five minutes to conceal yourself as best you are able. Your minute to look around starts... NOW!"

The seventh years quickly scatter, fanning around in all directions. Some stick close to where the entryway had been while others go further into the room, with a few heading all the way to the far back corners. When exactly one minute has elapsed, using the sonorous charm, Kissy announces, "I am now leaving. Good luck!"

Kissy exits Obstacle 2 to stand in the hallway. She uses the five minutes to officially mark attendance and to go check on the classroom to see if Bradley is anywhere to be seen. Kissy had barely taken two steps in the direction of her classroom when Bradley comes hobbling around a corner.

"Sorry I'm late, professor. I fell on my way to class and banged my knee up pretty badly. I've been to see Madam Pomfrey," Bradley explains, handing Kissy a slip of parchment on which the school's nurse has written to ask that Bradley's tardiness not be held against him.

"Are you all right?" Kissy asks.

"Mostly. The knees scraped up and swollen but Madam Pomfrey gave me something to help with that and the pain."

"Up to doing a concealment excercise?"

"I think so."

Gesturing with her thumb behind her at the door to Obstacle 2, Kissy tells Bradley, "Go in and do your best to hide yourself. There's still about 2 1/2 minutes left."

Wordlessly nodding, Bradley starts for the door, pausing only to hand his bookbag to Kissy when she gestures for him to let her have it. She uses the remaining time to stow Bradley's bookbag in the classroom, to leave the nurse's note in one of her desk drawers, and to walk back to Obstacle 2, ready to see how well the seventh years were able to conceal themselves with the challenging patterns she gave them to work with.

(Alanna) In the Library
Author: Beck 
Date:   12-29-09 17:44

Alanna lowered her quill and massaged her writing hand. Her three legal courses, Torts, Contract Law and Property Law did not have any exams or papers in the syllabi anytime soon, but nonetheless required a lot of writing, both during and outside of class. On top of those three courses, she was also taking the second parts to Government and History of Magic, both of which had papers and tests quite regularly.

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, blowing her bangs from her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her classes or the work that accompanied them, because she did, very much. It just sometimes felt like there was too much to do, and too little time, and the hand cramps just weren't fun at all. Alanna thought about using some kind of charm on her quill to take notes for her but wasn't sure she could trust a spell to get down exactly what she wanted. Besides, doing it herself did reinforce the information in her mind.

Since she was more or less taking a break from doing homework and studying, Alanna allowed her eyes to rove around the library. Heads were bent over books at nearly every table and on some of the comfortable armchairs spread out across the floor. Other students stood in the stacks and searched for books.

One such student was Alanna's own sister, Ariella, who stopped at a certain shelf, double checked the call number she'd written down, and reached for a particular book. She turned in Alanna's direction with every intention of going to the checkout desk, when her gaze lifted and she spotted Alanna waving at her from one of the tables.

Ariella smiled, walked over and slid into the empty seat next to her younger sister.

"Hey," she whispered. "Getting some studying done?"

"Some, what about you?"

Ariella had enrolled in her next batch of N.E.W.T. review courses. For Hilary Term they were Arithmancy, Charms, Muggle Studies, and Potions.

"I needed a book for one of my classes. I would stay and study with you if you need some company, but I promised Lawrence I'd be back for supper."

Alanna waved her hand. "I'm not sticking around for much longer, I think," she said. "My concentration is just about gone. I want to finish this one chapter I'm reading and then I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow."

Ariella started to rise from her seat. "I'll leave you to it then. See you later?"

"Yeah. See you."

Just as Ariella was leaving, Jared was heading over with a backpack slung over his shoulder. The two greeted each other before continuing to their destinations, Ariella for the checkout desk and Hogwarts and Jared for Alanna's table.

"Hey," he whispered, sliding into the seat Ariella had occupied only seconds earlier.

"Hey," Alanna said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I want to finish this chapter and then you can distract me all you want."

"That sounds like it could be fun," Jared replied, waggling his eyebrows. He cracked open a book from his backpack and did some quiet reading of his own until Alanna finished reading and taking her notes.

"Okay," she whispered a short while later as she gathered together her stuff, "what's the plan?"

"How about we stop by The Wyrding Way and then think about dinner?"

"Sounds great."

They picked up their things and then left the library and St. Emrys for the little coffee shop across the street.

Odd Noise (Mason)
Author: Pyrrhus 
Date:   12-30-09 16:59

Compared to Mondays, Tuesdays never seem all that bad to Mason. He's got the same number of classes on Tuesdays as on Mondays, four, but Tuesdays are Charms in the morning followed by Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is always enjoyable even when they mainly do regular classroom work. Mason then has a nice two hour break before having to go to Herbology. Mason never thought he'd like learning about plants but Professor Ravenscroft almost always has something interesting for the first years plus Wizarding plants are far more intriguing than Muggle ones. Tuesdays means Astronomy but even though that means not getting to bed until after midnight, with being the age he is, a first class on Wednesday that does not begin until 9 am, and not having to factor in travel time to get to school, Mason doesn't mind that much that Astronomy doesn't even start until 10:30 pm and ends at midnight.

Mondays, on the other hand, are Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic all before noon. Professor Black is an okay chap though he can be a bit strict. Professor Weasley is kind and pretty and a good teacher but she too can be strict. From what Mason's heard he's got the better teachers for Transfiguration and Potions in that Professors McGonagall and Snape are not ones to tolerate any foolishness, particularly Snape. History of Magic is B-O-R-I-N-G. Maybe if Binns would get out of his rut of speaking pretty much in a monotone and liven things up, the history could really come alive. The man isn't even a man. He's a ghost! A ghost should be able make things exciting, shouldn't he?

After lunch is the best of Mason's Monday - and Wednesday and Friday as well - classes. Fitness & Athletics is far better than any of the physical education he had at his previous - Muggle - school. The only drawback is that it's not until 3:30 in the afternoon, which means killing three and a half hours after lunch and means not being done with actual class on Fridays until 5 o'clock.

Reaching his dorm, Mason enters his room and tosses his satchel on his bed. Arthur Fu comes in right behind him and does the same before plopping down on the nearest bed, which happens to be Boris's, and sighing, "Is it time for spring holiday yet?"

"Don't I wish," Mason replies, his voice muffled from being stuck down in his trunk as he roots around for a bag of sweets he knows is there somewhere.

"I was going to take a nap then eat lunch but now I think I'm going to eat first then get in a nap before Herbology," Arthur comments, not even sure if Mason is listening.

"I wanted to get a couple of things before going for lunch. I'll catch you up."

Arthur's response is to heave himself off Boris's bed with a groan then walk out with the slow, heavy tread of someone very tired. Mason continues rooting in his trunk until he stands triumphant with the bag in one hand. After exchanging the books in his satchel for his Herbology things, Mason grabs his coat, hat, and gloves, shoves a pack of Exploding Snap cards into his satchel along with the sack of candy, then makes for the common room.

He's nearly there when an odd sound has him pausing to stand with head tilted to one side while trying to figure out exactly what he's hearing. After half a minute, Mason turns to follow the direction the noise is coming from. It takes him another moment to pinpoint it as coming from another room back down the passage way. At the sight that greets him, the odd noise now explained, Mason asks with burning curiosity, "What are you doing?"

Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   12-30-09 17:30

Fleur stood at the window in her living room and stared out at the cottages across the street, though she didn't really see them. She saw only Bill, whose disappearance clouded her mind with every waking moment, and sometimes even in her dreams. Nearby, Victoire sat on the floor and banged a wooden spoon onto the rug. Although the baby could sense that her mother was upset, she was really too young to truly understand what was happening.

The sound of knocking at their front door startled both Weasley women, but Victoire very soon resumed banging the spoon repeatedly on the floor. Fleur walked to the door and opened it to find her husband's colleague Mrs. Davies standing on the doorstep. She held a large pot in her hands.

"I brought you some soup, dear," Mrs. Davies said, crossing over the threshold at Fleur's invitation.

Fleur followed the older woman into the kitchen and stood by somewhat silently while Mrs. Davies rummaged through the cupboards for a bowl.

"You have been eating, haven't you?" Mrs. Davies asked, finding a bowl and then turning to the drawers for a ladel and spoon.

"Yes, my mother-in-law sees to eet," Fleur replied. "Mrs. Davies," she said, not for the first time, "can you not zink of anyone who might 'ave cause to kidnap my 'usband? Did 'e upset anyone at ze bank? Were zere ever any strange customers een recent weeks zat you can remember?"

Law enforcement had certainly already asked Mrs. Davies and the other employees at Gringotts these questions, and Fleur had been questioned as well since Bill's disappearance might not have had anything to do with anyone connected to the bank.

"I'm afraid not, dear," Mrs. Davies said, but then she paused, ladel in hand, and said, "Wait a tick. There was someone."

Fleur instantly grew excited. "Was zere? When?"

"Oh, some weeks ago. Maybe longer. I really can't recall. I just remember that a man popped in, saw Bill and asked if he was called Bill Weasley. Bill said 'yes' and then the man left. It was all very strange."

Fleur breathed deep. "Ze man popped een? 'E came eenside the bank? You are certain of zis?"

Mrs. Davies thought about it for a long moment. Had the man actually crossed the threshold, or had he merely stuck his head through the cracked door?

"Yes, I do believe he stepped in, but only for a moment. Why is it important?"

Fleur's adrenalin was really running now. "Try to remember when 'e asked about Bill."

She rushed out of the kitchen and swept up Victoire, who'd abandoned her spoon for a snuggle with Marguerite, who was quite well-tempered for a cat.

Victoire squealed with delight, noticing her mother's own happiness.

Mrs. Davies came out of the kitchen, still holding the ladel. "What is it, Fleur?"

"I need to go to Gringotts, right zis moment."

"But your soup!"


Fleur expertly put on her coat while still holding onto her daughter and then bundled Victoire into a warm blanket. She slid a cap Majandra had knitted over the baby's head and then stepped outside. She was already halfway down the street when Mrs. Davies rushed out of the house and shouted, "Wait for me!"

Why Yes, That Does Look Like A Dent (Zuberi)
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   12-30-09 22:48

"What are you doing?"

Zuberi jumps, dropping his wand in the process. It's not the question that startled him per se but having someone there to ask it. He'd never heard anyone approaching but could be he was making more noise than he realized and couldn't hear anything else over it. If that's the case, it stands to reason someone might have heard and come investigating.

Zuberi stoops to scoop up his wand before turning to face the inquistive intruder. He looks the boy up and down as he asks, "First year right? Sorry, but I don't know if I ever caught your name."

"Mason. Mason Jeffers."

"Right. Zuberi Batuti."

"I know who you are."

"Oh? The Quidditch debacle?" Zuberi asks, liking the sound of the word debacle and always pleased to find a way to slip it into conversation.

"Yeah, but even if not for that you're on the team so anyone who watches the matches would know your name. You're also Professor Batuti's brother."

"I really wish that wasn't known by everyone," Zuberi snorts.

"I guess I'd feel the same way if I had a relative on staff," Mason agrees. He then changes the subject back to his original line of thought. "What are you doing? Is that a hole?"

Zuberi shrugs. "I wasn't doing anything." He waves his wand in the direction Mason indicated. "Yes, that does look like a dent in the wall."

Mason doesn't look like he's buying what Zuberi's selling. The younger boy points to the floor near the wall with the dent. "All that... um, what's the word? Rumble? Rubble. All that rubble on the floor it looks like something blew up."

"I noticed that. I have no idea what happened."

"Is this your room?"

"Yeah. Mine and three others. It's a fourth year room. There's another with two other blokes. I'm starving. I think I'll go grab some lunch before the Great Hall stops serving."

"That's where I was going when I heard weird noises coming from here. You're sure you don't know what they were? Like maybe you were trying to make a hole in the wall for some reason?"

Zuberi laughs. "Why would I do that? We're under the lake you know."

"I know. We could flood if there was a hole. You aren't worried about that dent? Maybe we should report it."

"It's my room so I'll do that. Right after I eat though because, like I said, I'm starving."

Zuberi ushers Mason from the room, hoping the little pip squeak doesn't say anything to anyone else before Zuberi has a chance to finish his little project. At the doorway Zuberi says, "Nearly forgot my stuff for my afternoon class." Walking back over near his bed, Zuberi picks up his bookbag and, after making sure Mason isn't watching, quickly rehangs a picture on the wall he'd moved when picking a spot to start his project. The dent he made now covered and out of sight in case any of his roommates come to the room, Zuberi hefts his bookbag onto his shoulder and leaves, catching up with Mason in the Slytherin common room as the boy is reaching the exit.

(Kate) Peeves
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   01-01-10 15:24

In the short time between Professor Ivy's Charms class and Professor Weasley's Potions class, Kate found herself going from feeling relatively happy for no apparent reason to quite angry. The change happened when she came down the staircase to the dungeon while on her way to the Potions classroom. She'd just barely stepped off onto the underground landing, when she felt her back being pelted by something squishy and wet.

Even before Kate turned around to see the culprit behind her latest mishap, she knew who was behind it. She recognized Peeves' annoying cackles. Why he chose her over the other students in the hallway and on the staircase, Kate didn't know. Evidently, she was merely the unlucky one to receive his attention right that moment.

The fact that Peeves had ventured into the dungeons surprised Kate. She had heard that the Bloody Baron, whose main stomping grounds at Hogwarts comprised of the dungeons, frightened Peeves. The poltergeist was tempting fate by being there, though he hadn't ventured past the stairs.

"Wittle Hufflepuff can't dodge water balloons, tsk tsk!"

Although growing increasing annoyed over the fact that she'd gotten pelted by water balloons and had wet hair and a wet back right now, Kate knew it could have been worse. Peeves could have thrown something other than water at her, something smelly and difficult to clean up.

Peeves had another balloon in his hand and made to throw it at Kate. She flinched, and then Peeves laughed some more.

"Scared, wittle Hufflepuff?"

Kate wasn't scared. She just didn't want to get any wetter. She decided better to let him aim for her back than her front and turned around quickly and hurried down the hall for class.

The last balloon hit her square between the shoulder blades. Kate couldn't help but let out a little shriek. She'd known it was coming but she didn't have eyes on the back of her head and its coming had still been somewhat of a surprise.

Peeves' cackles grew softer the more she moved away from him. He obviously had no intention of floating deeper into the Slytherin ghost's territory.

In her haste to get away, Kate rushed around the corridor and collided into Mark Farnon, of all people.

They both bounced off of each other rather forcefully, though Mark stayed on his feet. Kate, however, fell to the ground on her bottom.

"Watch it, will you?" Mark barked.

Kate sat on her aching bum for a long moment, debating whether to scream out in rage or to just break down into tears. She decided that she didn't want Mark to see her cry and settled on snapping at him instead.

"If you hadn't been in my way, I wouldn't have run into you!"

She scrambled to her feet, feeling slightly uncomfortable since her back was still all wet. Kate resisted the impulse to rub her throbbing butt.

"What's the hurry?" Mark countered.

"What business is it of yours?"

The other students walking to and from class glanced at the two out of curiosity but didn't linger too long, as much as they might have liked to, since it was almost time for classes to begin.

Mark shook his head. "You know what? Why should I even care?" With that, he moved around her and continued to wherever he was going.

Kate ground her teeth together. Running into him after getting pelted by those water balloons really was the icing on the cake. Kate set her feet into motion again, because after everything, she really didn't want to be tardy to class.

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