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Is It Friday Yet?
Author: Pyrrhus 
Date:   02-23-12 20:52

"Is it Friday yet?" Mason wistfully sighs, sliding onto a seat at the Slytherin table.

"Don't I wish. What took you so long?"

Even though Mason was only a few minutes behind Boris Samson reaching the Great Hall for lunch, his friend is more than halfway through a first helping. "I wasn't very long, at least I don't think. I told you I had a question for Professor Black."

Mason studies today's offering of dishes, selecting first a chunky beef stew and grabbing a couple of slices of buttery, crusty bread to eat with it. "You ready for Potions?"

"We're just doing some review aren't we?"

"You have a make-up to do, remember?"

"Hell! Why didn't you remind me?"

"I did, last night before supper."

"Yeah, that's right. Sorry. I got distracted and then totally forgot." Boris is getting to his feet, shoveling food from his plate into his mouth. He grabs a sandwich, hitches his book satchel to his shoulder and bolts with a full mouth garbled, "Got to study."

Shifting his attention back to eating, Mason catches sight of Alexa Wenlock. He needs to be sure and get her Secret Santa gift delivered this week. Maybe he'll do that after Defense Against the Dark Arts this afternoon. It's a plaid bookbag. He knows it's not an overly imaginative gift but it is useful and he's not seen another like it around school.

(Ariella) Lawrence's Birthday & Waiting for Gillian
Author: Beck 
Date:   02-24-12 17:04

Ariella and Lawrence had both attended the Quidditch match on Saturday, which had also been Lawrence's birthday. As Hufflepuff had been playing, Ariella had fervently hoped that the badgers would pull off a win. Both Ariella and Lawrence had been in Hufflepuff when they'd been students at Hogwarts, and it would have been an especially nice birthday present for Lawrence if his old house could have won the match.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

But, Ariella had had more in store for the birthday boy. After the match, she'd invited Maggie up to their quarters for ice cream and birthday cake. The three had had a good time together. One of the gifts Ariella had gotten her husband was a map of the world, nearly as tall and long as one of the walls in their quarters. Ariella had already added red push-pins to all the places they'd visited together. Ariella had the idea that they could also mark other places they'd separately been and use different colored push-pins in those instances. For example, Ariella could use blue and Lawrence could use green. Maggie could even play along and use yellow push-pins.

Later, after Maggie had gone back to her dorm room, Ariella and Lawrence had gotten ready for a dinner date for just the two of them. Ariella had made reservations at Little Italy in Greenwich. It had been crowded, it being a Saturday night, but they'd gotten their table upon arrival and had hardly noticed anybody else all evening except for each other.

When planning Lawrence's birthday, Ariella had debated booking a night at a B&B, but she'd ultimately passed on the idea. Their quarters at Hogwarts were cozy enough and in some ways quite isolated from the ordinary goings-on in the castle. By the time they'd gotten home, they'd been extremely sleepy from the big, delicious meal they'd eaten. They'd slipped straight into bed and fallen asleep in each other's arms.

Now it was Monday evening. Ariella sat at the window in her flat and gazed absent-mindedly at a bird circling over the tops of the trees in the Forbidden Forest. The only reason she could see it was because the moon was getting full. Night had long fallen, but the moonlight illuminated everything in its path.

The news that Freddy Fiske had given her and Gillian when they'd visited him in Diagon Alley had decided for Ariella without a doubt that her dad had fooled around with yet another woman and fathered another child nobody else had heretofore known about. Of course, it hadn't been proven yet. For some reason Gillian was vacillating on whether or not to get tested to see if she and Ariella were half-sisters.

Ariella knew that Gillian believed that they looked too closely alike not to be related, but Ariella guessed that from the moment Gillian had learned the name Fredegar Fiske, she'd thought of him and nobody else as her father. It would take some time for her to adjust to the fact that her mum had deliberately lied to her about Freddy. Ariella wished Gillian would hurry up for her sake, but she didn't want to seem pushy.

For now, she would just have to wait for Gillian to come around to the idea that they were probably family. And in the meantime, she could wonder how many other secret affairs her father had.

Author: Illyria 
Date:   02-24-12 18:13

Illyria sat at her desk in the Astronomy classroom and made sure her grade book was entirely up-to-date, with the exception of this week's final exams, of course. Although she appeared to be working, she felt very distracted. She couldn't stop thinking about Nathan and Urania, who had just announced their engagement. Illyria had known it was coming, but she'd been shocked to learn how soon the wedding would be. Urania would become Mrs. Goode on New Year's Day.

Illyria knew she shouldn't feel upset. After all, she'd told Nathan to marry Urania. It was for the best.

And as for herself… well, she'd move on eventually… wouldn't she?

She sighed and forced herself to either concentrate on her work or to think about something else. Something else won out, at least temporarily.

As she'd done every year, Illyria had submitted her name for Secret Santa. This year, she'd been assigned Eden Jenkins, one of her second year Hufflepuff students. Illyria liked to give Astronomy-related gifts, though she didn't always. For Eden she had found something fitting, a three-dimensional half-moon pendant with little stars, hearts and moons on it. She'd almost gotten one for herself, too.

Her thoughts about Secret Santa were brief, and soon she was thinking about Nathan again. Luckily, she was interrupted by the arrival of her Gryffindor and Hufflepuff first years, who didn't at all look happy to be entering her classroom. Illyria supposed she couldn't blame them, since they were scheduled to take an exam. But on the bright side, after tonight, they wouldn't have Astronomy class for a few weeks!

Secret Santa Gifts Delivered
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   02-24-12 18:16

Saturday had been fantastic, and the gift that Ariella had given him, the massive wall map that had pushpins already littering it's expanse, and would only gain more of them as he and Ariella continued to travel, as well as putting in those places they'd been individually and the places that Maggie had been would soon fill the map with a rainbow of colors.

It would have been wonderful if Hufflepuff had won the game on Saturday, a fantastic birthday present to be sure, but alas it had not been meant to be. Thankfully, Monday was his light days and even more so now that it was the final week of term. He'd had his own exams not too long ago and was looking forward to the break that the holidays provided. He had an anniversary trip planned for he and Ariella, and he was uncertain if Maggie would want to head back to Australia for a time during the winter holidays, or if she wanted to remain here at Hogwarts until the final term started.

Either way, he'd done his Christmas shopping much like everyone else during the last Hogsmeade weekend, however, he'd gotten quite a few gifts, including a gift from him and Ariella for Anthony, Plum and Alex as a sightseeing tour for the three of them throughout historical Wizarding places in the United States for two weeks. As well as a few toys for Alex, and a few other bits and pieces. He'd also put his name in for the Secret Santa that was done every year for staff and students. He'd drawn Gloriaspasiana Hodfuffer, a third year Hufflepuff and one of the many Hodfuffers that have come through Hogwarts.

He'd gotten her a couple of items for her Christmas gift including a trio of nifty perfume bottles, a scarf and hat set for the wintery weather, and a pair of tickets for a professional Quidditch match. He had everything neatly wrapped, stacked and set under the Christmas tree in the common common room before he headed down to grab a quick bite to eat and then head out to his office hours this afternoon in the greenhouse for those who might have questions about their final examinations for the term.

Review for Exam: It's a Game: Third Years
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   02-25-12 11:30

I slid a hand through my hair, Tuesdays were thankfully light, and now that term was over at St. Emrys things were much more calm. I'd be going to India over holiday to see my parents and spend the time buffeting attempts to get me to settle down and return to live as a happy, healthy housewife and turn into a grandchild production factory - don't get me wrong, I want to have a family, I just would like to do it on my own terms and not be forced into the role that isn't for me.

Right now, my students, much like the rest of the students that were here, were preparing for their final examinations which would be this week before the massive end of term feast, which would of course pale in comparison to the one that they would once more have when term ended in the late spring and early summer of next year. Stepping into my classroom to prepare for today's lessons which included going over for the final exam that would be given on the fifteenth of the month.

"Good morning to you all. We officially have but one more class meeting before the term ends and during that last meeting I will be administering your final exam. You will be free to leave once you've turned in your exam on Thursday to begin packing or studying for your other exams."

The class groaned, but they knew it was coming. "Now, we are actually going to do something a bit special today for review. We are going to play a bit of a game. You will be divided into teams of four, questions will be answered covering all we have learned thus far this term. I will be awarding house points to each team depending on your total points at the end of class."

That said I quickly divided the class into teams as follows:
Team One: Gloriaspasiana Hodfuffer, Audrey Appleseed, Perla Moore, and Orville Packard. Team Two: Eilowny Barrett, Jasmine Doyle, Hydrangea Marchbanks, and Waldo Smee. Team Three: Flora Dalton, Paige Finn, Jake Neilson, and Max Owens. Team Four: Lon Irwin, Jasper Jenkins, Calliope Quinn, Cody Sweet and Herbert Umberfield.

"Alright, now that everyone is in place. I need a member from each team to step forward for the first question."

Audrey, Jasmine, Paige, and Calliope stepped forward and readied themselves to make a response to the first question being posed.

"Which witch or wizard is known for creating floo powder?"

Four buzzers went off in quick succession, but Calliope was the first to buzz in. "Ignatia Wildsmith invented floo powder."

"Very good. Ten points to team four. Return to your seats, and the next group come forward."

The class progressed quickly thanks to the review game, soon enough it was time to call it. "Alright all, house points will be recorded. Team Four is the winner with fifteen house points, team two with ten house points, teams one and three each five house points to be given. I will see you all on Thursday for your exam and if you need me my office is always open or you can snag me in the Great Hall."

That said I righted thing to get the classroom ready for my next class which is my fourth year Ravenclaw and Slytherin, which would proceed pretty much the same way as this one.

First Year, Halfway Done
Author: Rylee 
Date:   02-25-12 11:47

"I cannot wait to be at home, to be able to go shopping again at will and not have to constantly rely upon owl post to deliver something to me. Beatrix's gifts finally arrived yesterday, and I could put them under the tree. Beyond that, I am more so ready to be at home for a little while, away from schoolwork and the like." I said with a huff as I headed from Charms to DADA, and one of my classmates rolled her eyes and headed off toward her next class trying to get there without listening to me complain, or she just was desperately wishing to get to class on time or something.

I flicked my gaze over those that filled the hallways, some decently enough dressed, others looking like tragic fashion victims - many of whom should know better than to pair certain patterns with other patterns because it makes for a hideous combination even hidden for the most part beneath their school robes - and seriously? Why are they necessary? Either way, I dutifully shrugged into mine each and every morning, though making certain that the clothes beneath it are the height of fashion.

As I came closer to the DADA classroom I offered Gideon a smile as he stood outside talking to Maurice Kilman and Amorica Wenlock. I slipped into the classroom and found my seat, my usual place that allowed me to gaze upon Gideon while I pretended to pay attention, now if the professor noted, I'd not yet been caught or not yet lost house points for it, and I still have high marks.

I'd pulled out my assignments and looked over the one that was due for herbology next, and was pleased with my sketch of the nutmeg plant that was due, and then I would turn my attention to the DADA assignment that was due today, and pulled out the study guide for the exam that was being held later this week.

I actually had one exam today, but that wasn't until later tonight when I had Astronomy, because it is the last class meeting for that class until the start of the winter/spring term in January. Within a few moments Professor Somerset took his place at the front of the classroom and got class under way.

Time passed quickly and soon enough, we were all bundling up and heading out toward the greenhouse for Herbology, hoping that it wouldn't be snowing on the trip to or from the warm, glass building.

Putting A Little Fear In First Years
Author: Majandra 
Date:   02-25-12 20:08

Majandra's parting words to her first year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are, "Study, study, study. You will have a written portion to your exam. There are three versions of it. You will also be brewing potions. You will be assigned a work station with potion instructions in a sealed envelope. Your neighbors may not be working on the same potion or if the same potion, they may be starting at a different point. What all this means is you cannot rely on sneaking a glance at someone else's work. For anyone who does wish to try and copy, if you are caught, and with the way the exam is set-up how could you not be, you will receive a failing grade for the exam and your end of term grade will be knocked down a level."

Now that she's put a little fear in them she cheerily adds, "I will have holiday treats for all of you as well. Any questions before I dismiss you?"

The review had been quite thorough and there had been plenty of opportunity to ask questions so Maj isn't expecting anyone to speak up now. Nevertheless, she looks at each student, waiting to see if any have suddenly thought of something. "Don't forget I have extended office hours this week should you need to speak with me. You may go."

They hustle out, most likely wanting to get to the Great Hall for lunch. Maj makes a quick pass through the classroom, making sure things are straight then walks the short distance to her office. There she finds a cloche covering a plate with half a toasted club sandwich and a bowl of broccoli cheese soup that a kitchen house elf thoughtfully brought her, most likely only seconds ago.

Maj eats while reading the Muggle classic Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Growing up knowing about such authors as Austin, Charles, Dickens, and one of her personal favorites the French writer Alexandre Dumas, is one of the reasons why Maj would never wish to have been a pureblood. So many who are considered purebloods live so far entrenched in the Wizarding World that they are ignorant of so very many wonderful Muggle things.

Her lunch finished, Maj looks over the patchwork quilt she made and is giving Ramona Mickle, the girl whose name she'd drawn for the Secret Santa gift exchange. Maj had been working on the quilt on and off for several months, often putting it aside as other things took precedence, the costumes for the Drama Club's Wizard of Oz production for example. Maj hadn't started on the quilt with the specific intent of giving it to whomever she got for Secret Santa. She started it thinking it would make a nice gift though her main reason was simply because she wanted to.

Satisfied there aren't any loose threads or spots on it, Maj carefully wraps it in acid free tissue paper then places it in a box. This she wraps in paper with prancing reindeer that Georgie picked out. Next comes a ribbon cross crossed over the box and topped with a bow made from the same Christmas green ribbon. Sticking a back in ten minutes note on her office door, she hurries the gift to the commons to place under the tree and while in the commons gets a mug of frothy and rich hot chocolate.

(Mark) At the Library
Author: Isolde 
Date:   02-26-12 11:24

Mark sat in the library with the usual suspects, Gus, Johanna, Felicia and, of course, Kate, and read over his notes for Potions. This week was the last week of term, and many of the professors were testing their students on everything they had learned since the first of September. Mark felt somewhat stressed, but he knew this week didn't hold a candle to what the O.W.L.s would be like.

He sometimes wished that he and the others were still in the same year, so that they could compare notes and truly study together. The others were all in the same classes, with the exception of some elective courses. Mark, being a fifth year, was not only in completely different classes but also had other professors in most cases.

The others didn't have to worry about O.W.L.s yet, but Mark would be taking them in June, which would likely be here before everyone knew it. He still couldn't believe it was almost Christmas.

Mark was going home for the holidays, although he almost didn't want to leave Hogwarts. He knew what it would be like at home. His parents would talk badly about Kate, and Mark would have to pretend like he didn't care. Kate was going home too. She, at least, was happy about seeing her dad.

At least they'd had a parent-free day during the last Hogsmeade trip. Mark had been worried that his parents would show up and ruin everything, as they'd done during the first trip at the beginning of October.

While in Hogsmeade, he'd picked up a Secret Santa gift for Professor Douglass. Mark had picked it up at one of the temporary stalls along High Street. The gift was a set of four glass coasters. The vendor had had quite a few sets in different colors. Mark had gone with green because he felt it would represent him as a Slytherin student best. Mark had no idea what house Professor Douglass had been in while a student at Hogwarts himself, or if he'd even gone to Hogwarts at all. Whatever the case may be, Mark felt sure that the professor would find some use out of the coasters.

(Azaelia) Also at the Library
Author: Isolde 
Date:   02-26-12 12:11

Azaelia moved through the library and picked up books that had been discarded on tables or left stacked on the bookshelves. It was only the middle of the afternoon, so Azaelia knew that more books would wind up misplaced as the day went on, but with it being the last week of term and a good number of students procrastinating with studying or final projects, Azaelia fully expected to do a few more pickups before closing the library this evening.

She couldn't wait for term to end. Azaelia was going to visit her parents in Chile for the holidays. The Brambles seemed quite taken with South America and probably wouldn't ever come back to England. Azaelia didn't mind, though, because Santiago was a very nice place to visit and it was convenient having somebody she knew already living there.

Robert had some family obligations of his own for Christmas, but he planned on visiting her in time for the new year. Azaelia had also extended an invitation to Isolde and Pyrrhus, but they hadn't yet confirmed whether or not they would come.

Azaelia pushed her cart passed an occupied table and noticed her cousin's cousin Mark seated there with some of his friends. They were busy studying and didn't even notice her as she walked by. The cart she was using had had a squeaky wheel this morning, but Azaelia had fixed that with a lubrication charm.

She moved along to another table, this time empty, and picked up a couple of books somebody had left there. They filled up her cart, so she wheeled it back to the circulation desk and put all the books in order while she waited for anybody to request her help.

Just like picking up was a mindless task, putting books in order came rather automatically for Azaelia. Her mind wandered to Christmas again. This time she thought about Hunter Rabnott, whose name she'd drawn for Secret Santa. She'd heard of a game called marbles, after visiting Hogsmeade the other weekend. A vendor specializing in items made from glass had a wonderful assortment of marbles he'd made himself. They came in all sorts of colors and to Azaelia looked almost like miniature crystal balls, only much prettier thanks to all the colors.

She'd picked out an assortment, which had come in a collector's box in case Hunter would rather display them, though instructions on how to play the game was also included. Azaelia had wrapped the box herself with shiny silver paper and blue ribbon with tiny snowflakes on it and set it under the tree in the common common room.

Secret Santa Gifts (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   02-26-12 16:19

"Professor Hodfuffer?"

In the middle of tweaking the exam for his seventh years tomorrow - he'd decided the wording on a couple of questions could be improved for clarity's sake - AJ looks up, smiles, and gestures. "Sarah, come in."

Third year Sarah Edwards, still looking pale from the flu that had her sidelined for a few days last week, crosses the distance from the door to the desk. "I've got those assignments for you. I know I had more time but I found doing them while studying helped me remember better the stuff I missed in class."

Putting her book bag on one of the chairs, Sarah extracts a few items as she roots around for her Ancient Runes folder. One of those items is book titled Acceptable Behavior For The Unacceptably Behaved and another is a small package labeled Shoe Silencers. AJ can't help himself. He reaches over to examine both.

"From my Secret Santa," Sarah explains.

"Let me guess. Argus Filch."

"Yeah, I mean yes, sir," she says with a roll of her eyes. "I was hoping to get something good then when I saw his name signed on the present, I was hoping for something decent."

"You know not to take these personally?"

"I know but ,"

"It's a Christmas gift and he could have given you something that is not a comment on his view of all students."

"Pretty much."

"Would you like me to see if I can get you a decent price for the book? You could use the money to something else."

"Yes, please!"

"As for the shoe silencers, they are charmed, you know. Give them a try. If the company did a decent job with the charm, you could sneak up your friends, get past Filch without him ever knowing, that sort of thing. I did not just tell you that."

Sarah is the picture of innocence as she stuffs the Shoe Silencers box back into her book bag. "Tell me what? Oooh, that's a pretty package."

The paper wrapping the gift Sarah's just noticed has a background of sparkly metallics overlain by deep, richly red poinsettias with equally dark, richly green leaves. The flowers are rendered so realistically the petals have that soft velvety look of an actual poinsettia. "That's for my Secret Santa recipient. I need to go put it under the gift tree in the commons."

"I'm going there now, would you like me to take it for you?"

"Yes, thank you."

Sarah repacks everything she'd taken from her book bag with the exception of the book Filch gave her and the assignments from last week she'd been too ill to turn in then. With her book bag slung over one shoulder and AJ's Secret Santa gift to Paige Finn clutched against her chest, she shoots him another smile and leaves him alone once more.

Paige is a third year who isn't taking Ancient Runes but he does know her from around school and from being in Hufflepuff, where he is Assistant Head of House. Knowing her somewhat did not make gift buying for her any easier. In brainstorming with Mariposa on what to give younger female relatives, such as his nieces Hydrangea and Glori, they'd decided on decorated towel wraps/shower wraps. They'd found some that are cute and Mariposa said most girls would like. AJ narrowed down choices to two to give Paige but then couldn't decide further. He'd ended up getting both of them for her. They are both pink but extremely different shades and one is patterned with hearts and has a bow while the other has a fancy ribbon trim. AJ hopes Paige is not a girl who does not do pink... if she is, he guesses he could offer to do a color change spell on both of them for her.

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