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Kaycee - At Breakfast
Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   01-01-20 07:24

Kaycee joined Chip at the Hufflepuff table and sat down in a heap, looking as if a strong cup of coffee would do her some good. Too bad Kaycee wasn't a coffee drinker, not that there was any available at the table anyway. She poured herself some pumpkin juice instead and mumbled, "Good morning."

Chip brushed some of Kaycee's wet hair out of her face and pecked her cheek. "Rough morning?"

"It is a Monday," Kaycee replied. One of her roommates had a sinus infection and had snored off and on throughout the night. It had kept Kaycee from sleeping, on top of the insomnia she had also experienced.

Chip nodded understandably and reached over for a platter of bacon. "Here. Bacon makes everything better."

He was not wrong. Kaycee helped herself to several pieces, a couple of fluffy pancakes, and a fruit-based syrup.

"Did you see the flyer about the Valentine's Day dance posted on the notice board in the Common Room?" Chip asked, after Kaycee had taken a few bites of her breakfast.

She shook her head no and after swallowing said, "I think I heard Edwina mention something about a Sweethearts Dance."

Chip nodded. "So I'm assuming you would like to go?"

Kaycee, whose eyes still felt heavy with sleep, turned to look at Chip. "Do you not want to go?"

Chip made a face. "I don't dance, but we can go if you want. I'm sure there will be tables with food and stuff."

Kaycee blinked, took a sip from her glass of pumpkin fizz, and then stared at Chip a long moment before stating, "This is the worst invitation to a date I've ever received."

Chip knew from the way she said it that she wasn't angry with him, just baffled. He chuckled and said, "Sorry. Let me start over." He cleared his throat, took Kaycee's hand, and asked, "Will you go to the Sweethearts Dance with me?"

Kaycee said, "Yes, but I will get one dance out of you before the night is over."

Chip grinned. "If anyone can, I'm sure it will be you."

Birthday and Introduction
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   01-01-20 17:15

"I'm a sister now!" Clarissa exclaimed, in lieu of greeting her grandparents. She came inside and hugged Aemilia first and then Wotan before going in search of any toys that might be scattered around the house.

Bronwyn and Toby followed, with the latter carrying a pretty toddler who had big, brown eyes.

Over a long weekend, they formally adopted a two year old girl from Zimbabwe. The trip to the African country meant that Bronwyn had missed her father's birthday, and so a plan was hatched to visit for lunch and introduce him to his new grandchild.

The girl was originally named Mudiwa, which meant loved one. Bronwyn and Toby changed her name to Zoe and made Mudiwa her middle name instead. Like Clarissa before her, Zoe didn't yet know any English, but she would learn it in time.

"This is your grandfather," Toby told Zoe. "We're here to celebrate his birthday and so you can get to know each other."

Zoe didn't flinch when Wotan took her hand, but she remained silent and regarded him with wide eyes.

"I think she's used to strangers," Bronwyn said. "The orphanage always had a lot of visitors, especially from humanitarians."

"Helping but not interested in adopting," Wotan remarked. "Do you think she'll let me hold her?"

Toby passed Zoe over without any issue. At first, Zoe inspected her grandfather, but the joyful noises of Clarissa playing with a doll Aemilia gave her drew her attention.

"Let's sit," Wotan suggested. They moved to the living room, where the others were. Wotan sat with Zoe on his knee, and Aemilia moved to sit beside him to meet her new granddaughter.

"Will England make it to the Cup, do you think?" Wotan asked Toby, who sat down in the adjacent armchair while Bronwyn knelt on the floor next to Clarissa.

Toby shook his head. "It's not looking good. Wales, on the other hand, will likely earn a slot."

"It'll be good to have at least one home team in the running," Wotan stated. "Will you attend some of the matches?"

Bronwyn answered for Toby. "I don't think we'll attend any as a family. I'm not sure how Zoe would do, but Toby could take Clarissa."

At the sound of her name Clarissa said, "I like Kidditch."

"You are your father's daughter," Wotan exclaimed. He passed Zoe to Aemilia. "And you, lass? Will you end up a fan of sports, too?" he asked the toddler.

Zoe, of course, didn't answer. She looked at Aemilia, who asked Bronwyn if Zoe was a good eater and whether everyone wanted to sit at the table already or wait a bit longer for lunch. As no one was particularly starving and Clarissa was so busy playing, they decided to sit in the living room and talk some more.

Author: Errol 
Date:   01-01-20 20:29

Megara adjusts a chair then steps back to take in the larger view of the sitting room. "What do you think?"

"I think it's fine but then I thought it was fine five rearrangements ago."

"What do you know?" She dismissively waves a hand.

"Then why do you keep asking me?"

Megara rolls her eyes at Errol then looks to a clock on the mantle. "New roomie better get here quick. I need to get back."

"Work or class?"

"Work until two then a class. You really should ditch the interning and come work with me at the uni. Free tuition for all those classes you keep signing up for."

"I'm sticking this internship out. I've made it this far and don't have much longer. After that, I might just do that. If this person doesn't show soon, I have to go as well. I've a pile of parchment work to do that isn't even part of my actual job."

"She has a key. I just thought it would be nice if we were both here to greet her, especially since you haven't met her yet."

"I can't help that you didn't want to wait to interview potentials or that this person has been out of town since."

"Why do you keep referring to her as person instead of by name?"

"Because I wasn't paying attention when you told it to me."


They both jump at the loud knocking just as Megara says the name. She hurries to the small entryway to answer it. Errol hears Megara's voice and another in answer but can't make out the words. Megara reappears, walking half-turned as she speaks to the person following her. Megara makes a broad gesture with one arm. "Ria, this is Errol Anderson. Errol, this is "

"Victoria." The smile of welcome is still plastered on his face but his tone is flat.

Megara's eyes widen and her eyebrows lift in surprise. "You know each other."

He says, "You said her name is Ria," at the same time Ria says, "You told me the third roommate is your brother."

Megara now has both hands up, palms out. She looks to Errol. "I told you Ria because Ria told me that's what everyone calls her. I never thought to tell you it's short for Victoria." To Ria she says, "I said he's LIKE my brother. I'm certain I told you his name is Errol, which isn't all that common when you think about it. So, how do you two know each other?"

Ria gives Errol a pointed look, clearly expecting him to be the one to respond. He almost imperceptibly shrugs then asks Megara, "Did Ria give you here last name?"

"Beauvais." She glances to Ria for confirmation.

At Ria's nod she looks back to Errol who says, "Beauvais as in Hershel Beauvais."

"Your stepfather Hershel."

"My father Hershel," Ria finally speaks.

Megara's eyes widen again and fix on Errol. "Ria is that Victoria? Oooooh."

Ria glares at Errol. "What's that supposed to mean? What have you said about me?"

He sighs heavily. "Only that you've never been all that friendly."

"Total exaggeration. I've been friendly enough."

"Yeah, whatever. I need to get back to work." He makes a mock bow. "Welcome to our humble abode."

Errol hastily makes his exit, leaving Megara asking Ria if she wants to back out of sharing the flat.

At Lunch
Author: Gerry 
Date:   01-03-20 18:03

Gerry and Will slipped into the Great Hall for lunch and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Ever since news of the upcoming Valentine's Day dance was posted on the various bulletin boards around the castle, it was the talk of much conversation, especially among girls. Gerry thought about it a lot because he wanted to ask Grace to be his date. He just had to find the courage to do it.

Will, on the other hand, hadn't given it any thought. Of the girls in his year, there were only so many who were eligible, and he wasn't going to ask any of his Hufflepuff classmates because one was his ex-girlfriend. Tessa had probably blabbed all kinds of gossip about him to her roommates after their break up. Maybe he'd ask somebody in a completely different year, if he decided to go to the dance at all.

Gerry saw Grace enter the Great Hall and sit down at the Ravenclaw table for a change. Often times, he saw her sitting with Oliver and Rand at the Gryffindor table. Sometimes she was at Slytherin with Charlotte. Right now, she was very much alone. Gerry told himself to get up and speak to her while nobody else was around, but he hesitated far too long. Oliver and Rand swept through the door and made a beeline for Grace. At least neither sat next to her. Both were on the opposite side of the table.

"You know if you wait too long, she'll end up going with one of them or someone else, even," Gareth said, dropping down in the empty seat next to his older brother.

"She might already have a date," Will pointed out. "She's pretty and she's got plenty of options."

Gerry shot him a look. "Thanks a lot."

Will shrugged. "Just being realistic. She's a catch and I'm pretty sure she'll have a date on Valentine's."

Gareth nodded while looking over at her and said, "Yeah. I think I might just go for it." He got up before Gerry could roll his eyes or call his bluff.

The farce started feeling more real when Gareth purposefully walked up to the empty space next to Grace. Gerry could feel a mounting panic, even though there was no way a sixteen year old girl would attend a Valentine's Day dance with a thirteen year old boy.

Gareth leaned on the table towards Grace, knowing full well his brother was watching, but then he turned and spoke to the girl on his opposite side. "Hi, Eileen. Do you want to go to the Sweethearts Dance with me?"

Author: Jet 
Date:   01-03-20 20:03

Opening the door for Petra, Jet invites her in. Expecting her third child she toddles past, one hand at the small of her back. "Hello, sweet, where's the couch? I dearly need to sit."

Jet leads Petra down a hallway to a cozy den. After settling into a large, comfortable wing type chair rather than the couch she looks around, taking in the electric lights. "Really? Full on Muggle?"

"Why not?"

"Getting here, for one thing."

"Did you have any trouble?"

"No, but you know what I mean. No Floo."

"Have an application in to have one of the fireplaces here put on the Network. Are you all right?"

"Mostly. I've been having a lot of lower back pain. Give me a few minutes and then I want the tour."

"How about some tea in the meantime?"

"Love some."

Jet had already put the kettle on so the wait isn't long, though not being able to use magic to even make tea without risking getting a notice from the Ministry of Magic is a drawback of a house classified as Muggle. He carries a tray into the den where Petra now has her feet up on an ottoman. "I quite like this chair. I might need to take it home with me."

Jet laughs. "I would not put it past you to actually try."

Accepting a cup of tea she asks, "Have you decided anything?"

"About the business? No, but you know how long it took me to decide whether to buy a house or stay in a flat or build or, well, just everything."

"Much of that indecision, though, was trying to find something that appealed to you as being something that would become a home."

"Also because I can't ever seem to figure out what it is I want. I think it's getting worse with age. I've been burned enough times that I can't stop questioning myself when it comes to these major decisions. Hell, sometimes I can't even decide on minor things, like whether to have toast with my eggs at breakfast."

Petra grins at him over the rim of her cup. "Now you sound like my son. Mummy, I want pancakes. Wait, no, waffles. Oh, maybe full on breakfast, Mum, with bacon. No, sausage. Is that oatmeal? I want oatmeal with raisins and apples." She makes a sound between a snicker and a snort. "Every. Single. Morning."

"What about Echo?"

"She's so easy. Whatever's put in front of her she eats. I think she's that way to balance out Matthew. I'm thinking this one is going to be somewhere in between on things like food. What's the hold-up businesswise?"

Jet reaches for a manila folder on the coffee table and hands it to her. "Pictures of each of the sites I've narrowed the search down to. There are pros and cons to each."

"How about the quick tour and then you can go over each location with me and perhaps I can help you narrow down the list more or even pick one location." She sets her cup down on a side table then extends a hand to be helped up.

A short time later, after Jet's shown Petra around his new house, she's once more ensconced in the chair, fresh tea in her cup, and looking at the photos from the folder while Jet tells her about each of the locations he's considering as the location for his own indoor climbing gym.

Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   01-04-20 11:18

It was Patricia's 17th birthday. A group of friends and her siblings had gathered at the Common Commons after dinner to sing her happy birthday. Patricia had ordered a red velvet cake from Briar's Bakery. She wasn't a minor anymore, and she couldn't help feeling happy but strange at the same time. She was now an adult and responsible for her acts.

"Why are you so happy?" Belinda asked Eileen, who couldn't stop smiling.

"Someone asked me to go to Valentine's dance!" She replied.

"Who?" Patricia inquired.

"Gareth Martini-Blackwell. And I said 'yes'."

Eileen had been completely caught by surprise when Gareth went to seek her at lunch and asked if she wanted to go to the dance with him. She didn't even hesitate and accepted right away. He was not like his brother Gerry who was known for his pranks and he had beautiful curly brown hair, which was in Eileen's opinion, really cute. She wasn't able to eat anything else after that, leaving her plate half full. At Potions class that afternoon Professor Weasley asked her if she was feeling well, because Eileen was smiling all the time and she was concerned she had wrongly brewed her potion and the vapor from the cauldron was causing her such abnormal happiness.

"No one has invited me yet…" Patricia shared with her sisters, glancing at Anderson who was eating a slice of cake and talking with Ingrid. She was hoping he would ask her for the dance, but he hasn't done sone yet.

"Well, I am glad I don't look like a fool, waiting for a boy to ask me. That's what boyfriends are for," Belinda said. Obviously she was going with Conrad to the dance. It was in fact on Valentine's Day that she and Conrad became officially girlfriend and boyfriend.

Belinda was thinking of getting Conrad an anniversary gift. She was not a very romantic or sentimental person, but she loved to have Conrad in her life and she wanted him to know that she cared for him. The only thing she regretted was she couldn't tell him about Team Delta Echo. There was a time she thought about asking Maurice if she could do so, but she saw how his sister Alys was mad at him when she learned he had dressed as a Death Eather. Not to mention she had dated Asher. There were things that should remain in secret. Maybe she would tell him later, after Alys left Hogwarts.

(Arielle) Dinner Invitation
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   01-04-20 18:17

It was one thing to talk to Amoret Needlehouse at Hogwarts but quite another to join her for dinner in Hogsmeade. When the counselor Arielle had been regularly meeting with invited her to a gathering at Brews and Stews, Arielle instinctively declined, but Amoret somehow convinced her in the end.

"From our talks, I know you share your father's love for animals," Amoret said, as they cut across the grounds for the school gates. It was a clear night, and very cold.

Arielle nodded, though she was shivering and wasn't sure if Amoret understood the acknowledgement, so she said, "Yes. I'm not sure I want to be a veterinary healer or teach Care of Magical Creatures, but I do like animals very much."

"Did you know that some animals make good therapy pets?" Amoret asked. "There are groups around the world that take different animals to hospitals or nursing homes and other places where someone might benefit from being around a docile animal."

Arielle nodded. "I think I knew that."

They were in Hogsmeade now, walking casually but not too slowly towards the restaurant. "There are also meet-ups," Amoret went on. "I've asked you to dinner tonight to join me at one. I think you'll enjoy it, but I also think you might find the inspiration you need."

Arielle wasn't sure what sort of inspiration she might find surrounded by wizards and their therapy pets, but she wasn't going to argue with Amoret. They soon arrived at the restaurant, which was brimming with ordinary dinner-goers but also a large group of wizards and their animals, which were varied and plenty.

"Amoret!" a wizard with a handle-bar mustache exclaimed. He had a ferret draped across one arm.

"Hello, Barney. Hello, Sherri," she said to the ferret. "This is Arielle. She's an animal lover and I thought she should meet everyone."

Arielle suddenly found herself the attention of everyone at the gathering and wondered if they already knew who she was and the fact that her brother was in prison for being a pseudo-Death Eater. Just when she thought she might panic, her eyes settled on a man who had a krup puppy in his arms.

"Oh, he's so adorable!" she exclaimed. "What's his name?"

"Her name is Janey," the man replied, "and I'm Chase. Nice to meet you, Arielle."

Arielle took a moment to meet everybody else and to admire the other animals, which included several ordinary dogs, a few cats, a rabbit, a rat, and even a miniature pony. She intentionally sat down next to Chase, because she wanted to learn how Janey became a therapy animal and what it might take for her to train Pete to become one too.

Perhaps Amoret was right about finding her inspiration.

Exaggerating (Grace)
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   01-04-20 20:11

Arriving at the commons Grace joins Rand and Oliver at a table, pulling out a chair as Rand asks, "Where did you go?"

"Dad was looking over existing Drama Club props. Since he was coming he brought some OWL prep materials rather than send them. He brought some for both of you." With her foot she taps the bag she'd placed on the floor.

"I don't want to think about OWLs yet," Rand groans, "but I'll be sure to thank him." He picks up a cup to drink from it but instead asks, "Did he ask you?"

"Did Dad ask me what?"

Oliver rolls his eyes. "Not your father. Gerry."

"Okay. Did Gerry ask me what?"

Oliver and Rand exchange looks. "I think she's being deliberately dumb," Rand tells Oliver who nods in agreement.

Grace laughs at them both. "Fine. All right. I know who and what you mean. Yes. Gerry asked me to the dance."

"About time he asked you out," Rand comments.

"Says the bloke who can't find the courage to ask Maud out," Oliver sarcastically retorts but his grin lets Rand knows he's joking rather than being cruel.

"I did ask Maud out. We went to the Muggle Studies Club Christmas movies before the break. Remember? As for the dance, I'm going to ask her."

"Good," Grace nods once. "Okay, now tell me what you meant by about time Gerry asked me out."

"He's liked you a long time," Rand replies.

"A looooooong time," Oliver affirms.

"Don't exaggerate."

"Who's exaggerating? He's liked you as long as I've known you."

Rand is nodding along with what Oliver is saying then adds, "Probably has liked you longer."

"No. Seriously."

"Seriously," they say at roughly the same time.

"How do you both know this but I don't?"

"Far as I can tell, Gerry thinks no one knows but probably most everyone does. Why you've not pegged onto it before now I've no idea," Rand ends with a shrug.

"I still think you're both exaggerating and this is something recent on Gerry's part." Grace looks to Oliver. "I'm going to the dance with Gerry. Rand is asking Maud. What about you?"

Oliver colors, bright red at his cheeks and pink across his forehead. "Uh, I haven't thought about it. We did only just get back to school and learn there's going to be a dance," he points out.

Now it's Grace and Rand smiling and exchanging looks then Grace turning to Oliver to counter, "A week and a half back is not the same as only just returning."

Oliver's response is to color more as he gestures to her bag. "Are you going to show Rand and me what your dad sent?"

(Titus) New Projects
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   01-05-20 03:40

It was very early. The front lawn of Maurice grandfather's house was filled with frost. Titus and his companion, a Death Eater called Tacitus Kilgore, walked fast towards the kitchen, escaping the cold. They both sat at the table and Kilgore urged Malden to bring them warm food.

Titus tried not to make eye contact with Malden, as he served them breakfast. Titus was aware that if he had arrived on his own Malden wouldn't do so. Stealing the Book of Admittance and the Quill of Acceptance with Malden from Hogwarts had been a success. After the trial Titus thought he and Malden would be received by Lord Voldemort with open arms. He was expecting praise and the dark mark. Instead, Maurice just told them they did well, collected the stolen goods, and told them to rest. Later Titus received instructions that he was still in the run to become a Death Eater. There would be no more trials but he had been paired up with Kilgore and ordered assist him in his errands. Titus wasn't sure if the same had happened to Malden, but more than once whenever he met Kilgore at the house he had tried to look at his arm, but there seemed to be no mark there either. He was still on kitchen duty, but Titus was also still working at Florean's despite his side activities with Kilgore.

At first Titus thought he was going to do grandiose things under Kilgore's tutelage. He was finally going to see a Death Eater on the field. He had imagined intense duels, infiltration jobs, maybe killing muggles. But Kilgore did nothing of the sort.

"We cannot go around killing and provoke destruction like that," Kilgore had explained. "Aurors would be in our tail and capture us, not to mention the member of the Order of the Phoenix. The current society is like a house, Nott. We don't like how the house is standing. But you can't simply start firing spells at the house. It's guarded, and it would only cause a few damage here and there. In order for the house to fall you need to attack its foundations. We do it without them knowing and then, once the foundations are gone, with a simple blow, the entire house falls. I know you youth dream with glory and you wouldn't mind a martyr's death. But that isn't worth anything. You need to be smart and make yourself useful."

Titus did not share with Kilgore that he did not crave for a martyr's death or any death at all. The glory was something else. He did want to be recognized and feel valued. He accompanied Kilgore on what seemed to be insignificant missions, but that after explained by the Death Eater they made sense. Last night Kilgore used the Imperious curse on a Norfolk city council president, so he would approve the construction of several apartment blocks and a shopping mall close to a place where a wizarding community was located.

The muggles would start their construction work, bring their machines and invade the area, giving the witches and wizards less privacy. Kilgore called it a Muggle invasion. The wizarding community would eventually be forced to leave, because whenever Muggles started building things they wouldn't stop. Kilgore predicted those witches and wizards would most likely feel upset and enraged with the Muggles. The Ministry of Magic wouldn't do anything to help, and their frustration would make them prone to support the Dark Lord's cause against Muggles. Kilgore said that they would continue to visit the area to be sure that the community was molested and the construction project carried on without any stops. The project was founded by a Muggle architecture company, which Titus and Kilgore had visited in London, and once again the Death Eater had used the Imperious curse on the company's financial director to decide to build on that particular spot. That mission was a little bit hard for Titus, because he had wanted to study architecture at St. Emrys but he hasn't been able to. He had foolishly shared that with Kilgore, who told him if he wanted he could oversee the Muggle construction project.

"You can force the design on the architects with a simple Imperious spell. You can build the own thing yourself. Serving the Dark Lord has it rewards."

Malden brought some toasts, porridge, and coffee. Titus had a cup of it, as after breakfast he had to go to work and he needed to stay awake. There were less clients at Florean's during this period, but he was still working full time there. He had also managed to convince Florean to attend Hogwarts Career Day in his name. Florean did not oppose and he liked the idea. During summer extra hands were always needed at the ice-cream parlor and there might be students interesting in working there during the summer holidays, just like Titus once did. Titus got Maurice's approval and he knew that by doing this he was actually helping the Death Eaters. He had free access to the castle and as he offered fliers and talked with the students he could look around and see how many aurors were at the castle and learn a little bit more about the school's defenses. He thought that task was far more interesting than messing up with some wizarding families in some forgotten countryside English area. That made him feel important and useful.

Malden put a jar of jam and some butter on the table, at Kilgore's request. The Death Eater did not thank him, but Titus muttered a polite thank you to his colleague. He felt a little bit sorry for Malden, but those feelings vanished a second after they emerged. He deserved every bit of misery in his life.

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