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Monday Lunch
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   12-19-17 20:18

Louis Kegg drags into the Great Hall, wishing he didn't have another class today. He'd not slept well for some reason so has had an almost constant urge to nod off in both Charms and Potions. Eating some lunch might perk him up but it also might just make him sleepier; plus, breakfast didn't do anything to help wake him up.

Reaching for a pitcher to pour himself a drink of whatever it is, Louis catches sight of Finley Pride at the Gryffindor table. He fleetingly wonders if she's picked up the Secret Santa gift he left for her under the tree in the Commons. Margaret helped him pick out an Asian style red and gold blouse.

His next thought is, "Huh?" as Adiran Balfour pokes him.

"You asleep? I've asked three times for you to pass that lentil and sausage soup."

"Sorry," Louis yawns.

A shadow falls across the table and a finger taps him on the shoulder. "You sick?"

"What? No. Just tired. I hardly slept."

Margaret looks skeptical and starts to say he should still go see Madam Pomfrey but stops herself knowing she'd sound like a nag. Instead, she says, "That's too bad. Hope you can get in a nap in later."

"Yeah, thanks."

Margaret returns to her spot a little further along the table next to Blakeney Allis. Margaret had gotten Blakeney's brother's name for Secret Santa but for some reason didn't think to ask Blakeney for present suggestions until after she'd already gotten Conrad something while in Hogsmeade Saturday. It was stupid of her not to but maybe Conrad will like the jacket Margaret had gotten him.

The jacket looks like knight's armor complete with helm with visor. Margaret had thought it would be far too expensive for her Secret Santa budget, or any gift budget for anyone on her list for that matter, but to her surprise it was well under budget. When she'd questioned whether the price was correct the saleswoman told Margaret that yes, it was correct. The jacket were from a shoppe that had gone out of business and that all the merchandise in that corner of the store was from that shoppe and at greatly reduced prices. Finding this out, Margaret took a closer look at some of the other merchandise indicated and ended up selecting three other Christmas gifts that she'd initially thought were far out of her price range.

Also at the Hufflepuff table is Danielle Hodfuffer. She too put her name in for the Secret Santa draw, which of course meant she would get a name of someone for whom to buy a gift. She'd gotten Professor Somerset's name. Despite having the handsome wizard for Defense Against the Dark Arts Danielle knows little about him beyond the fact that he has a daughter and that he sees Briar Rose who has the bakery in Hogsmeade.

Being a first year Danielle couldn't go shopping in Hogsmeade but she could look through catalog and she exchanged several owls with her mother. She kept going back to a catalog that offered affordable versions of Muggle colognes, perfumes, bath gels, cosmetics, and that sort of thing. The catalog being a magical product, she was able to sample each scent she was interested in. Danielle selected the cologne version of something called Bvlgara.

At the head table Danielle's uncle also sits with Secret Santa on his mind. AJ had gotten Gareth Martini-Blackwell's name. AJ is more familiar with Gareth's brother Gerry though Gerry is not one of AJ's students. Gerry was part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team before last year's SAT and is on the team again this year. Gerry also has a little bit of a reputation for liking jokes and pranks, though how he knows that AJ isn't sure. Gareth, however, as a first year is still largely unknown to AJ as far as what sort of student he is, what his personality is like, and what his likes and dislikes might be.

AJ ended up playing it safe when shopping with Mariposa for Gareth's gift, getting the first year both a Gryffindor t-shirt and a cool looking, in AJ's opinion, yin-yang shirt.

With some things he wants to do in his classroom before his afternoon class of third years, AJ returns his attention to eating lunch and chatting with his only current table neighbor, Kissy Isuki.

Before Astronomy
Author: Charlie Weasley 
Date:   12-20-17 20:23

Mondays mean Astronomy for first year Gryffindors. And Hufflepuffs. Schuyler doesn't usually mind, and he doesn't tonight, but there are times he'd rather not have to go. Not have to stay up. This is a school of magic. Isn't there some way to do a night sky during the day somewhere in the castle so students who don't want to be up till after midnight don't have to be? Or if they want to be up, they could be doing something like playing chess or reading or just goofing with friends.

Tonight, waiting in the Gryffindor common room to leave for the Astronomy tower, Schuyler is put in mind of the person he got for Secret Santa. Maud Montgomery is a third year and a Ravenclaw. He found out she's also the niece of Celeste Quigley, the upper years Astronomy professor. Upon learning this tidbit Schuyler had an idea for what to give Maud.

Late May or early June, he can't remember exactly what day it was, Schuyler, Artie, Ava, and Dad were shopping for birthday gifts for Mum. At one shoppe together they picked out a locket with two dragons forming a heart. With Charlie Weasley a dragon keeper and a professor who teaches about dragons, Schuyler and his brother and sister thought it perfect.

While looking over the jewelry selection the shoppe offered, before the dragon heart locket was collectively decided upon, Ava had commented on some moon shaped pendants with a charm that glows she thought pretty, pointing them out to her brothers and father. Schuyler thinks she was hoping Dad will get her one for Christmas or her next birthday, even though both at the time were far off.

Schuyler doesn't know if Maud likes astronomy or star and moon related things but he couldn't get his mind off those pendants and her having an Astronomy professor of an aunt. He wrote his father, asking if he remember the shoppe and those pendants. If so, he'd like to give one to his Secret Santa if they weren't a huge amount of galleons. He couldn't write his mother because even though she's had her dragon locket since her June birthday, she wasn't there that day in the shoppe to know what Schuyler would be writing about.

Dad was quick about it, sending a pendant to Schuyler, leaving it for him to wrap so he could look in the box and make sure it's what he'd had in mind. He's not the best gift wrapper but he did a fair enough job he thinks, placing the small, wrapped box under the Commons tree this morning before breakfast.

James Eternal-Black taps Schuyler on the arm, then throws a thumb towards the Gryffindor portal. Nodding, he grabs the coat from his own Secret Santa, Professor Schnackenpfefferhausen, which he opened even though it's days yet until Christmas, Schuyler hopes he doesn't need it tonight but if they do go outside rather than stay in the classroom, he should stay plenty warm with it!

What Day Is It?
Author: Blossom 
Date:   12-22-17 18:45

Gideon slides down in his chair. "What day is it?"

Larkin rolls her eyes. "Tuesday."

"All day it's been Tuesday," Seth adds, reaching for his mug of spiced cider.

Their brother sighs. "It's seemed more like Wednesday to me for some reason even though we did Tuesday classes. And if it's Wednesday I need to hurry and finish my Charms essay before curfew."

Perplexed, Larkin asks, "Why could you only work on it before curfew?"

"In case I need to ask the brain here something," he responds, nodding in Seth's direction who says, "It's not Wednesday. It is before curfew. You could be working on the essay right now."

"Yeah. Yeah." Gideon reaches for a biscuit. He ate plenty at supper and had pudding in the form of a slice of apple and blackberry pie but the biscuits are there within reach and it's been a short while since supper. Thinking of the time since they ate he reaches for another biscuit and contemplates going and getting a fairy cake or if not that, then seeing whatever else is available.

Seth mirrors Gideon by reaching for a biscuit as well. "These are good. I never thought I liked gingersnaps."

"That's what these are?"

Larkin rolls her eyes again. "Yes. What did you think?"

"Dunno, but I never thought I liked them either."

"As you've only eaten six, I'm not sure you do," Larkin smirks.

Seth reminds, "Charms essay."

"Right. Okay." Gideon digs around in his bookbag. Pulling out what he's got so far on the essay he asks, "Either of you get anything from your Secret Santas?"

"Not yet," Seth says, shaking his head before taking another sip of the spiced cider.

Larkin nods. "I have but haven't opened it yet."

"Why not?" Gideon demands, looking as perplexed now as Larkin did a moment ago.

"It's not Christmas yet."

"So?" both her brothers say at the same time.

Larkin shrugs. "I don't know. Seems like I should wait."

"Hogwarts Secret Santa gifts don't count like that," Seth informs her.

"I have it in my bag. I've been carrying it around since finding it under the tree. It's from Madam Blackheart."

Seth grins, "Probably a book. If you don't want it, unless it's something for girls, I'll take it."

Larkin retrieves the package. "Not book size."

"So?" both boys again say at the same time.

Larkin looks from one to the other then at the package. It is highly possible that being a witch Madam Blackheart wrapped a twenty volume book set only to have it appear to be a small box and fairly lightweight. "Forget I said that."

Curious now, she removes the wrapping. The box remains small and lightweight but that could still mean nothing. Just in case it is a small library collection of books, Larkin stands and puts the box on her chair to give it more room to expand if needed once open. She lifts the box top, staring at the box. Gideon and Seth too stare. When nothing happens she shifts her attention to what's still nested in the box, discovering three pairs of cute earrings. She removes the small birthstone studs she's wearing then puts in the pair of earrings that look like unicorns with cat ears.

Disappointed that Larkin didn't get even a single book he could borrow and forget to give back, Seth returns his attention to rereading the assignment for tomorrow's Potions as Gideon says, "I wonder if anyone has gotten the gifts we left yet."

"Not sure. You can always go look," Larkin answers, now nibbling on the last of the gingersnaps.

Gideon gets up but doesn't go to the tree. Instead, he goes to refill his hot cocoa and get more biscuits.

Both Gideon and Seth had gotten the names of girls, one their classmate Emily Ellis and the a girl a year ahead of the triplets, Blair Hazelton, both of them in Gryffindor. Larkin got the name of seventh year Ravenclaw Franciscus Vanderbilt. The triplets had discussed whether to do the same gift, something tailored to each individual, or go with a similar theme but not three identical presents. They'd also thought about going the easy way and getting Dad to send them things from the joke shoppe.

After looking through catalogs and owls to Mum and Dad, they'd decided to do their own thing, each considering going with a joke shoppe item but then having a change of mind. When they each learned what the other had selected, they'd had a good laugh. For Emily Ellis, Gideon had gotten a perfume for girls called Luna that comes in a pretty bottle with a luna moth. Seth had gotten Blair Hazelton perfume as well, only the one he chose is called Iris and comes in a pretty bottle with an iris flower. Larkin had gotten Franciscus Vanderbilt a cologne geared for teens. It's called Borealis and the bottle has some, but not all, the colors of an aurora borealis.

(Tessa) Before Lunch
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   12-23-17 20:15

Tessa and Blakeney filed out of the greenhouses, choosing to take the outdoor route instead of the inner corridors of the castle since pretty snowflakes were currently drifting down from the sky. Neither was particularly inclined to the cold, but it was truly a winter wonderland and it put the ever-approaching Christmas holidays to mind.

The girls made their way up to the castle at a leisurely pace, despite the fact that both had Muggle Studies directly after lunch. Both girls also had Astronomy at midnight, but Tessa also had Fitness & Athletics this afternoon. Wednesday was a very full day for her. Fortunately, there was not much left of Fall Term.

"So do you know if Lilith likes the gift you got her?" Blakeney asked, referring to the Secret Santa present Tessa had placed under the Christmas tree in the Commons over the weekend.

"I don't know. I haven't checked to see if she picked it up yet."

The gift in question was something Tessa had found during Saturday's Hogsmeade trip. She and Blakeney had gone to enjoy the day and conduct their Christmas shopping. Tessa had also miraculously managed to avoid Chip all day. She later heard he'd spent the whole weekend in the Hospital Wing with strep throat.

Tessa found Lilith's present at Gladrags Wizardwear. It was a pretty blouse with subtle constellations on it. Tessa like it because it was pretty, not because she particularly liked Astronomy. She had no idea how Lilith felt about the subject, but Tessa did find out that Lilith hadn't dropped the class after fifth year. That augured well in Tessa's opinion.

The girls finally made it to the castle and headed straight for the Great Hall for lunch.

The Commons
Author: S Snape 
Date:   12-23-17 20:50

Emerging from his office Severus swiftly walks to the nearest staircase that will take him from the dungeons. At the top of the landing he turns not for the Great Hall and the meal being served there but in the direction that will take him to the Common Commons. As a youth attending Hogwarts there was no all student common room area. The Great Hall and the library served those designations in a fashion, simply without the relaxed atmosphere offered by the Common Commons.

Given experience Severus had while a student he thinks not having had a Commons then was a good thing. He can well imagine trying to get a few minutes of conversation in with his friend Lily only to have Potter and company rudely interrupt. He can well imagine it because such a scenario played out in many locations around the castle. It is Severus's belief, however, that a setting such as the Common Commons would have magnified such situations, making the encounters worse what with an audience for the bullies to play to.

Reaching the Commons he goes straight for the large tree dominating one portion of the huge room and places beneath it a box wrapped in silver with green ribbon and green bow. Having once again decided to participate in this year's Secret Santa for reasons he has yet to fathom Severus has the name of Majandra Weasley. He is giving her three cauldron charms with a bracelet.

Straightening without first checking to see if a gift for him is there he sees Harley and Davidson Croft both bent to place wrapped presents under the tree, Dave reading names aloud from the gifts near enough for him to see. He starts when Severus says, "Miss Croft. Mr. Croft."

Harley smiles. "Hi, professor. You did Secret Santa?"

"Didn't think me the sort?"

"No, I mean, I don't know."

Dave saves Harley from the awkward moment by pointing out to her, "Look, he got Professor Weasley's name. Harley got Professor Ravenscroft and I have Gerry Martini-Blackwell. Oh, but you may not know him yet. He's a fourth year."

"I am familiar with Mr. Martini-Blackwell."

Harley asks, "Because he plays Quidditch?"

"That and I try to be familiar with the student body, even if only putting a face to a name."

"That's nice," she politely responds before saying, "Dave, we'd better get to lunch if we want to have plenty of time to eat before afternoon classes. Bye, Professor Snape."

Rather than tell them he too is going to the Great Hall, not wanting to make them overly uncomfortable for another reason he cannot fathom, he bids them goodbye and gives them a minute or two headstart. As he waits he thinks about their mother and how he wishes to help their situation with her. Initially, he'd considered finding a way to perform an Obliviation on her but shortly after realized the scope of such a task is beyond him. Their mother would not be the only Muggle to be Obliviated. Every person in that prison who may have heard her speak of her children or have seen them there for the few visitations they've made would have to be Obliviated as well. Kingsley would never give approval and something on that scale would not go unnoticed by the Ministry. Something else shall have to be done but in the months since Severus has yet to come up with a viable plan that he could do on his own or one that would be approved if approval were required.

Christmas Plans
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   12-24-17 04:07

"Don't forget your homework!" Tiberius reminded his students, as they walked out of the classroom. Third years Hufflepuff and Slytherin were his last class of the day. He started gathering his belongings, and by the corner of his eye he saw Edwina Trainor leaving the classroom.

Edwina was Tiberius' Secret Santa this year. Just like last year, buying gifts for a teenager had revealed itself particularly difficult. Tiberius had to ask for some advice from his female colleagues, such as Illyria, Majandra and Marzipan. In the end, he decided to buy Edwina a pair of comfortable slipper like boots.

Everyone had left the classroom, but Tiberius felt he was being watched. He turned to the door and Titus was there looking at him. He told his brother to enter, surprised. This was the first time Titus engaged any sort of contact with Tiberius, since that time he had entered his office.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

Tiberius invited Titus in. He closed the door in order to get some privacy.

"What can I do for you?" Tiberius asked.

Titus had become a riddle to him. It was impossible to read his face and eyes. Tiberius couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking or feeling, and that frustrated him. He missed those times when his brother was just a little boy and all he wanted was a new broomstick.

"I just wanted to let you know I plan to spend Christmas at home. So do not be surprised if you find the house occupied."

Tiberius looked at his brother puzzled. He had assumed Titus would want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts. But then he realized Titus would turn seventeen in a few days, and he could leave school during the holidays and go wherever he wanted.

On some other occasion Tiberius wouldn't mind Titus to stay at Endhope Abbey. Even if his brother didn't want him there, at least Tiberius would know where he was. He wouldn't be mixed with those squib thieves he had spent the summer with. However, there was a problem with their family home. Their mother's ghosts haunted the family manor, since Tiberius had killed her on one of her precious living rooms. Tiberius feared Titus would meet Lucinda's ghost and she would tell him the truth about her death.

"Very well. Thank you for telling me in advance," Tiberius declared. He knew if he told Titus he could not go to Endhope Abbey then he would want to go even harder.

In his mind he was already forging a plan to prevent Titus to go there. He smiled at his brother and said:

"Is that all?"

"Well, actually…I need some money for my Secret Santa."

Since Titus was not seventeen yet, it was still Judith Foxcastle who controlled his pocket money. Titus still had no income of his own and he would only have access to part of Lucinda's money in a few days. Tiberius gave Titus the money.

Titus' Secret Santa was third year Bertie Nutcombe which happened to be Edwina's friend. Titus didn't know Bertie at all, and he decided to buy him something he thought anyone of any age would like. He would buy him a box with several types of cookies, then another one with all sort of chocolates, and last but not least one with all sort of sweets.

Gift Giving Doubts And Certainties
Author: Saffron 
Date:   12-25-17 19:04

Hope and Katheryn sit down for lunch but seeing her sister look glum Hope gets back up to go see if Ingrid is all right. Looking up at the question Ingrid shakes her head. "It's nothing, not really. I went ahead and put a Secret Santa gift under the tree but I'm not sure it's what I should give."

"What is it?"

Ingrid checks to see who is within earshot before replying, "A dress with a pretty peacock pattern." She adds, "It's for Patricia McCourt. I don't know if it's her style or not."

"She's one of your roommates. You don't know if it's something she'd wear?"

"No." Ingrid looks even more down. "You'd think I would but I don't. I'm thinking of going and getting it before she sees there's something for her under the tree. I just don't know what else I'd give instead."

"So leave it. If she seems to truly dislike it, you can offer to exchange it for her."

"Yeah, I guess."

Hope gives her a small smile then returns to sit with Katheryn.

"She okay?" Katheryn asks.

"Yes, just having doubts about a Secret Santa gift. I can't blame her. You know how much I've flip flopped about what to give mine."

Hope has Kaycee Sickleby's name. Not only is Kaycee a third year to Hope's seventh but she's a Hufflepuff to Hope's Ravenclaw. She ended up getting for Kaycee what she'd also gotten Ingrid and Estella, a pajama set that includes a cute pair of warm pajamas, a pair of slippers, a stuffed animal, and a mug for a hot drink. Though each set includes the same items, each girl is getting a set different from the others.

Like his sisters Bran had had to think hard about what to give the person whose name he got for Secret Santa. She is a first year and in Slytherin. Having no clue what Fulvia Flaversham might like he was about to owl his mother and pass off the job of getting a gift to her when he thought to ask Lilith and Callie for suggestions. Callie mentioned that she thought Fulvia had some sort of connection to Paton Shrewsbury. So, off Bran went to talk to Paton, who ended up having little to offer beyond a clear distaste for Fulvia and something about she liked glitter.

Glitter. That was something. Not much to go on but still something. Bran ended up getting Fulvia a set of glitter gel pens, not something exactly wizarding but better than the glitter ink choices he found in Hogsmeade and through owl order. As the pens alone didn't seem like much to him he also got Fulvia some green glitter nail polish and a small purse, of the sort his sisters would call an across the body bag, that is also green and glittery.

Unlike the Hyland siblings, Katheryn had known fairly quickly what she wanted to give her own Secret Santa person. Katheryn's person is Hogwarts librarian Azaelia Blackheart and upon seeing Madam Blackheart's name on the parchment she'd immediately thought of an arty poster she'd seen over the summer in a shoppe in Diagon Alley. Katheryn wrote to the shop to inquire about the poster, happy to learn it was within her budget. The poster is of two shelves of books with a cat sleeping around some of the books.

Estella had also had no doubts when it came to this year's Secret Santa. That same summer shopping trip to Diagon Alley she'd spotted a vintage pocket watch for such a low price she thought there'd been a mistake. When learning no, that was the cost, she thought maybe it was so few galleons because it didn't work. The clerk, who turned out to be the proprietor, assured her it did by demonstrating to her how well it kept time.

For some reason Estella just knew she had to buy it though she had no need of a vintage pocket watch and it's not something she had a mind to start collecting. Still, she bought it and upon getting the name of Declan Douglass for Secret Santa she immediately thought of the watch. It is now in a small box wrapped with snowflakes on an icy blue background and beneath the tree in the Commons, unless Professor Douglass has picked it up since she checked yesterday that is.

With a class just after lunch, Estella doesn't dawdle over her meal, thinking she'll check the tree when she's finished late this afternoon after Fitness & Athletics ends at 4:30.

Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   12-27-17 18:21

Amorica taps one of the photos in the catalog she and Lauren are perusing. "I like this."

"Me too but would she? I think she would but at the same time I'm not sure."

"I know what you mean. Keep this in mind and look at this." Amorica flips to a page she'd marked.

"Yeah, that seems more like it."

Amorica makes a note on the list Lauren and she have for those relatives they decided to go in together for Christmas presents. Knowing who's next on that list Lauren opens another catalog to a page of pretty sweaters, the models for each twisting and turning to show each sweater off, some even walking away then turning to come forward, giving a good idea of how each jumper moves and looks close up versus farther away. Before Lauren can point out the one she has in mind Amorica taps the photo. "This one, right?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Two names left."

Lauren turns several pages in the same catalog, Amorica stopping her by pointing out a dress shown on one page. "That's what I got for my Secret Santa."

Lauren laughs. "I got mine a dress too, but this one." She turns one more page to show Amorica perfect example of a "little black dress" whereas the one Amorica is giving is a gorgeous, light blue dress.

Lauren's Secret Santa is for Slytherin fourth year Eirene McLaggen. Amorica also drew a fourth year, but Blakeney Ellis is a member of Hufflepuff House.

At the head table, their cousin Aaron sits chatting with another professor. He's one of the ones on their list that they are collaborating on for a Christmas gift. As he has always participate in Secret Santa, Lauren wonders aloud, though only loud enough for Amorica to hear, "I wonder who he has. Saffron too."

Little do they realize that at the very moment their cousin is giving himself a mental reminder to leave Charlotte Stratford's Secret Santa gift under the tree as soon as he leaves from lunch, before going to Cloud's Kiss for his 1:15 Muggle Studies class of 4th years.

The gift for Charlotte is two-fold. When she opens the silver and green wrapped present she will find a tote bag with an artistic rendering of a Capricorn, her birth sign, and inside the tote Slytherin stationary boxed set for writing owls to family and friends.

A short time later all three leave, all going towards the Commons, Aaron to drop of Charlotte's gift before continuing on to his class, Amorica and Lauren to finish making decisions on their list and then start the process of writing the owl orders with Amorica needing to watch the time. Care of Magical Creatures isn't until 3:15 but the time to leave for class will sneak up on her if she's not paying attention.

Alys and Blakeney and Secret Santa
Author: Ellis 
Date:   12-28-17 16:03

Alys entered the Common Common Room and went over to the festively decorated Christmas tree, where a number of packages had been left. She added a rectangular box to the pile. Alys would have left the gift earlier, but she'd been unhappy with her first dozen or so wrap-jobs. Being very particular, she needed the wrapping to be perfect, or it would bother her endlessly.

The clothing box was wrapped in red paper patterned with Christmas baubles in green, blue, and silver. The folds were perfectly creased and taped, as if a professional gift-wrapper had worked on it. The matching tag read:

To: Katheryn Finch
From: Alys Ellis

This was not the first time that Alys had gotten Katheryn's name for the annual Secret Santa gift exchange. The last time had been two years ago. That Christmas, Alys had gotten Katheryn a crocheted mermaid tail blanket.

This year Alys had also gone with something comfy, a pair of pajama bottoms. Alys liked them in particular because they were patterned with elephants, one of her favorite mundane animals.

As Alys headed out of the Commons to go to dinner, Blakeney came in, also carrying a rectangular, festively-wrapped clothing box. Instead of the comfortable pajamas Alys had picked out for her Secret Santa recipient, Blakeney had gone with something dressy. It was a pretty black dress with a floral pattern on it. The gift was for Savannah Applewhite.

Blakeney put it under the Christmas tree, pausing there for a moment to see if someone had left her a gift yet. To her delight, there was a big box with her name on it. Grinning, Blakeney took the box and left the Commons for her dormitory room to see what her Secret Santa had gotten her.

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