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After Practice (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   09-25-10 20:46

Deak sits on his broom, hovering over the pitch, off to one side. Without taking his eyes off the action in front of him, he asks Griet Vanderbilt who hovers beside him on his own broom, "Want to run through another drill or call it a night?"

Captain of the new Hogwarts Interscholastic Quidditch Tournament team, Griet doesn't answer immediately. Deak keeps watching the rest of the team, knowing that Griet is doing the same. It's several seconds before she says, "We've already gone an hour past scheduled. I'm pretty sure a few have Astronomy this evening and would like to have some time to get homework done for tomorrow before going to a late night class."

Deak sighs, "Homework. Don't remind me. I've still got six and a half inches to write for Snape. It's due at 10 tomorrow morning."

Griet makes a face. "Good luck with that."

Deak shoots her a grin as Griet blows the whistle Coach Batuti had given to her yesterday at the team's first practice. Deak's got a matching one hanging around his neck. The practice yesterday had started with a sit on the ground meeting run by Coach Batuti. She'd wanted to go over a list of strengths and weaknesses made on everyone during the Quidditch trials. Coach had used her own observations combined with those of the Humbatas who helped that day. Her aim in going over the list was to help target the areas that the team will probably need to work on most but she'd also pointed out that it was very possible that if everyone pulled together and functioned as a cohesive unit, some of those weaknesses would not be evident.

Once the meeting portion was over, Deak had turned to Griet for direction on what she'd like to have them do for the remainder of their time. After conferring with Deak for a couple of minutes, they ended up spending the rest of last night's practice doing position specific drills. Tonight has been drills involving the entire team, position specific drills, and a quick scrimmage. They even had devices similar to Omniocculars positioned all around the pitch. This will allow them to look back over specific points in practice and target who needs work on what skill. With a day of exhibition matches 23 days away that gives them only 22 more days of practice to whip into shape as well functioning unit.

Everyone's on the ground now and Griet's giving them a few parting words. As the group breaks up, some going to the locker but most starting for the castle, Deak slips an arm around Etta's waist. "How's your hand?"

"Good. A little stiff but it's not painful so I don't think I need to see Madam Pomfrey."

"If it's giving you problems in the morning, you will though?"

They are slowly walking from the pitch, Deak now carrying both their brooms in one hand, his other hand holding one of Etta's. Ettta is flexing the fingers of her free hand, the one in question. "I will. I'm sure there's nothing really wrong though. Just a minor bruise."

"It didn't seem like it at the time."

"At first, it hurt like bloody hell but now... See." She holds her hand up and repeatedly bends and straightens her fingers. "Slightly stiff. No pain. No swelling. I'm sure Basil is disappointed."

"You think he did it on purpose?"

"He was playing beater against me in the scrimmage, so of course it was on purpose."

"You know that's not what I mean."

Etta playfully pokes Deak in the stomach. "I know. It's Basil. Of course he did it on purpose. He's always been a shitty little bastard and I have no doubt he always will be."

Etta rarely uses bad language of this nature so her use of it now speaks volumes of her opinion of her cousin Basil Wynbourne. He's about to comment but Etta says, "Are we going to discuss Basil or are we going to get in some snogging before we get inside and go our separate ways."

"Discuss Basil of course."

"You're so predictable."

"And you're both so disgustingly cute I shouldn't eat sweets for the next week unless I want to risk a sugar coma," Wiggy says, coming up behind them and draping an arm over each of their shoulders. "Etta, if he won't snog you, I will. Or Jack."

"You'll snog Jack? That's nice of you," Etta says.

"I was going to say something very much like that," Deak informs her.

Wiggy pretends to shudder. "Disgustingly cute and they read each other's minds to boot. He lets go of them both and, quickening his step, goes around. "I'm in desperate need of a snack from the commons. Want me to grab you anything, Etta, before I go to Gryffindor House?"

"Mulled cider, please, thank you."

Wiggy gives a salute and bolts away. Deak and Etta slow more before stopping altogether to get in that snog, ignoring the comments of others coming up from the pitch as they pass the kissing couple. After a few minutes they force themselves to continue on, Deak very conscious of the fact that he's still got a fourth of the paper to write that's due to Snape in the morning and Etta needing to finish some reading for both Charms and Transfiguration.

Visiting Pinky
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   09-26-10 11:13

The security detail Hermione had had following the initial attacks against Harry and Ron during the summer had relaxed somewhat when it seemed that everything had gotten quiet, but after the explosion at Harry's house in which Pinky had gotten critically injured, Hermione once again found herself with a bodyguard around the clock.

She was gracious for the support, but Hermione also didn't like having someone watching her 24/7, even if it was for her own good. Hopefully, the person or persons behind the attacks would be identified and caught before too long.

Hermione had certainly thought about who could behind the attacks, and while she drew up a decent-length list during a fit of brainstorming, she also had no proof one way or another. The suspect had left no identifying clues as far as she knew. Of course, there was the possibility that it was someone new altogether. She only hoped that no one else got hurt.

Hermione had had an overnight shift at St. Mungo's. She didn't work too many nights, but every once in a while she got assigned to an overnight shift. Hermione hated them because she didn't like to sleep during the day when she could be doing something more productive. She also found it difficult staying awake in the middle of the night. It helped if she stayed on her feet the whole time, but by the end of her shift, she felt not only sleepy but achy too.

Rather than go home and go straight to bed like she would have preferred despite how wasteful she felt sleeping during the day was, Hermione went to Pinky's room on the Creature-Induced Injuries floor. Her shadow followed her but stayed outside the hospital room. Inside, Hermione found Harry seated on the little couch against the wall. He'd kept a near-constant vigil at the house-elf's side ever since the accident.

Hermione sat down next to Harry and put an arm around him.

"How's he holding up?" she asked.

"There's been no significant change in one direction or the other," Harry replied solemnly.

Hermione sighed and gazed at Pinky in the hospital bed, who looked like he was sleeping peacefully, which at least served as a comforting thought.

"I wish we knew who or what we were dealing with," Hermione murmured. "I'm afraid of what might happen next."

"Me too," Harry said. "I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed again. Harry hugged her and admitted, "I can't help but feel responsible about what happened to him."

Hermione understood why but said, "Don't. We don't even know for sure what the motive is behind the attacks."

"Still, I'm sure that bomb was meant for me and not Pinky."

"I imagine you're right, but you shouldn't blame yourself for the actions of someone else."

Hermione shut her eyes. They were getting too heavy to keep open now that she had seated herself and found a comfortable pillow on which to rest her head.

If Harry said anything else to her, she didn't hear it, because she soon drifted off to sleep.

(Kate) In a Daze
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   09-26-10 13:44

Like everybody else, Kate had taken a peek at the Quidditch roster to see who had made the cut and who hadn't. She hadn't tried out for the team herself because she wasn't a terribly sporty person, at least not in a competitive way. She'd signed up for Fitness & Athletics because she liked to swim and dance.

She'd noticed right away that her friend Gus had earned the position of keeper for the team. He hadn't played for Slytherin previously, so it would be his first time playing in something other than a scrimmage match with friends. Kate was very proud of him, as she knew he would be of himself. Gus had always looked on in envy at his friend Mark, who had played beater for the Slytherin team last year. Mark would be playing beater again this year, so now the boys were teammates.

Kate had unconsciously sought out his name on the roster, and upon realizing what she'd done had silently cursed herself. Being back at Hogwarts and in his presence hadn't been as easy as she'd hoped. Every time she saw him she was reminded of her father's words:

"There's a saying that if a boy picks on your, he likes you."

And then she couldn't help but wonder if Mark really did like her. She wasn't sure how she would feel if he did, but right now she mostly felt embarrassed when she thought about the possibility. She wasn't even sure she could like him like that. He wasn't bad looking at all––not the stud Gus had become but still somewhat of a looker. His personality was all wrong though. He was arrogant and mean and just––


Kate shook herself from her thoughts and again silently cursed herself for thinking about him again. She focused on Johanna, who had just stopped next to her in the hallway.

"Are you okay?"

Kate realized she'd been standing in the middle of the hall looking totally dazed and immediately felt like a loser. "Yes, I was just thinking about..."

"Yes?" Johanna prompted.

"The new Quidditch roster. I wonder how the matches will be played. I mean, if everyone will get a chance to play in a single match or what."

"It will be interesting to see," Johanna agreed.

They started walking together but parted ways soon thereafter because Johanna had to go to History of Magic class and Kate had to go to Herbology. Once she hit the cooler air outside the castle, her mind totally cleared of all daze-inducing thoughts and left her free to concentrate on her first class of the morning.

Trier, Germany: Doing Everything the Muggle Way
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   09-26-10 14:40

The task Frau Hockenheim gives Fritz when he arrives for his two hours of community service is to sweep the driveway, porch and sidewalk. With it being fall, more and more leaves are falling from the trees in her yard and landing on the ground, where they collect in unruly piles when the wind blows them around. Fritz would love to use his wand to sweep up the brown and yellow leaves, but since he is in a Muggle neighborhood, he can't exactly do that without somebody noticing. He's never obliviated anyone either, so he doesn't want to chance attempting to alter a Muggle's memories.

He finds an old push-broom in the single-car garage, in which sits an old Volkswagen. Fritz is certain the car hasn't run in years, perhaps even decades. It looks like it belongs on a junk heap.

He sets to the task of sweeping the driveway, front porch, and then the sidewalk, and then collects the leaves with a giant dust pan and puts them in the brown trashcan that is meant for biological waste. Next to the brown bin is a blue one for paper, a yellow one for plastic and aluminum, and a gray one for everything else.

When he's finished with that, he rakes the yard even though Frau Hockenheim didn't ask him to do it. He assumes she meant it to be done anyway, though from the looks of things, he might have to do everything all over again because the trees aren't bare yet. He has to rake around all the kitsch in the yard, which doesn't make the job very easy. At least the fountain of the boy peeing works now.

Although he's increased his body temperature from the manual labor, Fritz still feels cold. He adds the raked up leaves to the brown trashcan, stows the rake and dustpan in the garage, and then goes back in the house, where Frau Hockenheim is sleeping in her rocking chair. She's snoring so loudly, Fritz is surprised he didn't hear her from the front yard.

He's debating whether or not to lightly tap her shoulder and wake her when she snorts loudly, licks her lips, and opens her eyes.

"Well, what are you doing just standing there?" she asks him in German.

"I just finished sweeping out front, and I also raked the lawn," he said.

"Good. Now you can take the glass to the recycling bins."

Fritz walks past the bins everytime he shows up to Frau Hockenheim's house. They are color coded, just like everything else, for the different color glass, white, green or brown. There's a crate of empty bottles in the basement, and a couple in the garage. There's a few standing around in the kitchen, too.

Fritz sorts them as best he can and then loads them into a wheelbarrow he found in the garage. If there were less, he could just carry a crate to the bins, but as many as there are, it just seems easier to push them in the wheelbarrow. Now is another time he wishes he could use magic to transport the glass. He feels a bit silly pushing a wheelbarrow full of empty bottles down the street, but no one he meets on the street seems to care.

Lunch Conversation
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   09-26-10 22:18

Dropping her bookbag, Zabrynna slides into a seat beside Philippa and across from Anne. "I'm so glad we only have one more class today."

"You've been dragging all morning. You okay? Anne, pass that chicken to your left, please."

"Didn't sleep well most of the week."

"Going to try to take a nap after Charms?" Anne asks.

"Probably not. I think I'd rather just go to bed early tonight and hopefully get some sleep finally. If I take a nap and actually sleep, then I might not tonight."

"Makes sense," Philippa says before taking a bite of roast chicken. "Anne, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Why? Do I look ill?"

"No, but tomorrow is the first Hogsmeade trip and you've not mentioned Indigo MacFusty since Tuesday, Or at least not around me."

"I can't believe that. Are you sure? I've thought about little else."

Zabrynna, not so much eating the small helping of salad she'd taken as pushing it around on her plate, grins at her friend. "Too busy fantasizing about him to actuall mention him."

"Something like that. Like this morning, in Potions, instead of Snape's voice, I pretended it was Indigo's and that we were alone and "

Philippa holds up a hand, palm outward, towards Anne. "I think we both know what comes after and without hearing the details."

Anne makes a face at Philippa before saying to Zabrynna, "It's too bad you have to stay on the grounds tomorrow."

"I didn't mention?"

"Mention what?"

"I'm going tomorrow."

"Excellent," Philippa says at the same time Anne exclains, "Huzzah!"

"Huzzah? Are you suddenly medieval?" Philippa teases.

Anne ignores her. "I can't believe your parents changed their minds what with this being NEWT year and it's more important than ever not to have outside distractions like going into Hogsmeade."

Margretta and Nolan hadn't changed their minds. If they had their way, Zabrynna would be restricted to campus all school year. Unfortunately for them, now that she's seventeen and legally an adult, Zabrynna made the decision for herself and even spoke with Professor Dumbledore about it before start of term. If he'd said it was a bad idea, Zabrynna would have complied but he had no objections. He is going to check up on her throughout the term and after what she did, Zabrynna thinks that's rather generous of him. She also thinks he feels guilty for her getting hurt doing a project for him last term.

None of this does she mention to her two best friends. She just says, "I'm happy to get to spend the day with you two, even if it means hearing you prattle on even more about Indigo, Anne. Philippa, the soup there, what kind does it look like?"

Philippa ladles up some of the soup and lets it run back into the tureen. "Looks and smells like a watercress soup. Want some?"

"Yes, a tiny bit, please."

Philippa hands her a bowl with more than a tiny bit. "You really should eat more. It seems you hardly eat much these days and you're losing weight."

"My clothes feel like they fit the same."

Anne was nodding along when Philippa made the comment and now she says, "I can see it too. Your face is thinner. Can't have you getting all boney. The lads like a girl with curves. Now if only Indigo will relent and check out my curves in private."

Philippa makes an exaggerated sigh. "Why did I have to mention Indigo to her?"

Zabrynna, glad to talk about something besides herself, grins. "Because you are a glutton for punishment."

The rest of lunch and the walk to Charms is spent with Anne making up for not having mentioned Indigo MacFusty aloud since Tuesday.

Girls' Night Out
Author: Carys 
Date:   09-27-10 19:25

Carys stepped inside Bombay Palace and immediately looked around for someone she recognized. After a moment, a hostess greeted her.

"Table for one?"

"No, actually I'm looking for my friends. We are supposed to meet here tonight."

Originally, Carys hadn't wanted to go out and meet her old friends from Hogwarts for dinner. Although she did want to see them and learn what they were doing these days, she still didn't feel quite like her old self again and feared that they would find something wrong with her. She knew they wouldn't, but she couldn't help but feel self-conscious about herself at the moment.

She knew there was a time when she probably deserved their scrutiny. Her last year at Hogwarts hadn't been her best. She'd done and said things she regretted now, although she would never take Tristan back for anything. Carys couldn't imagine her life without him, and didn't want to either.

In the meantime, she had done well for herself, and what hadn't gone well hadn't been any fault of her own. She knew better than to worry about what her friends might think about her and tried not to follow her instincts and leave the restaurant before they could find her.

"Feel free to look around and see if they are already here," the hostess offered.

Carys smiled her thanks and stepped further into the restaurant, scanning the diners for Juliet, Mindy and Elizabeth. Elizabeth, facing in the direction of the foyer, spotted Carys and waved.

No turning back now, Carys told herself. Another reason she hadn't wanted to go out with her friends was because she worried they would pity her for what had befallen her recently. Her grandfather had advised her not to think so negatively, however, and that a girls' night out was exactly what she needed to move on with her life. Deep down, Carys knew he was right.

She crossed the room and sat down next to Juliet. None of the girls saw each other very regularly anymore, but every once in a while one or another got together or simply bumped into each other somewhere. Carys had probably gone the longest between seeing any of them.

After taking time to herself following her liberation from the Q community for Nons, Juliet had found work at Amber's, a jewelry store in Diagon Alley. This fall, she would be attending St. Emrys for the very first time. She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to read, but she was leaning towards business.

Mindy had started at St. Emrys a year earlier, where she read nutrition. She had a part-time job at Demeter's Diner and also supplemented her income by shelving books at the university library. She was dating one of the beaters of the Falmouth Falcons.

Only Elizabeth had no interest in continuing her education. She had held many jobs over the last year and a half or so and would likely hold many more until she found one she thought she could keep for the rest of her working life, unless she found a wealthy husband first.

That left Carys, who would resume taking classes at St. Emrys when Michaelmas Term began. She hadn't yet decided if she would resume her old position at photographer of Emrys Everyday, though. She wasn't sure she could ever step foot in that dark room again, but perhaps even that was an obstacle she could overcome with more therapy.

It didn't take long for Carys to forget her worries and relax in the company of her friends. It seemed her grandfather had been right. A girl's night out was just what she needed to feel somewhat normal again.

Nearly Time
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   09-27-10 19:26

The restaurant is open as usual but tonight Phin isn't there working or meeting Emerald or friends for supper. He's in the dining room where Jewel and Bailey are getting married in less than half an hour. Phin's dad Virgil, his step-mother Vivian, and little sister Cassandra have a small suite at the Hogsmeade Inn and a little earlier Phin, Virgil, and Bailey used it to get changed and ready for the wedding. Jewel, Cassandra, Vivian, his girlfriend Emerald, and Phin's mother Furnella are upstairs using one of the restaurant's rooms. Even though Cassie won't be three until early December, Jewel wanted her to be flower girl and with the space for the wedding so small, it's not as though Cassie has far to walk. She's been cute all week practicing walking and throwing flower petals.

Emerald is the only bridesmaid and Phin is the only groomsman, serving as best man. With Jewel's father long deceased, her mother is escorting her as is Virgil. Jewel insists they aren't giving her away, just escorting her to the alter. The courtyard where the ceremony is taking place has been transformed from just being picturesque to being a romantic, intimate setting. There are some chairs on either side of a wide runner that's serving as the aisle but most of the small number of guests will stand. Jewel and Bailey want a short ceremony.

After the ceremony ends, the adjoining room, also decorated, and courtyard will serve for the reception. There are a few tables inside and after the ceremony some will be set up in the courtyard, which is being heated against the chill on this first night of October. The food for the reception is going to be informal buffet. It will be put out during the ceremony though the wedding cake is already in place. With this being a small gathering, there's just the bride's cake.

Phin moves to greet Jared Wynbourne, who had been something of a friend of Bailey's at Hogwarts because of being in the same house and both on the Quidditch team. Phin had Jared had always been friendly as well. The bond with Jared grew while working closely in the Resistance. Phin shakes hands with Jared then tells Jared's date, Alanna Beck, "You look stunning."

Alanna's already big smiles brightens more. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

Coming into the courtyard just behind Alanna and Jared is one of Jewel's friends, and former Hogwarts roommate, Ariella Beck Masterson and her husband Lawrence. Phin greets them as well, and also compliments Ariella. Phin had always liked all the Becks and has never been able to decide who is prettier, Ariella or Alanna. He's heard there was an older sister but he's only ever seen one picture of Kendra. Based on it and based on the looks of all the other Becks, she was a looker as well.

All four move further into the courtyard and Phin enters the adjoining room to let people know they should start moving outside soon. Approaching his father Phin tells him, "It's nearly time."

"I'll go let the girls know though if I know Furnie, she's already on it."

The door opens and two more people enter. Virgil stops in his tracks then reaches back to tap Phin on the arm. "You should get Bailey."

Phin turns to ask his father what he needs then sees who the two people are. Without saying anything to Virgil, Phin returns to the courtyard and after excusing himself for interrupting Bailey's conversation with guests, he pulls Bailey aside and says quietly, "Your parents are here."

"What? You wouldn't joke about that minutes before the wedding begins, would you?"

"No joke. They just came in." Phin directs Bailey inside where Ian and Lisbeth Gray stand dressed for the wedding and looking highly uncomfortable.

Bailey tenses, steels himself, then walks over to find out why they decided to come afterall.

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