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(Noah) First Quidditch Match
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   12-29-17 14:10

Noah listened intently as captain Paton Shrewsbury gave a pep talk before Ravenclaw's very first match of the Quidditch season. The second year student could still hardly believe that he'd earned a spot on the team. He didn't consider himself a bad player by any means, but he figured there must be many better and more experienced students than him.

When Paton concluded his speech, it was time to take to the field. Noah nervously adjusted his uniform and made sure his broomstick and beater's bat were in order. The doors to the locker room were thrown open moments later. Noah swallowed the huge lump in his throat and mounted his broomstick. When he heard his name called, he flew through the open doors, into the chilly air of the Pitch.

Noah couldn't believe how wild the crowd looked from his vantage point. It was one thing to view the Pitch from the stands but quite another to see it from the air. He felt nervous knowing everyone, his family included, was watching him.

Noah quickly scanned the crowd for a familiar face. He spotted his parents and sister Sophia first, followed by his uncle Lysander and cousins Charlotte, Dylan and August. Astrid, who Noah wasn't sure was considered his aunt or not, wasn't there as far as he could tell.

Noah and Charlotte had both put their names in for Secret Santa. Noah had ended up getting a pair of Hogwarts house slippers for Sylvestor Trainor, while Charlotte had opted for a beanie shaped like a cat's face for Harley Croft. Both gifts had been ordered via catalog, although separately and from different stores.

Captains Paton and Duncan Dippet touched down at center field to shake hands and listen to Coach Krum's speech about good sportsmanship. Then they re-mounted their broomsticks and took their places in the circle just above where the Flying professor and Quidditch referee remained, along with the trunk containing the balls.

Coach Krum released the balls in turn. As soon as the quaffle went up in the air, Seth Weasley made a grab for it, but Cornington Marchbanks wrestled it free. He found a hasty opening and darted through it, with Paton and Franciscus Vanderbilt hot on his heels and Kaycee Sickleby eager to lend Cornington her assistance if need be.

Noah, meanwhile, shot after one of the bludgers, only for Conrad Ellis to reach it first. Conrad walloped it at Paton, who was trying to harass Cornington. Kurt Blackwell swept in to deflect the black ball. Noah intercepted it before either Conrad or Tessa Filby could take control of it. He redirected the bludger at Cornington, but Cornington passed the quaffle to Kaycee before any damage could be done.

Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw 2011
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   12-29-17 14:49

As usual on a game day Viktor had arrived at Hogwarts early to go over the pitch and brooms that those players without their own will use and back-up broom in case a player's own broom becomes unusable. He'd gotten there early enough to have breakfast in the Great Hall, first making a detour to put a Secret Santa present for Danielle Hodfuffer under the Common's tree.

The gift wrap is a whimsical Christmas Quidditch having bludgers with Santa hats, snitches with angelic halos, and green quaffles that appear decorated like a tree. He'd been going to give Danielle something from Krum's Completely Quidditch, either clothing or perhaps a gift certificate but Marjani talked him out of that. He's not sure why because in the past she found his giving Quidditch related gifts to be a great idea.

He since learned Danielle, while doing well at Hogwarts, is also somewhat homesick. She's been through some major upheavals in the past few years, including moving into a new home with a new mother and getting to know a very large extended family. With Marjani's input, Viktor got her a combination scrapbook-photo album, even putting a few photos in it of her brother and sister and adoptive mother that Phlagmelina gave him to use.

After breakfast, Viktor returned to the pitch to do another check. That's where Marjani and Theodosia found him and a short time later Zuberi and Olive. Theodosia is acting as second referee today though her voice has been fading in and out. He suggested she see if Madam Pomfrey had anything that would help but she said since she is no longer an actual employee of Hogwarts she hated to bother Madam Pomfrey. Next thing they knew, Zubari was thrusting a small chalice at Dosie, insisting she drink. By the time Viktor released the balls a short time later, her voice was improved though not fully restored yet.

The match begins with a flurry of action, Hufflepuff taking first possession. Watching closely for fouls and bad sportsmanship, Dosie and Viktor soon lose track of time, both enjoying being part of what so far seems to be an excellent match.

Franciscus and Paton in the Match
Author: Griet 
Date:   12-31-17 08:21

Franciscus sped after Kaycee, who had just accepted the quaffle from Cornington. He caught up to her quickly, despite having to roll away from the impact of a bludger courtesy of Conrad. Kaycee, sensing Franciscus upon her, first shifted the quaffle from one arm to the next and then looked wildly around for someone to throw it to. She settled on Duncan, who was in the best position to receive the quaffle, but as she started to move her arm, Paton materialized as if from nowhere and lifted the quaffle straight from her hand.

He whirled around and shot away, grunting when a bludger clipped him in the side. Though the impact wasn't hard, it hit him in a soft area that made the blow seem more serious than it actually was. Fortunately, the impact didn't affect Paton's grip on the quaffle at all, and none of the Hufflepuff chasers were near enough to take advantage of the temporary distraction.

Paton ignored the throbbing in his side and leaned over his broomstick to reduce wind resistance. The biting wind had the effect of drying out his eyes, though, which made Paton feel all the more tired. If only because he'd seen Fulvia in the Commons last night, Paton felt as if she had spiked his drink when he hadn't been looking. The hot chamomile tea wasn't supposed to keep him up at night, but he'd been wide awake, as if he'd ingested a lot of caffeine.

Thinking of caffeinated drinks put his Secret Santa to mind. Paton had gotten Professor Black whiskey-flavored coffee. The gift had gone under the Christmas tree in the Commons last night, which was when Paton had left his tea cup unattended.

He neared the Hufflepuff goal hoops and powerfully threw the quaffle at the right-most hoop. Rex Applewhite, new keeper for Hufflepuff, tried to stop the ball outright. Instead, it bounced off his body and landed back in Paton's arms. By now, the other players had reached him. Franciscus called out a warning to him because another bludger was barreling his way, so Paton quickly threw the ball to his cousin.

Cornington nearly intercepted it, but Franciscus managed to secure his hold on it. He threw the quaffle for the left-most hoop, the same time Kurt aimed a bludger at Rex. Rex hesitated just long enough for the quaffle to cleanly enter the hoop.

"Vanderbilt scores the first points of the match for Ravenclaw!" the announcer shouted.

Rex, with a frown on his face, recovered the quaffle and handed it to Cornington. Cornington immediately lobbed it forward to Kaycee. She pulled it close to her body but had to swerve suddenly when a bludger came at her. She missed the bludger but also lost the quaffle, when Paton yanked it from her arms once again.

Paton turned his broomstick around and immediately threw the ball back to Franciscus. Franciscus had also put his name in for Secret Santa and had gotten Grace Valentine as his recipient this year. While out in Hogsmeade earlier in the month, he'd seen a temporary vendor offering up different kinds of do-it-yourself kits. Franciscus had settled on a DIY soap-making kit for Grace. It had gone under the Christmas tree last night, too.

Unlike Paton, Franciscus had slept like a baby last night. He'd hardly wanted to get up this morning, though, but the thought of Quidditch had perked him right up.

He flew at the Hufflepuff goals at an arc and let the quaffle fly with a bit of spin to it. Rex missed the ball but the ball also missed the intended hoop, bouncing off the rim and into new Ravenclaw chaser Seth's arms. Seth looked as if he might attempt a goal himself, but at the last possible second, he threw the quaffle to Paton, who was in an even better position to score. Before Rex realized what happened, Paton threw for the hoop again and scored another ten points for Ravenclaw.

"Shrewsbury scores! Ravenclaw leads 20-0!" shouted the announcer.

Seth's First Match
Author: Blossom 
Date:   12-31-17 14:17

After Paton's goal brings the score to 20 Ravenclaw, 0 Hufflepuff, Duncan Dippet puts the quaffle back into play with a pass to Kaycee Sickleby. Halfway down the pitch she passes to Cornington Marchbanks but a bludger from Noah Stratford manages to be well-timed enough to knock the quaffle off its path. Seth swoops in for the steal. Or is that an interception? Mentally shrugging, he whips his broom around in as tight a half-circle as he's able and starts the other direction.

Not quite reaching an area around the hoops that he'd feel comfortable attempting a goal shot, Seth is hit by a bludger, from Tessa Filby he thinks. It gets him in the arm gripping the quaffle. Reflexively loosening his grip, next thing he knows Kaycee has plucked it away from him, a look of satisfaction on her face after having Paton take it from her at least twice so far this match.

Seth accelerates after her only to be forced to slow when Duncan gets directly in front of him. A grunt escapes him as he moves around Duncan, who isn't make it easy, weaving back and forth. As Seth speeds up, so does Duncan. Frustrated, he noses his broom down into a curving dive, pouring as the speed once he begins climbing again.

In the meantime, Kaycee has passed to Cornington. Cornington nears the hoops tended by Eileen McCourt. Seth wonders how she feels about playing against her sister's team, Sophie McCourt being Hufflepuff's seeker. Seth has only ever played against Gideon for fun. He's not sure what it will be like when it's a real competition, Ravenclaw against Gryffindor for points toward both the Quidditch Cup and House standings.

Cornington takes a shot but Eileen blocks by smashing the quaffle back with her fist. There's a scramble to take possession, Seth almost knocking heads with Kaycee to get it but get it he does. Bringing his broom around once more, he again flies in the direction of the other set of hoops.

Kaycee - Unintentional, Intentional Goal
Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   12-31-17 14:55

Kaycee set off in pursuit of Seth and the quaffle. She stayed on him when he passed the red ball to Paton, since Duncan was already near the Ravenclaw team captain. Kaycee urged her broomstick to go a little faster and felt a smile tug at the corner of her lips when she steadily caught up to Seth.

Seth cast her a quick glance to check her position but otherwise kept his focus on Paton, in case the older Ravenclaw decided to pass the quaffle back to him. Instead, Paton threw overhand to Franciscus, who quickly had to return the quaffle to his cousin when he found himself the target of both bludgers. One of the bludgers caught him in the thigh, but the other one he managed to avoid by some timely squirming on his broomstick.

Because the throw had been hasty, Paton didn't receive it well. The quaffle bounced from finger to finger, only to be plucked away by Duncan. Duncan turned around abruptly but found his path blocked by Bran, who had suddenly moved near the other players, thinking he may have seen the snitch.

Duncan quickly passed the quaffle to Kaycee, who snatched the red ball out of the air before Seth could swipe out his arm to get it himself. She made herself as small as possible and sped off through the snowflakes, which had started to drift slowly from the gray clouds overhead.

Eileen hunkered down at Kaycee's approach. Kaycee sized up her opponent and decided she would throw the quaffle dead center. She started to get into position, when she felt a bludger smack against the back of her hand. The impact sent the quaffle flying forward, but also sent Eileen scrambling, because the same bludger seemed intent on hitting her, too.

Through the tears that stung her eyes, Kaycee was shocked to see the quaffle make for the hoop, where it struck rim and almost seemed to fall out, but then it teetered on through and earned Hufflepuff ten points on the scoreboard at last.

Blocking Shots (Rex)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   12-31-17 18:08

Ravenclaw has the quaffle again. All six chasers form a misshapen half-circle in front of Rex and the hoops he's keeping, Franciscus with the red ball ready to throw. Rex has his eye on the quaffle but can also see Kurt off to the side, bat in hand, sending a bludger his way. When Franciscus throws the quaffle, Kurt leans far to his right to block the shot and in so doing Kurt's bludger misses him but is close enough he feels it whiffle his past his shoulder.

Paton catches the quaffle but immediately loses it when the very bludger Rex just dodged clips him on the arm, courtesy of Conrad. Cornington snatches the ball before it can fall far but is also hit with a bludger, this one sent by Noah. Duncan's able to get the quaffle, zooming away from Rex and his hoops.

Duncan, Cornington, and Kaycee are able to fly a pattern that allows them to rapidly move the quaffle between them while taking it down the pitch. They're into a good rhythm but just after reaching Eileen and her own hoops, they lose the ball when Duncan makes a goal attempt that Eileen outright catches. She hands the quaffle over to Kaycee, who in turn makes an excellent pass, or it is from Rex's vantage point, to Franciscus. In what seems like a blink to Rex Ravenclaw once more has the quaffle in front of him, aiming to score a third goal.

He takes a bludger on the arm but is still able to stop a throw by Franciscus. Instantly, Paton makes an effort to score. It happens to quickly Rex reacts reflexively, almost unseating himself from his broom in the process, but does manage to stop the ball from passing through any of the three hoops. This time it's Kaycee with the quaffle, hustling back down the other direction, giving Rex a moment to breath.

Tie & Decoy
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   01-01-18 03:08

Eileen watched as Kaycee had the quaffle in her possession, still at a far position from the Ravenclaw hoops. During the first minutes of the match she had been quite nervous. This was her very first quidditch match, and she wasn't sure what to expect.

She met Sophie outside the locker rooms, and her big sister patted her shoulder, telling her everything will be all right. Today they would play against each other, but Eileen didn't consider it a real confront between sisters, as Sophie was a seeker and Eileen a keeper. Things would be different when she would have to play against Belinda.

Kaycee passed the quaffle to Duncan. Paton tried to steal the quaffle from his hands, but Duncan had a good grip on the red ball. Cornington called out Duncan's name, revealing he was free. Duncan passed him the quaffle. A bludger sent by Kurt, hit Duncan's leg, but the quaffle was already on Cornington's hands. Now the chasers were closer to Eileen's hoops once again.

Seth was covering Kaycee, and Paton flied closer to Duncan. Franciscus glued himself to Cornington, not giving him any space to score. The Hufflepuff chasers didn't have much space to move, as the Ravenclaw chasers had worked on a solid blockage. It was a Tessa's bludger that break the block, when a bludger sent by her flew right between Franciscus and Cornington. Both deviated from the black ball, and finally free, Cornington shot the quaffle towards the central hoop.

Eileen was able to block the shot with her fist, deviating the quaffle to the left. But the moment of relief that she had prevented Hufflepuff's tie goal didn't last long. Cornington managed to reach the quaffle again, and this time the ball soared over the left hoop.

The game was now tied by 20.

Eileen passed the quaffle to Seth. As he flew away she thought about her Secret Santa, third year Ravenclaw Vincent Oliver. She was going to offer Vincent a bean bag chair in the shape of a funny creature. She thought that would be something her brother Elmer would like, and even if Vincent was older than her brother, she thought there was no age to enjoy a nice comfortable bean bag chair.

Meanwhile, Sophie looked for the snitch around the pitch. She and Bran kept a safe distant from each other, but always controlling each other's moves, in case one of them spotted the snitch first. Sophie wanted Eileen to do well in the match, defend some of Hufflepuff's goals attempts. However, she wanted to catch the snitch and guarantee her team's victory. Suddenly she saw Bran turning his broom around and speeding up. Sophie followed him, her eyes searching the snitch in the horizon. But she couldn't find it. Where was it?!

Suddenly she felt a hard knock on her side, and she did her best not to swear due to the pain. Noah had hit her with a bludger. Bran had tricked her into believing he had seen the snitch, and following his lead Sophie placed herself in a good position for Noah to hit her. In the future this injure could compromise her speed, when the real chase begun.

Sophie kept looking for the snitch, mad with herself for having believed in Bran's decoy.

Brief Time-Out (Cornington)
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   01-01-18 10:26

A time-out is called after a bludger hits Cornington's broom hard enough to make a sickening cracking sound. Couch Krum looks over the broom, deeming it match worthy, saying that the sound seems to have been solely from the way in which the bludger hit the broom. No damage is evident, not even a hard to spot hairline crack.

Ravenclaw had had the quaffle when Krum called the time-out so back to Ravenclaw it goes. Cornington maneuvers near Paton as the older chaser takes a toss from Franciscus to put the quaffle back into play. Paton moves away, steadily increasing his speed but Cornington sticks with him. Paton passes to Seth, who in turn makes a forward pass to Franciscus.

Kaycee gets between Seth and Franciscus, narrowly missing the quaffle. That's mainly due to a bludger from Kurt. Thinking she was going to get the ball, Franciscus has a half-second of startlement when the quaffle continues on. He almost fumbles the catch, enough so that Duncan bops it out of his hand. This results in Franciscus and Duncan both scrambling for it but a bludger whistling between them has them drawing back, allowing Cornington to make the save for Duncan and scoop up the quaffle.

He barrels in towards Eileen, hurtling the ball at the hoop to her right. Eileen is alert enough that she's still easily able to deflect the quaffle. Seth snags it and takes off, sprinting away from Eileen and towards Rex, Cornington speeding after.

He passes Sophie along the way, her gaze intently focused for any sign of the snitch. Sophie gave Cornington a pair of yellow sneakers as a Secret Santa gift. Cornington received the name of Mildred Campbell. He only just put Mildred's gift under the tree this morning before breakfast. He got her a pair of Christmas tree earrings and a pair of butterfly earrings. There are instructions on how to make them clip-ons if her ears aren't pierced.

Cornington's brother Leo also joined this year's Secret Santa, drawing Jolyon Kent's name. Not knowing that someone else who'd also gotten a professor's name thought about a soup bowl set being a great gift, he got Professor Kent not just a soup bowl but a set that is a set of two soup bowls with sandwich plates. Even if he had known, he probably would have still gotten the soup and sandwich set for the Care of Magical Creatures professor because he liked the idea of it enough that on his own without his mother getting something and putting his name on it, Leo had gotten sets for both sets of grandparents.

The fleeting thought of Secret Santa rapidly makes way for Cornington focusing on stealing the quaffle, now in the possession of Franciscus.

(Tessa) Cold
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   01-01-18 11:56

Even though it was snowing prettily at the moment, Tessa wanted to be seated in front of a fireplace with a steaming mug of hot cocoa in her hands. She'd felt cold all day and being outdoors in the frigid temperature wasn't helping matters. Tessa couldn't even argue that she was working up a swept by flying all over the pitch and swinging her arm at bludgers. It was just too cold.

Currently, Franciscus had possession of the quaffle. He lobbed it at Paton, who threw it to Seth. Tessa dove for a bludger, giving it a hard whack at Seth. Kurt was on the spot to deflect it, sending it to Kaycee instead. Kaycee nearly hopped off her broomstick in an effort to avoid getting hit. Somehow she didn't fall or get struck by the black ball.

Tessa zoomed after the bludger, reaching it just seconds before Noah. She would have shoved the Ravenclaw second year out of the way if she knew she could get away with it, but instead Tessa simply got in front of him so he couldn't hit the bludger. She hit it at an awkward angle, but Conrad was there to nudge it along at Seth, who still had the quaffle at the moment.

Franciscus called out a warning to Seth. Seth handed the ball off to Paton, who sped past him, and narrowly missed getting hit by the bludger. Paton made a beeline for the hoops guarded by Rex and attempted a goal, but Rex used both his palms to knock the ball away from the hoops. Franciscus caught the rebound and attempted a goal himself, but again Rex blocked.

Kurt fired off a bludger at Rex, but Tessa saw him do it and positioned herself to intercept the black ball. She redirected it at Seth, who had caught the rebound after Franciscus' failed goal attempt, but then Noah was there to knock it away from the Ravenclaw chaser. Noah's strike sent the bludger flying at Rex and gave Seth the opportunity to score his first ever points in a Hogwarts Quidditch match.

"Weasley scores!" shouted the announcer. "Ravenclaw leads once more, 30-20!"

Games And Gifts
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   01-01-18 14:16

There are days Duncan isn't sure why he was named captain of this year's Hufflepuff team and other days he feel confident that the choice was the right one. Right now he's having one of those more unsure moments. He couldn't put his finger on why other than Ravenclaw is up a goal. The Hufflepuff team as a whole is playing well.

Ravenclaw's third goal put the quaffle back into his team's hands but Kaycee, Cornington, and Duncan hadn't made it far when Duncan lost the quaffle to Paton. He'd just caught a pass from Kaycee when a bludger from Noah smacked him hard enough in the shoulder that Duncan's whole arm jerked. As it jerked, the quaffle popped right out of his hand. He couldn't recover quickly enough to regain his grip, allowing Paton to grab it away.

Paton quickly sent the ball to Seth, who dodges a bludger from Conrad only to have one from Tess knock him in the side. Kaycee darts in for the steal, having to duck as the bludger hit by Conrad at Paton comes straight at her after a hit from Kurt. Staying low over her broom, she charges in a straight shot to where Eileen awaits. Kaycee gives the impression she's throwing for the center hoop but then with a slight change of her hand position sends the quaffle to the left. Duncan finds himself holding his breath as Eileen dives for it, her fingers sliding over the ball's surface.

He lets his breath out in a sigh of disappointment. Eileen's fingers barely touched the ball but it was enough to send the quaffle into the rim then bouncing back towards Eileen and the six chasers bunched up at the hoops.

It's Seth for the rebound, Duncan and the other four chasers once more making the trip away from Eileen to the hoops where Rex is now on high alert.

In the stands watching his brother play, Douglas is cold enough that he's considering leaving early. With so many here at the match, he could go to the Commons and give the presents under the tree a thorough going over, not only looking for one with his name on it but trying to guess what the other gifts hold. The two gifts he wouldn't bother with are the ones he and Duncan put there just this morning.

Douglas has Krasimira Eternal-Black's name. Mostly called Mira, not only is she a Slytherin like Doug but like Doug she can be fairly competitive. Mira is a first year where Doug is a second year but she lives in Hogsmeade as does his cousin Grace. Doug has known Mira for years now and has gone up against her a number of times in wizarding chess, both before they were students and since she came to Hogwarts. He told his mum exactly what he had in mind and Bethany Dippet came through fantastically. Waiting under the tree in the Commons is a pink and purple (colors he knows Mira likes) wizarding chess set with its own carrying case.

Duncan got Caleb Quigley's name for Secret Santa. Caleb birthday would make him a Pisces Duncan thinks so he went with that as a sort of them. He got part of Caleb's gift while his mother helped with the other part.

The first part is fish shaped jelly candies. The second part is a Pisces themed t-shirt, and the third part is a betta fish with bowl and fish food for the colorful fish, which is also known as a Siamese fighting fish.

Sitting not all that far from Doug is his cousin Grace. She too joined Secret Santa this year with Willow Westwick as the recipient of a gift under the tree since Thursday night. Grace had given a great deal of thought to what to give Willow so was slow letting her mum know what she had in mind and getting approval. Grace ultimately selected a beaded willow tree sculpture, hoping it's something that not only will Willow like but that she'd want to keep for years to come.

Conrad the Beater
Author: Ellis 
Date:   01-01-18 17:32

The problem with having a big family whose members generally got along with one another was that it was difficult not to want to root for every Hogwarts house team. The twins were both in Gryffindor, Conrad and his second oldest sister Blakeney were in Hufflepuff, and Alys was in Ravenclaw. There were no Ellis siblings in Slytherin yet, but it was bound to happen eventually.

Today's Quidditch match was between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. So far, Ravenclaw was doing better than Hufflepuff, which probably made Alys super happy. Conrad had such an easy-going personality that despite the fact that he was on the Hufflepuff team and wanted to win, he wouldn't be too upset about a loss. There would always be another chance.

Right now Seth had the quaffle. Conrad saw that both Ravenclaw beaters had control of the bludgers, so he bided his time for the best course of action and then swept in to defend Kaycee, who was doing her darndest to harass the younger boy. When Conrad first met Kaycee on the Hogwarts Express as first years, he'd thought her nice but a little on the meek side. That had certainly changed in the ensuing years! She was feisty now, and Conrad kind of liked it.

Conrad redirected the bludger at Seth, but Seth managed to avoid getting hit and handed the quaffle off to Paton. Paton zipped away, only to find his path blocked by the two seekers, who appeared to have seen something. Conrad debated quickly whether to continue after Paton and the quaffle or target Bran. If Bran caught the snitch right then and there, then it would all be over for Hufflepuff, but Conrad also didn't want Paton to score. Hufflepuff was already behind points-wise.

In the end, Conrad went after Bran, since the snitch was a greater prize than a goal. He had put his name in for Secret Santa again this year and had gotten the name of Bran's cousin, Estella Finch. Conrad had gone to Blakeney for advice, who had assured him that a cape was not only in but would also look smashing on Estella. Conrad bought the cape, wrapped it up himself, and put it under the Christmas tree in the Commons before the match this morning. He'd know Blakeney was right if he saw Estella wear it someday.

Curious Sight
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   01-02-18 18:15

Bill frowned after stepping out of his home into the chilly, wintry air. Light snowflakes were drifting down from the sky, but the sun was also beginning to drift over the horizon. It grew dark very early in Scotland in the winter time, and with the coming darkness, the temperature would also fall.

There was a great deal of noise reaching the village from the Hogwarts grounds. Bill knew that a Quidditch match was currently underway, not only because of the familiar sounds but because he knew some of his relatives were in attendance to watch Seth play. Bill and company would have also gone, had the others not fallen ill.

Fleur, Victoire, Dominique and Louis were all suffering from terrible colds. It was a miracle Bill hadn't come down with anything yet. He'd spent the previous night and all day so far tending to his family and was only now leaving the house to fetch potions and soup for the invalids back home.

He took the walk down High Street at a brisk pace, which almost had him miss a curious sight in the park. Seated on a bench facing away from the High was a bulky man with stringy hair, wearing drab robes. He appeared to be hunched over something.

Bill might have kept walking, had he not already been on alert for a strange man potentially preying on children in the village. Bill wanted to know if this was the wizard who had scared Victoire multiple times. He approached slowly from behind, noting with relief that there wasn't another soul in the park. In fact, the village was rather empty, since many had gone to Hogwarts to watch the game and others were staying indoors because of the wintry weather.

Bill's eyebrows rose into his hairline when he heard squelching sounds coming from the man, who remained hunched over something in his hands. It was then that Bill noticed a bit of blood on the frozen ground. He immediately produced his wand and circled around the man, his heart pounding at what he might see.

Bill hardly had time to register the fact that the man was holding a raw flank of meat like something found in a butcher's shop, and that blood was all around his mouth, smeared on his cheek, and dribbling down his chin. He also barely registered the man's identity, because the man threw down the flank and attacked in the blink of an eye.

The man knocked the wand out of Bill's hand, tackled him to the ground and swiped across his face with razor-sharp, dirty fingernails. The last thing Bill saw before inky blackness overtook him was the full moon climbing up into the sky.

A Goal And The Snitch
Author: Saffron 
Date:   01-02-18 18:35

Coming up on a bludger Kurt unexpectedly hugely yawns, with the cold and the yawn his eyes water. Squinting to better see the bludger, using his free hand to swipe at his eyes, he grimaces when the hit is slightly off what he intended. He speeds after it thinking to redirect only to have to slow when Conrad gets there ahead of him.

Conrad sends the bludger to Seth who's trying to keep Kaycee from attempting a goal shot. The bludger clips Seth, distracting him enough for Kaycee to throw the quaffle without interference. Kurt gets to the bludger too late to stop it from hitting Seth but he does send it for Duncan, despite close quarters with several chasers vying for the quaffle just deflected by Eileen.

The bludger connects with Duncan but it's Cornington who gets the quaffle. The Hufflepuff chaser takes aim and throws the red ball just as a black ball comes his way, sent by Noah. The one Kurt hit a moment ago is batted by Tessa at Eileen. Eileen manages to avoid the bludger but in so doing can't get her hands on the quaffle well enough to stop it.

The ball goes through one of the hoops, giving Hufflepuff its third goal, bringing the score to a tie game of 30 points apiece.

Not half a minute later, while the Ravenclaw chasers are working the quaffle down the pitch, away from Eileen and he hoops, Bran has a snitch sighting. He tries not to get overly excited about it as the other sightings so far this match have led to nothing.

Though he tries not to be obvious about it Bran isn't surprised in the slightest she reaches his, and the snitch's, location a second later. Of course, she could have spotted it and been coming this way even before he saw it.

The snitch gives a merry chase. It zigs and zags. Climbs then dives. Climbs again while looping around. Before long the announcer is more focused on what Sophie and Bran are doing in their efforts to catch the snitch than in what's taking place with the quaffle.

Sophie and Bran at times are side-by-side, at others one has pulled slightly ahead of the other only to have the other regain the lost ground. As they close in on the snitch, both are leaning forward, an arm outstretched but apparently a hit Sophie took earlier in the match is making it harder for her extend her reach as much as she might usually. This tiny thing gives Bran the advantage he needs.

Snitch in hand, Ravenclaw is announced the winner with a score of 180 to 30. Sophie congratulates him as they head for the ground, probably as eager as he is to get in out of the cold now that the match is over.

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