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Keeping the Bank Open
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   03-23-11 17:58

Being in charge of the Hogsmeade branch of Gringotts meant that Bill could delegate the task of opening and closing the building on Saturdays to someone else, allowing him to enjoy the weekend at home and with his family. Bill wasn't the sort of manager to shirk weekend duty, however. Saturdays tended to go by quickly, anyway, because it was generally a busier sort of day, and it was also shorter, since the bank maintained less hours on the weekend.

Today was an exception, however. Because it was Hogsmeade weekend for Hogwarts students, and because the students tended to splurge during their visits to the village, Bill planned on keeping the bank open longer. Already, those who had vaults in Hogsmeade had stopped by to retrieve some spending money, and some had already come by twice.

Bill got out from behind his desk to stretch his legs a little. There had been a bit of a lull in the traffic to the bank, and he'd gotten sequestered in his office doing paperwork as a result.

He walked into the lobby and looked out the glass doors. Although it was only afternoon, the sun was already beginning to set. Bill couldn't wait for spring to arrive, and with it, the prospect of longer days.

He watched students go back and forth, carrying sacks from the various shoppes or munching on treats from the bakery and sweetshop. Occasionally, a grownup wandered by, like a teacher or one of the locals.

Bill leaned against one of the windows flanking the doors and crossed his arms. It might still be winter, but at least it was a nice day for visiting Hogsmeade.

Suddenly, someone wearing a red hood came into view. It wasn't Adriana in her Little Red Riding Hood cloak, however. It was just a student wearing a red hoodie.

Bill saw Adriana occasionally as she passed through the village, doing what, Bill had no idea. She always seemed to be on the go whenever he saw her, unless she happened to be in the exact same place as him.

He wondered if she was trying to find a job elsewhere, since Dumbledore didn't have anything available for her at the moment. Did she even need a job? Bill remembered the piles of coins in her vault in Diagon Alley.

He promptly lost his trail of thought when Lysander approached, carrying a black bag. Bill knew it carried coins, and probably lots of them, but it had most certainly been charmed to feel lighter and remain silent, so that the obvious clinking of coins couldn't be heard by curious onlookers.

Bill held the door open for Lysander. "Need to make change?"


Bill indicated to the teller counter and then resumed his observations of the goings-on outside the bank.

On His Way To Ron's
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   03-23-11 20:07

Harry arrives at the edge of Hogsmeade, apparating only a short walk from The Three Broomsticks. He'd ended up working much of the day even though that had not been the plan. Griffin Price had stumbled onto something this morning that had the two of them revisiting what they'd thought to be a dead end with the Rufus Henshaw case.

Weeks ago they'd questioned a number of people at the Ministry and various other businessed whose names were on a list of aliases connected to Henshaw. With other cases each is also working, the questioning took place over a couple of weeks but even before they'd finished the list Griff and Harry had concluded that avenue was not leading them anywhere.

All that changed this morning when a chance encounter with someone on the list had Griff learning that the Kyle Fraser they had questioned was not the Kyle Fraser Griff saw this morning. Griff called Harry in and they've been going over all those interviews, starting with Kyle Fraser's. Since Kyle Fraser - the real one - was there at the Ministry they'd gone Level 4 where the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is located. Fraser explained again that he'd never spoken with either of them until today though he of course knew who Harry was.

Fraser explained about having been ill and that the very reason he was working today is that one of the people who'd covered for him during those days had called in the favor. Fraser is covering for the co-worker today. He not only could give them names of others in the department who would verify he had been out then but others also working this Saturday remembered Fraser being off work for the two weeks he'd said. Additionally, Fraser gave them his healer's name in case they wanted someone outside the Ministry who'd corroborate Fraser's story.

The really big aha moment came though when one of the Fraser's co-workers there in the office made an off-hand remark. "I thought you were going to give your bug to all of us when you came in to pick up your mail and some files."

Fraser had blinked at her in confusion. "I never came in during those two weeks."

Griff and Harry ahd exchanged looks, promnptly asking the woman if she could recall exactly when that was. She had to think hard, afterall that was a month and a half, closer to two months ago. She'd finally gave them a reply and it turned out to be the same day that Griff and Harry had questioned someone they thought was Kyle Fraser. The two Aurors had then talked more with Fraser to find out when last year he missed work for any reason.

After returning to their own department, Harry had holed up in Griff's cubicle while they went over all those interviews again, hoping to find clues that would help them narrow down the list of who to requestion, or at the very least help them figure out who to put at the top of the list to speak with again.

When Harry left the Ministry Griff and he felt that for the first time in awhile they believe they're making tangible progress on the Henshaw case. Harry had a few errands to do before coming to Hogsmeade. Ron had asked Harry to come over though he'd not said why. Harry decided he'd grab some butterbeers to take over, which is why he apparated near The Three Broomsticks instead of Ron's yard.

It takes only a few seconds for Harry to see that today is clearly a Hogsmeade Saturday. Inside The Three Broomsticks Harry weaves around teens going out and mingling around tables as he makes his way to the bar. Still, as busy as the place is he's waited on fairly quickly so is soon walking back out iwth a half dozen bottles of butterbeer. Out on the High Street he wends his way around talking, laughing students, pausing in front of the bakery to debate going in. Deciding why not, he goes in and while standing in line checks out the bakery case trying to decide what to get.

Having decided something he'd heard of but never had, Harry walks out a bit later with half of an Italian cream cake. Out on the street again Harry starts in the direction of Ron's only to stop again. Adriana Fairchild is suddenly in front of him, a smile on her face.

"Harry! I've been meaning to see you. How are you?"

Adriana gives Harry a partial hug. He sort of returns it but with hands full it's not easy. Also, it's not as though he and Adriana were ever close. In fact, he really doesn't know her at all. She'd taught Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, a course Harry never took. Harry knew her a little while she was there, as much because of her dating Bill Weasley than from anything else. Thing is, Adriana is Harry's cousin and the only relative that he knows of from his dad's side. Neither had known the other existed until Adriana had literally stumbled into Hogwarts one day, from that point learning that the Wizarding World exists. As a child her memomy had been altered so she'd not remembered that magic is real. She'd also not known until that day that she had a cousin called Harry. Harry, knowing absolutely nothing about his father's family hadn't known that he'd had an Aunt Anne or a cousin Adriana.

"I'm good, Adriana. And you? I've been meaning to come see you as well."

"I'm on my way somewhere but we should get together. Dinner sometime soon? Tomorrow? Monday?"

"Tomorrow would be good. How about my place? If you come by Floo, it's Wildwood in Coventry."

"I've like that. What time?"


"Perfect! I'll bring dessert and the wine."

"Great. See you then."

Adriana gives Harry's arm a squeeze then just as suddenly as she appeared, Adriana disappears down the street. Harry watches her go for a second then turns and continues on to Ron's. No sooner has he knocked on the door than it flies open, Ron standing there looking harried.

"You're here! Finally! And drinks. Thanks!"

Ron grabs the bag of butterbeer from Harry before moving out of Harry's way so he can come inside. Ron nods in the direction of the den. "In there. You've got to help me."

"Help with what. You never said."

"Hermione's been after me to finally make a decision on the tuxes."

Harry blanches. "You don't really need me for that."

Ron gives Harry a shove. "Course I do. I need you to try each one so I can see it better."

"You're joking. Right."

"Nope. Get moving. I told Hermione we'd have a decision for her by dinnertime."

Grumbling, Harry allows Ron to hurry him into the den where there have to be at least thirty tuxes in a wide variety of styles, and even colors, hanging from a portable clothing rack. Ron's already got one of them off the hanger and shoving it at Harry so with a resigned sigh, Harry takes the tux thinking that if Ron weren't his best friend and if Ron hadn't done so much for Harry over the years, Ron would be on his own with the tuxes.

A trip into the mud
Author: Lilac Middleton 
Date:   03-24-11 09:14

“Cyril Brandon Middleton! If you don’t give me back my necklace, I’ll tear your head off!” Lilac said rushing after Cyril through the streets of Hogesmeade.” Her necklace had been missing for days and it was only when Cyril appeared with the necklace dangling it from his wrist, that she realized he had it. Rose her pig had also been missing and she was very sure now, that Cyril had kidnapped her pig too. Of course, he didn’t have the pig in Hogesmeade.

“I wont give it back! Not until you give me the bag of candy you promised me from Honeyducks!” Cyril said climbing up the closest tree. Holding out Lilac’s necklace with the strawberry charm that her mother gave her before she died.

“You!!!!” Lilac shouted and started to climb the tree.

“CYRIL!” She yelled. “You never even gave me a chance to get the candy!”

“That’s because you ate it all!”

“I did not!”

“You did too!”

“Wait until I tell your mother and father about this! You’ll get a howler for sure!” Lilac shouted. As she climbed, Cyril climbed higher. And when he reached a certain point, and Lilac was closed to his feet, he dropped her necklace in the mud. Then, jumped down. They weren’t very high up. Lilac, screamed at him, and scurried down the tree. Falling in the mud herself.

“CYRIL!” She shouted. Lil picked up her necklace and whipped off the best she could on her mud stained jeans. She glared after her cousin.


“Well, you should have given me the candy you bought for me.” Cyril said smirking, and took off down the road.

“Ooooh.” Lilac said standing up and trying to shake the mud from her clothes, and hair. She was going to lock Cyril up in the Shrieking Shack for a month, and tell the professors he ran away. She was going to give him bread and water, and make him sleep in a mess of spiders. Or better yet, she was going to hang him upside down from the rafters in Hogwarts. So all the students could see. Or maybe, she would get him back another way.

Lil, wasn’t sure just how she was going to get her cousin back, and she didn’t care if it cost her house points or not. All she knew was she was going to get him back and her pig. She would have one of her friends sneak into Cyril’s dormitories and get Rose back. And leave a mouse or something hidden for him. Her cousin hated mice. Yes that was it! Maybe she’d get Cecila to do it. She started to march off towards The Three Broomsticks. After this, she needed some Butterbeer.

In Need Of Comeuppance (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   03-24-11 16:27

Basil Wynbourne and his friend Ivan Grimsby walk by, Basil shooting a knowing smirk at Etta. She glowers, fists balling and takes a step that direction. Deak throws an arm around her shoulder and steers her back the way they were heading. From just behind them Alexa offers, "I can see to it that the all his belongings are mysteriously moved elsewhere."

"That still wouldn't be enough," Etta tells her at the same time Deak says, "He's not worth the bother."

This has Etta stopping in her tracks, causing Alexa to bump into her. As his arm had still been around her shoulder, Deak ends up stopping as well. This in turn has Olive, who'd been beside Alexa and directly behind Deak, to run into him.

Etta huffs, "Something needs to be done to that ball of slime," as Deak's turning to apologize to Olive. She grins at him before agreeably saying to Etta, "If we could come up with something that wouldn't lead back to any of us, then yes, your dear cousin could stand a little comeuppance; otherwise, Deak's right. Basil really isn't worth getting into trouble over."

After Basil's snide little comment last weekend Etta's parents had lectured her then lectured Deak then lectured them together. Aaron and Saffron were of course notified what had been implied about Etta and Deak. They in turn also spoke with Etta and Deak. Having all four adults going on and on about how they shouldn't be having sex at their ages and then being told over and over again about using protection was not the most comfortable way to pass the time. Etta and Deak had assured the four adults too many times to count that they are not having sex but if they do at some future date they will take precautions. Being told that the couple might have sex sometime in the future of course did not sit well, leading to another round of lectures.

Deak would like nothing more than to break that bloody bastard's nose but as he's told Etta several times now, as satisfying as it would be to inflict some pain on Basil, the arse just isn't worth the energy, the loss of hosue points, nor the round of lectures that would surely ensue. And Deak has no doubt that no matter how sneakily he went about pounding on Basil, Aaron would somehow find out. Basil would make sure if it and would probably do it in a manner that wasn't out and out tattling. It would also ensure that Deak would not only be benched for at least one Quidditch match but he'd also not even get to attend as a spectator. Deak's heard some interesting things about Danal de Magie Académie so no way in hell is he going to miss out going to Canada for a snot like Basil Wynbourne.

In the few seconds since Olive spoke there's been a shift in where everyone's standing within the group. All the girls in the group, which also includes Jill and Marjana, are now slowly walking clustered together, giggling over extremely silly but funny ways to get back at Basil. Deak is behind them along with the other guys - Jack, Wiggy, and Hadrian - who are listening to these ideas and laughing right along with the girls, occassionally offering up their own equally silly yet funny ideas. This continues even after they're are seated at two tables pushed together at the Crouwn & Cauldron a short time later, leading to them all laughing so hard at times it's hard to get their orders placed.

(Ariella) Hogsmeade Saturday
Author: Beck 
Date:   03-24-11 17:31

Ariella had originally offered to work a longer shift on the Hogsmeade Saturday, knowing that Briar's Bakery would see a lot of foot traffic over the course of the day. It had been a popular shoppe to visit when she'd been a student herself, and its popularity hadn't changed in the few years since she'd left Hogwarts.

Ultimately, Briar hadn't needed her for the whole day and had allowed Ariella to leave by mid afternoon. By chance, Lawrence had been in the vicinity, chaperoning students as some professors tended to do on Hogsmeade trips. She'd flagged him down, linked arms with him, and spent the rest of the afternoon walking up and down High Street and peeking into the shoppe windows.

When the sun set, and it did so rather early since it was still wintertime, it got much cooler than it had been by daylight. Ariella snuggled closer to Lawrence, who put a strong arm around her shoulders and steered her in the direction of The Imperial Crown & Cauldron.

"How about some supper before we head back?" he asked her.

"I think a bowl of hot soup sounds divine right now."

The hostess led them to a table recently vacated by a pair of students and handed them their menus. A few minutes later, they each ordered a steaming bowl of soup and a side salad.

The restaurant was full. Hogsmeade only had a few eateries, other than the pubs, and few students frequented The Hog's Head at that. It wouldn't be long before the Hogsmeade trip would see its official end, and everyone would have to return to the castle. With it being dark now, any professors in the village would have to be extra vigilant that no stragglers remained behind.

With another Quidditch match so close in the future, Ariella couldn't see too many students risking detention, so maybe everyone would return to school before curfew!

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