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In Mourning
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   07-18-17 18:28

Bill was down in the vaults, inspecting the security and checking for curses. It was both mindless and complex work… complex because it was serious business and not always routine, and mindless only because curse-breaking was Bill's expertise and he sometimes felt as if he could do it blind-folded with his hands tied behind his back.

Bill was glad to be in the vaults rather than upstairs in his office or at a teller counter, because he wanted some peace and quiet. The downside to few distractions, though, was that all the thoughts in Bill's head wanted his attention.

The big thing on his mind was Adriana. Learning of her death had come as quite a shock. Although things were different the second time around, Bill mourned for her all over again. He didn't know why he couldn't feel indifferent about her, or even go so far as to hate her, but he simply couldn't. She'd been a major part of his life––a great love, in fact––and he could never forget that.

He had a feeling that Harry felt mixed emotions about Adriana's passing, too. Perhaps that was why he hadn't left her body unclaimed at the Ministry of Magic. It probably also explained why Harry had had Adriana's body cremated, though there hadn't been much of a funeral. Bill would have attended out of respect to Harry and the good Adriana he remembered, but Fleur would never have approved.

Rather than anger his wife––who really was the love of his life but had an understandably strong disliking for Adriana––Bill kept his goodbyes to himself. He was disappointed that Adriana was never able to redeem herself, but he knew the world was better off without her in it.

To be safe, Harry had scattered Adriana's ashes somewhere secret so that those who followed or idolized her could never find any part of her or have a place to worship her. Bill couldn't imagine anyone ever using what remained of her to bring her back to life, though. As far as he knew, resurrecting the dead couldn't be done.

Author: Coco Nutt 
Date:   07-18-17 20:13

Coco pauses to jot some notes on one chart before exchanging it for another file. Seeing the name Hewson she expects one of the cats, Shadow or his mother Canary. She's just noticed where the animal to be seen is a dog as she enters the exam room.

"Morning, Mrs. Hewson. Who do we have here?"

"Hello, Coco. I should think by now you'd call me Deandra or Dee."

"Dee. I can do that."

Dee strokes the tiny puppy she's holding close to her chest. "This little chap doesn't yet have a name. He's a rescue of a sort."

Coco takes the puppy to exam. "Doesn't look like he's more than a day or two old." Her voice has a questioning tone.

"I was doing some shopping in Diagon Alley. A woman was trying to palm this baby off on anyone who'd take it. She was hoping to get a few galleons but seemed eager simply to have someone take him. I got the feeling she would have dumped him in a trash bin if no one wanted him."

"He has a deformed leg and one paw is only half formed."

"I think that's why she was wanting to be rid of him. I immediately thought of you and knew you could help if I bought him. She was somewhat pushy about getting something for him so I gave her a few galleons then came here straight away."

"Has he been whimpering or crying?" Coco asks, handing the puppy back to Dee.

"He was but shortly after we got here he stopped. He's also gone from wiggling around to almost lethargic. Is he perhaps hungry?"

"Yes, he needs to eat. I'm going to get a bottle and some milk. Won't be a tick."

After the puppy has been fed, Coco continues examining the small dog. "I'm not finding any other issues, external ones anyway."

Coco explains that the deformed leg can be fixed and that the half formed foot shouldn't cause the little guy any problems. She then goes over how often he needs to be fed for now and how much before saying, "That is if you're up for round the clock feedings."

"It's for a lot less time than with either of my children so while it will mean some sleep deprivation, we'll manage. What breed do you think he is? He looks a little like a Pug to me but only a little."

"I see some Pug and also French Bulldog characteristics. What some would call a Frug. He may need to grow a bit before we can tell if he looks like anything else."

Dee nods then asks what she'd meant to ask when Coco was talking about his deformed leg. "Were you thinking to fix his leg now?"

"No, let's wait till he's a bit bigger. Even with the leg numbed and a general anesthesia the mending could be a shock to the system. He should be a little older and stronger."

There is no animal waiting to be seen right then so Coco walks with Dee through the shoppe portion of MacFusty's for a few items such as more formula and a tiny bed. By the time Dee leaves there is an owl with a broken wing for Coco to see. After that she grabs a bite to eat, sees two more patients then heads off for a seminar on exotic birds.

Care Of Magical Creatures Practical (Justin)
Author: Plum 
Date:   07-21-17 18:55

Waiting his turn for the practical portion of the Care of Magical Creatures NEWT Justin reads over the letter he'd received earlier in the day. It had come just as breakfast was ending and the written portion of this particular NEWT was only minutes away from beginning. He'd stuck it in his pocket to read over lunch only to forget it while doing last minute reviewing for the afternoon's practical.

The letter is from his cousin Alex and some of what the younger boy has written has Justin chuckling. Alex writes that he's eager to come to Hogwarts in the fall because he's tired of what he considered to be baby school. The problem is that Alex won't be 11 until December 25th, well past the September 1st cutoff. Neither Plum nor Anthony know of any exception (written by Alex as sepshun) to the rule. Does Justin?

What about the school Justin went to before Hogwarts? Alex hasn't asked Jordan because he only thought of it when writing this letter to tell Justin he hopes those bloody awful exams are going well and to wish Justin luck on those he's already had and the ones still to take. That school is a long way away but that's better than baby school.

Justin wonders where Alex heard the NEWTs called bloody awful.

Justin has just finished the letter, which ended with Alex telling him all about going with a friend one weekend on a sailboat, Alex's first time on something like that, when Professor Ravensdale calls his name, directing him to Professor Stow.

She greets Justin then immediately nods to a holding pen. "Identify the creature, please."

"That's a Hippogriff."

She nods and smiles, standing up from behind her table. "We will go over and you will demonstrate the proper way to approach. Her name, by the way, is Mango."


"Some thing her eyes have a mango-ish color."

Professor Stow hangs back somewhat so that Justin may do the correct greeting. He maintains eye contact with Mango and bows to her. Mango hesitates then bows in return.

Professor Stow smiles again though Justin misses it as his back is to her. "Excellent. There is a covered bucket hanging to your right. Please pick from its contents something Mango might like to eat. Offer it to her but it's all right if she doesn't want it."

The bucket contains a variety of fruits and vegetables such as apple and carrot, a few dead rats, hay, some sort of vibrant green long stalked grass, and some short stalks of wheat. Justin makes a face at picking up one of the dead rats by its tail but as that's the only thing in the bucket he sees that a Hippogriff would definitely eat if hungry he does just that. Mango eyes the dead rat then eagerly accepts it from Justin.

She allows him to stroke her head before she moves away to eat her snack. Professor Stow directs Justin back to her table where she proceeds to the next item she wishes to test him on.

When Professor Stow is finished with Justin and dismissed him he walks back to the castle. Willow had said she might be in the commons so that's his first stop. If she's not there, he thinks he'll get something to drink before checking the library and other spots around the castle for her.

(Asher) Theory of Astronomy
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   07-22-17 14:39

Asher put his head down on his desk and wished that the Theory of Astronomy OWL would end already. He wasn't quite finished with the exam yet, but he was terribly tired of writing. If only he could magically make the remaining answers appear by just thinking them. That would be a cool trick, and it would save him the trouble of getting a cramp in his hand. A non-aching hand wouldn't make him feel any better, though. By now, Asher was so very sick of the OWL exams.

Last week had felt extremely long. First had been Charms, then Transfiguration, then Herbology, then DADA, and finally Ancient Runes and History of Magic. It had been a very full, very stressful week. For his part, Asher thought he'd done fair to middling on all of his exams. He didn't think he'd outright failed any of them, but who really knew except the examiners at this point. The only thing Asher was certain of was that he hadn't aced any of the exams.

This week would be less packed, and Asher was already on the home stretch. He'd had Potions on Monday, and then a blissfully free day yesterday. Today he had three exams: the one he was currently writing, plus Theory of Arithmancy & Divination and the Astronomy practical tonight. The only exam remaining after today was tomorrow afternoon's Arithmancy and Divination practical. He had nothing on Friday and couldn't be happier about it.

He felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder and sat up suddenly. Professor Snape eyed him sternly and then moved on to replace another student's broken quill. Asher sighed inwardly and picked up his own anti-cheating quill. He needed to stop procrastinating and get to work, or he'd end up not finishing the exam before the allotted time.

He read the next question, which happened to be about Mars, and then started to write an answer when his own quill snapped because he'd pressed to hard on it. Asher sighed inwardly again and then raised his hand. Professor Snape had his back turned for the moment, but then he turned to come back to the front of the Great Hall and saw Asher's hand in the air.

Asher could almost detect the annoyance in Snape's eyes. He held up his quill to show the problem and then mouthed "Thanks" when Snape took the broken quill and gave him a new one. Asher immediately went back to writing out his answer, this time with a much lighter hand.

Bad Morning
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   07-23-17 02:54

"We should tell him," Nate said.

"Absolutely not," Jenny declared.

"Well you're not the one who jumped out of the window, naked."

Jenny looked at him with a guilty look on her face. She had planned to go shopping together with Tim, to buy a birthday present for their mother. They were supposed to meet at Diagon Alley but Tim decided to surprise her at Harebells, in the hopes to get some free breakfast.

Nate had spent the night with Jenny and he was woken up with violence when she realized Tim was about to enter the bedroom. Jenny pushed him out of the bed, and still half asleep he searched for his wand to apparate in another room before his best friend arrived. However his wand was nowhere to be found. Jenny's last minute resource was to open the window, and make Nate jump. He landed on some bushes and grass and he had to walk around the building completely naked. He slipped into the office, where they took care of the paperwork, covering his inner parts with yesterday's edition of the Daily Prophet. He decided in the future he should store some clothing in the office, just in case. Without his wand there wasn't anything else he could do but wait.

Finally Jenny arrived with his clothes and a mug of coffee. She declared Tim was in the kitchen, while she had excused herself, pretending she was finishing getting ready. Nate got dressed.

"I just hope none of the guests saw me."

"I don't think so. It is still very early. I'm sorry. Next time be sure your wand is close."

"We can't keep going on like this. If Tim knew you were dating someone he would not barge into your bedroom like that. "

"Well now he knows I am dating. He saw your clothes on the floor. He laughed about your Winbourne Wasps underwear. I said you were in the bathroom, but I was not ready to present you to the family, just yet."

"Great," Nate said with irony taking a sip of coffee from his mug.

"I don't want him to know. Not just yet," Jenny begged. She approached him and adjusted his hair, trying to give him a more presentable look. She then used her wand to change the color of his robes, so Tim wouldn't be suspicious.

Nate went to the kitchen, pretending he had just arrived. He greeted Tim, who was already seated by the kitchen table, eating waffles and drinking coffee. Nate sat next to him with his mug, and he put a waffle on his plate as well. Nate asked Tim about the weather, soon regretting doing so, as that was such an odd topic to talk about between best friends. It was hard to keep his social skills working when he had just jumped naked out of a window.

"You know, Jenny is dating someone," Tim said, clearly not interested in discussing today's cloudy morning. Nate pretended to be surprised with this.

"Really? I had no idea," and he shoved a large piece of waffle into his mouth so he wouldn't have to say anything else.

Tim gave him a patronizing smile.

"You seem to forget we have shared a bedroom for seven years. You can't fool me Ross: you must be the only adult in Great Britain who wears Winbourne Wasps underwear. So tell me: when did you start dating my sister?"

About a Book
Author: Carys 
Date:   07-23-17 07:59

"Hi, Carys."

Carys looked up from the photographs she was developing and smiled at Owen. "Hi, Owen. You're not on schedule to work today."

"I know," Owen replied, "and sorry for barging in on you while you're in the dark room, but there's something you should know."

Carys hung a photograph on the line stretched across the room and said, "Let's go into the office."

Owen, who was nearest to the door, exited the dark room first. Carys followed and then led him to her office, where they both sat down. She offered him something to drink, but Owen declined.

"What did you want to tell me?" Carys asked. She could tell that he was anxious and had a feeling she wouldn't like what he had to say.

"A reporter surprised me at my door this morning. Some pushy witch from The Daily Prophet," Owen explained. "She asked me for a comment about a new book that came out yesterday, specifically, if I had anything to say about my brother."

"What's the book?" Carys asked.

Owen had brought a backpack in with him. He was still attending classes at St. Emrys, and it was finals week. The backpack bulged from his many textbooks and notebooks, but there was another book inside, which he withdrew and handed to Carys.

"I bought this at Flourish & Blotts as soon as I chased the reporter off my doorstep," Owen said.

Carys looked at the book cover. The title A Complete History of the Communities for Nons stood out in bold print over a black and white photograph of an aerial view of a camp Carys didn't recognize.

"I only had time to thumb through it," Owen said, "but there's a lot of detailed information in it."

"Including about your brother?" Carys asked. She opened the book to the table of contents, searching for the chapter or chapters on Goen Bren. She went to the designated page, which began with a description of the community and then revealed information about the staff, starting with Oliver Oliphant, the warden.

"Yes, but there are lists and in some cases noteworthy blurbs about everyone who was there."

Carys looked up sharply. "I'm in this book?"

It wouldn't surprise her to find out that she was on a list since it was probably well-documented who went where during that terrible time in British wizarding history. Carys hoped there wasn't anything more about her, though. No one had interviewed her for the book, and she really didn't want the entire world reading about what Owen's brother had done to her.

Owen looked down. "Sorry."

Carys was almost afraid to turn the page, but she had to know what the book said about her so she could be prepared if a reporter showed up at her door. "Can I borrow this?" she asked Owen.

He nodded. "Of course." Then he sighed and said, "The bookseller mentioned there's a whole slew of books coming out on the subject of the communities, what with it being nearly ten years since it all happened."

"Great," Carys replied, frowning.

Starving (Heather & Marlow)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   07-25-17 19:00

Waiting to be called for the Arithmancy & Divination NEWT practical Heather and Marlow have chosen to bide the time sitting on the floor, side-by-side, backs against a wall. In a low voice Heather says, "I'm starving."

Marlow gives an unsympathetic grin. "What you get for not coming to lunch."

"It was so nice to sleep in this morning but I didn't mean to sleep in quite so long. You don't happen to have a snack on you, do you?"

"Sorry, no. Maybe you could tell Professor Weasley you need the loo but actually go to the Commons to grab a biscuit or something."

Heather gives it serious thought and is about to say she might just do that when Marlow's name is called. Professor Weasley directs her to Professor Audley at one of the exam tables in the Great Hall. The older, pleasant looking witch gives Marlow a date and time of birth then indicating an astrological chart with one hand instructs, "Please tell me the first, second, and fourth house for the person with such a birthdate."

Meanwhile outside the Great Hall, Heather judges she may have time to do as Marlow suggested. She asks Professor Weasley if there's time for her to go to the ladies. "I think so but if not I'll go to the next person. Unless you dawdle you should have plenty of time to spare."

Heather nods and thanks the professor then hurries of, thankful there's a loo in the same direction as the Commons. At the Commons she grabs a couple of sugar biscuits and a small bag of honeyed nuts. She does stop at the loo simply so she won't have lied to Professor Weasley.

She stuffs a biscuit into her mouth once back into the corridor, walking rapidly back to where other seventh years are waiting their turns for the second half of the Arithmancy & Divination NEWT. She does make it with time to spare but only just. Her mouth now dry from having crammed one sugar biscuit after the other into her mouth, Heather could have leapt for joy when the first thing examiner Professor Huntingdon says is, "Pour yourself a little tea then read the leaves for me, Miss Rabnott."

(Madoc) Theory of Muggle Studies
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   07-26-17 18:29

It was hard to believe that after this afternoon, Madoc would officially be done with all his school work at Hogwarts. There was still another week of school remaining before he could leave, but for Madoc that week would consist of nothing but free time and relaxation.

Right now he was nearing the end of his Theory of Muggle Studies exam. His hand was awfully tired from all the writing, and he was getting the beginning of a headache. Madoc hoped it would pass once he ate some lunch, but he knew that even if he disappeared, it would probably come back before the day was over. His headaches, though few and far between, seemed to follow a pattern.

He answered a question about washing machines and then turned to one about using the telephone. After that, he wrote out a short answer about video games, before answering a question on kitchen gadgets. Though his hand and head were aching, Madoc found his flow and got every question answered just in time for Professor Weatherby to call time and collect the test booklets.

Madoc left the Great Hall feeling good about this last written NEWT exam. Now it was on to lunch and then his Muggle Studies practical. He waited in the entrance hall for the room to get transformed into its typical layout, with four house tables and the High Table across the front of the room.

He wasn't the only Muggle Studies student waiting, though some of the others, like the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, had left the area, probably because their common rooms were nearer than Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers. Andrew Murray turned to Madoc, since they were basically leaning side by side against the same wall.

"Can you believe we're nearly finished?" he asked.

Madoc shook his head. "I can't."

"Got any big plans for after graduation? Going to Quidditch Con and Emrys Fest?"

"Actually, no," Madoc said. "I leave for New Zealand the week after we get home." At Andrew's intrigued expression, Madoc explained that he had earned a dragon keeping apprenticeship at an Antipodean Opaleye preserve. He was really excited about it, though he wondered if his NEWT scores would impact things. Would they rescind the offer if he failed something like Care of Magical Creatures? He didn't think he had, but who really knew?

Andrew seemed impressed. He asked to hear more about it, so when the double doors to the Great Hall swung open for lunch, the two seventh years sat together and talked while they ate.

Lunch Instead Of Nap (Hunter)
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   07-26-17 20:22

Tiredly running a hand over his face, at this point Hunter would rather get in a quick nap than eat lunch; but, he knows if he skips lunch he'll never make it through the wait to be tested for the rest of the Muggle Studies NEWT. He'd end up being distracted enough by his stomach that would surely be rumbling, and loudly, by then that he'd probably flub even the easiest questions put to him what whichever of the four examiners he's assigned. At least this is the last of the exams. His writing hand is pen its thanks of that fact if it weren't so sore from all the writing these last two weeks.

This practical is it.

No more classes. No more exams. No homework. At Hogwarts anyway. There is university in the Fall.

At times Hunter is looking forward to St. Emrys. At other times he doesn't want to even think about more schooling. Then there are the times he thinks about it but wonders if he shouldn't have considered one of the other wizarding universities or colleges.

The drawback of going elsewhere is having to either live in a dorm, and dorm living is something he is, at least at the moment, tired of. Doesn't matter if it's called a dormitory or a residence hall, it's sharing a room with at least one person. He will be sharing living space while attending St. Emrys but an apartment or house that has at least two bedrooms isn't quite the same.

As they're giving serious thought to a place that's considered Muggle - being able to watch television again on a regular basis would be nice - they're thinking somewhere such as London or around Oxford or Cambridge, places with colleges or universities. Warwickshire, where Stratford-Upon-Avon and St. Emrys are located, has some colleges. If wanting to live in Stratford-Upon-Avon Hunter thinks they should drive the distances to those colleges to see if it's likely that college students would live in Stratford-Upon-Avon and commute. Otherwise, in Hunter's opinion, they should get a place where the Muggles in the area won't find it odd that three university students (as of right now Jade's friend, and Hunter's friend too, Millie is rooming with them) have chosen to live in a place that gives them a long commute by car. If near a rail line, they could get away with a little distance without question by having a train commute as many workers do. Cheaper to live in certain locations even with having to take the train.

They have so much going on after leaving Hogwarts Hunter isn't sure exactly when they'll find the time to hunt for a place. There's the seventh year Muggle Studies sponsored trip, a few days devoted to a beach outing with friends, Olive's wedding, Emrys Fest, Quidditch Con, the nostalgic trip his sisters and he are taking to the U.S., a family vacation with Aunt Blythe and Uncle Woody... Hunter thinks it's a good thing the St. Emrys term doesn't start at the beginning of September. Jade and he are going to need that extra time.

Downing tea, not his first choice of drink but it's caffeinated, Hunter contemplates having another sandwich. He might prefer a nap to lunch but as long as he's here in the Great Hall and eating he might as well make the most of it. The first sandwich was ham and cheese. This time he goes for what looks like corned beef on rye then asks Wesley Varnum, "Pass that pasta casserole, would you? Thanks."

Heaping the cheesy pasta onto his plate, Hunter digs in to his second round of food, eyeing the table to see if there's anything else he wants while time allows.

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