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Lack Of Sleep
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   09-28-10 15:37

Emerald apparates to Hogsmeade, appearing withing view of the main garden entrance of the Imperial Crown & Cauldron. She yawns then stands breathing deeply of the fresh, crisp, fall Scottish morning air. Emerald had wanted to snuggled deep in bed this morning and sleep till noon but she has thing to do today, one of which is picking up some things she'd left at the restaurant last night. They'd partied at the reception until the wee hours and by then she was so tired she hadn't even thought to get the clothes she'd changed from into her bridesmaid dress or her cosmetics bag.

The wedding had been beautiful. Emerald's cocktail length dress was a silk shantung in a gorgeous shade of amethyst. There's long been a running joke over the standard line regarding bridesmaid dresses You can wear it again, but Jewel had not picked a bridesmaid's dress with the thought it could later be used as a cocktail dress. She'd picked a cocktail dress to use as a one time bridesmaid dress. Emerald will definitely get more wear out of it and in fact, there's a party coming up she's planning on wearing it to.

Jewel's dress had been a simple lace and silk sheath and had been more of a champagne in color. There were champagne roses as well as lilies of the palest yellow Emerald had ever seen. Cassandra's dress had echoed that yellow, with an amethyst sash and amethyst colored details. The guys had looked great in formal robes, what Emerald's come to think of as the Wizarding equivalent of the Muggle tuxedos she grew up familiar with. The robes had been black with Bailey's tie the same champagne as Jewel's dress while Bailey's and Virgil's were amethyst with pale yellow pinstripes. Emerald knows that magic was used to ensure that all three ties matched the color of the dresses and for Cassandra's to match the shade of the lilies and the amethyst in Emerald's dress. The mother of the bride also wore yellow, but of a deeper, richer shade that was a perfect combination with her dark mocha skin.

Shocking everyone in attendance was the arrival of Lisbeth and Ian Gray. They'd not approved of Bailey dating Jewel back when the couple were still students at Hogwarts and they certainly had not approved of a relationship stronger than just casual dating. When Bailey had made clear he was not giving up on Jewel simply because his parents did not approve of Jewel not being considered a pureblood they'd turned their backs on Bailey. He had a little money from one set of grandparents and he'd also gotten a job while also a student at St. Emerys. Jewel's been going to school and working as well, apart from that time spend in one of the Ministry camps, and with the full support of her mother and step-father, she and Bailey haven't had as much of a struggle as others might who've been all but disowned by their parents. Having them show up last night mere minutes before the start of the wedding ceremony was the last thing anyone, least of all Bailey, expected.

Emerald hadn't witnessed the initial meeting between parents and son but Phin told her later in the evening that when Bailey had greeted them, wary as to whether they were there to cause a scene, Lisbeth Gray had simply said, "We got your invitation, thank you."

Ian had said nothing beyond, "Hello, where should we sit?"

Bailey escored his parents to the front row of the handful of chairs set up to two seats marked as reserved but ones he and the others in or helping with the wedding expected to remain empty. Bailey had said that his parents wouldn't show up but that didn't mean he couldn't hope. Why he'd want to hope after the snobs they've been to Jewel, Emerald isn't sure yet at the same time she thinks she might understand. It has more to do with the fact that they are his parents plain and simple. As someone who'd give anything to have her parents back, even if it were in the middle of the worst fight she'd ever had with them, Emerald has an inkling of Bailey's thoughts and emotions on the subject of Ian and Lisbeth Gray.

The Grays had been stiff, over the top cordial and unfailingly polite last night. They'd stayed long enough for the cake to be cut at the reception then made their goodbyes but not before Ian wordlessly shoved an envelope into his son's hands. The envelope contained a letter to Gringott's instructing a large amount of money be transferred from the Gray family vault to Bailey. The Grays still don't seem happy with Bailey's choice of Jewel but at least them showing up last night for the wedding and giving Bailey a gift is a step in the right direction for them.

Emerald yawns again and realizes she's not yet moved from the spot she'd apparated to. Taking another deep, cleansing breath, she wishes the cool air would help wake her up but so far it's not having much effect. She gets her feet moving towards the restaurant where she knows she can get a hot cup of coffee. Hopefully that will help.

In addition to getting her things from here, Emerald's also wanting to find out if Dynamic Duo's playing today for Hogsmeade Saturday. Phin had said it would depend on whether certain people, such as Anthony, had to work today. Anthony generally knows when ahead of time when he's scheduled, which means lots of Saturdays as he's still somewhat low on the totem pole, and when he's available but sometimes a case he's working will have him working unexpected hours.

The other reason Emerald's in Hogsmeade today is to meet with Olive. Since both Jade and Hunter made the Quidditch team, the only first years to do so from Emerald's understanding, they are allowed to have their own brooms at school. Aunt Blythe and Uncle Woody have given Emerald some money to purchase two Quidditch worthy brooms that also don't break the bank. Olive and Emerald are going to pick them out and Olive's taking them back to Hogwarts this afternoon to surprise the twins with them. Normally, Olive would have been envious and wanting a new broom as well but she was a recipient of the Kendra Beck Hogwarts Scholarship and used some of the money from it to get a top of the line, seriously awesome new broom just before the start of school.

Reaching the garden door, Emerald simultaneously yawns and pulls the door open. If she can't wake up soon someone's going to find her face down in the garden and with her luck, she'd be snoring loudly and drooling in the process. The heady aroma both freshly brewed coffee and freshly brewed tea guides Emerald in the direction she needs to go to get a cup of something heavy in caffeinne. Everything else will just have to wait.

Liar, Liar
Author: Ella 
Date:   09-28-10 18:58

Ella slipped out of the Gryffindor common room and made her way down to the courtyard, where Professor McGonagall waited to receive the permission slips from the underage students wanting to visit Hogsmeade. Ella, having turned 17 last month, didn't need to submit one and brushed passed the gathering throng for the grounds. She moved quickly with the hopes of avoiding Francis, who likely had made plans to meet Ashleigh in the village. If she knew him as well as she thought she did, then he would also be checking up on her to see if she would be meeting up with Zane.

She had made plans to do so, which was why she hurried to get to the village. Ella found Zane at their usual spot, The Hog's Head pub, where not many students tended to go. He had a very serious expression on his face but bent to kiss her gently on the lips before holding out her chair for her and then pushing it closer to the table once she'd been seated.

Ella could sense the tension in the air but pretended as if she didn't notice.

"I missed you," she said, reaching over the table to squeeze one of his hands.

"I missed you too, Ella," Zane expressed matter-of-factly.

"It's just that my job has kept me super busy, and I've been away from home nearly the whole time. I thought I might hate not being able to see you and my mum as often as I would like, but it's hard not to love my job."

"You never did say what it is you do," Zane asked. He raised his hand in the air to signal for the barkeeper to send over a pair of drinks.

"Oh? I thought I had. That's funny. I guess staying busy has made me a little forgetful," Ella replied with an awkward laugh. She'd never felt so guilty about lying to Zane as she felt now, and she had no idea why that might be. Lying usually came so easy for her, but now everything she said seemed so obviously fake. She knew he was already a bit upset with her for having kept away from him so long, but she hoped that he didn't doubt how she felt about him.

She realized he was still waiting for an answer and blurted out, "I'm a personal assistant for a traveling businessman. Businesswoman, I should say," in case Zane had reason to wonder if her avoiding seeing him the past month had had anything to do with her "boss". She wasn't sure if he was the jealous type and didn't want to give him any more cause to be upset with her.

"What does your employer do?" Zane asked. He looked up when the drinks arrived and nodded his head in thanks to the bartender.

Ella waited for his gaze to fix on hers again and said, "I honestly don't know half of what she does. I just know she takes her business all over the world, and as her assistant, I go with her." She leaned forward, seizing his hand again. "But enough about me. I want to hear about you. What's new in your life?"

"Nothing really," Zane replied. "I must say I'm a little surprised you actually came to see me today."

Ella had hoped he wouldn't turn the conversation back to her so quickly. She tried not to show her disappointment. "I said I would be here. Why did you doubt me?"

"Because I don't know what to think about you anymore."

Ella took her hand back and leaned against the back of her chair. She fiddled with her glass and asked, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I just find it a little odd that a witch who doesn't have the same constraints as an ordinary Muggle woman does when it comes to travel and time wouldn't make the effort to see her boyfriend as often as she possibly could. We haven't seen each other since August, Ella. It's now October."

"I told you, I was busy."

"Too busy for us?"

"No, of course not."

"Then what? If you are having doubts about resuming our relationship, you should just tell me and not string me along."

"It's not that."

"Then what, Ella? Can you for once be completely honest with me?"

"No," said Francis, who had just entered the pub, "Ella is a big, fat liar."

The Ugly Truth
Author: Ella 
Date:   09-29-10 20:00

"Ella is a big, fat liar."

Ella felt a mix of emotion at seeing Francis at The Hog's Head. She really thought she had given him the slip, but evidently he'd known exactly where to find her and with whom. It angered her that he had taken it upon himself to butt in on her relationship when she'd clearly told him to butt out, and now it stood to reason that he would ruin everything she had with Zane.

She stood up and said pleadingly, "Francis, just go away, okay?"

"No, I want to hear this," Zane said, also climbing to his feet.

Ella felt her heart sink. If Francis told Zane the truth, she would end the day without a boyfriend, and without a best friend.

"Why are you accusing Ella of telling lies?" Zane asked. "I thought she was your friend."

"It's because she's my friend that I'm here," Francis replied as he moved away from the front door and approached their table. "I want you to know who and what she really is and then I want you to get out of her life."

Zane instantly went from curious to perturbed. "Oh? Is it because you want her for yourself?"

Ella felt embarrassed. She well-imagined that Zane was now wondering whether or not she'd been carrying on an affair with Francis during the month she had been avoiding him.

Francis didn't miss a beat. "No, it's because you're all wrong for her, just like she's all wrong for you."

Ella frowned and stepped forward and in between the two wizards. "Let's not talk about this now," she said, aware that the handful of others in the pub were watching the exchange with avid interest.

"No, Ella, I think we will discuss this now," Zane said, moving her aside so that he and Francis were standing with little room between them. "Why are Ella and I a bad match?"

"Because she's not what she says she is," Francis answered. "She's a Hogwarts student still."

"Is she?" Zane asked.

Ella couldn't tell if he really doubted Francis' words. Zane thought it almost made sense that she was still attending Hogwarts, but there was something he didn't like about her friend. It made him want to disbelieve everything Francis said.

"Yes, she is," Francis stated. "And, she's only just turned 17, which means that when you first started dating, she was very much underage."

"I don't believe you," Zane said, though again Ella didn't hear any confidence in his voice. Zane turned his head to look at her, and when she saw the look on his face, she realized that her own had betrayed herself. Zane turned back to Francis.

"You can go now," Zane said. "Ella and I need to have a serious talk."

"I'm not leaving her here with you," Francis said.

Zane expelled an annoyed sigh. "I think it would be best if you walked away now."

"Or what?" Francis asked, not at all willing to back down.

Ella moved forward again to convince Francis to go on and leave, when Zane said, "Oh, hang it all," and swung his fist right into Francis' face.

A Weekend Off
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   09-30-10 13:57

Orei shifted beneath the blankets, already the weather was turning a bit cooler and she was enjoying it. Jim was currently sitting up in bed next to her, reading the day's issue of the Daily Prophet and looked over at her as she stirred.

"Well, good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked, slipping out of the bed and headed to the closet, hunting for something.

"Well enough once I finally finished work and headed to bed." She said and pushed herself upwards and getting out of the bed. "I want to shower. I am even amazed that I am up as early as I am given the time I went to bed." She slid a hand through her hair and looked over at him.

"I'm not surprised really, you've been pushing yourself too bloody hard this week, and you need to relax a bit. You did get this weekend off right?" He asked, as he came up behind her and slid an arm around her, pulling her back into him.

"Yeah, I did. I had to bust my butt this weekend, that trial is first thing Monday morning, and I really should have worked this weekend to ensure that everything in the translation is ready for the trial."

Her little tiraid was silenced by a press of his lips to hers and then she blinked up at him. "They can handle it without you for a weekend. The trial will go on as planned and your translations will shine as always. You've done all that you can, and I am not going to let you work at all this weekend." Jim said and then moved to gather up her papers, and tucked them into the small safe in the bedroom. "Don't even go near the safe this weekend, I'll have your work in your briefcase in the morning."

Orei attempted to protest, but Jim shook his head. "No. Absolutely not. No working tonight or at any point the rest of the weekend."

"Fine. I'm going to shower, then where are we going?" She asked, as she headed into the bathroom, and waited for his answer before she got into the shower.

When they were both ready, they floo'd to a small BnB in Glasgow, Scotland where they would be spending the weekend.

Everything's Better With Butter
Author: Plum 
Date:   10-01-10 22:16

Dynamic Duo's set ends to a hearty round of applause, cheers, and whistles. The band members go in different directions for the break with Plum, stifling a yawn, going over to a table where Alanna Beck is sitting with Alex. He's happily munching on a plate of roast chicken, peas, and a jacket potato that he's taken delight in smushing so much with his fork that it more resembles mashed potatos with bits of skin left in the mash. He's also managed to convince Alanna to allow him to slather the potato with butter. Plum swears that if left on his own with butter within reach, Alex would happily eat it as is. The only thing that would temp him away from the butter would be sweets and if he could find a way to drench sweets with butter, he'd be estatically in heaven.

Plum sits down beside him, ruffling Alex's hair as she does. He grins at her, mouth full of peas, potato and chicken. "Chew with your mouth closed, Alex," she reminds.

He does but only after he's shoveled in more buttery potato. Plum, covering her own mouth as she again yawns, reaches for the drink she'd left just before the set began as Alanna asks, "Where did Anthony get off to?"

"Desi was back there on the fringe and gestured for him. Shop talk I'm sure."

Alanna swivels her head around in the general direction Plum had indicated, easily spotting her brother and his oftentimes partner on Auror cases. Turning fully back around she says, "I hope you don't think I'm trying to stir up something but I've wondered if you ever get worried that Anthony works long hours with another woman."

Plum glances to where Desi and Anthony are standing close together, his head bent down to her as she speaks with an intense look on her face. Giving Alanna a smile she shakes her head, causing a stray lock to fall into her face. "No, I don't even think about it much. I trust Anthony and it's not as if Desi has given the teeniest indication she's even remotely interested in Anthony that way; but if she had, I still wouldn't be concerned. Maybe annoyed that she'd set her sights on someone in a relationship but not concerned. Are you asking because of common curiosity or is there something I don't know? Or is it really something with you and Jared?"

"Common curiosity. I know some people don't like it when their significant other works closely and often with someone of the opposite sex. You've never seemed to be bothered by it but there's always harboring deep resentment."

"Yes, that's me. Harboring deep resentment," Plum jokes only to turn serious quickly. "Actually, I have done that, just not where Anthony is concerned. For years it was my parents, my father in particular. And for a long time I felt that way about Ryland Yaxley."

"But not anymore?"

"Not really now that he's in jail, though for awhile even after he was first convicted I felt that way. It was a combination of anger at him, stress with Evan drinking again and leaving me to raise Alex and pay bills, and take care of everything."

"Speaking of your dad, how is he?"

"He's shown enough improvement we're moving him into a different facility next week. It's more of a rehabilitation hospital."

"The healers eventually determined it was a stroke?"

"Yes, that's right. A stroke made worse by the effects of his heavy drinking. Not helping matters was that his liver was failing and he'd never had it seen to. Luckly for him, St. Mungo's was able to mostly patch up his liver." Plum yawns again. "Sorry. It's been awhile since Anthony and I were out really late."

"The wedding was nice though, wasn't it?"

"Pum, more tato."

"If you want more potato, what do you say?"

"Pum, more tato please."

"You may have another potato but you may not have more butter. Do you stil want another potato?"

Alex studies his plate, deep in thought before heaving a sigh that has his little shoulders rising far up then dropping down as if he's wilted. "No. Dat's okay."

"If you eat a few more bites of peas and chicken, you may have a sweet."


"Yes, really."

Alex attacks the rest of the food on his plate as Plum gives her attention back to Alanna. "Yes, the wedding was real very nice and I just loved the dresses." Anthony and Plum had arrived to this very restaurant the night before for the wedding of Jewel Reily and Bailey Gray less than five minutes after Alanna and Jared and Ariella and Lawrence had arrived. They'd stayed later at the reception, Jewel and Bailey making an exit with a toss of the bouquet and the garter belt, going and changing, then returning. They'd done that for those who wanted to stay awhile at the reception but who didn't want to be there all night. "Do you know if they were going on a honeymoon?"

"I heard they were going to Athens today to see the city and then spend a couple of days on one of the Greek islands before going to Cairo. They'll be back in time for the new term at St. Emrys."

"Sounds lovely. I was in Cairo on business the other day but didn't get to do any sight seeing."

"You were in Australia this week too, weren't you?"

"Yes, and because the client decided to haggle over a clause in the contract, I was there longer than expected. It did give me a chance to pick up that toy kangeroo for Alex," Plum says with a nod at the stuff animal currently hopping back and forth in front of Alex's plate. "He's decided he wants a real one for a pet."

Alanna laughs, "They do make excellent flat pets I hear."

Plum pretends to cover Alex's ears, teasingly admonishing Alanna, "Shhhh. Don't encourage him."

Alex looks up from his food from one of Plum's hands to the other, then pushing them both away, asks, "Pum, is it time for a sweet?"

She inspects his plate then nods. "You may have a sweet. It's time for me to go sing again but if you ask Alanna nicely, she might help you pick one out instead of making you wait."

Alex turns his most angelic expression on Alanna. "Please? I love you, Alanna."

Plum rolls her eyes. "Don't let him convince you whatever he gets needs butter."

Alanna, giggling, nods while motioning for a server and saying, "I love you to, Alex. What should we get? Do you like chocolate?" knowing full well that Alex adores chocolate and the only way he'd think anything made of chocolate would be better would be if it was coated in butter.

Plum leaves them debating over the dessert menu to rejoin Phin, Kody, Drake, and Anthony back at the gazebo that's serving as a stage. Seconds later Dynamic Duo's begun the next set.

Training Wheels
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   10-02-10 09:06

While different groups zip around in the air high above him, working on various Quidditch related skills, Viktor is on the ground with two first years wanting more supervised practice with flying. They'd had a lesson a week during the month of September and Viktor knows Theodosia makes herself available to give additional instruction to those in need but some people simply need more time with someone helping them before feeling confident enough to fly alone or when playing around, such as in Quidditch with friends. He's got the two on either side of him, at arm's length, flying slowly along as he walks beside them, marking helpful remarks and observations.

The weather's nice today, though it's definitely autumn with a crispness to the air, so there's been a nice turnout for today's workshop. Viktor wonders if there's an increase in interest because of the Interscholastic Quidditch Tournament. Students who like Quidditch suddenly having a passion for it because of getting to watch their school team play against six other schools. Though much quieter and much more shy when he was a seventh year at Durmstrang, despite already being a professional Quidditch player, Viktor had secretly been thrilled at the opportunity to see another school of magic in operation. He'd not won the Goblet of Fire in the Twiwizard Tournament, and the last task had turned out to be something of a nightmare, particularly for Harry Potter and most certainly for Cedric Diggory's family, but all in all, the experience of the school year spent here was one Viktor is glad to have had. He made some lifelong friends. There was a time after the Yule Ball that he would have bet money that Ron Weasley would never turn a kind eye on Viktor much less become a friend but that's only because that was during a time when Ron hadn't known his feelings for Hermione Granger were anything other than just that of a good friend.

Viktor tells the two first years, "At the end of the pitch, we'll turn the corner. I'll leave it up you each whether to do a gradual, more banking turn or do a sharp, right angle turn."

"Banking is easier," Kay Dunlap says.

Penny Puckett, carefully turning her head to look at him, says, "Are you sure? I never could do a turn in any of our lessons with Coach Batuti. I always fell off."

"That's because you let yourself get flustered which made you wobbly," Viktor gently says. "Kay, you do your banking turn and, Penny, as it is easier for a beginning, why don't you try one as well. Gradually start shifting your broom. Yes. Just like that."

The turn is extremely slow on Penny's part, faster on Kay's though still slow by many standards. Viktor praises them both, gives them each some pointers and has them do more banking turns. After about fifteen minutes he says, "You're both doing really well. Go up another two feet each of you and let's make another circuit around the pitch."

By the time Viktor calls the first break of the workshop, a break for everyone with refreshments provided, he tells Penny and Kay, "You're both making excellent progress. Would you like to work some on your own next or do you still want me walking along beside?"

"You'll keep watching out?" Penny asks.

"Yes, of course."

"Then I'd like to practice some on my own," Penny ventures. Kay quickly states his desire to do the same, not wanting to be outdone by a girl. When the break ends, they leave Viktor to work with someone else as they each try flying without Viktor as their training wheels.

Stuffed (Gus)
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   10-02-10 19:25

Augustus Hodfuffer and Caerwyn Valentine lie on a patch of grass not far behind Briar's Bakery, a very large empty plate - more of a serving platter really - and a nearly empty pitcher of milk between them. Gus examines the crumbs on a smaller plate and after wetting is finger picks up the crumbs to eat. Afterwards he groans, "I'm soooooooo stuffed. Why did I feel like I HAD to eat the crumbs?"

"Because they were too good to pass up."

"The ones with the caramel and toasted nuts in the center were my favorite I think."

"The chocolate sandwich biscuits with the different fruit creams were mine I think. Or maybe those green ones. Not the mint ones, the other ones."

"Pistachio, I think."

"Yeah, that's it."

After another second Caerwyn forces himself to roll over and get up. "Guess I should get this stuff back to Briar."

Caerwyn stacks the plates and grabs one of the glasses that a very short time before held milk. Gus gets the other glass and the pitcher with what's left of the milk. This is their first official visit to Hogsmeade with Albus Dumbledore running Hogwarts. Under Harriet Snider, the rules for coming into the village were more lax though the younger students did have more limitations than the older ones. This is the boys' first trip into the village without close adult supervision and it not being a holiday or something like that. Of course, with Caerwyn living in Hogsmeade and Gus a frequent visitor it's not as though being in the village is anything out of the ordinary. They both agree though that this being their first true Hogsmeade weekend with Hogwarts being run as it should be that today is nonetheless special. They were some of the first in line to come into town, choosing to eat breakfast here rather than at school and their permission slips long ago turned in. They just had to wait for Filch to check their names off the approved list, which Gus supposes also lets them know who's in town. That way if someone isn't around, the school staff will know whether that student was off campus or not, or at least off campus with permission that is.

After a breakfast at The Three Broomsticks, the boys had meandered from shop to shop. They'd also gone to visit Caerwyn's sister Grace and Charlotte Stratford who is like another sister or a very close cousin even though she's not actually related. Caerwyn's grandmum was at Twice Told Tales, there to pick up Grace and Charlotte for some sort of girly tea party but they were waiting to see Caerwyn, and Gus, before leaving. Mrs. Valentine also slipped Caerwyn extra spending money, which the boys put to good use at Weasley's and Honeyduke's. They'd gotten piping hot chips from Burger Wizard, which they drenched in vinegar and ketchup then had hit the arcade at Blossom's. They took a break from playing the variety of games offered there to eat lunch for free at the Imperial Crown & Cauldron, what with it being owned by Gus's relatives, and they enjoyed listening to Dynamic Duo while they ate. After that they hit the Quidditch shop then went over to the bakery to say hello to Briar.

The bakery was busy as it always is when the village is full of students but Briar took time out to direct the boys to a large box full of biscuits of all kinds. They'd been ordered for a party but the person never showed to pick them up nor sent in the final payment so that Briar would deliver the biscuits. That was a day and a half ago and with still no word from the client, Briar was looking at throwing all those biscuits out. She said they weren't fresh enough to serve the customers but if Gus and Caerwyn wanted them, they were still perfectly good biscuits. They'd readily agreed, mouths already drooling.

Caerwyn, by now used to serving himself milk when at Briar's and knowing where the plates and things are kept. He had Gus put a bunch of the cookies on the large plate they'd had and bring it with a couple of smalls ones while Gus got them milk. They'd carried these outside to eat, meaning to only eat a few biscuits each then put the remainder back in the box with what Gus had left in it. They'd take the box back to school with them later today. Only there were several types of biscuits Briar doesn't normally make for the bakery. They're special order only. That meant sampling a number of cookies neither had ever had from her before. Next thing they knew, the big plate was empty and most of the milk gone.

Reaching the back door to the bakery, Gus tells his friend, "I'm so full I don't want to do any moving that requires bending."

Caerwyn grins over his shoulder at Gus. "Me too! That leaves out some of the games at Blossom's but we could go play others for awhile or we can go hang out at my place and listen to the WWN and play chess."

"Either's fine with me."

"Games at Blossom's then since we can do chess and listen to the WWN tonight in the dorm."

The boys deposit the bakery's plates, pitcher, and glasses in one side of the large sink then head back to Blossom's. They'll get the box with the rest of the biscuits before going back to Hogwarts because even though stuffed to the point of hurting at the moment, it won't be long before both boys are ready for some sort of snack, maybe slices of cake, that will have then back at the bakery at least once more before time to make the walk up to school.

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