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Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   03-06-10 11:20

By the time Bronwyn had felt secure in her belief that Xavier's girlfriend was, in fact, her own best friend Desi, she'd caught her second wind. Perhaps it had been the adrenalin that came from her interrogation of Xavier, but the fact that her matchmaking skills hadn't been off on that August day in Seattle certainly fueled her renewed energy as well.

All too soon, Bronwyn's producer started signalling for her to wrap it up. Disappointed to end the interview, but nonetheless satisfied with what she'd inadvertantly learned, Bronwyn thanked Xavier for being her guest and told him she hoped to see him and his girlfriend soon.

Xavier grinned kind of sheepishly and thanked Bronwyn for the interview. She signed off and removed her headphones.

Xavier playfully avoided her gaze.

"I decided to be nice and not out her live on the air, though now that you've mentioned you're dating someone, the press will certainly be keeping a closer eye on you," Bronwyn said.

"Doesn't help that you gave me the third degree," Xavier answered, finally meeting his gaze. He wasn't mad, though. Not in the slightest. He knew it had been unfair of Desi to keep their relationship a secret from Bron of all people, but he didn't blame her for doing it. Bronwyn had a really big mouth!

"Why didn't you both tell me?" Bronwyn asked. She was glad to have finally learned the truth, but she couldn't understand why Desi wouldn't confide in her about something has major as having a boyfriend, and Xavier Schoonmaker at that. Bronwyn had handpicked him for Desi, after all. She'd wanted it to work out for them from the very start and had been very disappointed to falsely learn that they'd never hit it off.

"I think the three of us should go out for a late lunch. Maybe some place private... and in the Muggle world?" Xavier suggested. He grinned when Bron hesitated. "My treat?"

She pulled off the sunglasses that still covered her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was more awake now than she'd been but she just knew that she would fall asleep in her food if she stayed up for too much longer.

Still, she wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Bronwyn nodded. "Sure."

Xavier was the first to leave the studio. By some miracle, neither the press nor rabid fans were waiting for him. Bronwyn followed a moment later, where she ran into none other than Desi herself. Desi looked up from the tabloid she'd been reading. It had Blaine and Bianca right on the front, and the headline blared IT'S OFF AGAIN. BUT FOR HOW LONG THIS TIME?

Desi looked up at Bron and grinned. "Took ya long enough."

Steady Business
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   03-06-10 14:13

Both Julian and Lysander wanted to take their daughters up to the castle to participate in the Easter egg hunt. They worked out a schedule, so that someone was always minding the store while the other spent time on the Hogwarts grounds. Lysander had opted to stay behind first, so Julian took both girls up to the castle. Astrid had gone with him, so that she, or Briar Rose, could keep an eye on them when it was time for Julian to return to Hogsmeade. It would also serve as a good opportunity for Astrid and Julian to get to know each other better, since rarely was there a time when Lysander wasn't with them both.

Astrid had picked out an Easter dress for Charlotte. It was white with a yellow bow around the middle that tied in the back. Small yellow flowers were stitched into the dress too. Astrid, being much better at fixing a little girl's hair than Lysander, tied some of Charlotte's dark locks back with a yellow bow. White shoes and a matching Easter basket completed the ensemble.

Lysander had seen his girls off with a smile and then retreated to the bookshop counter. Despite the activity at Hogwarts, business was quite steady at Twice Told Tales. Not everyone in the village had children, and some had no interest in participating in the Easter egg hunt anyway. It was a nice day to run errands, and from Lysander's personal experience, he was always more productive on a nice day than a dreary one.

During the occasional lull in customers, Lysander thought about how Varus Ingram had been deemed mentally unstable. He resided in a wizarding mental institution now, where Lysander hoped he'd stay forever and ever. Lysander was certainly pleased to have his erstwhile rival out of the way. He could worry less about Astrid changing her mind about their relationship and going back to her ex, though Lysander doubted she would even consider it. Theirs was a good relationship, better even than Lysander could have ever imagined.

Astrid wasn't terrible pleased with Varus' outcome, though. He had never shown any sign of mental instability or jealousy during their relationship, and she found it almost unfathomable to know that he'd snapped, just like that. It had happened, though, and without Lysander doing anything to make it occue, other than starting up the relationship with Astrid. Lysander had done many bad things in his lifetime, but even he couldn't take full credit for Varus' newly found insanity.

The bell over the door at Twice Told Tales tinkled, signaling the arrival of a new customer. Lysander put on a smile and prepared to greet the new arrival, when he caught sight of an owl flying in overhead. His smile fell, because he recognized the bird. He wished he could catch it and use it to find its owner, but in the split second it took for Lysander to get out his wand, the owl had dropped a letter onto the floor and then vanished through the still-open door.

With trepidation, Lysander stepped out from behind the counter and approached the letter. He knew what it was without even reading it. Another threatening, anonymous note.

Just A Typical Day In The Shoppe
Author: Travis 
Date:   03-06-10 15:36

"Are you even listening, Fifi?"

"Fifi?" Phlagmelina Hodfuffer echos with a grin.

Travis holds up an index finger for Phlagmelina to wait one second then turns to Morticia Munch. "Mum, you may not have noticed but I am busy at the moment. When I am done I will give you my full, undivided attention for a few minutes, but only if you stop calling me by that name."

"It's a perfectly good name and it's your given one so I still do not understand why you stubbornly persist with that odious mannish name."

Travis gives Morticia a pointed glare before turning a smile back to Phlagmelina. "So four dozen of the ivy baskets?"

"You know, best make it five dozen."

Travis strikes out the 4 and makes it a 5 on the order pad then says, "The lily arrangements will be delivered Monday and we'll refresh up the flowers as needed through Easter or if you like, beyond that."

"We were thinking for another week after Easter Sunday, so let's say through Monday, the nineteenth."

Travis nods, notating the date while doing her best to ignore Morticia's fast pacing right behind Phlagmelina until Morticia says in a somewhat whining voice, "I don't know why I bother coming to you when you treat your mother with such disdain when not ignoring her completely."

"Stop talking about yourself in the third person, Mother."

"Honestly, Fifi, you have employees who can take over in times of personal crisis."

"I am not in the midst of a personal crisis," Travis states, now unable to look Phlagmelina in the eyes because of the amused gleam has. Travis thinks either of them might start snicking at any moment. Handing Phlagmelina a copy of the revised order, Travis says, "Forgive my mother for having so childishly forgotten her manners."


"Please also forgive her mental lapse of forgetting her own daughter's name."

"She seems fairly adament that your name is Fifi, and here I always thought my name was bad," Phlagmelina says with a smirk. Folding up the slip of parchment she then asks, "I did mention we want irises with the lilies, didn't I?"

"Yes, and for the ivy basket arrangments you want a mix of spring flowers and no two arrangements necessarily have to be the same."


"As I've never noticed a floral scent at your restaurant but there are always fresh flowers, you must do a spell on the flowers so the fragrances don't combat the lovely food aromas," Morticia comments, forgetting her so called personal crisis for all of two seconds.

"That's it exactly," Phlagmelina replies. To Travis she says, "Thanks again. I'll check back with you Monday or Tuesday for that special tea blend I was wanting for myself."

"Neville's promised that more of the spice that makes that blend special is on the way. As soon as we have more of the blend made, I'll send your order to the restaurant. How's that?"

"Excellent. Thanks, Travis. Mrs. Munch, nice to see you again."

Travis double checks that Theo has seen to the one other customer currently in the store then looks to her mother. "All right, Mum. What is it now?"

Morticia, who had been so impatient before, says both chidingly and huffily, "I don't care for your tone, young lady."

"Let's not get into an "I don't care for" something the other person is doing conversation when you've come to my shoppe during business hours and harassed me while I was waiting on a customer."

"A little respect for you mother, Fifi, is all I ask."

"Oh please, and call me that again and I will pop away on the spot to go check on one of the more far flung greenhouses."

Morticia signs and gives Travis her wounded martyr look before saying, "I am in crisis and you don't even care."

"I care about you, Mum, but sometimes you're idea of a crisis is not my idea of one. What is it this time?"

"I have decided to inform Roddrick I should like a divorce."

"But you get on so well with him and seem to love him."

"Oh, I do love Roddrick, dear, and we get on swimmingly together."

"Then why in Merlin's name do you want a divorce?"

"I'm bored."

"Then get a hobby."

"I am going to take classes on Spanish cuisine. The intructor is such a lovely young man."

"Seriously, Mother? You would divorce Roddrick, your tenth husband and whom you've been married to the longest, on the off chance of bedding a cooking instructor?"

"Get your mind from the gutter, Fi... Travis. I want to take the cooking course no matter who the teacher is."

"Have you already slept with the man?"

"Of course not! I take my marriage vows quite seriously and would never break them."

"No, you just get divorced a great deal so that those vows don't hinder your dalliances."

"I don't know why I even try with you. I had hoped you would understand the heartbreak I am experiencing over the thought of informing Roddrick of the divorce."

"If you love him and you two get along well and a idea of divorcing Roddrick is heartbreaking, then don't end the marriage."

"But I'm bored!"

"Get. A. Hobby."

"I told you I have an interest in a cooking class."

"So take the class, make googly eyes at the instructor, but don't get a divorce. It's ludicrous you would even consider a divorce when there's no reason for it."

"But what of Santos?"


"The chef."

"What of him? You said he's not already your lover and that you aren't taking the course expressly to become his lover."

"But he's such a lovely, lovely man."

"So you ARE taking the class just to sleep with him."

"I am not," Morticia hotly declares. "There would certainly be the possibility, but even if the instructor were not a fine speciman of male, even if the instructor were a woman, I would take that class."

"Mother, as I see it, there is no reason for a divorce from Roddrick if all you need is some hobby. You are deeply troubled if you would divorce a wonderful man on the off chance that a lovely speciman of male would sleep with you. Take the course but leave poor Santos alone. Stay with Roddrick. Tell him you are in a rut. Do some hobbies together. Get a job or start your own business."

"My own business?"

"Is that really such a stretch?"

"No, I don't suppose so. I have had jobs in the past. Most have been with my various charities but all of it was work nonetheless."

"So you won't divorce Roddrick?"

"I'm not sure. I shall have to give this more thought. I do love Roddrick but,"

"I know, I know. You are bored. There are cases when that is a perfectly good reason for divorcing but yours is not such a case. We all like Roddrick and even Dad and he get on well, so please don't divorce him just so you can sleep with a chef you don't even know at this point is available or interested in you."

Morticia gives Travis a you've got to be kidding expression. "Unless he's gay, he'd be interested."

"Whatever you say, Mum."

Morticia steps in and breezily kisses Travis on each cheek. "I shall consider what you've said, Fifi. Ta for now."

Morticia gives Theo a wave as she passes him by on her way out the door. With none of the four customers who've just come into Botanicals & Beyond not needing immediate attention, Theo comes rushing over to Travis. "I heard parts of that. Surely she's not serious?"

Travis quirks an eyebrow at him. Theo looks to the door through which Morticia is still visible. "Right. Stupid question. Need a cuppa now to get over the desire to ram your head repeatedly against a wall?"

"Only if you add a very liberal dash of whiskey," Travis grins.

Spilling the Beans
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   03-07-10 13:52

When Bronwyn walked out of the studio, I couldn’t help but grin at her and say, “Took ya long enough.”

“OhmygodIcan’tbelieveyouhaveaboyfriend!” Bron squealed as she ran over before and started trying to squeeze the air out of my lungs. I gently hugged her back. Luckily she didn’t squeeze for too long before letting go.

“So,” Bron asked, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The earlier excitement had faded.

“Come on,” I said, as I put an arm around her shoulder, “Let’s get something to eat and then get you home to sleep.” She nodded and came with. Xavier following us a little ways behind.

“I haven’t really told anyone,” I started, “Not even my parents know. Just haven’t told them.” Bron seemed to think about it, but didn’t seem to lighten up any. “So, not sure how or when it happened to be honest.”

“Huh?” Bron asked, “How can you not know?”

“Well, at least for me, it was gradual,” I said, “We both had to deal with our parents coming back when you actually introduced me with Xavier. So, I didn’t want to burden you with my problems since you already had enough of your own at the time. So, I started talking to Xavier.”

By this point, we’d arrived at a small restaurant. We were seated before I continued.

“So, the fact that there were no sparks at first made it easy to not tell anyone. Since, there was nothing to tell. He was just my friend. So, your match making skills failed. At first…

Then, when in September, when I decided to move to England, I told him. He offered to help me find a place. And since I didn’t have to come over here to find one, it was a bit on the easy side to not tell you, and make it an awesome surprise. Then my transfer to MoM kept me busy, which was why it was a month before I could surprise you.”

We waiter showed up and took our order before I could continue.

“Anyways, after helping me move in Xavier and I started hanging out more and more, and sometime in late November or early December… It was after Thanksgiving and before Christmas… Now that I think about it, it was just after I helped you move.

“Xavier gave me a Christmas present, and that was when I realized my feelings for him had changed. And that was about the same time he told me about his. So, that’s about when we actually started going out. So, now you know everything.”

The Eggs Are Bugged
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   03-07-10 13:54

Sirius lifts James up so that the child can reach a bright green and peach colored egg then moves to lift Mira up to get an egg that's red with black spots, much like the insect known as a ladybird or ladybug. In the short time it's taken to lift Mira up, James has already added two more eggs to his basket. He's spotted a third and is taking off after it with Drucilla chasing along behind calling out to him, "James, slow down!"

In the meantime, Mira's shoving the red and black egg in Sirius's face. "Now? Pwease?"

"Last one until you've had more proper food."

"Okay," Mira says agreeably, hand open and outstretched, her eyes on the egg that Sirius hasn't yet started to open.

The eggs all look very real but none are. Some are entirely made of candy or are egg shaped fairy cakes. The dyed outer shells serving the same purpose as a wrapper. Most are hollow with a prize of some sort inside. The section of Hogwarts grounds the twins have been hunting is filled with eggs that have prizes appropriate for young children. With the twins turning four in just over a month, Sirius is glad that this egg won't contain something like tickets to a Killed by a Curse concert.

Sirius has knelt on one knee in front of Mira whose eyes haven't moved from the egg. It's one of the hollow eggs and as he opens it, Sirius holds it so that nothing inside falls to the ground. Appropriately enough given the ladybug look the egg had, it contains a ladybug ring and bits of candy that also look like ladybirds. These flutter their wings and rises from Sirius to Mira's outstretched hand. Upon landing, each bit of ladybug candy walks around on Mira's hand and arm. She picks one up and with a nod from Sirius pops it into her mouth. To her delight, one of the other bits of candy flies from her hand to her mouth, going right in when she opens up wide.

"Taste good?" Sirius asks.

"Yes! Wike stwawbewwies."

Sirius holds up the ladybug ring and asks, "Wear it now or in your basket?"

"Now." Mira waggles fingers at Sirius for him to fit the ring to her then once it's on, she points and asks, "What's that, Daddy?"

"What's what?" Sirius replies, following the direction her finger's pointing. He sees something else in the hollow of the ladybird egg. "This?"

"What's it, Daddy?"

Sirius pulls out the scrap of paper and after glancing at it tells his daughter, "This is something James and you shall probably like quite a bit. It's a pass to a place with bugs."

"Bugs wike this?" Mira points to one of the candy bits still crawling on her arm.

"Bugs that look like that but are real bugs, not candy."


"I'll have to talk to Mummy about that. Either next weekend or during the following week. Maybe even tomorrow."

Mira giggles and does a pirrouette then takes off running to tell James what she found. They stop several times along the way for Mira to collect more eggs with Sirius wondering if Dru and he could get past the twins re-using next weekend some of their candy loot from today or whether they'd know they were just getting the same candy and not new.

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