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Something To Think About
Author: Griffin Price 
Date:   02-26-12 19:53

Bright light emanates from Carys's photography studio. Griff uses one of the keys she gave him to let himself in, calling out as he does, "Carys!"

She doesn't respond but he hears music coming from deeper within the building so he goes in search. He finds her in the room she's converting to a dark room, singing along to the song playing on the station she's got the WWN tuned to while arranging bottles of chemicals or potions or whatever it is used to develop photographs.

He waits until she's put down the bottle she's been holding to say again, "Carys."

She turns at her name and jumps from startelement at the same time. "Griff. You scared me."


"Is everything okay? Tristan?"

"He's fine, at your house with Alun, and was asleep last I checked on him."

"Asleep so early?"

Griff chuckles, "It's late, Carys."

"How late?"

"Late as in Astronomy classes are going on at Hogwarts late."

"I know I sometimes lose track of time when working but it doesn't seem that late to me. You came to check to see if I was all right. I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry. I did come to make sure you are okay but I also came to bring you supper," for emphasis Griff holds up the bag he carries, "and because thanks to work I've not seen you for three days."

Carys smiles coyly. "You missed me, did you?"


Carys's coy smiles turns to one of great satisfaction before she turns her attention to the bag. "What did you bring?"

"That information will cost you. I believe I deserve a thank you kiss."

Carys gives an exaggerated sigh accompanied by an eye roll. "If I must."

The kiss has Griff being the one to lose track of time. When they at last break the embrace, Carys reaches for the bag to peer in. "You brought me breadsticks for supper?"

"I brought you a thin crust pizza loaded with meat, these freshly baked breadsticks, and gooey cheese for dipping. There's also butterbeer, salad, and dessert."

This earns Griff another kiss before they exit the dark room for the main area where Griff had left the food. Griff has Carys sit, doing the serving as he tells her, "I confirmed picking up the kitten on the 23rd. Ruth says if we want, we can keep it at her house.

"That would be great. Tristan's going to be thrilled."

"You know how I told you he was wanting you to have a kitten because he wants one?"


"He also wants Seeayetee to have a friend. His idea is for the kitten to come with him when he visits me or he thinks you all should move to my house. Maybe that's something for you to think about."

Carys freezes, eyes going wide, slice of pizza halfway to her mouth.

Somewhat Productive Morning
Author: Declan 
Date:   02-27-12 17:22

His only class today not being until two, Declan's spent the morning as he does most Wednesdays, in his office working. This morning grading a few assignments that were handed in late for a variety of reasons, marking a few make-up exams, and double checking grade totals. He's also been working on lesson plans for January. Declan's not writing entirely news ones as his previous ones are perfectly suitable but a few improvements and changes are necessary here and there. The bulk of the time on them is writing new copies to reflect the dates taught this go around. He's also got a textbook to look over for consideration for the fifth year class next fall. If he likes it enough, Declan has a form to fill out to submit to Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall for approval. He wouldn't expect them to turn down the request. The form is more a matter of, well, form to have on record should any problem ever arise. What sort of problem, Declan has no idea. A parent objecting to his choice of textbook perhaps?

As productive as he's been this morning, as lunchtime has neared Declan is finding it difficult to concentrate. He's not sure if it's because he's tired of slogging along with no break since just before nine this morning or if he's starting to suffer from the same affliction as many of the students, Holidayitis. On the 23rd, he's going to his parents' where his sister and her family and her husband's parents will be gathering. Before then Declan's got a tiny bit more gift shopping to take care of. He's got a some of catalogs on his desk that he is wanting to flip through again. It's not too late just yet to order from a few of them without additional cost and from the ones that are charging extra now, the additional cost isn't overly high. There are some potential gifts he gifts he's got to make up his mind about or go hit the shoppes again.

At least the Secret Santa gift for Gus Van Tassel has been picked out, wrapped, and now delivered to the tree in the Common Commons. The gift isn't a fun one nor is it something educational, which might be expected from a professor. It is practical, in Declan's opinion, which might also be expected of a professor, but he thinks the gift will be appreciated. Knowing how cold it already is and how much colder the weather will get, Declan thought Gus might like a couple of pairs of the newest subzero thermals to wear while practicing with the Slytherin Quidditch team and during his next match, which is in February if he's correctly remembering the schedule.

Finally giving in to the call of the approaching holiday, Declan reaches for the top most catalog in the stack, turning to a page about halfway in to reread the product description, wondering if his nephew Joseph would like it. He spends what little time is left of his Wednesday morning office hours picking out a few more gifts, one of which would be perfect for a redhead he knows if he were to not only actually buy it but to then actually give it to her.

Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   02-27-12 18:14

Ethan had just seen out the Gryffindor and Slytherin second years, who had spend the last hour practicing all of the basic dueling spells they'd learned since the start of term. They'd spent Monday's class much the same way. He didn't have a major exam planned for Friday, but his students knew to expect a small quiz to mark the end of Fall Term. The quiz would consist of the demonstration of one of the spells covered in class and a short essay on the characteristics of a being or creature associated with the Dark Arts. These had been covered in the second half of the Fall Term and ought to still be rather fresh in the minds of the second year students.

Now that it was lunchtime, Ethan faced the conundrum of where and what to eat. He could head to the Great Hall and grab a bite at the Head Table, or he could conjure something right there in the classroom and work through lunch. He didn't have very much in need of doing, so to the Great Hall he went.

As he strode through the grand dining hall, which was crowded and noisy, he caught sight of Caerwyn Valentine at the Hufflepuff table. Ethan was participating in the annual Secret Santa gift exchange. This year, he'd drawn Caerwyn's name.

Ethan had found a leather journal with a giant squid on the front cover. He'd looked for other items of interest but had constantly gone back to the journal, attracted to its soft cover and the cephalopod emblazoned upon it. Unable to pass it up, he'd purchased it, wrapped it, and set it under the tree in the common common room for Caerwyn to find. Ethan hadn't heard whether Caerwyn had received the gift yet. He knew that some students had already opened the gifts they'd found, but others were saving them for Christmas itself. Maybe Caerwyn was the latter sort.

He continued to the High Table and sat down next to Professor Snape, who had a sour look on his face, as usual.

Ethan flashed him a friendly smile, not the least bit surprised when he didn't get one in return, and then helped himself to some clam chowder.

Author: Jared 
Date:   02-27-12 22:53

Co-written with Sage Porter

"Let's see it, mate."

"Don't I at least get to take my coat off first?"

"Nope. Give it over."

Jared looks from Sage to Savannah then with a roll of his eyes shoves a hand into one pocket and pulls out a small jeweler's box. Handing the box to Savannah he unwinds the scarf around his neck and shrugs out of his coat. Coat on the back of his chair, scarf folded and stuffed into a pocket, Jared sits across from the other two, their heads bend close together over the box, and waits for one of them to say something.

After nearly three minutes have elapsed and Jared is on the verge of demanding, "Well?" Savannah passes the box, closed once again, back to him with the assessment, "Pretty."

"Yeah, it's nice."

"Pretty? Nice? You looked at it that long and all you have to say is pretty and nice?" Jared loudly exhales, slumping down in his seat. "I'll take it back and try again."

Fingers closing around the box, Savannah's suddenly covers his. "No, it really is lovely."


"It's such a big step." Savannah sounds almost apologetic.

"Why do you think I've been so hesitant about this?"

Jared starts to pocket the box only to open it. "It's not as if I'm asking her to marry me. It's only a promise ring."

Sage unnecessarily points out, "It's still a relationship changer."

Jared slumps even further down, running a hand through his hair. "I don't want to screw this up. Sage, you know what she means to me."

"If you think you're both ready, then do it but if you decide to wait, do you have other Christmas gifts for Alanna?" Savannah asks.


Savannah gives one nod of her head. "Excellent. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm working a shift this afternoon. Let's order, shall we?"

Worth Mulling Over
Author: Errol 
Date:   02-28-12 15:03

"How's the studying going?"


"Your tone says otherwise so I am not offended you've not even glanced up at me."

Errol's head comes up from the Herbology notes he was only pretending to read over. He looks straight at Megara. "Happy now?"

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you want to be around me after what I told you?"

"I don't believe you did any of it."

"How can you be so certain when you hardly know me?"

"Because either you are a bloody grand actor or the wounded soul I see is real."

"Others here aren't so sure about me."

"Those others know you even less than I do. Your roommates believe you, don't they?"

"They aren't treating me any different if that's what you mean. I thought they would be they've haven't reacted much one way or the other around me."

"If you expected all of us to hate you or treat you as if you don't exist, why did you tell any of us?"

"Somehow it was going to come out eventually. Better from me than rumors based on snippets of information, right?"

"I suppose you have a point. There's still the Veritaserum you know."

"It's expensive and I have no money."

"It's only expensive if you have to pay for it."

"I'm not stealing it, Megara, even if I knew if the school kept any in stock."

"I'm not talking about stealing. I think I can get some over holiday. I've got a neighbor who's just taken an advanced potions course at university."

"The ingredients would still cost money."

"Not that much. I looked up what's needed and nothing on the list is pricey plus some of them are ones we should have in our kits. I'll see about getting the rest."

"I can't ask you to spend money on me, no matter the reason."

"See, it's things like that which lead me to believe you are innocent."

"things like what?"

"You've a chance to exonerate yourself, at least in the eyes of the other students, and you don't want to take advantage of someone to do it. Here is a list of what you can give me from your Potions kit and how much of each. Did Madoc's gift ever arrive?"

Errol ignores the piece of parchment Megara's set on top of the neatly stacked textbooks just to his left. "Finally. It's under the tree in the commons unless he's picked it up since breakfast."

"NOW will you tell me what you got him?"

"Uncle Ross picked out one of the games I'd listed and a sack toy for Madoc's cat."

Errol does not mention that he placed another gift under the tree in the commons this morning, one that has Megara's name on it. He'd found a small amount of money in a pocket of one of his heavier jackets. It wasn't all that much but it did allow Errol to send off for a pendant charm for Megara as a thank you for helping him get caught up on course work and assignments, showing him around Hogwarts, and, most important of all, not running away and shunning him after hearing why he was shipped off to Hogwarts.

"His cat is so cute. Have you seen it?"

"I'm not sure which cat is whose other than Mrs. Norris."

"I'll point it out to you sometime if he's let it out and about. Now, want to tell me why you are dark and gloomy today?"

"I told you everything's fine."

"Things are not fine. We would not have been asking me why I don't run screaming the opposite direction at the mere sight of you if everything were fine."

"Uncle Ross confirmed I'm staying here over Christmas. That had been discussed and I knew he wasn't going to change his mind but having it in writing ." Errol leaves the sentence hanging, looking down at his Herbology notes and wondering why in hell he's this upset about something he KNEW already.

"I will write you every day. I'll even send you some yummy homemade sweets."

"You don't have to do that."

"Right, I don't have to but I'm going to. Be warned that I shall have your eyes going numb at reading about how devastating it is to go without seeing Deak for days on end."

"Just ask him out already, Megara."

"It's still too soon after his break-up with Etta. I told you I will not be his rebound. The Great Hall and supper beckons," she says, pushing back from the library table. Her eyes go to the ingredients list, still untouched by Errol. She picks it up and walks around the table, carefully folding it before sliding it into his book bag.

"Errol? Why do you think your uncle sent you here and not to an all boys school?"

The question is unexpected enough that for a several seconds Errol just stares blankly at Megara.

"I don't know but I have thought maybe that of the schools that met Uncle Ross's high standards, this is the one that most quickly agreed to take me in. That meant getting me off his hands all the sooner."

"Maybe, but if he is so certain you are guilty, wouldn't it have been better to wait a little longer to find an all boy's school rather than risk putting you around girls again?"

She reaches out and flicks the still too longer hair from his eyes. "Just something worth mulling over," she says with a thoughtful smile before sashaying out of the library.

For the Sake of Knowledge
Author: Ferne 
Date:   02-28-12 15:42

The passing months were the strangest months of Ferne's Hogwarts career. There was the fire she started in the library. Then there was the threesome date between Phyllida, Nathaniel, and herself. Prying eyes—not only of her fellow students, but of the staff—followed Ferne everywhere. The overall population didn't take too kindly to the insult to the library. (As if I started the fire on purpose! she grew indignant at the insinuation every time.) They also didn't approve of what was being called 'The Slytherin Sandwich', seeing that Hufflepuff Nathaniel had found himself sandwiched between Slytherin Phyllida and Ferne at Madam Puddifoot's—which happened to be one of the popular places for couples to meet at Hogsmeade—during the first trip of the school year.

However, Slytherins regarded Ferne differently. They admired her, absolutely positive that she was finally proving herself a Slytherin. It was rumored that Ferne had set the library a-flame as a part of her plan to extinguish her rival, Ravenclaw Edward Croft, who was one of the only few students who were able to match her talents in Herbology. If the library was no longer usable, Croft's grades would reduce into nothingness because, unlike Ferne's grades, his grades weren't a result of natural talent. As for 'The Slytherin Sandwich', they didn't give a second thought to it. It was a common practice for a young woman of a pureblood family such as the Grimshaw-Spores to be escorted on a date. Ferne was the elder and more responsible of the Spore girls; therefore, she would be the logical choice considering they were away at school. Though the last they knew was that there was a possible engagement to a certain Ambrosius Nott…

Taking a break from studying, Ferne admired the more recent additions to her collections. To her book collection, she had added Micha Atwell's Herbology: Muggle versus Wizarding. To her writing supply collection, she had added the size-charmed journal that Mr. Mac Cléirich had showed her. To her Herbology and Potions collection, she had added nothing. Despite her best intentions, Ferne never made it to Botanicals & Beyond during the first Hogsmeade trip. She left Scrivenschaft's Quill Shop at a decent time, but didn't arrive at her next destination because she realized how hungry she was. Instead of continuing to shop, Ferne decided to find Phyllida to see if her cousin would have lunch with her. That turned out to be much more interesting than Herbology and Potions goods.

Fondling the pendant-sized journal, Ferne sighed. She acknowledged that her break from studying was forced upon on her. Without the proper research materials, Ferne was unable to continue. She would have to leave the haven that was the dormitory that housed the 7th year Slytherin girls to venture into the library. Drawing aside the bed-hangings, Ferne eased herself off of the four-poster bed. She felt naked without the cover of dark wood and green silk that transported her to another world—a world where she was surrounded by family members proud to have produced such a talented witch.

In the closest window, Ferne gazed at her reflection. The lake, on the other side of the Slytherin Dungeon, gave a calming green tinge. Idly, she ran her fingers through her hair as she prepared herself to be gawked at. Phyllida, ever the gossip, always kept Ferne updated on Hogwarts life. So, naturally, she knew that the gossip was about her these days. If only a dorm-mate was around, Ferne could've bribed her to retrieve the materials she needed. Alas! No one was. Continuing to run her fingers through her hair, she glanced around the dormitory. Ferne sighed and returned to her bed. Gathering her materials into her book-bag, she heaved it across her body. Ferne, ready to endure the gawks and the whispers for the sake of knowledge, left the dormitory.

Berated by a Portrait
Author: Ferne 
Date:   02-28-12 15:42

After hurrying through the less travelled passageways, Ferne entered the library. She maintained her pace. Weaving her way past students, Ferne did her best to avoid further confrontations with the self-righteous of Hogwarts, namely the Gryffindors. They took it upon themselves to make an example of her to all. Of course they got away with it since the two most powerful staff members were Gryffindor alumni. If Ferne had no qualms about Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall in the past, she did now. That was when she came to the realization…

Are all of them plotting against me? wondered Ferne. She recalled all the incidents in which the professors had angered her these past months alone.

"Ferne Ismene Grimshaw-Spore!" The person in question halted at the sound of the unmistakable voice. Surely, Ferne Ismene Scrivener had misheard. "You heard me."

Ferne sought the direction from which her ancestress' voice originated from. Wearily, she warily eyed the portraits decorating the walls. It didn't take long to find the portrait that Dame Phyllida Spore was presently inhibiting considering that there weren't as many portraits in the library than in the other parts of the castle. Noting that it was the closest portrait to her, Ferne went to the portrait bearing the Phyllida Spore who looked like she could set accidental fire to the library if portraits possessed such abilities.

"Dame," acknowledged Ferne, who hoped to have a short, quiet conversation.

"Young lady—"

"I knew it!" a voice interrupted as the portrait began to berate her descendant. "You don't earn those grades by yourself; you have your family, even the great Phyllida Spore, to do it for you!"

Ferne turned to see that it was her almost housemate Edward Croft who had insulted her, her family. In shock, all Ferne could do was glance back and forth between the two forces.

"Young man, you dare to accuse a Spore of such an absurdity?!" spewed the proud matriarch. Ferne was relieved that she wasn't the subject of the portrait's attention anymore. "She may be a Slytherin, but the family hasn't always been."

Surprised, Ferne gazed at the portrait. The family haven't always been Slytherin? But, but how is that possible? she wondered. Envisioning the illustrious Grimshaw-Spore lineage, Ferne tried to list the houses of each member starting with the last generation. Phyllida and I are Slytherins; though, I was almost a Ravenclaw…

"Now, excuse us, I wish to speak to my descendant alone."

(Cornelia) Lazy Bones
Author: Griet 
Date:   02-28-12 17:58

The flames roaring in the fireplace in the Slytherin common room felt almost too hot, but Cornelia felt entirely too lazy to move to a cooler spot in the room. She lay on the floor right in front of the fireplace, practically spread-eagle, with her eyes staring up at the ceiling. She'd been that way ever since returning to the dungeons after Care of Magical Creatures.

Cornelia was tired. True, this was her N.E.W.T. year and every single one of her professors was overworking her and the other seventh years. But it was also the last week of term before Christmas, and each day till the last felt like an eternity. She just wanted to go home, sleep in, and be lazy.

She also felt a little lonely. This time last year, she'd had Griet, Oberon and Gervaise to keep her company. It didn't matter that they were a year ahead of her, and they didn't seem to mind that she was a year behind them either. But then they left. And then Gervaise dumped her.

She squeezed her hands into fists just thinking about him. Had he met someone new? Did he have a renewed interest in Griet? Cornelia had heard about Griet's own break-up and could picture Gervaise making his moves… or maybe not. Gervaise had harbored a secret crush on Griet all those years ago, only to be revealed once she'd been caught locking lips with Oberon. Maybe Gervaise would just pine away all over again.

Cornelia shook her head in an effort to clear those thoughts from her mind. She had a tendency to let her imagination run wild, which in turn caused her emotions to get out of control. She could already feel herself getting angry with Griet, and for what? No reason other than an idea in her own head.

She forced herself to sit up, feeling a trifle sweaty and knowing that her naturally curly hair had probably expanded horribly in the time she'd been in front of the fire. She touched it self-consciously and then climbed to her feet, picking up her discarded book bag in the process.

A few people glanced her way, but most of the other Slytherins didn't pay her any attention. They were too engrossed in last-minute studying for an exam or dreaming of holiday plans to pay her any mind.

She headed for her dorm, but paused when she remembered she needed to leave something under the tree in the Common Common Room. She'd been toting around a gift for Blake Holloway, whom she only knew through Quidditch, for ages. She'd found him a set of puzzle pieces, handcrafted out of the finest wood, during the last Hogsmeade trip.

She debated putting it off for another day, especially considering the fact that she was in serious need of a shower and that she wanted to douse her hair with a relaxing potion, but she just knew she would forget if she didn't do it right now. Did she care if Blake got his gift? Not really. But since she did buy it, she might as well give it to him. Heaving a great sigh, she turned away from the dorms and headed for the common room exit.

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