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Author: Carys 
Date:   12-16-19 18:50

"Why do we need to clean the house?" Tristan asked, while leaning on the broom his mother gave him. "It's just going to get messy during the party."

"What kind of party do you think we're hosting tonight?" Carys asked, nodding encouragingly at Meg as she dragged a feather duster behind her. The bright plumage drew the attention of cats Snowy and Seeayetee, but so far they hadn't pounced.

Tristan shrugged. "I just mean there will be lots of people here."

Carys nodded sagely. "Yes, which of course means we'll have to do even more cleaning tomorrow. Consider today's effort the easy version."

"Why can't you just do it all with magic so that I can do something more interesting, like test out some of the fireworks Dad brought home?"

"It's not even dark yet," Carys replied.

"Play some Quidditch, then," Tristan amended. He flipped the non-flying broom around and straddled it.

Meg dropped the feather duster and ambled over with her hands raised. "I want to fly!"

Tristan climbed off the broom and lowered it so she could climb on it. He told her to hold on and then said, "Off you go!"

The thrill was brief. Meg wanted to actually fly, not wander around and bump into the furniture. Tristan, meanwhile, picked up the feather duster and waved it teasingly in front of the cats.

Carys took the broom from Meg and handed it back to Tristan. "Clean, or no fireworks tonight."

Tristan scowled and took the broom. He gave the feather duster to Meg. She shrieked and ran around the room, thinking the cats would chaser her, but they quickly lost interest.

Carys and Griff were hosting a New Year's Eve party at home. They had invited a lot of people, including the whole Casey family, the Fairchilds, Ruth, Owen, Elizabeth and Mindy, among others. She even extended invitations to those she grew close to while at Goen Bren, like Professor McGonagall. They'd gotten a lot of RSVPs, so it was bound to be a fun night.

New Year's Eve Mingling
Author: Kody 
Date:   12-17-19 21:34

Kordelia looks longingly at a tray of champagne as it passes by. Her sister-in-law Cipriana says in her accented English, "One glass will do no harm."

At Kordelia's unsure expression Cipriana points out, "I have five children and regularly had a single glass of wine when carrying each."

"Maybe just one but I'll wait until almost midnight. In the meantime, I shall get a refill of punch."

After examining the contents of her wine glass Cipriana falls into step with Kordelia. "I could do with a refill of chardonnay."

Standing at the bar when they arrive Jack turns to smile at Kordelia. "How did I miss seeing you when I arrived?"

She laughs. "I'm nearly as big as this mansion. How did you manage NOT to see me." She gestures to her sister-in-law. "Cipriana, Jack, you two do remember each other, don't you?"

"Yes, how are you?" Jack says, extending a hand.

"I'm good, thank you. How have you been?"

"Good but also tired. Work's been keeping me busy."

"Is that why we hardly see you lately?" Kordelia asks.

"I've been gone a lot on assignment." Since spotting Raymond Washington several months ago while in Poland, Jack's regularly returned there for a few days at a time to do surveillance on the wizard's associates. He had expected the British Ministry to swoop in and take Washington as soon as possible after Jack had seen him and tailed him or to petition the Polish wizarding law enforcement to arrest him then have him extradited. That is what they did but then he was surprised when the powers that be decided to tail Washington's associates, wanting to learn who his all colleagues might be, if there's currently a laboratory and, if so, where, to try and determine if he had been staying in Poland or living elsewhere, all things Washington has refused to answer questions about. Jack was surprised again when he was one of the ones assigned to the surveillance.

A hand slaps him on the back. "Jack says he's working but Wiggy and I think he's got a string of girlfriends keeping him busy."

Jack rolls his eyes at Deak, saying to the two women, "Don't have a one much less a string of them."

"I find that hard to believe. If I were not married I would be seeking you out for a kiss at midnight." Cipriana's comment makes Jack blush though he's sure she's said it in jest. She looks to Deak, "I would say the same of you but I have seen your pretty fiancée."

"Speaking of your fiancée, how's the wedding planning going?" Kordelia asks.

"Great, or so I think. We're going with that botanical garden we told you about. She's holding up an empty glass so let me take her another." Deak gets another glass of the slushy peppermint alcoholic beverage Etta's drinking and excuses himself from the others to take it to her. With the number of people at the Reese-Emerson New Year's Eve party he doesn't think whisking it to her magically would be a good idea.

His spot near the bar is taken by Kody. Taking in the still bruised jaw and throat he asks, "How are you today?"

Kody lightly touches the bruising on the right side of his face and neck. "Sore and though it's been a day and a half since the jaw was healed, I still feel a little groggy from the various potions they gave me." A collision during practice had resulted in a broken jaw for Kody and several bones broken in the hand of his teammate. "I'm glad for the potions though. I can't see having to have my jaw wired shut for weeks or months like a Muggle would."

Kordelia grins at her brother. "A Muggle wouldn't have been zipping around at high speeds on a broom." She rubs the small of her back. "Okay. I need to sit for a bit."

She takes her leave, Cipriana deciding to go with her at least as far as one of the food laden tables. Kody gets a drink for himself and for Daria, Jack walking with him to say hello to her then spotting Wiggy arriving, promising to talk more with them both later then moving on to greet his friend.

New Year's Evening
Author: Travis 
Date:   12-21-19 21:26

Travis chases after a squealing, giggling Benedict. She has no idea how someone with such short, stubby legs can move faster than she can with her far longer strides. She hears Lisi's, "Logan! What do you have in your mouth?" just as Benedict's slightly younger cousin does his version of galloping right past her. Travis reaches out to grab him but he must have built in sensors because he swerves in time with her hand shooting after him. Travis lunges and sweep her arm around Logan's waist.

Logan can't decide if he finds being caught up by Aunt Travis funny or annoying. He alternates giggling with whining, squirming the entire time. When she tries to use fingers of her other hand to pull whatever it is out of his mouth, he shakes his head rapidly from one side to the other while making repeated noises of what sounds like, "No, no, no, no... ."

"It's only some orange peel, Lisi."

Her sister reaches her, hands out to take her middle child. "Why do you want to eat orange peel? It doesn't take good."

He just grins at her, squirming more to be put back down. Lisi complies muttering, "He's his father's child."

Travis can't help but laugh even as she's searching to see where Benedict went. He's just through the door into the sitting room, standing still for a change but looking expectantly at her, wanting her to hurry up and chase him more. She starts his direction, her first step putting him into motion as well. He takes off again, the giggling resuming. Travis calls after him, "Benedict, stop running. Mummy needs to wash your face before Uncle Indi and the Foxes get here" To Lisi she asks, "Is it wrong if I use a spell to have him running in place so that he thinks he's still moving but I can finally catch up with him?"

Lisi snorts with amusement. "Go for it." At the sound of Munch Manor's front door opening just down the hall from where they are, she says, "If you're going to do it better hurry. I think they're here."

Travis scurries to get her son's face clean of the mud he'd smeared on it using the wet potting soil from a recently watered ficus and to tidy his clothes. She's managed to get both tasks accomplished when Morticia leads Indi, his fiancée, and his soon to be in-laws into the sitting room. "Happy New Year, everyone!" Travis greets them, hoping Benedict can stay relatively dirt free for the short time until they all sit down to an informal family meal to start off the new year but knowing her son, in the few seconds since turning him loose he's already covered in something again.

Before Opening
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   12-22-19 10:57

When Bill arrived at work first thing on Monday morning, he found an older couple waiting outside the bank. He knew who they were, since the Hogsmeade branch of Gringotts was still small enough for him to know most of his clients personally. There were only a few instances where he didn't know someone, and that was usually in cases where a vault was opened in someone else's name and then rarely accessed by that person.

Bill smiled politely at the couple and said, "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Smetana. You're a bit early. I'm afraid the bank doesn't open for another hour."

"We are aware," answered Josef Smetana, "but we would nevertheless like a word."

Bill left the door locked and asked, "Is this related to your vault?"

"Yes, and no," Mr. Smetana replied. "May we come in?"

"I'm afraid not," Bill replied, "but I can meet with you as soon as the bank opens for business."

Mr. Smetana looked annoyed. His wife also looked less than pleased. She suggested, "Perhaps we can meet at the bakery?"

Bill was certainly curious as to what they wanted and had a feeling he knew what, considering there had been a search warrant issued by authorities to access their vault a few months ago, but he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I have opening procedures to conduct before business hours. As I said, I'm happy to meet with you straightaway when the bank opens."

Josef and Anna Smetana exchanged looks and then Josef curtly replied, "Very well. We will return in one hour."

Bill waited for them to walk away before unlocking the building and entering. He saw one of the goblins approach and waited for him to enter before locking the door again. Before doing anything bank related, Bill contacted Quentin Arnold and Nicholas Hastings, knowing they would want to know about the Smetana's request to talk to him. He just hoped that they would get back to him before the older couple arrived at the bank for their appointment with him.

(Azaelia) First Week of Winter Term
Author: Isolde 
Date:   12-24-19 12:10

The first week of a new term was never particularly busy in the library, since students were usually trying to get back into the routine of attending classes and were not yet feeling the pressure of exams or major homework assignments. With few students visiting the library or requesting books, Azaelia took the time to check each shelf for damaged items.

As she worked, she thought about what happened over the last few weeks. Elena Elphick, the Death Eater identified by her mother as having posed as Ally and who had befriended Azaelia's father behind bars, had been visited by authorities following Azaelia and Nimuë's visit to the Ministry of Magic. Although she denied it at first, Elena eventually admitted that she had befriended Azaelia's mother in an attempt to recruit her to the Death Eaters, but not only that: she'd also grown close to Nimuë in order to keep an eye on Robert Blackheart's ex-wife and to get information about some of Azaelia's co-workers at Hogwarts.

It was unclear if Robert had asked Elena to spy on Azaelia or if Elena had done it per some other Death Eater directive because of Azaelia's undeniable association with the dark wizard group. Azaelia wished she didn't have any connection to them, but she couldn't change it. At least her ex-husband was the only person remotely related to her who was an actual Death Eater. Her parents had dubious idealogies and associations of their own, but they weren't Death Eaters or official Voldemort Loyalists, as far as she knew anyway.

Despite her admissions, which she only gave because she was coerced to, Elena was still a loyal Death Eater through and through and would not take any deal the authorities tried to give her. Azaelia's father, however, was a businessman and knew the advantages of a good deal. He had agreed to pass along any secrets he heard while behind bars for the chance of a shorter prison sentence, but only if he could do it discreetly to avoid the wrath of the Death Eaters and their supporters.

Azaelia was glad to hear that her father was cooperating with the authorities, but she also hoped that he could be trusted. The knowledge that he'd lied to her for much of her life made it difficult for her to believe in him nowadays. Perhaps he would prove her wrong, though.

Azaelia suddenly had the feeling that she was being watched. She put down the book she had opened to check the bindings and saw Eunice Smirt standing near the front desk, dressed in her signature wizarding businesswear with enormous shoulder pads.

Azaelia wandered over and asked, "Good morning, Ms. Smirt. What can I do for you today?"

"I wonder if you can provide me with a catalog of titles on the dark arts that are shelved outside of the Restricted Section?"

Azaelia nodded. "I certainly can, but that's a fairly broad topic. Is there something specific you're wanting?"

"I want everything on the subject. Magic, objects, wizards, places. All of it."

Azaelia smiled politely, even though the request would produce more titles than she thought Eunice would have time to review. "No problem. It might take a moment. Would you like me to call for you when the list is ready?"

Eunice looked a trifle annoyed, but she nodded stiffly and said, "I do have a class I want to observe."

"Great," Azaelia replied. "I'll be in touch."

She waited for Ms. Smirt to leave and then returned to the bookshelves to work on her project. Maybe later she'd sit down and actually work on Ms. Smirt's request.

Perfectly Prepared (Cationa & Leslie)
Author: Fionna 
Date:   12-24-19 21:12

Catriona surveys the burned roast. "I think it's a lost cause."

Looking up from a cookbook Leslie. "Should have had a house elf do it."

Cat spreads her arms wide. "Do you see any house elves around here? I should have used magic instead of trying to do without."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because last time I cooked a roast on my own it turned out perfectly and the house smelled far more lovely than if I'd used magic. I wanted to make a hash for supper tonight. I don't know how this happened. Now, I either need to get another roast or rethink dinner."

She stands for a moment in thought then moves to check the pantry, missing Leslie's almost comical show of rolling her eyes and nose turning up as if in disgust. When Cat turns from the pantry she says, "I'll use the potatoes to make a potato soup."

Leslie closes the cookbook. "Which would you prefer? Hash or potato soup?"

"I like them both but Christopher loves a roast beef hash."

"Hash it is." Leslie rises from the table.

"I really don't want to go to the grocery again."

"You don't have to go to the grocery."

"I prefer to pick out a roast myself rather than have one sent."

"Don't need to send off for one either." Leslie steps to the stove, upon which the dry, shriveled lump that purports to be a roast sits in a pan. "Watch and learn."

Leslie performs a few intricate wand patterns over the blackened mound then, pointing her wand directly at the roast, forcefully states, "Omnino paratus."

Catriona watches in amazement as the lost cause of charred black seems to morph before her eyes into the golden brown of a perfectly cooked roast. "Wow. Just... wow. It's edible?"

"Of course," Leslie replies in a bored tone. She returns to the chair and reopens the cookbook to a random page while Cat stares at the roast.

"You know how to cook?" Cat asks, whirling around goggling at her sister.

"I learned from Mum same as you."

"Mum taught us some things but that spell was not one of them."

"Oh, I picked that up from a chef I went out with a few times."

"Must have been more than a few times to learn those intricate wand movements. What kind of chef was he that he needed such a spell?"

"A student chef with no cooking background whatsoever."

"I guess that makes sense to a point."

"Spell only works within a short time frame after the cooking disaster. After that, it is a lost cause as you put it."

"Thank you."

Cat sits down opposite Leslie who looks up once more from the cookbook. "Welcome. Are you going to make that hash now or can we finally go shopping? I want a new pair of shoes."

One Smirt Too Many
Author: Eoghan 
Date:   12-26-19 18:51

Taking a turn through the Hogwarts entrance hall Eoghan catches sight of Eunice Smirt, giving her a cordial nod. The hard stare that accompanies the ever so slightest return nod of her head puts him in mind of the glare her brother gave him this morning.

Eoghan had not been at Hogwarts all that long when he encountered Carina just outside the Great Hall on her way to breakfast. Seeing him, she'd stop to speak, excitedly telling him, "My Secret Santa gave me a kitten! You have to see her! She's a Toyger!"

"I've never heard of a Toyger."

"They're aren't many of them. Her name is Vega, like the star."

"That's a good name."

"Maybe before you leave today you can meet her. Oh, and I have a Christmas gift for you. I thought about owling it before Christmas but wanted to give it to you myself."

"You shouldn't have but thank you."

Carina flashed a smile and might have hugged him if others weren't streaming around them on their way into the Great Hall for the morning meal. She'd danced back a few steps, still smiling. "I'd better go on to eat so I won't be late getting to Transfiguration. See you later."

Eoghan had returned her smile. "Yes, see you later."

He'd turned to move along one of the corridors when he'd noticed Eugene Smirt glaring at him from the foot of some stairs. Much as Eoghan had just now nodded at Eunice Smirt, he'd acknowledged Eugene Smirt with a bob of his head. The man took this an invitation to stroll over, gesturing with one hand for Eoghan to wait.

"Mr., uh, Riordin, is it? I have observed you on at least one other occasion deep in conversation with that student. You know her well?"

"No, not well, but better than most others."

"You are aware she is a Malfoy?"


"You are aware of her family's association with the dark arts and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

"Of course."

"Has Ms. Malfoy ever given any indication that her family continues those associations?"

"No, never, but then neither Voldemort nor the condoning of dark arts has ever come up."

"What, exactly, do you discuss?"

"Not that it's your business exactly what someone and I talk about but our conversations tend to be about her love of the challenge aerial obstacle courses give. Her new kitten. How her classes are going. That sort of thing."

"If you do not know her particularly well, why would Ms. Malfoy chat you up in so friendly a fashion?"

"Carina knows me because I led the investigation of Rudolphus Lestrange's murder. He was not biologically related to her but he was someone she considered an uncle. She saw me a few times when over the course of the investigation I visited Malfoy Manor. Carina is a lonely little girl. I was one of the few, if not the only, familiar face when she first got to Hogwarts. She has made some friends since then and I think that overall she's enjoying school but she because of knowing me even a tiny bit when she arrived here, she has maintained the ties. Any other questions because I really should be patrolling."

Smirt had fixed that beady, hard eyed stare at him for several seconds before saying, "No more questions at this time. You may go on with your business, Mr. Riordin."

Eoghan's, "Thank you. Have a nice day," held a hint of sarcasm but it was either lost on Smirt or the other wizard chose to ignore it. Based on his encounter with Eugene and from the way Eunice was just looking at him, Eoghan's impression is that neither of the Smirts have much personality and likely no sense of humor. Heading for one of the staircases, Eoghan is glad to be going somewhere Eunice Smirt is not. Having to speak with one of the Smirts today was one Smirt too many.

Lunch at Demeter's Diner
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   12-28-19 15:29

Willow waved Rowan over when she spotted her standing just within the doorway at Demeter's Diner. She had invited her older sister to lunch to catch up, since they hadn't seen each other since just before Christmas. Willow rose to accept Rowan's hug.

"How was Australia?" Rowan asked.

"Really good," Willow said, and then added, "Here." She passed over a bag stuffed with various treats and souvenirs from her trip down under, which had been at Justin's invitation. They'd visited his old stomping grounds and celebrated the holidays with his family.

"Good," Rowan said, quickly admiring the items in the bag before picking up a menu. "It's good you came back a few days before term starts so you have a chance to get used to the time change. What kind of book title is that?" she asked, noticing for the first time one of the books at Willow's elbow. She had gone to the university bookstore prior to meeting Rowan at the restaurant.

"I'm taking a course called Death and Dying this term," Willow explained. "It's not only what happens to a body physically, but how to cope and to help families who have lost loved ones. To be honest, you'd benefit from such a course in your line of work."

"You're probably right. Fortunately, I haven't had to show up at somebody's doorstep and be the bearer of bad news just yet. I've got a shift at Hogwarts this afternoon," Rowan added with a frown.

Willow asked, "Is your presence helping?"

"I really can't say," Rowan replied. "Nothing has happened, as far as I or anyone else knows, but there could be any explanation for that. Maybe the program was suspended by You-Know-Who when the truth first came out about the young recruits. Maybe the presence of law enforcement has would-be Death Eaters too scared to act. Or maybe they're slicker than we are and are going about business as usual with us none the wiser."

"What about those monitors from the Ministry or wherever?" Willow questioned. "I thought they are supposed to be observing the goings-on at the school, not interrogating law enforcement. I still can't believe that happened to you."

Rowan shrugged. "I kind of get the feeling they aren't going about their business fairly. I think they are building a dossier against Professor McGonagall that's completely absurd and baseless, but I guess we'll see. It might not just be her they're after. Could be more or all of the staff. Did you know that while we were cursed, some of the staff at Hogwarts was basically replaced by individuals handpicked by the then-Minister, who started that whole Pureblood Movement that was in the news a lot last spring and on and off again lately?"

Willow nodded. "Justin's cousin mentioned it. Do you think that might happen again?"

Rowan shrugged. "I don't know. I hope not. But I guess we'll see."

The girls switched topics then, doubling back to Willow's trip to Australia over the holidays.

On the Way to F&A
Author: Finley 
Date:   12-29-19 12:58

After Defense Against the Dark Arts ended, Finley exited the classroom and made her way through the corridors and staircases to the Entrance Hall, where she found Eirene waiting. Eirene was carrying nothing except for a notebook and quill, having just had Potions and having made a quick run to her dormitory room prior to meeting Finley.

"You're really weird, you know that?" Finley said, when she and Eirene stepped outside into the cloudy, breezy January air.

Eirene shot her half-sister a look and said, "If you're referring to my notebook, then you well-know that Professor Krum often explains the history of specific games and sports, not to mention the rules. There are even written exams from time to time!"

Finley laughed. "Yes, I know. It's just amusing that you have to be perfect, even in an extra class such as Fitness & Athletics."

Eirene scoffed. "There may not be a N.E.W.T. exam on the subject, but that doesn't mean it's okay to slack off, even in a class meant to be fun."

"You're right, of course," Finley said, smiling. "I can't believe Phoebus didn't sign up."

"Yes, he is rather lazy, isn't he?" Eirene remarked. "I'm starting to think we're not very compatible, but I don't want to break up with him just yet."

"Oh? This is all news to me. Does he know you're considering eventually ending things?" Finley asked.

Eirene shrugged. "We do get cross with each other a lot. He called me a nag for griping about him not studying enough. Honestly, how did he manage to have not a single class all day today except for Astronomy? I think he planned out his schedule knowing he'd have a long stretch of time to do nothing, because I assure you he's doing just that right now and not studying for his end of year exams like he should."

"If you feel that strongly about it, why are you stringing him along?" Finley asked.

Eirene hesitated and then said, "There's going to be a Valentine's Day dance."

Finley couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Valentine's Day is a whole month away. You can get yourself another date by then if you really need one."

"Well, what about you?" Eirene asked, turning the focus onto Finley. "You need to think about who you want to go with."

"Why can't I go alone or not at all?" Finley asked.

"Remember New Year's?" Eirene questioned.

There had been a party at her parents' house. Finley had gone with her mother and not, to the disappointment of Eirene, with the mystery date Eirene was sure Finley had had in Hogsmeade a few weeks ago.

Theo Pride had not gone to the party but had sent Leroy along with Finley. At midnight, all the couples kissed including Eirene and Phoebus. In addition to pretending that she had no relationship to Drew McLaggen, there'd been an awkward moment when Leroy had leaned in as if he might kiss Finley, but she turned her head so that his lips brushed past her cheek and ear. They ended hugging and then turning away to wish others at the party a Happy New Year.

"I don't know what New Year's has to do with Valentine's Day," Finley said. "Leroy can't come to the dance, and I wouldn't bring him if I could. He and I are just friends and always will be."

At least she hoped they could be friends, despite whatever had nearly happened at the party. Finley had never gotten any kind of vibe from her best friend over the years. Their relationship had only ever been platonic. After the near-kiss, Leroy seemed embarrassed and hardly spent any time with Finley before she had to go back to Hogwarts. She wrote him upon her return to school but hadn't yet received a reply from him.

"I just think you should consider carefully about who you might like to go with, just in case there might be a kiss at the end of the night," Eirene said. "And if you ask me, I'm really hoping it'll be your secret date from Hogsmeade. I'm dying to know who he is."

Finley was grateful they had reached the location where Fitness & Athletics was meeting this afternoon. The retort on her the tip of her tongue would just have to wait until after class, but hopefully by then, Eirene will have forgotten all about finding Finley a date for the Valentine's Day dance.

Using Him For His Body
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   12-29-19 18:48

Briar is just about to leave the room used by the Baking Club where she'd been double checking all is in order for Sunday's club meeting when Eunice Smirt appears in the doorway. "Ms. Rose. I believe congratulations are in order."

Briar can't help but glance quickly down at her hand adorned with the gorgeous engagement ring Ethan gave her. "Thank you."

"Being the daughter of You-Know-Who's followers, marrying someone once under his thrall must be of no concern to you."

"Are you implying that I might harbor sympathies for Voldemort and that Ethan does as well?"

"I am merely suggesting that as someone who grew up as the daughters of Death Eaters would not be bothered that her fiancé was a part of the Dark Lord's schemes."

"Lacking information, are you?"

Eunice looks momentarily confused. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"I was young when my parents died. I spent more of my life with my adoptive parents than I did with my own. As for Ethan, I'm sure you're well aware of his history and his thoughts on Voldemort."

"Then it's as I thought. You're not bothered by his associated with the Dark Lord."

Briar rolls her eyes at what she takes as Eunice's deliberate obtuseness. She says with a shake of her head, "Nothing I say is going to make a difference." She pauses them gives Eunice a somewhat sly smirk. "If you must know, I'm just using him for his body. I mean, have you see his body? He might not be as chiseled as oh, say Dante Knight, but he's pretty darn close."

Eunice eyes have gone wide. She goggles at Briar then, cheeks flaming with round spots of crimson, she sputters, "Gggood evening to you, Ms. Rose!" and spins on her heels to retreat rapidly down the hall.

Briar is still giggling a few minutes later when she reaches Ethan's office. "What has you in such a good mood?" he asks after giving her a kiss hello.

"A silly conversation with Eunice Smirt."

"Oh? I can't say I've heard anyone else call a conversation with her or her brother silly," he chuckles.

As they step into the corridor, Ethan's Thursday office hours over, Briars grins and starts filling Ethan in.

Almost Back to Normal
Author: Beck 
Date:   12-30-19 18:08

Alanna sat at the counter at her sister's pie shoppe and worked her way through a rather large slice of blueberry pie. She had regained her appetite just in time for the holidays, though she was technically still supposed to be following a strict diet. In fact, she had regular appointments with a nutritionist, who was guiding her through a healthy way to put on all the weight she'd lost.

"Is that really what you're having for breakfast?" Ariella asked while sliding an apple pie into the display counter.

"This is actually my second breakfast, but what's wrong with pie in the morning?" Alanna queried. She pointed her fork at Ariella. "Don't tell me you never eat pie for breakfast when you're surrounded by it so early in the morning."

"Of course I do, but I'm not following a specific meal plan."

Alanna rolled her eyes. "I'm almost at my normal weight again. Anyway, I really do feel like my old self, and I also think I'm ready to go back to work."

"You do?"

Alanna occasionally helped out at Pie in the Sky, and she ferried the children to and from daycare without any qualms, despite how it had been at Diagon Alley Daycare where she'd been taken by the Death Eaters two summers ago.

"Yes, really. I think I might start applying," Alanna answered.

"That's good," Ariella replied. "Back at the Ministry, or Blakely and Winfred, or what?"

"Both, and other places. Whatever there is. I'm ready to establish a normal routine and just live my life again."

"I'm glad for you," Ariella said. "Speaking of work, I was invited to go to Hogwarts for Career Day." She had last participated in the event while working for the Ministry of Magic's Department of International Magical Cooperation in 2009.

Alanna gave Ariella a thumbs up because her mouth was full with pie. She wished she could have been more helpful with answering questions about whether she'd overheard or witnessed the Death Eaters grooming Hogwarts-aged recruits. The aurors she talked to assured her that every tidbit she provided was useful information, but it didn't feel like it was enough. After all, the Death Eaters were still out there and quite possibly still recruiting Hogwarts students to their evil cause.

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