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Before Classes
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   10-02-16 14:30

Tiberius was seated at his new office at Hogwarts, revising his notes for today. By now the students were starting to get up and getting ready for their first day of classes. Tiberius has moved into the castle a couple of weeks ago. He decided it would make more sense to live at Hogwarts, than at Endhope Abbey. All the furniture at the Nott family house had been covered with white sheets, with the exception of a few particular pieces he had brought to the castle, including his bed. Lottie, his house elf, had come to Hogwarts as well and she was put in charge of Tiberius living quarters.

Soon he would have to go downstairs, for his very first class. He would be teaching first years Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Tiberius was aware that his curriculum was not the most recommendable when he applied to the position, but somehow Minerva McGonagall had seen something in him. And he was very grateful for that, even if he would not admit that to her. When he received her letter saying he had been chosen for the position of lower years Transfiguration he had acted like it was something he was already expecting. But inside of him there has been a sensation of achievement. And now he was close to his brother.

Last night, Tiberius was one of the first to abandon the Great Hall, alongside with Titus. They had left almost at the same time, meeting on the other side of the double doors, and automatically reaching a private corner of the castle. Titus looked at him up and down, and Tiberius was able to see the changes in his brother after the summer in the Muggle boot camp. He gained some height and the childish naive features had vanished completely from his face. He noticed a slight mark on his cheek, a sign of a past fight.

"Transfiguration, huh?" Titus asked, in a sort of greeting.

And after Tiberius told him about his intentions and why he did not say anything to Titus because he was afraid Judith would find out and do everything in her power to stop him to get the job, Titus' posture changed. He hugged Tiberius and he told him he needed to go back to the Great Hall because it was almost time to take the first years into the Slytherin common room, for the very first time.

"I'll see you around," Titus said, adjusting his glasses, ready to resume his functions as prefect.

Tiberius tried to rest that night, but it was hard to get a good night sleep. He had done a lot of preparation, but he was a little bit anxious for his first day of classes. When the time come, he directed himself to his classroom, between a sea of students. Most looked at him with curiosity since he was new to the school.

He entered the classroom at the same time as the last couple of students. He looked at them and they all looked back at him. Tiberius put down his materials and cleared his throat, ready to start.

(Anthony) Crossing a Line
Author: Beck 
Date:   10-02-16 14:39

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

The words echoed in Anthony's mind. He sat at his desk in the Auror Office, quill poised over notes for a case, but his thoughts were on what had happened at the home of his grandparents last night.

Most of the Beck extended family had gone to dinner at Tobias and Josefine's home in Manchester yesterday evening. Although no one had said it directly to Ariella, the planned dinner had been a show of solidarity for her in her time of need. She had spent the last few September 1st dinners at Hogwarts, but with Lawrence on the lam and no longer employed by the school of magic, Ariella had moved out of the castle and back into her childhood home.

Dinner had been simple but delicious: slow-cooked pork roast, some pasta, greens, and freshly baked dinner rolls. Dessert had consisted of two courses: chocolate cream pie and then chocolate covered raspberry bars.

Everything considered, the family dinner had been a success… at least until much later, when Anthony intentionally crossed a line.

Some family members departed or retired early to tuck children into bed or get some sleep themselves, but Anthony stayed behind to talk to Alanna, who'd surprised everybody by coming to dinner. She'd also come without Reed. When the others started gathering belongings and saying goodnight, Anthony had observed her reluctance to go and had suggested they sit out on the back patio and drink from a bottle of honey liqueur the elder Becks usually reserved for special occasions.

Alanna went to sit outside in one of the patio chairs, while Anthony scrounged up two shot glasses and the liquor bottle. He went out back to find Alanna staring up at the night sky. While she wasn't paying him any attention, he poured them both shots and then added a little extra to Alanna's from a slim vial he removed from his pocket. After tucking the vial out of sight again, he nudged Alanna's glass over to her elbow and said, "Bottoms up!"

Alanna drained her glass instantly, and then stuck out her tongue and pulled a face when the force of the alcohol hit the back of her throat.

Anthony chuckled and knocked back his glass, too.

It was much cooler outside and in the dark, but the honeyed beverage warmed them from within. They sat in silence for a while and then Anthony asked, "Why didn't Reed come?"

"He went to some museum gala," Alanna replied.

"He didn't expect you to be by his side?"

"Oh, he did," Alanna answered, "but I convinced him that Ariella needed me today." She paused, then added, "I don't know what possessed me to go against his wishes."

"Why do you say that?"

"Reed's the sort of person who will make you pay via your family if you don't do what he wants," Alanna said. No sooner were the words out of her mouth that she regretted saying them. She looked at the empty shot glass and wondered if the honey liqueur had loosened her tongue that quickly.

Anthony mulled over her words. Had Reed threatened Alanna to force her hand in marriage?

He formulated his next question very carefully. If he asked something too generally, he might not get the answer he wanted. Better to get straight to the point. "Is Reed the reason I languished in a Muggle jail for so long?"

"Yes," Alanna instantly replied. She pressed a hand to her mouth in shock.

Anthony asked, "Is Reed behind the faulty drug test that got Toby removed from the Falmouth Falcons?"

"Yes." The word flew out of Alanna's mouth again. What was happening? She eyed the empty shot glass again and then cut her eyes to Anthony to gage his reaction to her admissions.

"Is Reed responsible for publicizing Katherine's adulterous relationship with Jonathan?"

Alanna tried to swallow the yes, but it passed her lips anyway. Her eyes narrowed.

"Is it because of Reed that blackmarket body parts were found in Gillian's flat?"

"Yes." The word was spoken through gritted teeth.

Anthony asked quietly, "Is Reed behind Karina's kidnapping?"

The 'yes' that came out of Alanna's mouth sounded like a sob.

"Did Reed arrange for all these terrible things to happen to us to convince you to divorce Jared and marry him instead?"


"And did he make it all go away when you gave in to his threats?"


"Do you have any proof other than his word that he is behind all of the aforementioned crimes?"


Anthony frowned. None of what he'd just learned he could take with him to court. He'd just done something illegal, and it was frankly a violation of his sister's trust. He understood why she'd said nothing until now. She thought she was protecting her family. Anthony didn't want her making anymore sacrifices, though, and he didn't want Reed getting away with it either.

"How could you?" Alanna suddenly asked. "Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" With that, she bolted up from her chair and disapparated.

Back at his desk, Anthony wondered what he could do to expose Reed for what he really was. The only real way, besides a legal confession, was concrete evidence, if any existed. Anthony couldn't very well rummage through Reed's desk without him knowing. Would he be able to find anything there, though? What about at the home he shared with Alanna?

Anthony knew that Alanna wouldn't say anything to Reed about what had transpired last night. She was deathly afraid that Reed would get his revenge, and Anthony didn't plan on spending any more time in jail for a crime he never committed. He had to tread very carefully, but he definitely wasn't going to back down until he got Alanna free from Reed's clutches.

First Day
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   10-02-16 20:20

Zabrynna takes a seat at the head table, eyes taking in the lunch offerings before her bottom has touched the chair, all to aware that she has less than an hour to eat and return to her classroom to do any last minute prep that comes to mind for her 12:45 class.

Her class.

The concept that she is now teaching and being addressed as professor is boggling.

Zabrynna has felt overwhelmed and not up to the job and responsibilities she's been hired to do; but, she thinks she's done well hiding any insecurities from the students. No quavering of her voice. No visible hand shaking. She spoke in a firm clear voice and appeared steady.

Inside she was gelatinous mush.

Declan and AJ were big helps, as were others, with advice. One she subconsciously knew from the "classes" she'd done for the museum. Having too much is better than not enough. That is, having too much information to impart or in-class work to be done in the given time period and having to carry it over to another meeting is better than not having enough and floundering to fill whatever time remains.

Over these last weeks, Zabrynna had looked over the lesson plans of Karma Morgan, the professor whose position she now holds. Looking over the plans gave her an idea who which year was learning what and where they were at the end of last term. Zabrynna has used the information she gleaned, along with the curriculum guide for each year, to formulate her own approach.

First years get to learn about the history of Hogwarts and its founders, something that has been part of the first year curriculum for a long time. One change is that they and the other lower years will learn a little something about each of the schools competing against Hogwarts in the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament. The unit is for this year and won't be part of next, if Zabrynna is asked back that is, though she may do something generalized about other schools of magic for next year's incoming first years.

Checking the time, Zabrynna finishes the half sandwich and cup of soup she'd selected as lunch then reaches for a small fruit tart. Just as she's refilling her cup with juice to carry back with her to class, Declan slides into the space beside her. "Sorry. Got hung up with a student. How's your morning been?"

"Better than I expected but I'm sure once I start thinking about it more I'll pick things apart on what I should or shouldn't have done or what I could have done better. How's your day been so far?"

Zabrynna stays a few minutes longer to talk with Declan before heading out of the Great Hall for her third and last Thursday class, the first year Ravenclaws and Slytherins. Her first first years as her two morning classes were the third year Ravenclaws and Slytherins and the fourth year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs.

Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   10-03-16 19:05

Lee helped Alaia eat some broth. They were no longer at St. Mungo's, but in Switzerland at the Klinik Tatzelwurm. Alaia's transfer to the private and unplottable Swiss wizarding hospital had happened a few weeks ago and quite suddenly, after Lee had made the startling discovery that Rowle appeared to be poisoning his wife.

After pickpocketing the bundle he had seen Rowle pass to Alaia's healer, Lee had gone to a contact he had in Barcelona to have the vial's contents analyzed. The potioneer confirmed Lee's suspicions that the vial was poison, one most certainly detectable under the correct scrutiny but also one that would slowly kill over time. Lee guessed that Rowle had been paying off healers to lie about not finding the source of Alaia's ailment and to continue to dose her with the poison so that she didn't get any better.

As soon as he learned the truth, Lee whisked Alaia away and told no one where they were going, not even members of their family or friends. He didn't want Rowle following them or using his influences to harm Alaia even more.

In terms of work, Lee claimed he had a family emergency, which was no lie, and by going away and avoiding contact with everybody, he managed to keep Rowle off his back for the time-being. Lee knew it wouldn't last, and that Rowle had the resources to track him down sooner or later. The question was, how far did Rowle intend to take this? The message was clear. Rowle didn't approve of Lee's attachment.

What concerned Lee more than the deception and the dastardly means to an end was how Rowle had gotten to Alaia in the first place. Had he slipped something into her drinks at home or while out to eat without anyone the wiser? He he administered the poison some other way? Via a meal? Via Alaia's own bakery? Would Alaia ever be safe as long as she was with Lee?

She was already getting better. The poison was no longer in her system, but she had a lot of healing to do before she made a full recovery. With magic, it would go all the more quicker, but Lee almost didn't want her to get well too soon. He wasn't sure he could protect her at home and didn't know how to tell her she was sick because of him.

If only he could expose Rowle, but the only proof he had was the handoff he'd seen at St. Mungo's, and even that wasn't a strong enough to defense to put Rowle behind bars where he belonged. Not only that, but Rowle was a powerful wizard in a high-ranking position at the Ministry of Magic. It would take a tremendous amount of effort to knock him down, and Lee had no idea how to do it.

"What's wrong?" Alaia asked.

Lee shook his head and took her hand. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're getting better."

"Me too," she said. "Will you get me a quill and some parchment? I'd like to write to Divina."

Lee had anticipated that Alaia would eventually ask after her best friend. He couldn't have her sending letters to Divina, who had no idea where she was but knew that she was with Lee because she'd been there when he'd taken her out of St. Mungo's. Rowle could be monitoring Divina, who lived above the bakery, and if he intercepted Alaia's letter, than all would be lost.

"Sure," Lee said, because he didn't want to deny Alaia anything. He gave her a quill and some parchment and watched her write the letter. She sealed it up and gave it to him to take to the hospital's post office, but it never got that far. Lee didn't throw it away, but he tucked it out of sight with the thought of perhaps handing it directly to Divina one day when everything blew over.

Upper Years Herbology
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   10-04-16 19:09

It had been a while since Marzi had taught OWL and NEWT level classes, but she'd easily recalled the differences in student knowledge and the difficulty of course material. Her classes yesterday and today had gone well, though she missed getting to know the first year students. She did wonder what the fifth years thoughts about having her for a professor again, rather than someone new. Hopefully, they didn't mind.

Marzi spent the rest of the morning after classes tidying up the greenhouses from the past two days and then prepping for next week. She also took a little time out to sort through the things Lawrence had left behind, including lesson plans, herb kits, and other things. Occasionally she found something personal in nature, like a shirt or a pair of gloves, but she didn't know whether to owl it to his wife or turn it over to Professor McGonagall. For the moment, such items went into a box.

When her stomach started growling, Marzi checked the time and realized that it was probably time to eat lunch. Her Friday office hours started at 1 PM, so she intended on being back in the greenhouses by then, even though she really didn't expect anyone to show up since it was still only the very first week of school.

The walk to the castle was pleasant. She went the long way across the grounds because the weather was so nice. When she arrived to the Great Hall, she found it crowded. She went down the center aisle and observed a few students approach the various goblets representing some of the SAT events. One of the goblets was for the Best in Show: Magical Plants event. She would soon find out which students would take part in the event. Once the names were chosen, she and Neville could begin guiding the students for the competition, which would take place much later in the school year.

She sat down at the High Table next to Professor Somerset and helped herself to a club sandwich and some potato crisps. While she ate, she conversed a bit with her neighbors but also kept an eye on the Best in Show goblet, wondering which of the students submitting their names would ultimately get chosen.

A Little Lonely At Times (Seth)
Author: Blossom 
Date:   10-04-16 20:05

Seth enters the Great Hall, coming from his first flying lesson. Only it wasn't his actual first lesson. His brothers, sister, and he have been in the Quidditch little league and even before then his father had them on brooms. Tiny brooms and hardly off the ground but that was a start.

Stopping suddenly, seeing Larkin and Gideon, heads together, snickering over something, Seth experiences a surge of loneliness. The triplets haven't always done every single thing together their entire lives but before, they generally had the option. To be together or not was almost always a choice.

Now, thanks to the Sorting Hat, Seth doesn't even get to sleep in the same room as his male triplet. It wasn't all that long ago that they and Larkin all three shared a room.

At least they do have some classes together and even the ones they don't they can study together before curfew send Larkin and Gideon to Gryffindor House and him to Ravenclaw.

Gideon and he have Fitness and Athletics after lunch. Seth hopes it will be a fun class. Thinking about it reminds him to walk over to where the other two are and ask something that's only just now truly sunk in. "Lark, how come you're not taking Fitness and Athletics?"

She shrugs. "Don't know. I'm just not."

This prompts Gideon to say, "But there had to be a reason. When told about it and asked if you wanted to take it, you said no. Why?"

Larkin shrugs again. "I'm telling you, I don't know. I just didn't."

"It's not like you're afraid of flying or sports or anything like that," Seth points out.

"No, none of those things. I don't know why I said no. Stop asking."

Gideon and Seth exchange a look, both recognizing Larkin's stubborn tone. She will tell them she doesn't know why for forever and a day if either of them bring it up for at least several days, maybe even weeks. They shrug at each other, Seth sitting down with them, glad that every meal doesn't have to be spent segregated to house tables.

Reaching for a pitcher of he doesn't know what but doesn't care as he's thirsty, he asks how their section of the flying lesson went.

Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   10-05-16 18:08

At the close of the workday, several prominent Ministry workers received an anonymous notice regarding a pending meeting with the Muggle government. It would be a precedented event, and one that would hopefully mend relations between the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Magic. Although details were sparse thus far, it seemed the Prime Minister had finally come to believe that the person responsible for the bombing outside his door had not been the actual Minister of Magic, but an imposter.

The time and place of the meeting had yet to be divulged, nor was it entirely clear who all had received the preliminary invitation. The special notice specifically stated to refrain from discussing the upcoming meeting, because it was sensitive in nature and the safety of all attendees was of utmost importance.

As soon as Tiberius Ogden received his notice, he quietly turned it over to Nymphadora Tonks. He had been forewarned that he may receive an invitation to an event potentially hosted by the Muggle government and he'd also been instructed to let certain aurors know if he indeed received such an invitation.

As soon as she left Auror HQ, Tonks convened an Order meeting at one of the group's safe houses to discuss the new development.

Bill, who was often home before Fleur nowadays, went to the meeting. When he arrived, he found Kingsley already there and deep in discussion about how the notices had reached the intended invitees.

"You would think such a thing would go through my office and only with my approval," he said, "but no one conferred with me about them."

"Who else would the Prime Minister talk to besides you, if you weren't a fugitive, I mean?" Tonks asked.

"No one. The Prime Minister only ever talks to the Minister of Magic. It's how it's always been."

"So someone on the inside provided him with names. How else would he know about Tiberius?" questioned Alastor Moody.

"What about this Jessica Dark woman?" Tonks said to Bill. "Could it be possible she's actually a witch, or maybe she is a Muggle with a Muggle-born witch or wizard relative?"

"Fleur's been keeping an extra close eye on Ms. Dark lately, but besides being a flirt and a bit of a snob, she seems entirely Muggle."

"We can ask Hermione to research Muggle records to find out more about her," Tonks suggested.

"Good idea," Bill said. Hermione was home watching her own kids, including her very new newborn, and also Bill's, since Fleur hadn't gotten home from work yet. He'd left a note on the kitchen counter to let Fleur know where he and the kids were, since she would likely be coming home soon.

"For now, can we assume there's a mole at the Ministry of Magic?" asked Bill.

"Oh, I think we definitely can," Tonks answered.

Meanwhile, Marshall Gibbs, or Gibbon as he was known to his fellow Death Eaters, clocked out at the Ministry of Magic and went to the abbey, where he waited to speak with his mistress. With her own job at the Prime Minister's office, she wasn't around much these days. When she finally arrived and saw him waiting, she invited him inside her study and offered him a drink.

"I trust you have good news for me or you wouldn't be loitering outside my door."

"I delivered the notices this afternoon," Gibbon announced.

"To everyone on my list?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Great." Adriana paused from pouring herself a glass of firewhiskey and smiled at the thought of the meeting. She poured a second glass and handed it to Gibbon. "What do you think Kingsley will do when some of his top staff are massacred by the Prime Minister's people?"

"Begging your pardon, ma'am," Gibbon began, "but how do you know the Muggles will actually do the killing at the meeting? Are they really that hungry for wizard blood?"

"The Prime Minister is," Adriana replied, "and his people will see what he's been shielding them from and react the only way they know how. Instinctively and out of self defense." She took a swig from her glass and added, "And if they waver, then I'll use my powers of persuasion to get them to follow through."

"But do you honestly believe Kingsley will go to war with the Muggle Prime Minister?"

Adriana looked at Gibbon pointedly. "You know him better than I. What do you think?"

Gibbon hesitated and then answered, "I think protecting wizards is his first priority."

"And the Prime Minister intends to protect the Muggle race," Adriana said. She took another swig and went on, "They want completely different things." Another pause, and then, "The relationships between Prime Ministers and Ministers of Magic has perhaps always been a fragile thing, but mark my words: by the time I'm finished, those two will be mortal enemies."

Discussing SAT Events (Devon & Vincent)
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   10-05-16 20:25

Spying her cousin Vincent, Devon grabs from the shelf the book she's after then walks over to where he's intently studying whatever it is spread before him. "Deep in the books and only the second day of school," she says by way of greeting.

Vincent waves a hand over the materials. "Trying to decide on these SAT events."

"I've been looking over everything too."

"Have you put your name in for any yet?"

"I take Ancient Runes so I decided I put in for Runic Rodeo. I'm also thinking about the Magical Plants one."

"Not much time left to get your name in for that one. I'm thinking Magical Beasts so I need to hurry up and decide."

"What beast - animal - would you want to enter?"

"Clementine. She's my long-eared owl."

"Sounds like a good plan. How come you've not already entered?"

"What if I don't get picked or if an owl isn't good enough compared to what others are doing?"

"You won't get picked if you don't put your name in and why isn't an owl good enough? They're important to the wizarding world."

"Yeah, good points. How come you aren't sure about the plants one?"

"I'm interested but don't have a plant picked out. There's also the fact that I could get picked for Runic Rodeo and there are other events I might want to submit my name for but I need to keep in mind that as a fifth year, I have massive exams at the end of term."

"Wouldn't getting ready for some of those events count towards studying for those exams?"

Devon echoes Vincent's words of a moment ago, "Good point." She tilts her head in the general direction of the library door. "I'll put in for plants and start trying to narrow down my choices in case my name's picked if you'll enter for beasts. We'll go now before it gets any later then we can grab a snack in the commons."

Vincent thinks about it for a few seconds then begins gathering up the SAT events information. "You're on."

As they walk down to the Great Hall where the goblets for submitting names are located, Devon runs over a list of possible plants she could raise for the competition should she be one of the Hogwarts fifth year chosen for it.

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