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The Sorting Ceremony: Part One
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   09-27-16 08:21

After greeting the new first year students at the shores of the Black Lake, Professor Flitwick led the group into the castle entrance, where he paused to describe to them the four Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. He proceeded to give a few more tidbits about the castle and student life, and then indicated that it was time to enter the Great Hall.

The double doors opened revealing four long house tables filled to capacity, except for spaces at the very front of the room. Perpendicular to the four house tables was one table raised up a step. It was filled with teachers and their guests.

Professor Flitwick escorted the first year students down the center aisle and had them stop in front of the platform. He climbed up the step, crossed over to a three-legged stool on which sat a battered, old hat. A tear in the hat opened suddenly, and the hat began to sing about the four Hogwarts houses and what it meant to do with the newly arrived students.

When the hat finished speaking, Professor Flitwick unfurled a scroll that hit the floor and kept going a short distance. He explained that he would be calling names alphabetically, and that each first year student must step forward, sit on the stool, and place the hat on his or her head.

"Let us begin," he announced. "Austin Acker!"

A boy with brown hair approached the stool. He barely had the Sorting Hat on his head when it shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The fifth Acker to attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Gryffindor House joined his elder siblings at the table to thunderous applause.

"Adiran Balfour!" A boy with a very pink nose and clutching a wadded up tissue in one of his hands shuffled forward. He shivered as he sat on the stool, but whether from nervousness or sickness wasn't clear.

Hmm, said the Hat to Adiran alone. An all-around pleasant boy, and a good student with great potential if only you'd apply yourself. Better be… "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The boy managed a smile despite not feeling well and then retreated from the stage to join his new housemates at the Huffepuff table.

"Patty Chalmers" was sorted into "HUFFELPUFF!" too.

"Davidson Croft!" One of many siblings among the first years this evening came forward to sit on the stool. He lowered the hat onto is own head, since Professor Flitwick was too short to do it without the use of magic.

The Sorting Hat thought for a moment and then mused, An intelligent boy, you are, though you don't always think before you act. Also a bit of a follower, I see. I know… "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Dave joined Adiran and Patty at the Hufflepuff table.

Next came "Harley Croft!" The second half of the Croft siblings bounded forward and pulled the Sorting Hat down over her ears.

The Sorting Hat took an equally long moment in assessing Harley and then remarked, You'll do anything to prove your fearlessness, won't you? I know just what to do with you! "SLYTHERIN!"

The first Slytherin of the evening joined her new housemates, who applauded and shouted their approval quite loudly.

When the noise died down, Professor Flitwick read the next name on his list: "Douglas Dippet!"

The younger brother of Hufflepuff Duncan Dippet sat down on the stool and waited for the Sorting Hat to make its decision.

Interesting… mused the Hat. "Confident, friendly but happy to keep to oneself. You belong in… "SLYTHERIN!"

Doug climbed off the stool, left the Sorting Hat behind, and went to sit next to Harley at the Slytherin table.

"Daphne Ellis!" was sorted into "GRYFFINDOR!", as was her identical twin sister "Emily Ellis!"

"Akira Gunderson", a boy of mixed parentage, joined "SLYTHERIN!"

Next came "Louis Kegg!"

Yes… began the Sorting Hat. "Quiet, but friendly. Introspective. There's no other place for you but… "HUFFLEPUFF!"

With a smile, Louis moved to sit with his new housemates, one of which was his older sister Margaret.

Professor Flitwick paused to roll the scroll up, so that the next name on the list might be more easily read. As he did so, he wondered if any of the remaining first year students would get sorted into Ravenclaw House. So far, it was a total sweep for Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. What a surprise it would be, if Ravenclaw didn't get a single new student this school year!

Making A Friend {Louis}
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   09-27-16 15:17

Neither Louis Kegg nor his sister Margaret are surprised at his being Sorted into Hufflepuff. Margaret is one and Louis has a similar personality. Friendly and outgoing yet also on the quiet side. Both like to read and are as happy sitting with a book as they are hanging out with friends. As siblings they also can clash with each other but not often and rarely seriously.

Taking a seat next to another newly Sorted Hufflepuff, Davidson Croft, Louis sort of wishes he'd found the compartment where Davidson had been instead of the one with some a mix of first and second years, a couple of whom endlessly hectored each other over a game of chess. Louis had gotten up at one point and wandered the length of that train car and another only to find compartment after compartment with enough people in each that they'd not want another squeezing in; plus, a number of them were older enough than he that he doubts he would have been comfortable with their company anyway.

As another name is called for Sorting Louis leans in to say to Davidson, "You look jumpy."

"Not used to all this." Davidson makes a small had wave to encompass the floating candles, the night sky of the enchanted ceiling, and the Sorting Hat.

"Muggle born, eh?"

"That's what we're told." Davidson nods in the direction of his sister.

"Oh, I'm Louis. Does it bother you that your twin is in another House?"

"Davidson but call me Dave. We're not twins just not a full year apart in age. Something to do with when Harley's birthday is kept her from starting last year. Or that's what Professor Snape said."

"You know one of the professors already? Me too. That one there. Professor Hodfuffer. He and my mom were married once."

"But he's not your dad?"

"Was before Margaret, that's my sister," Louis throws a thumb her direction, "and I were born."

Keeping their voices low, the two continue talking until silence is called and the welcome speech begins.

[Harley] Taking It All In
Author: S Snape 
Date:   09-27-16 19:43

Harley had read some of Hogwarts, A History, a book picked up shopping at that Diagon Alley place Mr. Snape had taken them to pick up school supplies. Turns out that you can't pick up most things required for Hogwarts at the Asda.

The book has some information about the four houses at Hogwarts. She supposes knowing what she does she should of them as Houses rather than as houses. After reading what there was Harley still has no clear idea of what was special about each or why one should be favored over another. There had been a tiny bit about being assigned to a House though she also wasn't overly clear from the information on what exactly sorting, or make that Sorting, was.

Now she knows.

She's still not perfectly clear on what makes one person a Slytherin, as she's been Sorted, versus what makes someone a Hufflepuff, as Dave is. Not when Dave and she are a lot a like. They aren't identical or anything but if she's up for something, he is too if he knows about it. Their senses of humor aren't exactly the same but nearly so. They like a number of the same programs, songs, games, and foods.

There's a lot more to this than she thought from what's in that book. More to it than what she picked up listening to others talk on the train.

Hell, there's more to this magic than she would have thought. Initially, Harley had some vision of a bunch of stage magicians whose tricks were real and not faked like the bloke who put on a show at school then explained how some of the tricks were done. Maybe she thought this because of what Mr. Snape showed the day he first came to the house.

She shakes her head. Must stop thinking of him as mister and go with professor as he told them.

It wasn't until the Diagon Alley trip that she started to understand there's more to it all. The archway where a seemingly solid wall had been. Spoons and ladles in cauldrons that stirred themselves. Weird looking people at the bank (honest to God goblins according to Professor Snape, though he didn't put it exactly that way). There is even a whole different set of money, which is why they had to go to the bank. Buying quills and ink instead of pencils and pens. (Dave and she had to practice once they got home and it's good they did because writing with a sharpened feather isn't as easy as you'd think.) And oh so many other things.

Harley is still boggled over getting a wand. Dad, Gran, Dave, and she were all bug eyed when they left that Ollivander's place. There were other places to get wands but the professor said Ollivander's is best and when it comes to wands, it's better to get quality.

As the Sorting continues and then during a speech by the headmistress, Harley tries to take in as much as she can. Other than a few hellos she's not said much to the housemates around her. She'll wait until the food is brought in and dinner begins to get to know anyone around her. Maybe by then she won't feel quite so overwhelmed. Harley doesn't like feeling that way so she does what she always tends to do. She puts on her brave, show no fear face then wonders if the ceiling is painted only to remember reading a little something about it in Hogwarts, A History.

(Titus) What?
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   09-28-16 14:49

Titus had always like to watch the Sorting Ceremony. When Flitwick called the name of the student and he or she approached the three-legged stool, he would try and guess which house they would belong to according to their looks. Bruno jumped in as well.

This year however Titus had finished playing the game when the third student had been sorted. The hat had taken its time with the sorting and as he waited for the final verdict, Titus eyes swiped the Great Hall. That's when he found Tiberius seated at the High Table.

His brother was looking straight at him, but then he looked away, in order to pay attention to the Sorting Ceremony. Titus was in shock. What was Tiberius doing here?

"How many Ellis siblings are there?" Bruno whispered, as the twins Daphne and Emily were sorted into Gryffindor.

Titus had heard there were plenty of Ellis siblings but he couldn't tell how many. At this moment he was only preoccupied with one particular sibling and that was his own brother. The only obvious explanation for Tiberius' presence tonight was that he had become a professor. Or maybe he was here to help with the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament. But why? Titus wished he could stand and just go and talk to his brother. But he couldn't. For once he just wanted the Start of the Term Feast to be over.

"What sort of name is Akira? He's going to be a Ravenclaw for sure, with such peculiar name."

But when the boy was sorted into Slytherin, Bruno clapped his hands with enthusiasm as everyone else at the table, forgetting his previous comments. Meanwhile, Titus sent another glance at Tiberius. Their eyes met once again and this time, his brother winked at him and smiled.

"Oooooh he smiled at me!" a girl seated not far from Titus said in a low voice to her friend.

"No he didn't, he was looking right at me. I cannot wait to have classes with him!"

Titus looked away, embarrassed. It wasn't pleasant to hear these girls talking about his brother that way. Not when he was probably twice their age. They were thinking he was a teacher. Could that be true?

A boy named Louis Kegg had just installed himself at the Hufflepuff table. Professor Flitwick cleared his throat, ready to call out another name. Titus raised his head waiting, however his mind was not entirely at the sorting but with Tiberius.

The Sorting Ceremony: Part Two
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   09-28-16 18:55

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat and called out, "Lisa McCallister!", who was sorted into "RAVENCLAW!" within moments of the Sorting Hat settling onto her head. The Head of Ravenclaw looked tremendously relieved to finally have a first year join the ranks of his own house.

Next came, "Kearney Powell!", who went to "SLYTHERIN!"

The following name was, "Noah Stratford!"

A slightly exotic-looking boy stepped onto the dais and approached the stool. He sat down and lowered the Sorting Hat onto his head.

Hmm… mused the Hat. It's been years since I've sorted a Stratford. Let's see… Intelligent, diligent, polite. You belong in… "RAVENCLAW!"

Looking a bit stunned but nevertheless pleased, Noah took off the Sorting Hat, climbed off the stool, and joined his new housemates at the Ravenclaw table.

"Selma Szyslak!" was sorted into "SLYTHERIN!", while "Mona van Housten!" joined "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Gideon Weasley!" called out Professor Flitwick.

A rare Weasley without the signature red hair came forward and sat on the stool. Another Weasley! exclaimed the Sorting Hat. I know just what to do with you… "GRYFFINDOR!"

His sister "Larkin Weasley!" was also sorted into "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Seth Weasley!"

Seth, who looked more like his father and uncle, sat down and waited for the Sorting Hat to make what all expected would be an easy decision. After all, he was a Weasley, and every single person who'd ever had that surname had been a member of Gryffindor House. Anyone making a bet that Seth would follow all those Weasleys before him would lose, because the Sorting Hat called out, "RAVENCLAW!"

The announcement was so shocking that Professor Flitwick almost fell over, but he managed to stay on his feet. He felt proud to have Seth in his house and not in Gryffindor as expected.

Seth went to sit by Noah at the Ravenclaw table, leaving his surprised siblings behind at Gryffindor.

Professor Flitwick suddenly remembered he wasn't quite finished with the list of first years and called out, "Brianna Wentworth!"

Brianna went to "RAVENCLAW!", as did "Cynthia Yewbeam!"

At the conclusion of the Sorting Ceremony, Professor Flitwick rolled up the scroll, and banished it along with the Sorting Hat and three-legged stool. Then he went to the High Table and sat next to Professor McGonagall, who rose to her feet to give her Start of Term Feast speech.

Full Moon Tonight (Sylvestor)
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   09-29-16 19:14

Somewhat grumpy Sylvestor wishes the food would hurry up and get here. Noting Sylvestor's expression Fitzwilliam nudges him. "Cheer up. It's no big deal."

"I'm getting a Howler. You probably will too."

Fitz shrugs. "If I do, won't be the first and probably not the last."

"Mum will make me miss the first Hogsmeade weekend. My first Hogsmeade weekend and I won't be able to go," Sylvestor practically moans.

"Ten points. You lost ten points. It's not the end of the world and not worthy of grounding you on Hogsmeade Saturday."

"Ten points each. Besides, it's not the points taken, it's why they were taken."

"Personally, that prefect overreacted. Who really saw anything? All the others in the compartment saw were our fully clothed fronts."

"That farmer. The people along the road waiting for the farmer's sheep to finish crossing."

"Bet they didn't even notice."

"How would you know? We weren't facing them to know what they saw or not. Also, you yelling out the window about a full moon tonight may have gotten their attention."

"We were on a speeding train. I bet they didn't even hear us over the noise of the Hogwarts Express and all those sheep that were probably bleeting. Or baaing or whatever it is sheep do."

"The train was slow right then because of that deep curve. But, maybe you're right about the noise," Sylvestor concedes.

The food appearing on the table momentarily diverts Sylvestor from thinking about the potential Howler and whatever punishment his parents come up with. Reaching for whatever is nearest, he starts loading his plate, tuning in for the first time since entering the Great Hall on conversations going on around him concerning the various Scholastic Aptitude Tournament events.

Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   09-29-16 19:21

Professor McGonagall looked around at the many faces staring back at her. Most were familiar to her, but a few she had only just met during the Sorting Ceremony. The new first years gazed at their surroundings with a mixture of expressions. Some had never seen an enchanted ceiling before, while others perhaps knew that ghosts existed but had never met one like Nearly Headless Nick or the Bloody Baron. One thing all the new students had in common was the fact that they were about to embark on the greatest years of their young lives.

"Good evening, and welcome to the Start of Term Feast. It is a new year at Hogwarts, and with a new year comes a few changes," Professor McGonagall announced. "First, congratulations are in order. Professor Kent has gotten married."

She paused, turned in his direction and applauded lightly. Professor Kent rose partly out of his chair to acknowledge the mention and grinned at his wife, who was seated next to him.

Professor McGonagall continued, "I would like to welcome Professor Longbottom, who will teach lower years Herbology." She paused to allow for clapping and then said, "Professor Ravenscroft has graciously agreed to teach upper years Herbology."

She threw a quick glance down the side of the table and saw Professor Nott sitting up straight in his chair. "I would also like to welcome Professor Nott, who will teach lower years Transfiguration." Some of the girls started clapping enthusiastically at the news that he was their teacher or somebody they might see around the castle.

"Please also give a warm welcome to Professor Ravensdale, who will teach lower years History of Magic."

After the introductions were made, Professor McGonagall turned to other business. "This is an exciting school year," she began. "After an entire decade, the second Scholastic Aptitude Tournament, or SAT, will take place. The SAT is a competition among seven wizarding schools and will mostly involve academic skills. If you are chosen to participate, you will most likely have the opportunity to visit one or more schools of magic, make new friends, and learn about other cultures. I encourage all of you to submit your names as event enrollment becomes available."

She picked up her wand and said, "Please note that Friday is the deadline to submit your name for the following events: Runic Rodeo, Arithmancy Challenge, Invention and Design, Best in Show: Magical Creatures and Best in Show: Magical Plants." As she stated each event name, a corresponding goblet appeared on the stage in front of the High Table. "Eligibility requirements for each event is posted on the common room bulletin boards. Please see the event staff sponsors for more information."

She lowered her wand and said, "Well, I believe we've covered a lot of information this evening. Once again, welcome or welcome back, whatever the case may be. And now without further ado, may the feast begin!"

Returning Staff Member
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   09-30-16 11:59

"It's nice not being the newest teacher on the block," Fritz says to Neville Longbottom, who graduated from Hogwarts at the end of Fritz's second year.

Neville, who's with his significant other Hannah, smiles and echoes what Fritz himself thought exactly one year ago. "I can't believe I'm back at Hogwarts, only this time as a professor. I've filled in before, but substituting isn't exactly the same as being a full-fledged member of the staff."

"Do you think it'll be much different from teaching at St. Emrys?" Coco asks.

Neville shrugs. "Yes, and no. The big difference is the age of my students. Some of the first years have never even heard of Herbology. It'll be really something to get to introduce them to a new topic." He pauses to take a sip of his drink and then adds, "It's not so much that I didn't teach anything new to the students at the university, or why else would they have taken my class? It's just that the topic wasn't completely foreign to them. I'll probably have to adjust how I teach so that I don't confuse those newest to magical studies."

Fritz, Coco and Hannah nod.

Neville turns to Fritz and asks, "You're also taking classes at the university, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'm in my last year of the Primary Order of Potions program."

"Primary Order!" Neville exclaims enthusiastically. "That's amazing. What will you do after, do you think? Alchemy is only part-time, isn't it?"

Fritz nods and says, "Yes. I thought I might continue teaching, perhaps at St. Emrys. Or maybe I'll go into research."

Talk shifts then to Coco's work at the pet shop and veterinary clinic in Hogsmeade, her fostering of animals, and the expansions made at home to house various pets.

(Robert) Night at the Museum
Author: Isolde 
Date:   09-30-16 13:39

Robert entered the Royal Museum of Magic after showing his ticket. The gala taking place was not something he ordinarily would have been a part of, but his duties to the man in the red hat had secured his way in. He should have been at the Start of Term Feast with his wife, but he'd told Azaelia that a project at work kept him delayed. He knew that she wouldn't visit him at the Ministry of Magic to check up on him, since the Start of Term Feast was an important event at Hogwarts, and as a member of the staff, she was strongly encouraged to be present.

Robert scanned the grand foyer for familiar faces and saw few, though most he recognized were "celebrities" who often appeared in society pages or Ministry officials who were more well-known than others. He strolled past groups of mingling witches and wizards and then caught sight of one of the guests of honor, standing in front of an arrangement of easels on which paintings were displayed. Robert headed over and waited till the wizard noticed him before addressing him directly.


Antoine excused himself from the guests gathered around him and his art and crossed over to Robert. "I didn't expect to see you here," he remarked. "Pleasure or duty?"

"Duty more than pleasure, though this gala seems nice enough."

A server stopped before them with a tray of champagne glasses. They each took one and then waited for him to continue on his path before speaking again. Robert indicated for Antoine to follow him to a quiet corner of the not-so-quiet museum foyer.

"He wants to know your progress," Robert stated, getting straight down to business.

"You probably want to talk to my sister, since she's the one who's gotten close to him," Antoine replied, "but I'm not entirely sure we'll be able to convince him, if you ask me."

"You know that's the wrong answer, don't you?"

Antoine looked annoyed. "Of course I do, but I'm not convinced he's what we even want. I don't know why everyone's so fixated on him. He's not one of us. He's too good."

"He grew up a certain way," Robert reminded him. "He only knew one life before his parents changed their minds and ruined their family. He simply needs reminding of what came before and why it's imperative he return to the old ways."

"He's been sniffing around, you know."

"I know. I've seen him. Your clever pseudonym no doubt drew him to you."

"It was dear sister's idea," Antoine admitted. "Speaking of…"

A couple came into view. One was Antoine's sister, and the other her boyfriend, who had no idea the artist was related to his date. At first, they didn't notice the two wizards standing off to one side of the room, but it was clear to both Robert and Antoine that the pair were searching for someone in particular. Ash Westwick spotted Antoine first and nudged Jupiter in his direction.

"Showtime," Antoine said under his breath through his smile to Robert.

Robert smiled, too, and sipped his champagne. This would be interesting.

(Bowen) At the Feast
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   09-30-16 15:33

Bowen was seated next to Alice. Pelinore was in front of him and Mulberry in front of Alice. Alice had just waved at her brother Austin, who had been sorted into Gryffindor. He waved back but quickly resumed the conversation he was having with his new friends.

"Was it hard to be sorted into a different house than your sister?" Alice asked Mulberry.

"At first. But it's not so bad. Sometimes it is nice to have a break from Abernathy. And she feels the same about me, I'm sure," Mulberry giggled.

Bowen chewed the piece of potato he had on his mouth and looked at the Ravenclaw table, trying to locate Abernathy, but he wasn't able to find her.

"Where were you two during the train ride?" he asked.

"We shared a compartment with Finely and Phoebus. I took a nap and my sister was working out on something for you."

Mulberry took a piece of parchment out of her pocket and handed it to Bowen. Abernathy had drawn the crest of the football team Manchester City. Abernathy had mistaken his club, Manchester United, for Manchester City. And Bowen disliked Manchester City a great deal because there were United's rivals. He was starting to frown when he noticed the cress burst into flames and in its place appeared his team's own crest, painted with bright colors. Abernathy had used magical ink to do create this effect. The devil on the crest was laughing. This made Bowen smile and he decided to hang the draw at the dormitory wall, near his bed. He needed to make sure to thank Abernathy later for such great gift.

If only he could show it to Stuart and the other muggle boys back home. Maybe they would find it cool enough to allow him to play football with them. During summer Bowen had pretty much been an outcast. The Muggle boys, even Stuart his best friend from the past, opted to ignore him. The only one who still got along with Bowen was Daisy. Sometimes they would ride their bicycles together or sat by his house's front lawn. Daisy did most of the talk. Bowen could not share with her the details of his life, as she couldn't know he was a wizard. It was hard for him because he thought Daisy would give a very good witch, and fit in at Hogwarts even better than him.

"Pass me the gravy bowl," Pelinore asked Bowen. He did so.

They started talking about the upcoming SAT and Bowen forget all about the past summer and focused on the present and future.

Wasn't First Year Only Yesterday?
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   09-30-16 20:27

Seventh year. How did that happen so fast? Feels like only two, maybe three years have gone by since Marlow began first year. Next to her, Eden voices much the same thoughts as Marlow is having. "Wasn't first year only yesterday?"

Catching sight of Heather at the Ravenclaw table Eden shifts topics. "I still can't believe Heather never mentioned being named Head Girl. "

Marlow nods in agreement then shakes her head. "I didn't know until the prefect meeting began as the train was pulling out of the station."

"You think she thought we'd be envious?"

Marlow shakes her head again. "I think maybe she didn't want a big fuss made. That or she was wanting to be dramatic."

"Knowing Heather, I'd say being dramatic," Eden laughs. She leans in and lowers her voice. "Do you thinking Professor Douglass got his girlfriend the job?"

"Do you?"

"No, not really."

"Me either. I can't see McGonagall hiring someone simply because she's someone's girlfriend."

"She was a seventh year when we were what? First years? Second years?" Eden reaches for a buttery roll from a nearby bread basket, debating whether to slather a bit more butter on it.

"Uhhhh, first years I want to say." Marlow gets Eden to pass the bread basket so she too can take one of the appetizing rolls. "I'm not sure about Professor Nott. Longbottom was part of the group that took down Voldemort."

Eden starts to say something in reply but instead says, "Ooooh, sweets are starting to show up. What shall I try? Sticky toffee pudding or, hmmm, that looks like Bakewell Tart."

Marlow, eyeing a Black Forest Cake and a platter of what look like Chelsea Buns, grins at her cousin. "Live it up. It's seventh year afterall. Have some of both."

Not the Only Troublemakers
Author: Gerry 
Date:   10-01-16 13:27

Gerry reached for a platter containing different flavored cheesecake bites and remarked, "What do you think happened?"

Will, who had chocolate frosting smeared on the side of his face, shrugged and said, "I don't know, but I'm not complaining and I'm glad it wasn't us this time."

They were referring to the fact that the hourglass containing Slytherin's emerald gemstones appeared to be showing a negative amount. Obviously, points had been lost already, but who was responsible and why?

"I heard a couple got caught making out in the bathroom on the Hogwarts Express," said Barbie Bones.

Heads turned to look at the Slytherin table in an attempt to figure out the identity of the accused couple.

"Actually," said Pedro Garcia, who was sitting a few seats away and had overheard the conversation between the third years, "I have it on very good authority that two boys dropped their trousers and stuck their bums out the compartment window."

Barbie, Augusta, and the other girls in the vicinity gasped and giggled.

Gerry shook his head slowly and marveled, "That's bloody brilliant." He turned to Will and said, "You should have done it."

"And lose points for Gryffindor on the very first day?" Will questioned, but he acknowledged that it was the sort of thing he probably would have done. "Except my sister was with me."

Will's sister Brianna was sitting with the other new Ravenclaws. He wasn't sure how she'd wound up in the house typically reserved for intelligent students. Will didn't think of Bri as being terribly sharp or hardworking, but then again, she didn't get into as much trouble as he did, though it wasn't because she didn't get into things. She just never got caught. That probably had to count for something.

"Do you think they got detention too?" Gerry wondered. "What about that SAT thing? Think they aren't allowed to participate now?"

"Are you going to put your name in any of those goblets?" Will asked, while shrugging in response to Gerry's questions.

"I'm not taking Ancient Runes," Gerry answered, "so for sure not that, and I don't think we're eligible to do Invention & Design. The rest, maybe. I'll decide on Friday."

Will laughed. "Nothing like waiting till the last minute!"

Gerry shrugged. "What's the rush? Anyway, there are other events besides these, like Broom Racing. I'm totally submitting my name for that one."

He devoured the cheesecake bites and reached for the blueberry pie next. He had his eye on a few more desserts and hoped to get to them all before the end of the Start of Term Feast, which was rapidly approaching.

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