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Ravenclaw vs Slytherin (Theodosia)
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   12-30-07 10:25

Theodosia pulls her coat more tightly around her, trying to ignore the smirk on Viktor Krum's face at her obvious discomfort. If not for her family's situation with Theodosia responsible for her younger siblings, she doubts she would have jumped so quickly at this job. The job she thought was going to be in mainland Europe that is, not that where she thought it would be would have been much better cold-wise than here.

Why couldn't she have been ill this game instead of the last one? This one is surely the coldest of the season.

Theodosia tries to think about how warm it must be back home but it's too hard to focus. Even with the layers she's got on and the warming charm she cast on herself only moments before, Theodosia feels frozen. And it's only going to get worse once she's on her broom to umpire the game.

Darn Viktor for looking so snug. He's not even wearing half the layers of clothing she is but he appears to be perfectly comfortable. Though she's never witnessed it herself, Theodosia's heard that Viktor occassionally goes for after dark swims in the icy waters of the lake. She shivers violently at the thought.

In the stands, Gabrielle Delacour begins the pregame welcome. This is followed by the Ravenclaw and Slytherin players being introduced, the balls being released, the captains Mortimer and Daria shaking hands and then the Quaffle tip-off.

Taking to her broom, a quivering from cold Theodosia settles into the mantra, "Please let this be a short game. Please let this be a short game."

Game Start
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   12-30-07 12:46

As soon as the game begins, Fritz takes off for the nearest bludger. He reaches it before opposing beater Basil Wynbourne can and whacks it towards Griet, who managed to snag the quaffle before any other chaser can. The bludger glances off her shoulder, causing her to lose possession of the quaffle. Fritz smiles for only a moment before it's time to get back to business.

He quickly scopes out both bludgers, as well as the direction they are being aimed, and swiftly makes a decision for his flight path. Surprisingly, Fritz isn't miserably cold. The apparition lesson from this morning has almost acclimated him to the freezing weather, or at the very least, numbed him from truly noticing the horrible cold.

Fritz swoops in front of Phin, who recovered the quaffle from Griet, and defends him from a bludger Basil aims at the Ravenclaw chaser. Fritz swings his bat hard and sends the bludger in the opposite direction. His fellow Ravenclaw beater, Alastor, hurries after it to use it to Ravenclaw's advantage. Slytherin beater Philippa Fox is hot on his tail.

Meanwhile, Fritz glances around for the other bludger. It comes within inches of his head. His reaction is to dodge it rather than hit it. The bludger makes contact with one of the chasers in the pack around Phin, but Fritz doesn't know who. All he hears is a grunt, but the pack moves on towards the Ravenclaw goal hoops. The quaffle leaves Phin's hands and winds up in Jack Emerson's. Jack sends it to Deak before Mortimer Rollo can steal it. The quaffle flies rapidly from player to player, once landing in Slytherin hands, but it's quickly intercepted again by Phin.

Fritz finds a bludger quickly and aims it at Alexa, the Slytherin keeper, just as Phin lines up for the goal shot. The quaffle is released, the bludger spirals towards Alexa, and torn between the two balls, Alexa wavers just enough that the bludger grazes her thigh and the quaffle meets its target.

Fritz shouts out jubilantly. Ravenclaw just made the first ten points of the match!

Off To A Good Start (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   12-30-07 13:41

With Ravenclaw on the board so soon into the match, Deak considers it a good start to the game. It definately takes away from the worry many of the players on all the teams have had: that any time now Snider's going to decide the teams have to lose more of the Nons in favor of any Pures. If those who are still left as Pures hadn't tried out for positions last fall, are there any now who'd want a spot on their respective house teams?

Aaron said that according to Coach Krum, who was told by Coach Batuti, that for the remainder of the term the teams stay as is. That would normally be a comforting tidbit to know but given what Hairy the Snide is like it's not something many are taking stock in as holding true. Players are waiting for the day when she announces differently. Even though Ravenclaw had some Nons, like Jack, make the cut back in the fall, there's no guarentee that would be true if Snider changes her mind and starts reshuffling members again.

Mortimer makes a really bad pass to Berengeria. Deak swoops in and sweeps up the Quaffle well before it reaches the Slytherin girl. She scowls at him but he just grins in return. Not his fault Mortimer made a bloody awful throw.

Deak has to pull hard to the right to avoid a Bludger from Basil and then immediately swerves to the left to avoid a head-on collision with the other Slytherin Beater Philippa; then it's a dip down under Daria, ducking his head to avoid her feet. Deak climbs slightly to get into a better alignment with the hoops he's fast approaching then, without giving much thought to it, he throws the Quaffle, watching with satisfaction as it sails through the hoop on his right.

Ravenclaw's now got twenty points while Slytherin's still scoreless!

No Sympathy (Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   12-30-07 15:54

Basil is aggressive with the bludgers, aiming for any Ravenclaw player but most especially those stupid Nons. Shouldn't be on the teams at all. Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen and Jack Emerson have been on the team from the start but Alastor Jenkins and Megara Flynn who've only been categorized as Nons for a relatively short time now should be off. Basil's not sure if there would be enough Pures left with Quidditch ability to make four teams but even fewer number of teams - but with maybe more games if he had his way - would be excellent.

Basil cocks his arm back and gives one of the two bludgers a hard thwack, sending it straight at the center of Fritz's back. He scowls fiercely when Fritz not only gets the bludger he was going after but does a half roll to avoid being hit by the one Basil sent. Basil pours on the speed to intercept the one Fritz hit, getting to it before it reaches Mortimer.

Alastor moves in to try and keep Basil from successfully hitting a Ravenclaw so when Alastor is too late to keep Jack from being beaned on the side of the head, Basil shoots his former classmate a triumphant sneer. Alastor rolls his eyes at Basil and flies off in pursuit of the bludger that just clipped Jack. Basil lies low over his broom and goes after that one as well. Maybe if he and Alastor get in close quarters going after it, his bat will accidently catch the Ravenclod somewhere that would hurt a great deal.

Basil grins at the thought and pours on the speed.

Really, he should feel some sympathy for Alastor. They'd been classmates and while not good friends, had gotten along all right. It must have been a blow to Alastor to have all the privilages taken away, to learn that is bloodline isn't so pure afterall. Basil should feel sympathy for Alastor but he doesn't. He's just damn happy that his own bloodline didn't turn up any Nons back to five generations. Unless the Ministry's definition of a Non changes again, Basil's doesn't care if any Nons show up somewhere further back. All that matters right now is he, his parents, and grandparents are all still considered to be Pures.

Reaching the bludger at roughly the same time Alastor does, Basil swings his bat, grinning again when Alastor has to swerve to avoid taking a hard smack to his elbow and arm.

A Little Anger Therapy (Alastor)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   12-31-07 16:51

Still angry at having been reduced to Non status, Alastor has found that the repeated smashing of his bat against a bludger during practices has felt very good. Now, here in a game situation, it feels even better. He's had a recent growth spurt that including gaining some weight so Alastor's got even more mass to put behind the force of his swings.

Phin has the quaffle, just stolen from Berengeria but Basil thinks he's going to send a bludger at Phin, helping Berengeria regain possession of the coveted red ball. Alastor has a different idea. This one involves smacking the other bludger into Basil hard enough that it screws up Basil's own swing. He does, afterall, deserve a little payback for the still stinging hit with his bat to Alastor's elbow and arm a short time ago.

The bludger reaches Basil just as he's in mid-swing. Alastor's aimed for Basil's shoulder and it hits squarely. Basil lurches, his arm still in motion, his bat passing under the bludger, not even tapping it a little. Rubbing his shoulder, Basil turns his head to glare at Alastor but Alastor is already off in pursuit of one of the bludgers.

Alastor is just about to reach one when he sees Phin's within good scoring attempt range. Without needing to think twice about it, Alastor smashes the bludger straight into his cousin Alexa's path. She's reaching to block Phin's shot, exposing her torso. The bludger takes her on the chest hard enough to double Alexa over, her red face from the cold and wind going even darker.

Phin's shot is good! Ravenclaw's up by three goals to none. Alastor chuckles, his bat hand itching to smash another bludger into a Slytherin. He's not picky. Any will do.

In Pain (Alexa)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   12-31-07 17:03

Alastor's bludger hits more to Alexa's sternum but enough gets her diaphragm that all her wind is knocked out of her. She's so busy trying to suck in a breath that Alexa momentarily forgets to follow through on trying to block Phin's shot. Play is halfway back down the pitch before her vision unclouds and Alexa is breathing somewhat normally again. Only somewhat normally because with each breath she takes, there's a sharp pang.

Putting a hand to her ribcage, Alexa wonders if the bludger cracked a rib. Alexa doesn't think it's broken but the pain that is there is enough if it is only cracked, or even just bruised, she really doesn't want to know what the full on pain of an actual broken rib would be like. Breathing as shallowly as she can, Alexa feels herself tensing up at the thought of having to block the quaffle again.

Telling herself she's got to relax, that being tense will only make the pain worse when she does go to block Ravenclaw's next goal attempt, Alexa stays still on her broom. She hovers in one spot, watching the action taking place while wishing it would stay down at the other end for awhile longer.

It's not to be. It's not even twenty seconds later that Ravenclaw's got the quaffle again and Deak has sprinted with it straight to Alexa. She keeps reminding herself to relax and to keep breathing but as Deak lets the quaffle fly, Alexa is more tense than before and is holding her breath.

She uses her broom and the entire right side of her body to block the shot. It hurts like hell to have moved that quickly but at least she blocked it. Griet's snatched the quaffle as it bounced off Alexa and is already turned back the other way.

That's just fine with Alexa. The more her teammates keep Ravenclaw occupied over other parts of the pitch, the more time Alexa has to mentally prepare for having to move quickly again once Ravenclaw does try to score again.

A Productive Saturday
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   01-01-08 08:22

Orei, Maddie, Artemis and Titus sat in the Common Commons after apparation lessons. There were textbooks spread out in front of them, not certain if they were going to the Quidditch game or not, though Orei should go and see what they were going to be up against when they play ravenclaw, but, she really doesn't want to be out in the cold any longer than she has to. Besides, the four of them were studying and spending time together, now that they were separated.

Earlier last weekend Artemis and Titus had to shift dormatories and move in with the Nons because their blood status shifted with the new ministry policy. They were unable to trace back a pure lineage five generations. Theirs was interupted so close to the end, at like generation four or something. So they were forced to leave their dorm and move in with nons. Maddie however, got shifted into the Pures dormitory and was now rooming with Orei, Cailyn, Artemis Evangeline and Gaia Goyle.

They talked about the Apparation lessons, and everyone but Orei had a success story. "I managed to splinch myself. Leaving my hands and feet in my oringal location." Orei said slumping back into the couch cushions and sipping her hot cocoa. "I am going to be practicing through the summer I think, I know mom and dad will gladly pay for the lessons."

They talked about the lessons that had happened earlier this morning. They were all debating going to the quidditch game, but they were loathe to leave the warmth of the Common Commons to spend a few hours out in the frigid cold. "Yeah, am staying inside, will hear the pertinant events at practice next time. As it is I've already had an extra blanket added to my bed because it is supposed to get below freezing." Orei said and continued to sip her cocoa.

Some how the conversation got shifted into the tension that had plagued the entire year at Hogwarts and the entire British Wizarding world thanks to the new Ministry.

"I swear this woman needs to get the hell out of office. Hopefully once she's gone things will go back to normal. Though, I doubt there will ever be a 'normal' again in the wizarding world." Artemis said, reclining against the couch cushions and resting her head on her brother's shoulder.

"I agree Artemis, seriously, what good is it for all of the wizarding world to release people like Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband and other known murderers from Azkaban? Do they want more deaths on their hands?" Maddie said recalling the article near the beginning of the term that had information on Bellatrix's full pardon.

"Now, they are sending protesters to Azkaban. There was recently a guy named Siegfried Dewhurst was just sent to Azkban during a protest against the new rules and regulations set by the Ministry." Orei said. "I mean, it is basically illegal for anyone to speak out against the injustice that the Ministry is force feeding to every witch and wizard in the British Isles."

A huff escaped her as she curled into the cushions once more and sighed looking over at Artemis and Titus. "I seriously hate the fact that you are now basically considered outcasts." She said softly, knowing well that she would never treat them as such because friendship was, at least to her stronger than blood status and the Ministry and its rules could sod off!

"I know Orei, but we've only got this term to go and we will be out for summer break and be able to spend more time together. Hopefully by the start of our seventh year, we will return to Hogwarts and find Dumbledore here and no more Hairy the Snide and Yaxley. Though, I will say this, I will miss seeing Professor Masterson around the grounds." The three girls giggled girlishly and Titus simply rolled his eyes.

"I swear, the three of you are horrid!" He chuckled and sighed, playfully jabbing his sister in the side. "Don't forget, you need to write Mum today."

"I know, and I will before dinner, for now, I am being lazy!" She stuck her tongue out at her brother and picked up one of the cauldron cakes Orei had had a house elf bring when they'd started studying a few hours before.

"Alright, we need to get back to work, if we are going to get things done so we have the rest of the weekend to our selves." Maddie said, finishing off her cauldron cake and opening up one of her textbooks. The other three followed suit and began studying once more.

Watch Where You're Going
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   01-01-08 08:47

The Quaffle changes possession twelve - twelve! - times between Ravenclaw's third goal and reaching the Ravenclaw guarded hoops. Mortimer made an effort to score but Megara blocked, sending the Quaffle to Jack. Phin and Deak move in to make a tight formation around him but Phin has to break formation when both bludgers come at him at once.

Fritz gets to one of the bludgers before it does any damage to Phin or his broom but the other one clips Phin on the hand that he'd had gripping his broom to hastily steer out of the other bludger's head-on path. Experimentally flexing the fingers of that hand, Phin hurries to catch up to Jack and Deak. They've got Berengeria and Griet flanking them, both Slytherin girls trying to work in close enough to steal the Quaffle back from Jack.

Phin doesn't see Mortimer until the Slytherin chaser is almost on top of him. Mortimer comes in from behind, veering around Phin to the left then immediately swerving in front of Phin. Each time Phin tries to manuever around Mortimer, be it by going to the side or going over or under, Mortimer won't let him pass.

Phin gets increasingly irritated with Mortimer so as they approach the hoops, Phin takes advatange of Mortimer being so busy looking over his shoulder to prevent Phin from getting by that he's not looking where he's going. Phin flies right at one of the thick poles raising into the air, topped off with a hoop. Mortimer ends up hitting the pole and knocking himself off his broom.

Luckily for Mortimer, they weren't so high up that falling did any real damage to anything but Mortimer's pride. It takes take him a moment to regather his wits, get his broom and remount it to join the action. While he's doing that Phin's gotten to Jack and Deak to help as needed as Jack, still with the Quaffle, sets up for a scoring attempt.

Sorry But Not (Jack)
Author: Kody 
Date:   01-01-08 14:08

Jack has the Quaffle but Griet keeps going for it, aggressive enough that she's making it bloody difficult for him to get set up properly to shoot but not so aggressive as to earn herself a foul. Phin appears off to one side, which means he successfully shook Mortimer, at least for the moment. Jack would take a better look around but he doesn't want to chance getting distracted enough to give Griet the opening she's looking for to snatch the Quaffle from him.

Deak, with Berengeria practically attached at the hip, zips around giving Griet some grief. His efforts are hampered by Berengeria but Phin helps out be getting between Griet. Jack takes that split second to line up his shot and to throw.

Alexa is a little slow but she gets her broom, her whole body in fact, in position to block. Jack thought he'd noticed earlier, right after she'd taken a Quaffle to her chest, that she was favoring one side. He must have noticed correctly. She's moving stiffly and there's a definate wince on her face.

Jack finds himself wincing with her as she reaches for the Quaffle with one hand while her other goes reflexively to her side. Alexa's fingers brush the Quaffle but it's not enough to alter its course. While Jack feels sorry for Alexa being in obvious pain, he's definately not sorry to have just made Ravenclaw's fourth goal of the game. Slytherin's still at zero to Ravenclaw's forty!

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