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(Madoc) Come Morning
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   03-25-11 18:27

Madoc rolled over in his four poster bed and curled into a more comfortable position. He remained that way for only a short while, waking fully when he heard his other roommates stirring. They'd all slept in longer than they usually did during the week, but being used to waking early everyday made it hard to sleep in for terribly long.

Precious, Madoc's dwarf cat, sat patiently at the foot of his bed and watched as his owner sat up and rubbed his eyes. Madoc's hair stood in all directions. A big yawn escaped his lips, and then he threw off his covers and pulled open the curtains of his bed.

The first year Gryffindors had no where pressing to be on Saturday morning. Some of the older students were taking an apparition lesson in the Great Hall. Madoc knew what apparition was since he'd grown up in the wizarding world and had experienced side-alongs, but it would be years before he would learn how to do it himself.

The other event going on today was Course Day. Madoc figured he might make the rounds since he didn't have anything else to do (other than some homework). Course Day was really for those eligible to sign up for elective classes, though. Madoc couldn't take any, other than Fitness & Athletics, until his third year.

Madoc mumbled good morning to his roommates and knelt at the trunk at the foot of his bed. He dug through it until he found clean clothes and then padded to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it as best he could, and then decided to go to the Common Common Room for breakfast.

It was too late to go to the Great Hall, and he was awfully hungry. Precious bounded along beside him and drew the attention of many students, especially girls, who found the little kitty too cute for words. They oohed and aahed and made other noises of adoration, and Precious, who was quickly learning how to work everyone she met, soaked up all the attention.

Eventually, Madoc and Precious arrived at the Common Common Room and settled down in a corner with a cinnamon roll and kibble, respectively.

Visitors to the Greenhouse
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   03-27-11 07:49

Although Marzipan's Herbology class wasn't considered an elective option, she had chosen to remain in the greenhouses for most of the day to talk to anyone who had a question about an assignment or Herbology in general. She had plenty of work to do herself, such as marking papers, preparing lessons, and tending to all the plants.

Presently, she went around with a watering can that replenished its water magically each time it was emptied. She hadn't seen a single student yet. Perhaps she wouldn't all day.

Then, she heard a shuffling noise outside the greenhouse door. Marzi turned, expecting one of her students, or perhaps someone from the Herbology Club, but it was Weston instead. He had little Carter in a baby sling on his chest. The child was wide awake and took in every sight and sound with interest.

"Weston. What a surprise," Marzi said, abandoning the watering can on a table.

Weston rubbed the side of his shoe against the mat on the floor and said, "It still feels like winter out there, but the ground is definitely beginning to thaw. I actually saw something green on the way over here."

"The official start of spring is only a couple weeks away," Marzi said, kissing first Weston and then Carter, who cooed and wrapped his small hand around a strand of her long hair. She had been meaning to cut it for some time now but just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Carter liked to tug on it, and Marzi suspected her new baby wouldn't be gentle with it either.

"Do we want to take bets whether our little one will be a winter baby or a spring baby?" Weston asked with a grin. He moved deeper into the greenhouse, where it was cozier thanks to the sun on the glass and all the plants packed tightly inside the room.

The baby was due this month. Marzi felt ready to pop. "Winter baby for sure," she said, rubbing her bulging tummy.

"I think I would be okay with that. I'm ready to meet our little guy or girl," Weston said.

"Me too."


Marzi turned to the doorway, where Megara Flynn stood.

"Come in, Megara. What can I do for you?"

Megara entered, slipped off her cloak, and smiled at little Carter.

"He's so cute. Professor, who will teach your classes when you have your baby?"

"The other Professor Ravenscroft will," Marzi replied with a smile, as she indicated to her husband.

"I'm the nice one," Weston quipped.

Megara laughed. "That's good to know. Is Professor Masterson in? I know he will be my teacher next year and I thought I would ask some questions about what I should expect during my O.W.L. year."

"He was in one of the other greenhouses earlier. Go on through, and if he's not there, come back and I'll tell you some things. I used to teach that class, you know!"

Megara smiled and went in search of Professor Masterson, leaving the small, happy family alone for a little while.

Course Day
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   03-27-11 17:51

Lawrence wasn't required to be at the Appiration Lesson, however, he needed to be in the greenhouse. While Herbology wasn't an elective, there were fourth years who would become his students the following term and would no doubt have questions for him. He knew Marzipan was in the greenhouse next door as they'd arrived almost together.

At the moment Lawrence was checking on the herb gardens that had been made earlier in the term and were currently lining the walls on neat little shelves when Megara Flynn cleared her throat to gain his attention.

"Well hello, what can I do for you...?" Lawrence paused, waiting to get the girl's name.

"I'm Megara Flynn, one of Professor Ravenscroct's students this year. However, I will be your student next year." She said shifting forward and coming closer to where Lawrence stood.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Megara, what can I do for you?"

Megara settled herself at one of the tables and took a moment to ponder her question before finally asking it. "What manner of things can I expect from my O.W.L year in herbology?"

Lawrence smiled and dusted his hands off before removing the pair of gardening gloves and leaning against his table. "Well, for starters we will be covering a bit more than you were your previous year because they can and will ask just about anything on your O.W.L examinations. There will be quite a bit of course work, but I don't make every class a dreary lecture, I tend to bring in sweets and various other things to allow my students to experience things made from the plants and herbs that we discuss that are edible."

Megara nodded her head lightly. "That does sound interesting. What are some of the things you are discussing this term with your fifth year students?"

"We are currently discussing poisonous flowering plants. This one here, is currently going to be one of the plants that I will be lecturing on this coming monday..." Lawrence motioned to the Calla Lily that currently rested on his desk. "Do you know what kind of plant this is?"

Megara pondered a few moments before she hazarded a guess on the kind of flower that was on Lawrence's desk. "It is a lily of some sort."

"Very good, it is actually a Calla Lily." Lawrence said and moved to settle himself behind the desk. "What other questions do you have for me Megara?"

The pair of them talked for a few more minutes before Megara slipped free of the greenhouse happy with the information she'd recieved from the meeting with Professor Masterson.

A few other fourth years filtered in, and Lawrence discussed a variety of things that they would be learning and focusing on in the coming term.

Talking about CoMC
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   03-29-11 06:07

As he had not been needed to monitor the apparition lessons in the Great Hall, Jolyon had gone straight to the stables to welcome any students interested in learning about Care of Magical Creatures. Soon, second years would plan out what electives they would take next school year. Older students would also prepare next year's schedules and in some cases, change which electives they were taking.

Some of the N.E.W.T. level professors were very particular about who they let into the upper level classes. Jolyon wasn't such a professor. If someone wanted to take sixth year or seventh year Care of Magical Creatures, then by all means he should, but he should also know that the course wasn't an easy O. Jolyon didn't necessarily work the older students any harder than the younger ones, but he made sure there was a balance between what he considered serious work and fun.

Care of Magical Creatures was meant to be fun, after all. The only students who wouldn't like his class were those who just weren't animal people. Jolyon personally didn't understand people who didn't at least like animals a little bit, but he didn't hold it against them for not being the fan of magical creatures he was. People who disliked animals so much they practiced animal cruelty were a different story. Luckily, Jolyon didn't have any personal experience with anyone like that.

He spent the day in the stables, talking to students as they came in to inquire about Care of Magical Creatures. The youngest students came more to look at the different animals, which they didn't get to see on an average school day.

A few students stopped by to ask about a homework assignment or, in the case of some of his fifth years and seventh years, to get some advice on the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s Those end of year exams were still months away, but a couple of students were already starting to show their panic.

Jolyon remembered what it was like to be in their shoes. He'd been an average student, with the exception of Care of Magical Creatures, in which he'd understandably excelled. He hadn't studied as much as he should have and had worried himself sick during the two weeks of testing. The best advice he could give anyone was to start preparing early so that one didn't have to do it all at once at the last minute.

He would readily admit that if he were 15 or 17 years old again, he would probably do it the same way all over again rather than follow his own advice. Teenagers, but especially teenage boys, would do whatever they wanted to do, even if someone told them a better way of doing it.

Jolyon had gone up to the loft for a moment to make a few notations about some questions that had arisen over the course of the day and then climbed down the ladder to the main part of the barn. He glanced out of the window and frowned. Daylight was rapidly fading, and with the setting sun would come plummeting temperatures. Not that it had been particularly warm during the day, but with no clouds overhead, the sun had done its part to make the day less miserable than it could have been.

"Professor? Is it too late to visit?"

Jolyon turned away from the window and saw seventh year Anthea Allen standing in the doorway.

"Not at all. I thought I would stay here till supper, though I'm afraid the walk back to the castle will be in the dark."

Anthea nodded. "But British Summer Time starts soon."

"The last Sunday of this month," Jolyon replied. "What is that... ? The 26th?"

"The 27th," Anthea corrected, "and only 79 days away from the start of the N.E.W.T.s."

Jolyon was frightened by how quickly Anthea had done the math. Obviously, she was one of the ones panicking about the upcoming exams. He smiled at her as placatingly as possible.

"And what can I do for you today?"

"I wonder if I could have copies of old syllabi from all your classes and any accompanying notes you might have. I seem to have misplaced some from the earlier years."

Jolyon indicated to the ladder. "You best come up then." Syllabi he was sure he could come up with. Notes, perhaps not. He led the way to the loft and then dug through his lesson plans to see if he had anything to give Anthea.

Productive Day
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   03-29-11 09:26

Although none of Sirius's students have the option of not taking Transfiguration, as those who are sixth and seventh years do, he'd come to Hogwarts today and made himself available. He wasn't doing this so much as for Course Day but because he's got the first through fourth years writing papers due next week and these papers are more in-depth than essays he's had them write on previous occassions. They have to include bibliographies, the first and second years required to provide at least three sources while the third and fourth years much have at least five. Those in the MWF classes have theirs due on Wednesday and those in the TT classes have theirs due on Thursday. Sirius let his students know he'd be available today for those having questions or who are stuck. He'd also pointed out that meant they should have started working on the papers by today. He'll be available between now and the papers being due of course but stressed that it's best not to wait last minute. There will be some who wait. There always are. Hell, Sirius was one of those prone to doing just that sort of thing when he was a student. He'd been foolish and arrogent and certain things came for too easily to him and even those that didn't, he tended to have a somewhat lazy attitude towards.

Helping to make the day pass by more quickly, Drucilla and the twins came and spent time with Sirius. James and Mira LOVE scribbling all over the blackboards in Sirius's classroom, using colored chalk to make what they thing are great works of art. They also love coming to school to visit because there are a few house elves and a few students who shower attention on them. At one point, the room was extremely quiet for an hour because the twins were with two upper year girls in the commons being the centers of attention.

With Dru's help, Sirius gave both his classroom and his office a thorough going over. A sort of pre-spring cleaning. He rearranged, culled through assorted items and old texts, straightened and better ordered his files and assorted paperwork. All in all, even though Sirius and his students didn't really participate in Course Day to speak of, he feels today was extremely productive. Several students did come by with questions about their papers, or wanting to sit with one of Sirius's reference books to garner additional information.

As productive as he feels today has been, Sirius will not feel the slightest bit guilty tomorrow when being lazy on a sunny beach in Greece with his family while getting in a visit with Remus, Tonks, and Teddy.

Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   03-29-11 16:45

Just after breakfast this morning I'd sat in the Great Hall for the apparition lesson then came to the Muggle Studies classroom here in the castle. It's through this room that the only floo conduit to Cloud's Kiss is located. I'd wanted to be here so if at any time during Course Day a student came asking questions about Muggle Studies best answered in the Cloud's Kiss learning environment, the floo would be handy.

I've been back and forth several times today. I've also had a few students who've gone over to Cloud's Kiss to work on Muggle Studies projects and some who were helping get things set up for a Muggle Studies Club meeting tonight. I've checked on those students through the day and the two house elves who like staying at Cloud's Kiss have done some supervising as have the Cloud's Kiss caretakers, the Bingleys. In a short while I'll be going there again for the club meeting. It's a pizza party with the club members making the pizzas themselves. Then it's a movie with popcorn and snacks. The club meeting is open to any interested student whether in the club or not.

I've made sure all the seventh year Muggle Studies students know about tonight's club meeting because I want to sit down with them and the seventh year club members not taking the class to talk about this year's Muggle Studies trip. Orion Patterson and Victoria Visconti have both already suggested Las Angeles, California while Miranda Newberry has mentioned St. Petersburg, Russia. Whatever the destination ends up being, I need to start working on the paperwork for getting passports for all those who will be going. It's good having someone at the Ministry who helps with such things.

"Aaron? I mean, Professor Miller?"

I look up from the list I'd been writing. "Hi, Liannah. Here for Course Day?"

Liannah MacDougal, one of my Wenlock cousins, nods. "If it's not too late. I meant to come sooner but I was reading and lost track of time."

"That's all right. Course Day is not yet officially over but even if it were I'd still be happy to answer any questions you have."

"I was wondering, well, Daniel and Hadrian told me that any of us who take your class are graded harder and you're meaner and that's why they don't take your class. I think they were joking but couldn't really tell."

"I have standards, yes, but I'm not harder or meaner to cousins. Or at least I don't think I am."

"Oh good. I thought so. I really want to take Muggle Studies but after they were so serious and I couldn't tell if they were teasing or not I started having doubts and thought maybe I'd just stick with Muggle Studies Club."

"Tease them back. Tell them I'm going to give them detention for teasing you and that the detention will be on the same day as the IQT match in Canada."

Liannah grins. "Oooooh. I'll do that! I think they're going to the pizza party so I'll wait and say something there where you can see their expressions."

Aaron puts up his hand for a high five as he returns her grin. "Just remember to be serious when you tell them."

Liannah snickers and nods. "I'll do my best." She skips to the door, turning to say over her shoulder, "See you in a little while."

Returning to my work I find myself snickering, hoping that Liannah pulls it off because the looks on Hadrian's and Daniel's faces will be priceless if she does.

End Of Day
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   03-29-11 20:36

The time alotted for Course Day nearly at an end Kissy makes a sweep through the obstacle course room where she'd been letting students get in some practice. "Time to go. It's nearly dinner," she repeats a few times as she weaves through the course, set up today as a dense jungle similar to what many of the students saw when visiting Escola Mágica de Brasil. A loud jaguar-like roar comes from just above her head, reminding Kissy to turn off the enchantment that's filling the room with jungle noises.

She could have done all this from the walkway that allows Kissy and Ethan to oversee any goings on in the room. Each of the obstacle course rooms has one and Kissy often makes use of the catwalks. Sometimes though, like now, Kissy likes to be on the floor and walking the course, seeing it as the students do. She even participates now and again. It's good to get in the practice and it's good to take that extra step in helping the students. It's also fun.

Fun is probably why there's big a fairly large turnout through the day of students wanting to use the course. The end of February in Scotland is still somewhat cold plus days are still rather short. Kissy can't blame the students for wanting to do something active indoors. Theodosia Batuti was saying just the other day that she spends more time in the indoor Fitness & Athletics room and at the Hogwarts swimming pool in her off hours than she ever thought she would simply because of how much use the students get from the room in colder weather and how they enjoy getting to swin indoors. It's the same reason why Aaron has students forever wanting to go to Cloud's Kiss.

If not for today being Course Day Kissy would have only been available for about half the time she was today. Since she did need to be available she didn't see any reason why interested students couldn't use one of the obstacle courses the entire time. She wasn't expecting to see many, if any, fourth years with questions about fifth year Defense Against the Dark Arts but she was expecting to get some of the current fifth and sixth years since DADA is an elective course for sixth and seventh year. All courses are elective for sixth and seventh year students. The only requirement is that they have to take at least seven of the currently offered twelve courses. Additionally, a few professors have very rigid requirements for acceptance into a course, such as Potions under Severus Snape. When taking the DADA job, Kissy had debated whether to have a minimum O.W.L. requirement but ultimately decided against it.

Following the last students from the room, Kissy locks the door then stands there trying to decide if she wants to go to her flat to freshen up or go now to the Great Hall. Hunger wins out so Kissy makes for the Great Hall where she knows another excellent Hogwarts meal is will soon be served.

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