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(Cornelia) Completely Unacceptable
Author: Griet 
Date:   01-01-08 14:40

Cornelia resisted the urge to scream aloud, though she found it extremely difficult to hold in her rage. Ravenclaw was winning by forty points, and the game had only just begun. And Slytherin? Slytherin had a big dragon egg on the board. Absolutely unacceptable. Clearly, it would have to be up to her to turn things around since Alexa was letting every goal past and Griet, Mortimer and Berengaria couldn't seem to score at all.

If Cornelia caught the snitch right now, the score would be 150 to 40, with Slytherin for the win. She smiled, imagining herself pulling the team to victory. Maybe Batuti would demote Mort from captain and promote Cornelia, since she would obviously be a better candidate for the position. She'd actually groaned aloud when he'd crashed into the goal post earlier in the match.

Cornelia started scanning the length of the Pitch with more determination now, wishing she had the eyesight of a hawk so that she might have an advantage over Daria. Unfortunately, she had to make do with her human eyes and concentrated hard on her task. Visibility wasn't exactly at its best, since it was somewhat snowy and extremely overcast and gray. One would think a glint of gold might be easy to locate against such a dull backdrop, but it wasn't!

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," she murmured, willing herself to find the snitch. If Ravenclaw scored again, she really would scream.

Cornelia tried hard not to watch the chasers moving back and forth, because they would only distract her from looking for the snitch and they'd probably also make her angry from the way they were playing today. She turned away from the crowd to scan some more of the Pitch when she finally saw what she sought. Without hesitating a beat, Cornelia tore after the golden orb. The wind was against her, though, making it hard to pick up speed. She fought against the current, eventually losing the snitch from distance and then sight altogether.

Cursing, Cornelia looked to see if Daria had noticed. Daria had noticed something but didn't see the snitch anymore either. Well, hopefully Cornelia would have the wind on her side next time, or there might be hell to pay!

Come on, Slytherin
Author: Griet 
Date:   01-01-08 15:01

After Jack's goal, Griet accepted the quaffle from Alexa. She darted away from the Slytherin hoops, first ducking, then dodging the bludgers and opposing chasers that came her way. When she realized she had no choice but to release the quaffle into someone else's hands, she did so deftly. The quaffle started changing hands quite rapidly after that, but then a bludger, sent via Fritz, knocked it off the intended path. It flew in an arc away from the pack, who scrambled frantically to claim possession of it. Griet whooped victoriously when Berengaria plucked it from midair.

Berengaria tucked the quaffle safely under her arm and zipped through the air towards the Ravenclaw goal hoops. When Deak and Jack closed in on her, Berengaria passed the ball quickly to Griet. Griet wove in and out of the other players, growing ever closer to the goals. Surely she could get at least ten points on the board for her team!

The ball suddenly slipped from her grasp, landing into the waiting arms of Phin. He turned abruptly with the ball in his hands, eager to put another ten on the scoreboard for Ravenclaw. Griet jerked her broom around and darted after Phin, determined to prevent him from scoring and to get the ball back into Slytherin hands.

Basil came to the rescue, aiming a bludger straight for Phin's face. Phin swerved abruptly to the left, but the ball was plucked from his arms on his right side by Mortimer. Mortimer turned around and took off like a shot towards the Ravenclaw hoops. He flitted past everyone else with astonishing speed, eventually reaching the hoops where Megara waited for him. He swerved to his right, and Megara mirrored his movement slightly. Mortimer threw back his arm and hurled the quaffle through the partially unblocked hoop, finally ensuring that the match would not be a shut out.

The Howler
Author: Cailyn Spicer 
Date:   01-01-08 16:02

Cailyn sat on a bench swinging her legs back and forth. She was really good at swinging her legs back and fourth as that was what she had been doing a lot lately. Her eyes scanned the common room and a sigh escaped her mouth. No one was in the common room of course. There was a Quidditch game going on and she was missing it. Cailyn missed everything lately, her detentions with her teachers, her winged horse training, apparition lessons and Quidditch games. She wasn’t entirely sure now if she was skipping everything because she wanted to get kicked out of Hogwarts or if it was because she wanted attention or both.

If it was attention she wanted, then she was getting it finally. In her hands, she held a howler from her father. Niko was usually a well tempered man and it took a lot for him to be angry with anyone. So, for Cailyn to receive a Howler she knew she must have done something wrong. She gulped and looked around the room one more time to make sure no one was standing near by. When she was certain that no one was there she slowly opened the howler.

The howler slowly floated up into mid air as it always did when being opened and out came her father’s very annoyed and angry voice. Something Cailyn wasn’t used to hearing.

Cailyn Anita Spicer, I am very disappointed in you! How could a child of mine fail her classes at one of the world’s best Wizarding Schools! Now, I understand that you are not happy at Hogwarts, but it is no reason for you to skip your classes. And if you think that I am going to let you return to America for getting kicked out of Hogwarts, you have another thing coming young lady!

What is this I hear that you are even skipping your detentions and your winged horse training? How could you make me pay for these things you wanted to do so badly and then not do them? The least you could have done was tell me you were no longer interested in the lessons. As for the apparition lessons you have been missing….

If you do not start attending your classes and lessons, I shall have to take drastic measures and believe me child, you do not want me to do that.”

With that the howler shriveled up and disappeared leaving Cailyn shaking. She hated receiving those things. She frowned as she stared at the spot where the Howler had been. She didn’t know what kind of measures her father would take with her, and she really didn’t want to know. She had never been severely punished before. Nor did she really want to be. She sighed. So much for her brilliant plan of getting kicked out of school. She would have to come up with something else.

Until, then she would have to start attending school and her lessons and other things like Quidditch a small smile crept to her face. She used to love Quidditch. Why shouldn’t she now? And she could still make the game if she wanted. With that, she gathered her things and raced through Hogwarts to the Quidditch grounds.

Author: Gabrielle Delacour 
Date:   01-01-08 17:11

"Morteemar Rollo scores! Slythereen now 'as ten points, Raveenclaw fortee!" Gabby enthusiastically announces.

It's not all that easy being enthusiastic when for the last ten minutes Harriet Snider has been sitting directly behind Gabby. Gabby would swear she can feel those beady eyes of Snider's boring holes into her back. Perhaps Snider has finally realized an error that Snider would probably consider to be huge.

That's the error that has had Gabby considered to be a Pure. As yet, none of the new staff has discovered it and none of the old staff has said a thing. It's in Gabby's file and was part of the paperwork submitted when required to show family history back to five generations. Snider nor Yaxley have paid attention it seems. So far the fact that Gabby is part Veela and therefore considered a half-breed, putting her into the Non category, has gone unnoticed.

Gabby has no intention of saying a thing. It's a very small defiance of the rules but nonetheless it is one. Gabby's sure some would say it's because Gabby's living the good life. Perfect bed. Perfect room, neither too hot nor too cold. Wonderful food. Access to the Pures only common room and free concerts if she wants.

That's not it, though Gabby would be the first to say those are definately perks. It's that it's a smack in the face that Snider doesn't even know she's getting. An open thumbing her nose at the rules. It's open because the information is right there in Gabby's file if someone were to pay closer attention.

With Snider directly behind her and staring, Gabby squirms a little. Having Snidely staring for whatever reason is uncomfortable. Maybe Snidely's not actually staring at Gabby. Maybe she's watching the match and it just seems like she's glaring at Gabby's back. Gabby would turn around to see if not for the fact that if Hairy the Snide is staring at her, she doesn't want Snider to catch Gabby staring back.

Focusing back on the game, Gabby draws on energy to sound cheerful and enthusiastic again as she says, "Eemerson 'as ze Quaffle. 'e passes to Beenett... Vanderbeelt steals! Griet Vanderbeelt 'as the Quaffle zankz to asseestance from 'er seester Cornelia and a well placed Bludger. Vanderbeelt passes to Rollo...

No! Eet was a fake pass. Venderbeelt steel 'as ze Quaffle. Ze Raveenclaw chasers are scrambling to catch up weeth 'er after zinking Morteemar Rollo 'ad ze red ball!"

Miserable (Alexa)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   01-01-08 19:19

The pain in her ribs has gotten progressively worse. If the pain keeps growing, Alexa isn't sure she'll be able to make it to the end of the match, even if the match is over relatively soon. She snuffles, holding back the tears that keep threatening to spill.

Alexa is determined not to cry. It's bad enough she's let Ravenclaw score even once much less four times. Cornelia glares at her whenever she's close enough to bother looking Alexa's way. If only so she's not showing such weakness in front of Cornelia Vanderbilt, Alexa is NOT going to cry while still on the job.

Alexa's determine falters a little when a few minutes later Ravenclaw gets its fifth goal. Phin, Deak, and Jack worked the quaffle in close, undeterred even with Basil and Philippa sending both bludgers at the tight formation the trio was flying in. Phin is the one who took the shot, throwing to the side Alexa knows it's clear she's favoring.

She practically came off her broom to block it but her reactions are getting slower and slower as the pain in her ribs increases and her muscles get more and more tense. The quaffle gets by her anyway, adding to the misery Alexa's experiencing.

Mortimer takes the quaffle but immediately loses it to Deak. Alexa's cousin at least gives her a grimace of sympathy when he too throws to her bad side. Sniffling even more as Griet snatches the quaffle to Gabby Delacour's announcement of, "Raveenclaw seexty! Sleethereen ten!" Alexa is glad that at least with the cold and wind she can pretend her watery eyes have nothing to do with unshed tears.

Really Cold (Alastor)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   01-01-08 20:15

When the Quidditch match first began Alastor was aware of the cold but his anger and frustration dulled everything else. It's been that way in practice as well. Now however, even though practices are in the evening when the temperature is even lower than now, for some reason Alastor's starting to feel the chill.

His hand feels practically frozen to his bat. When he reaches up to touch one of his ears he can't he feels the touch on his fingertips, though just barely, but not on his ear at all. Alastor's nose is bright red and starting to run. His eyes are dry and burning; something Alastor doesn't understand because at the same time they feel so dry, they are watery from the wind. Alastor's exposed skin feels really chafed from the wind and cold. If Alastor didn't know better, he'd say he was getting frostbite.

Perhaps, just perhaps, it's a sort of karmic biting him in the arse deal because of how much he has been enjoying hitting Slytherins with bludgers. If so, it's particulary true for taking joy in hitting his cousin Alexa and perhaps causing her to break a rib. Or so he thinks she might have a broken rib from the way she's been acting, right down to not moving at all when the chasers are anywhere from mid-pitch to the Ravenclaw rings.

Sure, it's his job to hit opposing players with the bludgers but that doesn't mean he has to enjoy inflicting pain on them. That's what he's been doing. Taking glee from hurting them, especially if one of them is still considered to be a Pure. Like Alexa.

Sighing, Alastor reaches the bludger he's been pursuing, barely beating out Philippa for it. She looks angry but he supposes it's not so much because he gets to the bludger before she does but because Ravenclaw is leading by fifty points. Swinging his bat, Alastor sends the bludger into Berengeria's flight path. She's currently got the quaffle so if he can help a Ravenclaw chaser steal it or cause her to drop it, then maybe Ravenclaw can get within scoring range again. Enough points and even if Slytherin gets the snitch, they would be too far behind for the 150 points to matter.

On second thought though, it's better if Daria hurries up and gets the snitch. Alastor is far too cold to want the game to last long enough for Ravenclaw to get so far ahead that nothing Slytherin does would win the green and silver team the match. No, better Daria gets the snitch very soon and end the game. Inside, in front of a blazing fire, a cup of steaming hot chocolate in his hands sounds far more appealing at the moment then having the game go on for even one more hour.

Searching (Daria)
Author: Blossom 
Date:   01-02-08 15:37

Ears covered, it's been easier for Daria to tune out the noise of the game and the spectators. She doesn't usually wear earmuffs when playing in such frigid weather but Daria's been fighting the flu for several days now. She's uncomfortable enough as it is without having her ears chafed and frozen.

Daria feels sluggish and would like nothing more than to grab the snitch and end the game. Exacerbating matters is the dull headache she'd started out with is now a thundering hammer pounding away. If it comes down to a sprint for the snitch, Daria has no doubt Cornelia would win. If the younger girl isn't feeling as well as usual, she's not showing it. In fact, every time Daria's taken a good look at Cornelia, the Slytherin seeker looks like she's got bundles of energy, often channeled into angry looks at Ravenclaw players and teammates alike. Daria is guessing that Cornelia is more than a little peeved that Slytherin is trailing by five goals.

Feeling a sneeze coming on, Daria presses a tissue to her mouth and nose. Just as her eyes close with the sneeze's blink, Daria spots the snitch. In that millisecond her eyes were closed it's gone. Daria goes straight to where she'd seen it, hovering as she looks carefully, but quickly, around in all directions, doing a full circle as well as looking up and down.

Looking down is when Daria sees the snitch again. It's flying slowly about a foot off the frosted, snowy pitch. The winged ball is hard to see with the white on white part but the golden portions glisten as they catch what little sunlight there is on this mostly cloudy day. Daria goes into a dive, trying not to look rushed, trying to look as though she's merely changing her elevation to start another search pattern.

Reaching the ground, Daria comes up behind the snitch, angling her body over her broom to increase her reach without having her feet drag the ground and causing drag. Just as Daria's fingertips brush the snitch's wings a bludger pops onto the ground directly in front of her, sending up chunks of the frozen snow. The bludger didn't hit Daria but in the shower of snow that went up, Daria lost the snitch.

As she starts looking for it, Basil Wynbourne shoots down to her level, gives her a mocking salute, then bats the bludger that's bounded off the snow and started in the direction of one of the stands but hadn't risen very far off the ground. Daria doesn't acknowledge Basil, too busy looking once more for the snitch as her headache and body aches increase. Much as she'd hate to lose, Daria's not sure she'd be overly upset if Cornelia were to find the snitch right now and end the game.

Wiping her nose again, Daria climbs to get a better overall view as she once more looks for the elusive snitch.

Ravenclaw's on a Roll
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   01-02-08 17:05

Fritz zips around the Pitch, attempting to do many things simultaneously. He wants to protect his teammates from the opposing beaters. He wants to prevent the opposing chasers and seeker from making any headway. And he wants to keep up the circulation in his limbs. Although he seems to have grown accustomed to the frigid air, he wants nothing more for the game to end (in Ravenclaw's favor) so that he can go inside where it's warm and thaw out in front of a roaring fire.

Berengaria just lost the quaffle after Alastor sent a bludger in her path. The red ball falls for a long moment before it is plucked out of the air by Phin. He presses it as close to his body as he can and torpedos away, using an extra burst of speed to put some distance between himself and everyone else. Fritz hurries after Phin, if only to protect him from the bludgers Basil and Philippa are sure to send his way.

Phin winds up passing the quaffle to Deak. Deak passes to Jack, and so on. The Ravenclaw chasers work the quaffle down the Pitch towards Alexa, who looks more worse for wear each time the pack gets near her. Fritz feels somewhat bad when he aims a bludger in her direction just as Phin releases the quaffle. Alexa doesn't want to take another hit but does want to block the goals as effectively as she can. She swerves but manages to tip the quaffle. Unfortunately, it still flies through one... just not the one intended.

The scoreboard reads Ravenclaw 70, Slytherin 10 now. Fritz is pretty pleased. He turns abruptly to follow the pack that's now moving in the other direction, when something strikes him hard in the back of his head. His vision clouds over and he teeters over the side of his broom, barely conscious that he's falling. Everything goes black before he even hits the ground.

Let's Get Moving (Jack)
Author: Kody 
Date:   01-02-08 17:46

Whistles blow as Coach Krum and Coach Batuti signal at the same time for everyone to stop. They reach Fritz at roughly the same time. The other Ravenclaw players stay back as instructed though Daria, as team captain, does get nearer. Jack and the others had all wondered if she'd remain captain since she was stripped of her prefect badge. They all figured it would be another way Snider and Yaxley would punish Daria for defending a Non. Jack is almost positive that did come up but since Daria's still acting as captain, could be he simply imagined it.

Jack is getting even colder staying still so he starts moving his arms and legs to get the circulation moving better again. He notices others doing the same thing and supposes that their thoughts are similar to his own: Get Fritz up and going again so they can resume play. It's too bloody cold to be doing nothing!

Nothing is what they do though. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. It's really only a few minutes but to many of those in the air, it feels more like hours. At last they see Krum shaking his head at Batuti. He sends his broom off to the sidelines while at the same time getting the still unconscious Fritz moving in the direction of the castle. Coco Nutt's distinctive blue hair is clearly visible waiting at the edge of the pitch.

As soon as Coach Krum is clear of the pitch with Fritz, Coach Batuti gives the remaining players a few seconds to get into position then with a blow of her whistle hands the Quaffle off to the last person who'd had possession of the red ball, Mortimer.

Mortimer, Griet, and Berengeria work the Quaffle closer and closer to Megara. Berengeria's got the ball and is in range to shoot. Even though she doesn't have a clear shot, thanks to Jack flying back and forth in front of her, Berengeria doesn't attempt to move closer or to pass off the Quaffle. Instead, she goes on and takes the shot, sending the Quaffle directly into Jack's arms.

He shoots off, tucking the Quaffle close to his stomach and bending over slightly, not so much at this point to protect the ball as it is to reduce how much of his body is being pounded by the freezing air rushing past. Halfway down the pitch Jack passes off to Deak. Berengeria is right there for the steal and pivots back around but doesn't get very far before Jack plucks the Quaffle out of her grasp.

Jack's not gone two yards when a Bludger smacks the hand with the Quaffle. It falls from his grip and Mortimer tussels with Deak over it before Deak jerks it away from the Slytherin Chaser and takes off towards the goals with Jack, Phin, and the three opposing Chasers so closely behind if reaching out and grabbing another player was legal, Jack knows that one, if not all three, of the green and silver clad Chasers would be yanking at his uniform to stop him from making it further down the pitch.

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